ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 1 and Route 120 Intersection Town of North Attleborough, MA July 2011 Prepared For: MassDOT Prepared By: Nitsch Engineering 186 Lincoln Street Boston, MA 02111 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Table of Contents Background .................................................................................................................................1 Project Data .................................................................................................................................1 Project Location and Description..............................................................................................2 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................6 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................13 List of Appendices Appendix A: RSA Meeting Agenda Appendix B: RSA Audit Team Contact List Appendix C: Detailed Crash Data Appendix D: Additional Information Appendix E: Road Safety Audit References List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Locus Map.............................................................................................................................. 3 Aerial Map.............................................................................................................................. 5 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary............................................................................ 14 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Background The intersection of Route 1 and Route 120 in North Attleborough falls within the top 5% of crash locations within the region. The intersection has been programmed by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to undergo evaluation and redesign and has been listed on the State Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The intersection is also eligible for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) which requires a Road Safety Audit (RSA) be performed by MassDOT. The evaluation and design process is currently in the conceptual stages and the implementation of a RSA will help ensure that safety issues are addressed as part of future improvements to this location. To determine the nature of the safety issues, we collected crash records for this location from the North Attleborough Police department for the period between 2008 – 2010. Data from the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) may contain additional incidents for this location (due to operator reports that were never submitted to the local police department); however, the RMV has not yet released crash data for 2010 and therefore crash data was based solely on the reports prepared by the North Attleborough Police department. The design consultants were encouraged to research crash data from the RMV in the preparation of future reports but for the purpose of preparing this RSA it was agreed by all in attendance that the data obtained (and included herein) would be sufficient. The RSA is a collaborative process between state, municipal, law enforcement, public works, planning, and engineering professionals. The process involves conducting a meeting to discuss current crash data and safety issues, visiting the site to discuss possible solutions that would improve safety, and preparing a written report that outlines the safety issues discussed along with the costs, timeline, and agency responsibility for implementing improvements. Project Data The RSA occurred on July 15, 2011 in North Attleborough, Massachusetts. A group of 18 people discussed the existing conditions of the intersection, including the intersection geometry, the traffic volumes, and the crash statistics. The group included people from the Design Team, MassDOT, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District (SRPEDD), staff from the North Attleborough Department of Public Works (DPW), Electric, Administration, Planning, and Police departments. The group then traveled to the site to observe operations and perform an inventory of issues as they pertain to safety. Table 1 shows the audit team members. The RSA agenda can be found in Appendix A. Contact information for the team members can be found in Appendix B. Page 1 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Table 1. Audit Team Members Name Agency/Affiliation Gene Allen Bill McDowell Mark Hollowell Mary Burgess Tom McCafferty Mark Fisher Jim Hoyle Lisa Estrela-Pedro Robert Gregory Barbara Lachance Edward Feeney Alex Lovejoy Larry Cash Bonnie Polin Lisa Schletzbaum Stephen Farr Fayssal Husseini Corinne Tobias North Attleborough Electric North Attleborough DPW North Attleborough DPW North Attleborough Planning Department North Attleborough Police Department North Attleborough Town Administrator FHWA SRPEDD MassDOT – District 5 MassDOT – District 5 MassDOT – District 5 MassDOT – District 5 MassDOT – District 5 MassDOT – Safety MassDOT – Safety Nitsch Engineering Nitsch Engineering Nitsch Engineering Project Location and Description The intersection of Route 1 and Route 120 is shown in Figure 1. The intersection is currently signalized. Nitsch Engineering evaluated the