ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27) Town of Walpole July 2013 Prepared For: MassDOT Prepared By: McMahon Associates, Inc. 45 Bromfield Street Boston, MA 02108 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background .................................................................................................................................1 Project Data.................................................................................................................................1 Project Location and Description..............................................................................................2 Audit Observations .....................................................................................................................5 Potential Safety Enhancements .................................................................................................8 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................14 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information List of Figures Figure 1. Location Map ......................................................................................................................... 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ....................................................................... 8 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 16 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Background The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. The intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) forms the western limit of work for a proposed roadway improvements project on High Plain Street (Route 27), referred to as the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) because it was identified as a high crash location (#56 in the 2010 Top Crash Locations Report prepared by Massachusetts Department of Transportation [MassDOT] Highway Division) and is a necessary component as part of the design process. The purpose of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be made at the subject intersection. The potential safety improvements identified during this RSA can be evaluated and included as part of the current the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project design process (as applicable) or can be considered as part of future improvement efforts at the intersection. Project Data A Road Safety Audit was completed for the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) in the Town of Walpole on April 17, 2013. The agenda for the RSA meeting held in the Main Meeting Room of Walpole Town Hall is provided in Appendix A of this report. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise in the engineering, maintenance and emergency response fields. Contact information for the RSA attendees is provided in Appendix B of this report. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Safety Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Safety Peter Calves MassDOT Highway Safety QingQing You MassDOT Highway Safety Edward C. Feeney MassDOT District 5 Traffic Barbara Lachance MassDOT District 5 Traffic Maggie Walker Walpole Town Engineer Bob Leblanc Walpole Highway Warren Goodwill Walpole Police Department Tim Bailey Walpole Fire Department Shaun Handy MassDOT Projects Section Erin Pacileo McMahon Associates Jason Adams McMahon Associates Dominic Caiazzo McMahon Associates Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Within the email invitation to each participant in the RSA background material was provided. This information included a project location map, collision diagram, MassDOT crash data summary, crash rate worksheets, Walpole Police crash reports, turning movement counts, and design plans for the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group prior to the field visit to the intersection. During the RSA field visit, various safety issues were observed and identified. Following the RSA field visit, the team returned to the Walpole Town Hall to discuss potential solutions for the existing safety issues as well as some of the improvements associated with the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Project Location and Description As shown in Figure 1, the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) is located just west of the Interstate 95 in Walpole, MA. Providence Highway (Route 1) generally extends in a north-south direction through the Town of Walpole and provides access to commercial and retail land uses. Providence Highway (Route 1) is classified as an urban principal arterial, is under MassDOT jurisdiction, and has a posted speed limit of 55 miles per hour in the vicinity of the subject intersection. High Plain Street (Route 27) generally runs in an east-west direction through the Town of Walpole and primarily serves residential, commercial and retail land uses. High Plain Street (Route 27) is under local jurisdiction, is classified as an urban principal arterial, and has a posted speed limit of 40 miles per hour in the vicinity of the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). The intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) is a signalized intersection which is coordinated with the signalized intersection of High Plain Street (Route 27) and the Big Y Driveway to the west. The Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) signal operates with signal phasing which allows for northbound, southbound and eastbound protected left-turns, eastbound and westbound permissive left-turns and an exclusive pedestrian phase. At the subject intersection, the northbound and southbound Providence Highway (Route 1) approaches consist of four travel lanes including an exclusive left-turn lane, two thru lanes and an exclusive right-turn lane. The eastbound High Plain Street (Route 27) approach consists of an exclusive left-turn lane, a thru lane and a shared thru/right-turn lane. The westbound High Plain Street (Rout 27) approach consists of two travel lanes, one shared left-turn/thru lane and one thru/right-turn lane. The pavement marking on all approaches have faded away or do not exist, resulting in little delineation between exclusive and shared travel lanes. Crosswalks are provided on the southern and eastern legs of the intersection. Sidewalks are provided on the southwest, southeast and northeast corners of the intersection. The area surrounding the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) primarily consists of commercial and retail land uses. Directly adjacent to the intersection are two gas stations (a Gulf gas station on the northwest corner and a Mobil gas station on the northeast corner), an Applebee’s Restaurant on the southeast corner and a shopping plaza on the southwest corner. Each of these land uses contains a driveway within 100 feet of the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Crash data was received from MassDOT and the Walpole Police Department. The crash data provided by MassDOT indicates that 141 crashes have occurred between the years of 2005 and 2010 at the subject intersection resulting in a crash rate of 1.31 accidents per million entering vehicles. This crash rate is significantly higher than both the statewide and District 5 average crash rates of 0.80 and 0.77 accidents per million entering vehicles, respectively. The Walpole Police Department provided crash reports for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. According to the data provided