S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc JRO CTIMPs risk assessment Section 1: Administrative Information Title of Proposal: Short Title: UCL sponsor number: Chief Investigator’s Name: Employer: Sponsor Regulatory Advisor/ATMP Regulatory Manager: Date of Risk Assessment (RA): If amendment to initial RA indicate new date and area(s) where risk has changed (add additional rows, if required) Date: Changes in section/question No: Date: Changes in section/question No: Please tick the level of risk involved, either high medium or low; Risk Management Plans – complete this column with a brief plan to eliminate or manage the risk, if medium or high, should be given, and to what or whom the risk is (subjects, staff, trial outcome, regulatory, organisation, budget) if considered necessary. Please state if no adequate risk management plan can be devised. Include monitoring mitigation where applicable, for e.g., increase in number of on-site visits, identifying triggers for on-site visits, increase in frequency of compliance forms completion, or visits for additional training If there is substantial amendment that is likely to affect to a significant degree, the safety or integrity of patients or the management of the trial, there may be a need to re-assess the risk assessment of the trial. Where indicated; multiple risks in the same category may be listed, e.g. if there is more than one IMP each one must be listed in the appropriate category. If a question cannot be answered please state not known and assign the highest risk category. th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 1 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Tick Area of Risk Risk Management Plans Section 2: Chief Investigator and Resources 1) Peer review High No peer review/insufficient evidence of peer review Medium Internal peer review Low External peer review High 2) CI experience Medium Low Experienced CI High Never completed GCP training or last GCP training completed before implementation of CT regulations (1 May 2004) Low Completed previously (post 1 May 2004) High No experience of using one or more of the investigational medicinal product(s) (IMPs) 3) GCP Training 4) CI experience of IMP (where use implies: handling, administration and familiarity with safety th Has no experience of being CI or PI on any clinical trial. Has no experience of this trial phase if trial is phase I or phase I/IIa Has no experience of being CI or PI on noncommercial trials Has experience of being CI or PI, but no experience of running multiple site trials (where the proposed trial is multi site) Has limited experience of being CI or PI on this trial phase or in non-commercial trials Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 2 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Tick Area of Risk profile of the IMP(s)), (if more than one IMP is to be used in the trial, please list all IMPs and state IMP name in risk management column) 5) Involvement of other (non-IMP) study interventions which are high risk/novel procedures eg surgical, (please state intervention in risk management column) 6) Trial costing and funding Any trial that falls into the medium or high category in this question must be referred to SOC. Medium Risk Management Plans Has treated less than 50 patients with one or more of the IMP(s) Low Extensive experience (ie treated 50 or more patients) in use of all of the IMP(s) used in the trial. High No experience of using the study intervention Medium Limited experience with study intervention (ie use in less than 50 patients) Low Experienced in use of study intervention (ie use in 50 or more patients) High No funding or minimal funding Not costed by JRO Medium Costed by JRO but not received all funding Low Costed by JRO and fully funded High >200 patients Low <200 patients High >5 years Medium 2-5- years Low <2 years Section 3: Trial Size and Sites 7) Total number of patients planned? 8) Anticipated total trial duration? th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 3 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Tick Area of Risk 9) No. and location of planned sites? 10) Does the JRO have previous experience of running trials at the planned site(s)? 11) National or International? 12) If international, number of countries outside UK? High >5 sites Medium 2-5 sites Low 1 site High Site/facility not known to UCL Medium Mixture of known and unknown sites Low Sites well known to UCL High International outside EEA Medium International within EEA Low National UK High >1 Medium 1 Risk Management Plans Section 4: Trial Design and Complexity High Human Pharmacology (First in man) (Phase l) Safety and dose ranging study (Phase I/IIa) Therapeutic exploratory (Phase ll) 13) Phase of Trial Medium 14) Number of arms th Therapeutic confirmatory (Phase lll) Low Therapeutic use (Phase lV) High Medium 4 or more 2-3 Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 4 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Tick Area of Risk 15) Randomisation 16) Have randomisation personnel/system been set-up/identified? 