Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park
Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Woburn, MA
January 12, 2015
Prepared For:
On Behalf Of:
Vanasse & Associates, Inc.
35 New England Business Center Drive, Suite 140
Andover, MA 01810
Prepared By:
Bayside Engineering, Inc. 600 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn, MA 01801 Table of Contents
Background .................................................................................................................................2
Project Data .................................................................................................................................2
Project Location and Description..............................................................................................3
Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................7
Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................20
List of Appendices
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
Appendix D.
Appendix E.
RSA Meeting Agenda
RSA Audit Team Contact List
Detailed Crash Data
Additional Information
List of Figures
Figure 1: Locus Map.................................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 2: Aerial Photo…………………………………………………………………………………… 5
List of Tables
Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members............................................................................................. 3
Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown........................................................................... 20
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary................................................................................... 21
Page 1
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has developed a Strategic
Highway Safety Plan to maximize safety for users of the roadway system and one of the many
strategies of this plan is to conduct a Road Safety Audit (RSA) at high-crash locations. A RSA is
defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a formal safety examination of an
existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary audit team. The safety
improvements recommended through a RSA typically vary from low cost measures which may
be completed as short-term measures to more significant improvements that are more costly,
long term measures.
The Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive and Washington Street at
Olympia Avenue intersections are under traffic signal control and operate in coordination as part
of a larger coordinated traffic signal system. These two traffic signals are under the jurisdiction
of MassDOT. The intersection of Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive
has been determined by MassDOT to be on the top 5% high crash list for the Boston Region
Metropolitan Planning Organization, making a RSA a requirement prior to any design and
development in the area. A vacant land parcel within Tower Park Drive is proposed for
The Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive is a four-way intersection.
The Washington Street at Olympia Avenue is a T-Type intersection located approximately 325
feet south of the Route I-95 NB Ramps. Approximately 200 feet north of the Route I-95 NB
Ramps is the two-way access driveway to Woburn Foreign Motors and approximately 500 feet
north is the bridge over Route I-95.
In response to the high incidences of crashes at these intersections, MassDOT requires that this
RSA be prepared to identify safety issues and potential enhancements that may be implemented
in conjunction with future public or private development projects.
Project Data
The RSA meeting took place on Tuesday January 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM in the Bayside
Engineering conference room at 600 Unicorn Park Drive in Woburn. The audit team Members
and their affiliations participating in the RSA meeting are listed in Table 1.
The initial step in completing the RSA process is to prepare background material for the audit
site. The background material for this RSA included crash data from January 2009 to December
2013 summarized as collision diagrams and in graph format; traffic volumes that included both
ADT and peak hour turning movement counts; and speed data on Washington Street. This
information was provided to the audit team as part of the meeting agenda. The audit team was
encouraged to review the data and conduct their own site visit of the intersections to become
familiar with the safety issues to be discussed.
Page 2
The audit team assembled as scheduled at the Bayside Engineering conference room and the
background information was briefly reviewed. A discussion of some of the intersection concerns
was also initiated followed by the audit team visiting the intersections.
At completion of the of the site visit, the audit team returned to the Bayside Engineering office to
continue discussion of the intersection safety concerns as well as possible enhancements. The
audit meeting was adjourned with a brief explanation of the remainder of the process and
approximate time schedule to complete the audit report.
Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members
Audit Team Member
William Ullom
Boston Traffic, MassDOT
Brian Levine
District 4 Projects, MassDOT
Nick Manigat
Nick Renaud
Robert Ferullo
Woburn Police Department
Giles Ham
Vanasse & Associates
John O’Neil
Woburn Police Department
Denis Dowdle
John Mastera
Highway Safety, MassDOT
Lee Kreplick
District 4 MassDOT
Nicholas Pineau
Brett Gonsalves
Woburn Engineering Department
Sara Timoner
District 4 Traffic, MassDOT
Ray Mooney
Woburn Police Department
Bruno Campea
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Project Location and Description
The Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive and Washington Street at
Olympia Avenue intersections are located in the southwest quadrant of the Route I-95 and Route
I-93 interchange as shown on Figure 1, Locus Map.
Washington Street and Olympia Avenue through this area both have a Federal Functional
Classification of Urban Minor Arterial. Washington Street travels in a north to south direction
and is four lanes wide from the northbound approach at the Olympia Avenue intersection
extending southbound. Between the Olympia Avenue intersection and the Route I-95 Ramp
intersection, Washington Street has a five-lane cross section that includes a designated left turn
lane in the northbound direction for the on-ramp traffic. From the ramp intersection northbound,
Washington Street narrows and is striped as two lanes traveling over the bridge over Route I-95.
