Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies Overview This context of study begins with Scotland’s past focusing on historic figures. This could be within a local context i.e. focusing on Robert Burns in Ayrshire or JM Barrie in Angus. It could also extend beyond Scotland’s past to consider different categories of ‘important people’ e.g. sport, literature, music, art and design, v business, volunteering etc. This learner journey is targeted at third and fourth level and aims to develop learner skills in analysing, evaluating, researching, communicating, managing and being managed by others and developing time management. Depending on the context adopted and explored learners could be working across a variety of disciplines including Social Subjects (people, past events and societies), Technologies, Health and Wellbeing (physical education, physical activity and sport) as well as responsibility of all Literacy and Health and Wellbeing. Social Subjects experiences and outcomes explored I can make links between my current and previous studies, and show understanding of how people and events have contributed to the development of the Scottish Nation SOC 3-02a I can use my knowledge of a historical period to interpret the evidence and present an informed view SOC 3-01a Having critically analysed a significant historical event, I can assess the relative importance of factors contributing to the event. SOC 4-06a Responsibility of all areas which could be addressed in this learner journey: I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order, and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience. LIT 3-06a / LIT 4-06a When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion. LIT 3-02a 1 Interdisciplinary opportunities Health and Wellbeing (Physical Activity and Sport.) Expressive Arts Technologies (Any department could take part in this learner journey dependent on interests of learners.) Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies Interdisciplinary Learning Interdisciplinary learning is an important element within Curriculum for Excellence. It constitutes one of the four contexts for learning in 'Building the Curriculum 3': o o o o Life and ethos of the school as a community Curriculum areas and subjects Interdisciplinary Learning Opportunities for personal achievement All of these contexts are crucial if the potential of children and young people as successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens is to be fully developed. Interdisciplinary learning enables practitioners and learners to: Make connections across learning through exploring clear and relevant links across the curriculum. Support the use and application of what has been taught and learned in new and different ways. Provide opportunities for deeper learning, for example through answering big questions, exploring an issue, solving problems or completing a final project. Focus on curricular areas where there are coherent links and an opportunity to deepen understanding. (not all curricular areas working together or suspension of timetables.) On the next page, the summary of learning opportunities builds on the overview document and exemplifies a possible interdisciplinary approach which could be used when planning. This links directly to the context and the experiences and outcomes explored. These suggested learning opportunities explore only aspects of the experiences and outcomes identified. However, each experience and outcome should be revisited in other ways and contexts for depth of learning. 2 Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies HWB: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Activity and Sport SOCIAL STUDIES People, Past Events and Societies Research sports people who have been influential in their sporting area. Decide on the criteria for defining what makes a figure from the past ‘important’. *Analyse and discuss elements of this person’s skill that could impact on their performance. Explain why their heroes have been important to the development of the Scottish Nation through discussion and by creating a story-board. Explore how their sport’s person has impacted on sport in cultural heritage. Create presentations to contribute to the ‘This is your Life’ final presentation Related Experiences and Outcomes: HWB 324a and 4-26a Explore some historical figures from the past and gather evidence about why they are important by using a variety of sources, textbooks, newspapers, websites etc. LITERACY (ACROSS THE CURRICULUM) Select ideas and relevant information from a variety of sources, textbooks, newspapers, websites etc. Organise their information into notes that support the shared criteria. Develop a ‘This is your story’ presentation about their chosen figure ensuring they consider their audience. Share their ideas with their peers and comment on others work relating it to the shared criteria. Analyse notes and present their finding in a relevant form to share at the ‘This is your Life’ final presentation. Related Experiences and Outcomes: LIT 3-06a/4-06s Related Experiences and Outcomes: SOC 3- 01a/4-06a and 3-02a EXPRESSIVE ARTS: MUSIC Explore the work of a famous musician(s) from history. TECHNOLOGIES *Decide on the criteria for defining what makes this musician ‘important’. *Extend understanding of technological development in the past by considering modern developments in either the mobile phone or Television such as LCD, satellite, car/ electric cars etc. Develop a ‘This is your Life’ presentation on their favourite music artists/groups. Consider and predict what technology will be like and how it will impact on their lives by 2020. Related Experiences and Outcomes: EXA 3-19a *Decide on suitable criteria for defining ‘important’ inventors or entrepreneurs *These learning opportunities are further exemplified and broken down into the learning, skills developed and possible evidence on pages5, 6 and 7. Take part in a ‘This is your Story’ presentation. Related Experiences and Outcomes: TCH 3-01a 3 Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies Overview of learning in lead curriculum area Possible prior experiences Possible learning opportunities in lead curricular area Some learners will know about the historical figures being explored. Focus on Scottish heroes from the past. Learners will have experience of the ‘This is Your story’ format. Criteria and justification of why the past heroes have been important in the shaping of the nation Learners will have developed their research skills. Learners will have experience of current technologies e.g smart phones, LCD TVs etc. Learners will have some awareness of favourite musical and sporting stars. 4 Skills for learning, life and work Possible evidence Analysing Shared criteria Evaluating Fact files about individual heroes Researching Observations from group contributions Communicating Notes Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies Learning opportunity A: Sharing criteria for heroes Trigger for learning Resources A learner commented that there was no one who was famous from Scotland and definitely not from their local area. Assessment as part of learning and teaching This led to discussion about the heroes from the past. ment/progressandachievement/howweassess/learningteachingandas sessment/supportinglearning.asp Learning opportunities Scotland’s History Learners decide of the criteria for defining the term ‘important figure.’ The learners then provide evidence to support their criteria. Skills Learning Research Key information about famous Scots (from their area.) Communicating. Developing how to structure research. Working with others. Possible evidence Shared criteria, story board of hero from the past. 5 Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies Learning opportunity B: Researching Scotland’s heroes (technological) Trigger for learning Resources A group of learners laughed about mobile phones being like bricks when they were first invented. STEN Central: History of Scottish transport engineering ory/index.asp This led to discussion about technologies through the ages to present day. Skills Learning opportunities Analysing Learners extend their understanding of technological developments in the past by considering the mobile phone/television/satellite/transport and Scotland’s contribution to these developments. Evaluating Communicating Learning Scotland’s contribution to the developments. Possible evidence Key dates and people involved in the developments. Timeline for developments, fact file about key individuals, notes, observations of oral contribution. 6 Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies Learning Opportunity C: Analysing techniques (physical activity training) Trigger for learning Resources A learner says “I could never catch a line out ball like Richie Grey.” Read here how a cluster improved skills in Physical Education by taking a clear progression line: This leads to discussion about how the learners could improve their line out skills by analysing and discussing elements of technique. ach/exemplars.asp?strReferringChannel=learningteachinganda ssessment&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-584755-64 Learning opportunities Learners analyse and discuss elements of a person’s skill and how that could impact on their performance. Skills Learning Analysing Using visual clues to improve skill. Communicating Reflecting on own performance and adapting to take into account new learning. Learning and continuing to learn Possible evidence Annotated photographs, Log book, explanations of skills development. 7 Studying Scotland through Social Subjects: Scotland’s Heroes learner journey Third and fourth level - Focus on Social Studies 8