ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue Town of Norwood September 2014 Prepared For: On Behalf Of: Westwood Marketplace Holdings LLC Prepared By: 35 New England Business Center Drive Suite 140 Andover, MA 01810-1066 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description ...............................................................................................2 Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements.............................................................5 Summary of Road Safety Audit.................................................................................................12 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 3 Route 1 at Everett Street/University Avenue Existing Conditions......................................... 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary .............................................................................. 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Background The intersection of Route 1 at Everett Street and University Avenue was identified as a high crash location in the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) based on the 2010 and 2011 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) cluster data. Improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division at the 25% Design Level. The MassDOT Highway Division Traffic and Safety Engineering 25% Design Submission Guidelines require a Road Safety Audit (RSA) be performed for all project-related high crash locations to identify safety issues and enhancements that may be implemented in conjunction with the University Station off-site mitigation project, as well as other measures that could be programmed for implementation by others in the mid-term or long-term timeframes. Project Data The RSA for the subject location was conducted on September 8, 2014 at the Westwood Municipal Building. The RSA Meeting Agenda is provided in Appendix A. Participating audit team members and their affiliation are listed in Table 1; team member contact information is provided in Appendix B. For this modified RSA, team members were encouraged to visit the location prior to the meeting to observe operations and evaluate potential safety issues, using MassDOT’s Safety Review Prompt list for guidance. At the meeting, team members were provided with an aerial photograph of the location, and a collision diagram, summary table, and various bar charts analyzing motor vehicle crashes reported within the three year review period (2010-2012). This material was reviewed by the team at the meeting in conjunction with street level views afforded by Google Earth. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Mark Ryan Tony Greeley Bill Brooks Paul Sicard William Scoble Jeff Bina Lisa Schletzbaum Corey O’Connor Thomas Rebello Alex Duggan Erin Kinahan Scott Thornton Steve Boudreau Jonathan Rockwell Norwood DPW Norwood Fire Department Norwood Police Department Westwood Police Department Westwood Fire Department Westwood Town Engineer MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Traffic MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Projects MassDOT Highway Division District 6 Planning Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Motor vehicle crash data was provided by the Norwood Police Department for the most recent three year review period available (2010-2012). The data provided includes 52 reported crashes, with sixteen (31%) resulting in personal injury, and no reported fatalities. Twenty-five (48%) of the crashes were rear-end crashes, fifteen (28%) were turning movement crashes, seven (13%) were sideswipe crashes, three (6%) were angle crashes, and two vehicles struck fixed objects. Eleven (21%) of the crashes occurred on wet pavement, and one in snowy conditions. Twenty (38%) of the crashes occurred during peak afternoon commuting hours (2 pm to 6 pm), and twelve (23%) occurred during the peak morning commute (6 am to 10 am). Project Location and Description Route 1 (Boston-Providence Turnpike) is typically a four-lane median-divided urban principal arterial under MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction. Everett Street is a four-lane urban minor arterial under Town of Norwood jurisdiction. University Avenue is typically a three-lane urban minor arterial under Town of Norwood jurisdiction, with two travel lanes eastbound and one travel lane westbound. The posted speed limit on Route 1 is 45 miles per hour (mph); Everett Street and University Avenue are posted at 30 mph and 40 mph, respectively, approaching the intersection. Everett Street intersects Route 1 from the west and University Avenue intersects Route 1 from the east to form a four-way intersection under actuated traffic signal control. Each Route 1 approach consists of an exclusive left turn lane, two through travel lanes, and a channelized exclusive right turn lane. The Everett Street eastbound approach consists of two general purpose travel lanes. The University Avenue westbound approach