Olympia Avenue travels in an east to west direction and provides one lane in each direction.
Olympia Avenue intersects Washington Street at a right angle to form a T-type intersection with
Page 3
Figure 1: Locus Map
Page 4
Figure 2: Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive &
Washington Street at Olympia Avenue – Aerial View
Page 5
Washington Street. Olympia Avenue provides two lanes at its intersection approach, each
designated as an exclusive left and right turn lane, respectively. Aerial views of the two
intersections are provided in Figure 2. Approximately 200 feet north of the Washington Street at
Route I-95 NB ramps intersection, a two-way access driveway for Woburn Foreign Motors is
located on the west side of Washington Street. The driveway approach is striped for left and right
turn lanes onto Washington Street.
Washington Street has a posted speed limit of 35 MPH in the northbound direction north of the
ramp intersection and Olympia Avenue has a posted speed limit of 35 MPH in the westbound
direction several hundred feet west of the Washington Street intersection.
The Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/ Tower Park Drive and Washington Street at
Olympia Avenue intersections are under traffic signal control and are under the jurisdiction of
MassDOT. The two intersections operate in a closed-loop coordinate system that includes the
following other locations:
Washington Street at Mishawum Road
Mishawum Road at Commerce Way/Route I-95 SB Ramps
Commerce Way at Lowe’s Access (Town-owned)
Mishawum Road at Woburn Mall (Town-owned)
The Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive traffic signal control is a
four-phase system that includes a protected northbound left-turn lag phase preceded by the
Washington Street through-phase. The Route I-95 NB Ramps and the Tower Park Drive
approaches operate with split phasing. The traffic signal system has no pedestrian
accommodations. The Washington Street lane configuration consists of two southbound thru
lanes and two northbound through lanes in addition to the designated left turn lane. The
Washington Street southbound right turns onto the NB Ramp are channeled from traffic signal
control by a large delta island. The Route I-95 NB Ramp approach has two lanes permitting
double left-turn lanes. The ramp right turn are channeled by a large delta island so it operates
under yield sign control. The Tower Park Drive approach flares out at the approach so that
vehicles queue separately for left and right turns. A sidewalk is located along the westerly side of
Washington Street. A crosswalk is striped for pedestrians crossing the ramp approach from the
north side to the south side along Washington Street.
Immediately north of the Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive intersection, approximately
200 feet away, Washington Street is intersected on the west side by a driveway to the Woburn
Foreign Motors facility. This driveway is approximately 50 feet wide and is striped for separate
left and right turns.
The Washington Street at Olympia Avenue traffic signal control is a three-phase system that
includes a protected northbound left turn advance followed by the Washington Street through
phase and the Olympia Avenue right and left turn phase. The traffic signal system has no
pedestrian accommodations. The Washington Street lane configuration consists of two
southbound through lanes and two northbound through lanes. The Olympia Avenue approach
consists of a two-lane approach providing separate designated right and left turn lanes. A
Page 6
sidewalk is located along the westerly side of Washington Street. A crosswalk is striped for
pedestrians crossing the Olympia Avenue approach from the north side to the south side along
Washington Street.
Audit Observations and Potential Safety
After the audit team participated in the RSA site visit on January 12, 2016, the audit team
members returned to the conference room at Bayside Engineering and a group discussion was
held on the various safety issues that were observed to have an impact on the intersection safety.
The safety issues that were observed and discussed include:
Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/ Tower Park Drive
The two-way access driveway to Woburn Foreign Motors facility.
Short northbound taper approaching Washington Street Bridge over Route I-95.
Washington Street Bridge over Route I-95 is too narrow.
Red light running at Route I-95 NB Ramp traffic signal.
The right most left turn lane of the two turn lanes from Route I-95 NB off-ramp is
6. Northbound vehicles approaching the Route I-95 NB Ramp intersection are not always in
the proper lane and lack the opportunity to change lanes.
7. The queue from the northbound dedicated left turn lane blocks the Olympia Avenue
8. No southbound dedicated left turn lane into Tower Park Drive.
9. Lack of proper pedestrian accommodations.
10. The large guide sign at the ramps is a visual distraction to motorists.
11. Poor pavement conditions.
12. Poor lane markings at Tower Park Drive approach.
13. No bicycle accommodations on Washington Street.
Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
1. Trucks turning left from Olympia Avenue utilize both Washington Street exit lanes.
2. Large trucks traveling southbound and turning right infringe over the Olympia Avenue
double yellow centerline.
