McMAHON ASSOCIATES 300 Myles Standish Boulevard | Taunton, MA 02780 p 508-823-2245 | f 508-823-2246 PRINCIPALS MEMORANDUM Joseph W. McMahon, P.E. Joseph J. DeSantis, P.E., PTOE John S. DePalma William T. Steffens Casey A. Moore, P.E. Gary R. McNaughton, P.E., PTOE ASSOCIATES TO: Steve McLaughlin, MassDOT FROM: Gary McNaughton, P.E., PTOE SUBJECT: Casey Overpass Project – CDM Smith Peer Review Comments DATE: May 23, 2012 John J. Mitchell, P.E. Christopher J. Williams, P.E. John F. Yacapsin, P.E. R. Trent Ebersole, P.E. A peer review of the traffic analysis for the Casey Overpass project was performed by CDM Smith in December 2011 and a comment letter was received on January 10, 2012. Below is a summary of our responses to CDM Smith’s peer review comments. General Comments Comment 1 Although the ‘No Build’ alternative is not a viable option, it is recommended that a written summary of Level of Service (LOS) and Queue analysis results for the 2035 No Build condition be provided. Providing a No Build analysis summary will clearly illustrate the difference in LOS and vehicle queuing between the “in‐kind” replacement of the structure (with no network improvements), the at‐grade Build Alternative and the Bridge Build Alternative. Response 1 The No‐Build condition has been analyzed and will be incorporated into the ENF filing documents. McMahon has provided No‐Build LOS and queue comparisons based upon Synchro results. Comment 2 Based on our review of the materials, it is our understanding that Synchro was used to determine levels of service and vehicle queuing. Why was SimTraffic or VISSIM not used to obtain levels of service and vehicle queuing as they could provide a better understanding of the traffic operations of the system versus each intersection in isolation? Corporate Headquarters: Fort Washington, Pennsylvania Serving the East Coast from 10 offices throughout the Mid-Atlantic, New England, and Florida Response 2 Synchro remains the most manageable and professionally accepted comparison. VISSIM was used to provide visual assessments of the operations. Additionally, select analysis results from VISSIM were reviewed for comparison to the Synchro results at key intersections. Comment 3 A table summarizing 50th and 95th percentile queue lengths was provided in the appendix for the existing and the two (2) Build Alternatives. However, the available storage length for each lane group was not specified; the level of impact due to spillback on the adjacent intersections cannot be determined. We recognize that the storage lengths would change between existing conditions and the build alternatives. It is recommended that the available storage be provided for each lane group. Response 3 The available storage has been added alongside queuing table for comparison purposes. An updated Queue table is provided. Comment 4 It appears the existing conditions were not modeled using VISSIM. Providing an existing conditions model in VISSIM, which can be calibrated based on actual queue lengths in the field, is recommended. Response 4 While the modeling and calibration of existing conditions in VISSIM would have been beneficial for public presentation purposes, the future conditions for an at‐grade solution vary too much from existing conditions to derive any significant benefit from an existing conditions analysis and calibration. Comment 5 It appears that a traffic operations analysis was not conducted at Shea Circle. Although Shea Circle is technically beyond the limits of the project, however, traffic operations at this location will impact the entire traffic network. It is recommended that a traffic analysis be performed and summarized for this location under Existing, No Build, and Build Alternatives consistent with the surrounding intersections. Response 5 Shea Circle will be reconfigured to a traditional intersection layout and an analysis has been prepared in Synchro. Updated LOS and queue summary tables are provided and include this intersection (Arborway at Forest Hills Drive) Existing Conditions Comment 6 Input traffic volumes in Synchro appear incorrect during PM peak period at the following intersections: • Arborway On‐Ramp/South Street/N. Washington Street (NB approach) • Morton St./Courthouse Parking area/Arborway EB Road (EB approach) Response 6 (A)Volumes in Synchro are correct for the Arborway On‐Ramp/South St intersection. They have been adjusted to fit the BTD