by the Police Department, 49 crashes were recorded in the vicinity of the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) are depicted in a crash diagram included in Appendix C of this report. According to the data provided by MassDOT and the Walpole Police Department, the most common types of crashes were rear-end and angle crashes. The intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) was ranked 56th on MassDOT’s statewide list of the Top Crash Intersections from 2008 to 2010. The ranking is based on the number of crashes in MassDOT’s database which are georeferenced to a cluster area around the intersection. The cluster area at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) experienced 59 crashes in the three year period. Twenty of the 56 crashes involved an injury and no fatal crashes occurred within the three year period from 2008 to 2010. The ranking is based on a weighted system which calculates the Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) rating of the intersection. The potential causes of these crashes as observed during the RSA are documented in the later sections of this report. Manual turning movement counts were conducted at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) in January 2010 during the weekday afternoon and Saturday midday peak hours and in February 2012 during the weekday morning peak hour. Traffic volume schematics based on the manual turning movement counts are provided in the Appendix and were distributed at the RSA meeting. The weekday morning peak hour occurred from 7:15 AM to 8:15AM, the weekday afternoon peak hour occurred from 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM and the Saturday midday peak hour occurred from 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM. Capacity analysis conducted as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project indicates that the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) currently operates with overcapacity movements during all three peak hours. The Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project is a proposed project for the segment of High Plain Street (Route 27) from Providence Highway (Route 1) to the Walmart Driveway. The project proposes to restripe this segment of High Plain Street (Route 27), signalize the High Plain Street (Route 27)/Walmart Driveway intersection, and modify the existing signal at Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). The restriping along High Plain Street (Rout 27) would result in an exclusive left-turn lane, a through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane for the westbound approach to its intersection with Providence Highway (Route 1). Two travel lanes would also be restriped in the eastbound direction along High Plain Street (Route 27), departing its intersection with Providence Highway (Route 1). The proposed improvements would also include the introduction of an exclusive left-turn signal phase for the westbound High Plain Street (Route 27) approach. Additionally, the exclusive right-turn lane pavement markings on the southbound Providence Highway (Route 1) approach to its intersection with High Plain Street (Route 27) are proposed to be removed in order to increase capacity and reduce queuing for the southbound Route 1 approach. Page 3 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Audit Observations During the RSA meeting prior to the field visit, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of traffic volumes and crash information were presented to the audit participants. Following this brief presentation the members of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). The audit team then visited the site as a group, at which time observations of various safety concerns and deficiencies were identified and documented. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns that were identified during the RSA: Roadway Conditions o The pavement markings on most approaching and departing travel lanes are either very faded or do not exist. The exclusive lane markings including the arrows and “ONLY” pavement markings on the southbound Providence Highway (Route 1) right-turn lane are very faded. The southbound right-turn lane was originally designed and constructed as a shared through/right-turn lane. However, at some point the lane was restriped as an exclusive right-turn lane. o Exclusive lane pavement markings for the northbound, southbound and eastbound left-turn lanes and the northbound right-turn lanes do not currently exist and there are no lane usage signs for any of the intersection approaches. It was noted that the lack of pavement markings and signage may contribute to driver confusion for vehicles traveling through the intersection. o Audit team members noted that the pavement is often slick when wet, and that the rear tires can be heard spinning out in the rain. The pavement appears to be smooth and has minor rutting at some locations within the intersection. Roadway Alignment & Intersection Geometry o Audit participants commented on the “Excess” pavement and faded pavement seemingly unnecessary pavement markings on southwest corner width on the southwest and northeast corners of the intersections. This additional pavement, likely to provide adequate space for tractor trailer u-turns, creates a very long crossing and makes the intersection very wide. The intersection width, in conjunction with the signal placement in the middle of the intersection, may be resulting in right angle crashes between vehicles that think they are able to clear the intersection during the clearance interval. Also, with this intersection width, many cars attempting to make left-turns from High Plain Street (Route 27) enter the intersection and become trapped in the middle of intersection as the signal turns red. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. o On the west side of the Providence Highway (Route 1)/High Plain Street (route 27) intersection, the two westbound lanes on High Plain Street (Route 27) become one exclusive left-turn lane and one through lane at the Big Y intersection. It was noted that vehicles traveling through on High Plain Street (Route 27) westbound often “race” in order to merge into the single through lane and avoid the exclusive left-turn lane at the Big Y traffic signal. Signal Phasing & Timing o The existing traffic signal does not provide a protected left-turn phase for the westbound movement from High Plain Street (Route 27) to Providence Highway (Route 1) southbound. The lack of a protected only left-turn phase often results in trapped vehicles within the intersection. o Existing signal timings do not appear to provide sufficient green time for each of the intersection movements during the peak traffic periods. o There are often issues with the traffic signal resulting in the signal going into flash mode. o The audit participants noted that the exclusive pedestrian phase was too short to allow a pedestrian to cross the entirety of Providence Highway (Route 1). The length of the pedestrian phase was long enough for a pedestrian to cross to the median on Providence Highway (Route 1), but would then need to activate the push button again to cross the remainder of the roadway. The audit team also noted that most pedestrians cross the entire roadway even though the protected pedestrian phase has ended. Signal Visibility & Alignment o The existing traffic signals appear to be dim and this is likely