3. Timing of the traffic signal clearance intervals appears to create operational issues.
4. Poor pavement conditions.
5. Poor visibility of some span wire mounted signal housings.
6. Lack of proper pedestrian accommodations.
Each of the safety issues listed above is described in more detail in the following paragraphs
along with the potential enhancements discussed during the RSA meeting.
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Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/ Tower Park Drive and at Woburn
Foreign Motors Driveway:
Observed Safety Issue #1 - The two-way access driveway to Woburn Foreign
Motors facility:
This driveway is in close proximity to the Route I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Drive intersection.
It is a full access driveway with separate left and right turn lanes at its approach to Washington
Street. Because of its close proximity to the signalized intersection, vehicles often queue past the
driveway during the red signal indication. Vehicular conflicts created by the two-way access
driveway at Woburn Foreign Motors facility is a safety issue. This was observed and is evident
from the high percentage of crashes recorded in front of the driveway. In particular, a good
majority of “courtesy” type crashes result when a southbound vehicle in the inside lane stops to
let a left turn vehicle out of the driveway but a southbound vehicle in the outer lane doesn’t see
the exiting vehicle until it’s too late and a
collision occurs. Because of the close
proximity of this driveway to the ramp
intersection, vehicles normally queue past
the driveway. There are also safety
concerns for northbound vehicles making a
left turn into the facility. They normally
have to wait for a gap in the southbound
traffic stream so they queue in the
northbound inside through lane, thus
causing delays and/or other conflicts with
northbound vehicles changing lanes to
avoid getting stuck behind the stopped
Potential Safety Enhancements:
Southbound vehicles queue past Woburn
Foreign Motors driveway.
1. Install traffic signal control at the driveway. The traffic signals should be coordinated with or
made part of the phasing operations at the Route I-95 NB Ramp for optimum efficiency.
Traffic signal control will assign right-of-way for both entering and exiting vehicles to
Woburn Foreign Motors.
2. With traffic signal control of the driveway, “No Turn on Red” sign should be installed facing
the Woburn Foreign Motors driveway. Poor visibility from the driveway looking to the north
could cause a hazardous condition to right turning vehicles.
3. Widen Washington Street to construct a northbound dedicated left turn lane with protected
phasing for vehicles making a left turn into Woburn Foreign Motors.
4. Provide a “Do Not Block Intersection” sign for Washington Street traffic as well as pavement
markings to indicate the Woburn Foreign Motors intersection area not to be blocked.
Page 8
5. Conduct an education program (using flyers and newspaper ads) to educate the driving public
about the benefits of obeying the signs or the courtesy of not blocking any intersection.
Observed Safety Issue #2 - Short northbound taper approaching Washington Street
Bridge over Route I-95:
Washington Street north of the Route I-95 NB
Ramp intersection is striped as two lanes for a short
distance up to the Woburn Foreign Motors
driveway. At this point the two lane striping ends
and the roadway narrows up to the bridge over
Route I-95, which is striped with a double yellow
center line for travel as one lane in each direction.
Although the broken lane lines end, there is no
warning signage to indicate the roadway narrows
and one lane ends. Motorists fail to yield and the
results are sideswipe type collisions.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Install an advance lanes merge sign to warn
motorist of the change in roadway cross section.
Broken lane lines end and roadway
transitions from two lanes to one
2. Install new pavement markings to provide a better
visual indication that there is a change in the roadway cross section, such as striping an edge
of road taper and a wider shoulder up to the bridge.
Observed Safety Issue #3 - Washington Street Bridge over Route I-95 is too
The Washington Street Bridge over Route I95 is a bottle neck in the roadway.
Washington Street is multi-lane northbound
and southbound on both sides of the bridge
but the bridge cross section consists of a
single wide lane in each direction. It was
observed that there are times when vehicles
form two lanes in either direction. This is
particularly the case when queued vehicles
from the traffic signals on either side of the
bridge slow traffic down. Vehicles traveling
side by side in one wide lane may be the
cause for many of the sideswipe crashes.
Washington Street Bridge Over Route I-95 single lane in each direction.
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Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Construct new Washington Street Bridge over Route I-95 that provides a four lane cross
section and appropriate shoulders.
2. Investigate the possibility of widening the curb to curb width on the bridge by removing the
sidewalk on the east side of the bridge. There is no sidewalk along the east side of
Washington Street either north or south of the bridge.
