(tCongress of t1Je Wntteb ~tates 'Qima5I.Jington, jDQt 20515 June 10,2011 Jeffrey B. Muilan, Secretary MA Depmtment of Transportation Ten Park Plaza, Suite 3170 Boston, MA 02116 Dear Secretary Mullan: We are writing in regards to the City of Boston's review of their hazardous material transportation rule. Upon undergoing a comprehensive study by Batelle Inc. and Norbridge, the City has determined that cargo trucks carrying hazardous material should be banned from travelling through the City at any hour of the day. Now that the City has conducted their due diligence and followed Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration protocol in arriving at this determination, we endorse the City of Boston's analysis. The North End and the Boston waterfront are recognized as one of the country's oldest, most historic neighborhoods, and also one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Compounded by the millions of tourists that visit the North End annually via the Freedom Trail, we strongly believe that the safest alternative possible should be adopted. Hazardous material that is not being delivered directly to the North End/Waterfront should be confined to interstate routes outside of the City to avoid serious public risk. Under Battelle's findings, the Boston route was significantly higher in risk than travel on Route 128, therefore. making Route 128 the leading candidate for designation as the through hazmat route. We wish to make it clear that hazardous materials are a risk on any local road but the Battelle risk calculations for Boston are compelling. We also understand the concerns that are now being raised from the communities in our western suburbs as a result of the proposed Route 128 designation. As a result, we are seeking a strict adherence of a designated hazmat route on interstate roads with absolutely no allowances ofhazmat "cut-through" traffic on neighborhood streets. We appreciate the time and attention that you and your staff have given to this important issue. think we can all agree that public safety is our first priority in this situation and we are grateful for your willingness to work with our local officials to achieve that goal. We look forward to your response. F~t< /-.c.'oh" Sincerely, ~~f'{J~ d States Senatf,. /'L?~ cott P. Brown United States Senator PAINTED ON RECYCL PAPER