ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Harding Street (US Route 44) at I-495 Southbound Ramps Town of Middleborough August 16, 2013 Prepared For: High Rock Harding Street, LLC Prepared By: TEC, Inc. 65 Glenn Street Lawrence, MA 01843 Plan | Permit | Design | Construct Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. Table of Contents Background ....................................................................................................................................1 Project Data ....................................................................................................................................2 Project Location and Description .................................................................................................3 Harding Street (US Route 44) ....................................................................................... 3 Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps ............................. 4 Audit Observations ........................................................................................................................6 General Study Area Observations ................................................................................ 6 Summary of Road Safety Audit ..................................................................................................12 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Traffic Volume Data RSA References List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 5 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Existing Weekday Traffic Volume Summary ........................................................................ 3 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. [PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. Background High Rock Harding Street, LLC is currently planning roadway improvements along the Harding Street (US Route 44) corridor in an effort to address existing safety concerns and to increase capacity within the vicinity of the planned Gateway Commons Commercial Development project by High Rock Harding Street, LLC. The addition of new vehicle trips to Harding Street (US Route 44), which is the principal arterial roadway adjacent to the project site, has stimulated roadway improvements and a corresponding Functional Design Report (FDR) to be prepared by TEC, Inc. of Lawrence, Massachusetts. The project includes work along two different sections of Harding Street (US Route 44), one at the proposed Gateway Commons Site Driveway in Lakeville, MA and the other at the Interstate 495 Northbound and Southbound Ramps in Middleborough, MA. The entire corridor is within Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) jurisdiction. The purpose of a Road Safety Audit (RSA) is to observe, identify, and report all safety issues and identify future opportunities for safety improvements for all roadway users. The MassDOT guidelines require an RSA to be conducted where HSIP-eligible crash clusters are present within the study area of a 25% Design and FDR. An intersection is defined as HSIP-eligible if the intersection is within the top 5% of clusters in its respective Regional Planning Commission’s (RPC) boundaries. Along the US Route 44 corridor, the entire US Route 44 / Interstate 495 Interchange is considered an HSIP-eligible intersection, which was identified on MassDOT’s online database and established using crash data from 2008-2010. Upon further investigation, only one of the ramp surface intersections meets the threshold for HISeligibility. Therefore, an RSA was conducted along Harding Street (US Route 44) at the following surface intersection where project-related improvements have been proposed: Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps An RSA, as defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is the formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. This RSA was conducted during the Preliminary Design (pre-25% Design) stage of intersection and corridor improvements along Harding Street (US Route 44) in Lakeville and Middleborough, Massachusetts in order to incorporate safety-related design features early in the design process. These roadway improvements are in conjunction with the construction of the Gateway Commons private development located along Harding Street (US Route 44) in the Town of Lakeville. The scale of the off-site improvements at this location is limited to sign and pavement marking improvements as identified within the Certificate on the Single Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) submitted as part of the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) review process (EEA #14919). Elements of the RSA will be considered for incorporation into the roadway improvement Project as the design is advanced through the MassDOT design development process in order to obtain a construction Highway Access Permit from District 5. Page 1 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. Project Data TEC, Inc. of Lawrence, Massachusetts is the prime safety investigation consultant in an RSA for the Harding Street (US Route 44) in Middleborough, Massachusetts. The RSA was conducted on Tuesday July 2, 2013 at 10:00 AM, with the pre- and post-audit meetings held at the MassDOT District 5 Office in Taunton, Massachusetts. A copy of the RSA agenda can be found in Appendix A. TEC conducted various other site visits to the audit area as part of its FDR and pre-25% Design work. As presented in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a cross-section of state, regional, and local engineering, planning, enforcement, maintenance and emergency response professionals and was assembled in conjunction with input from the MassDOT’ Traffic Safety Management Unit. Contact information for all team members is provided in Appendix B. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Rebecca L. Brown, P.E. Samuel W. Gregorio, E.I.T. Mikel C. Myers, P.E. Corey O’ Connor Lisa Schletzbaum Barbara Lachance Edward Feeney Richard Madsen Jim Hadfield Lance Benjamino Bruce Gates Christopher Peck Gary McNaughton David Wordell Ruth McCawley Geoffroy* Agency/Affiliation TEC, Inc. TEC, Inc. TEC, Inc. MassDOT Safety – Boston MassDOT Safety – Boston MassDOT D5 Traffic MassDOT D5 Traffic MassDOT, D5 Projects SRPEDD Middleborough Fire Middleborough Police Middleborough DPW McMahon Associates State Police Middleborough Planning Department *Not present at meeting on July 2, 2013, but provided input following the meeting via telephone on July 8, 2013. Audit participants were provided with materials to review prior to the audit meeting. The materials included a summary of traffic volume data (daily and peak hour) and collision diagram (See Appendix) that summarized the type and severity of collisions at the study area intersection. Participants were encouraged to visit the site prior to the audit and were urged to consider elements on MassDOT’s Safety Review Prompt List. On the day of the audit, a pre-audit meeting was held at the MassDOT District 5 Office in Taunton to discuss the project’s background, the audit process, review the distributed materials, and discuss the some of the issues that Team members had observed individually. The audit site walk consisted of field observations at the audit intersections and roadway locations. Handwritten notes and photographs Page 2 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. documented the observations made by audit team members during the site walk. Following the audit site walk, a post-audit meeting was held at MassDOT District 5 Office in Taunton where the Team confirmed the observations made in the field and offered solutions to enhance the safety of areas noted in the Site Walk and Pre-Audit meeting. Project Location and Description The Road Safety Audit intersection locations were as follows: Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps A Study Area Location Map is provided in Figure 1. Harding Street (US Route 44) Harding Street, signed as US Route 44, generally runs in an east-west direction and is maintained by MassDOT. The roadway is classified as a principal arterial and provides a regional connection between Plymouth and Kingston to the east and Taunton and Providence, Rhode Island to the west. Harding Street (US Route 44) is approximately 47 feet wide in the vicinity of the Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps, and provides a 13-foot travel lane with an 8 foot shoulder along the northerly edge of travel and a shoulder with varying width along the southerly travel way. Guardrail is provided along multiple sections of Harding Street (US Route 44). Multiple wetland areas border the roadway on both sides. The posted speed limit is 50 miles