ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street Towns of Norwood & Westwood September 2014 Prepared For: On Behalf Of: Westwood Marketplace Holdings LLC Prepared By: 35 New England Business Center Drive Suite 140 Andover, MA 01810-1066 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description ..............................................................................................2 Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements............................................................6 Summary of Road Safety Audit.................................................................................................12 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Locus Map ..............................................................................................................................3 Route 1A at Everett Street/Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street/Everett Street Existing Conditions.......................................................... 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary.............................................................................. 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Background The combined intersection of Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street was identified as a high crash location in the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) based on the 2011 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) cluster data. Improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division at the 25% Design Level. The MassDOT Highway Division Traffic and Safety Engineering 25% Design Submission Guidelines require a Road Safety Audit (RSA) be performed for all project-related high crash locations to identify safety issues and enhancements that may be implemented in conjunction with the University Station off-site mitigation project, as well as other measures that could be programmed for implementation by others in the mid-term or long-term timeframes. Project Data The RSA for the subject location was conducted on September 8, 2014 at the Westwood Municipal Building. The RSA Meeting Agenda is provided in Appendix A. Participating audit team members and their affiliation are listed in Table 1; team member contact information is provided in Appendix B. For this modified RSA, team members were encouraged to visit the location prior to the meeting to observe operations and evaluate potential safety issues, using MassDOT’s Safety Review Prompt list for guidance. At the meeting, team members were provided with an aerial photograph of the location, and a collision diagram, summary table, and various bar charts analyzing motor vehicle crashes reported within the three year review period (2010-2012). This material was reviewed by the team at the meeting in conjunction with street level views afforded by Google Earth. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Mark Ryan Tony Greeley Bill Brooks Paul Sicard Jeff Bina Lisa Schletzbaum orey O’onnor Thomas Rebello Alex Duggan Erin Kinahan Scott Thornton Steve Boudreau Jonathan Rockwell Norwood DPW Norwood Fire Department Norwood Police Department Westwood Police Department Westwood Town Engineer MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Traffic MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Projects MassDOT Highway Division District 6 Planning Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Motor vehicle crash data was provided by the Norwood and Westwood Police Departments for the most recent three year review period available (2010-2012). The data provided includes 38 reported crashes, with ten (26%) resulting in personal injury, and no reported fatalities. Twenty (53%) of the crashes were angle or turning movement crashes, ten (27%) were rear-end crashes, five (13%) were sideswipe crashes, one vehicle struck a deer, and one crash involved a pedestrian or bicycle. Twelve (32%) of the crashes occurred on wet pavement, and one in snowy conditions. Thirteen (35%) of the crashes occurred during peak afternoon commuting hours (2 pm to 6 pm), and seven (19%) occurred during the peak morning commute (6 am to 10 am). Project Location and Description Route 1A is typically a four-lane urban minor arterial. North of its intersection with Everett Street and Clapboardtree Street, it is known as Washington Street and is under Town of Westwood jurisdiction; south of this intersection, in Norwood, it is known as Upland Road and is under MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction, as the Town line bisects the intersection from west to east. Everett Street is a four-lane urban minor arterial and Clapboardtree Street is a two-lane urban collector, both under Town of Norwood