last three years of available crash data (2008 – 2010) from the North Attleborough Police Department to determine some of the existing safety concerns at the site. Of the twenty crashes at the intersection, 35% were rear-end type, 25% were caused by sideswipes, 20% were single-vehicle crashes, and 15% were angle type crashes. The majority of crashes (55%) occurred at night. In addition, crashes appeared to spike slightly in the month of May, with 30% of all crashes occurring during that month. December also had a significant amount of crashes, with 20% occurring during that month. Appendix C includes the detailed crash data at this location. Page 2 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Figure 1 – Locus Map Not To Scale Page 3 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Route 1 is an urban minor arterial under the jurisdiction of MassDOT that is oriented in the north-south direction. The land uses adjacent to Route 1 are primarily commercial. Approximately one mile south of the intersection, Route 1 intersects Interstate 295 and one mile north of the intersection is the North Attleborough Town Center on South Washington Street. Route 1 consists of two travel lanes in each direction. The speed limit on Route 1 is 40 miles per hour (mph) in the vicinity of the intersection. To the north of the intersection, Route 1 serves approximately 24,000 vehicles per day (vpd). South of the intersection, Route 1 serves approximately 21,000 vpd. Route 120 is an urban minor arterial under the jurisdiction of the town of North Attleborough that is oriented in the east-west direction. Route 120 travels from Route 122 in Cumberland, RI to the intersection with Route 1 in North Attleborough, where the roadway ends. Route 120 contains one travel lane in each direction. The posted speed limit on Route 120 is 40 mph. Route 120 serves approximately 7,500 vpd. South Washington Street is an urban minor arterial under the jurisdiction of the town of North Attleborough that is oriented in the north-south direction. While Route 1 serves primarily commercial uses, South Washington Street serves both residential and commercial uses. South Washington Street, north of the intersection with Route 120, contains one travel lane in each direction. The posted speed limit on South Washington Street is 30 mph. South Washington Street serves approximately 11,000 vpd. The existing configuration of the intersection contains four approaches: Route 120 from the west, Route 1 from the south and northeast, and South Washington Street from the north. Vehicles traveling on Route 1 northbound who wish to continue on Route 1 must turn right at this intersection. This right turn has a very large radius, designed for high speeds, and is not controlled by the existing signal. An aerial map of the intersection is shown in Figure 2. Page 4 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Figure 2 – Aerial Map Page 5 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements Based on the field observations and subsequent discussions held on Friday, July 15, 2011, several issues were identified that may affect safety at the intersection. These issues can be grouped into the following categories and are more specifically detailed below: 1. Intersection Geometry 2. Signage 3. Intersection Operations 4. Additional Enhancements The following sections describe the specific safety concerns and potential improvements that were identified during the RSA. These improvements will be reviewed and evaluated as part of the conceptual design process currently being undertaken. Safety Issue #1 – Intersection Geometry Route 1 Southbound Vehicles traveling southbound on Route 1 must turn left at this intersection to continue south on Route 1. The left turn at this location is a sharp left turn, especially for vehicles traveling at high speeds. Two left-turn lanes feed into two receiving lanes, but no shoulder is present on the receiving lanes and they are narrow. No pavement markings are present through the intersection to help keep vehicles in their lane and guide them through the turn. Of the twenty crashes indicated in the crash records, four occurred on the receiving lane (shown at right), when vehicles ran off the roadway because they were unable to negotiate the left turn. A utility pole is also located in close vicinity to this corner and could be a potential obstacle for vehicles that fail to turn left appropriately. Route 1 southbound leaving the intersection has narrow lanes and no shoulder leaving little room for error for vehicles turning through the intersection at a high rate of speed Route 1 Northbound The Route 1/Route 120 traffic signal does not control the northbound travel lanes on Route 1. Vehicles traveling northbound on Route 1 are likely to be traveling at a speed greater than the posted speed of 40 mph according to the North Attleborough Police Department. One of the RSA team members suggested that it may be desirable to incorporate the Route 1 northbound travel lanes into the signalized intersection and possibly increase the severity of the right turn to reduce speeds on this approach. Traffic signals Page 6 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 