consists of two general purpose travel lanes and an exclusive right turn lane. The existing traffic signal phasing provides for protected leading left turns on Route 1. The Everett Street and University Avenue phases run concurrently. Concurrent pedestrian phases for crossing Route 1 and University Avenue are activated upon pushbutton actuation. Bicycle detection is provided on the University Avenue approach only. Sidewalks currently exist along both sides of Everett Street and University Avenue, with curb ramps and crosswalks provided across the south, east and west legs of the intersection; the westerly crosswalk is currently unsignalized. A locus map and aerial photograph of the existing conditions are provided as Figure 1 and 2, respectively. Page 2 Source: Google Earth. 0 1000 2000 Scale in Feet GLA CIE R DR IVE EV ST ERE RE TT ET Road Safety Audit - Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue - Norwood, Massachusetts ENCE BOSTON-PROVID Source: Google Earth. 0 75 150 Scale in Feet TECHNOLOGY WAY UNI VER S ITY AV EN UE TURNPIKE Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements Observations: Congestion/Queuing Queues on Route 1 routinely extend south to the Neponset Street Rotary (1.5 miles) in the morning and north to the Route 1/I-95 interchange (1.25 miles) in the afternoon. This likely increases driver aggressiveness and leads to inattentiveness which, in turn, are likely contributing factors in many of the rear-end and turning movement crashes reported. Everett Street eastbound (to Route 1A) and University Avenue westbound also experience significant queues. Left-turning vehicles often do not yield to through vehicles, which can lead to turning movement and angle crashes. Vehicles have been observed to turn left from the center (through) lane on University Avenue and Everett Street. This is likely due to driver impatience because of the high volume of drivers turning left on a permissive phase through very heavy oncoming traffic. This could also be attributable to the lack of lane-use markings, as drivers may assume a double left is allowed, given the ample receiving width on Route 1 and no signs prohibiting it. This condition could contribute to turning movement or sideswipe crashes within the intersection, since drivers unfamiliar with the intersection would not expect it. Drivers who become impatient in the southbound queue sometimes use the median break at Lambert’s, approximately 2,500 feet north of the intersection, to make a U-turn. Vehicles are observed to use the U-turn in all manners, staying to the left or staying to the right. It was observed that no striping exists at this median break to separate vehicles in either direction. No reported crashes were attributable to this condition, but it is a potential safety issue. Previous observations and worn paths in the grass indicate that motorists drive on the median to access the Route 1 southbound left turn lane when through queues extend beyond its entrance. No reported crashes were attributable to this condition. Signal Equipment & Operation The concurrent side street phasing and lack of exclusive left turn lanes were cited as likely causes of angle and turning movement crashes involving eastbound and westbound vehicles reported within the intersection. Red-light running was identified as a frequent occurrence. This could be attributed to a number of factors, including inadequate change and clearance intervals, aggressive driver behavior exacerbated by long delays, or vehicles becoming trapped in the intersection due to the concurrent side street phasing. It was observed that vehicles turning left from University Avenue attempt to beat Everett Street traffic at the start of the concurrent phase, with four to five cars getting through before Everett Street assumes the right of way. This aggressive behavior is likely a cause of turning movement crashes. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. There is no emergency preemption system at the intersection. Emergency responders reported that they avoid this intersection and will not cross with lights and sirens on. Signal visibility is generally poor, given that the outdated short mast arms, supplemented by postmounted signals, do not locate signal heads over the lane to which they apply. Each Route 1 approach only has one overhead and one post mounted signal for the through movement. This signal is also isolated from adjacent signals on Route 1, allowing for high approach speeds in which drivers may not be expecting to stop. The mast arm mounted signal heads are mounted free-swinging, which has allowed the left-most signal head facing Everett Street to become misaligned, facing the Burger King driveway. This likely contributes to rear-end crashes, as drivers may not be aware if they have the right of way, then stop abruptly. Wrong Way Drivers Local police described occurrences of drivers that were neither elderly nor impaired turning left from Everett Street onto Route 1 southbound in the wrong direction. After review, it was observed