Synchro model where this intersection was analyzed as one intersection instead of two individual intersections, whereas the counts and volume graphics depict this intersection as two separate intersections. (B) Eastbound volumes at the Morton St/Arborway EB Road were updated in Synchro to match the volumes shown on turning movement graphic. There was no significant change in analysis results. Comment 7 Use of Peak Hour Factors in Synchro – A default peak hour factor of 0.92 was used at the Arborway Off‐Ramp/South Street intersection (AM peak period only). During the PM peak, actual peak hour factors were utilized. At other intersections, actual peak hour factors were utilized. Response 7 The AM peak hour factors for the intersection of Arborway Off‐Ramp/South St have been updated to reflect actual peak hour factors. Existing Synchro model has been updated and LOS summary has been updated. The change results in an overall decrease of LOS, further supporting the need for a new alternative. Updated LOS Summary Table is provided. Comment 8 Use of Heavy Vehicle Percents in Synchro – A default heavy vehicle percent of 2 percent was used at the Arborway Off‐Ramp/South Street intersection (AM peak period only). During PM peak, it appears that actual heavy vehicle percents were entered. At other intersections, actual heavy vehicle percents were entered. Response 8 The AM truck percentages for the intersection of Arborway Off‐Ramp/South St have been updated to reflect actual truck percentages. Existing Synchro file has been updated and LOS summary has been updated. The change results in an overall decrease of LOS, further supporting the need for a new alternative. Updated LOS Summary Table is provided. Comment 9 Traffic signal timings/cycle length – It appears that the traffic signal timings and cycle length used in the existing conditions analysis does not match the available signal plan information. Were the signal timings/cycle lengths adjusted based on field observations? Response 9 Signal timings were adjusted to match field observations. No Build Conditions Comment 10 Did the CTPS model provide link volumes taking into consideration the mode split associated with the background traffic growth? Response 10 Yes, CTPS did account for mode split. See below for CTPS summary table for the mode split changes that were used. TOTAL 2007 am 2007 pm 2030 am 2030 pm %Auto D % Auto O % Transit D % Transit O % Walk D % Walk O 0.70 0.61 0.10 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.74 0.77 0.14 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.68 0.58 0.11 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.72 0.75 0.15 0.10 0.13 0.15 Comment 11 How was the mode split calculated for the eight (8) projects considered in addition to the background traffic growth? Response 11 BTD standard mode split methodology was applied for this zone (Zone 6) and has been attached to this document. Comment 12 Input traffic volumes in Synchro appear incorrect during the AM peak period at the following intersections: • Arborway On‐Ramp/South Street/N. Washington Street (NB approach) Response 12 Volumes in Synchro are correct for the Arborway On‐Ramp/South St intersection. As described in Response 6A, they have been adjusted to fit the BTD Synchro model where this intersection was analyzed as one intersection instead of two individual intersections, whereas the counts and volume graphics depict this intersection as two separate intersections. Comment 13 Use of Peak Hour Factors in Synchro – What is the rationale in increasing the peak hour factors between existing and no‐build at the Arborway Off‐Ramp/South Street intersection (AM peak period only)? During the PM peak, it appears that the existing peak hour factors were utilized. At other intersections, the existing peak hour factors were utilized. Response 13 The actual peak hour factors used in the No Build AM analysis are correct. The existing peak hour factors were changed from the default to reflect actual conditions to match the no build analysis and the increase in peak hour factor from existing to no build has been eliminated. Existing conditions have been updated reflect the correct peak hour factors as shown in item #7. Comment 14 Traffic signal timings/cycle length – It appears that the traffic signal timings were adjusted between existing and no‐build conditions. Although No Build conditions typically indicate no changes