should not be used for speed control; however, in order to provide pedestrian accommodation across the intersection (which does not currently exist), this approach traffic would need to be periodically stopped. The design team will evaluate implications to the overall intersection operations if geometric and signal modifications were incorporated into the Route 1 northbound approach. The northbound approach at the signalized intersection is two lanes but only one wide lane is available to receive northbound traffic on South Washington Street north of the intersection. There are no signs or pavement markings at the northbound approach to notify drivers of lane usage and vehicles often use both lanes as “through” lanes. If this is the intended operation of the lanes, than additional signs and pavement markings are needed to make drivers aware that they are required to merge immediately as they travel north through the signal. The curb line on South Washington Street may need to be widened to accommodate two Vehicles traveling northbound from Route 1 to South Washington Street may have to merge unexpectedly due receiving lanes and the appropriate taper length for a to a lack of lane delineation on the pavement. merge condition. CVS Access to Route 1 A CVS retail store is located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection. The major access to the business is from Route 1. Vehicles traveling northbound on Route 1 must cross the two Route 1 southbound lanes to enter the CVS. Vehicles stopped in the northbound lane to turn left into CVS may cause delays for Route 1 traffic northbound. Vehicles exiting the CVS onto Route 1 northbound can also cause delay as there is a significant speed differential and limited sight distance to vehicles traveling on Route 1 northbound. No crash data was collected at this location; however, it was noted during the RSA that the police department has responded to a number of crashes there. The design team should review the crash records that are related to this entrance and work with MassDOT and the town to assess the benefits and possible business implications related to extending the median and restricting the access / egress to CVS. Old Post Road Old Post Road intersects Route 1 south of the intersection with Route 120. Old Post Road approaches Route 1 from the east and intersects Route 1 at approximately a 45 degree angle. The proximity of the Old Post Road intersection to the Route 120 intersection was identified as creating two safety issues: a weave condition for vehicles that enter Route 1 from Old Post Road and want to continue straight onto South Washington Street or turn left at Route 120; and delay on Route 1 southbound due to vehicles attempting to turn left onto Old Post Road. Geometric modifications to Old Post Road that create a more typical 90 degree intersection and/or the possible addition of a traffic signal at this location may improve operations and safety at both intersections. The introduction of a south bound left-turning lane on Route 1 may be beneficial to separate these vehicles from Route 1 southbound traffic. No crash data was Page 7 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 obtained for this intersection but the design team intends to evaluate the operational characteristics of this intersection as part of a Functional Design Report that will be prepared for the Route 1/Route 120 intersection as the design process continues. Enhancements: 1. Provide pavement markings through the intersection for the Route 1 southbound approach delineating the turning lanes. 2. Widen the Route 1 southbound receiving lanes and shoulder to provide additional space for leftturning traffic. 3. Relocate the existing utility pole on the southwest quadrant of the intersection. 4. Provide two through lanes on South Washington Street northbound, traveling away from the intersection with the appropriate warning signs and merging taper lengths. 5. Consider prohibiting the left turn from Route 1 northbound into the CVS by installing a median island. 6. Consider geometric modifications to the Old Post Road/Route 1 intersection including the introduction of a Route 1 southbound left turn lane onto Old Post Road. Safety Issue #2 – Signage Route 1 Northbound Route 1 northbound travel lanes are not controlled by the traffic signal. These lanes are designed for high speed travel and function as a “through” movement for vehicles. These lanes have the right-of-way on Route 1 and vehicles traveling from Route 120 straight onto Route 1 must yield to vehicles on Route 1 northbound. One of the crashes depicted in the crash diagram occurred at this location when the driver failed to yield correctly. No signage is present at this location Route 120 (left) merges with Route 1 (right) but neither indicating that a yield is required by the Route 120 roadway is controlled by a YIELD sign. traffic as it merges with Route 1. Vehicles approaching the intersection on Route 1 northbound are not given any advance notice that Route 120 requires a left turn at the approaching intersection. This may cause vehicles to make last minute lane decisions which could contribute to collisions at the intersection. Three of the crashes indicated on the crash diagram occurred as vehicles attempted to change lanes at this location. Page 8 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Route 1 Southbound No signal ahead warning or directional signs are present on this approach. Four of the crashes at this intersection were rear-end crashes that occurred at the stop-line for the southbound approach. Vehicles traveling southbound on Route 1 may not anticipate the traffic signal and vehicles stopped at the stop-line. The intersection may be difficult for drivers to apprehend from the Route 1 southbound approach. Enhancements: 1. Provide a YIELD sign for vehicles traveling from Route 120 onto Route 1 northbound. 