CASEY ARBORWAY PROJECT Welcome New DAG Members May 15, 2012 Today’s Agenda 1. Overview of the Planning Phase 2. Project Web Site 3. Casey Project Schedule 4. DAG Design Phase Overview of the Planning Phase The Public Agency Process The Partnership Continues – MassDOT – highway & transit – DCR – owner of surface roadway and signals – City of Boston – owner of adjacent roadways, parks and maintains signals Casey Overpass - Historic Overview 1955 Original Construction 6 lanes 1990 Rehabilitation 4 lanes + sidewalk 2010 Bridge Restrictions 2 lanes 6 4 2 Bridge Condition - Design Flaws Photos from 2010 Inspection - BRIDGE IS SAFE TODAY! ABP Funding • Budgeted $25M to re-deck bridge – bridge deemed beyond useful life. • Original Cost to replace in kind = approximately $52 million with no surface street improvements • MassDOT – once in a lifetime opportunity – engage community and stakeholders to explore solution that met mobility and livability goals. The Challenges • Address a deteriorated bridge – explore viable options for a solution that meets mobility and livability objectives • Address the current surface street issues: confusing, complicated and unsupportive for all modes – Asticou, New Washington, Shea Circle • Utilize existing roadway area – address MBTA infrastructure Orange Line Vent Stack Orange Line Exit Stair Commuter Rail Vent Grate Route 39 Bus Loop The Challenges • Hold transit harmless, improve bike and pedestrian access and circulation • Restore Emerald Necklace connection • Create gateway opportunities to celebrate historic open space and transportation assets • Develop and test designs and traffic solutions that address local and regional needs Confusing and Overly Complicated Street Network T Replace Critical Missing Link T Address Safety, Mobility & Livability Goals in all Designs • Improve Mobility: connections, circulation and access for all modes and users • Enhance Livability: manage vehicular traffic flow; improve the Emerald Necklace connection; improve pedestrian and bicycle access Working Group Contributions Safety Goal: Address structurally deficient bridge Community Directive: •Address confusing surface street network •Accommodate all modes – crossings, intersections, circulation •Hold MBTA transit operations harmless •Include Shea Circle and improve safety at that location The Public Process – 9 Month Planning Phase • 13 Working Advisory Group Meetings • 5 WAG Assignments Completed • 6 Public Meetings & 5 Open Houses • Full documentation of process and progress on Web site WAG Accomplishments • Established guiding principles, goals and objectives • Continued to balance mobility needs with livability opportunities • Challenged the design team to incorporate new ideas based on local concerns • Integral to developing methodology (MOEs, traffic models, design ideas) Traffic Discussions and Products • Discussed at 11 WAG meetings and 5 Public Meetings • Existing conditions analysis – all modes • Traffic and parking counts, license plate survey • Developed local and regional model inputs • Traffic simulations for all modes • Developed 2035 projections • Regional and local traffic model tested against the two conceptual alternatives Urban Design Discussion and Products • Discussed at 12 WAG meetings and 5 public meetings • Reviewed and evaluated past studies • Developed 25 concepts tested with fatal flaw, 14 concepts tested with WAG for each sub area • Developed pedestrian and bike circulation plan • Developed 3 at grade alternatives with 7 iterations, 3 bridge alternatives, narrowed to 2 at-grade and 2 bridge alternatives Measures of Evaluation (MOEs) • Discussed at 11 WAG meetings and all public meetings • Documented every comment by WAG Additional Research Requested • Additional traffic analysis and counts • Comparable local medians, crosswalks, traffic • Review of other cities experience removing viaducts Previous Analyses & Studies Studies and Plans Compiled Since 2000 2010 City of Boston: Centre and South Streets Streetscape and Transportation Action Plan (prepared by Mcmahon Associates) 2008 MBTA Parcels V and W Solicitations and Request For Proposal 2008 BRA: Forest Hills Improvement Initiative: Use and Design Guidelines and Transportation Action Plan (prepared by Traffic Solutions LLC) 2008 BPRD: Franklin Park Transportation and Access Study (prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.) 