jurisdiction. The posted speed limit on Route 1A is 40 miles per hour (mph) northbound and 30 mph southbound; Clapboardtree Street is posted at 30 mph approaching the intersection, and Everett Street is unposted in the westbound direction. Everett Street intersects Route 1A from the east and Clapboardtree Street intersects Route 1A from the west to form a four-way intersection under fully-actuated traffic signal control. Each Route 1A approach consists of an exclusive left turn lane and two through travel lanes. The Everett Street westbound approach consists of an exclusive left turn lane and a through travel lane. The Clapboardtree eastbound approach consists of a shared through/left turn lane. The right turns from each side street are channelized via raised median islands. Median islands are also provided on the Route 1A approaches to separate directions of travel. Approximately 100 feet east of Route 1A, Washington Street (a.k.a. Lower Washington) intersects Everett Street from the south to form a three-legged signalized intersection which operates in conjunction with Route 1A under a single traffic signal controller. A railroad bridge crosses over Everett Street, between the two intersections. Washington Street, south of Everett Street, is typically a two-lane urban collector under Town of Norwood jurisdiction, with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. The Washington Street northbound approach consists of an exclusive left turn lane and an exclusive right turn lane. The Everett Street approaches are each comprised of two general purpose travel lanes. Sidewalks currently exist along both sides of Route 1A north of the intersection, along the west side of Route 1A south of the intersection, along both sides of Everett Street, along the north side of Clapboardtree Street, and along both sides of Washington Street south of the intersection. Curb ramps and a crosswalk are provided across the north leg of the intersection, including the channelized right turn, and across the Washington Street approach to Everett Street. Curb ramps with no corresponding marked crosswalk exist across the Clapboardtree Street approach, including the channelized right turn, on the southeast corner of Route 1A and Everett Street, and on Everett Street opposite Washington Street. Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. The existing traffic signal phasing provides for protected leading left turns on Route1A northbound and southbound. Everett Street westbound operates with a protected-permissive left turn to Route 1A southbound. The lower Washington Street approach is currently allowed to run during both the protected and permissive portions of the Everett Street westbound movement at Route 1A. Clapboardtree Street runs concurrently with Everett Street. A concurrent pedestrian phase is provided for crossing the Route 1A mainline (excluding the channelized right turn) upon pushbutton actuation. No pedestrian signals are present at the pedestrian crossing of the south leg of Washington Street or at other unmarked crossings where curb ramps are provided. A locus map and aerial photograph of the existing conditions are provided as Figure 1 and 2, respectively. Page 3 Source: Google Earth. 0 1000 2000 Scale in Feet Road Safety Audit - Route 1A at Everett Street/Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street/Everett Street - Westwood and Norwood, Massachusetts CLAPBOARD TREE STREET EVER ETT STRE E Source: Google Earth. 0 40 80 EET STR TON HING WAS UP LA ND RO A D T Scale in Feet Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements Observations: Signal Visibility It was noted that the mast arm mounted signal head on Everett Street westbound prior to the railroad bridge visually blends with the bridge itself, which is painted green. This could contribute to rear-end, angle, or turning movement crashes if drivers are unsure of the signal indications and proceed without the right of way or brake/stop unnecessarily when they do have the right of way. Also in the westbound direction, it was reported that the optically programmed signal indications on the far side of Route 1A may be visible to drivers on Everett Street beyond the intended limit, which could allow drivers to see a red indication in the foreground (at lower Washington Street) and a conflicting green indication beyond, or vice versa. This could lead to rear-end or turning movement crashes and contribute to red light running. Optically programmed signal heads are also present for Everett Street eastbound on the far side of the railroad bridge. RSA members noted that eastbound drivers approaching lower Washington Street may not expect to encounter another signalized intersection after passing through the Route 1A intersection; this is exacerbated by the bridge and optically programmed signals. The bridge partially obscures the overhead signals and the optically programmed signals are set so that the driver does not see the indication until they are too close to comprehend and react. These issues could lead to rear-end or turning movement crashes; in particular, there were eight reported angle crashes between an eastbound vehicle and a northbound vehicle, with crash reports noting that a vehicle ran the red light or the driver was confused. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Signal Equipment & Operation The signal phasing allows the Clapboardtree Street/Everett Street phase (at Route 1A) to run concurrently with the northbound Washington Street phase. This scheme allows Washington Street northbound traffic to proceed through the Route 1A intersection and minimizes queuing on Everett Street between Route 1A and Washington Street. However, drivers from Clapboardtree Street may assume they will have a green light to continue on Everett Street eastbound, past Washington Street, when that signal is red to allow the Washington Street northbound movement. This is likely the cause of a majority of the rear-end and angle crashes reported at this location. Red-light running was cited as a concern. This could be attributed to a number of factors, including inadequate change and clearance intervals, aggressive driver behavior exacerbated by long delays, vehicles becoming trapped in the intersection due to the concurrent side street phasing, placement of overhead signal equipment, or inadequate visibility of optically programmed signal heads (as mentioned above). Queuing It was noted that Route 1A southbound left turn queues often spill outside the exclusive left turn lane into the adjacent through lane, which causes through drivers to move over to the right-most through lane to avoid. No reported crashes were directly attributable to this condition, however it adds to the long delays. Route 1A southbound queues often extend past Marshall Street, prohibiting vehicles from entering or departing the side street during peak hours and occasionally causing northbound traffic in the left lane to back up to Everett Street behind a vehicle waiting to turn left into Marshall Street. This condition introduces the potential for angle crashes. It should be noted that crashes reported at the intersection of Route 1A and Marshall Street were not included in the study. Geometry It was noted that the horizontal curve in Route 1A southbound approaching the intersection obscures the advance view of the traffic signals; trees on the inside of the curve exacerbate this issue. This could be a factor in rear-end crashes if drivers encounter stopped vehicles before recognizing that the signals are red. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Striping & Signing The Everett Street westbound approach lacks pavement markings and signing to designate the intended lane use. A number of related occurrences were described, including vehicles turning left from both approach lanes at Route 1A, and vehicles attempting to proceed through to Clapboardtree Street from the left lane. This condition is exacerbated by the misalignment of the through lane from Everett Street westbound to Clapboardtree Street, which is offset to accommodate the exclusive left turn lane. This likely contributes to angle and sideswipe crashes (crash #7, for example) as drivers turning from the left lane would not expect a vehicle in the adjacent lane to be turning left as well and, similarly, drivers in the right lane would not expect a vehicle in the left lane to continue through. Also, through vehicles must veer left somewhat through the intersection to continue through during the concurrent side street phase. It was noted that there is a general lack of guide signs and route marker signs approaching the intersection, though this is unlikely to be a significant factor in reported crashes. The angle of entry to Route 1A northbound from the channelized right turn from Everett Street makes it appear as though the turning roadway has a dedicated lane entering Route 1A. Also, no YIELD sign or yield line pavement marking is present. This could be a factor in sideswipe crashes at that location as drivers approaching from Everett Street may mistakenly believe they have the right of way. Vehicles have been observed to make a right turn on red from Route 1A northbound where, during certain phases, they immediately encounter a red light. This could lead to rear-end crashes. However, a “No Turn on Red” sign is present on the approach, but the visibility/placement is poor. It was suggested that the stop line on the Route 1A southbound approach is set back too far and that moving it forward could serve to increase storage in the short left turn lane. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Pedestrian Accommodation There is significant pedestrian activity due to the proximity of Xaverian Brothers high school on Clapboardtree Street and MBTA bus stops on Route 1A southbound, just prior to Marshall Street, and northbound, opposite Marshall Street. One pedestrian crash was reported during the study period, in which a driver later cited for operating under the influence struck a pedestrian on the grass shoulder of Route 1A northbound, just south of the intersection. It was noted that pedestrian access is generally poor due to limited pedestrian signals and crosswalks, and non-compliant curb ramps. The only signalized crossing is across the northern leg of Route 1A; however the pedestrian signal heads do not meet current standards. Crosswalks are only present across the northern leg of Route 1A and across lower Washington Street. However, the record signal permit also shows a striped crosswalk across Clapboardtree Street, which does not currently exist; noncompliant curb ramps are present for this crossing. It was noted that visibility to pedestrians under the railroad bridge is compromised by shadows. The sidewalk from the south leg of Washington Street continues under the railroad bridge and around the corner to Route 1A, where it terminates abruptly, with no crosswalk provided. Bicycle Accommodation Shoulders on all approaches are inadequate for bicycle travel, though no bicycle crashes were reported. The traffic signal presently has no bicycle detection. Pavement Condition It was observed that a bump is created at the brick paver crosswalk across the north leg of the intersection. This appears to be caused by the pavement settling immediately adjacent to the flush granite curb which borders the pavers. The flush granite curb appears to be in good condition and still retains the pavers adequately. It was noted that the pavement becomes slippery in winter, particularly the Everett Street westbound approach. This could be a contributing factor in numerous crash types, most notably rear-ends, if drivers misjudge braking distance given the conditions. There is significant rutting, particularly on the Route 1A approaches to the intersection. Numerous potholes and utility trench patches also exist on Everett Street, between Route 1A and Washington Street. These may cause drivers to swerve to avoid and could contribute to sideswipe or angle crashes. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. Replace existing backplates with new backplates with fluorescent yellow retroreflective borders for all signal heads to improve visibility, particularly on Everett Street westbound against the railroad bridge. 2. Work with bridge owner to paint bridge to provide visually contrasting background for signal heads. 3. Review visibility limits and adjust all optically programmed signal indications as necessary to ensure they are not visible beyond their intended limit, particularly Everett Street westbound. 4. Consider alteration and/or horizontal mounting of signal head(s) on far side of bridge for eastbound traffic to alleviate blocked view of far-side signals by bridge, or other solution to improve advance signal visibility/recognition. 5. Consider installation of signal ahead (W3-3) or L.E.D. “Red Signal Ahead” warning sign on west side of bridge (possibly on the bridge itself) to provide advance notification of lower Washington Street signal. 6. Review placement of optically programmed signal heads and the need for each green, yellow and red indication to remain optically programmed. This could potentially improve advance recognition of change and clearance intervals and reduce rear-end crashes caused by vehicles stopping abruptly. 7. Consider modifications to signal phasing to prohibit the Lower Washington and Clapboardtree Street phases from occurring simultaneously. This could significantly reduce the number of rear-end and angle crashes caused by eastbound drivers unexpectedly encountering a red indication at Washington Street immediately after crossing Route 1A, and possibly reduce the occurrence of red light running. This change to phasing would likely reduce capacity and increase delays. Opportunities to compensate for the capacity reduction should be explored and implemented if feasible, such as a second southbound left turn lane, an additional lane on the Clapboardtree Street approach and/or an exclusive right turn lane northbound. 8. Consider implementation of flashing yellow arrow operation for the Everett Street approach. This would allow left turn movements and a protected advance phase, which would be expected to reduce the incidents of angle and turning movement crashes within the intersection. 