ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Montvale Avenue between Central Street and Hill Street/I-93 SB Ramps City of Woburn December 8, 2014 Prepared For: Massachusetts Department of Transportation On Behalf Of: City of Woburn Prepared By: VHB 101 Walnut Street Watertown, MA 02472 Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location Description ..................................................................................................... 2 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 6 Summary of Road Safety Audit................................................................................................. 12 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information Safety Review Prompt List 2014 Traffic Volume Networks Speed Regulations List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 5 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary.............................................................................. 13 Page 1 Background The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division Safety Section conducts Road Safety Audits prior to the design phase for any MassDOT project that includes a high crash location. A Road Safety Audit is defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of a road safety audit (RSA) is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. A review of the MassDOT top crash locations database showed that the intersection of Montvale Avenue at Washington Street was a 2010 and 2011 Highway Safety Improvement project (HSIP) cluster. The segment of Montvale Avenue between Washington Street and Rainin Road has been noted as having a top 200 intersection cluster for the years 2008-2010, 2009-2011, and 2010-2012. This segment was also noted as having an HSIP cluster of vehicles in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Any potential safety enhancements that are identified during the RSA can be evaluated and included as part of any future or current design process. Any short-term, low-cost potential improvements should be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to any significant reconstruction efforts. ProjectData VHB conducted an RSA on Monday, December 8, 2014. The audit was held in the Engineering Conference room at City Hall in Woburn, MA. Members of the audit team discussed safety issues, conducted a site visit and determined potential countermeasures during the audit on the infrastructure and operating conditions of the study area. The members of the team comprised of representatives from local, regional, and state agencies ranging from first responders to transportation planners and engineers. The members and their affiliations are provided in Table 1. Contact information for the audit team members is provided in Appendix B. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Lou Rabito Lisa Schletzbaum Derek Caldwell Sara Timoner Chenyuan Wang Tina Cassidy Jay Corey Paul Tenney John O’Neil Bob Rufo Robert Ferullo Don Cooke Tracie Lenhardt Amy Silbovitz MassDOT Highway Division ‐ CSE MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division – District 4 MassDOT Highway Division – District 4 Boston Regional MPO ‐ CTPS City of Woburn – Planning City of Woburn – City Engineer Woburn Police Woburn Police Woburn Police Woburn Police – Chief VHB VHB VHB Page 2 Prior to the day of the RSA, audit team members received a meeting package including a meeting agenda included in Appendix A, intersection peak hour vehicular volumes and crash data. VHB compiled crash data for the audit area using Crash Reports from July 2009 through August 2014 obtained from the City of Woburn. From this data, collision diagrams were prepared and the crash history was summarized in tabular and chart format included in Appendix C. A pre‐audit meeting was held at 10 Common Street (Woburn City Hall) for the RSA prior to the site walk with all participants to review the materials provided by VHB. Participants were reminded that the RSA was a collaborative effort to ensure a thorough understanding of the roadway deficiencies and safety concerns. As an active discussion, participants provided an initial list of specific issues and concerns. Armed with this information and the Safety Review Prompt List provided by MassDOT, the audit team walked the segment of Montvale Avenue in question to review the safety issues identified in the pre‐ meeting and identify additional concerns to be added to the list. Following the site walk, participants held a post‐meeting to discuss potential short‐term, intermediate and long‐term countermeasures for each safety concern. ProjectLocationandDescription Montvale Avenue is an east-west corridor functionally classified as an Urban Principal Arterial and connects Main Street in Stoneham, MA to Main Street in Woburn, MA. This audit comprised the section between Central Street and Hill Street/I-93 SB Off-Ramps. Montvale Avenue is under City of Woburn jurisdiction between Central Street and Rainin Road. East of Rainin Road to the I-93 Interchange Ramps are under State jurisdiction. For the RSA, the project has been divided into six study areas (see Locus Map on Page 5). StudyArea 1: Central Street is a north-south roadway intersecting Montvale Avenue to form a four-way signalized intersection. Each approach to the intersection provides an exclusive left turn lane and a shared thoughright lane. Crosswalks are also provided on each approach. The traffic signal currently operates with a protected lead phase for left-turns for both approaches on Montvale Avenue and an exclusive pedestrian phase. There are sidewalks on both sides of each approach, with the exception of the west side of the Central Street northbound approach. Land use in the area consists of residential and commercial uses. There is an elementary school located in the northwest corner of the intersection. There are currently school speed limit signs of 20mph when flashing on both approaches of Montvale Avenue and there are no other posted speed limit signs in the area. Speed regulations indicate a speed limit of 35 mph on Montvale Avenue west of Central Street and 30 mph on