are made to existing roadway networks and intersection operations, we concur with this approach, as it appears reasonable to expect future timing adjustments provided by Boston Transportation Department (BTD). Response 14 Yes, signal timings were optimized assuming that future timing adjustments would be implemented by BTD. Build Conditions – At‐Grade & Bridge Alternatives Comment 15 Input traffic volumes in Synchro appear incorrect during the AM peak period under the Bridge Alternative at the following intersection: • Arborway Off‐Ramp/South Street/Washington Street (NB approach) Response 15 Volumes in Synchro are correct for the Arborway On‐Ramp/South St intersection. They have been adjusted to fit the BTD Synchro model where this intersection was analyzed as one intersection instead of two individual intersections, whereas the counts and volume graphics depict this intersection as two separate intersections. Comment 16 Summary table – Please check the summary table entitled “Capacity Analysis Summary– Weekday Afternoon Peak Hour”; for the Washington Street/Ukraine Way intersection, the letter showing LOS is missing under the Bridge Alternative. Response 16 The LOS Summary file has been updated to correct this. Updated LOS Summary table provided. Pedestrian and Bicycle Analysis Comment 17 The pedestrian and bicycle growth between existing and future conditions seems higher than the vehicular growth. Please clarify if the CTPS model was used to estimate the growth for non‐vehicular modes. Response 17 Yes, the pedestrian/bike growth was based on the CTPS model mode share for background growth. For the BRA development parcels, the mode split was based on BTD’s standards. VISSIM Model Comment 18 Was VISSIM utilized solely as a visual tool? There is no summary of Measures of Effectiveness (MOE’s) using VISSIM provided in the materials. Response 18 At this point, yes, VISSIM has primarily been used as a visual tool and to adjust signal timings Comment 19 How were the VISSIM models calibrated for use in future analysis? Response 19 Although we tweaked signal timings and worked to manage queue spillbacks, it is not possible to calibrate a future condition; particularly of a street network that currently doesn’t exist. Comment 20 The following intersections were modeled in Synchro, but were not modeled in VISSIM: • McBride and Washington (not in Appendix 2 diagram either); • Bus Lane & Washington Street; • Tower St and Hyde Park Ave; • Ukraine Way and Hyde Park Ave; • Ukraine Way and Washington St; • Walk Hill and Hyde Park Ave; • MBTA Repair Facility and Washington St. Response 20 While Synchro was used to analyze all of the study area intersections, VISSIM was used only for the east‐west corridor. Comment 21 For signalized locations in VISSIM, detectors are drawn in the files and, although they are labeled as “disabled”, a call is indicated. Response 21 As noted in the comment, the detectors are working properly and vehicles are placing calls for their appropriate phases. Comment 22 Peak hour factors and % heavy vehicles – many intersections (both signalized and unsignalized) are the default values – However, it appears that for the major study intersections actual values have been entered. Response 22 Peak hour factor is not a direct input in VISSIM, unlike in Synchro which considers the highest 15‐minutes of peak hour traffic and analyzes as though the highest 15‐minutes of traffic occurs simultaneously on every approach. Vehicles in VISSIM are distributed based on random seeds which present a more realistic model. A standard two percent heavy vehicle percentage was applied to the vehicle fleet in the VISSIM model which is comparable to what was observed within the study area. In addition, routing decisions were introduced for the specific bus routes in the study area. The buses were routed based on the projected arrival/departure times. Capacity Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐May 2012 Weekday Morning Peak Hour Existing 2010 Intersection Movement LOS South Street at EB R New Washington Street/ Arborway Ramps LT WB LTR NB LTR SB L TR Overall South Street at EB LR Washington Street/ WB LR MBTA Busway#2 NB LT SB TR Overall Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR Overall Washington Street at WB L R Ukraine Way NB TR SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR Walk Hill Street NB TR SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at