Falmou uth Ro oad Safety S y Aud dit Sandwicch Road: o Carriage e Sho op Roa ad to Ha atchville Road o Septeember 2011 Prepared by the Cape Cod Commission in cooperation with the Town of Falmouth and Massachusetts Department of Transportation Table of Contents Background............................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1 Project Data ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Project Location and Description............................................................................................................ 3 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements ....................................................................... 5 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................................. 13 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 15 Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List ........................................................................................................ 17 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data..................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix D. Additional Information ................................................................................................................. 22 Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References ....................................................................................................... 39 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Locus Map ................................................................................................................................ 3 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ................................................................................... 2 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary...................................................................... 14 Ba ackgro ound All levels of gov vernment— local, region nal, state, an nd federal—h have been considering ations where e crashes are e most severe for manyy years. Sevveral years ag go the loca nattional consen nsus was tha at there shou uld be goalss to reduce crashes, and d in the 2005 5 federal legislation: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Effficient Transsportation Eq quity Act: A gacy for Users (SAFETEA A-LU), there was more e mphasis on improving highway Leg safe ety along with a dedicatted funding program—th he Highway Safety Imprrovement Pro ogram (HSIP). In an effort to reduce the number of crrash-related fatalities an nd incapacita ating inju uries, Massacchusetts dev veloped a Sttrategic High hway Safety Plan in 2006 6. The misssion of the Safety Plan is to “Develo op, promote , implementt, and evalua ate datadriv ven, multidissciplinary strrategies to maximize saffety for userss of the road dway system.” One of the many y strategies noted in the Safety Plan is to “condu uct Road hout the Commonwealth Safety f Audits (R RSA) at high h-crash locattions through h.” equirement f or securing Federal fund ding MasssDOT incorrporated the RSA as a re (Hig ghway Safetty Improvem ment Program m [HSIP] fun nds) for safe ety projects. The e Federal Hig ghway Administration (F FHWA) defin es a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as ety examinattion of an exxisting or future road or intersection by an the formal safe inde ependent, multidisciplina ary team. Th he purpose o f an RSA iss to identify potential safe ety issues an nd possible opportunities for safety improvemen nts while con nsidering all roadway users. The e Cape Cod Commission, serving as the regiona l planning ag gency for th he fifteen tow wns on Cape Cod, has re eviewed man ny transportaation locatio ons over the years e Regional Transportatio on Plan, the durring various processes, including the Tra ansportation Improvement Program, and Develo opments of Regional Imp pact, con nsidering the e existing saffety issues and potential improveme ents. In add dition, the C began look king at specific safety lo ocations annu ually through safety stud dies and CCC Roa ad Safety Au udits (RSAs).. A portion of the federaal HSIP fund ds are alloca ated for imp provements to the region n’s highest crash locatio ons. In ntrodu uction Abo out 31,000 year round re esidents inhabit the Tow wn of Falmou uth, one of fifteen tow wns on Cape Cod. As with most Cap pe Cod town s, there are visitors in to own adding us activities.. Falmouth is a coastal to the numberss of people moving around for variou area town or de estination fo or residents and visitors with an histtoric downto own, scie