2008 DCR: Structural Condition Investigation and Traffic Study (prepared by SGH) 2007 DCR: Arborway Traffic Review (prepared by Stantec) 2004 BPRD: Arborway Master Plan (prepared by Rizzo Associates, Inc.) 2001 MOA between City of Boston and MBTA on Arborway Yard 2000 Green Triangle Study Built On Past Work Focus Areas of Past Studies Project Principles Project Principles • Improve Safety • Improve quality of life • Address structurally deficient bridge • Ensure inclusive public process • Integrate artistic elements in designs • Adopt the principles of Universal Design • Respect the design for Arborway Yard • Meet ABP budget and schedule Traffic Analysis Existing and 2035 Traffic Study Area Surface Streets Designed Around the Overpass Top 5 Areas of Concern Today Traffic 2035 All Modes • Address local surface system – New Washington Street and intersections at Hyde Park and South in both alternatives • Address pedestrian, bicycle and transit access, circulation and crossings • Accommodate regional traffic without adversely impacting local conditions • Allow for a local network to support future development and integration with abutting neighborhoods Forest Hills Area - Estimated Actual Build-out FHII Final Forest Hills Area - Estimated Actual Build-out Eight Parcels 3521 Washington St (former Flanagan & Seaton) 3615 Washington St (former Hughes Oil) Arborway Yards Fitzgerald Parking Lot (New owner is LAZ Parking) MBTA Parking Lot MBTA Parcel W MBTA Parcel V MBTA Parcel U Forest Hills Area - Estimated Actual Build-out BUILDOUT DETAILS Base Information: September 23, 2008 Final Community Recommendations estimated the following: • 375 to 461 Housing Units • 98,000 to 118,000 Retail SF • 145,000 to 356,000 Office SF Proposed development of 3529 Washington Street 2011 Updates: Actual Buildout of Parcels V & W LAZ Parking envisions building on the front / corner of the parcel Minor expansion of bus facility & new retail across Washington St. = reduced retail at Arborway Yard Estimated Actual reflects 80% of aggregate Buildout of the 2011 Update/Upper Summary: 310 to 390 Housing Units 132,000 to 165,000 Retail SF 332,000 to 416,000 Office SF 2011 Updates Forest Hills Improvement Initiative Parcels Site MBTA Parcel U MBTA Parcel V (Per Approved Plans) MBTA Parcel W (Per Approved Plans) MBTA Parcel S Station Parking Lot Fitzgerald Parking Lot (now LAZ) Note 2 Arborway Yard Parcel Note 3 Housing Units Retail/Service Area (sf) Office/Comm Area (sf) Total Bldg Area (sf) FHII Final 2011 Update / Upper 120 4,000 - 143,000 120 4,000 - 143,000 FHII Final Actual / Permitted 8 4,000 - 12,800 - 4,011 8,022 12,033 FHII Final Actual / Permitted 40 10,000 2,000 56,000 - 12,983 19,286 32,269 FHII Final 2011 Update / Upper - 42,000 169,000 211,000 - 42,000 169,000 210,000 FHII Final 2011 Update / Upper 135 15,000 - 163,000 80 15,000 - 125,000 FHII Final 2011 Update / Upper 160 45,000 128,000 348,000 160 35,000 125,000 330,000 Upper - 30,000 60,000 90,000 Upper 30 22,000 35,000 90,000 Buildout Range 2011 Update / Upper Estimated Actual Housing Retail/Service Office/Comm Total Area 390 165,000 416,000 1,032,000 310 132,000 332,000 826,000 Buildout Range Note 1 Washington St. Parcels (New) 3615 Wash. St. (Huges Oil) 3529 Wash. St. (Flan. & Seaton) All Parcels Totals 2035 No Build Traffic Volumes 2035 Regional Model (CTPS) Local Development Parcels (City) 2035 No Build Traffic Volumes 2035 No Build Growth Summary Assuming NO change to local roadways, travel patterns, etc…… Vehicular Volumes: Casey Overpass (Regional): + 5% Surface Roads (Regional & Local): + 12% Non-Motorized (Peds & Bikes): + 13% Transit Ridership: + 10% How the Analysis was Performed 1. 2. 3. Base Year Calibrated - 2010 Forecast Year No-build – 2035 Alternatives developed – CTPS performed regional analysis • Overall volumes • Travel times • Air Quality 4. 