ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 28 (Main Street) at Sea Street Route 28 (Main Street) at Depot Street Town of Dennis November 8, 2013 Prepared For: MassDOT Highway Division Prepared By: BETA Group, Inc. Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table of Contents Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Background ................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Description ..................................................................................................................... 2 Audit Observations ..................................................................................................................... 6 Potential Safety Enhancements ............................................................................................... 11 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 13 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Speed Regulations List of Figures Figure 1. Location Map ......................................................................................................................... 3 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 11 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 14 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Project Data A Road Safety Audit for the intersections of Route 28 (Main Street)/ Sea Street and Route 28/ Depot Street was held on October 18, 2013 at the Dennis Department of Public Works in Dennis, MA. As indicated in Table 1, the audit team consisted of representatives from State, Regional and Local agencies and included a cross-section of engineering, planning and emergency response expertise. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Tom Currier MassDOT Project Management Richard Oliveira MassDOT Highway Division – District 5 Projects Jason Walters MassDOT Highway Division – District 5 Projects Barbara LaChance MassDOT Highway Division – District 3 Traffic Operations Edward Feeney MassDOT Highway Division – District 3 Traffic Operations Sgt. John Brady Dennis Police Lev Malakhoff Cape Cod Commission Bob Brown Dennis Fire Joseph Rodricks Dennis Town Engineer Ross Morrow VHB Justin Curewitz BETA Group, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Background The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for the intersections of Route 28 (Main Street) at Sea Street and Route 28 at Depot Street because both have been identified as high crash locations within the Cape Cod Commission (CCC) region. Both intersections are part of a planned Route 28 reconstruction project which is at the 25% design phase, but is not yet funded under the State Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). The RSA is intended to identify potential short and long term safety improvements that can be made at the intersections, which can then be implemented through general maintenance for short term low cost improvements or incorporated into the planned reconstruction project to the greatest extent practicable. Project Description Route 28 (Main Street) is an east-west corridor functionally classified as an Urban Principal Arterial and is State-owned in the vicinity of Sea Street and Depot Street. Route 28 is signed as a north-south roadway; however, in the area of Sea Street and Depot Street, Route 28 follows an east-west alignment, with the eastbound direction signed as Route 28 southbound. Land use along Route 28 is a mix between residential and commercial, with increasing commercial uses at both intersections. The two intersections included in the audit (shown in Figure 1) are discussed in detail below. Route 28 (Main Street) at Sea Street Route 28 (Main Street) and Sea Street form a 4-way intersection with Sea Street under STOP sign control. Sea Street is a north-south roadway under Town of Dennis jurisdiction functionally classified as a local road north of Route 28, and an urban collector south of Route 28. Land use in the area is a mix of residential and commercial, with a Hess Gas Station on the southwest corner of the intersection and the Original Seafood restaurant on the southeast corner of the intersection. A small park is located on the northwest corner housing a monument and flag pole. Route 28 (Main Street) eastbound at Sea Street Page 2 28 TE ET) ROU STRE IN (MA EET EET STR T S TR DE P O SEA BARBO'S FURNITURE 576 MAIN STREET TH S SOU TREET DEPOT S BLONDIE'S ICE CREAM TRE ET EGG AND "I" ORIGINAL SEAFOOD ROUTE 28 (MAIN STREET) SEA STREET HESS STATION MILL STREET LEGEND STUDY INTERSECTION Road Safety Audit Route 28 (Main St) at Sea St and Depot St Dennis, MA Figure 1 Location Map Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Both intersecting streets provide a single travel lane in each direction at the intersection. Double yellow center lines are provided on both roadways, and solid white edge lines are provided on both sides on the Route 28 legs of the intersection. Sidewalks are provided on the north side of Route 28 and along both sides of the south leg of Sea Street. A marked crosswalk is provided across the north leg of the intersection. Stop bars are provided on both approaches of Sea Street, but recent roadwork patching has removed sections of each stop bar as well as a section of the marked crosswalk. The intersection is slightly skewed due to the northeast-southwest alignment of Route 28. The eastbound Route 28 approach has a downhill grade approaching the intersection, which affects intersection operations and safety due to increased driver speeds. The Hess gas station is accessible via both Route 28 and Mill Street, and provides four pumps as well as parking within its lot for the Hess Express convenience