1 Water → Focus on Mathematics Mathematical Modelling Learning Journey Introduction This mathematics learning journey, aimed at fourth level, looks at the learning context of flooding and makes use of v mathematical modelling to inform thinking in relation to questions such as: o How might you use mathematics to model the mechanisms that produce flooding? o How might you calculate the risk of flooding in a particular area? o If you had to report to the media to the people about taking action against flooding, how confident could you be about your figures (and recommendations)? o If you were to recommend flood defences, how could you justify the expense? Would the cost of defence be less than the cost of repair? How might you estimate these costs? This learning context would provide rich opportunities for planning for interdisciplinary learning with departments such as technologies and geography. An overview planning sheet is shown on the next page which gives a plan for learning and teaching starting from the experiences and outcomes. Learning intentions, success criteria and possible evidence of learning which could be gathered are shown. The pages that follow the overview give examples of learning experiences which would address the learning intentions. They illustrate opportunities for learners to develop knowledge and understanding and to apply relevant skills. Mathematics experiences and outcomes Using proportion, I can calculate the change in one quantity caused by a change in a related quantity and solve real-life problems. MNU 4-08a Having explored how real-life situations can be modelled by number patterns, I can establish a number sequence to represent a physical or pictorial pattern, determine a general formula to describe the sequence, then use it to make evaluations and solve related problems. MTH 4-13a Responsibility of all areas which could be addressed in this learning journey: By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, and organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience. LIT 4-26a Interdisciplinary learning planning opportunities An engineering challenge related to flooding could be incorporated into planning for interdisciplinary learning between departments relating to a scenario where a local authority wants to consider introducing a scheme to encourage the use of electric transport. Possible links Technologies TCH 4-14b, TCH 4-12b 2 Water → Focus on Mathematics Mathematical Modelling Learning Journey Experiences and outcomes Using proportion, I can calculate the change in one quantity caused by a change in a related quantity and solve real-life problems. MNU 4-08a Learning intentions Investigate and evaluate a simple ‘analogy’ model of a flooding scenario Having explored how real-life situations can be modelled by number patterns, I can establish a number sequence to represent a physical or pictorial pattern, determine a general formula to describe the sequence, then use it to make evaluations and solve related problems. MTH 4-13a I can explore a number of analogies between everyday situations and the problem of flooding such as an overflowing bath, crowd control, motorway management, and relate these to the problem of flooding I can use mathematics confidently to model situations I can recognise some of the limitations of my model Possible evidence Evidence of learning which could be gathered could include: o their practice familiarising themselves with each model examined o the numeracy associated with particular examples o algebraic approaches to generalising the situation to be analysed Reporting back in a range of ways on the pros and cons of each model and some description of a solution to flooding based on them Prior knowledge o Work with others to explore, and present findings on, how mathematics impacts on the world and the important part it has played. o Explore number sequences, and apply rules to extend pattern. o Apply number facts to solve problems algebraically. o Use representations of 3D objects and a range of methods to interpret them. Success criteria Use data to evaluate the risk of flooding and possible costs associated with the clean up Compile a report outlining some possible solutions to flooding I can identify some of the factors which affect flooding and can begin to use these to measure the risk of flooding I can estimate costs associated with cleaning up damage caused by flooding, given data to work with, for example, population of an area I can use technology to produce a report of my findings including tables, graphs and charts I can use the results of my investigations to inform recommendations in my report Data gathered with annotations on what it may show Costings Recordings of group discussions A report, supported by facts and figures, charts and tables, on a possible particular local problem, with a measure of the risk (for example, once every 10 years) and of the costing of some solutions, a costing of possible damage repair; comparison between the two measures; a recommendation for action 3 Water → Focus on Mathematics Mathematical Modelling Learning Journey Learning experience Possible tasks Possible evidence Introduction Discuss the scenario of a bath left unattended due to unforeseen circumstance, for example, taps turned on but plug not yet in place when the phone rings. Evidence of learning which could be gathered could include: o their practice familiarising themselves with each model examined o the numeracy associated with particular examples o algebraic approaches to generalising the situation to be analysed Explain to the learners that they are going to be using a number of analogies to help them explore flooding and that as they explore each of these they will consider: o how the model can be used to help them understand some of the factors involved in flooding o possible solutions o limitation the simplified model/analogy has In the possible tasks suggested on this page, the model of the overflowing bath is explored. Teacher’s notes with ideas relating to this learning journey can be found in supplementary resources on the STEM Central website. Learning intention Investigate and evaluate a simple ‘analogy’ model of a flooding scenario. What information is needed to analyse the situation? Things to be elicited from discussion could include: o how long it would take to fill the bath using the hot tap only with the plug in o how long it would take using the cold tap only with the plug in o how long it would take to empty the bath with the plug out and the taps off Discuss rates of flow and how they could be combined. Some problems could be given to the learners to work with, to help them become comfortable with the combination of rates of flow. Discuss either a time limit for which the state of affairs has to be endured or a fixed volume of water passing through the system. o their discussions on the possible limitations of the model Taking it further Learners could be given problems to work on to help them explore: o the critical time for which the situation can be endured (without overflow) o the volume passing through the system in this critical time o the rate of flow with which any overflow pipe has to cope Discuss other possible solutions that would: o put off the critical time o manage any excess water Ask learners to consider how this model could help them understand flooding. A particular flooding scenario could be given and the learners could discuss what is similar and different about the different situations. Where is the model useful? What could it be used for? Which factors that could be involved in a flooding situation does the bath model not cover? 