1 Water → Focus on Technologies Moving Water Learning Journey Introduction Scenevsetter – A water charity have commissioned the learners to investigate the problems faced by various communities in developing countries who do not have a clean water supply and develop solutions to provide them with one. This technologies learning journey, aimed at third level, begins by engaging learners with the topic of water by getting them to consider why clean water is important and the problems lack of a clean, safe water supply can cause to communities. Next the learners investigate moving water using pumps and explore different types of pumps. They are also given opportunity to use graphical communication to share their ideas in a suitable way with an audience. Finally they plan, design, model and evaluate a water pump for a given community. An overview planning sheet is shown on the next page which gives a plan for learning and teaching starting from the experiences and outcomes. Learning intentions, success criteria and possible evidence of learning which could be gathered are shown. The pages that follow the overview give examples of learning experiences which would address the learning intentions. They illustrate opportunities for learners to develop knowledge and understanding, concepts and provide opportunities to apply relevant skills. Technologies experiences and outcomes By using problem-solving strategies and showing creativity in a design challenge, I can plan, develop, organise and evaluate the production of items which meet needs at home or in the world of work. TCH 3-14a Having explored graphical techniques and their application, I can select, organise and represent information and ideas graphically. TCH 3-15a Responsibility of all areas which could be addressed in this learning journey: By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, and organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience. LIT 3-26a Interdisciplinary learning planning opportunities An engineering challenge related to renewables could be incorporated into planning for interdisciplinary learning between departments. Possible links Sciences SCN 3-16a 2 Water → Focus on Technologies Moving Water Learning Journey Experiences and outcomes By using problem-solving strategies and showing creativity in a design challenge, I can plan, develop, organise and evaluate the production of items which meet needs at home or in the world of work. TCH 3-14a Having explored graphical techniques and their application, I can select, organise and represent information and ideas graphically. TCH 3-15a Learning intentions Success criteria Possible evidence Know about a range of different designs of pumps and how they are used to move water to meet a human need I can give examples of different kinds of pump design and explain how each is used to move water Learners discussions about different pumps and how they work Use problem solving strategies to analyse the design factors to be considered for a pump in a given scenario I can state the parameters of the design challenge Design brief Apply knowledge of graphic communication to develop an idea for a water pump design Prior knowledge Learners will have explored and experimented with the features and functions of computer technology and used this to support and enhance their learning in different contexts. Through discovery and imagination, they will have developed and used problem-solving strategies to construct models. They will also have had opportunities to evaluate this work, adapt and improve it through trial and error and feedback. Create a system to move water for a given scenario In planning for the design of a model pump I can produce a design brief taking into account the parameters of the design challenge I can sketch ideas for a design for a pump draws water Diagrams, sketches and notes detailing ideas I can develop one of these ideas to create a graphic which communicates how the pump works Graphic showing how their design works I can create a system to move water for a given scenario Plans for transporting water 3 Water → Focus on Technologies Moving Water Learning Journey Learning experiences: ‘What’s your poison?’ Introduction Learners investigate why access to a clean water supply is important for human beings and build upon their understanding of some of the reasons why not everyone in the world has access to a clean, safe water supply. Stimulus o Video clips – Tahiti/Africa o Internet for research o Magazines/newspaper for information or images Possible tasks Show the learners images of Tahiti and Africa where the lack of a clean water supply has caused major issues for communities. In groups, learners could be given scenario cards of different situations throughout the world. They should discuss each of the cards and identify possible consequences of the lack of clean water and consider ways to distribute clean water to the people affected. The scenarios should centre on children of a similar or same age as the learners. Learners develop a presentation to highlight the differences between their ‘scenario’ person and themselves. The presentation can be in any form and may include role play or electronic or poster display. This could be a timed activity with the aim of groups learning from each other. After the time has run out, each group could present their findings or share a different consequence relating to their case study with the whole class by using a ‘statement’ wall or tree. Learners could be introduced to ways that charities such as WaterAid work with local communities to facilitate local solutions and expertise. o WaterAid LearnZone Reflecting on learning Whole class reflection on the learning: o What did we learn that was new? o How can design engineers help with the supply of clean water? o What do we think engineers do with their research? o How can engineers work with local communities and other organisations to ensure solutions are appropriate to local needs and involve local communities? 