store. Mill Street, Sea Street and Route 28 form a triangular parcel occupied by the Hess station. Mill Street follows a relatively parallel alignment to Route 28 to the south, intersecting with Sea Street and terminating at Depot Street. The Original Seafood restaurant has driveway access to both Route 28 and Sea Street separated only by a landscaped island on the southeast corner of the intersection. To the northwest of the intersection is a vacant lot which is used as parking for local businesses and is accessible from both Route 28 and Sea Street. Crash data provided by the Dennis Police Department and summarized by MassDOT show 17 police documented crashes in the three year period from July 2010 to August 2013. A collision diagram and crash summary are included in the Appendix. Thirteen of the 17 crashes were angle crashes, with eight of the thirteen involving a westbound vehicle. Two crashes at the intersection involved a pedestrian not in a marked crosswalk, one on the west leg of the intersection and one on the south leg. Also of note is the month in which the majority of crashes occurred. Dennis is located on Cape Cod and as such is a tourist destination during the warmer months (April-September). Twelve of the 17 crashes occurred in these higher traffic months, with 5 occurring in August alone. It is unknown whether drivers involved in these crashes were non-locals. It should also be noted that all crashes occurred in the daylight, which was characterized as atypical by audit participants when compared to other intersections statewide. Route 28 (Main Street) at Depot Street Route 28 (Main Street) and Depot Street form a 4-way intersection with Depot Street under STOP sign control. Depot Street is a north-south roadway under Town of Dennis jurisdiction functionally classified as an urban minor arterial. Land use in the area is a mix of residential and commercial, with Blondie’s Ice Cream on the southwest corner of the intersection, the Egg and “I” restaurant located on the southeast corner, and Barbo’s furniture store on the northeast corner. Both intersecting streets provide a single travel lane in each direction at the intersection. Double yellow center lines are provided on both roadways, and solid white edge lines are provided on both sides of all legs of the Route 28 (Main Street) at Depot Street Route 28 (Main Street) westbound at Depot Street Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. intersection. A sidewalk is provided on the north side of Route 28 and a marked crosswalk is provided across the north leg of the intersection. Stop bars are provided on both approaches of Depot Street. As part of a recent statewide intersection safety program, an additional stop sign has been added on the left side of the street for both Depot Street approaches. In addition, intersection ahead signs were installed with “Depot St” plaques on each approach of Route 28. The intersection is slightly skewed due to the northeast-southwest alignment of Route 28. The westbound Route 28 approach has a small crest curve approaching the intersection, which affects intersection operations and safety due to driver visibility. Blondie’s Ice Cream on the southwest corner of the intersection is accessible from both Route 28 and Depot Street. The ice cream stand presents increased congestion during the higher traffic months, due to its small size, limited parking and the close proximity of driveways to the intersection. The Egg and “I” restaurant is located on the southeast corner and has access via both Route 28 and Depot Street separated only by a gravel island, which is home to signs for both the restaurant as well as a destination sign for local attractions. South Street intersects both Depot Street and Route 28, and provides a back entrance to the Egg and “I” parking lot. An apartment building (576 Main Street), currently under renovations, is located on the northwest corner and has access to Route 28 from two closely-spaced driveways forming a horseshoe shape, located less than ten feet from Depot Street. Crash data provided by the Dennis Police Department and summarized by MassDOT show 15 police documented crashes in the three year period from July 2010 to August 2013. A collision diagram and crash summary are included in the Appendix. The most prevalent crash type were angle crashes, comprising 60% of total crashes. Four crashes involving a bicyclist occurred at the intersection and it was noted that the intersection has a significant volume of bicycle traffic. Four crashes stated that the driver failed to stop at stop sign. The additional stop signs were installed in the summer of 2013 and the data may not reflect the effect of these added signs. Also of note is the month in which the majority of crashes occurred. All but one crash occurred in the higher traffic months, with six occurring in August alone. It is unknown whether drivers involved in these crashes were non-locals. It should also be noted that all crashes occurred in the daylight, similar to the crash history of the Route 28/Sea Street intersection. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Audit Observations Following a brief introduction to the RSA process and a summary of existing crash information, the audit participants were asked to discuss safety issues at the intersections of Route 28 (Main Street) at Sea Street and Route 28 at Depot Street. Audit participants then conducted a site visit as a group, at which time they offered observations on safety concerns and deficiencies. A summary of those major safety considerations is as follows: Route 28 (Main Street) at Sea Street Visibility – All corners of the intersection have vegetation blocking visibility at the intersection. Visibility restrictions include trees on the northwest corner, tall beach grass on the southeast and southwest corners, bushes and a fence on the northeast corner. Several crash reports noted a driver not seeing the other vehicle, which is likely related to visibility restrictions. Overgrown beach grass in islands Intersection Geometry – Narrow travel lanes on all approaches essentially shrink the intersection and lead to driver aggression where vehicles attempted to maneuver around queued traffic. Due to the narrowness, the intersection lacks clear zones for vehicles to “bail-out” into when avoiding a collision. The lack of shoulders require vehicles on Sea Street to encroach on Route 28 traffic in order to look for gaps, which could be a contributor to the number of angle crashes at the intersection. Hess Gas Station – Several issues were discussed relating to the Hess Gas Station. o Multiple driveways (two on Route 28 and one on Mill Street) cause difficulties for drivers entering and exiting. The close proximity of the driveways to Sea Street also can contribute to the congestion of the intersection. It was stated that drivers will use Mill Street to exit rather than Route 28 to avoid traffic when making a left turn out of Hess. o It was noted that delivery trucks for the Hess Express park alongside the southbound departure lane on Sea Street, encroaching on the sidewalk as well as blocking part of the travel lane. Sea Street’s narrow roadway width causes traffic congestion when trucks park to unload deliveries. o Heavy pedestrian activity has been observed at the Hess Express Mart. This is in part due to the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority buses stopping nearby. This increased activity may be attributed to the crashes involving pedestrians. Original Seafood Restaurant – It was noted that the restaurant has heavy activity during the higher volume months and creates congestion with its close proximity to the intersection. One crash was directly related to the restaurant where a westbound vehicle turning left into the parking lot collided with an eastbound through vehicle. It was also of note that the parking layout presents a safety concern due to the location of spaces and the need for patrons to back out onto Sea Street in order to Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. exit. Audit participants stated that this restaurant does a significant amount of business during the higher volume months and affects the traffic flow on both Sea Street and Route 28 given the location of the driveways. Bus Stops – The Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority operates along Route 28, though there are no formal marked bus stops in the area, the bus does stop to drop off and pick up passengers in the area. Although no crashes have involved a bus, the narrow lane widths on Route 28 present a challenge to drivers looking to pass frequently stopped buses. Buses have been observed stopping just prior to the intersection and were seen during the field visit on the day of the audit, as seen at right. Bicycle Accommodations – No bicycle accommodations are present on either Route 28 or Depot Street. Narrow existing shoulders do not provide adequate safeguard from vehicular traffic for the heavy volume of bicycle traffic. The need for better accommodations for bicyclists was emphasized given the number of riders traveling in the area. Pedestrian Accommodations – In addition to bicycle accommodations, the lack of adequate pedestrian accommodations was noted at the intersection. Although there a sidewalk is provided two crashes involving pedestrians occurred at the intersection and the need for better accommodations was emphasized to both intersections as a result. Pavement Markings – Both stop bars on Sea Street and the crosswalk across the north leg of the intersection have been paved over as a result of recent construction. Route 28 (Main Street) at Depot Street Intersection Geometry – Several issues related to intersection geometry were discussed at the intersection. o All intersection approaches have narrow lanes with insufficient shoulder widths (approximately one foot or less). Crashes involving bicyclists can relate to narrow lanes and the lack of adequate shoulders. o A crest curve on Route 28, just east of the intersection, impacts visibility at the intersection. This lack of visibility can cause drivers to misjudge their gap acceptance which was the case in at least one crash at Crest curve on Route 28 the intersection. The crest curve creates a (looking eastbound) safety issue for both drivers stopped on Depot Street as well as drivers heading westbound on Route 28. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. o Turning radii at the intersection were noted to be very tight for all turning movements. The slight skew of the intersection exacerbates these tighter turning radii. The turning movements impacted most by this skew are the eastbound and westbound right turns. The lack of clear zones and shoulders force vehicles to encroach on Route 28. As a result of the tighter radii, vehicles are forced to navigate turns at lowers speeds, increasing the needed gap in traffic to make the desired move. Bicycle Accommodations – No bicycle accommodations are provided on either Route 28 or Depot Street. It was noted that there is heavy bicycle traffic through the intersection, and existing shoulder widths do not provide an area for bicyclists to use without impacting vehicular flow. The need for better accommodations for bicyclists was emphasized given the number of crashes involving bicyclists. Pedestrian Accommodations – In