due to the lack of backplates on the signal heads. The signal heads on the southbound Providence Highway (Route 1) approach appear dim from afar and only appear brighter within approximately 100 feet of the intersection. o It was noted that the signal heads for the westbound High Plain Street Route 27 WB signal alignment & guide signs (Route 27) approach may not be visible for the minimum distance required by the MUTCD due to the location of the signal heads, the horizontal alignment of High Plain Street (Route 27) and the placement of the Route 1 guide signs. The westbound signal heads do not appear to have the required eight foot separation. o All of the signal heads appear to be very close to stop bars and are not well aligned with each approach lane, specifically for the High Plain Street (Route 27) approaches. There are no signals on the far left side of the intersection for eastbound and westbound Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. vehicles making a left-turn during the permissive phase, and therefore these left-turning vehicles are unable to see when the signal enters into the clearance interval. o The span wires for the Route 1 traffic signals appear to be low and may be difficult to see when behind a large truck or heavy vehicle. This is a somewhat common issue with overhead signal placement. Traffic Control o Audit participants noted that during the peak periods of travel, the Providence Highway (Route 1) northbound and southbound left-turn queues exceed the available storage length and spill into the through travel lanes potentially causing some of the rear-end crashes that have been documented on Providence Highway (Route 1). o Several vehicles traveling on High Plain Street (Route 27) were observed to enter the intersection to make a permitted left-turn and would then become trapped in the intersection resulting in the completion of their turn during the clearance interval and the beginning of the next phase. This, in turn, causes delay for the northbound and southbound left-turning vehicles on Providence Highway (Route 1) and may contribute to the occurrence of crashes as seen in the collision diagram. o Vehicles turning right from Providence Highway (Route 1) southbound to High Plain Street (Route 27) westbound often do not stop prior to completing their rightturn on red. This may make it difficult for vehicles to safely exit the Gulf gas station, and may be the cause of the two crashes shown in the collision diagram at this driveway. o The eastbound High Plain Street (Route 27) approach to the intersection does not provide a “Left Turn Yield on Green Ball” sign. o There is no local street sign for High Plain Street (Route 27) for vehicles traveling on Providence Highway (Route 1). Route 1 southbound right-turn lane Pedestrian Accommodations o The exclusive pedestrian phase is not long enough to provide safe access across Providence Highway (Route 1). Often times the crossing pedestrian becomes trapped in the median island or must complete the crossing during the green time for the northbound and southbound exclusive left-turn phase. o Audit members also noted the lack of a pedestrian push button or pedestrian signal head that should be located on the northeast and southeast corners of the intersection for pedestrians crossing High Plain Street (Route 27). Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. o Members of the audit team noted that it was a busy area for pedestrians and that pedestrians have been observed crossing the northern leg of Providence Highway (Route 1) despite the lack of crosswalk or pedestrians signals. Access Management o It was noted that turns in/out of the business driveways along High Plain Street (Route 27) can sometimes result in a crash when one lane of traffic on High Plain Street (Route 27) permits a vehicle to cross traffic while the other lane is unaware causing potential conflict. The crash diagram depicts four crashes at the Dunkin Donuts, one at the Mobil gas station and four at the Walmart driveway based on the crash data provided by the Walpole Police Department. o Audit participants commented that the painted island on High Plain Street (Route 27) in front of the Gulf gas station is not large enough to allow for a vehicle to wait to turn left into the station. A vehicle waiting in the travel lane may cause additional friction and conflict to vehicles traveling through on High Plain Street (Route 27). Potential Safety Enhancements After the site visit, audit participants returned to the Walpole Town Hall to discuss the safety issues and consider various improvements. The audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and longterm improvements for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, mid-term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Costs Short-term <1Year Low <$10,000 Mid-Term 1-3 Years Medium $10,001-$50,000 Long-Term >3 years High >$50,000 The following improvements were suggested by audit participants in order to improve existing safety issues at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Roadway Conditions The audit team participants suggested the following improvements in order to alleviate safety concerns related to the roadway conditions at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Reapply pavement markings. Pavement markings for most of the approaching and departing lanes at the intersection are very faded and may cause driver confusion due to the lack of delineation. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Pavement markings will be reapplied as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Install lane usage signs. Additional lane usage signage should be placed in advance of the Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) intersection as well as the High Plain Street (Route 27) and Big Y intersection. Advance signage of the lane delineation should assist vehicles with aligning themselves in the appropriate lanes in advance of the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. The lane usage signs described above will be installed as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Define existing turn lanes with exclusive pavement markings. The existing left-turn lanes on the Providence Highway (Route 1) northbound and southbound approaches and the High Plain Street (Route 27) eastbound approach do not currently have “ONLY” or arrow pavement markings indicating the exclusivity of the lane. The northbound exclusive right-turn lane also does not contain exclusive pavement markings. Appropriate markings should be installed at these locations to indicate the presence of the exclusive turn lanes. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Exclusive pavement markings will be applied to the appropriate lanes as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Remove the southbound right-turn lane exclusive pavement markings. The existing pavement markings on the Providence Highway (Route 1) southbound right-turn lane are currently very faded. The existing southbound right-turn lane should be converted to its original configuration of a shared through/right-turn lane. This change is expected to provide additional southbound capacity and reduce existing southbound vehicle queuing. The introduction of through volumes in the right-most lane is also expected to limit the number of southbound vehicles able to turn right on red mitigating the “free flow” effect observed at this movement. With three existing receiving lanes for the southbound through movements, this is considered a short-term, low cost improvement. The southbound right-turn lane exclusive pavement markings will be removed as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Evaluate pavement condition including the measurement of the friction coefficient. If necessary, the intersection should be resurfaced to provide a maintained surface. The resurfacing of this intersection is a long-term, high cost improvement that is not planned to be implemented at this time. Roadway Alignment & Intersection Geometry The audit team participants suggested the following improvements in order to alleviate safety concerns related to the existing roadway alignment and intersection geometry of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Investigate intersection width. The additional or “excess” pavement on the southwest and northeast corners of the intersection makes the intersection very wide and creates a very long crossing for pedestrians on the south side of the intersection. By conducting a study and applying turning templates for larger heavy vehicles turning at this location, the necessary intersection width can be determined. This intermediate step would be classified as short-term and low cost. Turning templates can be applied to the existing intersection configuration to identify the necessary intersection width as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. However, the actual improvements recommended as part of the investigation would need to be completed through a separate process, not identified at this time. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Reconstruct intersection based on the outcome of the above investigation. The goal of the reconstruction of this intersection would be to eliminate any unnecessary pavement (discussed above) while providing sufficient capacity to better accommodate existing traffic demand at the intersection. The reconstruction of the intersection would increase intersection efficiency and would potentially minimize the length of the pedestrian crossings, the amount of red light running and the number of vehicles that get caught in the intersection while making permitted left-turns. This is a long-term, high cost improvement that is not currently planned for implementation as part of any proposed projects. Widen High Plain Street (Route 27). In order to improve operations traveling westbound along High Plain Street (Route 27) through its intersection with Providence Highway (Route 1) and the Big Y Driveway, an additional travel lane should be provided. The additional westbound travel lane would eliminate the need for vehicles continuing westbound on High Plain Street (Route 27) to merge to the single through lane prior to the Big Y intersection. At the Providence Highway (Route 1) intersection, the westbound High Plain Street (Route 27) approach would include an exclusive left-turn lane, through lane and shared through/right-turn lane. The widening of High Plain Street (Route 27) on the east side of Providence Highway (Route 1) would be considered a mid-term, high cost improvement due to the limited impacts to private property. The widening of High Plain Street (Rout 27) west of Providence Highway (Route 1) would likely result in significant impacts to private property resulting in a long-term, high cost improvement. Therefore, the widening of Route 27 on the east side of Route 1 will be completed as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. The widening west of Route 1 would need to be completed at some point in the future, and is not part of any projects identified at this time. Signal Phasing & Timing The audit team participants suggested the following improvements in order to alleviate safety concerns related to the existing signal phasing and timing at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Provide a protected westbound left-turn phase. The westbound High Plain Street (Route 27) leftturning vehicles currently do not have a protected phase causing many left-turning vehicles to traverse the intersection and become trapped within the intersection during the eastbound through phase. The introduction of a protected westbound left-turn phase would give these vehicles the opportunity to travel through the intersection without conflict. This improvement should be considered in conjunction with the widening of High Plain Street (Route 27) and the introduction of an exclusive westbound left-turn lane. This is a short-term, medium cost improvement and will be implemented as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Evaluate existing timing plan and implement an improved timing/phasing plan. During the RSA, a number of potential opportunities regarding the signal timings were discussed including retiming of over capacity movements, extension of the existing pedestrian phase, and investigation into the existing clearance interval timings. A comprehensive study should be conducted in order to strike a balance between efficient traffic operations, sufficient pedestrian crossing time and adequate clearance intervals as described below. The evaluation would be considered a short-term, low cost solution and will be conducted as part of the design process for the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. o Many movements at the intersection are currently over capacity, resulting in extensive queuing and may benefit from a reevaluation of the existing signal timing. o The existing pedestrian phase is too short for pedestrians to cross Providence Highway (Route 1) and either results in pedestrians becoming stranded on the median island or completing their crossing after the vehicles have received a green indication. The exclusive pedestrian phase timings should be reassessed in order to provide the maximum crossing time possible without impacting traffic operations at the intersection. o Vehicles within the intersection were observed beginning to travel through the intersection during the clearance intervals. These yellow and all red clearance times should be reevaluated and updated accordingly. Feasible signal timing and phasing improvements identified by the study will be included in the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. If efficient operations with increased safety amenities cannot be achieved through signal timing and phasing adjustments then additional capacity should be considered. The Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project currently proposes to increase capacity at this location with an added lane on High Plain Street (Route 27). However, further consideration for added capacity at other approaches of this intersection is not planned at this time. Investigate the cause of the signal entering into flash mode. The signal has been observed to enter into the flash mode frequently. The cause of this should be investigated and handled appropriately. The investigation, to be conducted by MassDOT, would be considered short-term. However, depending on the extent of the issue, the solution would potentially be high cost. Signal Visibility & Alignment The audit team participants suggested the following improvements in order to alleviate safety concerns related to signal visibility and alignment at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Install signal head backplates. Many of the signal heads do not currently have backplates. These signal heads should have retroflective backplates installed in order to maximize visibility of the traffic signal indicators. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. The feasibility of installing backplates will be investigated as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. If feasible the backplates would then be installed accordingly based on the load limitations of the existing span wires at the intersection. Investigate and remedy the cause of the dim appearance of signal heads for the Providence Highway (Route 1) southbound approach. This is a short-term, low cost improvement to be investigated by MassDOT. Realign the existing signal heads for the Route 27 westbound approach. The signal indicators for the westbound High Plain Street (Route 27) approach do not appear to meet the minimum spacing requirements or the minimum sight distance for signal visibility. The signal heads should be Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. relocated to the center of each westbound travel lane to maximize visibility of these signals, to provide the minimum sight distance for signal visibility and to meet the applicable spacing requirements. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement that will be implemented as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Evaluate guide sign locations and relocate as necessary. The Providence Highway (Route 1) guide signs located at the westbound High Plain Street (Route 27) approach currently block the visibility of the signal heads to vehicles traveling westbound. The guide signs should be relocated to maximize visibility of the westbound signals, as necessary and in conjunction with the realignment of the existing westbound signal heads discussed above. This is a short-term, low cost improvement and will be evaluated as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Install additional traffic signals. Due to the width of the intersection, height of existing span wires, location of the existing traffic signals and permissive left-turn phasing, vehicles are often unable to see the overhead signals at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). o Additional signals for the eastbound and westbound High Plain Street (Route 27) permissive left-turns should be considered to meet the minimum visibility requirements of the MUTCD, potentially on the far left side of the intersection approaches. The installation of far left side signals will give drivers a more accurate perspective of the intersection size and provide additional signal visibility for left-turning vehicles within the intersection. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. The feasibility of the installation of additional signals for the eastbound and westbound Route 27 approaches will be explored as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. o Additional ground mounted signals for the northbound and southbound Providence Highway (Route 1) approaches should be considered to increase signal visibility. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement that is not currently proposed as part of any existing projects. Traffic Control The audit team participants suggested the following improvements in order to alleviate safety concerns related to the existing traffic control at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Install “Left Turn Yield on Green Ball” signs. The permitted left-turns on the eastbound and westbound approaches of High Plain Street (Route 27) currently operate without proper yielding signage. The “Left Turn Yield on Green Ball” sign (R10-12) should be installed for both the eastbound and westbound approaches at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27) as well as the westbound approach to the intersection of High Plain Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Street (Route 27) and the Big Y Driveway. These sign installations are a short-term, low cost improvement and will be implemented as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Install a local street sign for High Plain Street (Route 27) to provide additional guidance to vehicles traveling along and to High Plain Street (Route 27). This is a short-term, low cost improvement that can be installed as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Provide additional queue storage for Providence Highway (Route 1) northbound and southbound. During the peak traffic periods the northbound and southbound Providence Highway (Route 1) leftturn lanes have been observed to extend beyond the available storage. To better accommodate the resulting left-turn queues on Providence Highway (Route 1) northbound and southbound, the MUTCD 2009 – R10-12 existing left-turn lanes should be extended or additional left-turn lanes should be constructed. An additional turn lane would provide more queue storage and capacity where signal timing and phasing modifications cannot provide safe and efficient operations. These are long-term, high cost improvements and are not currently planned for implementation as part of any proposed projects. Continue police presence and enforcement in order to ensure that vehicles turning right on red fully stop prior to completing their turn and to prevent vehicles from entering the intersection during the clearance interval. The enforcement at this location can be coordinated by the Town of Walpole and is a short-term improvement, with an unknown cost. As discussed in the previous sections, enhancements such as protected/permitted left-turn phasing, a proposed exclusive left-turn lane and additional traffic signals for the eastbound and westbound approaches are expected to limit the number of vehicles being trapped within the intersection. Recommendations for implementation are provided in the previous sections. Pedestrian Accommodations The audit team participants suggested the following improvements in order to alleviate safety concerns related to the pedestrian accommodations at the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Install a pedestrian push button and signal head. The northeastern and southeastern corners of the intersection do not currently contain a pedestrian push button or pedestrian signal head for the crossing across High Plain Street (Route 27). The installation of this equipment would provide safer pedestrian access across High Plain Street (Route 27) and is proposed as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. The existing pedestrian signals are out of date and should be replaced with countdown signals and audible indicators to provide pedestrians with the ability to determine the safety of crossing the intersection. Implementation of pedestrian signal equipment in accordance with Accessible Pedestrian Signal guidelines is a mid-term, medium cost improvement that can be considered as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Review pedestrian activity crossing all legs of the intersection and provide crosswalks, appropriate signals and pedestrian push buttons in accordance with MassDOT design standards. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. These are a mid-term, medium cost improvements that are not planned for implementation at the time of this report. Evaluate existing timing plan and implement an improved timing/phasing plan. As discussed in the Signal Phasing and Timing section, the exclusive pedestrian phase timings should be reassessed in order to provide the maximum crossing time possible without impacting traffic operations at the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that will be completed as part of the overall signal and phasing review through the Route 27 Roadway Improvements project. Access Management The audit team participants suggested the following improvements in order to alleviate safety concerns related to access management in the vicinity of the intersection of Providence Highway (Route 1) and High Plain Street (Route 27). Modify access for businesses along High Plain Street (Route 27), east of Providence Highway (Route 1). Left turns in and out of the business driveways create courtesy type conflict areas along the four lane roadway. Prohibiting left-turns in and out of the High Plain Street (Route 27) businesses would limit the number of conflict points at the driveways and would provide safer access. This is a mid-term improvement of unknown cost. Any plans to limit access to the businesses along Route 27 would need to be pursued by the Town of Walpole. An RSA member noted that an additional lane on High Plain Street (Route 27) may contribute to an increase in crash potential. Restripe the painted median on High Plain Street (Route 27) west of Providence Highway (Route 1). The existing painted median on High Plain Street (Route 27) at the Gulf gas station driveway does not adequately accommodate a vehicle waiting to turn. To provide sufficient space for vehicles waiting to access the Gulf gas station, the painted island should be expanded appropriately. The island expansion will likely need to be implemented in conjunction with the widening of High Plain Street (Route 27) however the actual painting of the median is considered a short-term, low cost improvement. Due to the necessary widening of Route 27 and resulting right-of-way impacts, the expanded median is not included in any project proposals at this time. Summary of Road Safety Audit A summary of the potential recommendations discussed by the RSA audit team are summarized in Table 3. Each of the recommendations are summarized based on the potential safety payoff, time frame, approximate cost and responsible agency. The safety payoff is a subjective judgment of the potential effectiveness of the safety recommendations listed below. Where McMahon is noted as the responsible agency in Table 3, the corresponding improvements are to be completed as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project. Inclusion of these improvements as part of the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project was not specifically discussed during the Road Safety Audit but were subsequently offered to be part of the project. The proposed Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project is being completed by a private entity through a permitting process which may be completed within a short time period. As the design for the Route 27 Roadway Improvements Project progresses, a number of the potential Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. improvements mentioned in this RSA could be included and will be discussed further as part of that design and review process. Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Roadway Conditions Reapply pavement markings. Medium <1 Year $8,000 McMahon Roadway Conditions Install lane usage signs. Low <1 Year $2,000 McMahon Roadway Conditions Define existing turn lanes with exclusive pavement markings. Medium <1 Year $5,000 McMahon Roadway Conditions Remove SB right-turn lane exclusive pavement markings. Low <1 Year $3,000 McMahon Roadway Conditions Evaluate pavement condition and resurface accordingly Medium >3 Years $350,000 MassDOT Alignment & Intersection Investigate intersection width. Medium <1 Year $2,000 McMahon Alignment & Intersection Reconstruct intersection based on investigation. Medium >3 Years $750,000 MassDOT Alignment & Intersection Widen Route 27 for additional westbound lane east of Route 1. Medium 1-3 Years $150,000 McMahon Alignment & Intersection Widen Route 27 for additional westbound lane west of Route 1. Medium >3 Years $250,000 MassDOT/ Walpole Signal Phasing & Timing Provide a protected left-turn phase for Route 27 westbound. Medium 1-3 Years $15,000 McMahon Signal Phasing & Timing Reassess existing timing plan, pedestrian and clearance intervals and implement an improved timing and phasing plan. Medium <1 Year $5,000 McMahon Signal Phasing & Timing Investigate cause of signal frequently entering into flash mode. Low <1 Year -- MassDOT Signal Visibility & Alignment Investigate feasibility of installation of retroflective backplates on existing span wires. Install accordingly based on feasibility. Low <1 Year $5,000 McMahon Signal Visibility & Alignment Investigate and remedy the cause of dim appearance of Route 1 SB signals. Low <1 Year $5,000 MassDOT Signal Visibility & Alignment Realign signal heads for the Route 27 westbound approach. Low 1-3 Years $5,000 McMahon Signal Visibility & Alignment Evaluate location of Route 1 guide signs and relocate accordingly. Low <1 year $1,000 McMahon Safety Issue Signal Visibility & Alignment Investigate feasibility of additional NB and SB Route 1 traffic signals. Install accordingly based on feasibility review. Low 1-3 Years $50,000 MassDOT Signal Visibility & Alignment Investigate feasibility of additional EB and WB Route 27 traffic signals. Install accordingly based on feasibility review. Low 1-3 Years $50,000 McMahon Traffic Control Install “Left Turn Yield on Green” signs for EB and WB Route 27. Low <1 year $1,000 McMahon Traffic Control Install a local street sign for Route 27. Low <1 year $800 McMahon Traffic Control Provide additional queue storage for the Route 1 northbound and southbound left-turn lanes. Medium >3 Years $400,000 MassDOT Traffic Control Continue police presence and enforcement. Low <1 Year -- Walpole Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Issue Traffic Control Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Investigate feasibility of additional EB and WB Route 27 traffic signals. Install accordingly based on feasibility review. Provide a protected left-turn phase for Route 27 westbound. Widen Route 27 for additional westbound lane east of Route 1. Medium <1 Year * McMahon Low 1-3 Years $12,000 McMahon Low 1-3 Years $30,000 MassDOT Install a pedestrian push button and signal head on the northeastern and Pedestrian Accommodation southeastern corners of the intersection. Review pedestrian equipment and potential implementation according to APS guidelines. Pedestrian Accommodation Review pedestrian activity and provide crosswalks and pedestrian push buttons and signals accordingly. Pedestrian Accommodation Reassess pedestrian and clearance intervals and implement an improved timing and phasing plan. Medium <1 Year ** McMahon Access Management Consider prohibiting left-turns in and out of Route 27 business driveways. Medium 1-3 Years -- Walpole Access Management Expand painted median at Gulf gas station. Medium <1 Year $5,000 Walpole * The objective to limit the number of left-turning vehicles trapped within the intersection will be achieved through a number of individual enhancements described under the Alignment & Intersection and Signal Phasing & Timing sections. The resulting cost can be found under those individual enhancements. ** The enhancement of reviewing the existing signal timing plan to maximize the exclusive pedestrian phase will be completed in conjunction with the overall review of