Observed Safety Issue #4 - Red light running at Route I-95 NB Ramp traffic
Officers from the Woburn Police Department stated that red light running takes place at these
signals, most notably by motorists from the Route I-95 NB Ramp turning left heading
northbound. It appears to them that vehicles tend to speed up once they see the yellow light and
as a result, the vehicles go through during a red signal. This may be the result of poor signal
operation or, as suggested by the officers, this is due to frustration and trying to avoid waiting
through another cycle.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Check the intersection cycle timing and in particular the signal timing of the ramp green
phase that it is at optimum efficiency. Any changes in timing to this intersection will need to
be evaluated as to how it impacts the system coordination.
2. Check that clearances (yellow and red) are timed correctly for the conditions, not only for the
ramp phase but for all phases.
3. Increase enforcement for red light running. Law enforcement of red light running is an
enhancement measure that can be undertaken by local authority as the issue arises.
Observed Safety Issue #5 – The right most left turn lane of the two turn lanes from
Route I-95 NB off-ramp is underutilized:
It was observed that the outer left turn lane at the Route I-95 NB off-ramp was underutilized. It
was suggested that one reason for this is that the outer left lane is shorter in length because it also
serves right turns which are channeled from left turn vehicles by a large delta island. It may also
be due to driver’s hesitancy to make the turn in the outer lane because that lane ends a short
distance north of the intersection. It was suggested that this maneuver could be improved and
made safer by providing advance signage and improved pavement markings.
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Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Check ramp signage and provide advance
signs such as R3-8 series to encourage use
of double left turn lanes. Utilizing both
lanes will make the ramp operate more
efficiently, reduce queue lengths and
driver frustration
2. Add skip lines to guide vehicles as they
maneuver side by side from the double
left turn lane ramp approach to the two
lanes on Washington Street northbound.
Double left turn lanes at Route
I-95 NB Ramp
Observed Safety Issue #6 – Northbound vehicles approaching the Route I-95 NB
Ramp intersection are not always in the proper lane and lack the opportunity to
change lanes.
The lane configuration at the northbound Washington Street approach to the Route I-95 NB
Ramp consists of a dedicated left turn lane, a through lane and a through/right turn lane. It has
been observed that some vehicles traveling in the center through lane make a left turn from that
lane. It has also been observed that some vehicles traveling in the left turn lane will go straight
through once the vehicle reaches the
intersection. This could be caused by
vehicles approaching from the
Olympia Avenue intersection getting
trapped in the wrong lane and not
being able to maneuver into the
correct lane in time due to the short
distance between intersections and/or
interference of queued vehicles. In
particular this happens when the left
turn lane queue from the ramp extends
to Olympia Avenue so that left turn
vehicles from Olympia Avenue must
turn onto the right most lane and then
have to try to merge back to the left
turn lane before they reach the ramp.
Washington Street northbound approach at Route I-95
NB Ramp
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Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Check the traffic signal timing and make sure the coordination system is working and the
system is operating at optimum efficiency to minimize the queue lengths.
2. Replace existing “Left Turn Lane Must Turn Left” sign with new sign.
3. Supplement this sign with other signs both in advance of the intersection (on Washington
Street at Olympia Avenue) and at the ramp intersection stop line. These signs will provide
advance lane use information and direct motorists into the correct lanes, as well as reaffirm
the lane use at the stop line.
4. Change the lens indication on the span wire mounted signal housing that is aligned over the
center through lane from a green ball to a vertical arrow, reinforcing that the center lane
vehicle is to go straight only.
5. Add skip lines to guide vehicles from the left turn lane to the ramp. This will provide visual
reinforcement that only left turns should be made from this lane.
Observed Safety Issue #7 - The queue from the northbound dedicated left turn lane
blocks the Olympia Avenue intersection:
The queue in the dedicated left turn lane to the Route I-95 NB ramps was observed to extend up
to and at times past the Olympia Avenue intersection. This causes a number of issues at the
Olympia Avenue intersection, including grid-lock and vehicles turning left from Olympia
Avenue unable to access proper lane.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Install “Do Not Block Intersection”
2. Check the traffic signal timing and
make sure the coordination system
is working and the system is
operating at optimum efficiency to
minimize the queue lengths.
3. The lag phasing at the Route I-95
NB Ramp may be a contributing
factor to this issue. Evaluate the
Route I-95 NB Ramp traffic signals
replacing the lag phase with a lead
Northbound dedicated left turn lane queue
length extends beyond Olympia Avenue
Page 12
4. Widen the Washington Street segment between Olympia Avenue and the Route I-95 NB
Ramps so that the dedicated left turn lane can be extended with striping up to the Olympia
Avenue intersection. This will provide some additional capacity by striping three northbound
lanes. It will also allow left turn vehicles to access the dedicated left turn lane or the through
center lane as they exit the Olympia Avenue approach and thus prevent the left turn lane
trapping of vehicle discussed in Observed Safety Issue #6.