17) Blinded trial Low Medium 1 Yes Low No Medium Internal system Low Validated external system Not applicable High Yes Low No High Internal system 24 h external system requiring input from trial team (eg use of web based system) Validated external system Medium 18) Has an unblinding system (24 h system) been set up/identified? Low Risk Management Plans Not applicable High Yes Low No 19) Cross Over design Study conducted in USA or Canada or its jurisdictions. High Trials meeting criteria for an insurance waiver as per sponsor SOP S28 on insuring clinical studies. 20) Insurance cover considerations Study with Sites outside the UK (other than US and Canada) Medium UCL to act as legal representative but required to provide insurance cover. Study with Sites outside the NHS or intention to enrol private patients th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 5 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Tick Area of Risk Low Risk Management Plans None of the above Subjects are ‘healthy’ volunteers not patients Vulnerable adults Pregnant or nursing women High Patients incapable of giving consent personally Patients in emergency situations (e.g. unconscious) 21) Risks associated with the subject groups Children under 16 years of age where interventions are not standard of care Women of Child bearing potential (no contraception requirement in protocol) Patients with poor prognosis/terminal disease 22) Will a medical device be used in the trial? th Medium Subjects are patients with capacity, but with comprehension or cognition difficulty e.g. certain neurological conditions, early dementia Low None of above High Non-CE marked trial device Medium CE-marked trial device Low No device to be used Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 6 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Tick Area of Risk High 23) Will any NIMPs be used in the trial? Low Risk Management Plans NIMP(s) has/have no marketing authorisation within EU. NIMPs to be used have marketing authorisation within UK and to be used as per SmPc No NIMPs to be used Section 5: Trial and Data Management 24) Is there a CRO or an external Clinical Trials Unit supporting the management of the trial? 25) Is data being transferred outside of UCL? 26) If answered yes to previous high risk category, is the identifiable data being transferred outside the UK? 27) Is sensitive patient data being collected? High Yes Low No High Yes, identifiable data to be transferred Medium Pseudo anonymised data to be transferred Low No data to be transferred, or anonymised data only to be transferred. High Yes, outside the EEA Medium Yes, outside the UK but within EEA Low No High Yes Low No High Unlikely to be in place at the start of the trial Medium Some; have begun to consider software, security and QC process. 28) Is there a data management plan? th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 7 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Tick Area of Risk 29) Samples to be transferred outside site 30) Are there any third party vendors or central service providers (where multiple vendors will be used please list all in the appropriate category) Low Yes, appropriate database and statistical software has been identified, procedures for QC of data in place. High Yes, outside the UK Medium Yes, within the UK Low No High Yes, not known to UCL Medium Yes, known to UCL Low No High 31) Is there a requirement to audit the IMP manufacturer or central service providers (eg central laboratory)? Medium Low Risk Management Plans Manufacturer and/or central service provider require auditing but insufficient trial funding available Manufacturer and/or central service provider require auditing but not completed before start of trial Manufacturer and/or central service provider require auditing and there is sufficient trial funding available Manufacturer and/or central service provider have been audited by appropriate Sponsor staff within the last 2 years Audit by questionnaire required only th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 8 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Section 6: IMP Information Please tick all that apply and multiple score a category if it is applicable to more than one IMP High Not licensed in EU Medium IMP used outside EU MA. Low IMP used within their EU marketing authorisation(s) IMPs used off-label if this off-label use is established practice and supported by sufficient published evidence and/or guidelines (such as in paediatrics and/or oncology) High IMP without a marketing authorisation (MA) and no human experimental data. Medium IMP without a marketing authorisation (MA) with some human experimental data. Low IMP without a marketing authorisation (MA) in the EU, but with MA outside EU. 32) Status of trial IMP(s) 33 If high risk in previous category, please complete relevant category here Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product High IMP classified as a