ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 1 at Route 123 Route 1 at Route 1A Route 1 at May Street Route 1A and Route 123 City of Attleboro, MA September 15, 2015 Prepared For: MassDOT On Behalf Of: Prepared By: Fay, Spofford & Thorndike 15 Broad Street Suite 301 Boston, Massachusetts Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Table of Contents Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 3 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 8 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 19 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information List of Figures Figure 1: Locus Map .................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: Project Area – Northern Portion ................................................................................................. 6 Figure 3: Project Area – Southern Portion ................................................................................................. 7 List of Tables Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members ............................................................................................. 2 Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ........................................................................... 19 Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary - Route 1 at Route 123.............................................. 20 Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary - Route 1 at Route 1A............................................... 21 Table 5: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary - Route 1 at May Street ............................................ 23 Table 6: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary - Route 1A at Route 123........................................... 24 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Background The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. Fay, Spofford & Thorndike (FST) has been contracted by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division’s District 5, in cooperation with the City of Attleboro, to provide consulting services to evaluate potential transportation improvements at four closely-spaced intersections in Attleboro in the southern part of Attleboro between Exits 2 and 3 on I-95. As shown on Figure 1, these intersections include: Route 1 (Washington Street) at Route 123 (Highland Avenue), Route 1 (Washington Street) at Route 1A (Newport Avenue Connector), Route 1 (Washington Street) at May Street, and Route 1A (Newport Avenue Connector) at Route 123 (Newport Avenue) The area is urban and contains a number of commercial driveways leading to shopping centers, restaurants and other retail uses such as a grocery store, pharmacy, gas station, and a convenience store among others. Some of these uses have multiple driveways and curb cuts for access. Two of the four intersections are deemed a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) High Crash Locations by MassDOT. These HSIP intersections include: Route 1 (Washington Street) at Route 123 (Highland Avenue), and Route 1 (Washington Street) at May Street. In addition to being a high crash location, Route 1 at Route 123 is also on the MassDOT State Wide Top 200 Crash Location List for the years 2010 – 2012. These intersections have been identified as being in need of transportation improvements and are currently undergoing the 25% Design Process. The work is scheduled to be funded under the State Transportation Improvements Plan (TIP) for 2018. As part of the assessment process, FST investigated the crash reports for the prior three years from January 2011 to December 2013 provided by the Attleboro Police Department, and developed crash diagrams to identify and depict the crash location frequencies, the crash types and the severity of each crash. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Project Data After the crash data was reviewed, FST conducted an on-site RSA with participating parties (see Table 1 for the members of the Audit Team) at the Attleboro South Fire Station on May 29th, 2015 at 1476 West Street in Attleboro, MA. The Audit Team consisted of a multi-disciplined team of State engineers; law enforcement professionals, maintenance and emergency response professionals, as well as City representatives. The Audit Team was assembled and the RSA was conducted in conjunction with input from MassDOT’s Safety Management Unit. A list of the Audit Team members is provided in Appendix B. The purpose of this meeting was to identity key issues and discusses potential short-term and longterm improvements and solutions. Prior to the Audit, FST provided the participants with crash diagrams and maps of the RSA study area. An existing conditions aerial photo (Figure 2 and 3) was also provided to depict specific project focus areas as it related to the discussion. Participants were encouraged to visit the intersections prior to the Audit and were urged to consider elements from MassDOT’s Safety Review Prompt List (also included in the handout materials – provided as Attachment E). Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Ron Dubuc Walter Thibodeau Dennis Perkins Kyle Heagney John Mastera Edward Feeney Nitza Otero Jacqueline Schmidt Patrick Dunford Sarah Borenstein Heather Ostertog William Ullom Stephanie Davies Gary Agrassian Richard Oliveira Attleboro Dept. of Public Works - Highway Division Attleboro Municipal Council Attleboro Fire Dept. Attleboro Police Dept. (ADP) MassDOT Highway Division MassDOT Highway Division District 5 MassDOT - MassRIDES Safe Routes to School SRPEDD Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Fay, Spofford & Thorndike MassDOT Highway Division City of Attleboro, Planning City of Attleboro, Planning MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Project Location and Description The Audit Team gathered in the field to observe the four intersections. Surrounding Area These four intersections are a priority for the City of Attleboro and other neighboring communities for transportation improvements because of the land uses associated near the intersections. Route 1 in the RSA study area is an important shopping and retail corridor for Attleboro and the surrounding towns. The four intersections are also located at a short distance from three interchanges with I-95: at Route 123, Route 1A, and Route 1. The Route 1 interchange with I-295 is also at close proximity to the RSA study area. Furthermore, the MBTA South Attleboro commuter rail station is located on Route 1A, approximately1.6-miles south of the Route 1A at Route 123 intersections. The South Attleboro station, located on the Providence Line, has an average boarding of over 1,400 riders a day. The following sections provide a detailed description of the major roadways in the RSA study area. Route 1 (Washington Street), Attleboro, MA Route 1 (Washington Street) in Attleboro is a state-owned urban arterial which runs in a north-south direction (see Figure 2B). In the RSA study area, Route 1 has a four lane cross-section (two lanes in each direction) and is undivided. Route 1 is densely developed with commercial properties with numerous driveway curb-cuts. Retail properties in the RSA study area include the South Attleboro Shopping Center, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Stop and Shop grocery store, CVS pharmacy, Dunkin Donuts, Sunoco Gas Station, Zoot’s Dry Cleaning, and a 7-Eleven Convenience Store. North to Angeline Drive, there are sidewalks on both sides of Route 1 from Route 123. North of the Route 1 and Angeline Drive intersection, there are only sidewalks on the west side of Route 1. From the Route 1/Route 123 intersection, Route 1 carries traffic at a distance of 1.6 miles south to I-95 at Exit 1 towards Pawtucket, RI, and 2.1 miles north to I-295 Exit 16 towards the Emerald Square Mall in North Attleboro. Route 1A/ Newport Avenue Route 1A (Newport Avenue) is a state-owned urban arterial which runs in a north-south direction (see Figure 2A). Route 1A in the RSA study area has a four lane cross section (two lanes in each direction) and is undivided. Route 1A in the RSA study area has commercial uses and driveways, including a driveway to Seven-Eleven and to a tuxedo rental store. There are sidewalks located on both sides of Route 1A in the RSA study area. From the Route 1/ Route1A intersection, Route 1A carries traffic 1.4 miles south to Exit 2 onto I-95, as well as to the South Attleboro commuter rail station on the Providence line. Page 3 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Route 123 (Highland Avenue) Route 123 is a four lane cross-section roadway between Route 1 to Route 1A. East of Route 1A, Route 123 narrows to two lanes (see Figure 2B). Four lanes of traffic are carried west through the Route 1A/Route 1 intersection but then the roadway tapers down to two lanes after 600 feet. The I-95/Route 123 Interchange is approximately 2.2 miles east of the Route 123/Route 1A intersection. Sidewalks exist on both sides of Route 123 between Route 1 and Route 1A. There are also sidewalks on both sides of Route 123 east of Route 1A, but exist only on the southern side of Route 123 west of Route 1. There is dense commercial development with related driveways and curb cuts located on Route 123. In the RSA study area; there are driveways for BJ’s Wholesale Club, Sunoco gas station, Dunkin Donuts, CVS pharmacy and D’Angelo’s restaurant. There are also two small granite monuments located adjacent to Route 123. One is on the northeast corner of Route 1 and Route 123 and the other one is located on the southwest corner of Route 123 and Route 1A. May Street May Street is a two-lane residential street that widens to three lanes (two westbound and one eastbound lane) as it approaches Route 1 (see Figure 2B). The two westbound lanes consist of an exclusive right-turn lane and one through lane. The two lane eastbound approach of May Street to Route 1 widens to three lanes, consisting of an exclusive left-turn lane, a shared left and through lane and an exclusive right-turn lane. May Street provides a connection from Route 1 to Route 123 with only one intersection under signalized control within the 0.25-mile distance between these two highways. The other way to access Route 123 from Route 1 in this area is via three signalized intersections. Local drivers familiar with the area will use May Street to access Route 123 instead of Route 1A. Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Figure 1: Locus Map Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Figure 2: Project Area - Northern Section Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Figure 3: Project Area - Southern Portion Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST On the day of the Audit, a meeting was held at the Attleboro South Fire Station to discuss the audit process, review the distributed materials, and discuss the issues that the audit team members had observed in individual pre-audit visits to the site, or from past personal experiences and knowledge of the project area. Questions and concerns about the project site were noted on a whiteboard at the head of the meeting room, as well as initial ideas for short- and long-term improvements to the site. After the initial meeting, parties from the audit team assembled on site for the Audit Field Walk, which enabled participants a firsthand view of the project site layout, signage, and topography at the four intersections. It also allowed the team to gain a better understanding of the surrounding area and local business. From this perspective, more issues were raised about the overall performance and service of the four intersections and additional ideas for possible improvements were discussed and noted. In addition to the discussion at the pre-audit meeting and during the field visit, there was discussion concerning a proposed development on vacant property south of the intersection at Route 1 and May Street (see Figure 1). The discussion about the development focused on driveway locations and proposed mitigation, which includes a new traffic signal at Angeline Street. Following the Audit Field Walk, the audit team returned to the Fire Station to review the initial concerns and to discuss information gathered during the site walk. At this post-Field Walk meeting, the group discussed potential short-term and long-term improvements to the intersections. Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements Audit Team members were solicited for their observations during the Audit Meeting at the South Attleboro Fire Station and during the Audit Field Walk. The Audit Team members offered the following observations on roadway and intersection issues as they relate to safety. Route 1/ (Washington Street) at Route 123 (Highland Avenue) Route 1 at Route 123 is a HSIP High Crash Location and is also on MassDOT’s Top 200 Crash Locations list for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. According to crash data, most of the crashes at this location occurred during November and December and may be related to increased holiday traffic to the South Attleboro Shopping Center. Pavement Markings and Signs • Eastbound and Westbound approaches from Route 123 are not marked with signs or pavement markings and there is ambiguity about which lanes to be in. Multi-Modal Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST • A pedestrian was struck in the westbound crosswalk on Route 123. According to crash records, it is not clear why the pedestrian was struck by the motor vehicle because the report was not available. It is possible that the turning vehicle from Route 1 southbound turned right on red before realizing that the pedestrian had a walk signal. • One of the bulbs on the pedestrian signal was not functioning during the site visit on the day of the road safety audit. Pedestrian signals were outdated and did not include count-down timers. • There are no bike lanes, “sharrows” or shoulder accommodation for bicyclists. • Sidewalk is not provided on the westbound side of Route 123 past the intersection with Route 1. • The crosswalk pavement markings are somewhat faded. Furthermore, the crosswalks use apex ramps which pose a hazard to blind pedestrians. The existing ramps do not include the ADA compliant detectable panels or APS push buttons. Intersection Control • Westbound turning vehicles from Route 123 to Route 1 southbound as well as Route 1 southbound turning vehicles turning onto Route 123 eastbound were observed getting caught in the middle of the intersection at the end of a yellow cycle. As a result, once the signal turned red, they needed to make an illegal turn against an opposing green light to clear the intersection. Upon review of crash data involving these two movements, the illegal turns against opposing green movements are likely occurring due to driver frustration from delays that are occurring for this movement. • A right-turn-on-red is allowed for the eastbound traffic on Highland Avenue and it is unclear if the sight distance is adequate enough to properly allow for this permitted movement. Obstructions • Queued traffic creates sight obstructions for traffic turning out of the commercial driveways. Crash data shows that the driveway that this is occurring more at include the ones at BJ’s, Dunkin Donuts, CVS and Shell gas station. In addition to driver confusion, drivers may be getting frustrated with delays and queues through the intersection and it was observed that high drivers speed can likely lead to the large number of rear-end and injury collisions observed at this location. • Coordinate with property owners to remove and/or relocate commercial signage that blocks the view of motorists at intersections. Access Points and Traffic Generators Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST • There are multiple driveways for every business or use (example provided in the photo above). Dunkin Donuts has four curb-cuts and painted arrows for eight movements – four entrances and four egresses. The Shell gas station has three curb cuts while the CVS has three as well, two of which lead into the intersection. The most problematic driveway appears to be the BJ’s driveway; this is due to the heavy left turn movements out of the driveway that need to merge with heavy through eastbound movement on Highland Avenue. • The most common type of crash that