that the lawn on the east side of Route 1 northbound visually blends with the grass median, obscuring the northbound roadway, due to the relative grades of the Everett Street approach and Route 1. The northern median nose also extends south into the intersection, exacerbating the issue by forcing eastbound left turning vehicles to maneuver around it. Abutter Access It was noted that vehicles turning left from Everett Street that intend to turn into Technology Way, approximately 300 feet north of the intersection, have a short distance to weave with vehicles turning right from University Avenue. No reported crashes were attributable to this condition; however, this is due to the proximity of the driveway to the intersection and also an indirect result of the concurrent side street phasing. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vehicles from Route 1 southbound headed to Burger King often use the Everett Street driveway, cutting across the four lanes of Everett Street, rather than wait in the through queue and access the restaurant via the driveway on Route 1, immediately south of the intersection. This is likely the cause of two crossing maneuver crashes reported within the three-year review period. It was also noted that left turns out of Burger King to Everett Street are dangerous, given the number of lanes to cross, vehicles coming from various directions, and consistent queue of vehicles limiting a driver’s visibility; though no reported crashes were directly attributable to this condition. Left turns into Burger King from Everett Street are also of concern. One reported turning movement crash of this manner may have been a courtesy crash, when one lane of traffic stops to allow the left turner through while a vehicle in another lane, unaware of the situation, hits the left turning vehicle. This is common where there are two lanes of traffic to cross. The McDonald’s parking lot has the same concern. Three sideswipe crashes were reported on Everett Street westbound at the Burger King Driveway. One was due to a turning vehicle not signaling, and a second likely occurred when a vehicle switched lanes abruptly to bypass a stopped vehicle waiting to turn left into the business. This condition is worsened by the long eastbound queues which block driveways on Everett Street. Traffic sometimes queues onto Route 1 southbound from Irving Gas/Rojo Car Wash, south of the intersection. It was also speculated that short gap acceptance by drivers leaving this business causes traffic on Route 1 to merge to the left lane in this area. No reported crashes were attributable to this condition; however, these issues have been observed to impact Route 1 operations. It was noted that left turns out of the Central Auto dealership driveway to University Avenue are dangerous, given the number of lanes to cross, its proximity to the intersection, and limited sight lines due to cars parked on the corner by the dealership; though no reported crashes were directly attributable to this condition. Striping The intersection is very wide, due to the number of lanes on Route 1 and the width of the median. It was observed that there is no definition within the intersection to guide turning or through traffic, which may contribute to angle, turning movement, and sideswipe crashes. The shoulder striping on Route 1 southbound, north of the intersection, in the vicinity of Glacier Drive, was identified as a concern. Prior to Glacier Drive a shoulder taper is provided, while approximately 300 feet south of Glacier Drive, striping for the right turn lane to Everett Street begins. A right-in/rightout driveway for McDonald’s is also located within this area, creating a “no man’s land” that may be confusing to drivers. No reported crashes were located in this immediate vicinity. However, drivers also enter Route 1 in this area thinking that it is a third southbound through lane, which could be related to two sideswipe crashes reported at the intersection. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Pedestrian Accommodation Shrubs within the State Highway Layout, on the northwest corner of the intersection, restrict advance visibility to the pedestrian crossing between McDonald’s and the median island within Everett Street. No sidewalks exist on Route 1, although there were no reported pedestrian crashes within the three-year review period. A number of nearby hotels and businesses were noted to generate pedestrian traffic. RSA members noted pedestrians using the paved shoulder and walking through abutting parking lots, which is a safety issue. It should be noted that any crash data in parking lots would not be included in this study. Pedestrians were observed crossing the northern leg of the intersection where there is no crosswalk. Bicycle Accommodation Limited bicycle accommodations exist at the intersection, consisting of bicycle detection on the University Avenue approach only. Maintenance A manhole on Route 1 southbound in the vicinity of Irving Gas/Rojo Car Wash is set too low and causes drivers to swerve to avoid, though no reported crashes were attributable to this. Illegal Turn One reported crash was the result of a vehicle making a left turn at the end of the channelized right turn lane from Route 1 northbound onto University Avenue westbound. There is currently no signage to prohibit this maneuver. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. It is recommended that all traffic analysis at this location be calibrated to capture the demand volume rather than the volume processed by the intersection, given the significant peak hour queuing conditions. 2. Widen Route 1, Everett Street and University Avenue to provide additional lanes and/or turn lane storage to increase capacity and reduce queuing and delay. Consider utilizing a portion of the existing wide median on Route 1 for either a second left turn lane, a third through lane, or both, depending on traffic counts. This would reduce queuing which, in turn, should mitigate driver frustration, distracted driving, red-light running, and rear end crashes. This would also, improve accessibility to the left turn lane on Route 1 southbound. 3. Implement protected left turn phasing for the eastbound and westbound approaches. This could reduce angle, turning movement and rear end crashes. 4. Review feasibility of split-phasing eastbound and westbound movements, which would eliminate turning conflicts, but would likely increase already long queues. 5. Review change and clearance intervals to ensure that vehicles are afforded sufficient time to clear the intersection, which should reduce red-light running. 6. Install dilemma zone detection to reduce red-light running. 7. Install lane-use pavement markings and lane designation signs on all approaches to improve guidance and allow advance decision-making regarding lane assignment. 8. Restripe side street approaches to provide exclusive left turn lanes and allow protected left turn phasing to eliminate conflicting movements at the intersection, being careful not to design a lane trap. 9. Install striping at median break on Route 1 near Lambert’s to clearly define intended operation. 10. Install advance street name (“Next Signal Ahead”) signs on Route 1 approaches to aid drivers in selecting the correct lane in advance of the intersection. 11. Install emergency preemption (Opticom) system to improve emergency response through the intersection. Provide detectors at a location on all approaches where the back of queue does not limit the timely activation of the system. 12. Replace existing mast arms and post-mounted signals with new mast arms to provide signal indications centered on each lane on the far side and improve signal visibility/recognition. Consider supplemental post mounted signals, given the isolation of this signal and approach speeds. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 13. Install retroreflective visibility/recognition. borders on signal head back plates to improve signal 14. Realign eastbound signal head currently pointing at the Burger King driveway. 15. Consider installing concrete or other contrasting surface on the Route 1 median, immediately north of the intersection, to create a visual break between northbound and southbound travel lanes and reduce the occurrence of wrong-way vehicles. 16. Consider/install signs (“Do Not Enter” and “Wrong Way”) and pavement markings to discourage wrong way vehicles. It should be noted that MUTCD guidelines for signing intersections with divided highways with median widths less than 30 feet at the intersection do not include these signs. 17. Narrow Route 1 median to reduce travel distance for left turns from the side streets and minimize driver confusion regarding where to turn. 18. Pull back the northern median further north so that eastbound left turning vehicles have a clearer path to the northbound lanes. 19. Install larger “Keep Right” signs and/or delineators on Route 1 median to discourage wrongway turns from the side streets. 20. Consider installation of dotted extension lines to guide left turning vehicles through the intersection and reduce incidences of wrong way vehicles. 21. Review weaving distance between University Avenue and Technology Drive for possible conflict between vehicles having turned left from Everett Street and vehicles turning right from University Avenue. If warranted, revise signal phasing to prohibit those movements from occurring simultaneously. 22. Extend striping at the Everett Street channelized right turn median island to discourage access to Burger King and install “No Left Turn” or “Right Turn Only” sign at end of right turn lane. 23. Install signs to prohibit left turns to/from abutting driveways on Everett Street and University Avenue in the immediate vicinity of the intersection (Burger King/McDonald’s/Central Auto). 24. Install median on Everett Street and University Avenue approaches to prohibit turning movements to/from abutting driveways. 