entific institu utions, and other attractions. In Falmouth, th here are portts with ferry y services to the Islands,, intercity bu us con nnections, local bus serv vices provide ed by the Cape Cod Regiional Transitt Authority, Road Safety Audit— —Falmouth, Sa andwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatch hville Road Page 1 and d the Shining g Sea Bikewa ay along witth the walka ble, livable sections of downtown Wo oods Hole and Falmouth.. However, most of the travel in and around town is utomobile. acccomplished by private au The e Sandwich Road section n of roadway y, between a nd including the interse ections of Carrriage Shop Road and Ha atchville Roa ad, based on n Equivalent Property Da amage Only PDO) rate1 iss the tenth highest crash h location on n Cape Cod, and was sellected by (EP the Cape Cod Joint Transpo ortation Com mmittee (CCJJTC) as a Ro oad Safety Audit loca ation. In the spring off 2011 CCC staff requestted crash reeports and in nformation frrom the Tow wn of Falmouth for this Road Safety y Audit. The crash data were reviewe ed with a resulting crash diagram and d summary developed. The e Town of Fa almouth wass contacted for a list of p articipants in Septembe er 2011, and d the Road Safety Audit was scheduled with MasssDOT and the Town off Falmouth. Prroject Data The e Road Safetty Audit mee eting and sitte visit took p lace on Frid day, Septem mber 16, 201 11, at 10:00 a.m., at Falmouth Town n Hall and on site at the e Sandwich Road section n and d intersection ns. Ta able 1. Participatin ng Audit Team Mem mbers Au udit Team Me ember Ma arlene McCollem Pe eter McConarrty Bo ob Williams Lis sa Schletzbau um Agency y/Affiliation Falmoutth Planning D Department Falmoutth Engineerin ng Division Falmoutth Engineerin ng Division MassDO OT – Safety Division MassDO OT Highway D Division Distriict 5 Projectss Techniccal Services D Director, Cape e Cod Commisssion Senior T Transportation n Planner, Ca ape Cod Commisssion Alo olade Campb bell Glenn Cannon, P.E. Prriscilla N. Leclerc T e2 Page O Road Safety Audit—Falmouth,, Sandwich Roaad: Carriage Sh hop Road to Ha atchville Road Prroject Locattion an nd Desscriptiion San ndwich Road d in the Town of Falmouth is a two-l ane roadway that exten nds from app proximately the Massach husetts Milita ary Reservattion in the Hatchville villa age, across ghway / Rou ute 151, to Route 28 in t he Teaticke et village are ea. The Natthan Ellis Hig secction of Sand dwich Road reviewed during the Roaad Safety Au udit is about 500 linear feett and include ed the interssections of Carriage Sho op Road and Hatchville Road. San ndwich Road d is functiona ally classified d as an urbaan extension of a rural minor arte erial, and runs in a north h/south direcction. Carriaage Shop Ro oad is classiffied as an urb ban minor arterial and Ha atchville Roa ad is an urbaan collector. Fig gure 1. Lo ocus Map Road Safety Audit— —Falmouth, Sa andwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatch hville Road Page 3 Fig gure 1. Land Use e and Environmenta al Map e4 Page Road Safety Audit—Falmouth,, Sandwich Roaad: Carriage Sh hop Road to Ha atchville Road Ro oad Sa afety Audit: Sand dwich Road The e RSA Team reviewed th he crash diag gram, the crrash summary, the traffic volumes d turning mo ovement cou unts, and the e speed regu ulations. and The e Sandwich Road crashe es from 2008 8-2010 includ ded eight att the intersecction with Carrriage Shop Road and tw wo at the inte ersection wi th Hatchville e Road. Inju ury crashes erall. acccounted for 50% of the crashes at each intersecction and ove Of the Carriage e Shop Road intersection n crashes, 62 2.5% were angle crashe es, and the others were rea ar-end crash hes. All of th hese angle c rashes occu urred betwee en vehicles ning left from m Carriage Shop Road in n conflict witth vehicles heading nortthbound on turn San ndwich Road d. The rear-end crashess at this locattion were be etween vehiccles heading g sou uthbound on Sandwich Road that we ere slowing o r waiting to o turn left on nto Carriage e Sho op Road and d vehicles be ehind them. At the Hatchvillle Road intersection with h Sandwich Road two crrashes were reported in the 2008-2010 time frame. An injury rear-end cra sh happened d between two vehicles ading northb bound on Sandwich Road d as the firstt slowed to turn left into o Hatchville hea Roa ad. One ang gle crash folllowed when a northbound vehicle on Sandwich Road Road Safety Audit— —Falmouth, Sa andwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatch hville Road Page 5 atte empting a le eft turn into Hatchville Ro oad came in