4 Water → Focus on Mathematics Mathematical Modelling Learning Journey Learning experiences experiences: Modelling – crush Possible Possibletasks/challenges tasks/challenges Taking it further Introduction Discuss the phenomenon of the unexplained traffic Introduction Learners Discusscould the phenomenon be introduced with to the problem learners of using flooding questions withtoa stimulate discussion discussion of the problem. such as: Learners Which could of you work hasinencountered groups to discuss it (as passengers some information onobviously)? the 'Glen cinema disaster' and ‘Ibrox disaster' to help illustrate the importance of getting good solutions Discuss:to this problem. the parameters – speed They be asked consider whetherinthey have thecould Highway Code to recommendations relation met with a similar scenario in their life? Elicit the to: (a) stopping distances; (b) safe following idea that ‘things have been improved’. Note that distances. these both occurred as people left the venue. Ask the learners Learners could to bereflect givenon particular questionsscenarios like: to explore the problem further, for example, the headmaster o How does wants this relate to put to the a display problem cabinet of flooding? in the atrium o Whatwith are athe 'footprint' similarities? of 8 m2. Advise him based onWhat o calculations. are the differences? o What solutions are transferable and how would Ask they themanifest learners themselves? to reflect on questions like: o How could we estimate the data corresponding o to How thedoes inflow this and relate the outflow to the problem of cars?of flooding? o What are the similarities? o What are the differences? o What solutions are transferable and how would they manifest themselves? o How would we gather data corresponding to the inflow and the outflow of people? o Given that the atrium corresponds to a flood plain, what does the display cabinet represent? o How might we figure out the size of a managed flood-plain? jam: travelling on the an motorway 70 mph we get Discuss the problem architectathas in designing caught in a traffic jam doing 1 mph; after about a public building, a football stadium or any place20 minutes wetocome theaend of volume the jam,ofnever which has cope to with large people in having come across a reason for it (likecrushes. roadworks a short time while avoiding dangerous or a crashreal or an 'on-ramp'). Consider lifeoverloaded instances of disasters where not getting this right has partially contributed to the Ask the learners to calculate the answer to disaster, for example, Glen cinema disaster, Ibrox questions such as: (1) over what distance does the disaster. Draw attention to the atrium of most jam exist? (2) if drivers are acting responsibly what public buildings. Consider the scenario of 1000 is the density of traffic at 70, 60, 50, 40, etc and 0 students in the playground, the bell rings, all enter mph. (3) how might we calculate the rate of flow of through doors into atrium, all leave atrium by traffic going into an area or coming out of the area corridors and enter classrooms; this is to take no (4) how fast is the area filling up (5) when it fills we more than 5 minutes. have a jam – how long will this take for a range of flow rates? Learning intention Investigate intention and evaluate a simple ‘analogy’ model Learning of a flooding scenario. Investigate and evaluate a simple ‘analogy’ model of a flooding scenario. Give an the exercise converting thesetofigures to 'traffic Consider situation with regards a school. densities'. Make up some figures, rates of flow of people through a door, and ask the learners to explore the Collect data on of thefactors Internet or give as a data problem. What sorts would theyit need to v the sheet. take into consideration? They could discuss factors the time it takes to get people into class with Draw a graph known stopping 1/2/3/4/5/6 doorsofopen into atrium. distances and interpolate to find others (an able learner might Learners encouraged questioning find the should functionberelating speedthrough to stopping todistance). evaluate the solution in each case, for example, 45 minutes is too long, or with all doors open people are flowing the atrium thanofthey can get Use this tointo calculate carsfaster per mile motorway out – dangerous! ... or the atrium is filling up lane for different speeds; use this to get the rate of because peopleatare flowingspeeds. in faster than out;aitrate will flow of traffic different Assuming take x time to fill byawhich timeofall 1000 at willwhat be inrate – in of 70 mph and rate out 1 mph, safe! is the lane filling? Make a table of filling rate at different speedstoand a graph to use possible for Ask the learners discuss in groups interpolation. Discuss ways of avoiding tailbacks. practical experiments/methods of collecting the relevant data required to solve a particular situation in their school. 5 Water → Focus on Mathematics Mathematical Modelling Learning Journey Learning experiences Possible tasks Introduction Discussion should take place of earlier lessons and what flood defences are suggested by them. Based on the various analogous problems, we can establish possible solutions to the flooding problem. Identify each and give examples. We need to ask ourselves of each: (1) are they effective; (2) are they cost-effective. Learning intention Compile a report outlining some possible solutions to flooding. o the bath: (1) create an overflow; (2) build up the sides o crush zone: (1) reserve a flood-plane which cannot be built on; (2) control inflow; (3) keep surface permeable o motorway: (1) reduce speed of entry into area; (2) deepen the channel In Groups, learners could pick a solution and explore things like: (1) examples of its use; (2) an estimate of its cost and how long it is expected to last and thus its average cost per year; (3) how much value of real estate is saved per year; (4) report on the cost-effectiveness of the method; (5) is cost the only thing we should care about? Ask learners to consider: could we build houses which were either flood-proof or could rise above any flood (float) or permanently be on stilts. What would be the pros and cons of such an approach? Possible evidence A report, supported by facts and figures, charts and tables, on a possible particular local problem, with a measure of the risk (for example, once every 10 years) and of the costing of some solutions; a costing of possible damage repair; comparison between the two measures; a recommendation for action. Responsibility to all This learning experience would provide a strong opportunity to address an aspect of responsibility of all such as: By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, and organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience. LIT 4-26a Taking it further Learners could now be given a scenario where they are asked to use the results of their investigation to write a report for a local authority which is creating a flood prevention plan. This would provide rich opportunities for planning for interdisciplinary learning with departments such as geography and technologies.