Easttham Road Safe ety Au udit Route 6 and Gov vernorr Pren nce Ro oad In nterse ection n Septem mber 24,, 2012 e Cod Commission Prepared by the Cape nd In cooperration with The Town of Eastham, an T Highway Division Trafficc Safety and District 5 Offfices MassDOT Road Safe ety Audit – Easttham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Table of Conte ents Backgro ound .................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................... 2 sciplinary Team ................................................................................................... 2 Multidis Project Location and Descrip ption ................................................................................... 3 afety Audit: Route 6 at Governorr Prence Ro oad, Eastham................................... 5 Road Sa Audit Ob bservations and Pote ential .................................................................................. 7 Safety Enhanceme ents..................................................................................................... 7 Safetty Issue #1. Speed ................................................................................................................7 Safetty Issue #2. Conflicting Volumes ......................................................................................... 8 Safetty Issue #3. Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodaation ....................................................... 9 Safetty Issue #4. Signage ...........................................................................................................10 Safetty Issue #5. Pavement Level and Ma arkings ......................................................................12 Safetty Issue #6. Sight Distan nce.................................................................................................13 Summary of Road Safety Aud dit .................................................................................... 14 List of Appendices Appendix x Appendix x Appendix x Appendix x Appendix x A. RSA Mee eting Agenda a ...................................................................................... 16 B. RSA Aud dit Team Con ntact List ........................................................................... 18 C. Detailed Crash Data........................................................................................ 20 D. Addition nal Information .................................................................................... 24 E. Road Sa afety Audit References.......................................................................... 34 List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2.. Figure 3.. Figure 4.. Figure 5. Locus Ma ap........................................................................................................................ 3 Route 6 at Governor Prence Road d Intersectio on (southerlyy) ........................................ 4 Rte. 6 at Gov. Prence Rd. image (southerly) ................................................................. 4 Rte. 6 at Gov. Prence Rd. image (northerly) ................................................................. 4 Route 6 at Governor Prence Road d Intersectio on (northerlyy) ........................................ 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Te eam Memberrs ................................................................................ 2 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary....................................................................15 Road Safe ety Audit – Easttham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Background All levels of governmentt— local, regiional, state, and federal— —have been considering g locations wh here crashes are most sev vere for man ny years. Sevveral years ago the natio onal consensus was that theree should be goals to redu uce crashes, and in the 2005 federall legislation: Safe, Accoun ntable, Flexiible, Efficien nt Transporttation Equitty Act: A Leegacy for Users (SA AFETEA-LU U), there wass more emph hasis on imp proving high hway safety along with a dedica ated funding g program— —the Highwayy Safety Imp provement Program (HS SIP). The latest federal legisla ation: Movin ng Ahead forr Progress in n the 21st Ceentury (MAP P-21), signed into law on July 6, 2012, has consolidated d many high hway programs while retaining thee Highway Safety Impro ovement Proggram (HSIP P) as one of th he five core highway pro ograms. In an effort to reduce thee number off crash-relateed fatalities and incapaccitating injurries, Massachusettts developed a Strategicc Highway S afety Plan in n 2006. The mission of the Safety Plan is to “Develo op, promote, implement,, and evaluaate data-drivven, multidiscipliinary strateg gies to maxim mize safety f or users of the roadwayy system.” One of the many strrategies noteed