per hour (mph) which were verified by MassDOT speed regulations. Land uses along Harding Street (US Route 44) include, residential, retail, commercial, and industrial uses. Updated Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) counts were conducted on Harding Street west of Cross Street on June 19 to 20, 2013 to gather daily traffic-volume data for the study area roadways during a continuous 48-hour time period. A summary of the weekday ATR traffic data is presented in Table 2. Table 2. Existing Weekday Traffic Volume Summary Location Harding Street, west of Cross Street Weekday Morning Peak Hour Weekday Traffic Volumea Traffic Volumeb 24,775 1,575 K Directional Factorc Distributiond 6.4 53.8% WB Weekday Evening Peak Hour Traffic Volume K Factor Directional Distribution 1,860 7.5 51.3% EB a Daily traffic expressed in vehicles per day. Expressed in vehicles per hour. c Percent of daily traffic volumes which occurs during the peak hour. d Percent of peak-hour volume in the predominant direction of travel. EB – eastbound; WB = westbound. b In June 2013, Harding Street (US Route 44), in the vicinity of the proposed Gateway Commons Site Driveway, carries approximately 24,775 vehicles per day (vpd) on an average weekday. Directional distribution is fairly evenly split eastbound and westbound during the weekday morning and weekday evening peak periods. Page 3 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps The Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps intersect Harding Street (US Route 44) to form a three-way, T-type unsignalized intersection. The intersection is under the jurisdiction of MassDOT. The Interstate 495 southbound off-ramp approach consists of an exclusive left-turn lane under STOP control and a channelized right-turn lane under YIELD control. Directional flow along the on- and offramps is separated by a raised concrete median. The Harding Street eastbound approach consists of a through lane and a channelized right-turn lane under YIELD control with wide outer shoulders. The eastbound travel lane increases from approximately 13-feet wide to 24-feet wide which allows for vehicles turning right to by-passed queued Harding Street / I-495 Southbound Ramps (looking east) traffic from the Middleborough Rotary (Route 18, Route 28, US Route 44). The Harding Street westbound approach consists of a 14-foot wide single generalpurpose travel lane. Directional flow along Harding Street (US Route 44) is separated by a marked centerline. This unsignalized intersection is occasionally blocked by queues extending back from the Middleborough Rotary to the east. Page 4 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. Figure 1. Locus Map Page 5 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. Audit Observations Prior to the RSA site walk, a pre-audit meeting was held at the MassDOT District 5 Office in Taunton. This pre-audit meeting included brief introductions, an overview of the project and RSA process, and a summary of volume, speed, and safety characteristics along the segment of the Harding Street (US Route 44). Audit participants then conducted a site walk as a group to observe the roadway segment and intersections. Each participant was advised to offer their concerns and comments related to safety issues along the roadway segment and study area intersections. Based on these field observations and discussions, the RSA team determined that the intersection of Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps has the following general issues that may negatively impact safety: Traffic Congestion / Long Vehicle Queues, Channelized Right-turn Lane YIELD-control Conveyance, Truck Parking Along Harding Street, Sight Lines and Visibility, I-495 SB Ramp Merging Opportunities, Placement of D6/D8 Guide Signs on Off-Ramp, Lack of Lane Delineation, and Speed The following sections describe in more detail the safety issues identified during the RSA. Several of these require further evaluation and design work to develop appropriate safety enhancements. More specific safety challenges located at specific audit area intersections are also included. General Study Area Observations The intersection of Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps is specifically considered HSIP-eligible. Collision data for this intersection was provided by MassDOT / Massachusetts State Police for the period of January 2009 to December 2012 and supplemented by the Town of Middleborough Police Department for the period of January 2009 to December 2011. The data shows a total of 45 reported collisions (15 per year) in the area of the intersection during the three-years of complete collision data. The crash rate for this intersection is significantly higher than the statewide and district-wide averages for unsignalized intersections with 1.21 crashes per MEV. There were 26 rear-end collisions (55%) at this intersection over the four-year study period. Of the locatable rear-end collisions; more than half (12 of 21) occurred on the channelized right-turn lane exiting the I-495 SB Ramps. Approximately one-third (6 of 21) of the rear-end crashes occurred on the eastbound approach of Harding Street (US Route 44) of which five (5) occurred during the PM peak period during times of congestion. Many of the rear-end crashes were a result of driver inattention to the roadway, distracted driving, and following too closely. Narratives within the crash reports indicate that many of the rear-end collisions occurred during periods of congestion or stop-and-go conditions. Approximately one-third (7 of 21) of the rear-end crashes resulted in a non-fatal injury. There were also 4 angle-type collisions (9%) at this intersection over the four-year study period. None of the angled crashes resulted in injuries. Page 6 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. The RSA team noted several general safety issues specifically at the intersection of Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps. A summary of those general safety concerns at the intersection are as follows: Traffic Congestion and Long Vehicle Queues – Due to numerous commercial, retail, and office uses; in addition to an increase in regional traffic in the vicinity, traffic volumes in the area generally increase during the weekday peak periods. These additional traffic volumes result in increased traffic congestion along Harding Street (US Route 44). Approaching the Middleborough Rotary to the immediate east of the Interstate 495 interchange, the traffic in the eastbound direction often queues from the rotary past both the I-495 NB and SB ramps. These queues cause blocked intersections as part of a grid-lock condition. A representative Queues Along Harding Street of the Middleborough Police Department noted that (looking east) the queues on the eastbound approach tend to block sight lines from the I-495 SB Off-ramps and that the queues are the primary cause of rear-end collisions on both the Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound approach and the I-495 SB Ramp northbound approach during congested times. Vehicles queued back from the Middleborough Rotary also block sight lines for vehicles turning left from the I-495 SB Off-Ramp onto Harding Street (US Route 44) westbound. Left turning vehicles must force their way across the queued traffic with limited sight distance, which may also be a contributing factor for angle collisions at this intersection. Queues are also present during the weekday peak periods along the I-495 SB Ramp approach. Several members of the RSA team noted that the congestion on the ramp regularly queues back onto I-495 during the weekday morning and evening peak periods. A review of crashes along the mainline of I-495 were not part of this RSA, but Audit members recognize queued vehicles along I-495 as a safety issue. As a result of queues along Harding Street (US Route 44), vehicles have been observed utilizing the I-495 SB Ramp left-turn lane in order to make a right-turn and by-pass the queued vehicles along the ramps during the weekday morning and evening peak periods. Although no crashes are shown within the study period that had resulted from this maneuver, the potential for crashes exists. Five (5) collisions along the Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound approaches occurred in a stop and go traffic conditions. Although two (2) of these crashes were a result of distracted driving, all five rear-end collisions were described to occurred during times of congestion. Angle of Channelized Right-turn Lane – Similar to many channelized right-turn lanes, the angle of approach requires drivers exiting the I-495 SB Off-Ramp within the channelized right-turn lane to look far over their left shoulder to