Montvale Avenue east of Central Street. Of the 26 crashes reported at this intersection, the majority were rear-end crashes (42%-11 crashes). The remaining crashes included angle crashes (38% - 10 crashes), one single vehicles crash, two head on crashes, and three sideswipe crashes. The most common cause for the crashes was “Inattention” (31% - 8 crashes). Crashes were most common in the winter months of February (19% - 5 crashes) and March (19% - 5 crashes). Seven of the vehicles involved in the 26 collisions experienced significant physical damage. Forty-eight percent of the crashes involved drivers between the ages of 30-49 years old. Page 3 StudyArea 2: Montvale Avenue between Central Street and Washington Street is a two lane roadway within the vicinity of the audit. Sidewalks are provided along both sides of the roadway. The land uses along this segment of Montvale Avenue consists of retail, commercial and residential uses. The major business along this section is a convenient store, a dry cleaner and a liquor store. It should be noted that the majority of businesses in this section are quick turnaround businesses. Of the 18 crashes reported at this intersection, the majority were rear-end crashes (39%-7 crashes) and angle crashes (39% - 7 crashes). The remaining crashes included two single vehicles crash, and two sideswipe crashes. The most common cause for the crashes was “Inattention” (33% - 6 crashes). Crashes were most common in the month of May (22% - 4 crashes). Two of the vehicles involved in the 18 collisions experienced significant physical damage. Forty-five percent of the crashes involved drivers between the ages of 21-39 years old. StudyArea 3: Washington Street is a north-south urban minor arterial roadway that intersects Montvale Avenue to form a four-way signalized intersection. This intersection is located approximately 800 feet to the east of Montvale Avenue at Central Street. Montvale Avenue eastbound provides a dedicated left-turn lane and a shared through-right lane. Montvale Avenue westbound provides a dedicated left-turn lane and a through lane and an exclusive right-turn lane. Washington Street northbound provides a shared left-through lane and a dedicated right-turn lane. Southbound on Washington Street there is a dedicated left-turn lane and a shared through-right lane. There are crosswalks on each approach as well as sidewalks on both sides. Land use in the area is mainly commercial. There are no speed limit signs in the area. The speed regulations indicate a speed limit of 30 mph on Montvale Avenue and 25 mph on Washington Street. There is a truck restriction on Washington Street. Commercial vehicles over 2.5 tons are not permitted from 9 PM to 6AM. The traffic signal currently operates with a protected/permissive phase for the Montvale Avenue westbound and Washington Street southbound left-turns. There is an exclusive pedestrian phase at this location. Of the 60 crashes reported at this intersection, the majority were angle crashes (50%-30 crashes). The remaining crashes included rear-end crashes (28% - 17 crashes), sideswipe crashes (15% - 9 crashes), three single vehicles crash, and one head on crashes. The most common cause for the crashes was “Failed to yield to right of way” (12% - 7 crashes). Crashes were most common in the months of January (13% 8 crashes), April (12% - 7 crashes) and November (12% -7 crashes). Eight of the vehicles involved in the 60 collisions experienced significant physical damage. Twenty-three percent of the crashes involved drivers between the ages of 21-29 years old. StudyArea 4: Montvale Avenue between Washington Street and Rainin Road is a wide two lane roadway within the vicinity of the audit. The existing roadway with is approximately 35’-4”. Sidewalks are provided along both sides of the roadway. Albany Street intersects Montvale Avenue from the south to form an unsignalized t-intersection along this segment. The land uses along this segment of Montvale Avenue consists of a variety of a retail, restaurant and commercial establishment as well as residential uses. There are many curb cuts along this roadway segment. Some driveways have turn restrictions but most allow full entry and egress from the driveways. Page 4 Of the 119 crashes reported at this intersection, the majority were angle crashes (80%-95 crashes). The remaining crashes included rear-end crashes (7% - 8 crashes), seven sideswipe crashes, seven single vehicles crash, and two head on crashes. The most common cause for the crashes was “Failed to yield to right of way” (31% - 37 crashes). Crashes were most common in the months of February (13% - 16 crashes), May (13% - 16 crashes) and August (15% -18 crashes). Nine of the vehicles involved in the 119 collisions experienced significant physical damage. Twenty-six percent of the crashes involved drivers between the ages of 21-29 years old. StudyArea 5: Rainin Road (formally known as Mack Road) intersects Montvale Avenue from the north to form an unsignalized t-intersection. This intersection is located approximately 725 feet to the east of Montvale Avenue at Washington Street. There are no sidewalks on Rainin Road and no marked crosswalks within the vicinity of the intersection. There are currently no pavement markings or signage on Rainin Road. Within the vicinity of the intersection there is a hotel, restaurants, and gas stations. The speed regulations indicate a speed limit of 30 mph on Montvale Avenue near Rainin Road. Of the 28 crashes reported at this intersection, the majority were angle crashes (68%-19 crashes). The remaining crashes included rear-end crashes (21% - 6 crashes), one single vehicles crash, and two head on crashes. The most common cause for the crashes was “Inattention” (25% - 7 crashes). Crashes were most common in the months of April (18% - 5 crashes) and July (18% - 5 crashes). Two of the vehicles involved in the 28 collisions experienced significant physical damage. Twenty-eight percent of the crashes involved drivers between the ages of 30-39 years old. StudyArea 6: Hill Street from the south and the I-93 SB off-ramp from the north intersect Montvale Avenue