EB L R Ukraine Way NB LT SB TR Overall Washington Street at EB LR Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR NB TR SB LT Overall Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR Overall Washington Street at EB R New Washington St/ Orchard Hill Road L T Arborway WB Surface Road/ WB LTR NB LT SB LT R Overall Morton Street (Route 203)/ EB LTR Cemetery Road WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR Overall 1 2 3 Level‐of‐Service Average vehicle delay in seconds Volume to capacity ratio 1 Delay 2 V/C No Build 2035 3 LOS Delay V/C F A 278.2 1.4 1.34 0.30 F A 104.2 1.4 0.84 0.34 E D F B D 64.8 41.6 85.5 17.4 50.4 0.81 0.89 0.88 0.24 1.34 F F F C F 181.8 83.9 542.5 20.3 113.7 1.19 1.09 2.05 0.34 2.05 F D C C E 243.2 36.8 24.0 29.5 65.0 0.89 0.25 0.79 0.45 0.89 F C D C D 90.8 23.9 36.8 23.4 41.8 1.02 0.27 0.86 0.48 1.02 A A A 2.5 1.7 2.2 0.34 0.18 0.34 A A A 2.8 0.9 2.1 0.37 0.21 0.37 E B C C B C 59.5 17.9 20.1 25.8 18.4 23.6 0.69 0.81 0.37 0.53 0.21 0.81 E B C B A C 57.8 18.5 25.6 15.5 7.8 22.6 0.73 0.82 0.46 0.60 0.23 0.82 B C E A C 17.7 31.1 68.6 6.1 26.6 0.78 0.68 0.62 0.21 0.78 B C E A C 17.4 33.6 55.6 7.5 26.7 0.79 0.74 0.65 0.23 0.79 D C D D D 54.8 23.4 37.0 40.3 37.5 0.76 0.62 0.87dl 0.49 0.84 E C E A D 75.2 25.3 78.7 6.2 53.9 0.90 0.64 1.37dl 0.35 1.11 D C B B B 53.0 26.7 16.0 10.6 16.0 0.56 0.19 0.43 0.24 0.56 E C B A B 61.1 26.1 11.6 3.4 11.0 0.56 0.19 0.45 0.27 0.56 A B A A 0.0 14.0 2.7 9.9 0.01 0.43 0.27 0.43 C A A A 26.2 1.0 3.3 2.1 0.14 0.44 0.23 0.44 E E B F C C A D 62.2 77.9 10.8 86.6 26.4 34.4 2.2 48.1 0.71 0.86 0.28 1.01 0.69 0.59 0.12 1.01 E E A E C C A D 76.7 63.3 7.0 72.9 32.7 30.0 3.8 46.7 0.95 0.87 0.22 0.96 0.87 0.61 0.13 0.96 A D B C C 8.9 35.4 17.4 33.6 29.0 0.37 1.00 0.02 0.72 1.00 A C C D C 7.6 32.9 21.4 48.1 28.3 0.37 1.00 0.02 0.83 1.00 Queue Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ May 2012 Weekday Morning Peak Hour Existing 2010 50th Queue 95th Queue Lengths3 LT ~76 #178 R 0 0 148 163 80 102 211 #630 #205 157 66 0 ~186 ~665 ~117 142 #154 0 #283 m#771 #243 191 600 600 550 160 350 350 265 33 146 203 368 76 #475 279 ~317 17 376 226 #526 46 #487 m222 430 500 400 160 South Street at EB Arborway Ramps WB LTR NB LTR SB Storage 95th Queue2 Movement New Washington Street/ No Build 2035 50th Queue1 Intersection L TR South Street at EB LR Washington Street/ WB LR MBTA Busway#2 NB LT SB TR Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR 81 36 127 40 220 21 46 m25 460 400 Washington Street at WB L 117 m114 R 58 m196 139 76 188 72 60 m113 m99 286 102 87 210 210 1000+ 460 460 16 439 181 102 0 #601 249 105 180 330 370 640 189 120 ~316 94 #311 247 #970 72 210 210 630 400 88 44 m184 34 440 1000+ 150 330 Ukraine Way NB TR 144 225 SB L 119 88 212 184 T Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR 14 0 Walk Hill Street NB TR 395 484 L T 187 79 256 94 L 148 232 R 104 224 NB LT SB TR 418 167 #768 308 Washington Street at EB LR 35 88 Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR 11 43 NB TR SB LT 255 50 393 138 36 11 217 24 Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR 0 18 0 0 #446 m91 1 2 23 25 13 m101 150 330 260 Washington Street at EB L 139 182 T 164 #230 #282 #269 17 #344 151 181 m32 510 500 160 1000+ 260 880 270 111 #662 12 #238 200 1000+ 300 240 SB Hyde Park Avenue at EB Ukraine Way Arborway WB Surface Road/ New Washington St/ Orchard Hill Road R WB LTR NB LT SB LT R Morton Street (Route 203)/ EB LTR Cemetery Road WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR 1 50th Percentile Queue Length in feet 2 95th Percentile Queue Length, in feet 3 Available Storage Length, in feet N/A Not Applicable 0 29 ~253 137 151 0 #336 324 192 24 188 160 7 266 126 140 0 74 ~384 3 97 132 #669 11 171 81 ~449 3 117 Capacity Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐May 2012 Weekday Evening Peak Hour No Build 2035 Existing 2010 Intersection Movement South Street at EB Delay V/C 91.2 216.9 280.8 74.0 84.2 30.0 0.90 0.68 1.24 0.93 0.91 0.56 F 83.0 0.81 R F 150.0 0.64 WB LTR NB LTR SB L TR F D D C 87.2 35.6 48.2 32.0 0.77 0.78 0.62 0.52 F F F E F C Overall E 68.4 0.81 F 141.6 1.24 F D B C D 101.0 0.97 39.6 0.34 13.8 29.4 38.8 0.45 0.64 0.97 F D C D D 106.9 38.4 21.3 42.2 47.4 1.04 0.34 0.56 0.78 1.04 A A A 1.6 0.8 1.1 0.20 0.29 0.29 A A A 2.8 1.2 1.9 0.24 0.33 0.33 L D 44.8 0.75 R B 11.5 0.67 NB TR SB L B D A C 17.2 52.4 8.6 26.8 0.35 0.97 0.29 0.97 F E D E A D 113.4 61.0 