9. Review change/clearance intervals, accounting for approach grades. This will ensure that vehicles are afforded sufficient time to clear the intersection and could reduce red-light running. 10. Install new mast arms at the far side of the intersection approaches, rather than diagonally in the middle, to reduce the red signal violations. 11. Provide internal green clearance to clear eastbound vehicles on Everett Street between Route 1A and lower Washington Street and reduce red-light running and associated crashes. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 12. Widen Route1A southbound to extend left turn lane to increase capacity, improve accessibility to the left turn lane, and reduce potential queue spillover into the adjacent through lane. 13. Review location of STOP line on Route 1A southbound and relocate if possible to increase storage capacity on approach and to shorten the width of the intersection, hence reducing the required change and clearance intervals. 14. Install “Do Not Block Intersection” sign and/or pavement markings on Route 1A at Marshall Street to maintain abutter access and prevent northbound queue backup to Everett Street. 15. Consider addition of a supplemental far left signal head on Route 1A southbound to improve advance visibility and account for the horizontal curve on approach. This could reduce rearend crashes by providing advance notice to drivers of a red light. However, MassDOT District 5 Traffic Operations has requested that this not be implemented, since placement of this signal head to the left of the exclusive left turn lane signal could cause drivers to mistake this for an advance left turn signal. 16. Install lane use pavement markings and signing on Everett Street westbound to clarify intended lane use and improve advance decision-making regarding lane assignment. This measure could reduce angle and sideswipe crashes as vehicles would be less likely to make a conflicting movement from the wrong lane unexpectedly. 17. Implement maintenance program for pavement markings, considering that the alignment/ configuration of the Everett Street approach contributes to accelerated wear. This could help reduce all crash types on the Everett Street approach. 18. Install advance street name (“Next Signal Ahead”) signs on Route 1A approaches to aid drivers in selecting the correct lane in advance of the intersection. 19. Install YIELD sign and YIELD line for the channelized right turn to Route 1A northbound to define the desired yield point and add dotted edge line across the channelized right turn lane. 20. Relocate “No Turn on Red” sign for Route 1A northbound to improve visibility. 21. Add crosswalks and install pedestrian signals for crossing the south leg of Route 1A, Clapboardtree Street, and Everett Street at Lower Washington to improve pedestrian accessibility and connectivity. 22. Review pedestrian signal phasing and pedestrian volumes to determine if exclusive or concurrent phasing is more appropriate at this location to best balance pedestrian accessibility/safety and intersection operations. 23. Upgrade curb ramps to provide ADA-compliant pedestrian access. 24. Install lighting under bridge to improve visibility of pedestrians. 25. Widen approach roadways to provide 5-foot wide shoulders for bicycle accommodation. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 26. Install bicycle detection and associated signs and pavement markings. 27. Evaluate brick paver crosswalk on Route 1A and repair settled pavement immediately adjacent to flush granite curb to improve ride quality. 28. Repave the intersection to remove rutting and improve skid resistance, considering a high-friction pavement mix. This could reduce all crash types during slippery conditions and rear-end crashes during all road conditions. This measure would also serve to correct potholes and trench patches, improving ride quality. It should be noted that MassDOT District 5 and the Town of Westwood have indicated that they do not want a high friction surface treatment applied at this location. Summary of Road Safety Audit Potential safety enhancements that were discussed during the RSA meeting and described in the previous section are summarized in Table 2. For each potential enhancement, an estimate of the safety benefit (“payoff”), approximate timeframe to implement, and cost are noted; the responsible party recommended to implement the enhancement is also identified. Safety payoff estimates are qualitative and categorized as low (<30%), medium (31% to 70%), or high (>71%). The time frame to implement each enhancement is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long- term (>3 years). The cost estimates are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Enhancements where the developer is identified as the responsible agency and marked with an asterisk have already been incorporated into the 25% Design Plans for improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, which are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Visibility of signal heads Visibility of signal heads Visibility of signal heads Visibility of signal heads Visibility of signal heads Visibility of signal heads Non-continuous green between intersections during certain phases Potential Safety Enhancement 1. Replace backplates with new backplates with retroreflective borders for all signal heads 2. 