2. Provide advance directional signage on the Route 1 northbound and southbound approaches in advance of the intersection alerting motorists of the required turn for Route 120. 3. Provide Signal Ahead warning signs on the Route 1 southbound approach. Safety Issue #3 – Intersection Operations Route 1 Northbound No protected left-turn phase is present for this approach and no left-turn lane is provided. Three of the crashes indicated on the crash diagram occurred when vehicles attempting to turn left onto Route 120 collided with vehicles traveling straight on South Washington Street southbound. Route 1 Southbound Vehicles traveling on Route 1 southbound must turn left at this intersection to continue on Route 1. Two lanes are provided for this movement, The Route 1 southbound approach has an exclusive left-turn phase but there are no left-turn arrows on the signals to alert as well as a designated signal phase, which is drivers that they have the right of way. provided by the split phasing of the traffic signal Page 9 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 between Route 1 and Route 120. However, no left-turn arrows are present on any of the signal heads despite the protected left-turn movement. Lack of signal indication may cause some drivers to delay movement if they are unaware that they have a protected left turn. Four of the crashes indicated on the crash diagram were rear-end type crashes at this approach. The signal heads are also difficult to identify from far away, and may not be aligned correctly for approaching vehicles. Hoppin Hill Road (Route 120) Right-Turn-On-Red (RTOR) is allowed at this location. Vehicles making a RTOR typically will look to their left (South Washington Street) to identify an appropriate gap in oncoming traffic. Due to the split phasing of the intersection, vehicles attempting a RTOR may not be aware that they must also assess the higher speed and two lanes of turning Route 1 southbound traffic. This creates an unexpected conflict, and therefore RTOR should be reconsidered. The signal heads are difficult to see when vehicles are pulled up to the stop-line on this approach. Either the stop-line or signal heads should be adjusted for improved visibility. Route 120 has no lane delineation which can create confusion and allows two lanes of traffic to proceed straight through the intersection to merge with Route 1 northbound traffic. The signal heads do not show left-turn arrows on any of the signal heads despite the protected left-turn movement. Lack of signal indication may cause some drivers to delay movement if they are unaware that they have a protected left turn. Route 120 consists of one travel lane in each direction. Vehicles approaching the intersection form two lanes to perform either of following movements; turn left on South Washington Street, proceed straight on Route 1 northbound, or turn right to Route 1 southbound. Similar to the Route 1 northbound approach at the signal, no pavement markings are present to delineate these movements. This often results in two lanes of vehicles traveling straight through the intersection which then have to merge simultaneously with Route 1 northbound traffic, (three lanes merging into one). General Issues The signal equipment is old and outdated. Some of the mast arms are made of aluminum and located in median islands, both of which are no longer desirable practices by MassDOT. Many of the signal heads should provide arrows to indicate protected turning movements. The Town has also indicated that they maintain an emergency signal pre-emption system Some mast arms are outdated aluminum and are located in median islands, both of which are no longer desirable to MassDOT. Many of the signal heads should provide arrows to indicate protected phasing. Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 on many of their signals and request this system be installed at this location as part of any improvements. Enhancements: 1. Review traffic volumes/operations for the northbound left-turning lane at the intersection and restripe if warranted. 2. Replace the signal heads on the Route 1 southbound approach to indicate a protected left-turn phase. 3. Replace the signal heads on the Route 120 eastbound approach to indicate a protected left-turn phase. 4. Eliminate the RTOR from Route 120 onto Route 1 southbound. 5. Consider relocating the signal heads on the Route 1 southbound approach to a more visible location. 