37.0 58.1 7.7 50.0 0.95 0.71 0.67 0.93 0.33 0.95 54.9 39.7 52.4 22.1 35.8 0.91 0.61 0.84 0.53 0.91 South Street at EB LR Washington Street/ WB LR MBTA Busway#2 NB LT SB TR Overall Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR Overall Washington Street at LOS LT New Washington Street/ Arborway Ramps LOS1 Delay2 V/C3 WB Ukraine Way T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR F 80.3 1.00 Walk Hill Street NB TR C 33.7 0.49 SB L C T A C 32.4 4.8 26.9 0.79 0.46 1.00 D D D C D E B B B C 55.6 19.4 14.2 18.4 20.4 0.78 0.76 0.99dl 0.74 0.78 D E D C D 37.6 72.3 35.5 29.9 40.2 0.81 0.88 2.11dl 0.83 0.88 D C B A B 49.3 34.8 11.2 8.1 10.9 0.34 0.25 0.43 0.58 0.58 C A A A 26.2 2.9 6.1 5.1 0.23 0.49 0.60 0.60 78.0 61.4 5.6 67.4 14.9 46.6 4.7 42.5 0.95 0.85 0.37 0.93 0.64 0.91 0.26 0.95 38.7 18.4 13.4 169.7 56.8 0.98 0.76 0.03 1.29 1.29 Overall Hyde Park Avenue at EB Ukraine Way L R NB SB LT TR Overall Washington Street at EB LR E 58.6 0.34 Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR C 34.1 0.23 NB TR SB LT B A A 14.3 2.6 9.5 0.37 0.52 0.52 C A A B 34.6 0.26 9.0 0.53 9.6 10.6 0.59 0.59 L E 60.4 0.68 T E 73.2 0.82 Overall Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR Overall Washington Street at R A 9.9 0.35 WB LTR NB LT SB LT E A C A C 59.9 5.5 31.8 1.9 34.9 0.87 0.48 0.61 0.18 0.87 E E A E B D A D B B B F E 19.4 13.1 15.9 230.5 58.7 0.82 0.64 0.03 1.43 1.43 D B B F E EB Arborway WB Surface Road/ New Washington St/ Orchard Hill Road R Overall Morton Street (Route 203)/ EB LTR Cemetery Road WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR Overall Queue Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ September 2011 Weekday Evening Peak Hour Existing 2010 95th Queue2 50th Queue 95th Queue Storage Lengths LT 96 #174 R 0 66 TR 219 262 68 217 271 m#446 #223 370 127 30 ~315 348 105 246 #248 133 #445 m#505 #276 365 600 600 550 160 350 350 #523 65 223 m410 430 500 400 160 Intersection Movement South Street at EB New Washington Street/ Arborway Ramps WB LTR NB LTR SB No Build 2035 50th Queue1 L South Street at EB LR 267 #468 Washington Street/ WB LR 24 59 MBTA Busway#2 NB LT SB TR 112 321 128 286 ~322 26 176 438 Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR 30 10 35 m15 71 10 82 m31 460 400 Washington Street at WB L 124 137 R 60 48 183 86 248 294 94 m#268 141 #330 #582 133 210 210 1000+ 460 460 158 266 312 323 116 #345 m#434 480 180 330 370 640 204 368 230 505 m215 m444 #282 #748 210 210 630 400 27 27 180 91 m59 69 200 121 440 1000+ 150 330 7 20 154 42 22 m188 150 330 260 186 151 6 252 62 347 22 #346 #280 26 #361 91 #483 m72 510 500 160 1000+ 260 880 270 360 215 4 #532 295 14 ~412 #615 200 1000+ 300 240 Ukraine Way NB TR SB L 132 196 T ~324 160 #515 176 Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR ~156 117 Walk Hill Street NB TR 217 281 L T 241 95 #263 114 L 148 m144 R 89 m114 NB LT SB TR 116 447 m135 #655 Washington Street at EB LR 29 m58 Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR 25 65 NB TR SB LT 256 36 243 42 Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB Washington Street at EB SB Hyde Park Avenue at EB Ukraine Way Arborway WB Surface Road/ New Washington St/ Orchard Hill Road 53 104 LTR 61 153 29 187 L 134 202 T 156 228 R WB LTR NB LT SB LT R Morton Street (Route 203)/ EB LTR Cemetery Road WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR 1 50th Percentile Queue Length in feet 2 95th Percentile Queue Length, in feet 3 Available Storage Length, in feet N/A Not Applicable 0 47 222 13 234 0 286 39 323 30 277 165 5 ~418 371 228 15 #617 Capacity Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ May 2012 Weekday Morning Peak Hour At Grade Alternative 1 B A C C D C D C 10.3 9.3 20.3 24.4 43.0 34.6 38.6 22.2 0.53 0.48 0.97 0.82 0.71 0.55 1.15dl 0.97 D C C C 42.4 28.1 23.9 29.3 0.84 0.87 0.51 0.87 B A A 12.5 2.2 9.0 0.75 0.22 0.75 D B C A B A B 44.0 15.7 33.1 5.1 11.0 9.5 19.3 0.75 0.82 0.68 0.33 0.51 0.27 0.82 B C E A C 14.6 31.6 60.1 9.0 26.1 0.77 0.81 0.91 0.26 0.91 E B C B C 71.2 13.8 28.1 16.8 27.3 0.91 0.64 1.23dl 0.46 0.98 D B B B B 38.8 19.2 12.3 10.8 12.9 0.58 0.19 0.47 0.28 0.58 C A A A 23.6 1.8 2.8 2.2 0.03 0.44 0.23 0.44 B F B E C C C C E 18.2 88.8 11.4 64.7 20.9 28.7 34.1 34.5 55.7 0.85 1.15 0.39 1.05 0.31 0.60 0.09 0.11 1.15 C C C F C C B F 32.1 21.5 28.2 277.0 32.6 24.4 12.3 119.9 0.85 0.69 0.07 1.54 0.44 0.09 0.63 1.54 B A C B 14.5 1.0 20.6 12.8 0.53 0.41 1.00 1.00 B B A A 13.0 