2. Repaint railroad bridge 3. Review and adjust visibility limit of optically programmed signals 4. Consider alteration, horizontal mounting or other solution to alleviate bridge blocking view of EB signals at lower Washington St. 5. Consider signal ahead (W3-3) or L.E.D. “Red Signal !head” warning sign on west side of RR bridge 6. Consider replacement of optically programmed signal indications with standard L.E.D. 7. 7a. Revise signal phasing to eliminate Lower Washington St/Clapboardtree St phase combination Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Low Short-term Low Developer* Low Mid-term Medium RR owner Low Short-term Low Developer Medium Short-term Low Developer Low/Medium Mid-term Low Mid-term Low Developer Medium Short-term Low Developer Responsible Agency Low/Medium MassDOT/RR owner Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency 7b. Add lanes to increase capacity Medium Long-term High MassDOT 8. Implement FYA operation on Everett St WB Low Mid-term Medium MassDOT Red-light running 9. Review/adjust change/clearance intervals Low Short-term Low Developer* Red-light running 10. Replace mast arms Low Long-term High MassDOT Red-light running 11. Provide internal green clearance Medium Short-term Low Developer Queuing 12. Widen Route 1A SB to extend LTL Low Long-term High MassDOT Queuing 13. Relocate STOP line on Route 1A SB Low Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Low Developer Medium Short-term Low Developer* Safety Issue Non-continuous green between intersections during certain phases Concurrent side street phasing Queuing/abutter access Geometry/signal visibility Driver guidance Potential Safety Enhancement 14. Install “Do Not lock Intersection” sign and/or pavement markings at Marshall St 15. Consider addition of supplemental far-left signal head on Route 1A SB 16. Install lane use pavement markings & signing on Everett St WB Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost 17. Implement pavement marking maintenance program Medium Mid-term Low Responsible Agency MassDOT/Town of Norwood/Town of Westwood 18. Install advance street name signs on Route 1A approaches Low Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Low Developer* Low Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Medium Developer Low Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Medium Developer* Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Driver guidance Driver guidance Lack of definition of desired 19. Install YIELD sign, YIELD line & dotted edge line for yield point channelized RT to Route 1A NB Sign visibility Pedestrian accessibility Pedestrian accessibility Pedestrian accessibility 20. Relocate “No Turn on Red” sign on Route 1A NB 21. Add crosswalks and install pedestrian signals for south leg of Route 1A, Clapboardtree St & Everett St at Lower Washington St 22. Review exclusive vs. concurrent pedestrian phasing and revise if warranted 23. Upgrade curb ramps Visibility of pedestrians 24. Install lighting under bridge Low Mid-term High Town of Westwood Bicycle accommodation 25. Widen to provide 5-foot shoulders Low Long-term High MassDOT Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency 26. Install bicycle detection, signs & pavement markings Low Short-term Medium Developer* 27. Repair pavement at brick paver crosswalk on Route 1A Low Short-term Low Developer Medium Short-term High Developer* Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Bicycle accommodation Pavement condition Pavement condition 28. Repave intersection Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Modified Road Safety Audit Westwood and Norwood MEETING LOCATION: Champagne Meeting Room, Westwood Memorial Building 50 Carby Street, Westwood, MA DATE: 9/8/14 TIME : 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Type of meeting: Modified Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Session I 9:00 - 10:30 East Street Rotary – Westwood/District 6 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans Session II*10:30 – 1:30 Route 1 at Everett Street/University Ave & Route 1A at Everett