the signal and timing plan review described under Signal Phasing and Timing. The cost of this improvement would be included in the cost identified in that section. Page 17 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Route 1 at Route 27 Meeting Location: Walpole Town Hall Main Meeting Room 135 School Street Walpole MA 02081 Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 1:00 PM Welcome and Introductions 1:15 PM Review of Site Specific Material Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries– provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 2:00 PM Visit the Site Drive to intersection of Route 1 and Route 27 As a group, identify areas for improvement 2:30 PM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA Discuss observations and finalize findings Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 3:00 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on April 17, 2013, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: April 17 ,2013 Audit Team Members Location: Walpole Town Hall Route 1 @ Route 27, Walpole, MA Agency/Affiliation Email Address Phone Number Peter Calves MassDOT Highway Safety 857-368-9620 QingQing You MassDOT Highway Safety Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway 857-368-9638 Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Safety 857-368-9634 Edward C. Feeney MassDOT District 5 Traffic 508-889-4892 Barbara Lachance MassDOT District 5 Traffic 805-884-4260 Seth Asante Boston Region MPO 617-973-7098 Warren Goodwill Walpole Police Dept 508-668-1095 Maggie Walker Walpole Town Engineer 508-660-7211 Bob Leblanc Walpole Highway 508-660-7382 Tim Bailey Walpole Fire Dept 508-668-0260 Shaun Handy MassDOT Projects Section 508-884-4255 Erin Pacileo McMahon Associates 617-556-0020 Jason Adams McMahon Associates 617-556-0020 Dominic Caiazzo McMahon Associates 617-556-0020 857-294-5465 Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Table 1 Accident Summary 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Route 27 (High Plain Street) at Route 1 at Walmart 18 0 36 1 17 0 30 3 16 1 24 0 141 5 Type Angle Rear-end Head-on Sideswipe Single Vehicle Unknown Total 49 60 5 17 3 7 141 2 2 0 1 0 0 5 Severity Property Damage Personal Injury Fatality Other Total 94 35 0 12 141 4 1 0 0 5 Weather Clear Cloudy Rain Snow Ice Sleet Fog Unknown Total 83 31 21 2 0 1 1 2 141 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 5 Time 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 6:00 PM to 7:00 AM Total 16 62 31 32 141 0 1 3 1 5 Crash Rate District 5 Average State Average 1.31 0.77 0.80 0.19 0.58 0.60 Source: MassDOT INTERSECTION CRASH RATE WORKSHEET CITY/TOWN : Walpole DISTRICT : 4 COUNT DATE : UNSIGNALIZED : 1/7/2010 SIGNALIZED : x ~ INTERSECTION DATA ~ MAJOR STREET : Route 1 (Providence Highway) MINOR STREET(S) : Route 27 (High Plain Street) 2 - Route 1 INTERSECTION North DIAGRAM 3 - Route 27 (Label Approaches) 4 - Route 27 1 - Route 1 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES APPROACH : 1 2 3 4 DIRECTION : NB SB EB WB PEAK HOURLY VOLUMES (AM/PM) : 1,005 1,685 827 411 " K " FACTOR : 0.080 INTERSECTION ADT ( V ) = TOTAL DAILY APPROACH VOLUME : TOTAL # OF CRASHES : 141 CRASH RATE CALCULATION : # OF YEARS : 1.31 6 RATE = AVERAGE # OF CRASHES PER YEAR ( A): ( A * 1,000,000 ) ( V * 365 ) Comments : Project Title & Date: 5 Route 27 Traffic Signal and Roadway Improvements Total Peak Hourly Approach Volume 3,928 49,100 23.50 Top Crash Intersections 2008‐2010 Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27) Walpole, Massachusetts MassHighway Crash Report for in the year 2005 Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Road Surface Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition 1839151 1848507 1856109 1864177 1864142 1891647 1887148 1892923 2000007 1901186 1908784 1968327 1925661 1940519 1948973 1962137 1962213 1973629 WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE 31-Jan-2005 13-Feb-2005 27-Feb-2005 16-Mar-2005 21-Mar-2005 26-Mar-2005 29-Apr-2005 03-May-2005 01-Jun-2005 17-Jun-2005 24-Jun-2005 20-Jul-2005 27-Aug-2005 25-Sep-2005 11-Oct-2005 17-Nov-2005 22-Nov-2005 05-Dec-2005 5:21 PM 11:42 AM 7:10 PM 4:24 PM 3:33 PM 12:30 PM 12:25 PM 5:35 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:24 PM 8:50 AM 2:10 PM 7:45 PM 3:50 PM 2:26 PM 7:50 AM 4:08 PM Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Angle Angle Angle Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Angle Single vehicle crash Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Angle Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Wet Wet Dusk Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dusk Clear Clear Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Cloudy/Cloudy Clear Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Clear Clear/Clear Clear Clear Clear/Clear Cloudy Rain/Cloudy Clear Rain/Cloudy Cloudy MassHighway Crash Report for in the year 2006 Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Road Surface Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition 1984285 2000221 2001578 2019761 2116031 2025947 2025964 2097446 2026047 2026054 2029107 2147569 2044446 2135563 2060118 2060062 2060138 2123297 2060005 2129994 2117330 2074139 2089951 2181444 2089945 2089936 2089915 2102943 2104514 2218235 2104501 2171413 2104973 2121295 2118784 2190276 2132880 WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE 04-Jan-2006 02-Feb-2006 18-Feb-2006 27-Mar-2006 15-Apr-2006 17-Apr-2006 18-Apr-2006 21-Apr-2006 24-Apr-2006 25-Apr-2006 28-Apr-2006 08-May-2006 09-May-2006 24-May-2006 07-Jun-2006 09-Jun-2006 16-Jun-2006 16-Jun-2006 24-Jun-2006 21-Jul-2006 29-Jul-2006 10-Aug-2006 21-Aug-2006 26-Aug-2006 28-Aug-2006 28-Aug-2006 29-Aug-2006 17-Sep-2006 02-Oct-2006 04-Oct-2006 05-Oct-2006 18-Oct-2006 22-Oct-2006 02-Nov-2006 02-Nov-2006 09-Nov-2006 07-Dec-2006 6:26 AM 8:05 AM 3:25 PM 8:19 AM 6:05 PM 6:35 PM 8:51 PM 12:00 PM 4:31 PM 10:35 PM 4:46 PM 7:00 PM 11:05 AM 8:50 AM 7:51 AM 5:08 PM 9:12 AM 5:15 PM 00:00 AM 8:00 AM 10:50 AM 12:11 PM 6:41 PM 10:30 AM 6:50 AM 11:35 AM 2:05 PM 7:45 PM 3:58 PM 11:30 AM 1:47 PM 7:40 AM 11:59 AM 7:38 AM 10:41 AM 8:10 AM 7:56 AM Rear-end Angle Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Rear-end Not reported Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Angle Not reported Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Angle Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Angle Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Angle Not reported Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry Not reported Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Not reported Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Cloudy/Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy/Cloudy Clear Cloudy Rain Clear Not Reported Cloudy/Cloudy Clear Cloudy/Rain Cloudy Clear/Clear Clear Rain Rain Clear Clear Clear/Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain/Rain Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Clear Clear/Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Clear/Clear Rain Clear/Clear Non-fatal injury Not Reported Not Reported Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Not Reported Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) MassHighway Crash Report for in the year 2007 Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Road Surface Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition 2149197 2281312 2167870 2181100 2316589 2192737 2217293 2340184 2217441 