5. Regional analysis results provided to project team Project team examined local traffic operations Design The Path of Design Improving Mobility And Livability Design Identified Ideas to: • Address local concerns around the MBTA station for drop off, taxi, and bus stops • Protect local neighbors from cut through traffic (Asticou, New Washington) • Allow for off- and on-street bicycle circulation for recreation users and commuters • Integrate sustainable design concepts Design Identified alternatives to: • Remove barriers that impede connections to abutting JP areas, block vistas of open space and historic architectural resources • Create Gateways for Southwest Corridor Park, Franklin Park at Shea Circle and the Arboretum SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR PARK ARNOLD ARBORETUM FRANKLIN PARK Restore Parkway in the Spirit of Olmsted Utilize full width of corridor to separate modes with generous planted medians Olmsted’s 1892 Plan for the Arborway Conceptual Alternatives DESIGN At-Grade Conceptual Alternative DESIGNER GENERAL’S WARNING: THE DESIGN SHOWN HERE IS PRELIMINARY AND CONCEPTUAL, DESPITE THE HARD LINE FINISHED STYLE RESULTING FROM THE SOFTWARE PROGRAMS USED The Experience - New Washington Street Relocated Orange Line Head house Olmsted tree line boulevard Off street bike lanes connect to and cross at intersections Area for community gathering Bus #39 remains at current location passenger loading at intersection On street bike lanes Area for crossings – approx 20’ wide for bikes and pedestrians Landscaped median allows for minimal plantings in this section Bridge Conceptual Alternative DESIGNER GENERAL’S WARNING: THE DESIGN SHOWN HERE IS PRELIMINARY AND CONCEPTUAL, DESPITE THE HARD LINE FINISHED STYLE RESULTING FROM THE SOFTWARE PROGRAMS USED The Experience - New Washington Street Bus #39 remains at current location passenger loading at intersection Regional vehicular traffic located above Area for community gathering Off street Bike lanes connect to and cross at intersections On street bike lanes Usable contiguous open space connections Area for crossings – approx 20’ wide for bikes and pedestrians Measure of Evaluation (MOEs) The Measures of Evaluation (MOEs) • Approach Taken to Casey’s MOEs • • WAG Integral to the formation and evolution of the MOEs – developed over the 9 months • • All modes, livability objectives, new measures Principles (fatal flaw), Goals, Objectives and Measures MOE’s used throughout the process and to evaluate alternatives on their own merits • MOEs’ shaped the alternatives (i.e., surface streets redesigned for all alternatives – rendering some MOEs obsolete) MOEs – The Distribution MOEs Mobility Livability Goals 3 3 Objectives 9 7 Measures 16 15 Applied to Existing Conditions and both Conceptual Alternatives MOEs – The Results Existing Conditions Bridge At-Grade Mobility -10 3 7 Livability -10 0 13 Total -20 3 20 MOEs Conceptual Alternatives TRAFFIC How can traffic operations be similar? • North-south traffic volumes unchanged between alternatives • At-grade offers additional improvements to critical northsouth link on South Street • Removal of Bridge only adds east-west through traffic to surface streets (additional thru lanes provided at-grade) • All turning movements happen at grade regardless East West Regional Travel • Regional travel times relatively unchanged for overall trip • Any in-bound delays at grade on New Washington are offset by existing delays at Murray Circle • In fact, the new design of New Washington may “meter” the travel times, providing more systematic processing of traffic Local Diversions (cut-through) • Concerns on cut through focused on east/west travel. • The At-Grade Alternative increases east/west travel by only 30 to 90 seconds. • The travel times along alternate routes (potential cut-through routes) are greater than the proposed at-grade network Future Traffic Conditions: Summary Improved over existing conditions and minimal difference between the alternatives for: • Pedestrian/Bike/Transit Operations • Overall Vehicle Capacity • No Added or Diverted Traffic • Overall Travel Times Remain Constant Traffic is not a differentiator between alternatives The Selected Alternative At-Grade The Basis for Decision • Safety and Benefits • Extensive Community Involvement (6 public meetings and 13 working group meetings in 9 months) • Removing visual barriers to connect neighborhoods • Restoring the Emerald Necklace and connecting open space areas • Traffic not a