Seminars introduction ! Presented by: Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA)


Seminars introduction


Presented by:

Simin Nadjm-Tehrani / Ekhiotz Vergara /

Jalil Boudjadar / Antonia Arvanitaki

Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA)

Linköping University


January 25, 2016

Seminar organisation


Presentation and discussion of articles q  

1 introductory occasion + 7 regular occasions q  

2 presentation sessions per regular occasion n   n   n  

20 minutes presentation

20 minutes discussion

5 minutes personal presentation assessment n  

14 articles to present

(each student is presenting one article) n  

Two different roles


Student roles


Leader q  

Each student has this role once with one assigned article q  

Tasks n   n  

Present the article and lead discussion

Write report about the article n  

Participant q  

Prepare for the seminar q   q   q  

Bring a hard copy or digital version of the paper with you

Listen to the presentation

Ask questions and participate in the discussions


Leader: Presentation of article


Very important to describe: q   q  

Problem or main aspect dealt by the article

Background required for its understanding q   q  

Solution applied or study carried out

Conclusion and outcomes achieved n  

Elaborate with your own sentences and use graphs from the paper for convenience n   n   n  

Add slide numbers to refer to them later on

When you present a chart or a curve describe the Y and

X axes first, to focus the attention on the results n  

Around 10-15 slides are recommended so you have time to spend in each slide

Rehearse the presentation before the session!


Leader: Presentation of article


Place the work in the life cycle of ICT from lecture 1

(design, production, use, end-of-life phase, recycling) q  

As time goes by relate your new knowledge to the earlier papers in the course n  

Send the presentation slides the day before your seminar at 4 p.m. (i.e. Friday or Monday) to the seminar group teacher n  

Either check that your laptop works with the projector in the room before the presentation, or ask someone else (e.g. the teacher) to bring a laptop one day before n  

Integrate teacher suggestions for improvement in your actual version


Leader: Discussion leadership


Before the presentation q  

Prepare your own discussion points n   n  

Opinion about the strength of the key ideas

Aspects not enough discussed in the article n  

Possible ways to improve the work n   n  

External material complementary to the article

Prepare open questions that help to start the discussion

(and will enrich your own report) n  

After the presentation q  

Ask the audience for what was not clear q   q  

Answer technical questions related to your presentation

Allow participants to ask, help them to discuss, rotate and take turns q   q  

Solicit questions, especially from quiet participants

Use your own list if the discussion fades


Leader: Article report

n   n  

Main parts q   q  

Summary of the article

Discussion n   n   n  

Weak and strong points

Ideas or facts on which you do not agree, or points that remain unclear

Possible alternatives q  

Related work n  

Search sources with related work not present in the article

(minimum 2 works) so that you see later development q  

Example: Applications or improvements of the article ideas q  

Search tools: IEEExplore, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Google …

Note q   q   q   q  

Always cite your sources

Do not copy literal sentences , write your own sentences

Length: 3-4 pages (even for grade 4!)

Use the provided template


Report: Delivery terms and method

n   n  

Before handing in: Ensure your report is spellchecked and find obvious language issues

First step: Hand in 2 weeks after your presentation q  

One digital copy by e-mail to Urkund q  

Addresses given on the examination page n  

The teacher sends the report back to the student with feedback for correction (ca 2 weeks after hand in) n  

Second step: The student has one week to send a correction q  

Final grade is decided after this last step




Grading criteria: as described in the web page n  

Refer to the course web page to refresh your memory! n  

What is active participation? q   q  

Taking part is a good start!

Teachers are able to distinguish shallow participation from pre-prepared discussion (for a grade 4 and above)



n   n  

Reports below the required standards after correction lead to get Grade U in the course q   q  

Can be handed in again during the retake period

Check the deadlines in June and August for that!

Attendance to all seminars is compulsory q  

Talk to your teacher in advance in case of legitimate absence n  

Not performing presentation results in redoing it in the retake period, in front of an audience fixed by the teacher q  

If you are not able to attend at your own presentation (due to legitimate reasons) please notify your teacher ASAP!


Setup of the classroom

Setup of the classroom


Most of the time it will be the same room (check the odd

 n   n  

Tables will be arranged as a round table

The seminar members will sit around this table

After the session you help to rearrange

The seminar members will sit around this table

At the beginning of each class


Contribute setting up the tables and chairs

At the end of the class

We have to leave the class as it was before

January 20, 2012 12

Setup of the classroom


Each student will have a paper or digital version of the paper to refer to during the presentation and discussion n   n  

Note: Mobile phones are not good enough for this purpose!

Each student will have their name badge in front of them n  

We will bring the badges in the first occasion


Search for related work

Seminar report

The final report of the seminars requires to search for related work to the article assigned n  

What is related work? q  

Search for other articles (usually newer) with approaches that deal with the same or similar topic n  

Why do you require this? q  

Because it is good to know how to find existing solutions (to contrast them with other ones or to avoid reinventing the wheel) n  

See handouts for lecture 2 and guidelines in the course web!

