Welcome Public Meeting #3 June 29, 2011 Purpose: Why We Are Here • Deteriorated bridge is at the end of its useful life. Must be demolished • Historic Opportunity • Study to investigate alternatives – Mobility – Livability – Emerald Necklace Link – Better at-grade modal connections • Community Input Accelerated Bridge Program Opportunity • • • Current Bridge Condition Available Funding Schedule and Opportunity PLANNING STUDY 2011 DESIGN 2012 DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION 2013 2014 2015 Community Involvement Throughout Project Select Alternative Design Review Construction Staging & Traffic Management Phasing Meetings 2016 The Partnership MassDOT – Highway and Transit Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) City of Boston Consultant Team Working Advisory Group (WAG) Planning Study Public Process – Objectives & Schedule Planning Study Meeting Schedule Meeting 1 Project Purpose, Goals and Existing Conditions Meeting 2 Issues & Opportunities, Evaluation Criteria, 2035 Traffic Projections, Framework for Design Elements Meeting 3 Development of Design Concepts, Refinement of Evaluation Criteria Meeting 4 Establish Alternatives, Apply Evaluation Criteria (MOEs) Meeting 5 Selection of Preferred Alternative 6 Planning Study Schedule PUBLIC MEETINGS 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS MAR 3 2 APR SELECTION CRITERIA & INITIAL CONCEPTS MAY 4 CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT JUN JUL 5 ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION AUG RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE SEP Today’s Agenda Design Process & Concepts Three Sub-Areas At-Grade Bridge Concept Evaluation Criteria Next Steps The Design Process The Context for Developing Alternatives Design Concepts: Sub-Area At-Grade Concepts 1. New Washington Street 2. Shea Circle (Schematic) 3. MBTA Station, Washington, Asticou and South Streets Bridge Concept Design Challenges & Opportunities The Corridor Along New Washington Street Corridor Corridoras asaaBlank BlankSlate Slate Arborway Yard Arnold Arboretum Casey Overpass Franklin Park T Morton Street Forest Hills Cemetery Maximize Flexibility Arborway Yard Arnold Arboretum Casey Overpass Franklin Park T Morton Street Forest Hills Cemetery Simplify Street Network T Opportunity Replace Critical Missing Link T Orange Line Vent Stack Orange Line Exit Stair Commuter Rail Vent Grate Route 39 Bus Loop DRAFT Existing Elements on One Possible Road Configuration DRAFT Accommodate Route DRAFT 39 Bus Loop on Street DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Reshape Commuter Rail Vent Grate DRAFT DRAFT Rotate Orange Line Vent Stack DRAFT DRAFT Move Stair Northward Viable At Grade Sub–Area Design Elements New Washington Street Area The Designer General’s WARNING: The tools we use today for designing and drawing, principally AutoCAD and other software programs, make the process faster, more efficient and make coordination between drawings easier. There is an unfortunate side effect of AutoCAD which is the hard-line style makes all drawings look more finished, more thought out than they may actually be. This often leads people to incorrectly conclude that concepts and ideas shown at the early stages of a design process are finished designs. Let us assure you: this is not the case. Increased Open Space Removal of bridge restores sight lines Wide pedestrian friendly median with landscaping Restricted left turns complicate access No direct link between SWCP and MBTA Accommodates all movements Wide pedestrian friendly median with landscaping Curb side queuing For taxis and buses Adds travel distance for east-west left turns Additional signals DRAFT Reduces turning restrictions to one Intersections move large traffic volumes Pedestrian crossings of two lanes or less Decision points occur before intersection Complicated access points for all users Viable At Grade Sub–Area Design Elements Shea Circle Area –Schematic ONLY DRAFT DRAFT SIGNAL SCHEMES DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT ROTARY SCHEMES DRAFT Revised At Grade Sub–Area Design Elements MBTA Station/ Washington/Asticou-South Streets EXISTING CONDITIONS Double signals at Viaduct Conflicts at South Street S-curve at exit drive Cars parked at Asticou Street Conflicts at taxi stand 2 250’ bus aisles Connection between SW Corridor and Blackwell Footpath at the Arboretum GOALS Improve circulation Address growth opportunity for Forest Hills Station Taking advantage of MBTA parcel development SOURCES Forest Hill Improvement Initiative Working Advisory group Extend Southwest Corridor Extend Southwest Corridor Provide Pick-Up/Drop-Off Areas Extend Southwest Corridor Provide Pick-Up/Drop-Off Areas Relocate & Expand Taxi Stand Extend Southwest Corridor Provide Pick-Up/Drop-Off Areas Relocate & Expand Taxi Stand Extend Bicycle Lanes Extend Southwest Corridor Provide Pick-Up/Drop-Off Areas Relocate & Expand Taxi Stand Extend Bicycle Lanes Route 39 Bus Stop ANOTHER OPTION Route 39 Bus Stop • Requires expansion to accommodate additional buses • Expansion provides for future growth in service ANOTHER OPTION Route 39 Bus Stop Bus Lane with Priority Signal • Allows buses priority through intersection • Minimizes trip time • Reduces conflict with other vehicles ANOTHER OPTION Route 39 Bus Stop Bus Lane with Priority Signal Relocated Taxi Stand •Relieves congestion •Reduces conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles • Centrally located Bridge Concept with Improved Street Network Bridge View: Existing and Simple Option: (Previously Seen) DRAFT Evaluation Criteria The Goals, Objectives and Measures Sequence for Developing Principles and Goals •Previous studies and plans in the area •Federal Sustainability/Livability •MassDOT/GreenDOT goals •City of Boston Complete Streets •Working Advisory Group Evaluation Criteria (Measures of Evaluation) •Why measures are important – Allow for Balanced Analysis of Designs •How measures will be used –Identify a Preferred Alternative Guiding Principles • Improve safety for all users. • Address a structurally deficient bridge. • Protect and respect the design for Arborway Yard. • Develop alternatives that meet Accelerated Bridge Program budget and schedule. Guiding Principles • Adopt Principles of Universal Design (accessible and barrier-free design). • Strive to have an inclusive process for the sharing of information. • Improve quality of life for residents. • Integrate artistic elements in designs. Goals & Measurable Objectives (2-3 measures/objective or 12 - 15 Total) Goals Original Objectives Measurable Objectives Improve roadway geometry to enhance circulation for all modes and users. 21 5 Improve access, modal and intermodal local and regional corridor connections to promote transportation choices 14 3 Integrate sustainability into design concepts 11 4 Remove barriers for neighborhood connections and integrate transit into economic centers and residential areas 21 3 Create a destination and Sense of Place and celebrate the area’s architectural, transportation and open space history 17 2 9 2 93 19 Improve the visibility, connectivity and access to gateway open spaces Total Next Steps Working Group Direction • Finalize a list of 12 to 15 measureable objectives for Evaluation Criteria Alternatives Development and Analysis • Draft set of Alternatives (at-grade and bridge) • Regional Traffic Modeling (Diversions) • Refined Local Traffic Analysis Planning Study Meeting Schedule Meeting 1 Project Purpose, Goals and Existing Conditions Meeting 2 Issues & Opportunities, Evaluation Criteria, 2035 Traffic Projections, Framework for Design Elements Meeting 3 Development of Design Concepts, Refinement of Evaluation Criteria Meeting 4 Establish Alternatives, Apply Evaluation Criteria (MOEs) Meeting 5 Selection of Preferred Alternative Meeting Schedule in 2011 Meeting #4 – Select Alternatives Working Group Meeting #4a: July 13th Working Group Meeting #4b: July 27th Public Meeting & Open House #4: August 3rd Questions? Comments!