Observed Safety Issue #8 - No southbound dedicated left turn lane into Tower Park
The Washington Street southbound approach at the Route I-95NB Ramp/Tower Park Drive
consists of two lanes, a through lane and a through/left turn lane into Tower Park Drive. Vehicles
turning left into Tower Park Drive have to wait for a gap in the northbound traffic stream in
order to make the left turn. Since there is no designated left turn lane, vehicles stop in the inner
through lane with through vehicles by-passing on either side.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Widen Washington Street and construct a designated left turn lane into Tower Park Drive,
aligned to face opposite the northbound designated left turn lane.
2. Evaluate the traffic signal operations to provide a northbound and southbound protected left
turn phase.
Observed Safety Issue #9 - Lack of proper pedestrian accommodations:
The intersection is deficient and lacks many pedestrian accommodations. There is no sidewalk
on the east side of Washington Street, even though it is evident from the path created in the
grassed area that pedestrians walk there. The traffic signal system does not include pedestrian
housings or push buttons to provide pedestrian crossing protection. Crosswalk pavement
markings exist only along Washington Street and are faded to the point of non-existing. There
are no crosswalk lines to cross Washington Street. Wheelchair ramps and cut through ramps are
too narrow and non-compliant. Improperly mounted signs (too low) block pedestrian paths.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Construct a sidewalk along the east
side of Washington Street. Per the
Healthy Transportation Policy, a
sidewalk should be installed along
the entire length of the easterly side
up to and connect with the bridge
sidewalk. A sidewalk on the east
side from the service station on the
Bituminous concrete ramp lacks proper slope and
taper. No detectable warning panel.
Page 13
south to the bridge in the north will provide a
continuous sidewalk path.
2. Install pedestrian signals and push buttons to
provide a protected or concurrent pedestrian
crossing phase to the signal system.
3. Construct ADA compliant wheelchair ramps and/or
cut-through at pedestrian crosswalks.
4. Reconstruct existing bituminous asphalt driveways
to cement concrete for ADA compliance.
5. Install new pavement markings, stop lines and
crosswalks that would include adding a crossing for
Washington Street.
Narrow pedestrian cut-through ramp.
Observed Safety Issue #10 - The large guide sign at the ramps is a visual
distraction to motorists:
The large ground mounted guide sign at
the end of the Route I-95 NB Ramp is a
visual distraction to motorists. The sign’s
size tends to attract the drivers focus and
at the same time obstruct or hide vehicles
exiting the off-ramps.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Remove existing sign from its current
location and replace it with new
ground mounted standard sign at a
more strategic location so as not to
obstruct the drivers view.
Large guide sign at the end of Route I-95 NB
Ramp – two posts straddle the pedestrian cutthrough in the median.
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Observed Safety Issue #11 - Poor pavement conditions:
The bituminous asphalt pavement on Washington Street is in very poor condition. Although
much of the bituminous asphalt pavement cracking has been repaired with a sealant, there are
still a number of areas with patching. At the northbound approach to the ramp, the pavement
patch has started to rut.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. The Washington Street bituminous
asphalt pavement from the north
side of the Route I-95 NB Ramp
intersection to the south side of the
should be investigated (tested) and
repaired accordingly.
Deteriorated bituminous concrete pavement at the
Washington Street northbound approach to the Route
I-95 NB Ramp.
Observed Safety Issue #12 - Poor lane markings at Tower Park Drive approach:
This issue was not discussed during the RSA audit meeting but was noted by this writer as an
issue that should be addressed. The Tower Park Drive approach is very wide, approximately 60
feet at its narrowest point. The road is divided with double yellow lines to separate directional
traffic, the yellow lines separate to form a narrow island at the stop line approach to Washington
Street. Although there are no other
markings, the approach width varies
from more than two lanes wide at the
stop line to a wide single lane further
back of the stop line. Vehicles waiting
during a red signal were observed to
queue in various ways, sometimes in
two lanes and other times vehicles were
mixed some forming two lanes side by
side while others would stop in the
middle to form a single lane. This
slowed vehicles exiting during the
green signal and caused some
Tower Park Drive approach to Washington Street
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Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. The Tower Park Drive approach to the Washington Street intersection should be restriped as
a two-lane approach. Based on a brief review of the existing peak hour volumes, it appears
this could be a dedicated right turn lane and a through/left turn lane. An Intersection capacity
analysis should be performed to determine the actual lane configuration.