16.9 1.7 7.5 0.50 0.65 0.55 0.65 B F C F F 17.7 260.6 26.1 85.5 183.8 1.55dl 0.93 0.03 0.98 0.98 South Street at EB T R WB TR NB L T R SB LTR Overall South Street at EB LR Washington Street NB LT MBTA Busway#2 SB TR Overall Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR Overall Washington Street at WB L R Ukraine Way NB T R SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR Walk Hill Street NB TR SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at EB L R Ukraine Way NB LT SB TR Overall Washington Street at EB LR Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR NB TR SB LT Overall Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR Overall Washington Street at EB TR Arborway WB Surface Road/ WB TR New Washington St NB L TR SB L TR NE L SW L Overall Arborway at EB L TR Forest Hills Drive WB L TR NB LTR SB LT R Overall Arborway at EB U T East Bowtie WB T Overall Arborway at EB T West Bowtie WB U T Overall Morton Street (Route 203) EB LTR at Cemetery Road WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR Overall 1 Level‐of‐Service 2 Average vehicle delay in seconds 3 Volume to capacity ratio 3 V/C Movement LOS New Washington Street/ 2 Delay Intersection Queue Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ May 2012 Weekday Morning Peak Hour At Grade Alternative Intersection Movement South Street at EB New Washington Street/ Arborway Ramps T R WB TR NB L T R SB LTR South Street at EB LR Washington Street/ NB LT MBTA Busway#2 SB TR Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR Washington Street at WB L Ukraine Way R NB T R SB L T Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR Walk Hill Street NB TR SB L T Hyde Park Avenue at EB Ukraine Way L R NB LT SB TR Washington Street at EB LR Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR NB TR SB LT Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR Washington Street at EB TR Arborway WB Surface Road/ WB TR New Washington St/ NB L TR SB L TR Arborway at NE L SW L EB L Forest Hills Drive TR WB L TR NB SB LTR LT R Arborway at EB East Bowtie U T WB T Arborway at EB T West Bowtie WB U T Morton Street (Route 203) at Cemetery Road 1 50th Percentile Queue Length in feet 2 95th Percentile Queue Length, in feet 3 Available Storage Length, in feet N/A Not Applicable EB LTR WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR 1 Storage 2 50th Queue 95th Queue Length3 75 57 ~237 76 131 90 94 97 169 m177 m49 m106 m54 132 620 200 480 60 150 150 100 174 31 73 233 #533 #202 430 400 160 487 21 #724 39 460 400 113 90 209 0 58 70 m132 m122 #409 39 116 142 210 210 1000+ 1000+ 460 460 10 ~341 100 44 8 #507 #236 170 180 330 370 640 129 22 ~465 30 #245 76 #466 162 210 210 630 400 25 7 191 99 71 34 m242 116 440 1000+ 150 330 0 7 12 11 17 m71 150 330 260 ~148 ~591 10 ~314 19 126 7 9 #419 m#589 14 #355 43 164 26 29 460 600 70 120 160 800 n/a n/a 143 228 18 ~533 51 11 171 #577 285 m23 m#595 77 27 275 130 960 1000+ 1000+ 110 390 390 84 0 118 m96 m39 m#533 200 600 740 154 175 15 193 m201 m36 1000+ 300 620 123 355 4 136 148 #671 14 #289 400 1000+ 1000+ 700 Capacity Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ May 2012 Weekday Afternoon Peak Hour At Grade Alternative 1 D C C C C B E C 35.5 20.5 25.4 29.7 27.8 19.1 63.4 31.9 0.90 0.71 0.91 0.60 0.27 0.46 0.92 0.92 D C C C 52.1 22.4 31.0 32.1 0.84 0.58 0.63 0.84 A A A 8.9 3.7 5.9 0.52 0.37 0.52 F C D A D B D 109.2 21 36.3 5.9 50.8 11.2 37.2 0.95 0.71 0.63 0.38 0.91 0.38 0.95 E D D B C 62.8 36.5 37 13 29.4 0.94 0.56 0.82 0.51 0.94 E D C D C 60.8 35.6 23.3 36.4 34.8 0.80 0.90 1.42dl 0.80 0.90 E D A A A 75.6 47.8 8.2 3.1 7.8 0.60 0.43 0.40 0.54 0.60 C A A A 30.2 1.5 6.8 4.8 0.23 0.46 0.56 0.56 E C E D C F E E D 61.2 26.3 69.3 37.9 32.7 83.2 55.6 55.4 51.4 1.07 0.82 0.80 0.82 0.48 1.05 0.14 0.13 1.07 D C D C D D C C 42.4 23.1 49.1 32.0 45.6 46.9 23.4 29.0 0.76 0.70 0.05 0.82 0.18 0.23 0.74 0.82 D A B B 52.3 4.3 17.1 13.1 0.64 0.61 0.70 0.70 D E A C 38.8 69.0 0.1 30.8 0.92 0.87 0.38 0.92 F C B F F 225.5 31.4 17.1 100.6 131.2 1.45 0.79 0.03 1.10 1.45 South Street at EB T R WB TR NB L T R SB LTR Overall South Street at EB LR Washington Street/ NB LT MBTA Busway#2 SB TR Overall Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR Overall Washington Street at WB L R Ukraine Way NB T R SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR Walk Hill Street NB TR SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at EB L R Ukraine Way NB LT SB TR