Number: 2-99=(104 05/12/99 STANDARD MYLAR SIZES FOR MASSHIGHWAY PROJECTS Effectiw immediately. the Sfandanlshcn s k for all MassHighway pmjm rnylars y, an indwhy sfaadard 24" x 36" (609.6 mm x 914.4 mm). The &-awing a m , as &tined by rhe border and Irim kwill sliU be &tined in mesic dimensions. Tlu following Highway Design Masual al Bridge Manual drawings (artackd)have brm tcvised OI reflect thcw changes: . Highway Design Manual Figun 2-12 Tracings Sues ofSc&d Bridge Manual Drawing Number l .I.l S l d d First Sheet CommrcliodP l m Dcstgnm should makt evny effm to pnpare aI1new drawings in pefordanecwith Ihe new standards. However. acuve design pmjems which have been subsmtinllv complcled Mylar shnt sins for each pmjm m w bc d o r m . Prnjccts with non-uniform or nonsrandard (cunent or pmious) mylar shes sizes w l l nor bc accepted bv MassHlghway and will bc rctumcd to the dcsigncrT h ~ sD ~renlvedoes not apply lo Layout PIS