in the Safety f Plan is to o “conduct Road Safety Audits (RSA A) at high-crash lo ocations thro oughout thee Commonweealth.” MasssDOT incorp porated the RSA as a requirem ment for securing Federa al funding (H Highway Saffety Improveement Progrram [HSIP] fund ds) for safetyy projects. The Federal Highway Ad dministratio on (FHWA) d efines a Ro ad Safety Au udit (RSA) aas the formal safety y examinatio on of an exissting or futurre road or in ntersection by an independentt, multidiscip plinary team m. The purpo ose of an RSA A is to identtify potentiall safety issuess and possiblle opportuniities for safetty improvem ments while considering all roadway useers. The Cape Co od Commissiion, serving as the region nal planningg agency for the fifteen towns on Cape Cod d, has review wed many tra ansportation n locations o over the yearrs during varrious processes, in ncluding the Regional Trransportatio on Plan, the Transportatiion Improveement Program, an nd Developm ments of Regiional Impactt, considerin ng the existin ng safety issues and potentia al improvem ments. In add dition, the C CC began lo ooking at speecific safety locations ann nually throu ugh safety stu udies and Ro oad Safety Audits (RSAss). A portion n of the federal HSIP funds are allocated d for improveements to th he region’s highest crash h locations. Introduction n The Town off Eastham ha as 5,646 resiidents as of t he 2010 Un nited States Census of Population, and begins the outer Cape Cod arm that includees the Cape Cod Nationaal Seashore. Many historicc properties and businessses line the main roadw way through the town, now ca alled Route 6 and part of the Nation nal Highway System. Ass with most Cape Cod towns, there are visiitors in town n, particularrly in the sum mmer month hs, resulting in about 25,000 people in town. Largee numbers off additional visitors travverse Route 6 through Eastham on thee way to the three other o uter Cape C od towns. Route 6 in Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Page 1 Eastham carrries averagee daily trafficc volumes off approximattely 19,000, with the sum mmer traffic volum mes higher att times. In March 20 012, CCC stafff presented a safety upd date and pottential Road Safety Audiit (RSA) locations to the Cape Cod Join nt Transporttation Comm mittee (CCJT TC), and thee resulting 2012 RSA locattions selecteed by the CCJ CJTC includeed the Routee 6 intersectiion with Govern nor Prence Road in Easth ham. This in ntersection has long beeen a concern of the Town of Easstham, with many previo ous discussio ons regardin ng safety, inccluding the safety of bicyclists and pedestrrians crossing Route 6 in n the vicinityy. Projecct Data a CCC staff preepared a gra aph of the tra affic volumee data, and printed out th he Turning Movement Count (TMC)) data for thiis intersectio on. The crassh reports weere requesteed from the Tow wn of Eastha am for this Road Safety A udit and were supplied d by the Easttham Police Deparrtment. Thee crash data were review wed and a craash diagram was develop ped. The crash diiagram, sum mmary data, and the TMC C data are in ncluded in th he appendicees. The Town off Eastham was contacted d for a list off RSA particiipants in Jully 2012, and d the Road Safety Audit was scheduled wiith MassDOT T and the To own. The Road Sa afety Audit meeting was held on Wed dnesday, Jully 18, 2012, beginning around 10:00 a.m., at the Eastha am Town Ha all. The mulltidisciplinarry team also o visited the site: Route 6 at Governor Preence Road in ntersection, d uring the RSA meeting g and then reconvened at the Town Hall. Multidisciplin nary Te eam Table 1. Participating Audit Team Membeers Audit A Team Member M Neil N Andres Ed E Kulhawik Lisa L Schletzbaum Lisa L Juan Susannah S Ba arnes Ed E Feeney Barbara B Lach hance Daniel D Alexan nder Clay C Schofield d Priscilla P N. Le eclerc Page 2 Agency//Affiliation Superinte endent, Easth ham Departm ment of Publicc Works Chief, Ea astham Police e Departmentt MassDO OT Highway D Div.– Traffic Safety MassDO OT Highway D Div.– Traffic MassDO OT Highway D Div.– Traffic MassDO OT Highway D Div.– District 5 MassDO OT Highway D Div.