25. Modify the Burger King driveway on Everett Street to allow right-in/right-out only. 26. Evaluate the opportunity to construct an acceleration/deceleration lane or wider shoulder on Route 1 southbound, south of the intersection, to alleviate observed friction between through vehicles and vehicles turning to/from Burger King and Irving Gas/Rojo Car Wash. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 27. Review striping and signing on Route 1 southbound in the vicinity of Glacier Road and consider modifying edge line, installation of additional right turn arrows and “Right Lane Must Turn Right” signs, and extension of the lane line. 28. Add dotted lane extension lines at exclusive turn lanes on all approaches to improve delineation. 29. Trim, remove or replace shrubs on the northwest corner to improve advance visibility to pedestrian crossing between McDonald’s and the median island within Everett Street. 30. Install YIELD and pedestrian warning signs at pedestrian crossings of channelized right turn lanes on Route 1 northbound and southbound. 31. Install sidewalks on Route 1 to improve pedestrian accessibility. 32. Install crosswalk across northern leg of intersection to improve pedestrian accessibility. 33. Install and/or reconstruct curb ramps to improve pedestrian accessibility. 34. Install accessible pedestrian signals (APS) with countdown timers to improve pedestrian accessibility. 35. Provide bicycle detection and associated pavement markings. 36. Adjust manhole frame and cover to grade on Route 1 southbound in the vicinity of Irving Gas/Rojo Car Wash. 37. Install “No Left Turn” sign at end of channelized right turn lane from Route 1 northbound to University Avenue. 38. As part of long term planning and reconstruction efforts, provide grade separation between Route 1 and the two side streets. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit Potential safety enhancements that were discussed during the RSA meeting and described in the previous section are summarized in Table 2. For each potential enhancement, an estimate of the safety benefit (“payoff”), approximate timeframe to implement, and cost are noted; the responsible party recommended to implement the enhancement is also identified. Safety payoff estimates are qualitative and categorized as low (<30%), medium (31% to 70%), or high (>71%). The time frame to implement each enhancement is categorized as short-term (<1 year), midterm (1 to 3 years), or long- term (>3 years). The cost estimates are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Enhancements where the developer is identified as the responsible agency and marked with an asterisk have already been incorporated into the 25% Design Plans for improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, which are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Congestion; queuing Congestion; queuing Congestion; queuing Turning conflicts Red-light running Red-light running Driver guidance Congestion; queuing Potential Safety Enhancement 1. Calibrate traffic analysis 2. Widen Route 1, Everett St & University Ave to provide additional lane capacity 3. Implement protected left turn phasing EB/WB 4. Review split-phasing EB/WB 5. Review change/clearance intervals 6. Install dilemma zone detection 7. Install lane-use pavement markings & lane designation signs on all approaches 8. Restripe side street approaches to provide exclusive LTL Safety Payoff N/A Time Frame N/A Cost Low Responsible Agency MassDOT/Consultants Medium Long-term High MassDOT Medium Short-term Medium Developer* Low Mid-term Low MassDOT Low Short-term Low Developer* Low Mid-term Medium MassDOT Low Short-term Low Developer Medium Short-term Medium Developer* Driver guidance 9. Install striping at median break near Lambert’s Low Mid-term Low MassDOT Driver guidance 10. Install advance street name signs on Route 1 approaches Low Short-term Low Developer Signal operation 11. Install emergency preemption High Short-term Medium Developer Signal head visibility 12. Replace existing mast arms and post mounted signals Medium Long-term High MassDOT Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Issue Signal head visibility Potential Safety Enhancement 13. Install retroreflective borders on signal head backplates Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short-term Low Developer Signal head visibility 14. Realign EB signal head pointing at Burger King driveway Low Short-term Low Developer* Wrong-way vehicles 15. Consider installing concrete on Route 1 median (north side) Low Mid-term Medium MassDOT Low Short-term Low MassDOT Wrong-way vehicles 16. Consider/install signs and pavement markings to discourage wrong way vehicles Wrong-way vehicles 17. Narrow Route 1 median Low Long-term High MassDOT Wrong-way vehicles 18. Pull back northern median end Low Long-term Medium MassDOT Low Short-term Low Developer Medium Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Low Developer Wrong-way vehicles Wrong-way vehicles Abutter access Abutter access 19. Install larger “Keep Right” signs and/or delineators on Route 1 medians 20. Consider installation of dotted extension lines for turning