6. Consider relocating the signal heads on the Hoppin Hill Road (Route 120) approach to a more visible location, or 7. Move the stop-line on Hoppin Hill Road (Route 120) back to allow increased visibility of signal heads. 8. Review and evaluate traffic counts at the Route 120 approach to identify lane delineation and widths that will provide operational and safety improvements. 9. Replace the entire signal system with new equipment. Safety Issue #4 – Additional Enhancements Pedestrian Accommodations The intersection has very limited accommodations for pedestrians. The intersection contains sidewalks on three quadrants but has no pedestrian ramps, crosswalks, or pedestrian signals. Pedestrians attempting to cross the street at this location must contend with high volumes of traffic, many of them turning vehicles that may be harder to identify as conflicts. Attempting to cross the Route 1 northbound travel lanes is especially difficult due to the high speeds of approaching traffic, the lack of a STOP condition for vehicles in these lanes, the width of the pavement (twoThere are no pedestrian ramps, crosswalks, or signal lanes of traffic), and the reduced visibility of indications at any location within the intersection. pedestrians looking south to identify approaching vehicles. Page 11 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Bicycle Accommodations: The intersection lacks adequate bicycle accommodations as required by MassDOT standards. Bicyclists do not have a delineated shoulder to travel within and are required to “share the road” with motor vehicles. Street Lighting: A majority of the crashes at this location occurred during nighttime hours. Many street lights are present at this location; however, they may not all be functioning correctly. The street lighting should be evaluated to determine whether they are operating correctly and providing adequate visibility in compliance with applicable lighting standards. Drainage: Route 1 has a topographical low point south of the Route 1/Old Post Road intersection. The existing catch basin at this location does not function properly and the roadway experiences significant flooding during heavy rains. The Town has been proactive in seeking to address this problem through the planning department and restrictions/mitigation requirements for developments in the immediate vicinity. The Town continues to seek support from MassDOT for improvements to this section of Route 1 that is owned and maintained by the state. The Town will actively work in collaboration with MassDOT to encourage developers adjacent to Route 1 that require planning board approval to address improvements to this important drainage issue in the future. The design team should coordinate with both MassDOT and the Town to ensure that this issue is addressed as part of any future intersection improvements. Sledding: During the RSA, the participants noted that during the winter months the hill in front of the church on the southwest quadrant of the intersection is a popular sledding location. The hill slopes towards the intersection and is not an ideal sledding location since the crash data indicates that at least four crashes involved vehicles leaving the roadway at this specific location. There is a considerable amount of Town owned land in this quadrant of the intersection and the design team was encouraged to consider constructing an earth berm or some other physical separation at this location to reduce the potential conflict between sledding and traffic on Route 1 southbound. Enhancements: 1. Provide clearly marked crosswalks and pedestrian ramps and pedestrian signal phasing across all intersection approaches. 2. Consider bicycle accommodations as part of a future intersection design. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of the existing street lighting to determine whether upgrades or maintenance is necessary and implement any corrective measures. Page 12 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 4. Address drainage issues as a part of any future intersection design. 5. Provide a physical barrier behind the sidewalk on the southwest quadrant of the intersection to minimize any potential conflict between sledding and Route 1 southbound traffic. Summary of Road Safety Audit MassDOT has retained Nitsch Engineering to provide transportation and engineering services for the preparation of design plans for the reconstruction of the intersection of Route 1 and Route 120. As the design process progresses, Nitsch Engineering will review the safety enhancements described above and include in the proposed intersection design if feasible. However, the roadway owner may choose to implement many of the suggested “Low Cost”, “Short-term” enhancements prior to the completion of the design process if resources are available. The safety issues, potential improvements, estimated safety pay-off, time frame, and cost are summarized in Table 2 below. The safety pay-off estimates are categorized based on their estimated crash reduction: low, medium, and high. Short-term improvements are typically categorized as taking less than one year, mid-term improvements are categorized as one to three years, and long-term improvements are categorized as taking more than three years. The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Page 13 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Intersection Geometry Signage Safety Enhancement Provide pavement markings through the intersection for the Route 1 southbound approach delineating the turning lanes. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Short-term Low MassDOT Widen the southbound receiving lanes and shoulder to provide additional space for left-turning traffic. High Long-term Medium MassDOT Relocate the existing utility pole on the southwest quadrant of the intersection. Low Long-term Low MassDOT Provide two through lanes on South Washington Street northbound, traveling away from the intersection with the appropriate warning signs and merging taper lengths Low Long-term Medium MassDOT Evaluate safety and business impacts of prohibiting the left turn from Route 1 northbound into the CVS by installing a median island. Medium Mid-term Medium MassDOT/North Attleborough Consider geometric modifications to the Old Post Road/Route 1 intersection, including the introduction of a left-turning lane on the Route 1 southbound approach. Medium Long-term High MassDOT Provide a YIELD sign for vehicles traveling from Route 120 onto Route 1 northbound. Medium Short-term Low MassDOT Provide advance directional signage on the Route 1 northbound and southbound approaches alerting drivers of the required turn for Route 120. Low Short-term Low MassDOT Page 14 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Provide Signal Ahead warning signs on the Route 1 southbound approach. Low Short-term Low MassDOT Review traffic volumes/operations for the northbound left-turning lane at the intersection and re-stripe if warranted. Medium Mid-term Low MassDOT Replace the signal heads on the Route 1 southbound approach to indicate a protected left-turn phase. Medium Mid-term Low MassDOT Replace the signal heads on the Route 120 eastbound approach to indicate a protected left-turn phase. Medium Mid-term Low MassDOT Eliminate the RTOR from Route 120 onto Route 1 southbound. Medium Short-term Low MassDOT Consider relocating the signal heads on the Route 1 southbound approach to a more visible location. Medium Long-term Medium MassDOT Consider relocating the signal heads on the Hoppin Hill Road (Route 120) approach to a more visible location, or Low Long -term Medium MassDOT Move the stop-line on Hoppin Hill Road (Route 120) back to allow increased visibility of signal heads. Low Short-term Low MassDOT Evaluate traffic counts at the Route 120 eastbound approach to determine what lane delineation will provide the safest and most efficient configuration. Low Short-term Low MassDOT Intersection Operations Page 15 Road Safety Audit - Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Safety Issue Additional Enhancements Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Replace the entire signal system with new equipment. High Long-term High MassDOT Provide crosswalks, pedestrian ramps and signal phasing. Medium Long-term Medium MassDOT Consider bicycle accommodation as part of a future intersection design. Low Long-term High MassDOT Evaluate the effectiveness of the existing street lighting, provide improvements as necessary. Medium Mid-term Low MassDOT Medium Long-term High MassDOT Low Long-term Medium MassDOT/North Attleborough Address drainage issue as a part of any future intersection design. Provide physical barrier behind the sidewalk on the southwest quadrant of the intersection to minimize any potential conflict between sledding and Route 1 southbound traffic. Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Appendix A: RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Route 1 (South Washington St.)/ Route 120 (Hoppin Hill Rd.) Meeting Location: North Attleboro Police Headquarters 102 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH, MA Friday, 07/15/2011 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 9:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 9:15 AM Review of Site Specific Material Crash & Volume Summaries– provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 9:45 PM Visit the Site Drive to Route 1 / Route 120 intersection As a group, identify areas for improvement 10:15 AM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA Discuss observations and finalize findings Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 11:00 AM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on July 15th, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit—Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Appendix B: RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Date: July 15, 2011 Audit Team Members Gene Allen Location: Police Headquarters Agency/Affiliation Email Address North Attleborough Electric Bill McDowell North Attleborough DPW Mark Hollowell North Attleborough DPW Mary Burgess North Attleborough Planning Department Tom McCafferty North Attleborough Police Department Mark Fisher North Attleborough Town Administrator Jim Hoyle FHWA Lisa Estrela-Pedro SRPEDD Robert Gregory MassDOT – District 5 Barbara Lachance MassDOT – District 5 Edward Feeney MassDOT – District 5 Alex Lovejoy MassDOT – District 5 Larry Cash MassDOT – District 5 