nto conflict with a southb bound San ndwich Road d vehicle. The e regulatory speed limit for Sandwicch Road in th he vicinity off Hatchville Road is 35 mile es per hour, and this reg gulatory spe eed changes about 100 feet northerly toward the Carriage Sh hop Road inttersection. The e posted spe eed limits refflect these re egulatory sp peeds. On Sandwich Road heading sou uthbound the e speed is po osted at 40 miles per ho our prior to the Carriage e Shop Road inte ersection, an nd the speed d limit sign fo or 35 miles p er hour is on the island d at d. Heading northbound on Sandwich h Road, the speed is po osted at 40 Hattchville Road mile es per hour about 100 fe eet south off the Carriag ge Shop Road d intersectio on. The e regulatory speed for Carriage Shop p Road is 35 5 miles per hour heading g westbound d to the stop at the intersection with San ndwich Road d. The e speed regu ulations for Sandwich Ro oad and Carrriage Shop Road are inccluded in the e app pendices. e6 Page Road Safety Audit—Falmouth,, Sandwich Roaad: Carriage Sh hop Road to Ha atchville Road Au udit Observations s and Potenttial Sa afety En nhanc cementts SA AFETY ISSUE #1. SIGNAGE Observation: Sandwich Road has inttersection warrning signs at other intersections, an nd it was ported that itt is advisable e to add inte ersection rep warrning signs to maintain consistency in alerting driv vers for the Carriage Sho op Road and d Hatchville ad intersectio ons. Roa Ano other sign no ote is the cu urve warning g sign on thee island at Hatchv ville Road ass fairly close e to the otheer ns on the island, but ma ay need to re emain becau use sign of distance to the curve. The e Carriage Sh hop Road sttreet sign is worn and ould be repla aced for improved visibility. sho Loccal destinatio on and inform mational signs in rural histtoric charactter of the are ea were obsserved and itt wass noted that it may be beneficial to relocate thee Falm mouth Coun ntry Club sign n northerly prior to the Carrriage Shop Road interse ection. It wa as thought t hat vers looking for the locattion may be stopping to oo driv quicckly for the traffic behin nd them to ta ake it in and d adjust. ne sign should be moved d away from m the A littter free zon bussy Sandwich Road sectio on with the intersectionss. Enh hancementt: Add interrsection warn ning signs fo or ons in both directions alo ong Sandwicch botth intersectio Roa ad, along witth a supplem mental tab noting the naame of the cross strreet. Insttall a new sttreet sign at Carriage Sh hop Road an d Hatchville Road in larg ger size (the e stan ndard accord ding to the MUTCD). Mov ve the litter free zone sign to anothe er section beeyond the in ntersections.. Con nsider reloca ation of the Falmouth Co ountry Club s ign. Road Safety Audit— —Falmouth, Sa andwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatch hville Road Page 7 SA AFETY ISSUE #2. SPEED Observation: At the Carrriage op Road inte ersection, 62 2.5% of Sho crasshes were between vehicles turn ning left from m Carriage Shop ad and vehiccles heading Roa norrthbound on Sandwich Road. It wass noted that although th he speed limiit is 40 miless per hour, vehicles are probably tra aveling faste er along the straight stre etch of Sand dwich ad. Roa Enh hancementt: A speed study cou uld be perforrmed to dete ect veling speed ds and when there may be peaks in violations. The police could then trav follo ow-up with targeted enfforcement att times to prrovide a presence and expectation of enforcementt in the corridor. SA AFETY ISSUE #3. CONFLICT TING VOLU UMES Observation: Sandwich Road sou uthbound tra affic turning left at nts for Carrriage Shop Road accoun 21% % (112 out of 541 vehiccles). At the intersection n 37.5% of crashes resulted in rearr-ends to Sandwich Roa ad southbound vehicles stopped or slowing to tu urn left onto Carriage op Road. Sho The e northbound d through ve ehicles on Sandwich Ro oad numberred 595 nflicting with 64% or 158 8 con veh hicles enterin ng from Carrriage Sho op Road turn ning left onto o Sandwich Road. At th he intersectio on, 62.5% of crashes ning left from m Carriage S hop Road and vehicles heading werre between vehicles turn norrthbound on Sandwich Road. ould provide Enh hancementt: Installatiion of intersection warniing signs sho e greater areness of th he potential conflicts. awa A le eft turn pock ket for the Sandwich Roa ad traffic turrning left on nto Carriage Shop Road may y reduce rea ar-end crash hes at this location. A reeview of left turn lane warrants can p to determiine the need d. help e8 Page Road Safety Audit—Falmouth,, Sandwich Roaad: Carriage Sh