see oncoming Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound traffic. When doing so, some drivers continue to move forward and are not attentive to the vehicles that may be still in front of them, thus resulting in a rear-end crash. The relative difference in vehicle speeds, those on Harding Street (US Route 44) and those on the I-495 OffRamp may add to the challenge of merging since drivers on the ramp may find it is easier to merge when their speed is similar to that on the main line. The crash data showed that a majority Page 7 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. of the collisions along the channelized right-turn lane were rear-end crashes as a result of driver inattention. Although the direct cause of inattention is not noted, the difficulty of viewing vehicles far over the left shoulder while seeing the vehicle directly in front and wanting to maintain a merging speed may be a contributing factor in many of the rear-end crashes. Channelized Right-turn Lane YIELD Condition –No YIELD markings exist on the I-495 SB Off-Ramp channelized right-turn. In addition, the existing YIELD sign is set back on the channelized rightturn lane and may not be conveying the proper location to drivers who are yielding to traffic or stopped along the channelized right-turn lane. Finally, as vehicles traverse the channelized rightturn lane; many drivers are looking to their left to view oncoming traffic; however no YIELD signage appears on this side of the channelized right-turn lane within this line of sight. There are approximately 75-feet between the YIELD sign View of Channelized Right-turn Lane Along and the end of the channelized right-turn lane. The I-495 SB Ramps (facing north) crash data showed that a majority of the collisions along the channelized right-turn lane were rear-end crashes as a result of driver inattention. Although the direct cause of inattention is not noted, the lack of visible YIELD conveyance along the approach may be a contributing factor in many of the rear-end crashes. Truck Parking Along Harding Street – During the RSA site visit, several tractor-trailers were observed parking along Harding Street (US Route 44) to the west of the intersection in front of the Mobile Gas Station / Dunkin Donuts. These parked tractor-trailers have the potential to block sight lines for vehicles exiting the parking lot to vehicles traversing Harding Street (US Route 44). Tractor-trailers were also observed making U-turns on Harding Street (US Route 44) presumably to reverse direction after parking on the street near the Dunkin Donuts. These U-turn movements caused queues to form in the area immediately west of the ramps. In addition, some vehicles along Harding Street may not expect a U-turn movement at this location and may result in rear-end collisions to the west of the study area intersection. While the crashes in this specific area were not reviewed as part of this audit, it was noted as a safety issue by the audit team. Sight Lines and Visibility – A few members of the Audit team noted visibility issues in regards to an “ENTER HERE” sign that marks the entrance of the I-95 SB on-ramp for westbound vehicles along Harding Street (US Route 44) as well as a large directional guide sign for I-495 SB. Upon further review after the audit, the visibility issue from the left-turn lane appears to be due to the vegetation along the outside of the ramp to the west of the channelized right turn lane (see photo to right). The current location of the STOP bar in comparison to the edge of travel way is set back more than 20 feet from the edge of travel way, which places the driver eye when stopped at as much as 35 feet behind the existing STOP bar. As vehicles attempt to “creep up” to view down Harding Street (US Route 44) to the west, the View from STOP bar within I-95 SB Ramp existing “ENTER HERE” sign and the object Left-Turn Lane Page 8 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. marker sign “OM1-1” also “creep” into the sight line for some vehicles with higher seating. As seen in the photo to the right, the driver of the pick-up truck is leaning forward, past the STOP bar, to view beyond the signage within the delta island. The visibility issues with this signage only occur after a vehicle has passed the marked STOP bar. This visibility deficiency is particularly an issue during off-peak time periods where high travel speeds along Harding Street (US Route 44) require longer sight lines for vehicles exiting the off-ramp to select an acceptable gap and merge with traffic on Harding Street (US Route 44). View of vehicles “creeping” past STOP bar. Vegetation along the inside of the I-495 SB Ramps is dense. As vehicles traverse up the ramp and approach Harding Street (US Route 44), visibility to downstream vehicles and signage around the ramp’s curvature is limited by the vegetation. There were twelve (12) collisions that occurred within the channelized right-turn lane. Although the crash data did not specify the vegetation along the inside of the off-ramp as the cause to these crashes, the obstruction of sightlines due to the vegetation may be contributing factors to these rear-end collisions. I-495 SB Ramp Merging Opportunities – An audit member provided observations of vehicles exiting the I-495 SB Ramp channelized right-turn lane using the shoulder on Harding Street (US Route 44) as an acceleration lane to merge with eastbound traffic. In addition, when vehicles are stopped waiting to turn left onto the I-495 NB Ramps from Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound downstream of the I-495 SB Ramps, through vehicles use the shoulder to bypass these left-turning vehicles. When this occurs, it creates conflicts between vehicles using the shoulder as an acceleration lane and vehicle using the shoulder to by-pass turning vehicles, creating the potential for side-swipe collisions. While the crashes in this specific area were not reviewed as part of this audit, it was noted as a safety issue by an audit member. In addition, vehicles regularly queue back from the Middleborough Rotary beyond the I-495 SB Off-Ramp, which limits the ability for traffic exiting the I-495 SB Off-Ramp to merge with eastbound traffic on Harding Street (US Route 44). The queuing of vehicles extending from the Middleborough Rotary and onto the I-495 SB Off-Ramp presents an opportunity for rear-end collisions. This is further increased as drivers may not expect stopped vehicles along the rightturn channelized off-ramp lane and Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound. Placement of D6/D8 Guide Signs on Off-Ramp – A set of D6/D8 guide signs to direct traffic exiting the I-495 SB Off-Ramps is located at the vertex of the delta island with no prior signage to direct traffic along the ramp. This may not allow for adequate perception-reaction time for drivers to make their desired movement and ultimately may be a contributing factor for some of the rear-end crashes along the channelized I-495 SB Ramp. Although no crashes are shown within the study period that had made mention of this, the potential for crashes exists. Lack of Lane Delineation – The eastbound approach of Harding Street (US Route 44) west of the I-495 SB Ramps widens to more than 24 feet and operates as two lanes. One lane continuing along Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound and the second entering the channelized right-turn lane onto the I-495 SB On-Ramp. No striping exists to separate the widened travel lane. Although no crashes are shown within the study period that had made mention of this, the potential for crashes exists as some vehicle may attempt to diverge close to the ramp junction while some vehicles may diverge earlier. Page 9 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. The I-495 SB Off-Ramp is wide enough to accommodate two lanes of queued traffic side by side exiting the ramp; however, the ramp is striped for a single travel lane. Due to the width of the I495 SB Off-Ramp, traffic has been observed to by-pass queued vehicles on the ramp. Due to a lack of clear lane delineation prior to the delta island on the ramp, drivers are unsure of the number and usage of the lanes. Vehicles on the channelized right-turn lane have been observed “purposely” blocking the left-turn lane on the off-ramp assuming that following vehicles are attempting to by-pass the queued right-turning vehicles and cut in the queue at the last moment. Unfamiliar drivers may not know what lane to be in until they are at the delta island which causes them to block the left turn lane in attempt to merge into the right turn slip lane. In addition, drivers have been observed making a right-turn from the left-lane (to the left of the delta island) to by-pass the queued vehicles. Speed – During non-peak hours speed may be a safety concern. Drivers may misjudge an acceptable gap do to the high speeds of approaching vehicles along Harding Street (US Route 44), causing an angle collision. Vehicles in the right turn channelized lane may also misjudge an acceptable gap when merging onto Harding Street (US Route 44) at a slow speed and cause a rear-end collision with a fast traveling vehicle along Harding Street (US Route 44). Potential Safety Enhancements After the site visit, audit participants returned to the meeting location to discuss the safety issues and consider improvements. Audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long term improvements for each issue. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term based. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). The following improvements were suggested by audit participants to improve safety issues associated with the intersection of Harding Street (US Route 44) / Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps. Traffic congestion and gridlock, which generally are the result of poor operations at the Middleborough Rotary to the east, are a significant contributing factor to crashes along Harding Street (US Route 44) and the ramps to/from Interstate 495. Expediting the Town of Middleborough / MassDOT Middleborough Rotary project was a consensus safety enhancement as detailed by the RSA team. The Town of Middleborough and MassDOT are currently discussing the re-striping of the Middleborough Rotary to provide two travel lanes through the rotary as an interim measure prior to the construction of a more long-term Rotary Reconstruction Project. In addition to the Middleborough Rotary project, restriping the Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound approach to provide two travel lanes from the Interstate 495 ramps to the Rotary was discussed. Any plans to restripe Harding Street are dependent on the design of interim restriping measures at the Middleborough Rotary or the final design of the Middleborough Rotary Project. Restriping Harding Street to provide two eastbound travel lanes would require sliver widening near the I-495 NB Ramps and curb line modifications at the I-495 SB Ramps. The change in operation at the Middleborough Rotary or any future intersection realignment is anticipated to be a long-term and high-cost improvement with a high safety payoff. Page 10 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. Install queue signage along I-495 Southbound in advance of the off-ramp. A similar sign reading, “EXPECT BACK-UP NEXT EXIT” is present along Route 24 Southbound in advance of its interchange with Route 140 in Taunton. This safety enhancement would advise motorist of the potential for queues along the off-ramp. This is a short-term, low-cost improvement that can be easily installed upon approval and acceptance from MassDOT. Reset existing YIELD signage along the right-turn channelized lane approximately 20 to 40 feet downstream and stripe a YIELD line across the lane. Install a second YIELD sign on left-hand side of channelized right-turn lane. This improvement could improve compliance of the YIELD control of the ramp. This is a short-term, low-cost improvement. Install a “NO MERGE AREA” sign in conjunction with the (or reset) and second proposed YIELD sign. This will inform motorists that the area of Harding Street (US Route 44) immediately east of the right-turn channelized lane is not wide enough to support extensive merging movements downstream. This improvement is a short-term, low-cost improvement. Install “STATE HIGHWAY PARKING PROHIBITED” signage along the northerly side of Harding Street (US Route 44) adjacent to the Dunkin Donuts / Mobile Gas Station to deter tractor-trailers from parking along the store’s frontage. The Town of Middleborough would need to be in agreement and able to provide enforcement for this measure. Installation of parking signs at this location is a short-term, low cost improvement. Increase enforcement of state highway parking restrictions along Harding Street (US Route 44) adjacent to the Dunkin Donuts / Mobile Gas Station to deter tractor-trailers from parking along the store’s frontage. Enforcement of parking restrictions at this location is a short-term, low cost improvement and should be conducted by the Middleborough Police Department who have authorized enforcement jurisdiction along Harding Street (US Route 44). Trim and maintain vegetation along the eastern edge of the I-495 SB ramps to provide better sightlines downstream. This safety enhancement would improve sightlines for vehicles along the I-495 SB off-ramp that may not be able to currently view vehicles queued along both the left-turn lane and channelized right-turn lane downstream. Vegetation and sight line maintenance is a short-term, low-cost solution and should be conducted in coordination with MassDOT District 5. Trim and maintain vegetation along the western edge of the I-495 SB ramps to provide better sightlines for vehicles exiting within the left-turn lane of the I-495 SB. This will promote vehicles to view oncoming Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound traffic without “creeping up” passed the STOP bar. Sight triangle should be calculated for the intersection to make sure the brush is trimmed and maintained along Harding Street (US Route 44) appropriately. Vegetation and sight line maintenance is a short-term, low-cost solution and should be conducted in coordination with MassDOT District 5. Based on left-turn lane warrants and safety, restripe the eastbound approach of Harding Street (US Route 44) at the I-495 NB Ramps to provide an exclusive left-turn lane. This safety enhancement may remove queues from the eastbound mainline and eliminate by-passing maneuvers for eastbound traffic which will improve merging opportunities for vehicles exiting the I-495 SB off-ramp channelized right-turn lane. This improvement is a short-term, mid-cost improvement. Restripe Harding Street (US Route 44) east of the I-495 SB Ramp intersection to provide a dedicated acceleration lane to assist in merging opportunities for vehicles exiting the I-495 SB channelized right-turn lane. This may be incorporated into an enhancement previously mentioned Page 11 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. to extend two travel lanes entering the Middleborough Rotary. This safety enhancement is a short-term, mid-cost improvement measure. Install advance D6/D8 guide signs further downstream (at a located designated by MassDOT) along the I-495 SB off-ramp to prepare drivers of the downstream turning movements prior to the delta island. The existing signage on the delta island should be retained. This safety enhancement may increase perception-reaction time of vehicles approaching the delta island for their future route choice. This improvement is a short-term, low-cost improvement measure. Stripe dotted gore lines along the taper between Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound approach and the opening to the I-495 SB on-ramp. This improvement will increase visibility of lane delineation for the Harding Street and I-495 On-Ramp traffic. This safety enhancement is a short-term, low-cost improvement measure. Restripe I-495 SB Ramp to provide lane delineation for the left-turn lane and the channelized right-turn lane further down the ramp in advance of the delta island. This improvement would decrease the number of vehicles traffic along the I-495 SB Off-Ramp that tend to by-pass queued vehicles on the ramp due to a lack of clear lane delineation prior to the delta island. The length of additional striping is contingent on the existing width of the I-495 SB Off-Ramp upstream. This safety enhancement is a short-term, low-cost improvement measure. Establish traffic volume and crash monitoring program for future examining of traffic signal warrants at the intersection in order to determine if a greater level of intersection control should be provided. Currently, in TEC correspondence with MassDOT District 5, it was requested that a signal not be considered at the I-495 SB Ramps at this time as the Town of Middleborough and MassDOT are in the process of examining improvements at the Middleborough Rotary (Route 44 / Route 28 / Route 18), which will likely involve further improvements at the I-495 Ramps. A future monitoring program in conjunction with the Middleborough Rotary project is a mid-term, low-cost safety program. Increase speed enforcement along Harding Street (US Route 44) during free-flow, non-peak hour conditions. This safety enhancement is a short-term, low-cost improvement measure and should be conducted by the Middleborough