4 Water → Focus on Technologies Moving Water Learning Journey Learning experiences: ‘In and out or round and round’ Introduction Possible activities Possible evidence Learners are divided into teams and each team is given a particular type of pump to investigate. Recordings of discussions Learners investigate the movement and transportation of water and evaluate particular models. They will then select an appropriate way to lay out their findings in order to communicate with the other teams. Teams should discuss how the pump operates and how effective it is at moving water. This should include exploration of the types of motion involved. Each team explains to the other teams about how their pump operates. Resources Relate these types of pump design to real situations where they are used to provide safe, clean drinking water in communities in Africa and Tahiti. o Selection of images of different floodprevention products and systems o Internet for images/research o Selection of video clips o Examples of various pumps o Models to replicate motion o Appropriate modelling materials Compare and contrast pumps used on a macro and micro level. Learners could look at the pumps used in v the Glencorse Water treatment and some of the pumps they have exploring that are used in local communities in Tahiti and Africa o Link to Wikipedia article about Roundabout playpumps Learning intention Know about a range of different designs of pumps and how they are used to move water to meet a human need. o Link to Playpumps company website Reflecting on learning Whole class reflection on the learning: o What type of motion is incorporated in our pump? o What did we learn that was new? o Which knowledge and skills developed in science classes are relevant to this task? o What are our next steps in learning? Taking it further Learners could investigate different types of pumps which are used to provide irrigation in arid lands. 5 Water → Focus on Technologies Moving Water Learning Journey Learning experiences Possible Tasks Introduction Learners will engage with their previous research on water pumps and systems to create an idea for a pump that could be used to clean water from a borehole in a village in a developing country. Learners will be given opportunity to combine and apply learning from other areas to arrive at a solution. Learning intentions o Use problem solving strategies to analyse the design factors to be considered for a pump in a given scenario. o Apply knowledge of graphic communication to develop an idea for a water pump design. The needs of the users in the community could be analysed by allowing the learners to create a mind map on ideas they have relating to function, the environment the pump will be used in, ergonomics, safety. Questions could be developed that they would like to ask the ‘community’ in order to understand their needs and requirements better. Resources on the WaterAid LearnZone, such as Pani the hand pump would be useful for this task. A brief could be drawn up with the class. Learners could now work in pairs to sketch up possible ideas. They could discuss their ideas with another pair, evaluating what is good and discussing what could be added or improved upon. Within groups of four, learners will be evaluate the best of the ideas to decide upon which one will be worked up into a final solution and model. The model could be generated using 3D design software or it may be appropriate to use available modelling materials. Possible evidence o Design brief o Diagrams, sketches and notes detailing ideas o Graphic showing how their design works Reflecting on learning Learners should evaluate their completed model against specific criteria, agreed upon as a class. Learners could reflect upon the skills and knowledge they have used to complete this task. Responsibility of all These learning experiences offer a strong opportunity to address an aspect of responsibility of all, for example: By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, and organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience. LIT 3-26a 6 Water → Focus on Technologies Moving Water Learning Journey Learning experiences: ‘Working with a community’ Introduction Learners will consider the needs of the local community and offer solutions to provide clean safe water to their village. These learning experiences would provide a rich opportunity for planning for interdisciplinary learning with other departments such as sciences. The engineering challenge on the STEM Central website, ‘Water for a community’ could be incorporated into this planning. Learning intentions Create a system to move water for a given scenario. Possible learning challenges In groups learners could be given scenario cards showing the situation of different communities throughout the world. The cards will provide information about each community such as: o the size of the community o nearby sources of water and how clean each source is o the geographical location of the village o weather statistics for the village such as yearly rainfall data o materials available to manufacture solution Using the knowledge they have gained in the prior lessons, groups will then create a plan for how they will work with the local community to provide a solution to their water problem. Ideas they may consider are: o o o o Who are the local stakeholders? Where is the nearest source of water? How will they get the water to the village? Who would have the expertise to engineer and maintain the system produced? Groups will then be asked to present their plans to the community. The ‘community’ (which could be role played by different groups) will have the opportunity to ask questions about the presented solution. In this way solutions will be evaluated. Resources Educational materials on the Wateraid website would provide ideas for creating and structuring a scenario/challenge for groups to work on. An example can be found at the link below: o http://www.wateraid.org/other/games/pani/gam e/index.html Possible evidence Plans for transporting water Reflecting on learning Learners should evaluate their own and the other groups plans. Learners could reflect upon the skills and knowledge they have used to complete this task. Learners should reflect upon the kinds of skills that civil engineers have to use when working with stake holders.