Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

Development Bureau (BDT)
Geneva,19 June 2012
To: Communications Administrations,
RCC Executive Committee,
ITU-D, ITU-T, ITU-R Sector Members and
ITU workshop for the CIS countries “Enhancing of Public-private Partnership in the CIS
Countries within the framework of the Activities of the ITU Sectors” to take place in
Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan 22-24 August 2012
Dear Sir/Madam,
On behalf of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) I am pleased to inform you that the
International Telecommunication Union in collaboration with the Institute of Electronic and
Telecommunications at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov is organizing the
workshop for the CIS countries ““Enhancing of Public-private Partnership in the CIS Countries within the
framework of the Activities of the ITU Sectors” which will be held in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan from 22 to 24
August 2012.
ITU Sector Membership, which unites regional organizations, scientific and finance institutions, companies
and universities specialized in ICT, is a kind of accelerator for establishment of partnership relations
between public and private enterprises of the ICT sector. Joint participation of private companies and
public organizations in the ITU projects allows to elaborate innovation decisions. In this way, rational
business models and financial capacities of the private sector further attaining of development goals. The
workshop aims at extending of public-private partnership in the information and communication industry,
promoting elaboration of new joint projects, involving private companies and public organizations in joint
events, including those realized within the framework of the three ITU Sectors: Radiocommunication,
Standardization, and Development.
The workshop is destined for representatives of ministries, regulators, telecommunication operators,
universities, and other interested organizations of the ITU Member States, the ITU-D Sector Members and
Associates from the CIS Region.
The workshop language is Russian. The workshop will be paperless. All the workshop materials, including
presentations will be available on the ITU site: and on the
website of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov:
No registration fee will be required. All expenses of the workshop participants are to be covered by the
sending organization. If you wish to participate in the workshop, you are kindly requested to fill out the
Registration Form (Annex 2) and send it to the contacts indicated in the Form not later than 14 August 2012.
International Telecommunication Union • Place des Nations • CH-1211 Geneva 20 • Switzerland
Тел.: +41 22 730 5111 • Факс: +41 22 730 5545/730 5484 • Эл. почта: • •
ITU is able to provide to a limited number of countries (low income) one full (or two partial fellowship) to the
Administration, covering air ticket, accommodation and terminal costs. In this regard, we kindly ask you to
fill out the attached Fellowship Request Form (Annex 4) and send it to the ITU Fellowship Service by fax: +41
22 730 57 78 or email: no later than 8 August 2012. Candidates for the fellowship
should be approved by the Administrations.
For additional information and clarifications please address to Mr. Andrei Untila, Programme Officer, the ITU
Area Office for the CIS, email:, telephone: +7(495)926-60-70, fax: +7(495)926-60-73;
Ms. Ainura Sadyrbayeva, Main Specialist, Institute of Electronic and Telecommunications at the Kyrgyz State
Technical University named after I.Razzakov, email:, tel.: + 996 312 542942, mob.: +996
555 785888.
[Original signed]
Brahima Sanou
Annexes: - Draft Programme
ITU workshop for the CIS countries
“Enhancing of Public-private Partnership in the CIS
Countries within the framework of the Activities of the
ITU Sectors”
Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan 22-24 August 2012
Draft Programme
22 August 2012, Wednesday. Day 1
Registration of participants
Opening Ceremony
Opening Remarks:
·Host Country (Ministry of Transport and Communications of Kyrgyz Republic),
·Chairman of the event (Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov),
·Welcome address on behalf of State Agency of Communication under the Government of
Kyrgyz Republic,
·Representative of ITU
Introduction of the Workshop Delegates
SESSION 1: Moderator B.Nurmatov, Director, Institute of Electronic and Telecommunications
at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov
The Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D): mandate, tasks, world and regional
Session 1 will focus on the issues of participation of the ICT companies and organizations of
CIS in ITU-D activities
ITU Sector Membership, which unites regional organizations, scientific and finance
institutions, companies and universities specialized in ICT, is a kind of accelerator for
establishment of partnership relations between public and private enterprises of the ICT
sector. Joint participation of private companies and public organizations in the ITU projects
allows to elaborate innovation decisions. In this way, rational business models and financial
capacities of the private sector further attaining of development goals. The workshop aims
at extending of public-private partnership in the information and communication industry,
promoting elaboration of new joint projects, involving private companies and public
organizations in joint events, including those realized within the framework of the three ITU
Sectors: Radiocommunication, Standardization, and Development.
