Julie Fowlis (Dòchas) – Am Bròn Binn – Dòchas, Macmeanmna SKYECD23, Track 13 English The Sweet Sorrow The King of Scotland saw in a dream The fairest woman under the sun And he preferred his heart's desire Than to converse with men like himself And he preferred his heart's desire Than to converse with men like himself Fingal said to the champion I will go and bring her to you Gaelic Am Bron Binn Chunnaic Rìgh Alba na shuain An aona bhean bu ghile snuadh fon ghrèin: 'S gum b' fheàrr leis tuiteam dha cion Na còmhrag fir mar bha e fhèin. 'S gum b' fheàrr leis tuiteam dha cion Na còmhrag fir mar bha e fhèin. Labhair Fionn Falaich ri fian Thèid mise ga h-iarraidh dhut. Fingal said to the champion I will go and bring her to you Myself, my boy and my dog The three of us will go to get the woman Labhair Fionn Falaich ri fian Thèid mise dha h-iarraidh dhut Mi fhìn, 's mo ghille, 's mo chù, Nar triùir a dh'iarraidh na mnà. Myself, my boy and my dog The three of us will go to get the woman Seven weeks and three months Since we began sailing on the ocean Mi fhìn, 's mo ghille, 's mo chù, Nar triùir a dh'iarraidh na mnà. Seachd seachdainean is trì mìos A thug sinn ri siubhal cuain. Seven weeks and three months Since we began sailing on the ocean Without seeing dry land Where our boat could shelter Seachd seachdainean is trì mìos A thug sinn ri siubhal cuain. Ma facas fearann no fonn Aig an dèanadh a' long tàmh. Without seeing dry land Where our boat could shelter In from the edge of the rough sea We saw a great castle of white and blue Ma facas fearann no fonn Aig an dèanadh a' long tàmh Steach gu iomall a' chuain ghairbh Chunnacas caisteal mìn-gheal gorm. In from the edge of the rough sea We saw a great castle of white and blue Many were the windows and gables Plentiful the cups and goblets Many were the windows and gables Plentiful the cups and goblets As I reached its foot A hooked chain descended As I reached its foot A hooked chain descended I did not fear or flinch I reached for it, running upwards I did not fear or flinch I reached for it, running upwards I saw the fair white-veiled young woman On a golden throne within Steach gu iomall a' chuain ghairbh Chunnacas caisteal mìn-gheal gorm Bu lìonmhor uinneag is stuagh Bu lìonmhor air cuach is còrn. Bu lìonmhor uinneag is stuagh Bu lìonmhor air cuach is còrn. 'N àm dhomh bhith teannadh ri bhun Thàinig slabhraidh dhubh a-nuas. An àm dhomh bhith teannadh ri bhun Thàinig slabhraidh dhubh a-nuas Cha d' ghabh mi eagal no fiamh Ghabh mi oirre nam ruith suas. Cha d' ghabh mi eagal no fiamh, Ghabh mi oirre nam ruith suas Chunnacas a' bhean bhrèid-gheal òr Ann an cathair òir a-staigh. I saw the fair white-veiled young woman On a golden throne within Chunnacas a' bhean bhrèid-gheal òg A ribbon of silk beneath her feet And I blessed her fair countenance A ribbon of silk beneath her feet And I blessed her fair countenance Young man who came from the sea Cold is your blessing upon us Young man who came from the sea Cold is your blessing upon us Come rest your head on my knee And I will play you harp music Come rest your head on my knee And I will play you harp music A harp on the fairest, fresh lap The bluest eye and the whitest jaw A harp on the fairest, fresh lap The bluest eye and the whitest jaw He fell into a quiet dreamland Having traversed the wild oceans He fell into a quiet dreamland Having traversed the wild oceans She stole the sharp sword from its belt And she stealthily cut off his head She stole the sharp sword from its belt And she stealthily cut off his head That's the end of my story And how the Sweet Sorrow is sung Ann an cathair òir a-staigh, Sròl dhan t-sìoda fo dà bhonn Bheannaich mise dha gnùis ghil. Sròl dhan t-sìoda fo dà bhonn Bheannaich mise dha gnùis ghil. A fhleasgaich a thàinig on chuan 'S fuar do bheannachadh oirnn. A fhleasgaich a thàinig on chuan, 'S fuar do bheannachadh oirnn Teann nall do cheann air mo ghlùin Seinnidh mi dhut cruit is ceòl. Teann nall do cheann air mo ghlùin Seinnidh mi dhut cruit is ceòl. Cruit air uchdanan a ghill' ùir As guirme sùil 's as gile deud. Cruit air uchdanan a ghill' ùir As guirme sùil 's as gile deud Thuit esan na iorram suaint An deis bhith cuairteachadh cuain ghairbh. Thuit esan na iorram suaint An deis bhith cuairteachadh cuain ghairbh. Ghoid i 'n claidheamh geur fo crios Thilg i dheth gun fhiosd an ceann. Ghoid i 'n claidheamh geur fo crios Thilg i dheth gun fhiosd an ceann Siud agaibh deireadh gach sgeòil 'S mar a sheinneadh am bròn binn.