2220767 2224170 2224004 2241078 2374373 2247176 2258148 2258139 WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE 16-Jan-2007 13-Feb-2007 24-Mar-2007 29-Mar-2007 13-May-2007 18-May-2007 29-Jun-2007 14-Jul-2007 18-Jul-2007 27-Jul-2007 05-Aug-2007 29-Aug-2007 20-Sep-2007 27-Sep-2007 18-Oct-2007 21-Nov-2007 22-Nov-2007 2:06 PM 12:20 PM 6:11 PM 00:00 AM 12:15 PM 8:25 AM 4:20 PM 4:40 PM 1:38 PM 11:31 AM 9:33 AM 7:09 AM 8:53 AM 5:15 AM 7:54 AM 4:53 PM 10:08 AM Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Angle Not reported Rear-end Angle Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Head-on Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Rear-end Angle Rear-end Dry Dry Dry Dry Not reported Wet Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Daylight Daylight Dusk Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear/Clear Clear Rain/Cloudy Cloudy/Cloudy Clear Cloudy/Rain Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Clear Cloudy/Cloudy Fog, smog, smoke Clear M assDOT Crash Report for in the year 2008 Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Road Surface Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition 2282371 2282186 2282751 2282643 2445896 2282587 2439710 2282419 2298596 2417010 2299407 2439197 2432249 2316364 2341854 2511192 2504500 2379943 2379992 2380290 2380234 2391378 2390932 2406392 2406150 2488174 2489204 2418030 2423773 2417915 2367518 2363578 2363566 WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE 01-Jan-2008 10-Jan-2008 13-Jan-2008 14-Jan-2008 18-Jan-2008 23-Jan-2008 25-Jan-2008 26-Jan-2008 09-Feb-2008 03-Mar-2008 07-Mar-2008 19-Mar-2008 22-Mar-2008 03-Apr-2008 05-Jun-2008 07-Jun-2008 02-Sep-2008 05-Sep-2008 13-Sep-2008 23-Sep-2008 24-Sep-2008 08-Oct-2008 14-Oct-2008 04-Nov-2008 14-Nov-2008 28-Nov-2008 30-Nov-2008 10-Dec-2008 11-Dec-2008 11-Dec-2008 30-Jul-2008 06-Aug-2008 08-Aug-2008 9:38 AM 4:26 PM 11:33 PM 11:06 AM 11:45 AM 10:09 AM 3:07 PM 1:30 PM 8:56 PM 4:00 AM 5:18 PM 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:41 AM 3:58 PM 2:20 AM 12:00 PM 12:54 PM 11:20 PM 8:55 PM 4:34 PM 5:58 PM 12:15 PM 11:38 AM 3:05 PM 6:45 PM 8:45 PM 10:47 AM 5:01 PM 5:10 PM 4:38 PM 4:13 PM 5:13 PM Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Not Reported Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Non-fatal injury Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Single vehicle crash Sideswipe, same direction Angle Angle Head-on Head-on Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Rear-end Not reported Rear-end Angle Rear-end Not reported Not reported Angle Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, opposite direction Angle Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, opposite direction Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Angle Head-on Angle Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Rear-end Dry Dry Dry Snow Wet Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Wet Wet Wet Dry Wet Dry Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Daylight Daylight Dark - unknown roadway lighting Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dusk Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear/Clear Clear Cloudy/Cloudy Snow/Cloudy Cloudy Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Clear Cloudy/Snow Clear Clear/Clear Rain Clear Clear/Clear Rain/Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Not Reported Clear Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Cloudy/Cloudy Clear Rain Rain/Severe crosswinds Rain/Cloudy Rain Clear Cloudy/Rain Clear MassDOT Crash Report for in the year 2009 Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Road Surface Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition 2429147 2425368 2437059 2446679 2449419 2454957 2468126 2476903 2482335 2490711 2494095 2647555 2514017 2514144 2537859 2558049 2719959 WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE 07-Jan-2009 19-Jan-2009 14-Feb-2009 15-Mar-2009 31-Mar-2009 03-Apr-2009 06-May-2009 06-Jun-2009 11-Jun-2009 29-Jun-2009 07-Jul-2009 10-Aug-2009 03-Sep-2009 09-Sep-2009 02-Nov-2009 18-Dec-2009 05-Nov-2009 8:55 PM 4:35 PM 5:27 PM 2:42 PM 3:10 PM 1:58 PM 10:12 AM 5:35 PM 1:31 PM 7:08 PM 4:37 PM 8:15 PM 10:35 PM 9:14 AM 6:36 AM 12:13 PM 10:45 AM Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Single vehicle crash Rear-end Angle Rear-end Head-on Angle Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Angle Angle Angle Sideswipe, opposite direction Sideswipe, same direction Angle Ice Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Snow Dark - lighted roadway Dusk Dusk Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dawn Sleet, hail (freezing rain or drizzle)/Cloudy Clear Clear Clear/Clear Clear/Clear Rain/Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear/Clear Cloudy/Rain Clear Clear Cloudy/Cloudy Clear Clear/Clear Rain/Clear MassDOT Crash Report for in the year 2010 Crash Number City/Town Name Crash Date Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Road Surface Condition Ambient Light Weather Condition 2580465 2578168 2584670 2585709 2599658 2610481 2610474 2753479 2614506 2615291 2615268 2622048 2630638 2630493 2630490 2655769 2662841 2662409 2661894 2669666 2669655 2684097 2683011 2683024 WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE WALPOLE 09-Feb-2010 22-Feb-2010 05-Mar-2010 17-Mar-2010 09-May-2010 15-May-2010 19-May-2010 09-Jun-2010 14-Jun-2010 17-Jun-2010 20-Jun-2010 14-Jul-2010 21-Jul-2010 04-Aug-2010 09-Aug-2010 16-Oct-2010 20-Oct-2010 01-Nov-2010 03-Nov-2010 10-Nov-2010 17-Nov-2010 14-Dec-2010 18-Dec-2010 28-Dec-2010 7:15 PM 5:35 PM 9:17 PM 3:24 PM 6:05 PM 2:15 PM 5:32 PM 4:15 PM 2:53 PM 9:22 AM 4:58 PM 1:19 PM 2:55 PM 5:57 PM 2:32 PM 1:03 PM 5:28 PM 3:21 PM 1:26 PM 6:18 AM 5:11 PM 9:40 PM 11:22 AM 4:25 PM Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Not Reported Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Property damage only (none injured) Non-fatal injury Angle Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Angle Angle Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Wet Dark - lighted roadway Dusk Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear/Clear Cloudy Clear/Clear Cloudy/Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Rain/Cloudy Clear Clear Clear/Clear Clear Clear Clear/Clear Clear Rain/Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Road Safety Audit—Providence Highway (Route 1) at High Plain Street (Route 27)—Walpole, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. Appendix D. Additional Information Route 1 (Providence Highway) 31 352 1645 198 145 246 313 49 195 95 Figure 3 2012 Base Year Weekday Morning Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Route 27 Improvements Walpole, Massachusetts 23 8 105 489 29 23 Walmart Driveway SCHEMATIC­ NOT TO SCALE 55 329 SITE 23 263 Route 27 (High Plain Street) Route 1 (Providence Highway) 70 269 558 108 158 268 401 14 205 192 Figure 4 2012 Base Year Weekday Afternoon Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Route 27 Improvements Walpole, Massachusetts 117 44 181 1378 92 34 Walmart Driveway SCHEMATIC­ NOT TO SCALE 140 306 SITE 49 304 Route 27 (High Plain Street) Route 1 (Providence Highway) 44 210 618 165 266 320 259 60 214 183 Figure 5 2012 Base Year Saturday Midday Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Route 27 Improvements Walpole, Massachusetts 124 52 252 776 246 64 Walmart Driveway SCHEMATIC­ NOT TO SCALE 362 335 SITE 88 349 Route 27 (High Plain Street)