to form a four-way signalized intersection. This intersection is located approximately 275 feet to the east of Montvale Avenue at Rainin Road. Montvale Avenue eastbound provides a through lane and a throughright lane. Montvale Avenue westbound provides an exclusive left turn lane and two through lanes. Hill Street provides one left-through-shared lane. The I-93 SB off-ramp provide and exclusive left turn lane, a through lane and an exclusive right turn lane under “yield” control. There are marked crosswalks across Montvale Avenue westbound, the I-93 SB off-ramp and Hill Street. There are pedestrian signal indications for the Montvale Avenue westbound crosswalk. The crosswalks across Hill Street and I-93 SB off-ramps do not have any pedestrian signal indications. There are sidewalks along all approaches except for the I-93 SB off-ramp approach. There are no speed limit signs in the area. The speed regulations indicate a speed limit of 30 mph on Montvale Avenue. It should be noted that there is a possibility of some new development going into the old “Jello” site that is located on Hill Street. Depending the development size and type it might generate additional traffic at this intersection. Of the 41 crashes reported at this intersection, the majority were rear-end crashes (51%-21 crashes). The remaining crashes included angle crashes (32% - 13 crashes), six sideswipe crashes, and one rear to rear crash. The most common cause for the crashes was “Inattention” (22% - 9 crashes). Crashes were most common in the months of April (20% - 8 crashes) and September (15% -6 crashes). Eight of the vehicles involved in the 41 collisions experienced significant physical damage. Twenty-seven percent of the crashes involved drivers between the ages of 21-29 years old. Page 5 \\mawatr\ts\08363.40\GIS\Project\Locus_Map.mxd NGE ORA E STR HAW T HOR N ET UTIC A E ST REET § ¦ ¨ 93 MA STR E ET CK RSA Location AD RO T ASB URY ERIE S N 0 150 300 Feet AVE N T REET ALBA NY S T INGT REE ST RE ET UE TR EE T EET TR EE E ST HIL L HENSH AW ST R SILK S GRA P WAS H CENT R ON S T REET AL ST REET MONTVALE AVENUE MERR I LL ST REET Figure 1-1 Aerial Locus Map Montvale Avenue Woburn, Massachusetts AuditObservationsandPotentialSafety Enhancements During the RSA, the audit team identified safety issues and discussed potential safety enhancements to address the identified issues, including: Traffic Control; Pavement Markings and signage; Intersection Geometry; Access Management; Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation A summary of the major safety concerns are as follows: SafetyIssue:TrafficControl Observations The intersection of Central Street at Montvale Avenue is 800’ from the intersection of Washington Street at Montvale Avenue and the intersection of Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramps is 1000’ east of Washington Street. Drivers receive a green indication at one of the audit area locations and are unable to proceed through the next intersection. The audit team noted that there is no coordination between any of the traffic signals within the audit area leading to long queue lengths at both intersections during both the AM and PM commutes. An incident on I-93 or I-95 can worsen this scenario by adding more volume and congestion to the already over capacity Montvale Avenue corridor. Five (5) of the 26 crashes at the intersection of Central Street at Montvale Avenue are rear-end crashes that were heading westbound on Montvale Avenue. Seven (7) of the 60 accidents at the intersection of Washington Street at Montvale Avenue were also rear-end crashes. Lastly, 8 of the 41 crashes at the intersection of Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramp. No coordination between intersections might be a contributing factor to some of these rear-end crashes between signalized locations. The audit team noted that the intersection of Montvale Avenue and Central Street and Montvale Avenue and Washington Street do not allow enough clearance time for drivers to clear the intersection before the next phase begins. There were 6 crashes associated with red light running at Central Street, 5 crashes at Washington, and 7 crashes as Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramp intersections. Page 7 The audit team noted the pedestrian signal at southwest corner of the Central Street at Montvale Avenue is concurrently displaying don’t walk and walk symbols during the walk phase. This gives confusing information to pedestrians and violates the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control (MUTCD). It was noted by the audit team, that the existing pedestrian crossing is an exclusive phase which causes unnecessary delay to the Central Street at Montvale Avenue intersection when activated especially at with the nearby elementary school during the AM commute. PossibleSafetyenhancements 1. As a short term measure, consider coordination during peak periods along Montvale Avenue between Central Street, Washington, and the Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramps using a time based system. 2. Consider coordinating the I-93 NB Ramps as well as Maple Street with the other locations in the audit area as one system. It is noted that outside of the audit area there are two additional traffic signals that are in close proximity to the Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramp intersection and should be considered as part of a comprehensive traffic control system. Montvale Avenue at the I-93 NB Ramps is located 950’ to the east and Montvale Avenue at Maple Street is 250’ to the east of the I93 NB Ramps. 3. As a long term measure consider coordination using a hardwire connection between traffic signal controllers at these locations. 4. An adaptive traffic signal system could be considered as a long term improvement to help adjust signal timing of red, yellow and green lights to accommodate changing traffic patterns and ease traffic congestion. 5. As a short term improvement the yellow change and red clearance times can be recalculated based on current standards and adjusted in the controllers. 