Observed Safety Issue #13 – No bicycle accommodations on Washington Street:
During the pre-field meeting discussion it was stated that there are no bicycle accommodations
on Washington Street. The police officers indicated that given the type of area and that there are
no bicycle accommodations anywhere nearby, there does not appear to be a demand for bike
lanes on Washington Street. However, during the site visit a cyclist was observed on Washington
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Investigate the possibility of providing bicycle accommodations on Washing Street.
Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Observed Safety Issue #1 - Trucks turning left from Olympia Avenue utilize both
Washington Street exit lanes.
Trucks from Olympia Avenue making a left
turn to northbound Washington Street are
required to make a wide turn utilizing both
exit lanes. The wide turn is necessary to
avoid crashing into southbound vehicles
stopped at the stop line. The infringement of
the truck on both Washington Street exit
lanes is an issue if the truck wants to be in
the dedicated left turn lane. If the truck’s
destination is to the Route I-95 NB Ramp, it
will need stay or maneuver back into the left
turn lane before reaching the stop line.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
Truck turning left from Olympia Avenue
1. The existing intersection geometry and stop line locations should be evaluated for truck turns
using design turn templates. This specific issue appears correctable by moving the stop line
back (northerly) a sufficient distance so that trucks can make the turn without infringement
and avoid hitting southbound vehicles at the stop line.
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Observed Safety Issue #2 - Large trucks traveling southbound and turning right
infringe over the Olympia Avenue double yellow centerline:
Trucks traveling southbound and turning right at Olympia Avenue were observed to infringe
over the double yellow line on Olympia Avenue. The large trucks require a wide turn to avoid
traveling over the curb and onto the sidewalk. The infringement of the truck over the double
yellow lines is an issue because it creates a conflict with oncoming traffic or, if there is a vehicle
stopped at the traffic signal, the vehicle may need to move for the truck to pass.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. The existing intersection geometry and stop line locations should be evaluated for truck turns
using design turn templates. This specific issue may require reconstructing the curb corner to
increase the corner radii.
Observed Safety Issue #3 – Timing of the traffic signal clearance intervals appears
to create operational issues.
It was discussed that during the yellow clearance interval motorists speed up trying to run the
yellow light but then stop short when the signal changes to red. This appears to be the cause of
rear-end crashes at this location.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Check that the intersection yellow and red clearances are properly designed for the
intersection width.
2. Increase enforcement for red light running. Law enforcement of red light running is an
enhancement measure that can be undertaken by local authority as the issue arises.
Observed Safety Issue #4 - Poor pavement conditions:
The bituminous asphalt pavement on Olympia Avenue is in poor condition. The bituminous
asphalt pavement is cracking and rutting in a number of areas. Other areas near the intersection
have patching which is also deteriorating. The pavement heaving in the background may be an
indication the pavement is not properly designed to withstand the high volume of truck traffic.
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Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Conduct pavement testing and
perform pavement design to
determine if pavement is
properly constructed to withstand
the daily truck volumes.
2. At a minimum, the Olympia
Avenue bituminous asphalt
pavement from its intersection
with Washington Street to a
point several hundred feet west
of Washington Street should be
repaired by milling and overlay.
3. If
construction is found deficient,
Olympia Avenue approach – pavement heaving in the
full-depth construction should be background and cracks and ruts in the foreground.
performed at least for a short
segment near the intersection area
where the truck turning takes place.
Observed Safety Issue #5 – Poor visibility of some span wire mounted signal
A number of traffic signal housings
mounted on the span wire have no
backplates. Backplates provide better
visibility of the housing and lens color
because they provide protection from
sun glare.
Potential Safety Enhancements:
1. Furnish and install backplates on
traffic signal housings where
missing to improve visibility.
Span wire mounted traffic signal at
Washington Street and Olympia Avenue.
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Observed Safety Issue #6 - Lack of proper pedestrian accommodations:
The intersection is deficient and lacks
many pedestrian accommodations. There
is no sidewalk on the easterly side of
Washington Street. The traffic signal
system does not include pedestrian
housings or push buttons to provide
pedestrian crossing protection. Crosswalk
pavement markings exist only along
Washington Street. There are no crosswalk
lines to cross Washington Street.
Wheelchair ramps that do exist are noncompliant
Potential Safety Enhancements:
Wheelchair ramps at Olympia Avenue intersection
to Washington Street.
1. Construct a sidewalk along the east side of Washington Street. Per the Healthy
Transportation Policy, a sidewalk should be installed along the entire length of the easterly
side up to and connect with the bridge sidewalk. A sidewalk on the east side from the service
station on the south to the bridge in the north will provide a continuous sidewalk path.