addition to bicycle accommodations, the lack of adequate pedestrian accommodations was noted at the intersection. Although an existing sidewalk is provided on the north side of Route 28, it does not provide an adequate clear path width. A section of the sidewalk appears to be recently constructed in front of Barbo’s Furniture, yet terminates just east of the intersection, where it turns into an asphalt shoulder at the same elevation as the roadway. The wheelchair ramp on the northeast corner provides a ramp that points pedestrians toward the center of the intersection rather than across the crosswalk. A utility pole is located in the center of the sidewalk on the northeast corner and obstructs pedestrians. An asphalt sidewalk on the west side of the intersection is provided; however, it lacks the clear spacing required and lacks a wheelchair ramp from the crosswalk. Two crashes involving pedestrians occurred at the intersection of Route 28 and Sea Street and the need for better accommodations was emphasized to both intersections as a result. Visibility – It was noted that the southeast corner of the intersection has overgrown beach grass blocking visibility for the Depot Street northbound approach. In addition, there is a landscaped island containing several bushes on the east side of the Egg and “I” driveway on Route 28. These bushes in combination with the crest curve block visibility of drivers exiting the restaurant. Although there were no crashes directly related to the visibility issues, these obstructions create a safety concern. Signage – Several issues related to signage were discussed at the intersection. o A destination sign on the southwest corner of the intersection results in driver distraction. The sign, seen at right, currently lists 25 business names and/or attractions in the area and can shift driver’s attention to reading the sign rather than navigating through the intersection. Town of Dennis personnel stated that the sign is within town rightof-way, but is maintained by an outside firm. One crash at this intersection was reported due to driver inattention and could be related to this issue. o It was noted that there is a lack of destination signage along Route 28 as well as approaching the intersection from Depot Street. As Depot Street southbound is a main Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. travel route to the beach and points south that intersects many local roads also running east-west, the lack of clear and concise advanced signage approaching the intersection can lead to driver confusion. o Audit participants and town officials suggested that most crashes involved out of town drivers or tourists that were unfamiliar with the area. Given the months in which crashes occurred, a lack of destination signage and limited visibility of existing signs was cited as a concern. A review of the crash reports subsequent to the audit reveals that all but two crashes involved at least one operator with a residence off the cape. Blondie’s Curb Cut – The curb cut for the Blondie’s Ice Cream stand is very wide, and its close proximity to the intersection contributes to congestion. It was noted that during the higher volume months, Blondie’s is the source for a significant amount of traffic at the intersection and presents a challenge to enter and exit. This increased traffic of vehicles waiting to enter on both Depot Street and Route 28 is a result of the wide curb cut which allows vehicles to enter and exit from both driveways. 576 Main Street – An apartment building on the northwest corner of the intersection is currently under renovations. Occupancy following renovations will lead to increased vehicular and pedestrian activity at the intersection. In addition, the building presently has two driveways along Route 28 that form a horseshoe, just west of the intersection. The proximity of these curb cuts to the intersection as well as their lack of definition from the roadway presents safety issues for both drivers, who may not expect another vehicle to turn into the driveway, and pedestrians, who lack a clearly defined sidewalk. Stop Sign Violations – In addition to signage related issues, there were several crashes where it was noted that drivers could not see the stop sign or failed to stop at the stop sign. An additional stop sign was installed on the left side of both approaches of Depot Street as part of a recent statewide safety improvement project for stop controlled intersections with high crash rates. The project also installed advanced intersection warning signage with a supplemental street name plaque on both approaches of Route 28 at Depot Street. However, the crash data analyzed for the audit was dated before these improvements were implemented and may not be reflected. Speeding – Vehicle speeding was noted as an issue along Route 28. The posted speed limit decreases from 35 mph to 25 mph between Sea Street and Depot Street. The audit team discussed potential changes to the posted speed limits, noting that a speed study is required to update posted limits. Since this study would most likely find the 85th percentile speeds higher than what is currently posted and result in increased limits, it is not recommended as a safety improvement. Intersection Congestion – Intersection congestion was noted as a concern due to the many local area businesses, attractions and restaurants. Many driveways are closely spaced to one another and can Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. cause drivers to miss their turns and/or slow down to navigate to their desired destination. Although intersection congestion was not directly related to any one crash at the intersection, it is most likely a contributing factor in many of the crashes seen. Pavement Markings – The double yellow centerline on Route 28 terminates approximately 25 feet west of the intersection. This gives the driver the appearance of a wider intersection. Tourist Traffic – Depot Street southbound carries heavy tourist traffic during the heavy volume months. Depot Street is a north-south urban minor arterial that has direct connections to the beach and other attractions along the shoreline. It was noted that a significant amount of nearby bars and foot traffic is present at the intersection during the higher volume months. This does not present a specific concern, but exacerbates other safety issues due to non-local driver unfamiliarity. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements Audit participants identified safety issues and recommended potential improvements to address these issues. Audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long term improvements for each issue. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, mid-term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-term <1 year Costs Low Mid-term 1–3 years Medium Long-term >3 years High <$10,000 $10,000–$50,000 >$50,000 Route 28 (Main Street) at Sea Street Work with property owners to reduce the vegetation impacts to the visibility at the intersection. Removing existing vegetation and replanting them with low-growing plants would increase visibility. However, if this is not a viable solution, trimming of the existing vegetation should be considered. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Consider relocation of the fence on the on the northeast corner. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Consider widening the intersection as right of way permits, and add a minimum 4 foot shoulder to allow for bicycle accommodations. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. Widening of Route 28 is part of the current project design as discussed with the audit team. Consider closing one of the driveways to the Hess Gas Station, restrict turning movements or convert driveways to entrance/exit only. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. Conversion of the Route 28 driveways to entrance/exit only is part of the current design discussed with the audit team. Restrict trucks from parking along Sea Street. Increased enforcement and signage may need to be considered to inform truck drivers of restriction. A strip mall is located across Mill Street from the Hess station, where trucks can safely park and unload deliveries. Additional enforcement is a shortterm improvement with no cost, except for the cost of potential reduced enforcement elsewhere. The addition of signage is a short-term, low cost improvement. Conduct a pedestrian study for the heavy activity around the intersection, especially in the vicinity of the Hess station. The study should focus on pedestrian origin and destination and should identify the locations where pedestrians cross Route 28. The study should be coordinated with the Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority regarding about the location of bus stops/bus traffic near the intersection. If the study finds the need for a crosswalk across Route 28, a crosswalk should be installed at the ideal location. This is a potential mid-term, low cost improvement. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Improve pedestrian accommodations at the intersection. Provide a new sidewalk along Depot Street and reconstruct the existing sidewalk on Route 28. Replace existing wheelchair ramps to comply with ADA regulations and provide detectable warning panels. This is a long-term, medium cost improvement that is included in the current project design. Consider closing one of the driveways to the Original Seafood Restaurant, restriction of turning movements or convert driveways to entrance/exit only. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. The Sea Street driveway to the Original Seafood Restaurant will be closed as part of the current project design. Restripe both stop bars on Sea Street and the crosswalk across the north leg of the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Route 28 (Main Street) at Depot Street Consider widening the intersection as right of way permits, and add a minimum 4 foot shoulder to allow for vehicular and bicycle accommodations. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. Widening of Route 28 is part of the current design as discussed with the audit team. Consider lowering the profile grade on of Route 28 to reduce the crest curve east of the intersection. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. The current design does not include any change in profile east of the intersection. The designer should evaluate the need for lowering of the profile that could be incorporated in the current project. Provide bicycle accommodations. Providing shoulders would allow bicycles to have a more delineated travel way and eliminate the need for vehicles to cross over the double yellow centerline in attempts to pass bicyclists. This is a long-term, low cost improvement dependent on the roadway widening. The addition of five foot shoulders is included in the widening of Route 28 under the current design. Improve pedestrian accommodations at the intersection. Provide a new sidewalk along Depot Street and reconstruct the existing sidewalk on Route 28. Replace existing wheelchair ramps to comply with ADA regulations and provide detectable warning panels. This is a long-term, medium cost improvement that is included in the current project design. Trim vegetation on the southeast corner of the intersection. Consider