vehicles through intersection 21. Review weaving distance to Technology Dr and revise signal phasing, if warranted 22. Extend striping at Everett St channelized RT and install “No Left Turn” or “Right Turn Only” sign Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Issue Abutter access Abutter access Abutter access Abutter access Driver guidance Potential Safety Enhancement 23. Install signs to prohibit left turns to/from abutting driveways 24. Install median on Everett St & University Ave approaches 25. Modify Burger King driveway on Everett St to rightin/right/out 26. Construct accel/decel lane on Route 1 at Burger King/Irving Gas driveways 27. Modify striping/signing at Glacier Rd intersection Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Mid-term Low Town Medium Long-term High MassDOT/Town Low Mid-term Medium Town Low Long-term High MassDOT Low Mid-term Low MassDOT Driver guidance 28. Add dotted extension lines at turn lanes Low Short-term Low Developer Visibility of pedestrian crossings 29. Trim, remove or replace shrubs on NW corner Low Short-term Low Developer* Low Short-term Low Developer* Pedestrian accommodation 31. Install sidewalks on Route 1 Low Long-term High MassDOT Pedestrian accommodation 32. Install crosswalk across northern leg of intersection Low Short-term Medium Developer Visibility of pedestrian crossings 30. Install YIELD and pedestrian warning signs at pedestrian crossings of channelized RT lanes Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Pedestrian accommodation 33. Install and/or reconstruct curb ramps Low Short-term Medium Developer Pedestrian accommodation 34. Install accessible pedestrian signals with countdown timers Low Short-term Medium Developer* Low Short-term Medium Developer* Low Short-term Low Developer Low Short-term Low Developer High Long-term High MassDOT Safety Issue Bicycle accommodation Maintenance Illegal turn Congestion; queuing Potential Safety Enhancement 35. Provide bicycle detection and pavement markings 36. Adjust manhole to grade on Route 1 SB near Irving Gas/Rojo Car Wash 37. Install “No Left Turn” sign at channelized right turn lane from Rte 1 NB to University Ave 38. Provide grade separation at intersection Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Modified Road Safety Audit Westwood and Norwood MEETING LOCATION: Champagne Meeting Room, Westwood Memorial Building 50 Carby Street, Westwood, MA DATE: 9/8/14 TIME : 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Type of meeting: Modified Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Session I 9:00 - 10:30 East Street Rotary – Westwood/District 6 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans Session II*10:30 – 1:30 Route 1 at Everett Street/University Ave & Route 1A at Everett Street/Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street/Everett Street – Westwood/Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans *Lunch will be provided during this session* Session III 1:30 – 3:00 Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle – Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 1 Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA meeting on 9/8/2014, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 2 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List RSA AUDIT TEAM CONTACT LIST Project: Route 1 at Everett Street/University Ave – Norwood Meeting Date: 9/8/14 Facilitator: VAI Place/Room: Westwood Municipal Building, Champagne Meeting Room Name Title Company Phone E-Mail Scott Thornton Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Jonathan Rockwell Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Corey O’Connor Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT, Boston 857-368-9638 Lisa Schletzbaum Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT Safety 857-368-9634 Jeff Bina Town Eng./ Westwood Westwood 781-251-2591 MassDOT, Dist. 6 857-368-6154 Erin Kinahan Paul Sicard Sergeant Westwood PD 781-328-1054 William Scoble Fire Chief Westwood FD 781-320-1066 Thomas Rebello District 5 Traffic Ops MassDOT Dist. 5 508-884-4247 Mark Ryan Dir. Public Works Norwood 781-760-8341 Tony Greeley Fire Chief Norwood 781-727-6236 Bill Brooks Police Chief Norwood PD 781-440-5150 Alex Duggan Engineer MassDOT 508-884-4396 Steve Boudreau Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 at Everett Street & University Avenue, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Functional De.\if.:n /leport- Unh•ersi~r Sftltion DeJ'e/opment- 1\'orwood, Ma\\aclul\etl\ 51 McDONALDS 8,9, 15,24,30,33, 3G:;'i'. 