2. Install pedestrian signals and push buttons to provide a protected or concurrent pedestrian
crossing phase to the signal system.
3. Construct ADA compliant wheelchair ramps and/or cut-through at pedestrian crosswalks.
4. Reconstruct existing bituminous asphalt driveways to cement concrete for ADA compliance.
Page 19
Summary of Road Safety Audit
The RSA team identified a number of safety issues and potential safety enhancements for the
intersections of Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps and Washington Street at Olympia
Avenue based on their on-site field observations, the meeting discussion and a review of the
available data. The safety improvements, as is typical, vary from low cost quick fixes to
significant improvements with higher costs and a long range time frame to implement. A
breakdown of the time frame and costs categories is presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown
Time Frame
<1 Year
1-3 Years
>3 Years
Table 3 lists each safety issue and potential safety enhancement discussed during the audit. For
each safety issue, the potential safety enhancement is described; its potential safety payoff, the
estimated time frame for completion, the estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency
are noted. Safety payoff estimates, categorized as low, medium or high, are subjective and based
on engineering judgment and past experience. The time frame is categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term and the costs are categorized as low, medium, or high as defined in table
Page 20
Road Safety Audit
Washington Street at Route I-95/Tower Park Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Washington Street at Route I-95 NB Ramps/ Tower Park Drive
The two-way access
driveway to Woburn
Foreign Motors facility:
Install traffic signal control at the
driveway, coordinated with or
made part of the phasing
operations at the Route I-95 NB
With traffic signal control install
“No Turn on Red” sign facing the
Woburn Foreign Motors driveway.
Widen Washington Street to
construct a northbound dedicated
left turn lane with protected
phasing for vehicles into Woburn
Foreign Motors.
Provide a “Do Not Block
Intersection” sign for Washington
Street traffic with pavement
markings at Woburn Foreign
Motors driveway.
Conduct education program to
educate public of the benefits of
obeying the signs or courtesy of
not blocking intersections.
Woburn Police
Page 21
Road Safety Audit
Washington Street at Route I-95/Tower Park Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Construct new Washington Street
Bridge over Route I-95 that
provides a four lane cross section
and shoulders.
Investigate widening the curb to
curb width on the bridge by
removing the sidewalk on the east
side of the bridge.
Check cycle timing and signal
timing that it is at optimum. Timing
changes will need to be evaluated
for impacts to the system
Check intersection clearance
intervals are timed correctly.
Woburn Police
Install advance lane ends sign
warning motorists of the change in
roadway cross section.
Short northbound taper
approaching Washington
Street Bridge over Route I- Install new pavement markings to
provide a better visual indication of
the change in the roadway cross
Washington Street Bridge
over Route I-95 is too
Red light running at Route
I-95 NB Ramp traffic
Conduct law enforcement.
Page 22
Road Safety Audit
Washington Street at Route I-95/Tower Park Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Check traffic signal timing that
coordinate system is working at
Replace existing “Left Turn Lane
Must Turn Left” sign with new sign.
Add advance sign to provide lane
use information and direct
motorists into the correct lanes.
Change lens indication on span
wire signal housing aligned over
the center through lane from a
green ball to a vertical arrow.
Add skip lines to guide vehicles
from the left turn lane to the ramp.
Install “Do Not Block Intersection”
Check the traffic signal timing and
the coordination system is working
at optimum efficiency.
Evaluate traffic signal phasing to
replace lag with a lead phase.
Widen and extend left turn lane to
Olympia Ave to provide 3 NB lanes
Check ramp signage and provide
advance signs to encourage use of
The right most left turn lane double left turn lanes.
of the two turn lanes from
Add skip lines to guide vehicles
Route I-95 NB off-ramp is maneuver side by side from the
double left turn lane ramp
approach to the two lanes on
Washington Street northbound.
Northbound vehicles
approaching the Route I-95
NB Ramp intersection are
not always in the proper
lane and lack the
opportunity to change
The queue from the
northbound dedicated left
turn lane blocks the
Olympia Avenue
Page 23
Road Safety Audit
Washington Street at Route I-95/Tower Park Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
No southbound dedicated
left turn lane into Tower
Park Drive:
Lack of proper pedestrian
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Widen Washington Street to
construct a designated left turn
lane into Tower Park Drive aligned
opposite the northbound
designated left turn lane.
Evaluate the traffic signal
operations to provide a northbound
and southbound protected left turn
Construct sidewalk along east side
of Washington Street. A sidewalk
from service station to the bridge
will provide a continuous path.
Install pedestrian signals and push
buttons for a protected or
concurrent pedestrian phase to the
signal system.