removing the bushes on the east side of the Route 28 Egg and “I” driveway if the profile grade cannot be changed. This is a shortterm, low cost improvement. Consider limiting the size of the destination sign on the southeast corner. As part of this recommendation, consider adding supplemental destination signage prior to the intersection to alert drivers of destinations before entering the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Add advanced signage for Route 28. Advanced signage on Depot Street prior to Route 28 will alert drivers to the intersection, since there are many east-west Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. roadways intersecting Depot Street. These signs should be added prior to the intersection on both Depot Street approaches. Another alternative would be to provide a Main Street sign perpendicular to Depot Street, alerting driver once in the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Consider reducing the width of the curb cut for Blondie’s Ice Cream, restricting turning movements, or making driveways entrance/exit only. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. The Depot Street driveway width will be reduced and a one-way entrance/exit will be incorporated as part of the current design. Remove curb cuts at 576 Main Street. Increased delineation of the sidewalk in front of the property will provide pedestrians with a defined pedestrian path. Closing curb cuts will reduce congestion at the intersection as well as eliminating the unexpected turning movement into driveways along Route 28. The owner of 576 Main Street has agreed as part of the renovations to the property that he will close both driveways with existing railroad ties and further delineate the existing sidewalk for pedestrians. The long-term improvements to this section will be incorporated in the current design project. Retain double stop signs and intersection ahead signage. These signs were installed in a recent safety improvement project and should be retained in the current design project. Continue to enforce speed limits at the intersection. Enforcement is currently done near the intersection but will continue to be done in the future. Consider installing a dynamic speed reading sign or place a speed trailer along Route 28 to inform drivers of their speeds. Additional enforcement is a short-term improvement with no cost, except for the cost of potential reduced enforcement elsewhere. Extend the Route 28 double yellow centerline west of the intersection approximately 25’. This will alleviate the appearance of a wider intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. The current design project will provide all new pavement markings for the intersection. Summary of Road Safety Audit Table 3 summarizes potential recommendations discussed by the audit team. The recommendations are categorized based on the potential safety payoff, as well as by time frame and cost. The safety payoff is a qualitative judgment of the effectiveness of the potential safety improvements. Each recommendation has a responsibility assigned to it stating whether MassDOT or the Town of Dennis would be responsible for implementing the recommended improvement. All improvements have an order of magnitude cost assigned. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Route 28 (Main Street) at Sea Street Visibility Work with property owners to reduce the vegetation impacts to the visibility at the intersection. Removing existing vegetation and replanting them with low-growing plants would increase visibility. However, if this is not a viable solution, trimming of the existing vegetation should be considered. Town High Short-term $1,000 Visibility Consider relocation of the fence on the on the northeast corner. Town High Short-term $5,000 Intersection Geometry Consider widening the intersection as right of way permits and adding shoulder to allow for bicycle accommodations. Project High Long-term High** Hess Station Consider closing one of the driveways to the Hess Gas Station, restrict turning movements or convert driveways to entrance/exit only. Project Medium Long-term Medium** Hess Station Restrict trucks from parking along Sea Street. Increased enforcement and signage may need to be considered to inform truck drivers of restriction. Town Medium Short-term $500 (signage) Bus Stops/ Pedestrian Accommodations Conduct a pedestrian study for the heavy activity around the intersection, especially in the vicinity of the Hess Station. The study should focus on pedestrian origin and destination and should identify the locations where pedestrians cross Route 28. Town/Project High Mid-term $10,000 Pedestrian Accommodations Improve pedestrian accommodations at the intersection. Provide a new sidewalk along Depot Street and reconstruct the existing sidewalk on Route 28. Replace existing wheelchair ramps to comply with ADA regulations. Project High Long-term High** Original Seafood Restaurant Consider closing one of the driveways to the Original Seafood Restaurant, restriction of turning movements or convert driveways to entrance/exit only. Project Medium Long-term Medium** Pavement Markings Restripe both stop bars on Sea Street and the crosswalk across the north leg of the intersection. Town Medium Short-term $2,000 Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Project High Long-term High** Project* Medium Long-term High** Responsibility Route 28 (Main Street) at Depot Street Intersection Geometry, Bicycle Accommodations Consider widening the intersection as right of way permits and adding shoulder to allow for vehicular and bicycle accommodations. Intersection Geometry Consider lowering the profile grade on