Police Department who have authorized enforcement jurisdiction along Harding Street (US Route 44). Summary of Road Safety Audit Based on the observations and discussions, the RSA team identified safety issues along the Harding Street (US Route 44) / I-495 SB Ramps. Further evaluation and design work may be necessary to develop safety enhancements to the roadway and intersections. The safety issues are summarized in Table 3. For each safety issue, the RSA team has described the potential safety enhancement, its potential safety payoff, the estimated time frame for completion, the estimated construction cost, and the jurisdictional agency. Design plans are in progress for the Audit’s location area and the scope of the roadway improvements shall be made consistent with the MEPA permitting review/approval process and all necessary access permits for the Gateway Commons Commercial Development. The current scope of sign and pavement marking improvements will continue to be refined through coordination between the Project Team and MassDOT. As design plans are in the 25% Design review phase, all potential safety enhancements noted in this report will be incorporated into the design or justification provided as to why each item is not included. Page 12 Road Safety Audit – Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Prepared by TEC, Inc. The summary of potential safety enhancements are summarized in Table 3 and include a column identifying the improvements within the current project design. As the design plans progress, safety enhancements identified by the RSA will be incorporated into the design to the extent feasible based upon agreements between the Project Team and MassDOT. As previously noted, many of the safety related issues at the intersection of Harding Street (US Route 44) / I-495 SB Ramps are a result of congestion and queues caused by the adjacent Middleborough Rotary to the east. The Rotary is a pressing concern for the Town of Middleborough as previous and future commercial developments in the vicinity have added traffic to the Route 18, Route 28, and US Route 44 corridors leading into the Rotary. Interim measures to temporarily re-stripe the Rotary are currently in the pre-design process. The full Middleborough Reconstruction Project (MassDOT Project #606307) is currently in the preliminary design phase with construction expected to commence in Winter 2018/2019. Page 13 Truck Parking Along Harding Street Channelized Right-Turn Lane YIELD-control Conveyance Traffic Congestion / Long Vehicle Queues Safety Issue Enforce Parking Restrictions Along State Highway Expedite Middleborough Rotary Project (MassDOT Project #606307). Restripe Middleborough Rotary as part of an interim solution prior to construction of the future Middleborough Rotary Project. Install signage along I-495 SB regarding potential for queues on ramp. Restripe Harding Street (US Route 44) eastbound to consist of two travel lanes entering Middleborough Rotary. Establish monitoring program for future examining of warrants in order to determine if a greater level of intersection control should be provided. Reset R1-2 “YIELD” sign closer to end of channelized right-turn lane. Install second R1-2 “YIELD” sign on opposing side of channelized rightturn lane to improve compliance. Install W3-2 “YIELD AHEAD” sign further down off-ramp. Stripe YIELD-line across channelized right-turn lane. Install W4-5P “NO MERGE AREA” sign with YIELD sign to indicate no merging area along Harding Street. Install “State Highway Parking Prohibited” signage along northerly side of Harding Street adjacent to Dunkin Donuts. Potential Safety Enhancement Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Prepared by TEC, Inc. Short-Term Short-Term Low Low Short-Term Short-Term Low Low Mid-Term Medium Short-Term Mid-Term Low Low Short-Term Mid-Term Medium Medium Long-Term Time Frame High Safety Payoff Road Safety Audit— Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Low-Cost Low-Cost Low-Cost Low-Cost Low-Cost Low-Cost Mid-Cost Low-Cost Mid-Cost High-Cost Cost Page 14 Middleborough Police Department MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT Responsible Party Potential Safety Enhancement Trim and maintain vegetation along I-495 ramps to provide better sightlines along the ramps and along Harding Street (US Route 44). Sight triangle Sight Lines and Visibility should be calculated for the intersection to make sure the brush is trimmed and maintained along Harding Street (US Route 44) appropriately. Based on left-turn lane warrants, re-stripe eastbound approach at I-495 NB Ramps to provide an exclusive left-turn lane to remove queuing from I-495 NB Ramps. I-495 SB Ramp Merging Opportunities Restripe Harding Street (US Route 44) east of intersection to provide a dedicated acceleration lane to assist in merging opportunities for vehicles exiting I-495 SB channelized right-turn lane. Install advanced D6/D8 Guide signs further down Placement of D6/D8 Guide ramp to alert drivers of turning movements prior to Signs on Off-Ramp the delta island. Retain existing signage along delta island. Safety Issue Table 3 Continued: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Prepared by TEC, Inc. Short-Term Short-Term Short-Term Short-Term Low High Low Time Frame Medium Safety Payoff Road Safety Audit— Harding Street (US Route 44) at Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Low-Cost Mid-Cost Mid-Cost Mid-Cost Cost Page 15 MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT MassDOT Responsible Party Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit LOCATION Meeting Location: MassDOT District 5 Office 1000 County Street Taunton, Massachusetts Tuesday July 2, 2013 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Review of Site Specific Material Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries– provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:45 AM Visit the Site Drive to US Route 44 @ Interstate 495 SB Ramps As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:30 AM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA Discuss observations and finalize findings Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:00 AM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on June 26, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: Tuesday July 2, 2013 Location: MassDOT District 5 Office Audit Team Members Name Agency/Affiliation Agency Email Address Email Phone Number xxx-xxx-xxxx Bruce Gates Middleborough Police 508-946-2451 Lance Benjamino Middleborough Fire Department 508-946-2461 Christopher Peck Middleborough DPW 508-946-2480 Sgt. David Wordell State Police David.wordell@massmail.state. 508-923-4061 Jim Hadfield SRPEDD 508-824-1367x230 Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Safety Section 857-368-9634 Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Safety Section 857-368-9638 Barbara Lachance MassDOT District 5 Traffic Section 508-824-6633 us Edward Feeney MassDOT District 5 Traffic Section Richard Madsen MassDOT District 5 Project Section 508-824-6633 s Gary McNaughton McMahon and Associates gmcnaughton@mcmahonassoci 617-556-0020 Rebecca Brown, P.E. TEC, Inc. 978-794-1792x139 Samuel W. Gregorio, E.I.T. TEC, Inc. 978-794-1792x138 Mikel C. Myers, P.E. TEC, Inc. 978-794-1792x126 508-824-6633 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Report Report Sheet Worksheet Sheet Report Report Report Sheet MPD MPD MPD MassDOT MPD MPD State Police MPD MPD Report MPD MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH 2011 MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH 2/14/2011 Monday 1/22/2011 Saturday 1/19/2011 Wednesday 1/19/2011 Wednesday 1/18/2011 Tuesday 1/4/2011 Tuesday 12/7/2010 Tuesday 12/7/2010 Tuesday 12/3/2010 Friday 11/23/2010 Tuesday 11/21/2010 Sunday 10/21/2010 Thursday 10/16/2010 Saturday 8/13/2010 Friday 8/5/2010 Thursday 6/21/2010 Monday 4/10/2010 Saturday 4/8/2010 Thursday 4/1/2010 Thursday 3/15/2010 Monday 2/4/2010 Thursday MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH 12/12/2009 Saturday 11/6/2009 Friday 11/4/2009 Wednesday 10/31/2009 Saturday 10/22/2009 Thursday 10/6/2009 Tuesday 8/13/2009 Thursday 7/27/2009 Monday 7/1/2009 Wednesday 6/21/2009 Sunday 4/30/2009 Thursday 4/19/2009 Sunday 3/15/2009 Sunday 2 Property Damage 3:44 PM Only 2 2 3 3 Property Damage 11:32 AM Only Property Damage 4:13 PM Only Property Damage 5:52 PM Only Property Damage 6:18 PM Only Property Damage 6:25 PM Only Property Damage 8:47 AM Only 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 Property Damage 7:55 AM Only Property Damage 4:48 PM Only Property Damage 5:01 PM Only 3:54 PM Non-Fatal Injury 3:07 PM Non-Fatal Injury 6:05 PM Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage 2:52 