Genetically Modified Organism IMP consisting of manipulated tissues or cells 34) Type of IMP 35) Human Tissue Authority License(s) (or equivalent outside UK) required for: procurement, testing, processing, storage, distribution, import, and/or export th Medium Biological or biotechnological product Low None of above High Yes, outside UK Medium Yes, within UK Low No Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 9 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc High IMP requires manufacture specifically for this trial Medium IMP requires further manipulation specifically for this trial eg overencapsulation, radiolabelling Low None of above High IMP requires sourcing from outside UK Medium All IMPs provided for trial from UK source Low Hospital stock used for all IMPs 38) If previous question was answered as high risk, please specify if IMP is sourced from within or outside EEA. High Outside EEA Low Within EEA 39) IMP classified as needing advice from the ‘Expert Advisory Group’ or ‘Commission on Human Medicines’ form the MHRA High Yes Low No High Yes Low No 41) Will the IMP be provided free of charge by a company specifically for use in this trial Medium Yes Low No 42) Is the CI being paid by any High Yes 36) IMP manufacture 37) IMP sourcing 40) Is UCL responsible for producing IB and IMPD? Conflict of Interest th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 10 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc commercial party for his/her involvement in the trial? 43) Is the CI providing data to any of the commercial parties involved in the trial for the purpose of licensing the IMP or varying the current marketing authorisation? 44) Does the CI occupy a position of Director, Partner, Consultant or Trustee in any of the commercial parties involved in the trial? 45) Is the CI a member of a committee providing advice to any of the commercial parties involved in the trial? 46) Does the CI have any Significant Financial Interests in any of the commercial parties involved in the trial? 47) Are there any potential intellectual property issues? 48) Will the trial produce data that could be used for commercialisation purposes ? 49) Does the CI or members of his/her family have any significant financial interests in the company/manufacturer supplying the IMP or funding the trial? th Low No High Yes Low No High Yes Low No High Yes Low No High Yes Low No High Yes Low No High Yes Low No High Yes Low No Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 11 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Section 7: Other Issues - Sponsorship. High 50) Is the CI currently under investigation for misconduct, or for any other reason? 51) Are there any other issues that may impede on the decision of UCL to take on sponsorship/ EU representation for the above trial? th Yes Low No High Yes Low No Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 12 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Count risk factors (RF) in each category1 Score for each RF High Risk 2 Medium Risk 1 Category Score Downgraded RFs2 Adjusted Score ADJUSTED TOTAL TOTAL Where more than one risk category has been checked in a question (e.g. one high and one medium) please count them both. Downgrade RFs in to the category immediately below if a risk management plan is in place which eliminates or substantially ameliorates the risk. For each RF you downgrade, subtract 1 from the Category Score column. For instance, if a High risk is downgraded to Medium, subtract 1; if two Mediums are downgraded to Low risk, subtract 2. 2 YES/NO Comment Has the trial previously been reviewed by the sponsorship oversight committee? Does it now fall into one of the categories for automatic referral to the SOC?* *Please refer to SOC risk assessment template for list of automatic referral categories Adjusted Total Rating Sponsorship Decision 26 to>36 High Risk Refer to SOC 16 – 25 Moderate Risk Consider referring to SOC, depending on proportion of high risks. 6 – 15 Moderate/Low Risk Discuss with CTOM to give Sponsorship outside SOC 5 and under Low Risk Discuss with CTOM to give Sponsorship outside SOC th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Override The SRA/ATMP Regulatory Manager performing the RA can over-ride the calculated rating and raise or lower it if appropriate – this should be discussed with a manager and documented. Page 13 of 14 S:\_SLMS\RSC_ALL_STAFF\CLINICAL_TRIALS\SOPs\EFFECTIVE_SOPs_Guides\Sponsor SOPs\SPON_S07 SOP for granting UCL sponsorship for CTIMPs\SPON_07 Risk Assessment Template, V4 291013.doc Date risk assessment finalised with CTOM/ Review in Clinical Trials Team: ‘Sponsorship in Principle’ decided outside SOC, and SOC to be informed at next sitting Decision (select one choice): Trial to be presented and discussed at SOC Name and signature of Sponsor Regulatory Advisor/ATMP Regulatory Manager Date Name and signature of Clinical Trial Operations Manager/ JRO Director or Deputy Director Date th Risk Assessment Template V4.0, 29 Oct 2013 Page 14 of 14