6. It was noted that the pedestrian phase is exclusive. As a short term measure change the phasing from an exclusive pedestrian phase to a concurrent pedestrian phases at Central Street to reduce the overall delay of the intersection. Since it was noted that the right turn volumes at Central Street were low it was suggested to run the pedestrians concurrently with the vehicle phases to reduce delay at this location. 7. As a short term improvement the pedestrian signal head can be fixed to only display walk during the walk phase. 8. As a short term measure, consider additional police enforcement of vehicles running red lights. Page 8 SafetyIssue:PavementMarkingsandSignage Observations Members of the audit team noted that, Montvale Avenue eastbound and Central St back up each morning and afternoon due to school drop-off and pick-up. The AM queue on Montvale Ave backs up to the Railroad Bridge (approximately 750’ away from stop line). It was noted that the backup due to the school usually dissipates within 15 minutes. The audit team members noted that there is an elementary school at the northwest corner of Central Street at Montvale Avenue. There are currently School Zone signs on both approaches of Montvale Avenue. The sign on the westbound approach is not obvious to drivers. The signs are a mixture of fluorescent yellow and yellow color and there are no school pavement markings at the intersection. Members of the audit team suggested that there is not enough capacity on Montvale Avenue eastbound between Central Street and Washington Street causing vehicles to queue through the Central Street intersection. There were two rear-end and four angle crashes at this location that might have been due to excess vehicle queuing at this location. Fifty percent (50%) of the Page 9 crashes occur between 4-8PM which is when the majority of the queuing occurs. It was suggested that the Montvale Avenue westbound left turn lane at Central Street could be eliminated due to low volume. This additional width could be used to provide two lanes eastbound between Central and Washington Street. It was noted by doing this, drivers may be forced into the left turn only lane at Washington Street. Members of the audit team noted that drivers trying to avoid the lengthy right turn queue on the I-93 SB off-Ramp, proceed straight to the left lanes and make a right at the traffic signal. It was noted by the audit team that the bus stop at the Hill Street/I-93 Southbound off-ramps at Montvale Avenue is on the westbound approach side of the intersection. There is currently no crosswalk across Montvale Avenue where the bus picks up and drops off. Pedestrians have to either cross the I-93 Southbound off-ramp approach and then cross Montvale Avenue to Hill Street within existing striped crosswalks or they cross Montvale Avenue directly with no traffic control or formal crosswalks. It was observed that the crosswalks across Hill Street and the I-93 approach do not have any pedestrian push buttons or pedestrian signal indications. It should be noted that there are existing wheelchair ramps with the existing crosswalks but they do not meet current ADA requirements. Page 10 Some of the audit team members noted that there are too many signs along the corridor that tend to confuse motorists. Police have trouble enforcing these signs since there are too many signs providing conflicting information and overall congestion of the corridor does not allow for many locations where police officers could pull a driver over with causing more back up and delay. Some of these include the time of day truck restriction signs on Washington Street approaches and the no left turn and right turn signs into and out of the commercial driveways along Montvale Avenue. Also, sidewalks are cluttered with signs, utility posts and traffic signal equipment making it hard for pedestrians to navigate the sidewalk. It was also noted by the audit team that vehicles heading eastbound on Washington Street wanting to make a left turn into the gas stations or Dunkin Donuts during heavy traffic periods sometimes block traffic causing vehicles to back through the signal at Washington Street. In 2012 the Hess Station at the north east corner of Montvale Avenue at Washington Street opened. As part of the project, a right turn lane was added to the Montvale Avenue westbound approach to Washington Street. This was a major improvement to the Montvale Avenue corridor by helping the right turn vehicles get out of the queue in the westbound direction. The audit team noted that Utica Street is used as cut through street for traffic that is traveling eastbound on Montvale Ave between Central and Washington Streets. Drivers headed eastbound take a left onto Central take a right onto to Utica Street followed by a left onto Washington Street. During the peak hours, eastbound through traffic is typically backed up from Washington Street through Central Street over the railroad bridge and beyond. Drivers will bypass this long queue by using Utica Street as a detour. PossibleSafetyenhancements 1. As a short term measure consider updating school zone signs along Montvale Avenue at Central Street to meet current standards. Also consider providing school zone signs and pavement markings along Central Street in front of the school entrance. 