– District 5 Cape Co od National Se eashore Transporrtation Engine eer, Cape Co od Commissio on Senior Transportation n Planner, Ca pe Cod Comm mission Road Safety Au udit – Eastham m: Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road Projecct Loca ation and De escriptiion Route 6 in th he Town of Eastham is a four-lane u ndivided higghway that extends between the Eastham /O Orleans Rota ary and the W ellfleet Tow wn Line. Ro oute 6 alignment iss in a north-ssouth directiion. The speeed limit is p osted at 40 miles per hour, and th he police pressence for enforcement iss evident. hat loops eaasterly off of state Route Governor Prrence Road, is a two-lanee roadway, th 6 at a fork-like angle tow ward the Forrt Hill Area, t hen arcs weesterly back to Route 6, and across Route 6 at an n offset interrsection. Go overnor Pren nce Road theen continuess westerly and d connects with the Capee Cod Rail Trrail bikewayy. Figure 1. Locu us Map Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Page 3 Figure 2. Rou ute 6 at Goverrnor Prence Road Intersecttion (southerly intersection n) Figurre 3. Rte. 6 at Gov. Prence e Rd. image ection) (souttherly interse Figure 4. Rte.. 6 at Gov. Prrence Rd. ima age (northerlyy intersection)) Figure 5. R Route 6 at Go overnor Prencce Road Interrsection (norttherly intersecction) Page 4 Road Safety Au udit – Eastham m: Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road Road Safety Audit: Routte 6 at Goverrnor Prence e Road, Easth ham Route 6 is a major roadw way cutting through Easstham, a statte highway with local acccess, and is functiionally classiified as an Urban Extenssion of a Rurral Principall Arterial. Route 6 on Cape Co od is also deesignated as part of the N ational Higghway System m (NHS). The Road Safety Audit is focu used on Rou ute 6 and thee Governor Prence Road d intersection n area. The RSA Tea am reviewed d the crash diagram, the crash summ mary, the traaffic volumess, and discussed th he existing co onditions. Additional crrash reports and the speeed regulations were provideed during th he team meetting. There were 12 crashes frrom 2009-20 011 on Routee 6 near or at the interseection with Governor Prrence Road in Eastham, with four injjury crashess and no fataal crashes. Of the injury crashees, 50% weree angle and 50% were siide swipe craashes. Overall crashes by type are 42% % of the crash hes were sin ngle vehicle c rashes, 25% % were anglee, 25% side sswipe, and 8% rear-end crashess. The intersecction has beeen a concern of the Town n of Eastham m for some tiime, and thee District 5 Offfice of MassDOT has ma ade minor im mprovementts in sight diistance, and performed signal warran nt analyses for the interssection. A Turning Movvement Coun nt (TMC) was performed in n August 20110. An addittional signal warrant anaalysis was performed by CCC staff, in March 20 011. A signaal warrant haas not been met, so far. Both the TMC datta and the sig gnal warran nt analysis weere brought to the RSA team meetin ng, and both aree included in n the Append dices. The regulato ory speed lim mit for Routee 6 in Easthaam is 40 milles per hour in both directions for most of Route 6 in th he town. Thee MassDOT Highway Sp pecial Speed Regulation #7579-C, pro ovided by Liisa Schletzba aum, MassD DOT Safety, states: “Westbou und: Thence westerly in Ea astham; 5.86 miles at 40 miles per hour 0.24 miles at 25 miles per hour to the O Orleans Town Line. Eastbound: Thence easterly in Easstham; 0.16 miles at 25 miles per hour 5.94 miles at 40 miles per hour to the W ellfleet Town n Line.” The RSA Tea am met for discussion off the existingg conditionss, visited the site for field d observationss, and return ned to discusss the safetyy issues at thee location. Audit observ vations of the safety issu ues and poten ntial enhanccements, and d a summaryy table follow. Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Page 5 Page 6 Road Safety Au udit – Eastham m: Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road Audit Observvationss and Potenttial Safety y Enhanceme ents SAFETY IS SSUE #1. SPEED Observatio on: Enforcem ment by, and d visibility of, the Eastham m police of Ro oute 6 was mention ned during th he RSA Team m meeting disccussion. It was also note ed that there is signage warning g travelers of the high traffic enforcementt in the area. However, the design of the roadway y with its four lane secction, as com mpared to th he twolane sectionss of Route 6 connecting to Orleans and Wellfleet, se eem to enco ourage higher speed ds by some vehicles at times. The commen nt was made e that once vehicles hit the four lane section in Eastham with an opportunity to pass othe er vehicles, there is a tendency to accelerate to higher spe eed in order to pass othe er vehicles while travellin ng through the four-lane e section. Rou ute 6, Eastham m, speed limit si sign Warning spe eed signs at 40 miles perr hour (mph) are po osted along Route 6. In the field, there was a comment that veh hicles on Route 6 seem med to be trraveling fastt, and that some arre likely over the 40 mph posted on the warning sign. Single vehiclle crashes were 42% of the crashes 2009 9-2011 crash hes, and traveling too fast for conditions may be a con ntributing factor in a portion of tho ose crashes. Enhanceme ent: Contin nue police Govern nor Prence Roaad and Route 6, Eastham enforcementt of traveling g speeds alo ong Route 6 and in the viicinity of the e intersection n to ensure c ompliance for improved d safety. Consider add ditional measures, such as a roundaabout at Govvernor Prencce Road, or other traffic calmin ng measuress in certain areas to redu uce speeding g and enhan nce multi-mo odal safety. A pa artial median n with a crosssing for bicyyclists and pedestrians in the vicinityy of the informattion booth ju ust north of the Gov. Preence Rd. inte ersection wo ould calm tra affic for that section. Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Page 7 SAFETY IS SSUE #2. CONFLIC CTING VO OLUMES Observatio on: Traffic volum mes on Route 6 alon ng with the four-lane e cross section and traveling speeds make e crossing Route 6 from m Governor Pre ence Road difficult for all modes. The Town off Eastham has been supportive of improved intersection control for many yea ars; however, a signal warrant has not been met for the intersection. A flashing lightt is suspended over the intersection; it is flashing g red for the e Governor Pre ence Road approaches and flashing yello ow as a warning to slow w for Route 6 motorists. Route 6 lookin ng southerly to oward Governor or Prence Road, Eastham m Angle crashe es account fo or 25% of all crashes in n the years 20092011. 58% of the crash hes were during daylig ght hours. Enhanceme ent: A partial median treattment or a roundabout concept may y assist in calming trafffic in the vicinity of the intersecttion. A roun ndabout, as a possible e long-term improvemen nt, would red duce intersection conflicts by removing left turns fro om the interssection; and slow traffic. This slo owing of traffic would d also benefitt the information booth area. Page 8 Route 6 lookin ing northerly to oward Governor or Prence Road, Eastham m Road Safety Au udit – Eastham m: Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road SAFETY IS SSUE #3. BICYCLE AND PED DESTRIAN N ACCOMMO ODATION Observatio on: Route 6 has an adja acent curbed d sidewalk along the westerly side onlly of the fou rlane highway y. There is a crosswalk across the Governor Pre ence Road le eg connectin ng the Routee 6 sidewalk on the west sid de. he The Cape Co od Rail Trail bikeway run ns through th Town of Easstham and iss located at varying distances of less than a mile to the west of Routte 6. Although many bicyclists and ped destrians usee that regional connection n, there is alsso demand f or bicycle and pedestrian Route 6 crosssings to acceess local destina ations. At the Governor Prence Road d intersection, there is som me demand due to the F ort Hill Area and d coastal desstinations accross Route 6 to the east. G Governor Prenc nce Road west of Route 6 Most of the multidisciplin nary team did cross Rou ute 6 as pedestrians during th he site visit with the Policce Chief stoppin ng the Route e 6 traffic. There was consensus th hat it was exxtremely unccomfortable as a bicycle / pedestrian crossing. The ere was also mention thatt as more pe eople walk and bicycle, especially in the summer on Cape Cod, that improved cro ossing opportunities are a necessaryy safety impro ovement. G Governor Prencce Road east of Route 6 Enhanceme ent: Consid der a pedestrian beacon north of the intersection n at the inforrmation bootth. Discussion in ncluded the need for a sight distancce measuremen nt, and the possibility off a median in n the vicinity to slow traffic at the Rou ute 6 crossin ng. Routee 6 Northbound d views, Easthaam Consider imp proved bicyccle/pedestria an accommodattion when re econstruction n for Route 6, or the intersection, is be eing considerred. Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Page 9 SAFETY IS SSUE #4. SIGNAGE E Observatio on: Signs in the vicinity of the intersection of Route 6 and Governo or Prence Road d were review wed in the field. Intersection warning signs and spee ed limit signs were observed. All highway signs need to be in ncluded in th he replacem ment program for updating to o meet retro reflectivity re equirementss. STOP signs are located on the Gove ernor Prence Road d approachess. Travelling on Route 6, it appears that the STOP siign on Governor Pre ence Road iss facing Rou ute 6 northbound traffic. From the Fort Hill side of Governor Prence Road approa aching the in ntersection with Route 6, it was noted th hat the stop sign was not visib ble to driverss heading westerly toward the intersection. Governor PPrence Road lo ooking westerlyy to R Route 6, Easth ham Route 6 at G Governor Pren nce Road, Easth ham The street siigns for Gov vernor Prence e Road should be re elocated for improved vissibility. The recreatio onal and culltural interesst area guide sign with an arrow w to the Fortt Hill Area is not visible headin ng southbou und on Route 6 until a vehicle iss right at the e intersection. Moving the e Fort Hill Arrea sign or adding a duplicate sig gn on the op pposite side of the ro oad for Routte 6 southbo ound vehicles is re ecommended d to aid in providing advance nottice to driverrs well before e the intersection point. Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road, Easth ham Governor Prence Road lo ooking easterlyy to R Route 6, Easthaam Page 10 Road Safety Au udit – Eastham m: Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road SIGNAGE (continued)) Enhanceme ent: Reposition th he STOP sign to face the vehicles approaching g on Governor Pre ence Road, and install on both side es of the inte ersection. Trim brush for improved d sight distance of the STOP sig gns. Trim on the eastbound Governor Prence Road d approach ffor improved vissibility of the e flashing light. Go overnor Prencee Road looking easterly to Rou oute 6, Eastham m Relocate or add anotherr “Fort Hill Area” sig gn for improv ved visibility of motorists loo oking for that destinattion. Street signs should be upgraded, with conside eration of adding one of the Governo or Prence Road street signs to the post for the flashing ligh ht. Existting signs Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Page 11 SAFETY IS SSUE #5. PAVEMEN NT LEVELL AND MARKINGS Observatio on: It was mentioned th hat the approach fro om the south herly section n of Governor Pre ence Road was lower than Route 6, and thereforre, an operattor may hav ve to step heavier on th he gas peda al to move in nto traffic. Another obse ervation wass that while travelliing southbou und on Governor Pre ence Road, the right turn arrows in the pavem ment are fading. Crosss-hatching lines are painted on the lane soutth of the turn where the road is one-way in-bound. Enhanceme ent: Consid der leveling the approach ass part of roadway imp provements or maintenance e efforts. The right turrn arrows directing traffic to exitt should be repainted, and perhaps an earlier one added. In ad ddition, a sign could be added prior to the turn, succh as, an all traffic turn right sig gn. It may be po ossible to na arrow the one-way y section to further visually dete er southboun nd vehicles. The mature trees provid de much shade but make it difficu ult to perceive whe ere to drive when facing “Do Not Enter” sig gns. Providing a sign, such ass the “All Traffic ” sign, will assist in directing driv vers to the appropriate path back to o Rou ute 6 at the sou outherly section n of Governor Prence Road, Ea Eastham Route 6. Page 12 Road Safety Au udit – Eastham m: Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road SAFETY IS SSUE #6. SIGHT DISTANCE Observatio on: Discussio on by the multidisciplin nary team in ncluded obse ervations about the sig ght distance e to and from m the intersection approaches.. With note off the high grround and wall to the lefft of the westb bound approach leg of Governor Prence Road d, it was statted that therre were improvemen nts (2004) to o improve sig ght distance by lowering the adjacent slope. To reduce property imp pacts, the wa all was place ed in its current posittion at that time. Howev ver, visibility of Route 6 northbound vehicles by motorists on Governor Pre ence Road westbound re emains a concern due e to the vertical curve an nd the hill. There was concern abou ut the sight distance for motorists southbound on n Route 6 approaching the suggestted pedestrian beacon at th he informatio on booth. Route 6 at the south herly section off vernor Prence R Road, Eastham Gove Goveernor Prence Rd westbound approach h, looking south h at Route 6. It was obserrved that the e flashing lig ght was twisted so th hat you see both the yellow and red d lights at the same time. From the Governor Prence Road d eastbound approach to o Route 6, it was mention ned that the flashing ligh ht was partially obsccured by veg getation. Vegetation iss impacting sight distancce on the Governor Pre ence Road eastbound ap pproach for drivers both on Gov. Pre ence Road EB and Routee 6 Southboun nd. Gov. Prence R Road looking easterl rly to Route 6 Enhanceme ent: It was noted that further improvemen nts may be re equired to im mprove sightt distance from m Governor Prence Road d in the long g term, but in the short te erm keeping the area mowed to re educe obstru uction by the e vegetative growth is de esirable. The flashing light should d be adjusted d for improved alignment, and d the vegeta ation trimmeed on both approaches of Governor Pre ence Road. Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Gov. Prence R Road looking westerlyy to Route 6 Page 13 Page 14 Road Safety Au udit – Eastham m: Route 6 at Governor Prencce Road Summ mary off Road Safetyy Audiit The following summary list of the Ro oad Safety A udit observvations and enhancemen nts is provided to assist in the design and//or implemeentation of potential imp provements elicited durin ng the proce ess. It is also o recommen nded that an ny design pro ocess for mo ore involved geo ometric chan nges include further ana lysis and public input. Safety payofff estimates,, shown in th he following list, are sub bjective and may be bassed on the relative percent of crashes that may be redu uced by the enhanceme ent based on n known and documented crash redu uction factorss, if available e, or estimated crash reduction ba ased on a sta ated source [for examplee, low (<30% m (31% to 70 0%), %), medium and high (>7 71%)]. The e time frame e is categorizzed as short--term (<1 ye ear), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term m (>3 years)). The costss are categorrized as low (<$10,000)), medium ($10,001 to $50 0,000), or hiigh (>$50,00 01). There is a sttrong desire in the comm munity to im prove safetyy of the Rou ute 6 corridor and to provide im mproved bicy ycle / pedesttrian crossin ngs, where fe easible, for connections between the e Cape Cod Rail Trail and d destination ns across Ro oute 6. Road Safety Au udit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prencee Road Page 15 Table 2. Potential Sa afety Enhance ement Summarry Safe ety Issue Speed onitoring Continue mo f calming Consider tra ffic Conflicting Volumes V Left turns in and out of Gov. nflicting with Route Prence Rd con 6 traffic volum mes Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Lack of safe Route 6 crossing jacent to street and d Sidewalk ad only on one siide Signage Sign visibilit y and alignment St. signs an d rec/cultural area sign Pavement Le evel and Markings ov. Prence Rd. to Sag areas Go Route 6 Pavement Markings Sight Distance w at intersection Slope near wall Vegetation Alignment o Page 16 f flashing light Safety Payoff T Time Frame Cos st Medium dium-term Med um Mediu High Med dium-term h High Medium dium-term Med um Mediu dabout for this inte ersection Consider a round High Long-term h High Consider a round dabout for this inte ersection Consider a pedestrian beacon north h of the intersection n at the information bootth, probably with a median. Consider improved v bicycle/pedestrian accommodation n when reconstruction fo or Rte. 6 or the inte ersection is being considered. High Long-term High h Medium dium-term Med h High Po otential Safety y Enhancemen nt Continue enforce ement of the speed d limit Consider a round dabout or other traffic calming via a partial p median combined with a pedestrian crossin ng near the informa ation booth Install a partial median to calm trafffic in the intersectiion area Medium Med dium-term h High Upgrade for Retrro reflectivity Replace STOP sign and add a STOP P to have on both sides s of Gov. n STOP sign to face e Gov. Prence Rd. (N Not Rte. 6) Prence Rd. Align Adjust Street and recreation/cultura al area signs for im mproved visibility Low w to Medium Sho ort-term Low w Adjust pavementt level on the south herly Governor Pren nce Road leg approach to Rou ute 6 Low dium-term Med um Mediu Repaint the rightt turn arrows addin ng another one befo ore the two existing, and rep paint the cross-hatcching Low Sho ort-term w Low Keep mowed sho ort-term; long-term m reduce slope and relocate wall on the southeastterly side of the inttersection of Rte. 6 and Gov. Prence Road Trim vegetation for improved visibility of the STOP sig gns and nd adjust alignmentt of the flashing ligh ht flashing light, an Low Sho ort-term Low w Low Long-term High h Low Sho ort-term Mediu um Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governo or Prence Road Responsib ble Agency MassDOT, ners possible partn Town and CC CNS MassDOT MassDOT, ners possible partn Town and CC CNS own MassDOT, To and CCNS MassDOT, ners possible partn CNS Town and CC MassDOT, ners possible partn CNS Town and CC Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Page 17 Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Page 19 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Page 21 Collision Diagram * CAPE COD Indicate North by arrow .. . Not to scale COMMISSION .. ·····............................ 9 E .. ~· . ctt ~----1 lv-- Route 6 State Hwy ""C ...0 ...c Cl) > 0 (!) SYMBOLS TYPES OF COLLISIONS ACCIDENT INFORMATION Each accident is numbered and ( Moving Vehicle EiJJoiJJoiJ Backing Vehicle > .c--R Non-involved Vehicle Pedestrian CfO B1cyclist ISJ Parked Vehicle 0 • 0 ......... Fixed Object Fatal Accident Injury Accident Vehicle Path INTERSECTIO ~~ Rear-End additional information is included ~~ Head On < ...c- on the accident summary. SideSwipe ~ Out of Control ~y- Turning Movement ---+f Angle ~ Lane Departure .Ill Animal _ _J,.:R~o~ut!;Eew,6~S~ta~te!