Construct ADA compliant
wheelchair ramps and/or cutthrough at pedestrian crosswalks
Reconstruct existing bituminous
asphalt driveways to cement
concrete for ADA compliance.
Install new pavement markings,
stop lines and crosswalks.
Remove existing sign from its
The large guide sign at the current location and replace it with
new ground mounted standard
ramps is a visual
sign at a more strategic location so
distraction to motorists:
as not to obstruct the drivers view.
Page 24
Road Safety Audit
Washington Street at Route I-95/Tower Park Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Poor pavement conditions:
Poor lane markings at
Tower Park Drive
No Bicycle
accommodations on
Washington Street.
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
The Washington Street bituminous
asphalt pavement from the north
side of the Route I-95 NB Ramp
intersection to the south side of the
Olympia Avenue intersection
should be tested and repaired
The Tower Park Drive approach
should be restriped as two lanes, a
dedicated right turn lane and a
through/left turn lane. A traffic
signal analysis should be used to
determine the actual lane
Investigate the possibility of
providing bicycle accommodations
on Washington Street
Page 25
Road Safety Audit
Washington Street at Route I-95/Tower Park Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Trucks turning left from
Olympia Avenue utilize
both Washington Street
exit lanes.
Move the stop line back (northerly)
a sufficient distance so that trucks
can make the turn while staying in
one lane and without infringement.
Large trucks traveling
southbound and turning
right infringe over the
Olympia Avenue double
yellow centerline:
Reconstructing the curb corner to
increase the corner radii.
Check that the intersection yellow
and red clearance intervals are
properly timed.
Increase enforcement for red light
Woburn Police
Conduct pavement testing and
perform pavement design to
determine if pavement is properly
constructed for the truck volumes.
The Olympia Avenue bituminous
asphalt pavement from its
intersection with Washington
Poor pavement conditions:
Street to a point several hundred
feet west of Washington Street
should be milled and overlaid.
Construct full-depth pavement for
a short segment near the
intersection area where the truck
turning takes place.
Timing of the traffic signal
clearance intervals
appears to create
operational issues.
Page 26
Road Safety Audit
Washington Street at Route I-95/Tower Park Drive & Washington Street at Olympia Avenue
Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Construct sidewalk along east side
of Washington Street from the
Olympia Avenue intersection to the
north side of the Route I-95 NB
Ramp intersection.
Investigate the need and possibility
of installing pedestrian signals and
push buttons to provide a
protected pedestrian crossing
phase to the signal system
Construct ADA compliant
wheelchair ramps at pedestrian
Reconstruct existing bituminous
asphalt driveways to cement
concrete for ADA compliance.
Poor visibility of some span
Furnish and install backplates on
wire mounted signal
missing traffic signal housings
Lack of proper pedestrian
Page 27
Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda
Road Safety Audit
Washington St. at I-95 NB Ramps/Tower Park Dr.,
Woburn, MA
Meeting Location: Bayside Engineering, Inc.
600 Unicorn Park Dr. – 1st Floor
Woburn, MA
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 ~ 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon
Type of meeting:
High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit
Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team
Please bring:
Thoughts and Enthusiasm!!
10:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions
10:15 AM
Review of Site Specific Material
• Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries– provided in advance
• Existing Geometries and Conditions – Safety Review Prompt List
11:00 AM
Visit the Site
• Drive to Washington St./Tower Park Dr. Intersection
• As a group, identify areas for improvement
11:30 AM
Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA
• Discuss observations and finalize findings
• Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations
12:00 noon
Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended
Instructions for Participants:
• Before attending the RSA on DATE, participants are encouraged to drive through
the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a
focus on safety.
• All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants
are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the
synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the
success of the overall RSA process.
• After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the
document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the
multidisciplinary team.
Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List
Participating Audit Team Members
Bayside Engineering, Inc., Woburn, MA
Audit Team
Email Address
Phone Number
William Ullom
Boston Traffic,
Brian Levine
District 4 Projects,
Nick Manigat
Nick Renaud
Robert Ferullo
Woburn Police
Giles Ham
Vanasse & Associates
John O’Neil
Woburn Police
Denis Dowdle
John Mastera
John Mastera
Lee Kreplick
District 4 MassDOT
Nicholas Pineau
Brett Gonsalves
Woburn Engineering
Sara Timoner
District 4 Traffic,
Ray Mooney
Woburn Police
Bruno Campea
Bayside Engineering,
Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data
Appendix D. Additional Information
Appendix E. References
Road Safety Audit References
Road Safety Audit Guidelines, Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Highway Division,
November 1, 2015.