differentiator The Basis for Decision • Advanced bike and pedestrian connections (north/south and east/west) • Improved bus operations in and around the area • Measures of Evaluation • Cost Estimates – design, construction and lifecycle Estimated Cost of Conceptual Alternatives Item Bridge At-Grade Demolition Construction Bridge replacement $30.2 Million New Washington Corridor $31.1 Million New Washington & Shea $36.3 Million Asticou and Shea $9.1 Million MBTA $12.2 million Improvements Maintenance Total +$73 Million $53 Million Both alternatives include costs for Shea at $6 million as each design is interchangeable Project Web Site For Detailed Results Casey Project Web Site Documents Traffic Documents • Traffic flow maps by mode • Level of Service by Mode • CTPS graphics • Travel Time Analysis Meetings • Notices • Presentations • Graphics • Minutes Casey Arborway Project Schedule Accelerated Bridge Program Opportunity Project Schedule 25% Design Submission by September 2012 75% Design Submission by March 2013 Final Design July 2013 Construction Completion Advertise September 2013 September 2016 PLANNING STUDY 2011 25% DESIGN 2012 TO FINAL DESIGN 2013 DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION 2014 2015 Community Involvement Throughout Project Select Alternative 25% To Final Design Review Construction Staging & Traffic Management Planning and Phasing Construction Management Meetings 2016 Design Process • Planning Stage - COMPLETED • 25% Design – Identifies design parameters: – Horizontal and vertical alignments – Signal phasing – Urban design and landscaping – File the environmental notification form (ENF) • 75% Design – Includes additional design detail (plans/specifications) based on 25% review • Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PSE) – Finalizes all construction-related documents Design Advisory Group Technical Focus Design Phase Casey Arborway Project – 2012-2013 Community Participation – DRAFT Design Schedule 2012 25% Design Begins File ENF* Submit Receive All 25% Design Comments MAR APR MAY JUN WAG DAG DAG DAG JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC DAG PUB MTG WAG = Working Advisory Group MEPA SITE MTG 25% DESIGN PUBLIC HEARING MEPA = Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act DAG = Design Advisory Group 2013 Submit Receive All 75% Design Comments JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN DAG DAG 75% DESIGN PUBLIC MEETING *ENF=Environmental Notification Form DAG Submit PS&E** Design Advertise JUL AUG SEP OCT PS&E** DESIGN PUBLIC MEETING **PS&E=Plans, Specifications, and Estimates The Community Partnership: WAGDAG Next Phase: Design • Maintain guiding principles, goals and objectives • Integral to developing designs and addressing operational issues • Continue to balance mobility needs with livability opportunities • Continue to challenge the design team to incorporate new ideas based on local concerns Community Concerns • Construction Management – Logistics, traffic management, protection of neighborhoods, commuters, business and transit • Strategies to protect neighborhoods from cut through traffic Community Concerns - Continued • MBTA bus trips travel time – during and post construction • Coordination with small businesses before and during demolition and construction • Arborway Yard and the ABP program Proposed DAG Meetings 25% Design Phase - Meeting Topics • Construction Management • Logistics and plans • Traffic plans and management for all modes, • Cut through traffic, business access • Livability • Urban Design – gateways • Landscaping and open space • Mobility • Roadway and intersection design, signalization, medians and non-peak hour designs Casey Arborway Project – 2012 Community Participation - DRAFT Schedule D E S I G N M E E T I N G S 25% Design Begins Submit 25% Receive All Design for 25% Design Comments Review File ENF MAR APR MAY JUN JUL WAG1 DAG DAG 1 DAG 2 DAG 3 DAG4 Public Meeting AUG SEP MEPA Site Meeting 25% Design Public Hearing Meeting Topics DAG1 Design: (Shea Circle & Asticou Rd/Washington St) DAG2 Design Charrette: (SWCP, MBTA Plaza & Franklin Park) DAG3 Design: Traffic (roadway cross sections & operations) DAG4 Construction and Traffic Management OCT Casey Arborway Project Discussion