2. Members of the audit team noted that there is excess pavement width on the Montvale Avenue eastbound approach to Central Street. It was suggested that the eastbound approach be restriped to Page 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. provide a longer left turn lane. As a short term measure consider restriping the Montvale Avenue eastbound left turn lane at Central Street to provide a longer left turn lane As a short term measure, the Montvale Avenue left turn lane at Central Street can be eliminated. Additional width could be used to provide two lanes eastbound between Central and Washington Street. However it should be noted that this will force vehicles traveling in the left hand lane to turn left at Washington Street. Consider adding a no right turn sign at the I-93 SB off ramp to prohibit vehicles bypassing the right turn queue and using left turn lane to make a right turn onto Montvale Avenue westbound and have police enforce this issue. Consider relocating existing bus stop at the I-93/ Hill St intersection to departure side of the westbound approach to where the existing pedestrian cross walk is located. The existing wheelchair ramps should be updated to meet ADA compliance. Consider providing an additional crosswalk and new ADA compliant wheelchair ramps across Montvale Avenue at Hill Street/I-93 SB-Ramp intersection to accommodate the bus pick up and drop offs. Consider doing a sign inventory and removing any duplicate and confusing signs for the corridor. As a short term measure, the City of Woburn could approach the residents of Utica Street to consider making the Street one-way westbound to help deter traffic from using the road as a cutthrough. Pavement Markings and signage will also need to be updated to accommodate this change. An operational and safety evaluation should be done to ensure that the new route can accommodate the volume. As a long term improvements, consider improving the Montvale Avenue at Washington Street intersection to make it an easier and safer route than using Utica Street as a detour route. As a short term measure, do not block the intersection signs could be installed at the intersection of Central Street at Montvale Avenue to prevent vehicles from queuing through the intersection. The City could consider applying for additional safety grants. SafetyIssue:IntersectionGeometry Observations The audit team noted that the bridge on Montvale Avenue just east of the state highway layout line is restricting any future widening. It currently carries two lane westbound and one lane eastbound. The audit team members noted that the existing right turn lane at Montvale Avenue and Washington Street is only adequate for 5 cars to queue. When more than 5 cars are queued in the through lane it blocks access to the right turn lane. It should be noted that the right turn lane in front of the Hess Station is also where the MBTA bus stops then Page 12 proceeds straight and needs to merge with the thru lane traffic. This also blocks vehicles that want to take a right turn. It was observed by the audit team that right turn traffic on the I-93 SB ramps does not yield to oncoming traffic. Drivers tend to just “go” instead of yielding or stopping when they get to the merge point. It was observed that vehicles cross over the double yellow center line on Montvale westbound to bypass the through lane queue to access the left only lane at the Washington Street intersection. There were seven crashes along the corridor that were attributed to crossing over the double yellow center line and using the westbound approach as two lanes. It was noted during the site visit that the right turn from Washington Street northbound to Montvale Avenue eastbound, that the curb radius is not large enough to accommodate trucks. Truck tire tracks on sidewalk even over wheel chair ramps were present. It was also noted that there are staggered stop lines at this location. This was done for truck turning movements. There were three Washington Street northbound right turn crashes that could be attributed to the improper size of the curb radii. The audit team noted that existing railroad bridge on Montvale Avenue (approximately 750’ west of Central Street) is restricting any future need of a larger cross section approaching Central Street. PossibleSafetyenhancements 1. As a long term measure, the bridge on Montvale Avenue could be widened to provide a larger cross-section between Washington Street and the Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramp intersection. 2. As a long term measure, the bridge on Montvale Avenue over the railroad (west of Central Street) could be widened to provide a larger cross-section approaching Central Street. 3. As a long term measure, the City of Woburn could consider buying the property or taking some of the frontage east of the Hess Station to provide for a longer right turn lane for the westbound approach of Montvale Avenue. This would allow vehicles traveling right onto Washington Street to not get blocked by the through movement during peak periods. 4. Consider as a long term enhancement to make the right turn from the I-93 SB off-ramps more 90 degrees to force drivers to yield or stop to oncoming traffic. 5. Consider as a short term improvement, moving the bus stop in front of the Hess Station so it does not block the right turn lane. 6. As a long term measure, redesign the intersection of Washington Street at Montvale Avenue to accommodate WB-50 truck turns within the roadway and assigned lanes. Page 13 SafetyIssue:AccessManagement Observations It was observed by the audit team members that westbound drivers between the intersection of Montvale Avenue at Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramps and Montvale Avenue at Washington Street are using the existing pavement in several different way. Drivers were observed using Montvale Avenue as two lanes westbound and one lane eastbound. Drivers were also observed straddling the double yellow center line eastbound to turn left into businesses on the northern side of Montvale Avenue. The existing paved area curb to curb was measure to be approximately 35’-4”. It is currently marked as one wide lane in both direction. Also, drivers are straddling the existing double yellow center line to allow for the two lanes of traffic in the westbound direction. There are 119 crashes occurring in this segment, mostly left turns leaving businesses on the north side of Montvale Avenue. Many of these crashes are due to the “courtesy crash” which occurs when one driver lets another driver out of a driveway/roadway but a third driver goes around the first driver and crashes with the exiting vehicle or the “barge and block” approach where an exiting vehicle will block one lane of traffic while waiting for a gap in traffic on the opposite approach. The sight distance for vehicles exiting the Dunkin Donuts driveway exit is blocked by shrubs therefore requiring drivers to pull out further to be able to see oncoming traffic. It was