occurs at and near the Route 1/Route 123 intersection is an angle crash which is likely caused by people forcing themselves out of driveways without being able to see oncoming cars. Another type of driver behavior occurring at this location is when someone who has the right-of-way will allow another vehicle to cut in front of • Figure 4: Multiple Curb Cuts at Dunkin Donuts Then while a driver in the other lane, who also has the right-of-way, does not know this is occurring and is not able to yield in time to avoid a collision. Auxiliary Lanes • Two lanes narrow into one lane heading westbound on Route 123 through the intersection. At • The same time there is a heavily used driveway to the BJ’s Wholesale Club. Vehicles are turning into this driveway from Route 123. This geometry leads to a merge condition, which causes queues and delays, in addition to added queuing and delays from slower right turning vehicles into the BJ’s driveway. This causes turbulence and congestion that affects intersection operations downstream. • The presence of an exclusive westbound left-turn lane but lack of a clearly marked and exclusive eastbound left-turn lane can lead to driver confusion, thus increasing the risk of crashes. Parking • There are no safety issues related to parking in the intersection since parking is restricted at this intersection and is signed “No Parking Anytime” on Route 123. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Route 1 (Washington Street) and Route 1A (Newport Avenue) Pavement Markings • Markings are faded at the Attleboro Square shopping center onto Route 1. Obstructions • The Zoots and Seven-Eleven signs block sight distance for drivers leaving these businesses. Work with property owners to relocate signs. Speed • Figure 5: No Sidewalk on Southeast Leg of Route 1A Vehicles approaching from the southeast begin to increase speed as the travel northbound on Route 1A. This increase in speed may be attributed to driver frustration caused excessive queuing. Due to the poor signal coordination with the downstream intersection, all northeast-bound vehicles are stopped at a red signal at Route 1 and Route 1A. This higher rate of speed increases the required stopping distance and the likelihood of a vehicle attempting to run a red light, thus partially contributing to the high number of rear end collisions at this location. Multi-Modal • Wheelchair ramps at this intersection do not appear to be ADA compliant. They are missing warning plates while the sidewalk and curb where the ramp meets the pavement are not flush. • Pedestrian signal does not include countdown phase and should be considered for an upgrade. • There is no sidewalk on the southeast leg of Route 1A. Lack of sidewalk continues to extend downstream on Route 1A. • Sidewalks terminate on the northbound side of Route 1 just north of this intersection at Angeline Drive. Signs • There is a lack of signage that informs southbound traffic from Route 1 to take a left-turn at the signal to continue onto Route 1A. Intersection Control Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST • Due to the lack of signal coordination between Route 1A and Route 123, vehicles that arrive from the south from Route 1A are frequently stopped by a red signal. This lack of signal coordination could be contributing to the rear-end crashes that are occurring on the Route 1A approach from the south. Access Points and Traffic Generators • To access the South Attleboro Square shopping plaza from the northbound approach with Route 1A, drivers need to continue northbound onto Route 1 and make a U-Turn at the intersection with May Street. • There are two curb cuts south of this intersection on the northbound side of Route 1. It is likely that one of these curb cuts contributed to an angle collision. Occurring while a vehicle attempted to turn left from the driveway to Route 1 southbound and the vehicle traveling southbound on Route 1 did not have time to yield the right-of-way for the left-turning vehicle. • There is proposed development on the vacant lot east of the intersection. This development is being proposed to be bounded by Angeline Drive to the north and Route 1A to the south. The proponent is proposing a new signal at Angeline Drive as well as a right turn-in/right turn-out only driveway on the Route 1A northbound side. Parking • Parking is restricted around the intersection and on the roadways comprising the intersection and therefore does not contribute to collisions or any safety issues within the intersection. Auxiliary Lanes • The southbound left turn pocket on Route 1 is not long enough for its peak queue on Saturday afternoons, resulting in the queue spilling over into the southbound through lanes. Although this did not contribute to any crashes in the past three years, it is possible that it could in the future. Figure 6: No Lane Designations out of South Attleboro Shopping Plaza Route 1 (Washington Street) and May Street Route 1 (Washington Street) at May Street is an HSIP high crash location. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Pavement Markings and Signs • The eastbound right-turn lane should not have a permitted arrow and should have a “NoTurn-on-Red” sign installed because one of the phases that the permitted right turn would operate on is the northbound left turn phase, which is also used as a U-turn phase as indicted by the curb cut out south of the intersection on the southbound side. Figure 7: Right Turn at May Street Should Have a "No-Turn on Red Sign" Speed • Almost 50% of the collisions that occurred at this intersection indicate that the drivers may be speeding or following too closely. Speeding is possibly an issue at this location because of the design speed of the road and the fact that the land use north of this intersection is less dense. Both of these factors make drivers more comfortable driving at higher speeds. Furthermore, speeding may be contributing to rear-end collisions at this location because drivers need more time to break to come to a complete stop if there is an oncoming red light. Multi-Modal • Sidewalks, crosswalks and pedestrians crossing are not provided on the east side of Route 1 northbound from Angelina Drive to May Street. • A pedestrian signal or crosswalk is not provided on the east side of the May Street approach. Obstructions • There were three collisions with fixed objects on the side of the roadway. A likely cause for this is that signs are too close to the roadway. Access Points and Traffic Generators • The approaches entering and exiting May Street to the west of the intersection serve the South Attleboro Square Plaza as well as the Arbour Fuller Hospital. Furthermore, the first phase of the development at Shops at Mayfair is proposed to open across the street on the Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST southeast quadrant of the intersection. This will increase traffic and movements in and out of the intersection. Parking • Parking is restricted in the intersection and on the roadway approaches to the intersection. Therefore, parking does not contribute to any safety concerns within this intersection. Auxiliary Lanes • The queue from the southbound left-turn lane extends into the through lanes. Route 1A and Route 123 Pavement Markings and Signs • There is no delineation of the eastbound movements through the intersection. This could also be contributing to the angle collisions that have occurred with east-westbound traffic on Route 123 with north-southbound traffic on Route 1A due to driver confusion • Northbound permitted right turn on red- vehicles from the Route 1A approach have had collisions with protected left-turning vehicles from the southbound Route 1A approach. Speed • As eastbound traffic is speeding up on Route 123 past the intersection, there is a crossing guard for the Elementary School on Roy Avenue. The curve that exists along this section of Route 123 makes it even more difficult to observe this pedestrian crossing. Multi-Modal • There are no shoulders for bicycle accommodation on all of the approaching roadways to the intersection. • Ramps do not appear to be ADA compliant. • Outdated pedestrian equipment. Intersection Control • The westbound approach on Route 123 past the intersection, heading towards Route 1, spills over into the intersection. Obstructions • Vegetation on the westbound approach near Robert’s Tuxedo is obstructing the lane assignment sign. Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST • Following the intersection on Route 123 eastbound, a curve in the roadway obstructs sight lines. • Traffic spilling over on approaching roadways can block the driver’s view of the signals. Access Points and Traffic Generators • D’Angelo’s, CVS and Mr. Tux all have two redundant driveways. Parking • Since parking is restricted at the intersection and on the street at all roadway approaches to the intersection, it does not contribute to a safety issue. Auxiliary Lanes • The eastbound through, left-, and right-turn movements are not delineated by pavement markings or signs. Also, the through lanes do not line up to the opposite side on Route 123 eastbound approach. • There is no eastbound right-turn lane on Route 123. Potential Safety and Serviceability Enhancements Throughout the RSA, Audit team members voiced ideas about potential transportation that may enhance the safety and serviceability within the RSA project area. Improvements ranged from long term high-cost improvements to short term, low-cost improvements that would offer solutions to the issues observed. The following provides a summary of these recommended transportation improvements. Route 1 and May Street The speeds of vehicles are significantly high in this location. More regulation must be incorporated to establish more control over driver aggression. Multimodal additions are also beneficial. Intersection Control • Apply directional pavement markings to guide vehicles safely across the intersection. Obstructions • Cut down any vegetation jutting out into the roadway to reduce visual blockage of the oncoming intersection. Signs • Relocate signs that obstruct the sight path from all approaches within the intersection. Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Auxiliary Lanes • Lengthen the Route 1 southbound left-turn lane to allow drivers more access and decision time and to accommodate the queuing. Access Points • On the May Street eastbound approach, add a no right-turn-on-red only sign to regulate eastbound vehicles turning right. Route 1 and Route 1A Pavement Markings • Apply lane markings on the pavement to guide drivers exiting the plaza. And include pavement markings from the plaza driveway eastbound into intersections. Lastly, possibly repave the intersection. Intersection Control • Apply directional guidance on pavement to direct vehicles safely through the intersection, particularly on lanes that require exclusive turning movements (e.g. left-turn only lane). • Upgrade the pedestrian signal to include a visible countdown. • Reconfiguring and squaring the intersection to allow the northbound movement on Route 1A to access the driveway to the South Attleboro Square shopping plaza. • Increase the all-red time for traffic signals to improve queue clearance and prevent rear-end collisions Signage • Implement more signs that warn drivers about the lane designations at the intersection. Auxiliary Lanes • Lengthen the southbound left-turn lane to reduce congestion and trapped vehicles. Figure 8: No Route 123 Eastbound Lane Designations Multi-modal Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST • Pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks must be extended along the southeast portion of the intersection at where Route 1A is. Route 1A and Route 123 Pavement Markings • Apply lane pavement markings, “elephant tracks” to guide drivers through the intersection. Possibly repave the road. Speed • Repaint the crosswalk to make it more conspicuous to drivers, so that they will be more alert to it and drive more cautiously as a result. • Apply more signage that provide more regulation to speed limits on Route 123. Multi-Modal • Widen the shoulders of the existing roadway to accommodate bicycle travel. • Replace and/or redesign ramps to be ADA compliant Intersection Control • Coordinate signal timings with neighboring intersections, specifically with the northbound traffic to Route 1 and the eastbound traffic from Route 1. Obstructions • Remove or trim trees obstructing signs on the Route 123 eastbound approach. Access Points • Improve driveways in adjacent commercial areas to encourage uniform traffic movement. • Eliminate any unnecessary driveway entrances/exits that may interfere with the intersection. Route 1 and Route 123 Multi-modal • Replace sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety along the intersection. Specifically, remove unnecessary curb cuts along sidewalks. • Reconstruct pedestrian ramps to comply with ADA regulations. Page 17 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST • Install new pedestrian signal equipment. • Updated Bicycle accommodations by either increasing the shoulder length or incorporating “sharrows.” • Install crosswalk markings that are accurately aligned with the intersection geometry. Intersection Control • Update the signal timing plan of the intersection so that green times are effectively distributed towards all roadway approaches; this can alleviate traffic queues, which is a major issue here. Access Points • The Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) did a study documenting all of the curb cuts in the study area. Recommendations of working with business owners to consolidate curb cuts were evaluated. The recommendations in this study should be revisited. • An evaluation of locations of curb cuts where left-turns can be eliminated. • BJ’s driveway is an issue and mitigation for it should be investigated. Evaluate allowing right-turn on red allowed on eastbound traffic. Pavement Markings • “Elephant track” pavement markings placed from Route 123 eastbound to Route 1 northbound along with the same type of pavement markings from Route 123 westbound to Route 1 southbound would guide drivers into their lane, cut down on confusion and make lane delineation more apparent. • In addition, clear pavement markings representing distinct turning movements should be installed on all lanes in the approaching roadways Route 1A at Route 123, Route 1A at Route 1 and Route 1 at May Street Intersection Control and Access Points • Discussed creating a one-way street pattern among these three intersections. Advantages of this enhancement include reduced delay, driver confusion and conflict points and better access to destinations within the area of these three intersections. These enhancements could all result in reduced crashes and improved safety for all three intersections. This alternative should be evaluated in the proposed design. Page 18 Road Safety Audit—Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Summary of Road Safety Audit List each safety issue and potential safety enhancement discussed during the audit. For each safety issue, describe the potential safety enhancement, its potential safety payoff, the estimated time frame for completion, the estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency. If there are conceptual or design plans in progress for this location, identify the potential safety enhancements that have been incorporated into the design. If there are issues with the plans, as designed, this should be noted as well. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and may be based on the relative percent of crashes that may be reduced by the enhancement based on known and documented crash reduction factors, if available, or estimated crash reduction based on a stated source. Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Costs Short-Term <1 Year Low <$10,000 Mid-Term 1-3 Years Medium $10,000-$50,000 Long-Term >3 Years High >$50,000 Page 19 Road Safety Audit— Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Route 1 at Route 123 Safety Issue Pavement Markings Potential Safety Enhancement Apply new pavement markings for turning movements on various lanes. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Short Low MassDOT Medium Short Low City of Attleboro High Short Low MassDOT High Mid Medium MassDOT and City of Attleboro High Long High MassDOT and City of Attleboro Implement exclusive bike lanes on Rt. 123 to accommodate/improve cyclist safety Medium Mid Low MassDOT Re-apply crosswalk pavement markings to enhance pedestrian guidance across intersection Medium Short Low MassDOT Medium Short Medium MassDOT High Mid High City of Attleboro Obstructions Coordinate with property owners to remove and/or relocate commercial signage that blocks the view of motorists at intersections. Intersection Control Evaluate Lead Green time for traffic signals to improve queue clearance and reduce rear-ends collisions. Right turn on red should not be allowed. Auxiliary Lanes Extend the lane merge on Route 123 to the west to avoid interference with the heavily-used driveway for the BJ’s Wholesale Club Replace and construct new sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety. Also, remove unnecessary curb cuts along sidewalks Multi-modal Upgrade the pedestrian signals to include a visible countdown Access Points and Traffic Generators Reduce and/or combine curb cuts for driveways to adjacent commercial/retail properties. Page 20 Road Safety Audit— Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Route 1 at Route 1A Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Pavement Markings Apply new pavement markings for turning movements on various lanes. Obstructions Coordinate with property owners to remove and/or relocate commercial signage that blocks the view of motorists at intersections. Intersection Control Auxiliary Lanes Multi-modal Signs Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Short Low Medium Short Low Increase the all-red time for traffic signals to improve queue clearance and prevent further vehicle collisions High Short Low MassDOT Improve the signal coordination between adjacent intersections to increase safety and improve mobility. High Mid Medium MassDOT Lengthen left turn lanes/bays to store higher volumes and enhance driver’s decision time Medium Mid Medium MassDOT and City of Attleboro Replace and construct new sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety. Also, remove unnecessary curb cuts along sidewalks MassDOT City of Attleboro MassDOT and City of Attleboro High Long High Reconstruct ramps to comply with ADA regulations Medium Mid Medium MassDOT and City of Attleboro Upgrade the pedestrian signals to include a visible countdown Medium Short Medium MassDOT High Short Low MassDOT Medium Short Low MassDOT Add and relocate highway guide signs to inform drivers about the assigned directions of each lane. Add signage that warns drivers of an upcoming signalized intersection. Page 21 Road Safety Audit— Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Route 1 at Route 1A (cont.) Safety Issue Access Points and Traffic Generators Potential Safety Enhancement Reduce and/or combine curb cuts for driveways to adjacent commercial/retail properties. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Mid High High Long High Add a new traffic signal at Angeline Street for the proposed new development area Medium Long High MassDOT Reconfigure Intersection to allow the NB thru movement of Rte 1A to access the shopping center High Long High MassDOT and the City of Attleboro Remove unnecessary curb cuts along sidewalks City of Attleboro City of Attleboro Page 22 Road Safety Audit— Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Table 5: Proposed Safety Enhancement Summary - Route 1 at May Street Safety Issue Pavement Markings Obstructions Intersection Control Auxiliary Lanes Potential Safety Enhancement Signs Speed Cost Low Responsible Agency Medium Short Coordinate with property owners to remove and/or relocate commercial signage that blocks the view of motorists at intersections. Medium Short Trim trees and other vegetation obstruct motorists’ views of highway guide signs. Low Short Increase the all-red time for traffic signals to improve queue clearance and reduce various vehicle collisions. High Short Low MassDOT Medium Mid Medium MassDOT and City of Attleboro Medium Short Low Replace and construct new sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety. Also, remove unnecessary curb cuts along sidewalks High Long High MassDOT and City of Attleboro Install new pedestrian signals that include a visible countdown Medium Mid High MassDOT Add and relocate highway guide signs to inform drivers about the assigned directions of each lane. High Short Low MassDOT Medium Short Low MassDOT High Mid High High Short Low Lengthen left turn lanes/bays to store higher volumes and enhance driver’s decision time where applicable. Add signs that warn drivers of an upcoming signalized intersection. Access Points and Traffic Generators Time Frame Apply a new permitted arrow for the eastbound right turn lane Add ‘no-turn-on-red’ signs where applicable. Multi-modal Safety Payoff Reduce and/or combine curb cuts for driveways to adjacent commercial/retail properties affiliated with the South Attleboro Square Plaza. Discussion of mitigation for the proposed development on Route 1 south of May Street. Increase enforcement and speed regulation signage between adjacent intersections. Low Low MassDOT City of Attleboro City of Attleboro MassDOT City of Attleboro MassDOT Page 23 Road Safety Audit— Route 1, 1A, 123 and May Street Intersections in Attleboro, MA Prepared by FST Table 6: Proposed Safety Enhancement Summary - Route 1A/Newport Ave and Route 123/Highland Ave Safety Issue Pavement Markings Obstructions