the crest curve to reduce the crest curve east of the intersection. Bicycle Accommodations Provide bicycle accommodations. Project High Long-term High** Pedestrian Accommodations Improve pedestrian accommodations at the intersection. Provide a new sidewalk along Depot Street and reconstruct the existing sidewalk on Route 28. Replace existing wheelchair ramps to comply with ADA regulations. Project High Long-term High** Visibility Trim vegetation on the southeast corner of the intersection. Consider removing the bushes on the east side of the Route 28 Egg and “I” driveway. MassDOT High Short-term $1,000 Visibility Consider limiting the size of destination sign on the southeast corner. As part of this recommendation consider adding supplemental destination signage prior to intersection to alert drivers before entering the intersection. Town* High Short-term $2,500 Signage Add advanced signage for Route 28. These signs should be added prior to the intersection on both Depot Street approaches. MassDOT* Medium Short-term $1,000 Blondie’s Curb Cut Consider reducing the width of the curb cut for Blondie’s Ice Cream. Also consider the restriction of turning movements or making driveways entrance/exit only. Project Medium Long-term Medium** 576 Main Street Provide pedestrian accommodations and remove curb cuts at 576 Main Street. Delineating where the sidewalk is in front of the property to provide pedestrians with a clear spacing. Property Owner/Project Medium Mid/Longterm High** Signage/ Stop Sign Violations Retain double stop signs and intersection ahead signage. Project - - $0 (retain existing signs) Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Speeding Continue to enforce speed limits at the intersection. Consider installing a dynamic speed reading sign or place a speed trailer along Route 28 to inform drivers of their speeds. Town Medium Short-term (Use of police resources) Pavement Markings Extend the Route 28 double yellow centerline west of the intersection approximately 25’. Town/Project Low Short/Longterm Safety Issue Safety Enhancement * $0 $500** These improvements could be included in the planned Route 28 reconstruction project, if the budget allows. Responsibility should be determined by ongoing coordination between the Town and MassDOT. ** Improvements to be incorporated into the proposed project are assumed to be included as part of the overall project cost Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Dennis, MA Main St (Route 28) at Sea St Depot St Meeting Location: Dennis Department of Public Works 120 Theophilis Smith Road, South Dennis, MA Friday, October 18th, 2013 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Discussion of Safety Issues • Crash history, Speed Regulations – provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions 11:00 AM Site Visit • Drive to Main Street at Sea Street and Depot Street • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:30 AM Discussion of Potential Improvements • Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:00 noon Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on October 18th, participants are encouraged to drive/walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: October 18, 2013 Audit Team Member Location: Agency/Affiliation Dennisport – Depot Street/Route 28 Email Address Sgt. John Brady Corey O’Connor Justin Curewitz Lisa Schletzbaum Tom Currier Lev Malakhoff Bob Brown Joseph A. Rodricks Richard Oliveira Jason Walters Barbara LaChance Edward C. Feeney Ross Morrow Dennis Police MassDOT – Safety BETA MassDOT – Safety MassDOT – Proj Mgmt Cape Cod Commission Dennis Fire Town Engineer MassDOT D5 MassDOT D5 MassDOT D5 Traffic Ops MassDOT D5 Traffic Ops VHB Phone Number 857-368-9638 781-255-1982 Road Safety Audit—Route 28 (Main St)/Sea St and Route 28 (Main St)/Depot St—Dennis, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table Main Street (Route 28) at Depot Street, Dennis, MA July 2010 - August 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Time of Day m/d/y Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 D3 1 8/10/10 2:04 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 23 2 3 4 5/28/11 5/30/11 8/6/11 6:37 PM 3:33 PM 4:53 PM Angle Angle Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Cloudy Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way No Improper Driving 17 30 21 77 79 5 8/17/11 1:46 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 25 54 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8/18/11 1/21/12 4/17/12 5/26/12 9/3/12 4/3/13 6/28/13 7/25/13 8/5/13 6:11 PM 7:08 AM 1:27 PM 6:39 AM 12:42 PM 5:56 PM 5:37 PM 12:41 PM 10:40 AM Rear-end Head on Rear-end Angle Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Snow Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 77 75 88 20 51 29 77 40 70 45 27 58 87 55 44 23 26 15 8/21/13 4:31 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Failed to yield right of way Inattention Failed to yield right of way Inattention Failed to yield right of way No Improper Driving Inattention Inattention Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Dennis Police Department. 