University of Malta Faculty of Education Guidelines for Maltese and English Proficiency Tests as an Entry Requirement for the Master in Teaching & Learning (MTL) 1. The Faculty of Education requires applicants for the Master in Teaching & Learning (MTL) to hold a pass in the Faculty of Education’s Maltese and English Proficiency Tests, in both the written and oral papers; 2. The Faculty of Education is responsible for the administration and evaluation of the Proficiency Test, through the Proficiency Test Board of Examiners, as appointed by Senate on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Education; 3. The Proficiency Tests will be held against payment, as determined by University; 4. Candidates holding a BA/BA(Hons) in Maltese will be exempt from sitting for the Maltese Proficiency Test, whilst those holding a BA/BA(Hons) in English will be exempt from sitting for the English Proficiency Test; 5. The Proficiency Tests will consist of two written papers and an oral examination for Maltese, and two written papers and an oral examination for English. The Maltese and English Proficiency Tests for prospective candidates for the MTL at Primary Level will be different to those for prospective candidates for the MTL at Secondary Level; a candidate who is successful in the Proficiency Test for Primary level will be allowed to apply for an MTL course at Secondary Level, but a ‘Pass’ in the Proficiency Test for Secondary Level is not accepted for entry to the MTL at Primary level; 6. The Written Papers of the Proficiency Test will take place twice a year: the first session between February and April; and the second session in June. Only candidates who are in possession of a Pass in the Written Proficiency Tests and have applied for the MTL may sit for the Oral Test; the Oral Test in Maltese and the Oral Test in English will take place once the second session of the Written Proficiency Tests is completed; 7. Results of the Proficiency Test will be ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’, according to criteria established by the Faculty (see Appendix). Results will be published at the Faculty of Education, University of Malta and at the Gozo Campus; 8. The Proficiency Test ‘Pass’ result will remain valid for a period of three years from the date of publication of the results. Unsuccessful candidates may sit for the Proficiency Test at the next or any other session; 9. There will be no revision of paper for the Oral Test; 10. Past papers of the Proficiency Test will not be published. 11. The components of the Maltese and English Proficiency Tests are shown in the following pages. APPENDIX Test miktub ta’ Profiċjenza fil-Malti għall-għalliema prospettivi tal-Primarja Karta A It-tul tal-eżami: Siegħa u nofs Eżerċizzju A (100 marka) ‘Liema hi t-tweġiba t-tajba’ (multiple choice) Ħamsin mistoqsija dwar lortografija, il-grammatika, il-punteġġjatura u espressjonijiet idjomatiċi. Il-kandidati huma mistennija li juru għarfien tar-regoli attwali tal-ortografija, ħakma tal-istrutturi grammatikali, ittħaddim bil-għaqal talpunteġġjatura u għarfien/padrunanza tal-idjoma Maltija. Għaxar sentenzi li jkun fihom żball ortografiku, grammatikali jew idjomatiku u l-kandidati huma mitluba li jidentifikaw l-iżball u jispjegaw għaliex huwa żball u kif għandha tinkiteb korrettament is-sentenza. Il-kandidati huma mistennija li juru l-ħila li jispjegaw żball filkitba u jispjegawh skont ir-regoli tal-Malti. (50 mistoqsija, b’2 marki kull waħda) Eżerċizzju B (100 marka) ‘Sib l-iżball u spjegah’ Karta B It-tul tal-eżami: Siegħa u nofs Eżerċizzju A (100 marka) Eżerċizzju B (100 marka) Mistoqsijijiet dwar silta. Il-kandidati huma mistennija li juru l-ħila li jaqraw u jifhmu test bil-Malti u jwieġbu mistoqsijiet dwaru. Kitba ta’ 300 kelma dwar suġġett mogħti milleżaminatur. Il-kandidati huma mistennija li juru l-ħila li japplikaw ir-regoli tal-ortografija fil-kitba; li jiktbu mingħajr żbalji grammatikali; li jkollhom pussess ta’ vokabolarju wiesa’; kitba koerenti skont is-suġġett mogħti u tħaddim korrett tal-idjoma Maltija. Written English proficiency test for prospective Primary school teachers Written Paper I One and a half hours Section A (100 marks) Section B (100 marks) Completing objective type items (25 items of 4 marks each) 25 objective type items (such as multiple choice, cloze, true or false) on syntax, grammar, spelling and punctuation. Candidates are to complete the objective type items to demonstrate proficiency in English syntax, grammar, spelling and punctuation. Identify, explain and correct errors in 10 sentences. 10 sentences including language or grammatical errors. Candidates demonstrate proficiency in identifying errors in sentences, explaining why they are incorrect and then writing the correct version. (10 items of 10 marks each) Written Paper II One and a half hours Section A (100 marks) Comprehension text Candidates are to demonstrate understanding of the text through reading and then answering questions in writing. Section B (100 marks) Writing an expository essay of 300 words about a given situation, theme or subject. Candidates are to demonstrate proficiency in English writing: sequence of ideas, how writing is organized, coherence within the text, use of expressions meaningfully, spelling, grammar and syntax, use of cohesive devices, punctuation, ability to write for a given audience. Eżami Orali ta’ Profiċjenza fil-Malti għall-Għalliema Prospettivi tal-Primarja L-Orali It-tul tal-eżami: 15-20 minuta Taħriġ A (10 marki) Taħriġ B (20 