<....!....!H:!.:::igl!.!hi!.!way:!!.J.._ _ A D CRASHES FROM ---~2~0!:!.:09~_ _ _ _ _ TO Governor Prence Road 2011 Source: Crrash Diagram developed based on 2009-20111 crash reportss provided by the Eastham Po olice Departmeent Page 22 Road Safe ety Audit – Easttham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Crash Numbe r Crash Date Crash Time # of injuries # of Vehicles Manner of Collision Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Vehicle Travel Directions Vehicle Sequence of Events Age of Driver (Veh 1) Age of Driver (Veh 2) Road Surfac e Weather Roadway V1:W / V2:N Veh 1 pulled out of info booth driveway heading to Rte 6 SB crossing the path of Veh 2 NB on Rte 6; Veh 2 hit Veh 1 61 54 dry clear Route 6, Eastham at Governor Prence Road V1: S then W Veh 1 out of control on Gov. Prence Road (turned too fast from Rte. 6) and off road struck pole 18 dry clear Governor Prence Road 37 dry clear Route 6 1 8/18/09 2:40 PM 1 2 Angle Veh 1 missed turn for Gov. Prence Rd. and attempted a Uturn out of info booth lot 2 8/24/09 6:32 PM 0 1 Single Veh. Crash (Lane Departure) Veh 1 Rte 6 SB turned right onto Gov. Prence Road Veh 1 NB Rte 6 (vicinity of 1550 Route 6) V1: N Veh 1 rear window shattered by debris from DPW employee using weed wacking equipment at side of road 3 8/12/10 10:46 AM 0 1 Other -debris from weedwacking 4 9/13/10 3:30 PM 2 2 Angle Veh 1 NB and Veh 2 pulling out of Gov. Prence Rd V1:N V2:W Veh 1 attempted to stop 32' skid mark before hitting Veh 2 25 50 dry clear Route 6, Eastham at Governor Prence Road 2 Rear End Veh 1 Rte 6 NB and Veh 2 following behind NB, and Veh 3 SB slides into path of Veh 1 V1:N V2:W V3:SB Veh 1 slowed to avoid Veh 3, and stopped. Veh 2 unable to stop and hits Veh 1. 32 65 snow snow Route 6 Veh 1 NB Rte 6 slowly with snow & high winds, Veh 2 NB in passing lane V1:N V2:N Veh 1 side swiped by Veh 2. Veh 2 did not stop. 55 (unkno wnSubaru SUV) ice snow (blowing snow) Route 6 Veh 1 Route 6 NB V1: N Veh 1 NB on Route 6 and slid off road into snow bank 32 snow snow Route 6 5 12/20/10 5:14 PM 0 6 12/27/10 4:40 PM 1 2 Side Swipe, same direction 7 1/27/11 7:47 AM 0 1 Single Veh. Crash (Lane Departure) Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Page 23 Crash Numbe r 8 Crash Date 6/25/11 Crash Time 7:07 PM # of injuries 0 # of Vehicles 2 Vehicle Travel Directions Vehicle Sequence of Events Angle Veh 1 wrong way on one-way Gov. Prence Rd, attempting to turn left onto Route 6 SB; Veh 2 NB on Route 6 V1:W / V2:N Veh 2 travelling NB on Route 6 when Veh 1 drove into the passenger side of Veh 2. Veh 1 SB right lane Veh2 SB in passing lane & third veh stops to turn left onto Gov. Prence Rd V1:S V2:S Veh 2 moves into right lane to avoid stopped veh and sideswipes veh 1 29 veh 1 struck deer that jumped out in front of vehicle on Route 6 NB 49 Veh 1 NB on Rte. 6 crossed into SB lanes into path of oncoming SB vehicles and hit Veh 2, then hit Veh 3. 58 Manner of Collision Vehicle Action Prior to Crash 9 6/28/11 3:04 PM 0 2 Side Swipe, same direction 10 11/18/11 10:03 PM 0 1 Single Vehicle Crash (deer) Veh 1 NB on Rte. 6 V1:N 3 Side Swipe, opposite direction Veh 1 NB on Rte. 6 crossed over into SB lanes V1:NB V2: SB V3: SB 1 Single Vehicle Crash (deer) 11 12 11/22/11 11/22/11 5:22 PM 7:52 PM 4 0 Veh 1: NB on Route 6 V1:N Veh 1: traveling NB on Route 6 and operator reported that a deer ran into the passenger side Source: Eastham Police Department crash reports for this location from 2009-2011. Page 24 Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Age of Driver (Veh 1) 82 89 Age of Driver (Veh 2) 41 57 34 Road Surfac e Weather Roadway clear Route 6, Eastham at Governor Prence Road dry cloudy Route 6, Eastham at Governor Prence Road dry clear Route 6 dry clear Route 6 clear Route 6, Eastham at Governor Prence Road dry dry Appendix D. Additional Information o Hourly Traffic Volumes Graph: Route 6 and Governor Prence Road, Eastham o Turning Movement Count: Route 6 and Governor Prence Road, Eastham; Performed on August 25, 2010 o Signal Warrant Analysis Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Page 25 Route 6 State Highway, Eastham, Hourly Traffic Volumes 2500 Vehicles per Hour 2000 Route 6 North of Brackett Road (Total) 1500 Route 6 North of Brackett Road (Northbound) 1000 Route 6 North of Brackett Road (Southbound) 500 0 Cape Cod Commission Time of Day Page 26 Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road August 25, 2010 TMC CARS CAPE COD COMMISSION • .0 22& llblll, MA CQS30 3112.3128 • F SOS.3152.:S 1 ~ pecoc~ccmmlnlon . org Coun r#: 5 mted By: Brian M Lucation: Route 6 @ Governor Pr Date:S/251201 0 lieN me Site Code Start Date PgeNo ce (N) : GovP@6_08252010 : 1255 : 812612010 :1 Start 22 17'00 1715 GrlnCI Tatll App 'lit TQQI% 2 2 19 1 0.6 uo 1 2$3 1781 97.3 47..2 22 12 o.6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 143 0 2 2 3.2 at o.2 0.1 13 7 5 1 0 0 :s 0 3tll 1 1.8 10 0.6 0 0.3 1811 3 4 3 3(16 3 • 0 0 0 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 3 0 2 10 M8 0~ u •1 0 1 1 7 3&9 02 673 e02 37&7 llcrWI 17115l Road Safety y Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Preence Road Page 27 August 25, 2010 TMC TRUCK KS CAPE COO COMMISSIO 3225 t.llin S • P.O. Bax Z26 Bamltlbll, w. 0211130 T Count -.382.3828 • Fu 508.3&2.31311 tr-ocrr :c~cc unillllon.o~g File Name : GovP@6_06252010 Site Code : 1255 start Date : 812512010 Page No : 1 #: 5 Jnted By: Brian M Location: Route 6 @ Governor Prence (N) Date:S/2512010 17"00 17' 15 Gland Total 0 0 0 37 ApprQtl~ loUI~ 0 0 117.4 83.8 Page 28 10 s 0 1 I 2.t 1.7 0 0 ~I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 1.7 0 0 0 0 19 100 3.2.