61 58 Comments D4 Bicyclist was maneuvering around SB queued vehicles and darted left and was hit by V1. V1 did not see V2. After initial collision V1 continued across Main Street to hit V3. Witness stated that V1 did not stop at stop sign. V1 believes V2 did not stop at stop sign. Bicyclist ran into V1 while V1 was turning right. V2 failed to stop at stop sign. V2 claims she "thought the intersection had a blinking light." Both vehicles stopped at stop sign. V1 was not paying attention and hit V1. V2 waiting to turn left when V1 rear-ended it V2 misjudged gap while turning left V1 did not see bicyclist Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Main Street (Route 28) at Depot Street, Dennis, MA CRASH MONTH 50% 40% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 13% 7% 7% 0% J 0% 0% F M A M 7% J J 7% A S 0% 0% 0% O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 20% 27% 20% 20% 13% 13% 10% 0% 7% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 27% 30% 20% 13% 13% 13% 7% 10% 0% 27% 0% 6AM8AM 8AM10AM 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 2PM4PM 4PM6PM 6PM8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 12AM2AM 2AM4AM 4AM6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 60% 13% 20% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet_Depot Street.xlsx Angle 0% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 7% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 10/8/2013 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Main Street (Route 28) at Depot Street, Dennis, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 150% 100% 100% 50% 0% Daylight 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark Lighted Roadway Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow Rain Cloudy Clear 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 7% Dry 0% Severe Crosswinds 93% 7% 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 13% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 80% Snow 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 40% 30% 30% 20% 10% 0% 22% 19% 11% 4% 15-20 4% 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet_Depot Street.xlsx 30-39 7% 4% 40-49 3 of 3 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 10/8/2013 Crash Data Summary Table Main Street (Route 28) at Sea Street, Dennis, MA July 2010 - August 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # 1 Crash Date Time of Day m/d/y 7/2/10 4:04 PM Manner of Collision Type Angle Light Condition Type Daylight Weather Condition Type Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Dry Inattention D1 Ages D2 D3 58 34 50 23 2 7/10/10 11:54 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 3 4 5 6 7 8 1/19/11 3/3/11 3/23/11 4/22/11 5/21/11 7/11/11 3:21 PM 3:41 PM 11:56 AM 5:32 PM 1:01 PM 12:05 PM Angle Angle Angle Angle Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Made an improper turn Failed to yield right of way Inattention Inattention Failed to yield right of way road markings 83 24 19 25 75 43 74 35 61 86 81 78 9 7/27/11 7:09 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 76 41 10 11 8/13/11 8/18/11 11:46 AM 2:44 PM Rear-end Angle Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry 60 29 33 41 12 13 14 15 16 17 8/24/11 9/4/11 6/26/12 10/29/12 5/27/13 8/16/13 12:16 PM 11:19 AM 3:56 PM 12:37 PM 1:09 PM 6:35 PM Angle Angle Angle Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Rain Rain Clear Clear Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry Dry Inattention Failed to yield right of way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Failed to yield right of way 85 55 32 57 75 20 68 33 83 Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Dennis Police Department 76 50 Comments D4 Due to heavy traffic V1 inched into Main St. V2 hit V1 while turning left. V2 thought it had enough time to cross intersection. V2 hit V1 who was pushed into V3. V2 signaled an uninvolved vehicle to turn left. V1 followed directly behind uninvolved vehicle & was hit by V2. V1 did not see V2 V2 stopped at stop sign but did not see V1 V2 did not see V1 Heavy traffic. V2 preceeded into intersection too early, hitting V1 V1 thought V2 was traveling straight so it pulled up to the right of V2. Per the police, there is really only one travel lane in each direction on Sea St. V2 proceeded into the intersection then stopped for a vehicle approaching at a high rate of speed. V1 followed close behind V2. V1 stopped at stop sign but did not see V2 V1 attempted to enter Original Seafood Witness stated they did not see V2 stop at stop sign Pedestrian crossed in front of V1 V1 crossed Main Street & collided with a skateboarder Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Main Street (Route 28) at Sea Street, Dennis, MA CRASH MONTH 30% 27% 25% 20% 13% 15% 10% 13% 7% 13% 7% 5% 7% 7% 7% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A S O 0% 0% N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 20% 27% 20% 13% 10% 0% 13% 13% 7% Monday Tuesday 7% Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 40% 33% 27% 30% 20% 20% 10% 0% 13% 7% 0% 0% 6AM8AM 8AM10AM 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 2PM4PM 4PM6PM 6PM8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 12AM2AM 2AM4AM 4AM6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 73% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 13% Single Vehicle Crash 7% Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet_Sea Street.xlsx 7% Angle 0% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 0% 0% 0% Head on Rear to Rear Unknown 10/8/2013 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Main Street (Route 28) at Sea Street, Dennis, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 150% 100% 100% 50% 0% Daylight 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark Lighted Roadway Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 73% 60% 40% 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Snow Rain Clear 0% 13% Cloudy 13% 20% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 87% 13% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 21% 20% 10% 0% 14% 14% 11% 4% 15-20 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet_Sea Street.xlsx 30-39 40-49 3 of 3 7% 50-59 18% 11% 60-69 70-79 80+ 10/8/2013