Street/Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street/Everett Street – Westwood/Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans *Lunch will be provided during this session* Session III 1:30 – 3:00 Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle – Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 1 Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA meeting on 9/8/2014, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 2 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List RSA AUDIT TEAM CONTACT LIST Project: Route 1A at Everett Street/Clapboardtree Street and Washington St/Everett Street – Norwood/Westwood Meeting Date: 9/8/14 Facilitator: VAI Place/Room: Westwood Municipal Building, Champagne Meeting Room Name Title Company Phone E-Mail Scott Thornton Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Jonathan Rockwell Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Corey O’Connor Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT, Boston 857-368-9638 Lisa Schletzbaum Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT Safety 857-368-9634 Jeff Bina Town Eng./ Westwood Westwood 781-251-2591 MassDOT, Dist. 6 857-368-6154 Erin Kinahan Paul Sicard Sergeant Westwood PD 781-328-1054 Thomas Rebello District 5 Traffic Ops MassDOT Dist. 5 508-884-4247 Mark Ryan Dir. Public Works Norwood 781-760-8341 Bill Brooks Police Chief Norwood PD 781-440-5150 Tony Greeley Fire Chief Norwood 781-727-6236 Alex Duggan Engineer MassDOT 508-884-4396 Steve Boudreau Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Road Safety Audit—Route 1A at Everett Street & Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street at Everett Street, Norwood & Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data fi111ctimwl l>e.,igu Report- Unh •eni(l' Station De1·elopment- IVe~twood allll Norwood, .lla\.\lldllt\ell\ EVERETT STREET CLAPBOARD TREE STREET ~~L t ~ l 16 lot ;:;::-""" :;;;-- <::::::::::: ,. - - -----------­ -,.,. r, 6,8 9 4,21,37 - - --­ 3,22 _) ~ I!! ~ 6 :5 a:: f I 18 5 7 - -25.r-­ 2 36 "'":':>- ? ' - t11,14,23,26,28, 32,33,34 -,'1 1l)t 19,30,31 15 !S CRASH TYPE Angle (A) _j Rear End (RE) Head On (HO) Fixed Object (FO) Side Swipe (SS) Turning Movement (TM) - ' Backing Up (BU) -~ • I~ . ­ Lone Change (LC) =-.7 . • 0 Out of Control (OC) ---'(9_,..­ Pedest./Bicycle (P /B) --6 ....... ;:;::- ---=:::; I Note: FO collision is a vehicle collision with a deer. \A.I R \6629 \5 029·:JC: ~J Vanasse & Associates, Inc. dw 'J. 8;' !/21J1 4 i 1 :: 5 37 A. r.~ All Rlghto Rooerwd. Cop)'l"lght @) 2009 by VAl. Collision Diagram Clapboard Tree Street/ Everett Street and Route 1A; Washington Street/Everett Street Motor Vehicle Crashes Crash # 1 2 3 4 Date 1/31/2010 2/5/2010 2/16/2010 2/26/2010 Clapboardtree Street/Everett Street and Route 1A; Washington Street and Everett Street Day Time Sunday Friday Tuesday Friday 5:43 AM 3:57 PM 8:24 AM 7:01 PM Crash typee Injury Statusa REAR‐END SIDESWIPE ANGLE ANGLE/TURN.MVMT NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Road Surfaceb Dry Dry Snowy Wet Weatherc Lightingd Driver Contribution Clear Cloudy Snow Cloudy Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Inattention Confusion disregarding traffic signs Failure to yield to oncoming traffic Comments ran through a red light without noticing Left‐turn without right of way Vehicle rear‐ended vehicle in front which was taking a left turn 5 3/19/2010 Friday 9:09 AM REAR‐END INJURY Dry Clear Daylight Inattention 6 7 3/31/2010 Wednesday 5/7/2010 Friday 1:21 PM 2:06 PM REAR‐END SIDESWIPE NO INJURY NO INJURY Wet Dry Cloudy Clear Daylight Daylight Inattention Unknown 8 6/30/2010 Wednesday 1:02 PM REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Clear Daylight followed too closely 9 10 8/25/2010 Wednesday 9/4/2010 Saturday 3:28 PM 6:52 AM REAR‐END ANGLE/TURN.MVMT NO INJURY NO INJURY Wet Wet Rain Cloudy Daylight Daylight Inattention Ran red light Driver looking at wrong signal head 3:25 PM ANGLE NO INJURY Dry Clear Daylight Ran red Light Driver did not see red light until it was too late 11 10/10/2010 Sunday School Bus hit and run after side‐swiping heavy vehicle prob going too fast tried to stop and it skidded rear‐ending the veh in front # of Vehicles Age of Driver 1 Age of Drivers 2/3 2 2 2 2 51 85 74 26 56 41 43 44 2 22 44 2 2 40 23 40 ‐‐ 2 34 54 3 2 18 68 25/33 54 2 69 76 2 63 16 12 12/1/2010 Wednesday 4:54 PM ANGLE/TURN.MVMT NO INJURY Wet Rain Dark, Lighted Roadway Failure to yield to oncoming traffic 13 2/28/2011 Monday 3:22 PM ANGLE/TURN.MVMT NO INJURY Wet Rain Daylight Unable to stop Vehicle unable to stop for red light, and collided with car which had a green light 2 17 43 14 4/13/2011 Wednesday 7:31 PM ANGLE NO INJURY Wet Rain Dark, Lighted Roadway Running a red light Driver did not