$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 se Road Safe ety Audit – Easttham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road August 25, 2010 TMC BIKES CAPE COD CO 3225 M • ISSION street · P.O. Box 22IS Barns , PM a2630 Tel: 50e.JGUe28 • F 608.362.3136 E-1 ll8ns~ommlsun .org File Name : GoiiP@6_08252010 Site Code : 1255 Coun er#: 5 mted By: Brian M Luca ·on: Route 6@ Governor Prence (N) Start Date : 8125120 10 Page No : 1 Date:S/251201 0 Le1\ - 0 0 0 Ol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~I 0 0 0 OJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OJ 0 8 0 OJ a 0 0 8 0 0 $ ~~ 0 0 6 0 0 gj 6 00 100 REAl(- Grand Tlltal l Apprch"' TCIUI% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~I 0 0 0 0 0 0 i Road Safety y Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Preence Road Page 29 August 25, 2010 TMC CARS and TRUCK KS CAPE COO COMMISSION 3225 Main Street • P.O. Box 226 Barnstable, MA 02630 Tel: 508.362.3828 ·Fax: 508.362.3136 E-Mail: trans@capecodcommlsslon.org ~ounter #: 5 mted By: Brian M _ucation : Route 6 @ Governor Prence (N) )ate:B/25/201 0 Route& From North Start Time Left 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 3 I ~Total 5 3 4 15 Thru 279 329 369 322 1299 17:00 17:15 Grand Total Apprch% Total% Cars %Cars Trucks %Trucks 2 2 19 1 0.5 19 100 0 0 260 269 1828 97.8 47.4 1791 98 37 2 I Right 5 2 10 1 18 1 4 23 1.2 0.6 22 95.7 1 4.3 I Peds 0 0 0 0 0 Groups Printed· Cars ·Trucks Governor Prence/Fort Hill Route& Rd From South From East Thru Right Peds Left Left 1 Thru I Right I Peds 11 326 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 10 2 0 317 1 0 0 2 0 0 304 0 0 9 0 0 1 4 311 1 10 0 0 6 40 1 0 7 1258 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 3 9 14.1 0.2 9 100 0 0 . File Name Site Code Start Date Page No 0 2 2 3.1 0.1 2 100 0 0 I 7 5 52 81 .2 1.3 51 98.1 1 1.9 0 0 1 1.6 0 1 100 3 0 10 0.5 0.3 10 100 0 0 0 308 324 1390 99.3 49 1371 99 19 0 1 0 1 3 0.2 0.1 3 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : GovP@6_08252010 : 1255 : 8/25/2010 :1 Governor Prance From West Left 3 1 1 0 5 3 2 10 55.6 0.3 10 100 0 0 I Thru 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5.6 I o· 1 100 0 0 Right 0 2 0 3 5 I Peds lnl Total 631 0 670 0 0 698 0 657 0 2656 1 1 7 38.9 0.2 7 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 812512010 16:00 8/21i12010 17:15 C&nl Trucl<a Page 30 Road Safe ety Audit – Easttham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road 585 614 3855 3797 98.5 58 1.5 I Gonrnor Pn>nce " "atTanr Assessment- arch _3, _011 Warnmt 1-El Prence Ml' well below the ll'lllllmum for~ wma.nt. The tnffic \"0. ow me mmimum or • W3l'T.Uit. Wa.rr.mt 4 - Pedeman o One hour pedlbike \'Olume ~ • A\"'!nge Rte 6 tnffic \ "O!ume L:. 3 9 NB mel 3 3 SB for the ~ hour ( 6:00)_ . finimum bill 'ped tllrdlold u 133ihour. Wa.rr.mt 5 - Scllool CJ"':isin~- Wammt - Cn::.h A e R.eqwres 5 or more crashes m a YNf where damage ueeeds tile ~ thrrlold. Po {clamage cn·u S 000) rwe nponed in _oos md l in 2009. '"major The a-affic vo.UIIll!S on Governor Prence aho do not meet tb1S warr.u~t reqmrement. Wm-ant 8 - R.oamnv Nern-odt {u:; mclud.e m-o or more ~ or ro Wa.rr.mt 9 -lntet!;ecnon Near a Grade - Go ·emo Pmlt:e ~ DOt a maj or rou Co:.~- lA d. A On roa<b wiili speed ~abon 3 5mph the mm•rmun ~ countlho u _o_Tltere ~ pe~ md lncycles recorded in the peak hour m August :Ml lO. Takt.ng the "'lfwe b · d it they ~'111 come ~ philo~hy. I tbmk a ca.se can made tha by makmg the O"Ossmg peop:e will use t1 md the minmmm threshold w be uceeded. Flgllre 4F-3. Sequence fof a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Road Safety y Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Preence Road Page 31 Appendix E. Previous Route 6 Study related Information o Page 32 Excerpt from the CCC Route 6 Outer Cape Traffic Flow & Safety Study, page 36 and page 39 Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road Appendix F. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, www.roadwaysafetyaudits.org. FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors. Report No. FHWA-SA-08-011. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, September 2008 MassDOT Highway Division Traffic Engineering and Safety resources online, at http://www.mhd.state.ma.us/default.asp?pgid=trafficIndex&sid=level2 U.S. DOT Memorandum from Tony Furst, Acting Associate Administrator for Safety, to Division Administrators, January 12, 2012, Promoting the Implementation of Proven Safety Countermeasures Page 36 Road Safety Audit – Eastham: Route 6 at Governor Prence Road