suggested if vehicles have two defined lanes westbound some of the crashes maybe avoided since drivers will be aware that there is more than one lane along the westbound approach and the signal queues from Washington Street may be shorter, then the number of courtesy crashes may be reduced. However it was argued that with a two lane westbound configuration speeds may increase, exiting vehicles would still have visibility issues and crashes would still occur. Page 14 The audit team members noted that there are no turn prohibitions at most of the driveways along the corridor. Since the majority of crashes (95/119) that occurred along Montvale Avenue within the audit area are left turns out of driveways it was suggested that the city approach the abutters to see if they would be willing to allow right in and right outs only at their driveway. It was also suggested to add do not block driveway signs along the corridor. There were discussions on whether or not this would be feasible since there are so many curb cuts along the corridor. Some members suggested that it might help to reduce some of the crashes by reducing the number of curb cuts along the corridor. On the north side of Montvale Avenue where the majority of crashes occurred, there are 4 businesses and a residential driveway. Each of the businesses have two curb cuts which could possibly be reduced to a right in right out scenario. It was also noted that the proximity to I-93 probably encourages many vehicles wanting to make that left turn from these driveways. During site walk, the team watched a vehicle turn left into the Wendy’s rightin/right-out type driveway instead of taking a left at the Washington St intersection and entering the restaurant driveway from the side street. The audit team members discussed the crashes that occurred in front of the White Hen (7 Eleven)/Liquor Store Plaza. It was noted that 17% of these crashes happened between 12 AM and 4 AM. Thirty nine (39%) of the crashes were rear-end and 39% of the crashes were angle crashes within the vicinity of the plaza. The angle and rear-end crashes could be contributed to the “courtesy crash” or the barge and block” crashes as explained above. It was observed by the audit team, that a delivery truck was parked partially on the sidewalk and partially blocking the travel lanes. PossibleSafetyenhancements 1. As a short term enhancement, consider the best opportunities to balance congestion and safety concerns done in conjunction with an overall review of potential access management strategies in regards to restriping the westbound approach of Montvale Avenue between Hill Street/I-93 SB off-ramps and Montvale Avenue at Washington Street to 2 lanes westbound and one lane eastbound. 2. As a short term measure, restripe Montvale Avenue to one lane in each direction with wide shoulders to discourage drivers from using Montvale Ave as a 3 to 4 lane section. 3. As a long term measure, the city could consider a public outreach to business owners along Montvale Avenue to discuss driveway consolidation and potential for turn restrictions. 4. City could restrict truck delivery times to off peak hours as a short term measure. 5. Discussion about reducing the roadway width to a two lane roadway to eliminate the ability of vehicles to stack up side by side; thus reducing the curtesy crashes. Discussion talked about there being a congestion issue on Montvale Ave and the need for a four lane (2 in each direction) roadway. Four lane roadway will potentially increase the number of curtesy crashes Page 15 especially without the no left turn out restriction from the businesses. If a four lane roadway is considered, a divided median should be considered. 6. As a short term measure, the Woburn Police Department could provide some additional enforcement around the White Hen (7 Eleven)/Liquor Store Plaza. 7. Consider adding some do not block driveways signs for the businesses along the corridor as a short term improvement. SafetyIssue:PedestrianandBicycleAccommodation Observations As noted above, the bus stop at the Hill Street/I-93 Southbound off-ramps at Montvale Avenue is on the westbound approach side of the intersection. There is currently no crosswalk across Montvale Avenue where the bus picks up and drops off. Pedestrians have to either cross the I-93 Southbound off-ramp approach and then cross Montvale Avenue to Hill Street within existing striped crosswalks or they cross Montvale Avenue directly with no traffic control or formal crosswalks. It was observed that the crosswalks across Hill Street and the I-93 approach do not have any pedestrian push buttons or pedestrian signal indications. It should be noted that there are existing wheelchair ramps with the existing crosswalks but they do not meet current ADA requirements. It was observed by the audit team that there are no bicycle accommodation through corridor. There are currently no marked shoulders along the Montvale Avenue. The audit team noted, that there is numerous street furniture and signs in the existing sidewalk. This does not allow for the proper ADA clearzone for pedestrians trying to navigate the sidewalk. PossibleSafetyenhancements 1. As a short term improvement bicycle share the road signs can be added to the corridor although already complaints about too many signs. Sharrows (share the road arrows) can also be considered to be painted in lanes. 2. A long term improvement would be to provide a 5 ft. shoulder along Montvale Ave and Washington St so bicycles would have their own lane for travel. 3. As a midterm improvement and evaluation can be done to see if any of the street furniture can be moved out of the sidewalks to improve the ADA clearzone. SummaryofRoadSafetyAudit Recommendations for improving safety along this segment of Montvale Avenue are summarized in Table 2 and are categorized based on estimated safety payoff, time frame and cost for implementation. The responsible party for further action has been identified as well. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and based on the relative percent of crashes that may be reduced by Page 16 the enhancement. For major improvements, crash reduction factors are often available to assess the safety payoff; however, for many minor enhancements a more subjective evaluation is needed. To provide a general assessment of how a recommended enhancement would impact crash occurrences, countermeasures have been assigned a Low, Medium, or High value on a subjective basis using engineering judgment as it relates to potential crash reduction. Countermeasures detailed in Table 2 involve Engineering, Maintenance, Enforcement, Educational and/or Behavioral modifications that start with corridor‐wide considerations and continue with site and location‐ specific items for consideration. Selected countermeasures have been identified as potentially short‐term or intermediate (typically City or MassDOT responsibility) and/or long‐term, which would be considered as part of the TIP project (Designer responsibility). Consideration should be made as to the appropriateness of inclusion in the TIP corridor project of countermeasures as the project design advances. Improvements related to such items as signal timing, striping and signage were often assigned dual designations as they represented something that could be addressed in the near term (as appropriate and as available resources make possible) as well as part of the TIP project. Page 17 Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Traffic Control Traffic Control Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Consider extending all red phase by 2 Medium Short‐Term or 3 seconds to help clear intersections Consider concurrent pedestrian Low Short‐Term movement at Central Street. Traffic Control Fix pedestrian indication at the intersection of Central Street at Montvale Avenue Traffic Control Upgrade existing pedestrian High accommodations at the Hill Street/I‐ 93 Ramps to include ADA/MassDOT compliant pedestrian signals and pushbuttons. Consider enforcement for red light High running at the intersections. Traffic Control Pavement Markings and Signage Pavement Markings and Signage Pavement Markings and Signage High Consider extending the Montvale Ave Low EB left turn lane at Central (lengthen the left turn lane towards the railroad bridge) Consider eliminating the Montvale Low Ave WB left turn lane to Central St SB Consider evaluating the restriping of High Montvale WB between Washington and State highway layout to accommodate 2 lanes westbound and 1 lane eastbound making sure there is a balance between safety and congestion concerns. Cost Low Responsible Agency City of Woburn/MassDOT Low City of Woburn Short‐Term Low City of Woburn Mid‐Term Medium MassDOT Short‐Term Low Woburn PD Short‐term Low City of Woburn Long‐term Low City of Woburn/ MassDOT Short‐term Low City of Woburn Page 18 Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Pavement Markings and Signage Update the school zone signs to High current standards on Montvale Ave and on Central Street. Also consider providing school pavement markings on Central Street. Short‐term Low City of Woburn Pavement Markings and Signage Consider adding a no right turn sign Medium at the I‐93 SB off ramp to prohibit vehicles bypassing the right turn queue and using left turn lane to make right Consider a do not block the Medium intersection on Montvale Ave at Central St on the westbound approach. Short‐term Low MassDOT Short‐Term Low City of Woburn Pavement Markings and Signage Pavement Markings and Signage/Traffic Control Consider providing a marked High crosswalk with ADA pedestrian push buttons and signal indications along the east side of the Hill Street/I‐93 SB off‐ramp intersection. Mid‐term Med MassDOT Pavement Marking and Signage Consider moving the existing bus High stop from the westbound approach to the westbound departure side of the Hill Street/I‐93 SB off‐ramp intersection in front of the delta island. Short‐term Low MBTA Pavement Marking and Signage Consider moving the existing bus High stop from the westbound approach to the westbound departure side of the Washington Street intersection in front of the dry cleaning plaza. Short‐term Low MBTA Page 19 Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Pavement Markings and Signage Consider doing a sign inventory and Medium removing any confusing or duplicate signs along the corridor. This will help police better enforce the corridor. Short‐term Low City of Woburn/MassDOT/ Woburn PD Pavement Markings and Signage Consider making Utica a one‐way street to deter cut through traffic Low Short‐Term Low City of Woburn Pavement Markings and Signage Consider applying for additional safety grants. Low Mid‐Term Low City of Woburn/Woburn PD Intersection Geometry Widen bridge on Montvale Avenue Low over River to allow for additional lanes Widen bridge on Montvale Avenue Low over the railroad to allow for additional lanes Need to extend WB right turn lane on Medium Montvale Avenue to Washington northbound Consider realigning yield control right Medium turn from I‐93 SB to Montvale westbound to be more 90 degrees and need to stop Long‐Term High MassDOT Long‐Term High MassDOT Long‐Term High City of Woburn Long‐Term High MassDOT Intersection Geometry Intersection Geometry Intersection Geometry Page 20 Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Intersection Geometry Consider a comprehensive review of Medium the Montvale Avenue cross‐section (2 vs. 3. vs 4) between Washington Street and Hill St/I‐93 SB off‐ramp intersection to evaluate best opportunities to balance congestion and safety concerns done in conjunction with overall access management strategies. Long‐Term High City of Woburn Intersection Geometry Consider a redesign of the Medium Washington Street at Montvale Avenue intersection to accommodate WB‐50 truck turns within the roadway and assigned lanes. Long‐Term High City of Woburn Access Management Consider adding some do not block Medium driveways signs for the businesses along the corridor Short‐term Low City of Woburn Access Management Consider reaching out to abutters High about adding signs for right in/out of their driveways. Consider a public outreach to High business owners along Montvale Avenue to discuss driveway consolidation