PM Only Property Damage 4:56 PM Only 2 2 2 12:26 PM Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage 2:27 PM Only 2 Property Damage 5:12 PM Only 2 5:14 PM Non-Fatal Injury 2 Property Damage 10:00 AM Only 1 2 2 2 5:46 PM Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage 5:46 AM Only 10:31 AM Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage 4:31 PM Only Property Damage 1:44 PM Only 2 Property Damage 2:58 PM Only 2 2 12:00 PM Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage 8:18 AM Only Property Damage 5:14 PM Only 1 1 2 2 Property Damage 5:18 PM Only Property Damage 8:43 AM Only Property Damage 12:00 PM Only Property Damage 2:08 PM Only 2 Property Damage 2:57 PM Only 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rear-end 0 Single Vehicle 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Angle 0 Unknown 0 Unknown 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Single Vehicle 0 Unknown 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Unknown 0 Rear-end 0 Unknown 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Unknown 0 Unknown 0 Rear-end 0 Single Vehicle 0 Single Vehicle Sideswipe, same0 direction 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Single Vehicle Total Total Number of Nonfatal Fatal Injuries Injuries Manner of Collision Vehicles 1 Crash Severity Property Damage 11:36 AM Only Day of Week Crash Time 2/23/2009 Monday Crash Date MIDDLEBOROUGH 2010 MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH All Crash Data.xls Sheet Report MPD MPD Sheet MPD Report Sheet MPD Sheet Sheet MPD MPD Report MPD MPD Report Sheet MPD Sheet MPD MPD Report Sheet MPD MPD Report Sheet MPD Sheet Sheet MPD MPD Report MPD MPD Sheet MPD MIDDLEBOROUGH Report Worksheet Report MPD MPD Report MPD MassDOT MIDDLEBOROUGH Report MPD MIDDLEBOROUGH Sheet MPD City/Town Name Type of Report V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Unknown Vehicle Travel Directions Unknown Dry Dry V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Collision with Snow Bank Daylight V1: Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car / V2: Unknown V1: Passenger Car / V2: Light Truck / V3: Unknown Wet Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Dark - lighted Roadway Dark - lighted Roadway V1: Passenger Car / V2: Passenger Car / V3: Passenger Car Wet Unknown Unknown Unknown Daylight Unknown Daylight Unknown Unknown Daylight Unknown Dusk Unknown Unknown Unknown Dry Unknown Dry Unknown Unknown Dry Unknown Dry Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Unknown Daylight Unknown Dusk Daylight Unknown Unknown Daylight Unknown Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Unknown V1: Light Truck / V2: Passenger Car / V3: Light Truck Wet V1: Passenger Car / V2: Unknown V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Unknown Page 1 of 2 V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Passenger Car V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Passenger Car V1: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V3: V1: Travelling Straight Ahead / Collision with Motor Vehicle in V2: Entering Traffic Lane / V3: V1: Westbound / V2: Traffic Travelling Straight Ahead Northbound / V3: Eastbound V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Travelling Straight Ahead / Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V3: V2: Slowing or Stopped in Traffic / V3: Slowing of Stopped V1: Eastbound / V2: Eastbound Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic in Traffic / V3: Eastbound V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Slowing or Stopped in Traffic / V2: Slowing or Stopped V1: Eastbound / V2: Eastbound Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V3: Unknown in Traffic / V3: Unknown / V3: Eastbound V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Travelling Straight Ahead V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Entering Travel Lane / V2: Entering Travel Lane V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Light Truck V1: Eastbound / V2: Eastbound Motor Vehicle in Traffic V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Passenger Car V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Travelling Straight Ahead / V2: Slowing or stopped V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Passenger Car Dry V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Entering Travel Lane / V2: Entering Travel Lane Dry V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Slowing or stopped V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Light Motor Vehicle in Traffic Truck Dry V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Light Truck V1: Eastbound / V2: Eastbound Motor Vehicle in Traffic V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Travelling Straight Ahead / V2: Slowing or stopped Wet V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Slowing or stopped V1: Slowing of stopped / V2: Travelling Straight Ahead V1: Unknown V1: Unknown Unknown V1: Entering Travel Lane / V2: Entering Travel Lane V1: Passenger Car V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Passenger Car V1: Eastbound / V1: Eastbound Motor Vehicle in Traffic V1: Unknown Unknown V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Travelling Straight Ahead Dry Unknown Wet Unknown V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Unknown / V2: Passenger V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Car V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Unknown V1: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Wet Dry Dry V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car Dry V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Light Truck / V2: School Motor Vehicle in Traffic Bus V1: Not Reported Dry Unknown Road Surface Condition Ambient Light V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Passenger Car Vehicle Configuration V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car V1: Unknown Most Harmful Events V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Passenger Car V1: Eastbound / V2: Eastbound Motor Vehicle in Traffic V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Unknown V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Travelling Straight Ahead V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Entering Travel Lane / V2: Entering Travel Lane V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown V1: Not Reported V1: Unknown V1: Not Reported V1: Turning Left / V2: Travelling V1: Westbound / V2: Straight Ahead Westbound V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Travelling Straight Ahead V1: Travelling Straight Ahead / V2: Slowing or stopped V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Slowing or stopped V1: Unknown Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Town of Middleborough Police Department / Massachusetts State Police Crash Report (2009-2012) - US Route 44 @ Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Agency 2009 Weather Condition Unknown Unknown Cloudy Clear Rain Unknown Unknown Unknown Cloudy Unknown Clear Unknown Unknown Clear Unknown Clear Unknown Clear Clear Rain Unknown Clear Unknown Clear Clear Unknown Unknown Rain Unknown Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Unknown Not Reported Main Cause of Crash Driver Inattention 217 RT 44 RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP / 48 HARDING ST 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 217 RT 44 HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 48 HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 44 E HARDING ST / 495 RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 48 HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 48 HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 44 E HARDING ST / 495 RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP RT 44 / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 44E RT 44 / 495 N RT 495 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 RT 44 / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 147 RT 495 RT 44 / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP RAMP RT 44 E HARDING ST / RT 495 44 @ SB Ramp 44 E HARDING ST / RT 495 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 RTE 495 / RT 44 HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OF RAMP 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 212 RT 44 / 147 RT 495 RTE 44 / RTE 495 Not Reported Not Reported Other improper Driving Driver Inattention Failure to Yield Right of Way Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Driver Inattention Driver Inattention Driver Inattention Not Reported Not Reported Vehicle Mechanical Malfunction Not Reported Driver Inattention Failure to Yield Right of Way Driver Fell Asleep Other improper Driving Followed Too