hop Road to Ha atchville Road SA AFETY ISSUE #4. PAVEMENT T MARKIN NGS Observation: San ndwich Road d northbound d thro ough vehicle es and vehicles turn ning left ontto Sandwich Roa ad from Carrriage Shop Road hes acccount for 62.5% of crash at the intersecttion. It was notted that vehiicles were ving over the e painted driv narrrow median at the end of n Carrriage Shop Road. Town stafff noted thatt it had been n pain nted earlier this summer, butt recently the ere was a flu uid k and resultiing clean-up p leak that dulled the painted med dian. A raise ed median m ay assist in n delineation n, but it was mentioned thatt truck trafficc needs the wider area f or turner. It was thoug ght that mble strips may be too lo oud at this spot. rum At the Sandwich Road and Hatchville in ntersection, an island exxists with two way trafficc on both sides and may be the cause off confusion. hancementt: Repaint the median. Enh A possible long term enhan ncement may y be to instaall a slightly raised median for imp proved vehiccular delineation. Road Safety Audit— —Falmouth, Sa andwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatch hville Road Page 9 SA AFETY ISSUE #5. ISLAND AT T HATCHV VILLE ROA AD Observation: At the Sandwich Road and d intersection n, an Hattchville Road island exists with two way traffic on both sides. It was note ed that it may be the cause of con nfusion—driv vers that are e not fam miliar with the area may not ow which sid de of the isla and to kno use e when trave eling north on San ndwich Road d and turning g left oad. at Hatchville Ro Folllowing the RSA Team meeting, a ch heck for dire ections that andwich required a left turn from Sa Roa ad northbound into Hatcchville Road on Google map ps, directed drivers to n left north of the island d into turn Hattchville Road d. Enh hancementt: It may be bene eficial to look k at traffic flow w improveme ents and/or Global Possitioning Systtem (GPS) map ections to de etermine pottential dire refinements. A lo ong term con nsideration may be to minate the issland and convert the elim gnment into a right angle ed alig trad ditional interrsection, or “T” ersection. inte e 10 Page Road Safety Audit—Falmouth h, Sandwich Ro oad: Carriage S hop Road to Hatchville Road d SA AFETY ISSUE #6. BICYCLE AND PEDE ESTRIAN ACCOMMO ODATION N Observation: ndwich Road d has a small paved San sho oulder in thiss section tha at widens at the Hattchville Road d island on th he southbou und e. A grassy area also exxists on both h side side es of the roa adway. There are no sep parate facilities for bicyclles or destrians. Town staff re eported that ped funds for capita al improvements are limiited and that any costly improvemen nts oad are not yet in line. to Sandwich Ro The ere is a crossswalk approxximately 200 0 feett from Sandwich Road around the ve on Hatch hville Road th hat is curv mentioned under the issue for sight disttance. Enh hancementt: Con nsider impro oved bicycle//pedestrian n when reco onstruction fo or acccommodation San ndwich Road d is being considered. Road Safety Audit— —Falmouth, Sa andwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatch hville Road Page 11 SA AFETY ISSUE #7. SIGHT DIS STANCE Observation: e On the Hatchville Road island there are veral low busshes that are e high sev eno ough to block views to th he south at the northerly sttop bar. Busshes could be trimmed or relocated to o assure visibility. On Hatchville Road approxiimately 200 feett west of the e intersection is a crosswalk and it was noted d that it is nott visible untill one is driving around the corner. It was mention ned that the bru ush could be cut back on n the right e of Hatchvillle Road on approach to o side the crosswalk. At Carriage Sho op Road look king oad, brush norrtherly onto Sandwich Ro on the northeassterly cornerr of the inte ersection sho ould be trimmed to ow for vehicles stopped at Carriage allo Sho op Road to have an imprroved view norrthbound. A vehicle stopp ped on Carria age Shop Roa ad to turn left onto Sand dwich Road may y have visibility blocked by a hicle turning right from Carriage veh Sho op Road. Drivers in leftt turning veh hicles may fin nd themselv ves creeping outt into the intersection to see around veh hicles stoppe ed in the righ ht lane and may y accept a short gap at the last nute to move e out of the lane. min Enh hancementt: Trim mming or cu utting back brush to prove visibilitty. imp Afte er appropriate trimming review sight distance to o ensure ade equate sightt distance for perception and reaction n time is achieved. e 12 Page Road Safety Audit—Falmouth h, Sandwich Ro