marki) Taħriġ Ċ (50 marka) Taħriġ D (20 marka) Jaqraw silta ta’ madwar 50 kelma b’vuċi Il-ħila li jaqraw b’mod li għolja. jinftiehem u skont is-sens tassilta. Iwieġbu madwar 4 mistoqsijiet bil-Malti dwar il-ħajja ta’ kuljum. L-użu ta’ intonazzjoni u vokabolarju adatt. Jifhmu u jwieġbu mistoqsijiet bil-Malti dwar l-esperjenza tagħhom fil-qasam edukattiv. Iwieġbu fit-tul billi jispjegaw u jagħtu eżempji biex jirfdu lopinjonijiet tagħhom. Jagħmlu monologu ta’ madwar minuta minn għażla ta’ suġġetti mogħtija b’rabta mal-edukazzjoni. Jibnu u jsostnu argument dwar is-suġġett magħżul għal minuta, mingħajr waqfien li jtellef issens. English oral proficiency test for prospective Primary school teachers One and half hours Excersise A Reading aloud Candidates are given a text (of ca. 50 words) to read aloud to demonstrate interaction with text, satisfactory rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation. Interview: 4 questions about a general topic Candidates are to demonstrate skill in interpersonal/two-way communication with interviewer/s. (10 marks) Excersise B (20 marks) Fluency, coherence, vocabulary, ease of expression will be assessed. Excersise C (50 marks) Interview: 4 questions about an educational topic Candidates are to demonstrate fluency, coherence, vocabulary, and ease of expression. The ability to present arguments and uphold their opinions with coherent reasons is assessed. Excerise D (20 marks) Presentational speaking or monologue (non-interactive and one-way) Candidates are to exhibit the ability to hold a monologue or use presentational speaking skills for one minute on a given topic. Test miktub ta’ Profiċjenza fil-Malti għall-għalliema prospettivi tas-Sekondarja Karta A It-tul tal-eżami: Ħamsa u ergħin minuta Eżerċizzju A (100 marka) ‘Liema hi t-tweġiba ttajba’ (multiple choice) (25 mistoqsija, b’4 marki kull waħda) Ħamsa u għoxrin mistoqsija dwar lortografija, ilgrammatika, ilpunteġġjatura u espressjonijiet idjomatiċi. Il-kandidati huma mistennija li juru għarfien tar-regoli attwali tal-ortografija, ħakma tal-istrutturi grammatikali, ittħaddim bil-għaqal talpunteġġjatura u għarfien/padrunanza tal-idjoma Maltija. Karta B It-tul tal-eżami: Siegħa u nofs Eżerċizzju A (100 marka) Kitba ta’ natura opinjonistika ta’ madwar 200 kelma dwar tema mill-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Il-kandidati huma mistennija li: juru l-ħila li japplikaw ir-regoli talortografija fil-kitba; jiktbu mingħajr żbalji grammatikali; ikollhom pussess ta’ vokabolarju wiesa’; Eżerċizzju B (100 marka) Kitba formali ta’ madwar 200 kelma dwar suġġett mogħti mill-eżaminatur. jippreżentaw kitba koerenti skont issuġġett mogħti; jagħmlu distinzjoni fl-istil bejn kitba ta’ natura opinjonistika u kitba ta’ natura formali. Written English proficiency test for prospective Secondary school teachers Paper A Duration of test: 45 minutes Exercise A (100 marks) Identify and correct the mistakes 25 questions of 4 marks each Candidates are expected to show their knowledge of English by correctly identifying and correcting mistakes in 25 items focussing on accuracy and appropriacy of language, including grammar, vocabulary, syntax, spelling, and punctuation. Paper B Duration of test: One and a half hours Exercise A (100 marks) Exercise B (100 marks) A reading comprehension task based on a non-fictional, general interest text Candidates will be tested on their ability to understand the purpose of the text as a whole, as well as at paragraph, sentence, and word level. A writing task of around 300 words. Candidates are expected to demonstrate: Candidates will be tested on their ability to write ONE of the following: (i) a reflective piece in which they express their opinion and / or feelings about a topic related to education; or (ii) a formal communication on a stipulated topic and to a stipulated audience. accuracy and appropriacy of language use, coherence, a wide range of syntax, grammar, and vocabulary. accurate punctuation Eżami Orali ta’ Profiċjenza fil-Malti għall-Għalliema Prospettivi tas-Sekondarja L-Orali It-tul tal-eżami: 15-20 minuta Taħriġ A (10 marki) Taħriġ B (20 marka) Taħriġ Ċ (50 marka) Taħriġ D (20 marka) Jaqraw silta ta’ madwar 50 kelma b’vuċi għolja. Il-ħila li jaqraw b’mod li jinftiehem u skont is-sens tas-silta. Iwieġbu madwar 4 mistoqsijiet bil-Malti dwar il-ħajja ta’ kuljum. L-użu ta’ intonazzjoni u vokabolarju adatt. Jifhmu u jwieġbu mistoqsijiet bil-Malti dwar l-esperjenza tagħhom fil-qasam edukattiv. Iwieġbu fit-tul billi jispjegaw u jagħtu eżempji biex jirfdu l-opinjonijiet tagħhom. Jagħmlu monologu ta’ madwar minuta minn għażla ta’ suġġetti mogħtija b’rabta maledukazzjoni. Jibnu u jsostnu argument dwar is-suġġett magħżul għal minuta, mingħajr waqfien li jtellef is-sens. English Oral Proficiency Test for Prospective Secondary School Teachers Oral Duration of test: 15-20 minutes Excersise A (20 marks) Understand and answer questions in English about everyday situations . Excersise B (20 marks) Excersise C (30 marks) Excersise C (30 marks) Understand and answer general questions in English about their chosen subject of study in the MTL Speak in the form of a sustained monologue for about a minute on a subject from a list of topics offered by the examiners Compare, contrast, or speculate about, one or two pictures provided by the examiners Candidates are expected to demonstrate a wide range of grammatical forms and vocabulary, respond for a suitable length, with the appropriate pronunciation, intonation and stress, according to the context.