Close Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Other improper Driving Distracted Driver Not Reported Not Reported Followed Too Close Not Reported Not Reported HARDING STREET / RT 495 Driver Missed Turn HARDING STREET / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF Driver Inattention RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP / RT 44 212 RT 44 / I-495 SB RAMPS Driver Inattention 147 RT 495 / HARDING STREET At Roadway Intersection Reported as NB Ramps however discription and diagram show SB Ramps Reported as NB Ramps however discription and diagram show SB Ramps Comments Report Report Report MPD State Police State Police MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH 2012 MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH MIDDLEBOROUGH City/Town Name All Crash Data.xls Report Report MPD Sheet Report State Police MPD Sheet MPD MPD Report Sheet State Police MPD Type of Report Agency 9/7/2012 Friday 7/10/2012 Tuesday 11/18/2011 Friday 9/21/2011 Wednesday 8/1/2011 Monday 7/13/2011 Wednesday 5/13/2011 Friday 4/28/2011 Thursday 3/31/2011 Thursday 2 2 2 Property Damage 1:35 PM Only 2 2 2 Property Damage 2:11 PM Only Property Damage 6:30 PM Only Property Damage 9:45 AM Only 2 2 Property Damage 4:22 PM Only Property Damage 12:05 PM Only 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Rear-end 0 Unknown 0 Rear-end 0 Angle 0 Angle 0 Unknown 0 Rear-end 0 Angle Total Total Number of Nonfatal Fatal Injuries Injuries Manner of Collision Vehicles Property Damage 12:00 PM Only Crash Severity Property Damage 3:06 PM Only Property Damage 3:58 PM Only Property Damage 2:27 PM Only Day of Week Crash Time 3/3/2011 Thursday Crash Date V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Entering Travel Lane V1: Travelling Striaght Ahead / V2: Slowing or stopped V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Travelling Straight Ahead V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Slowing or stopped / V2: Travelling Straight Ahead V1: Travelling Straight Ahead / V2: Turning Left V1: Entering Traffic Lane V2: Travelling Straight Ahead V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Entering Traffic Lane V2: Travelling Straight Ahead Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Unknown Daylight Daylight Dry V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Single Motor Vehicle in Traffic Unit Truck Dry Dry Dry V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Light Motor Vehicle in Traffic Truck V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car Daylight Daylight Daylight Dry V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger Car / V2: Motor Vehicle in Traffic Passenger Car Daylight Unknown V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Light Truck / V2: Passenger Motor Vehicle in Traffic Car Dry V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Daylight Road Surface Condition Ambient Light V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Light Truck / V2: Light Motor Vehicle in Traffic Truck Vehicle Configuration V1: Collision with Motor Vehicle in Traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Light Truck / V2: Passenger Motor Vehicle in Traffic Car Dry V1: Unknown / V2: Passenger V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Car Unknown V1: Passenger Car / V2: V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown Passenger Car Unknown Most Harmful Events Page 2 of 2 V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Northbound / V2: Northbound V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Westbound / V2: Westbound V1: Eastbound / V2: Westbound V1: Northbound / V2: Eastbound V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Unknown / V2: Unknown V1: Northbound / V2: Eastbound Vehicle Travel Directions Unknown Clear Clear Unknown Clear Cloudy Unknown Unknown Unknown Clear Weather Condition 44 @ SB Ramp 44 @ SB Ramp 48 HARDING ST / 495 OFF RAMP RT 44 / RT 495 OF RAMP 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 44 HARDING ST / RT 495 SOUTH ON/OFF RAMP 44 @ SB Ramp HARDING ST 48 HARDING ST / 147 RT 495 44 @ SB Ramp At Roadway Intersection Followed Too Close Driver Inattention Driver Inattention Not Reported Distracted Driver Failure to Yield Right of Way Driver Incorrect Turn, Failure to Yield Right of Way Not Reported Not Reported Failure to Yield Right of Way Main Cause of Crash Comments Gateway Commons Commercial Development -Lakeville, Massachusetts Road Safety Audit LOCATION: CITY/STATE: TIME PERIOD: PREPARED BY: SOURCE: Harding Street (US Route 44)@ Interstate 495 Southbound Ramps Middleborough, Massachusetts 2009-2012 TEC, Inc./ Samuel W. Gregorio, E.I.T. I DouglasS. Halpert, E.I.T. Town of Middleborough Police Department & MassDOT 1' & I I I SHOW FOR COLLISION - ----­ VEHICLE PATH BACKING VEHICLE SIDESWIPE COLLISION ----.p HEAD-ON COWSION ANGLED COWSION • MOVEABLE OWECT PARKED VEHICLE FIXED OBJECT COLLISION PEDESTRIAN COUISION OVERTURNED VEHICLE REAR-END COLLISION 1. Approximate location of collision, 2. Direction of collision, 3. Type of collision and vehicles Involved, 4. Time, Day, Date 5. Any other pertinent factors mentioned on the report. OUT-OF-CONTROL VEHICLE 0 PERSONAL INJURY • FATALITY E EJECTION SUMMARY OF CRASHES [no fatal collisions] REAR-END SIDESWIPE HEAD-ON ANGLED SINGLE VEH 14 1 0 4 0 NON-FATAL INJURY 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 UNKNOWN /NOT REPORTED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 21 1 0 4 0 PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY TOTAL 37 Collision Diagram 2009-2012 Collision Data Harding Street (Route 44) @ Interstate 495 SB Ramps Month January February March April May June July August September October November December % 11% 7% 9% 13% 2% 4% 9% 9% 4% 11% 11% 9% Day of Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 9% 13% 16% 13% 24% 13% 11% Time of Day 6AM ‐ 9AM 9AM ‐ 3PM 3PM ‐ 6PM 6PM ‐ 6AM 9% 42% 38% 11% Manner of Collision Single Vehicle Crash Rear‐end Angled Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, opp direction Head‐on Rear‐to‐Rear Unknown / Not Reported 11% 58% 9% 2% 0% 0% 0% 20% Weather Conditions Clear Cloudy Rain Snow Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Fog, Smog, Smoke Crosswinds Blowing Sand, snow, dust Other Unknown / Not Reported 36% 11% 7% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 47% Road Surface Dry Wet Snow Ice Sand, Mud, Dirt, Oil, Gravel Water Slush Other Unknown / Not Reported 47% 13% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 40% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 30% 20% 10% 0% 50% 0% 6AM ‐ 9AM 9AM ‐ 3PM 3PM ‐ 6PM 6PM ‐ 6AM 1 3 5 7 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2 4 6 8 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Eastbound Rear‐ends: 11‐04‐2009 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was travelling east on Harding Street in the area of Interstate 495 South Off‐ramp slowing / stopped in traffic. MV#2 was travelling in the same direction behind MV#1. MV#2 collided with the right rear of MV#1, then collided with the curb on the right side of the roadway and then collided with the front of MV#1 again. 04‐08‐2010 – DISTRACTED DRIVING / IMPAIRED DRIVER MV#1 and MV#2 were travelling EB on Route 44 approaching the rotary when MV#2 stopped in traffic. The operator of MV#1 stated that she fell sleep and struck MV#2 from behind while it was stopped in traffic. 08‐13‐2010 – VEHICLE MALFUNCTION MV#1 travelling EB on Route 44 could not stop due to a mechanical malfunction of the brakes. MV#1 then rear‐ended MV#2. Police officer confirmed brake pedal malfunction upon check. 01‐19‐2011 – DISTRACTED DRIVER All vehicles EB on Route 44. MV#1 reports looking down for a “split second” and when he looked up cars were stopped and crash occurred.” 01‐19‐2011 ‐ UNKNOWN All vehicles travelling EB on Route 44. MV#3 crashed into MV#1 which then struck MV#2. MV#3 did not stop and left. No further description. Northbound Channelized Rear‐ends: 03‐15‐2009 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was stopped in traffic awaiting an opportunity to enter the traffic lane when MV#2 thought MV#1 had already proceeded onto Route 44, and proceeded forward and rear‐ended MV#1. 04‐19‐2009 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 travelling easterly on the southbound off‐ramp of Route 495 was behind MV#2 on the off‐ramp. MV#2 had to yield to traffic on Route 44 and stopped. MV#1 did not stop and rear‐ended MV#2. 04‐30‐2009 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 slowing or stopped at intersection of Interstate 495 off ramp awaiting access onto Route 44 EB. MV#2 does not see MV#1 come to stop, strikes MV#1 in rear bumper. 