oad: Carriage S hop Road to Hatchville Road d Su umma ary of Road Safety y Auditt The e following summary listt of the Road d Safety Aud dit observatio ons and enh hancements is provided to assist in the design and//or implemen ntation of po otential imprrovements eliccited during the process. It is also re ecommendeed that for an ny more involved ometric chan nges, the dessign processs include furtther analysiss and public input. geo “Sa afety Payoff”” estimates are subjectiv ve and may b e based on n the relative e percent of crasshes that ma ay be reduce ed by the en nhancement based on known and documented n factors, if available, or estimated c rash reductiion based on n a stated crassh reduction sou urce. Estima ates of crash h reduction are categorizzed as “Low”” (<30%), “Medium” (31% to 70%),, and “High”” (>71%)]. The time fraame is categ gorized as “S Short-term” 1 year), “Medium-term” (1 to 3 yearrs), or “Long g-term” (>3 years). The e costs are (<1 001 to $50,0 cate egorized as “Low” (<$10 0,000), “Med dium” ($10,0 000), or “Hig gh” (>$ $50,001). Man ny of the “Sa afety Payoff” f estimates in this reporrt were base ed on crash reduction facttors in the Desktop Refe erence for Crash Cr Reducti tion Factors, Report No. FHWA-SA08--011 by the U.S. Departm ment of Tran nsportation, Federal Hig ghway Admin nistration, ptember 200 08. Sep Road Safety Audit— —Falmouth, Sa andwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatch hville Road Page 13 Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Cost Responsible Agency Low Town Low Town LowShort-term Medium-term Medium Region/Town Low Medium-term Medium Town Long-term High Town Low Short-term Low Town Medium-High Medium-term Medium Town Low Medium-term Low Region/Town Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Signage Intersection warning signs The addition of intersection warning signs on Sandwich Road will provide advance warning and corridor consistency Low Signage Replacement or adjustment of location to Street and informational signs improve visibility Low Speed Speed study / document level of violators Speed Short focused periodic enforcement to slow vehicles Time Frame Short-term Conflicting Volumes Left turns in and out of side roads conflicting with Sandwich Road volumes Intersection warning signage (above) Pavement Markings Carriage Shop Rd. painted median Generally in good condition with the painted median at Carriage Shop Rd. fading and needs repainting. Pavement Markings Carriage Shop Rd. painted median Median at Carriage Shop Rd. may improve delineation with a slightly raised treatment for the median. Island at Hatchville Road Driver confusion / Google map directs Sandwich Rd. NB drivers to turn left northerly of the island. Review potential traffic flow improvements around the island through striping changes to reduce driver confusion. Google map directs Sandwich Rd. NB drivers to turn left northerly of the island. Island at Hatchville Road Eliminate the island for “T” intersection Medium Long-term High Town Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation, narrow paved shoulder & grass shoulder Consider improved bicycle/pedestrian accommodation when reconstruction for Sandwich Road is being considered. Medium Long-term High Town Sight Distance Trimming brush / bushes Improved visibility Low Short-term Low-Medium Town Page 14 Potential left turn pocket Sandwich Rd. SB at Carriage Shop Rd. to separate vehicles Low Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 15 Page 16 Falmouth, Sand arriage Shop Road o to Hatchville Road Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 17 Participating Audit Team Members Date: September 16, 2011 Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Marlene McCollem Peter McConarty Bob Williams Lisa Schletzbaum Alolade Campbell Glenn Cannon Priscilla N. Leclerc Page 18 Location: Falmouth Town Hall and site visit Falmouth Planning Department Falmouth Engineering Division Falmouth Engineering Division MassDOT – Safety Division MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Projects Technical Services Director, Cape Cod Commission Senior Transportation Planner, Cape Cod Commission Email Address Phone Number mmccollem@falmouthmass.us 508-495-7440 pmcconarty@falmouthmass.us Lisa.schletzbaum@state.ma.us 508-457-2543 508-457-2543 617-973-7685 Alolade.Campbell@state.ma.us 508-884-4352 gcannon@capecodcommission.org 508-362-3828 pleclerc@capecodcommission.org 508-362-3828 Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 19 Sou rce: Falmouth Police Department Crash Repo orts for the locations, 2008-2 2010 Page 20 