ITU Workshop on Standards and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Issues Interplay between ICT standardization and patents Tomoko Miyamoto Head, Patent Law Section World Intellectual Property Organization New Delhi, India, 19-20 December 2011 International Telecommunication Union World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) A UN specialized agency Promote protection of IP throughout the world through cooperation among States and in collaboration with other international organizations Develop a balanced and accessible international intellectual property system 185 Member States Headquarters in Geneva New Delhi, India, 19-20 December 2011 International Telecommunication Union What is a patent? Exclusive right Publication Patents Inspire 3rd parties Incentives Inventions New ideas • Exclusive right to prevent others from using the invention without patent holder’s consent during the linited period of time • Territorial right – No global patents International Telecommunication Union Patents and standards ? Patents Standards Exclusive rights Wide implementation ? International Telecommunication Union Patents and standards Common objectives Patents Standards Encourage investment in innovation (R&D) Disclosure of technological information Dissemination of technology Standardization is one of the “patent exploitation processes” to realize a supranormal return International Telecommunication Union Patents and standards Potential conflicts Standards Essential patents $ $ $ $ $ Licensing royalties Standard implementers - Wide implementation of standards - Legitimate exploitation of patents International Telecommunication Union Statistics Global (World Intellectual Property Indicators) - The largest numbers of patent applications were filed in computer technology, electrical machinery and telecommunications (each field accounts for more than 5% of all applications). - Applications in computer technology and digital communication saw high annual growth rates from 2003 to 2007 (11.00% and 9.60%, respectively). India: Annual Report 2009-10 by the Office of CGPDTM Computer/Electronics 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 No. of patent applications 4842 7063 7646 No. of patents 1357 1913 1195 International Telecommunication Union Issues Potential increase with the number of patents IPR policies of SDOs Patent system - Quality of patents - Up-to-date patent status information - Patenting speed, standardization speed and tech. dev. (& market) speed Enhanced transparency and predictability International Telecommunication Union WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) “Patents and standards” discussed in 2009-2010 Preliminary study on patents and standards (document SCP/13/2) - Illustrate and contextualize current issues Discussions - Multi-disciplinary, cross-cutting issues - Importance of striking a balance among different stakeholders - Concerns about competition issues International Telecommunication Union SCP – Quality of patents Quality of patents - Substantive patentability - Procedural improvement, quality control and Quality Management System (QMS) - Within/outside Patent Offices - Accuracy of decisions/ Validity of patents/ Timeliness - Law/ Best practices/Infra /Training Three proposals on the table International Telecommunication Union Transparency between patents and standards WIPO: PATENTSCOPE - Digitization of national patent applications - PCT applications: national phase entry data - Digitization of national patent registry – easier access to legal status information Using open technical information derived from the standardization process for patent examination – patent quality International Telecommunication Union WIPO Arbitration & Mediation Center Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms to litigation - Resolution of commercial disputes between private parties - Party autonomy and confidentiality - Often simpler, more cost effective - A single procedure for resolving multijurisdictional disputes WIPO/AMC supports adaptation of ADR Rules for specific sectors 1/3 from ICT, many relate to licensing disputes International Telecommunication Union Thank you International Telecommunication Union