Overall Washington Street at EB LR Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR NB TR SB LT Overall Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR Overall Washington Street at EB TR Arborway WB Surface Road/ WB TR New Washington St NB L TR SB L TR NE L SW L Overall Arborway at EB L TR Forest Hills Drive WB L TR NB LTR SB LT R Overall Arborway at EB U T East Bowtie WB T Overall Arborway at EB T West Bowtie WB U T Overall Morton Street (Route 203) EB LTR at Cemetery Road WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR Overall 1 Level‐of‐Service 2 Average vehicle delay in seconds 3 Volume to capacity ratio 3 V/C Movement LOS New Washington Street/ 2 Delay Intersection Queue Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ May 2012 Weekday Afternoon Peak Hour At Grade Alternative Intersection Movement South Street at EB New Washington Street/ Arborway Ramps T R WB TR NB L T R SB LTR South Street at EB LR Washington Street/ NB LT MBTA Busway#2 SB TR Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR Washington Street at WB L Ukraine Way R NB T R SB L T Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR Walk Hill Street NB TR SB L T Hyde Park Avenue at EB Ukraine Way L R NB LT SB TR Washington Street at EB LR Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR NB TR SB LT Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR Washington Street at EB TR Arborway WB Surface Road/ WB TR New Washington St/ NB L TR SB L TR Arborway at NE L SW L EB L Forest Hills Drive TR WB L TR NB SB LTR LT R Arborway at EB East Bowtie U T WB T Arborway at EB T West Bowtie WB U T Morton Street (Route 203) at Cemetery Road 1 50th Percentile Queue Length in feet 2 95th Percentile Queue Length, in feet 3 Available Storage Length, in feet N/A Not Applicable EB LTR WB LTR NB LTR SB LTR 1 Storage 2 50th Queue 95th Queue Length3 394 134 228 74 84 130 249 #555 m125 m#472 107 83 99 273 620 200 480 60 150 150 100 271 165 284 302 285 m440 430 400 160 228 212 342 60 460 400 183 77 276 8 213 91 #282 95 430 72 #322 113 210 210 1000+ 1000+ 460 460 164 257 274 419 121 328 m361 529 180 330 370 640 233 157 313 441 m253 m260 m361 #706 210 210 630 400 28 32 153 31 m#64 75 242 36 440 1000+ 150 330 6 16 167 37 16 m160 150 330 260 ~838 335 55 302 42 ~475 12 11 #934 482 #161 383 77 #610 36 34 460 600 70 120 160 800 n/a n/a 378 92 14 236 24 30 371 #654 283 m18 m306 50 64 523 130 960 1000+ 1000+ 110 390 390 257 137 396 m247 m98 477 200 600 740 578 521 0 #702 m580 m0 1000+ 300 620 ~886 406 6 ~597 #1032 502 18 #831 400 1000+ 1000+ 700 Capacity Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ May 2012 Bridge Alternative Intersection Movement South Street at EB L New Washington Street/ TR T R WB L TR NB LTR L TR SB LTR Overall South Street at EB LR Washington Street/ WB LR MBTA Busway#2 NB LT SB TR Overall Washington Street at NB TR MBTA Busway#2 SB LR Overall Washington Street at WB Ukraine Way L R NB T R SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR Walk Hill Street NB TR SB L T Overall Hyde Park Avenue at EB L Ukraine Way R NB LT SB TR Overall Washington Street at EB LR Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB LR NB TR SB LT Overall Washington Street at WB LR Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR Overall Washington Street at EB L Arborway WB Surface Road/ New Washington St TR WB L TR NB L T R TR SB LT R L TR Overall Arborway at EB L Forest Hills Drive TR WB L TR NB LTR SB LT R Overall Arborway at EB U East Bowtie T WB T Overall Arborway at EB T West Bowtie WB U T Overall 1 Level‐of‐Service 2 Average vehicle delay in seconds 3 Volume to capacity ratio Weekday Morning Peak Hour Weekday Evening Peak Hour LOS1 Delay2 V/C3 LOS Delay V/C C B n/a n/a 28.1 11.4 n/a n/a 0.23 0.50 n/a n/a B E n/a n/a 13.4 73.1 n/a n/a 0.14 0.86 n/a n/a C C D n/a n/a B C 22.7 27.6 42.8 n/a n/a 15.1 31.5 0.73 0.84 0.91 n/a n/a 0.93dl 0.91 E C E n/a n/a D E 68.1 29.0 78.0 n/a n/a 46.9 60.9 0.93 0.57 1.02dl n/a n/a 0.97dl 1.00 E C C C D 74.9 24.8 30.9 33.7 39.3 0.90 0.24 0.89 0.49 0.90 F D C D D 113.6 36.6 23.6 42.1 49.2 0.89 0.28 0.64 0.65 0.89 A A A 1.6 5.2 2.8 0.38 0.21 0.38 A A A 3.4 1.0 2.0 0.24 0.33 0.33 D C C A C B C 51.3 30.8 29.3 4.3 25.2 18.7 27.1 0.74 0.83 0.52 0.28 0.59 0.23 0.83 105.5 51.9 44.4 6.2 77.3 6.1 D 25.4 38.4 0.0 0.3 27.1 0.2 49.7 0.16 0.16 0.34 0.34 0.63 0.67 0.95 B C E B C 18.7 25.1 74.6 10.5 25.5 0.81 0.62 0.84 0.22 0.84 E D D B C 62.8 36.5 37.6 