1 EVERErj t ~9 13,19,27,29 ~ _) ~ 23 l :=l ____:-n­ 15,16 36_, ~1 8,42 ~ /~ 21 ,39,52 _;;;;--- ......... UNIVERSITYAVENUE 21 0 38J-. , 17 25 6 4~ 43l BURGER KING 4,15o ll 11,31,49 r CENTRAL DODGE JEEP CRASH TYPE Angle (A) Turning Movement (TM) ___s- Rear End (RE) Lone Change (LC) =--...7 • Out of Control (OC) ---'<JL--­ Pedest./Bicycle (P /B) -6 Head On (HO) - - ­ 1 Fixed Object (FO) - - o Side Swipe (SS) '\A.I ~ '5629'· 66291J~(..21 d·Ng. 8/1/2i)I.J. Copylght @ 2014 by VAl. 7 ~ Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 12 45·42 Pt,l All Rlghto R•eerved. Not Reported (U) Collision Diagram Everett Street/University Avenue and Route 1 Motor Vehicle Crashes Route 1 and Everett Street/University Avenue Driver Contribution* Comments Manner of Collision Lighting #Vehicles Age of Driver 1 Age of Driver 2 Malfuncitoning Light Angle DAYLIGHT 2 59 40 CLEAR CLOUDY CLEAR Confusion Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Malfunctioning brakes Inattention Left turn without right of way Angle Rear-end Rear-end 2 2 4 70 79 26 43 35 44/49/40 SNOWY SNOW Struck Highway Sign DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DARK, LIT. RD 1 34 -- NO INJURY DRY CLEAR DAYLIGHT 2 18 52 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END REAR-END INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY DRY DRY DRY CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR 18:25 13:20 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END INJURY NO INJURY DRY DRY CLEAR CLEAR Thursday, June 24, 2010 Thursday, August 05, 2010 12:05 17:03 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END NO INJURY NO INJURY DRY WET CLEAR RAIN 14 15 15a Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Saturday, September 18, 2010 13:43 17:52 14:46 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT ANGLE REAR-END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY DRY WET DRY CLEAR RAIN CLEAR Illegal U-turn Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Following too close Following too close Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Foot slipped on brake Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Slippery Conditions Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Blocked Vision 16 17 Friday, September 24, 2010 Thursday, September 30, 2010 7:15 12:48 ANGLE ANGLE/TURN.MVMT NO INJURY NO INJURY DRY DRY CLEAR CLOUDY 18 19 Saturday, October 09, 2010 Saturday, October 16, 2010 16:36 16:36 SIDESWIPE REAR-END NO INJURY INJURY DRY DRY CLEAR CLEAR 20 Monday, October 25, 2010 16:42 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT INJURY DRY CLEAR Unsafe lane change Driver Inattention Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic 21 Friday, October 29, 2010 17:37 SIDESWIPE NO INJURY DRY CLEAR Inattention/ Unsafe lane change 22 Sunday, October 31, 2010 4:35 FIXED OBJECT NO INJURY DRY CLEAR 23 24 Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Wednesday, November 17, 2010 17:43 8:20 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END NO INJURY NO INJURY OTHER DRY UNKNOWN CLEAR 25 Monday, April 04, 2011 18:29 ANGLE NO INJURY WET RAIN 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Sunday, April 24, 2011 Wednesday, May 04, 2011 Thursday, May 05, 2011 Tuesday, May 17, 2011 Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Wednesday, July 06, 2011 Monday, August 29, 2011 Friday, September 09, 2011 Friday, October 14, 2011 Tuesday, October 18, 2011 Thursday, November 10, 2011 Wednesday, December 07, 2011 18:12 16:51 19:21 7:51 13:31 7:40 20:22 20:40 21:49 8:14 12:14 16:46 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END REAR-END REAR-END/TURN.MVNT REAR-END REAR-END ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END REAR-END REAR-END ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END NO INJURY NO INJURY INJURY INJURY NO INJURY INJURY INJURY NO INJURY INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY WET WET WET DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY WET DRY WET WET CLOUDY RAIN RAIN RAIN CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR RAIN CLEAR RAIN RAIN Struck Deer Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Inattention Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Following too closely Inattention 38 Wednesday, January 04, 2012 23:17 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT INJURY DRY CLEAR 39 40 41 Sunday, January 22, 2012 Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Thursday, March 08, 2012 20:31 12:57 13:05 SIDESWIPE ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY DRY DRY DRY CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR Crash # Crash Day and Date Crash Time Crash Type Severity R/S Weather 1 Saturday, January 09, 2010 14:41 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT INJURY DRY CLEAR 2 3 4 Thursday, January 28, 2010 Tuesday, February 02, 2010 Thursday, February 04, 2010 6:44 12:10 11:15 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END REAR-END NO INJURY NO INJURY INJURY DRY DRY DRY 5 Wednesday, February 10, 2010 19:06 FIXED OBJECT NO INJURY 6 Tuesday, March 09, 2010 16:08 SIDESWIPE 7 8 9 Friday, March 19, 2010 Sunday, May 02, 2010 Saturday, May 15, 2010 6:03 15:17 15:25 10 11 Monday, May 31, 2010 Thursday, June 03, 2010 12 13 S:\Jobs\6629\rt1-eve-uni2 Failure to Yield to oncoming traffic Right turn/left turn conflict Inattention Inattention Failure to Yield Uncareful paSIDESWIPEing Following too closely Following too closely Failure to Yield Inattention Failure to Yield Driver did not signal