Learner Journey Studying Scotland through Science: Loch Lomond 3rd/4th Level Learner Journey Overview: Loch Lomond Possible prior experiences • • • • • Some learners have visited Loch Lomond. All learners will have experience of maps. All learners will have experience of researching. Most learners will have an understanding of the impact of weathering. Most learners will have experience of using excel and creating pie charts. Learning through lead curriculum area: Science • Glacial activity. • Formation of rocks, soil and minerals. • Biodiversity. • Landscape stimuli • Using the scientific calculator Interdisciplinary Opportunities • English • Science • Social Subjects Responsibility of All • Literacy • Numeracy • Health and Wellbeing Skills • Communication (written and in a data medium.) • Solving problems. • Analysing • Research • Taking responsibility for own learning. Learning Opportunity A: Loch Lomond Trigger for Learning Learners wanted explore the reading of maps further. Possible Learning Opportunity Learners explore their local environment making connections with what they see and what they read from the map. Learning - Outside • Symbols that relate to glacial formation on a map. • The physical features of glacial formation. Skills • Research • Communicating. • Taking responsibility for their own learning Possible Evidence Photographs, Log book of their experiences and findings, annotated maps. Learning Opportunity B: Loch Lomond Trigger for Learning One learner asked what effect the rain had on the loch and natural habitat. Possible Learning Opportunity Learners could carry out practical activities to sample biotic (living factors) and abiotic (non-living factors) which effect the distribution of organisms. Learning Vocab: Biotic, Abiotic, biodiversity. Sampling from local environment. Chemical reactions e.g. Why things have happened. Skills • Solving problems • Taking responsibility for their own learning. • Planning and organising Possible Evidence of Learning: Observation of work, evidence of samples and annotation of these samples, scientific reports, annotated photographs. Learning Opportunity C: Loch Lomond Trigger for Learning Learners want to explore scientific texts further to enhance their understanding of Loch Lomond Possible Learning Opportunity Learners read scientific reports, discuss, make notes exploring the conventions of the text and drawing conclusions. Learning • Analysing scientific reports. • Draw conclusions from a scientific report. Possible Evidence of Learning: Notes, oral presentation of conclusions, discussion observations. Skills • Analysing • Communicating • Presenting.