14.3 30.1 0.94 0.56 0.82 0.51 0.94 E C E B D 78.8 20.4 58.9 16 45.3 0.86 0.63 1.28dl 0.35 1.06 D D C C C 45 38 26.2 26.3 30.2 0.78 0.88 1.94dl 0.81 0.88 C B B A B 33.8 15.4 16.1 8.1 14.1 0.53 0.18 0.55 0.33 0.55 F D A A A 88.5 49.1 6.1 2.9 7.1 0.61 0.44 0.40 0.54 0.61 B A A A 13.4 5.4 3.7 4.9 0.07 0.43 0.23 0.43 C A A A 28.6 5.8 6.1 6.3 0.28 0.45 0.56 0.56 E C E E B D A n/a C A n/a n/a D 58.8 31.3 77.9 77.7 16.0 36.5 6.1 n/a 21.7 1.1 n/a n/a 40.2 0.85 0.67 0.85 0.97 0.31 0.84 0.19 n/a 1.01dl 0.12 n/a n/a 0.97 D C E E D C A n/a C A n/a n/a C 46.3 32.9 68.2 67.3 40.9 23.3 1.5 n/a 26.7 1.2 n/a n/a 32.2 0.72 0.85 0.83 0.89 0.65 0.52 0.27 n/a 0.68 0.23 n/a n/a 0.89 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Queue Analysis Summary Casey Overpass Boston, MA DRAFT ‐ May 2012 Weekday Morning Peak Hour Morning Peak Afternoon Peak Bridge Alt. Bridge Alt. Intersection 1 2 Movement 50th Q 95th Q South Street at EB Storage3 50th Q 95th Q Length L 31 59 25 40 170 New Washington Street/ TR 18 89 348 431 460 Arborway Ramps T n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a R n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a WB L 56 m70 109 m#262 190 TR 182 m226 219 m263 610 NB LTR 167 #667 ~223 #545 200 L n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a TR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a SB LTR 76 108 212 272 350 South Street at EB LR 280 #439 270 #397 430 Washington Street/ WB LR 23 44 28 64 500 MBTA Busway#2 NB LT ~261 #589 189 256 400 SB TR 247 323 271 m324 160 Washington Street at NB TR 30 77 76 108 460 MBTA Busway#2 SB LR 61 129 18 14 400 Washington Street at WB L 141 m104 183 m#279 210 Ukraine Way R 55 m50 m#279 213 210 NB T 265 425 213 0 1000+ R 0 38 0 283 1000+ SB L 198 294 283 29 460 T 164 239 29 0 460 Hyde Park Avenue at WB LR 16 0 164 121 180 Walk Hill Street NB TR 363 527 257 328 330 SB L 163 #290 298 m404 370 T 49 156 418 523 640 L 193 #299 242 m250 210 Hyde Park Avenue at EB Ukraine Way Washington Street at R 99 193 290 m385 210 NB LT 367 #942 321 m#479 630 SB TR 25 285 533 #734 400 EB LR 18 49 27 m#68 440 LR 5 29 31 76 1000+ NB TR 180 m256 81 139 150 SB LT 49 87 1 1 330 Tower Street/MBTA Busway#1 WB Washington Street at WB LR 0 15 7 43 150 Fitzgerald Parking Lot/ NB LTR 8 #93 81 102 330 MBTA Busway#1 SB LTR 0 m134 206 151 260 Washington Street at EB Arborway WB Surface Road/ New Washington St/ WB NB SB L 190 m226 137 m165 210 TR 189 m233 239 m282 500 L 167 #242 204 297 180 TR 335 #478 260 #409 1000+ L 50 75 48 #188 50 T 356 367 183 269 200 R 64 105 4 19 150 TR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a LT n/a n/a n/a n/a 100 R n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a L 131 165 284 384 n/a 0 17 2 25 800 TR Arborway at EB L n/a n/a n/a n/a 200 TR n/a n/a n/a n/a 200 WB L n/a n/a n/a n/a 1000+ TR n/a n/a n/a n/a 1000+ NB LTR n/a n/a n/a n/a 300 SB LT n/a n/a n/a n/a 240 R n/a n/a n/a n/a 240 Forest Hills Drive Arborway at EB East Bowtie WB U n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a T n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a T n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Arborway at EB T n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a West Bowtie WB U n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a T n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 50th Percentile Queue Length, in feet 2 95th Percentile Queue Length, in feet 3 Available Storage Length, in feet N/A Not Applicable Zone 6 Mode Share by Purpose* and Time of Day Trips Beginning in Zone 6 Daily avg. mode shares All Purposes Auto 61% Transit 23% Walk 16% Home Work Other 61% 25% 14% 58% 35% 7% 61% 15% 24% AM peak mode shares Auto Transit Walk 45% 42% 13% 44% 44% 12% 38% 56% 6% 48% 28% 24% Rest of day mode shares Auto Transit Walk 65% 19% 16% 68% 18% 14% 59% 34% 7% 62% 14% 24% PM peak mode shares Auto Transit Walk 54% 26% 20% 56% 26% 18% 53% 38% 9% 54% 15% 31% All Purposes Home Work Other 61% 23% 16% 61% 25% 14% 58% 35% 7% 61% 15% 24% AM peak mode shares Auto Transit Walk 54% 26% 20% 56% 26% 18% 53% 38% 9% 54% 15% 31% Rest of day mode shares Auto Transit Walk 62% 23% 15% 62% 25% 13% 62% 33% 5% 63% 14% 23% PM peak mode shares Auto Transit Walk 45% 42% 13% 44% 44% 12% 38% 56% 6% 48% 28% 24% Trips Ending in Zone 6 Daily avg. mode shares Auto Transit Walk *Purpose refers to the activity that occurs in Zone 6. Development Review Guidelines pg. A-6 Boston Transportation Department