TD 5 SCV English only Original: English

TD 5
English only
Standardization Committee for Vocabulary
Original: English
virtual, 04 November 2010
ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1
Report of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 plenary meeting, 18-22 October 2009
JTC 1 held its plenary meeting from 18-22 October 2009 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
At its 28-30 April 2009 meeting TSAG nominated Mr. Olivier Dubuisson (France Telecom Orange,
France) as ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1. Mr. Dubuisson attended the JTC 1 meeting.
This document gathers the items discussed by JTC 1 which are relevant to ITU-T SCV. (If needed,
the identified JTC 1 documents can be obtained from the ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1.)
Resolution 38 – National Body Participation in the IT Vocabulary Maintenance Team
JTC 1 requests each participating National Body in the ITVMT either to reconfirm its
Validation Team member or appoint one person to become part of the Validation Team.
JTC 1 notes that all P‐members, A‐liaison organizations and committee‐internal liaisons have
the right to appoint one member to the team. A validation team comprises a minimum of 5 Pmembers.
Representatives of P‐members have the right to vote; representatives of A‐liaisons and
committee‐internal liaisons do not have the right to vote, but may submit comments. JTC 1
also notes that the described procedure asks for very short response times from the validation
team members.
Therefore, the National Bodies should appoint one or more deputies that can take over the task
when the official member is unavailable (due to travel, business, etc.). The appointing bodies
decide on the duration of an appointment and also organize any supporting network of experts
at the national level.
Olivier Dubuisson
France Telecom Orange
Tel: +33 2 96 05 38 50
Attention: This is not a publication made available to the public, but an internal ITU-T Document intended only for use by the
Member States of ITU, by ITU-T Sector Members and Associates, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU related
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-2TD 5
Resolution 39 – Subcommittee Participation in the ITVMT
JTC 1 instructs its Subcommittees that, as the Subcommittees develop new IT terminology,
the Subcommittees should submit this information to the Maintenance Team for uploading
into the ISO Concept Database. Further, as the first phase of maintaining the JTC 1
Vocabulary is in its final stages, JTC 1 instructs each Subcommittee to appoint a
representative, if not already done, who will provide the Subcommittee's standardized
vocabulary to the ITVMT. Subcommittees are asked to ensure that the ITVMT is apprised of
any updates or new versions of their vocabulary.
Resolution 42 ‐ Request to make vocabulary standards Available at No Cost
Resolution 32 of the 1997 JTC 1 Plenary meeting Ottawa requested that ISO/IEC 2382
Vocabulary Standards (a multi‐part standard) be made available on the Web. Several parts of
ISO/IEC 2382, but not all parts, are currently available at no cost. JTC 1 requests that all parts
of ISO/IEC 2382, current and future, also be made available at no cost as was the intent of the
1997 resolution.