Bonnie Polin MassDOT – Safety Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT – Safety Stephen Farr Nitsch Engineering Fayssal Husseini Nitsch Engineering Corinne Tobias Nitsch Engineering Road Safety Audit—Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Appendix C: Detailed Crash Data 4, 19, 20 1, ,7 12 ,8 17 9 16 5, 13, 11 3, 6, 5 10 ,1 18 2, 14 Crash Data Summary Table Intersection of Route 1 and Route 120 (Hoppin Hill Road); North Attleborough, MA 2008 - 2010 # Month # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day # Manner of Collision (11) Type # Light Condition (1) Type # Weather Condition (2,3) Type Road Surface (6) Type # # Driver Contributing Code (24) Type D1 D2 1 2 3 5 5 6 5/5/08 5/15/08 6/13/08 Monday Thursday Friday 2:01 AM 3:49 PM 1:38 PM 1 2 2 Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Rear-end 4 1 1 Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight 6 1 1 Fog, Smog, Smoke Clear Clear 1 Dry 1 Dry 1 Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or 9 running off road 19 Inattention 1 No Improper Driving 4 5 6 7 12 12 7/8/08 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 5:03 PM 12/17/08 12/18/08 8:50 PM 6:00 PM 4 6 2 Sideswipe, same direction Head on Rear-end 1 4 4 Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway 1 2 1 Clear Cloudy Clear 1 Dry 2 Wet 1 Dry 19 Inattention 4 Failed to yield to right of way 1 No Improper Driving 78 22 7 1 1/7/09 Wednesday 12:24 AM 1 Single Vehicle Crash 4 Dark - lighted roadway 1 Clear 1 Dry 2 Exceeded authorized speed limit 32 8 5 5/3/09 Sunday 9:40 PM 3 Angle 4 Dark - lighted roadway 3 Rain 2 Wet 21 9 10 11 5 6 7 5/6/09 6/8/09 7/1/09 Wednesday Monday Wednesday 12:05 AM 6:36 PM 3:55 PM 3 2 2 Angle Rear-end Rear-end 4 3 1 Dark - lighted roadway Dusk Daylight 3 1 3 Rain Clear Rain 2 Wet 1 Dry 2 Wet 7 Driving too fast for conditions Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive 10 manner 1 No Improper Driving 1 No Improper Driving 28 49 21 24 39 12 13 14 15 16 10 12 12 3 4 10/1/09 12/23/09 12/29/09 3/19/10 4/29/10 Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Friday Thursday 12:07 AM 6:38 PM 6:44 PM 7:59 PM 8:41 PM 1 3 2 2 4 Single Vehicle Crash Angle Rear-end Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction 4 4 4 4 4 Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway 1 1 1 1 1 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 1 1 1 1 1 19 4 1 19 6 20 51 44 50 18 43 19 19 42 17 5 5/21/10 Friday 6:59 AM 4 Sideswipe, same direction 1 Daylight 2 Cloudy 1 Dry 18 5 5/21/10 Friday 7:32 PM 1 Single Vehicle Crash 3 Dusk 1 Clear 1 Dry Inattention Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving Inattention Made an improper turn Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive 10 manner Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive 10 manner 19 7 7/2/10 Friday 7:12 AM 4 Sideswipe, same direction 1 Daylight 1 Clear 1 Dry 69 9 9/7/10 Tuesday 4:05 PM 4 Sideswipe, same direction 1 Daylight 1 Clear 1 Dry 97 Other improper action Failure to keep in proper lane or 9 running off road 35 20 36 75 Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the North Attleborough Police Department Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 22 53 28 44 43 38 26 55 Ages D3 Comments D4 Vehicle left the roadway Rt1 SB left turn Failure to stop in time Failure to stop in time Crossing over lane into another vehicle Rte 1 NB Failure to yeild making left turn Failure ot stop in time Vehicle left the roadway Rt1 SB left turn Vehicle left the roadway Rt1 SB left turn OUI Failure to stop in time Failure to stop in time Vehicle left the roadway Rt1 SB left turn Failure to yeild making left turn Failure to stop in time Failure to stop in time U-Turn across double yellow line Rte 1 NB merge with Rt 120 18 25 Vehicle left the roadway Rt1 NB at int. Crossing over lane into another vehicle Rte 1 NB Crossing over lane into another vehicle Rte 1 NB Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts CRASH MONTH 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 15% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 0% J F 5% 0% M A M J J 0% A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 25% 20% 10% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 60% 45% 40% 20% 20% 10% 15% 5% 5% 0% 6-10AM 10-2PM 2-6PM 6-10PM 10-2AM 2-6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 40% 35% 30% 20% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Crash Data Entry 06-24-2011 Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 7/22/2011 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 55% 60% 40% 35% 20% 10% 0% 0% Daylight Dawn Dusk Dark Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 70% 10% 15% 0% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Slush 0% Water (standing, moving) 0% Sand, mud, dirt, oil, gravel Snow Wet 0% Ice 20% Dry 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% CRASH DRIVER AGES 40% 31% 30% 20% 16% 13% 19% 13% 10% 3% 6% 0% 0% 15-20 Crash Data Entry 06-24-2011 21-29 30-39 40-49 3 of 3 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 7/22/2011 Road Safety Audit—Route 1 and Route 120, North Attleborough Nitsch Engineering 8126.03 Appendix D: Additional Information