08‐13‐2009 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 travelling north off Interstate 495 SB off‐ramp onto Route 44 EB. MV#2 travelling behind MV#1. MV#1 stopped to yield to traffic on Route 44. MV#2 did not stop in time and impacted the rear of MV#1. 10‐31‐2009 – DISTRACTED DRIVER MV#1 stopped awaiting traffic to enter Route 44. MV#2 travelling NB stopped at rear of MV#1. Operator of MV#2 was distracted and drove forward rear‐ending MV#1. 04‐01‐2010 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was yielding at top of ramp before entering Route 44 traffic. MV#2 struck MV#1 from behind. 04‐10‐2010 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was at top of ramp from Interstate 495 to Route 44 EB. She was pulled out onto Route 44 and had to stop for oncoming traffic. MV#2 behind her was unable to stop in time and rear‐ended. 11‐21‐2010 – DISTRACTED DRIVER MV#1 was yielding to traffic on Route 44 coming off the off‐ramp from Interstate 495 SB. Operator of MV#2 was slowing and yielding to oncoming traffic on Route 44 also. MV#2 was not attentive to the actions of MV#1 and rear‐ended MV#1. 12‐03‐2010 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 travelling off Interstate 495 off‐ramp, onto Route 44 EB. MV#2 travelling off the Interstate 495 off‐ramp onto Route 44 EB behind MV#1. MV#1 stopped yielding to traffic on Route 44. MV#2 did not stop and impacted the rear of MV#1. 11‐18‐2011 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was stopping in traffic awaiting to enter Route 44 from Interstate 495 off‐ramp when MV#2 rear‐ ends MV#1. Operator of MV#2 states that she thought MV#1 had proceeded onto Harding Street and collided with the stopped MV#1. 07‐10‐2012 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was stopping in traffic yielding to Route 44 traffic when MV#2 stuck it from behind. 09‐07‐2012 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was stopped at the end of Exit 6 from Interstate 495 SB. MV#2 then slowed and subsequently struck the rear of MV#1 with the front of the vehicle. Westbound Rear‐ends: 08‐01‐2011 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was stopped for an unknown vehicle. MV#2 was distracted and struck the rear of MV#1 with the front of the vehicle. Northbound Left‐Turns: 03‐15‐2010 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#2 was stopped at top of the I‐495 off‐ramp. MV#1 followed too close and failed to observe MV#2 was stopped. MV#1 struck the rear of MV#2 with the front of the vehicle. 06‐21‐2010 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was stopped at top of I‐495 off‐ramp. MV#2 was distracted and struck the rear of MV#1 with the front of the vehicle. Intersection Angle Crashes: 06‐21‐2009 – MV#1 traveling westbound attempted to make a left turn. MV#2 traveling westbound struck the rear of MV#1 with the front of vehicle when MV#1 returned to original lane. 01‐18‐2011 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 traveling westbound on Route 44. MV#2 failed to stop at top of I‐495 off‐ramp and struck drivers side of MV#1 with the front of vehicle. After the initial collision, MV#3 struck the loose bumper in roadway of MV#2 with the front of the vehicle. 03‐03‐2011 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 was traveling eastbound on Route 44. MV#1 failed to observe stop sign at the top of I‐495 off‐ ramp and struck the passenger side of MV#2 with the front of the vehicle. 05‐13‐2011 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#2 traveling eastbound on Route 44. MV#1 attempted to turn eastbound from I‐495 off‐ramp and struck passenger side of MV#2 with front of the vehicle 07‐13‐2011 – IMPROPER DRIVING MV#1 traveling eastbound on Route 44. MV#2 attempted to turn eastbound from I‐495 off‐ramp and struck passenger side of MV#2 with front of the vehicle Appendix D. Traffic Volume Data Page 1 TRANSDATA SERVICES 66 PLEASANT ST. SUITE 3 City/Town: Lakeville NEWBURYPORT, MA 01950 Client : TECH Engr 978-463-2029 (O) -- 339-927-3487 (C) Location : US 44 west of Cross St. Site Code: 146061913001 Station ID: 1460619131 Start 19-Jun-13 WB Time Wed A.M. P.M. 12:00 17 214 12:15 21 190 12:30 11 178 12:45 10 192 01:00 10 198 01:15 6 225 01:30 7 160 01:45 7 199 02:00 8 176 02:15 2 197 02:30 6 209 02:45 12 191 03:00 10 210 03:15 7 196 03:30 13 216 03:45 13 219 04:00 8 212 04:15 24 206 236 04:30 17 04:45 37 252 05:00 36 209 05:15 48 250 05:30 84 207 05:45 66 239 06:00 88 189 06:15 107 188 06:30 145 170 06:45 136 135 07:00 178 151 07:15 182 157 215 131 07:30 209 139 07:45 194 119 08:00 225 101 08:15 08:30 205 91 08:45 198 81 09:00 188 96 09:15 182 72 09:30 167 57 09:45 156 63 10:00 168 51 10:15 167 46 10:30 175 58 10:45 182 42 11:00 184 56 11:15 188 33 11:30 169 36 11:45 208 41 Total 4696 7284 Day Total 11980 % Total 19.6% 30.3% Peak Vol. P.H.F. ADT 07:30 843 0.937 ADT 24,390 04:30 947 0.939 EB A.M. P.M. 26 180 9 199 16 208 14 187 6 190 7 159 14 173 10 207 14 202 8 231 210 14 8 208 8 211 13 235 14 231 28 209 254 14 230 21 27 230 36 219 47 240 69 241 103 204 123 190 174 193 179 174 219 165 171 156 161 175 178 125 168 150 146 141 193 113 178 96 170 108 148 99 186 75 147 79 156 49 151 50 168 41 156 61 164 46 173 28 164 45 204 30 164 21 166 22 4733 7290 12023 19.7% 30.4% 06:00 743 0.848 AADT 24,390 04:00 933 0.918 Combined A.M. P.M. 43 394 30 389 27 386 24 379 16 388 13 384 21 333 17 406 22 378 10 428 20 419 20 399 18 421 20 431 27 447 41 428 22 466 45 436 44 466 73 471 83 449 117 491 187 411 189 429 262 382 286 362 364 335 307 291 339 326 360 282 383 281 355 280 387 232 403 197 375 199 346 180 374 171 329 151 323 106 307 113 336 92 323 107 339 104 355 70 348 101 392 63 333 57 374 63 9429 14574 24003 07:30 1528 0.948 04:30 1877 0.956 20-JunThu WB A.M. P.M. 28 205 27 194 19 191 25 190 11 179 3 183 10 202 6 155 6 172 7 195 7 219 6 194 8 237 8 234 239 16 231 22 21 239 18 242 25 235 32 227 38 227 57 215 69 249 94 204 91 209 91 189 112 168 142 181 175 168 203 171 224 128 217 110 218 116 188 104 216 138 197 88 203 96 180 69 161 73 164 75 167 63 187 58 196 45 184 47 188 58 168 49 184 31 207 47 4826 7539 12365 19.5% 30.4% 07:15 862 0.962 03:30 951 0.982 EB A.M. P.M. 21 182 16 222 21 210 9 190 12 167 2 187 8 180 6 165 18 169 7 206 9 191 16 210 16 210 18 215 11 237 24 199 13 208 25 221 37 229 24 245 40 221 83 260 69 201 105 198 162 189 195 176 214 143 188 152 179 173 174 169 193 147 172 135 161 163 202 158 182 147 168 125 153 113 142 108 152 87 152 76 156 86 169 79 189 63 159 54 187 40 191 39 206 30 157 23 4813 7598 12411 19.4% 30.7% 06:15 776 0.907 04:30 955 0.918 Combined A.M. P.M. 49 387 43 416 40 401 34 380 23 346 5 370 18 382 12 320 24 341 14 401 16 410 22 404 24 447 26 449 27 476 46 430 34 447 43 463 62 464 56 472 78 448 140 475 138 450 199 402 253 398 286 365 326 311 330 333 354 341 377 340 417 275 389 245 379 279 390 262 398 285 365 213 356 209 322 177 313 160 316 151 323 149 356 137 385 108 343 101 375 98 359 88 390 61 364 70 9639 15137 24776 07:30 1575 0.944 04:30 1859 0.978 ADT Comb. Total Start Time 12:00 AM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 PM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 Lane Day AM Peak Vol. PM Peak Vol. 0 WB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 ADT 24,390 17-Jun-13 WB EB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 Tue 0 EB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 City/Town: Lakeville Client : TECH Engr Location : US 44 west of Cross St. AADT 24,390 24003 Wed WB EB 59 65 30 37 28 44 43 63 86 98 234 342 743 476 784 653 822 689 693 640 692 661 749 698 774 774 782 729 773 851 841 886 906 933 905 875 682 688 578 591 392 416 288 253 197 176 166 118 11980 12023 24003 08:00 06:00 822 743 16:00 16:00 906 933 24776 Thu WB EB 99 67 30 28 26 50 54 69 96 99 258 297 759 436 819 718 819 713 708 599 734 673 747 741 780 804 719 699 780 776 941 861 943 903 895 880 747 660 577 624 446 593 313 384 213 282 185 132 12365 12411 24776 07:00 06:00 819 759 16:00 16:00 943 903 WB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 Fri 0 EB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 978-463-2029 (O) -- 339-927-3487 (C) 66 PLEASANT ST. SUITE 3 NEWBURYPORT, MA 01950 TRANSDATA SERVICES WB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 Sat 0 EB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 WB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 Sun 0 EB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 24389 Week Average WB EB 79 66 30 32 27 47 48 66 91 98 246 320 751 456 802 686 820 701 700 620 713 667 748 720 777 789 750 714 776 814 891 874 924 918 900 878 714 674 578 608 419 504 300 318 205 229 176 125 12170 12219 24389 08:00 06:00 820 751 16:00 16:00 918 924 Site Code: 146061913001 Station ID: 1460619131 Page 1 Appendix E. RSA References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995.