see red light until it was too late 2 42 22 15 5/14/2011 Saturday 6:39 PM FO NO INJURY Dry Clear Dawn No Improper driving 16 6/3/2011 Friday 8:34 PM SIDESWIPE NO INJURY Dry Clear Daylight Failure to yield to oncoming traffic Collusion with deer Vehicle drifted into oncoming traffic while travelling straight 11:34 PM 9:10 PM 4:52 PM 8:41 AM 2:56 PM 7:14 PM 3:58 PM 12:29 PM 6:23 PM 8:52 PM 9:35 AM 9:22 PM 1:40 PM 1:09 PM 2:03 PM 7:52 AM 9:30 AM 2:57 PM ANGLE REAR‐END REAR‐END SIDESWIPE ANGLE/TURN.MVMT ANGLE ANGLE ANGLE/TURN.MVMT ANGLE (P/B) ANGLE SIDESWIPE REAR‐END REAR‐END ANGLE ANGLE ANGLE/TURN.MVMT ANGLE INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY INJURY INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY INJURY INJURY INJURY NO INJURY INJURY INJURY NO INJURY INJURY Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Clear Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Clear Dark, Lighted Roadway Dawn Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Ran red Light Unexpected stopping Inattention Unsafe merging Failure to yield to oncoming traffic Ran red/yellow light Signal confusion Failure to yield to oncoming traffic Signal confusion Inattention Signal confusion Inattention Inattention Inattention Ran red Light Signal confusion Ran red Light & Speeding Inattention REAR‐END NO INJURY Wet Rain Dark, Lighted Roadway Unexpected Stop ANGLE/TURN.MVMT ANGLE/TURN.MVMT NO INJURY NO INJURY Dry Dry Clear Clear Daylight Daylight Failure to yield to oncoming traffic Inattention 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1/14/2012 3/28/2012 4/23/2012 8/15/2012 8/21/2012 11/16/2012 8/22/2010 9/7/2010 3/10/2011 8/16/2011 8/25/2011 9/10/2011 11/12/2011 11/23/2011 11/26/2011 2/6/2012 4/3/2012 9/13/2012 Saturday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Friday Sunday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday 6:55 PM 9/28/2012 Friday 10/22/2012 Monday 12/6/2012 Thursday a Left‐turn without right of way Both drivers claim they had the green light Left‐turn without right of way Did not recognize light was red Both drivers claim they had the green light Did not recognize light was red Both drivers claim they had the green light Did not recognize light was red Driver was not expecting to stop at the intersection of Everett & Washington Left‐turn without right of way 69 ‐‐ 81 18 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 27 17 46 49 52 73 56 18 19 67 40 29 N/A 20 45 49 43 85 45 17/18 21 44 46 43 66 49 52 25 22 21 29 19 68 55 65 61 2 18 24 2 2 59 22 57 25 2 PD = Property Damage; PI = Personal Injury b c 3:45 PM 2:59 PM Sudden stop due to unexpected red light 1 2 RS = Road Surface W = Weather d L= Lighting; 1 = Daylight; 2 = Dawn; 3 = Dusk; 4 = Dark, Lighted Roadway; 5 = Dusk, Roadway Not Lighted; 6 = Dark, Unknown Roadway Lighting; 7 = Unknown e A = Angle; RE = Rear End; FO = Fixed Object; (P/B) = Pedestrian/Biker; SS = Sideswipe; HO = Head‐on S:\Jobs\6629\clap‐eve‐rt1a‐wash.xlsx Formatted Table 11/13/2014 Count of Month Monthly Crashes 18.00% 16.22% 16.00% 13.51% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 13.51% 10.81% 8.11% 10.81% 8.11% Total 8.00% 5.41% 5.41% 6.00% 5.41% 4.00% 2.70% 2.00% 0.00% JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Count of Day Crash Day of Week 25.00% 21.62% 18.92% 20.00% 15.00% 16.22% 13.51% 10.81% 10.81% 8.11% 10.00% Total 5.00% 0.00% 0.00% Day Count of Time Crash Time of Day 40.00% 35.14% 35.00% 27.03% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 18.92% Total 13.51% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 2.70% 2.70% 10‐2AM 2‐6AM 0.00% 6‐10AM 10‐2PM 2‐6PM 6‐10PM Time S:\Jobs\6629\clap‐eve‐rt1a‐wash.xlsx charts 11/13/2014 Count of Crash typee Crash Type 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 29.73% 27.03% 24.32% 13.51% 2.70% 2.70% 0.00% Total Crash typee Count of Lightingd Crash Light Condition 80.00% 70.00% 67.57% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 27.03% 30.00% Total 20.00% 5.41% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Dawn (blank) Lightingd Count of Weatherc Crash Weather 70.00% 62.16% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% Total 30.00% 16.22% 20.00% 18.92% 10.00% 2.70% 0.00% 0.00% Clear Cloudy Rain Snow (blank) Weatherc S:\Jobs\6629\clap‐eve‐rt1a‐wash.xlsx charts 11/13/2014 Count of Surfaceb Crash Surface 70.00% 64.86% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 32.43% Total 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 2.70% 0.00% Dry Wet Snowy Surfaceb Count of driver ages Crash Driver Ages 25.00% 21.62% 18.92% 20.00% 16.22% 13.51% 15.00% 10.81% 10.81% 10.00% Total 5.41% 5.00% 2.70% 0.00% 15‐20 21‐29 30‐39 40‐49 50‐59 60‐69 70‐79 80+ driver ages S:\Jobs\6629\clap‐eve‐rt1a‐wash.xlsx charts 11/13/2014