The ITU Activities in the CIS Region. Activities of the ITU Area Office for the CIS in 2011-2011.
Orozobek Kaiykov, Head, ITU Area Office for the CIS
The ITU-D Regional Presence Strengthening in Developing Countries
P.Vorobienko, Director, Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication named after
A.Popov, d.t.s.
Continuation of SESSION 1
Creation of a Global Centre to Resist Child Exploitation in the Internet based on ICT-D
V.Kaptur, Pro-rector for Scientific work of Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication
named after A.Popov, c.t.s., s.r.a.
Activities of the ITU-D Study Groups (Study Group1 and Study Group)
Orozobek Kaiykov, Head, ITU Area Office for the CIS
Creation of the Laboratory and Educational Centre of the Institute of Electronic and
Telecommunications at the KSTU, Development of its Data Centre and Cooperation with
Other Universities Specialized in Distant Education
B.Nurmatov, Director, Institute of Electronic and Telecommunications at the KSTU
Exchange of opinions. The Session summing up
23 August 2012, Thursday. Day 2
SESSION 2: Moderator TBC
The Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R): mandate, tasks, world and regional experience
Session 1 will focus on the issues of participation of the ICT companies and organizations of
CIS in ITU-R activities
The ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) plays a vital role in the global management of the
radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits - limited natural resources which are increasingly
in demand from a large and growing number of services. The ITU-R main task is to ensure the
rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all
radiocommunication services, including those using satellite orbits, and to carry out studies and
approve Recommendations on radiocommunication matters. In implementing this task, ITU-R
aims at creating the conditions for harmonized development and effi cient operation of existing
and new radiocommunication systems, taking due account of all parties concerned.
International Cooperation in the RF Spectrum Use Control: History, Main Tasks, Methods, and
Role of ITU-R
Speaker TBD
The ITU Study Groups. Participation of the CAs, Communication Providers and Private Sector
in the Research and Elaboration of Radiocommunication Stantdards
Speaker TBD
Перерыв на кофе/чай
Presentation Topic TBD
Presentation Topic TBD
12.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 17.00
SESSION 3: Moderator – ITU Representative
The Standardization Sector (ITU-T): mandate, tasks, world and regional experience
Session 1 will focus on the issues of participation of the ICT companies and organizations of
CIS in ITU-T activities
The Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a global forum, which is responsible for elaboration of
technologies and standards of telecommunication (except for radiocommunication) and global
telecommunication standardization. The ITU-T work areas include ensuring the needs of
developing countries are taken into account in the development of global ICTs; accessibility;
adopting international standards to ensure seamless global communications and interoperability
for next generation networks (NGN); building confidence and security in the use of ICTs;
emergency communications to develop early warning systems and to provide access to
communications during and after disasters and the reduction of the impact of ICTs on climate
change as well as create better understanding of how ICTs can mitigate its effects.
International Cooperation in the Field of Standardization. Main Tasks, Methods, and Role of
the ITU-T. The ITU-T Study Groups. Participation of the Sector Members in the Research Work
and Telecommunication Standard Elaboration
Speaker TBD
15.30 – 16:00
Presentation Topic TBD
Presentation Topic TBD
Exchange of opinions. The Session summing up
24 August 2012, Friday. Day 3
Roundtable. Moderator O.Kaiykov, Head, ITU Are Office for CIS
Ways of PPP extending. Extending of cooperation between private companies and ITU Sectors.
Participation of private companies in preparations for ITU world conferences. Issues which can
be solved within the capacities of private sector. IUT’s possible support and assistance to private
Continuation of the roundtable
Summing up. Conclusions and recommendations
Presentation of the Certificates. Closing of the Workshop