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: Caarriage Shop Ro oad to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Sandwich Road @ Carriage Shop Road Date Time Day Severity # Cars Manner Bike/Ped Weather Summary Veh 1 did not use care entering from Carriage Shop Rd turning left onto Sandwich Rd SB and struck Veh 2 --as Veh 2 was heading NB on Sand Rd. No injuries & damage to both vehicles but able to drive away 1/21/2008 11:03:00 AM Mon PDO 2 Angle n/a clear / cloudy 5/25/2008 4:26:00 PM Sun Injury 2 Angle n/a clear Veh 1 NB Sand Rd and hit by Veh 2 failing to yield the ROW when turning L from CS Rd 8/27/2008 8:33:00 PM Wed Injury 2 Angle n/a clear Veh 1 NB Sand Rd and hit by Veh 2 failing to yield the ROW when turning L from CS Rd 11/4/2008 1:11:00 PM Tue Injury 2 Rear-end n/a clear Veh 1 SB Sand Rd slowing to turn LEFT onto CS Rd and hit by Veh 2 also SB on Sandwich Rd -- reported sun in eyes heading SB did not see Veh 1 11/6/2008 5:25:00 PM Thu PDO 2 Rear-end n/a rain Veh 1 SB Sand Rd stopped to turn LEFT onto CS Rd, and hit by Veh 2 also SB on Sandwich Rd unable to stop due to excessive speed under wet road conditions clear Veh 1 SB Sand Rd stopped to turn LEFT onto CS Rd, Veh 2 stopped behind waiting for Veh 1 to turn, and Veh 3 also SB on Sandwich Rd hits Veh 2 pushing Veh 2 into Veh 1. clear Veh 1 did not use care entering from Carriage Shop Rd turning left onto Sandwich Rd SB and struck Veh 2 --as Veh 2 was heading NB on Sand Rd. Both vehicles towed. clear Veh 1 did not use care entering from Carriage Shop Rd turning left onto Sandwich Rd SB and struck Veh 2 --as Veh 2 was heading NB on Sand Rd. Injury to passenger of Veh 2. 8/8/2009 8/12/2010 10/7/2010 7:49:00 PM 2:49:00 PM 3:20:00 PM Sat Thu Thu PDO PDO 3 2 Rear-end Angle n/a n/a Injury 2 Angle n/a Sandwich Road @ Hatchville Road Date Time Day Severity # Cars Manner Bike/Ped 1/31/2008 10:35:00 AM Thu PDO 2 Angle n/a cloudy / rain 7/11/2009 1:40:00 PM Sat Injury 2 Rear-end n/a clear Weather Summary Veh 1 (Sand.Rd NB) attempted LEFT into Hatchville Rd, and hit by Veh 2 SB on Sandwich Rd. Veh 1 Sand.Rd NB slowing to turn LEFT into Hatchville Rd, and hit by Veh 2 also travelling NB on Sandwich Rd but did not see Veh 1 slowing down. Source: Falmouth Police Department Crash Reports for the locations, 2008-2010 Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 21 Appendix D. Additional Information Traffic Volumes Turning Movement Counts o Carriage Shop Road o Hatchville Road Speed Regulations Page 22 o Sandwich Road o Carriage Shop Road Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatcchville Road Page 23 Page 24 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Road Safetty Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich h Road: Carriag ge Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 25 Page 26 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Road Safetty Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich h Road: Carriag ge Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 27 Page 28 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Road Safetty Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich h Road: Carriag ge Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 29 Page 30 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Road Safetty Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich h Road: Carriag ge Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 31 Page 32 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Road Safetty Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich h Road: Carriag ge Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 33 Page 34 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Road Safetty Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich h Road: Carriag ge Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 35 Page 36 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Road Safetty Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich h Road: Carriag ge Shop Road to Hatchville Road Page 37 Page 38 Falmouth, Sand dwich Road: C arriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road Road Safety Audit—F Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, www.mhd.state.ma.us/safetytoolbox. Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, www.roadwaysafetyaudits.org. FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995. Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors. Report No. FHWA-SA-08-011. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, September 2008 Page 40 Road Safety Audit—Falmouth, Sandwich Road: Carriage Shop Road to Hatchville Road