turn, other car unable to stop Illegal U-turn Inattention Formatted Table Single Vehicle Sideswipe, same direction Left turn without right of way Angle Rear-end Rear-end DAWN DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 3 2 57 25 18 39 68 20 Left turn without right of way Angle Rear-end DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 2 17 26 38 49/50 Illegal left turn from McDonalds Angle Rear-end DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 3 30 24 18 33/61 Illegal left turn from McDonalds Left turn into Burger King Left turn without right of way Both turning to the same place from opposite directions Angle Angle DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 2 4 20 22 39 69 47 58 Angle Angle Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 2 33 62 70 47 DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 3 74 35 32 27/38 Angle Sideswipe, same direction DAYLIGHT 2 56 17 2 38 28 Single Vehicle DAYLIGHT DUSK, RD. NOT LIT 1 36 -- Angle Rear-end DARK, LIT. RD DARK, LIT. RD 2 2 61 N/A 25 N/A Angle DAWN 2 34 45 Left turn without right of way Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Angle Rear-end DUSK DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DARK, LIT. RD DARK, LIT. RD DARK, LIT. RD DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DARK, LIT. RD 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 24 66 41 57 71 27 53 85 17 30 23 66 36 46/45 51 55/38 N/A 41/22 32 47 64 37 64 23 Passing on right where prohibited Angle DARK, LIT. RD 2 25 58 Sideswipe Angle Rear-end DARK, LIT. RD DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 2 2 27 28 45 34 53 47 Left turn without right of way Left turn without right of way Rolled through stop light Left turn into Burger King 8/21/2014 Motor Vehicle Crashes Route 1 and Everett Street/University Avenue Crash # Crash Day and Date Crash Time Crash Type Severity R/S Weather Driver Contribution* 42 Tuesday, April 24, 2012 17:28 SIDESWIPE NO INJURY DRY CLOUDY 43 Friday, May 11, 2012 14:14 SIDESWIPE INJURY DRY CLOUDY Unsafe lane change Overturned and slid to aviod another vehicle's unsafe lane change 44 Saturday, May 12, 2012 8:11 REAR-END INJURY DRY CLEAR 45 Friday, June 29, 2012 15:44 REAR-END NO INJURY DRY CLEAR 46 47 48 49 Wednesday, July 04, 2012 Monday, August 13, 2012 Friday, September 07, 2012 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 14:21 17:45 8:50 6:23 ANGLE/TURN.MVMT REAR-END REAR-END REAR-END INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY DRY DRY DRY DRY CLOUDY CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR Inattention Sudden stop because pedestrian was in the road Sudden stop to avoid vehicle which made illegal Uturn following too closely Following too closely following too closely 50 Tuesday, September 25, 2012 7:08 REAR-END INJURY DRY CLEAR following too closely 51 Saturday, December 08, 2012 17:08 REAR-END NO INJURY WET CLEAR Inattention 52 Friday, December 21, 2012 9:31 SIDESWIPE NO INJURY WET RAIN Cut off other driver S:\Jobs\6629\rt1-eve-uni2 Formatted Table Manner of Collision Lighting #Vehicles Sideswipe, same DAYLIGHT Single vehicle crash Sudden pedestrian conflict U-turn vehicle avoided the accident Comments Sudden stop due to fire truck 2 Age of Driver 1 71 Age of Driver 2 30 DAYLIGHT 2 32 48 Rear-end DAYLIGHT 2 52 26 Rear-end DAYLIGHT 2 54 28 Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 2 2 2 3 23 43 35 26 39 23 23 53/22 Rear-end DAYLIGHT 3 42 39 5 85 39/51/50/42 2 48 49 Rear-end DARK, LIT. RD Sideswipe, same direction DAYLIGHT 8/21/2014 Count of Month Crashes by Month 15.09% 16.00% 13.21% 13.21% 14.00% 12.00% 9.43% 10.00% 8.00% 7.55% 7.55% 7.55% 5.66% 5.66% 6.00% 5.66% 5.66% Total 3.77% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Count of Day Crashes by Day 25.00% 20.75% 20.00% 16.98% 16.98% 15.09% 15.00% 10.00% 13.21% Total 9.43% 7.55% 5.00% 0.00% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Day Crashes by Time of Day 45% 38% 40% 35% 30% 23% 25% 19% 20% Series1 17% 15% 10% 5% 2% 0% 0% 2‐6am S:\Jobs\6629\rt1-eve-uni2 6‐10am 10‐2pm 2‐6pm 6‐10pm Charts 10‐2am 8/21/2014 Count of Crash Type Crash Type 50.00% 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 47.17% 28.30% 13.21% 5.66% 3.77% Total 1.89% Crash Type Count of Lighting Lighting Conditions 80.00% 73.58% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% Total 30.00% 18.87% 20.00% 10.00% 3.77% 1.89% 1.89% DAWN DUSK, RD. NOT LIT DUSK 0.00% DAYLIGHT DARK, LIT. RD Lighting Count of Weather Crash Weather 70.00% 66.04% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% Total 30.00% 18.87% 20.00% 11.32% 10.00% 1.89% 1.89% SNOW UNKNOWN 0.00% CLEAR CLOUDY RAIN Weather S:\Jobs\6629\rt1-eve-uni2 Charts 8/21/2014 Count of R/S Crash Road Surface 75.47% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% Total 30.00% 20.75% 20.00% 10.00% 1.89% 1.89% OTHER SNOWY 0.00% DRY WET R/S Crash Driver Ages 30% 24% 25% 24% 20% 15% 15% 13% Series1 9% 10% 7% 7% 5% 2% 0% 15‐19 20‐29 S:\Jobs\6629\rt1-eve-uni2 30‐39 40‐49 50‐59 60‐69 70‐79 Charts 80+ 8/21/2014