Potential Safety Enhancement Apply a new permitted arrow for the eastbound right turn lane Remove and/or relocate current signs (i.e. commercial type) on the concrete island that may block the view of intersecting roadways Trim vegetation blocking intersection Increase the all-red time for traffic signals to improve queue clearance Intersection Control Auxiliary Lanes Multi-modal Access Points and Traffic Generators Speed Retime and optimize cycle lengths to improve distribution of green time Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Low Medium Short Medium Short Low Short High Medium Short Low Short Low Low Low Responsible Agency MassDOT City of Attleboro City of Attleboro MassDOT MassDOT Apply clear delineation of pavement markings for the eastbound approach Medium Short Low MassDOT Add no-turn-on-red sign that can clearly inform drivers of limited priority when turning right on the eastbound approach Medium Short Low MassDOT Implement bike lanes, ramps and equipment on Rt. 123 to accommodate higher cyclist volumes Medium Mid Low MassDOT High Mid High City of Attleboro High Short Low MassDOT and City of Attleboro Low MassDOT and City of Attleboro Implement constraints and regulations that will enhance safer, uniform traffic flow along nearby driveways Increase signage that incorporate more speed regulation between adjacent intersections Add signs that warn drivers of areas with high pedestrian volumes between intersections High Short Page 24 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Route 1 (Washington Street), 1A (Newport Ave), 123 (Highland Ave) and May Street Attleboro Friday May 29, 2015 8:30 – Noon Attleboro South Fire Station 1476 West Street Road Safety Audit Outline Prepared by Heather Ostertog, FST Introductions – 8:30AM • • • Welcome and Thanks for coming What is a RSA? – A formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent audit team. Important to get input from a broad cross section of individuals that are most familiar with the study area including public responders, designers, maintenance staff and pedestrian and bicycle advocacy. Review Agenda Review Existing Conditions • • • • • • Map with ADTs on it Identify signals Identify pedestrian signals and crosswalks Identify the Middle School Identify traffic volumes Operations o AM Peak Hour LOS C or better o AM Queues Ok o PM Peak Hour LOS is D or better. D at Newport Ave and Highland Avenue and C at Washington Street at May Street. o PM Queues – WB Left queue from Highland to Washington spills out of pocket. EB queue at Washington and May Street possible problem? SB Left queue at Washington Street and Newport Avenue Connector. o Saturday Peak Hour LOS – Washington Street at Newport Avenue Connector. SB left turn and EB left turn LOS F. Overall LOS F and overall delay of 100 seconds. Washington and May Street. EB and SB left LOS F. Overall LOS E and delay of 70 seconds. Other two intersections operate at LOS C. o Saturday Queues – EB Washington at May Street spill over in the through lane. SB left spill over from left turn lane. SB Left at Washington and Newport Connector spill over. • Crashes o HSIP High Crash Locations – Washington Street at May Street and Washington Street at Highland Avenue (Top 200 Intersection Crash Location Statewide) o 128 Total reported crashes in 3 years o Crash Trends by Location Washington at Highland – Driveways, rear-ends, left turns, sideswipes pedestrian in crosswalk o Highland at Newport – Left turns and rear-ends o Washington at Newport Ave Connector – Left turns and rear-ends o Washington at May Street – Rear-end, Single Vehicle crashes, bicycle crash Talk About Field Visit o Purpose? To ID the issues that impact safety o What to look for? – Review Prompt List Field Visit – 9:30AM – 10:45AM o Thoughts and personal experiences on how location operates o Thoughts from your professional knowledge and expertise Post Visit – 11:00 AM - Noon o ID issues o SOLUTIONS – Short/Medium/Long Term o • • • Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: September 15, 2015 Location: Attleboro, MA Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Email Address Phone Number Ron Dubuc Attleboro Dept. of dpw2@cityofattleboro. Public Works - Highway 508-223-2222 x3157 us Division Walter Thibodeau Attleboro Municipal Council walterthibodeau2@aol. 508-399-6549 com Attleboro Fire Dept. fireprevention@cityofa 774-203-1921 Kyle Heagney Attleboro Police Dept. (ADP) kheagney@attleboropo 508-222-1212 John Mastera MassDOT Highway Division john.mastera@dot.stat 857-368-9648 Edward Feeney MassDOT Highway Division District 5 edward.feeney@state. 508-884-4242 Nitza Otero MassDOT - MassRIDES Safe Routes to School nitza.otero@dot.state. 857-368-8649 Jacqueline Schmidt SRPEDD 508-824-1367 x234 Patrick Dunford Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) 617-924-1770 Sarah Borenstein Fay, Spofford & Thorndike m 781-221-1064 Heather Ostertog Fay, Spofford & Thorndike 617-274-1307 William Ullom MassDOT Highway Division william.ullom@state.m 837-368-9627 Stephanie Davies City of Attleboro, Planning seniorplanner@cityofat 508-223-2222 x3144 Gary Agrassian City of Attleboro, Planning cityplanner@cityofattle 508-223-2222 x3143 Richard Oliveira MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Richard.oliveira@state. 508-844-4258 Dennis Perkins Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Appendix D. Additional Information Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995.