and potential for turn restrictions. City could restrict delivery trucks to Medium off peak hours Mid‐Term Low City of Woburn Long‐Term Medium City of Woburn Short‐Term Low City of Woburn Access Management Access Management Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Page 21 Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Access Management City could consider providing Medium additional enforcement around the White Hen (7 Eleven)/Liquor Store Plaza Consider adding bicycle share the Medium road signs and pavement markings Short‐Term Low City of Woburn/Woburn PD Short‐Term Low City of Woburn Pedestrian and Bicycles Consider adding a marked 5’ shoulder High for bicycles Long‐Term High City of Woburn Pedestrian and Bicycles Evaluate existing sidewalks to see if Medium any street furniture can be removed from sidewalks to improve ADA clearzones. Mid‐Term Medium City of Woburn Pedestrian and Bicycles Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Page 22 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Woburn, MA Montvale Ave between Central St and Hill St) (Montvale Avenue Reconstruction Project) Meeting Location: Woburn City Hall Engineering Conference Room 10 Common Street, Woburn MA December 8, 2014 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM Type of meeting: Attendees: Please bring: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 12:30 PM Welcome and Introductions 12:45 PM Review of Site Specific Material 2:00 PM Visit the Site 3:00 PM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA 4:30 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries Existing Geometries and Conditions Drive to the identified area. As a group, identify areas for improvement Discuss observations and finalize findings Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on December 8, 2014, participants are encouraged to drive through the area and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: December 8, 2014 Audit Team Members Name Lou Rabito Lisa Schletzbaum Derek Caldwell Sara Timoner Chenyuan Wang Tina Cassidy Jay Corey Paul Tenney John O’Neil Bob Rufo Robert Ferullo Don Cooke Tracie Lenhardt Amy Silbovitz Location: Woburn City Hall, 10 Common Street Agency/Affiliation Email Address Phone Number Agency xxx-xxx-xxxx Email MassDOT Highway Division ‐ CSE MassDOT Highway Division – Safety MassDOT Highway Division – District 4 MassDOT Highway Division – District 4 Boston Regional MPO ‐ CTPS City of Woburn – Planning City of Woburn – City Engineer Woburn Police Woburn Police Woburn Police Woburn Police – Chief VHB VHB VHB 857‐368‐9441 857‐368‐9634 781‐641‐8300 781‐641‐8435 617‐973‐8009 781‐897‐5818 781‐897‐5882 781‐932‐4510 978‐888‐5621 781‐933‐1212 781‐932‐4518 617‐924‐1770 617‐924‐1770 617‐924‐1770 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Central S treet \\MAWATR\ts\08363.40\ssheets\Crash Data from WPD\CollisionDiagram.dwg Montvale Avenue S NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. NOT TO SCALE 4. 2. COLLISION DATA FROM MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH POLICE REPORTS: JANUARY 2009-SEPTEMBER 2014 5. 3. 6. TYPES OF COLLISION SYMBOLS MOVING VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENT HEAD ON BACKING VEHICLE INJURY ACCIDENT SIDE SWIPE PARKED VEHICLE OUT OF CONTROL FIXED OBJECT RIGHT ANGLE PEDESTRIAN BICYCLIST ANIMAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL STOP SIGN YIELD SIGN ACCIDENT SUMMARY SEVERITY REAR END LEFT TURN S DAYLIGHT TYPE FATAL INJURY NIGHT PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY PROP. DAM. TOTALS PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY TOTAL ANGLE 2 5 3 2 8 10 REAR-END 4 5 2 4 7 11 1 1 2 3 1 1 19 26 1 HEAD-ON LEFT TURN SIDESWIPE 1 2 1 1 FIXED OBJECT PARKED CAR OTHER TOTAL 7 11 8 7 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Figure 2-1a Collision Diagram Montvale Avenue at Central Street Woburn, Massachusetts \\MAWATR\ts\08363.40\ssheets\Crash Data from WPD\CollisionDiagram.dwg Central Street Washington Street Montvale Avenue S S NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. NOT TO SCALE 4. 2. COLLISION DATA FROM MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH POLICE REPORTS: JANUARY 2009-SEPTEMBER 2014 5. 3. 6. TYPES OF COLLISION SYMBOLS MOVING VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENT HEAD ON BACKING VEHICLE INJURY ACCIDENT SIDE SWIPE PARKED VEHICLE OUT OF CONTROL FIXED OBJECT RIGHT ANGLE PEDESTRIAN BICYCLIST ANIMAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL STOP SIGN YIELD SIGN ACCIDENT SUMMARY SEVERITY REAR END LEFT TURN S DAYLIGHT TYPE FATAL INJURY NIGHT PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY PROP. DAM. TOTALS PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY TOTAL ANGLE 1 4 2 1 6 7 REAR-END 1 5 1 1 6 7 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. HEAD-ON LEFT TURN SIDESWIPE 1 1 2 2 FIXED OBJECT 1 1 2 2 11 5 16 18 PARKED CAR OTHER TOTAL 2 2 Figure 2-1b Collision Diagram Montvale Avenue between Central Street and Washington Street Woburn, Massachusetts Montvale Avenue \\MAWATR\ts\08363.40\ssheets\Crash Data from WPD\CollisionDiagram.dwg Washin gton St re et S NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. NOT TO SCALE 4. 2. COLLISION DATA FROM MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH POLICE REPORTS: JANUARY 2009-SEPTEMBER 2014 5. 3. 6. TYPES OF COLLISION SYMBOLS MOVING VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENT HEAD ON BACKING VEHICLE INJURY ACCIDENT SIDE SWIPE PARKED VEHICLE OUT OF CONTROL FIXED OBJECT RIGHT ANGLE PEDESTRIAN BICYCLIST ANIMAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL STOP SIGN YIELD SIGN ACCIDENT SUMMARY SEVERITY REAR END LEFT TURN S DAYLIGHT TYPE FATAL INJURY NIGHT PROP. DAM. ANGLE 4 21 REAR-END 2 12 FATAL INJURY 1 PROP. DAM. TOTAL 5 4 26 30 2 3 14 17 1 1 1 HEAD-ON TOTALS PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY LEFT TURN 8 SIDESWIPE FIXED OBJECT 1 9 9 1 1 1 PARKED CAR 2 OTHER TOTAL 6 43 2 9 8 2 2 52 60 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Figure 2-1c Collision Diagram Montvale Avenue at Washington Street Woburn, Massachusetts oa nR ini Ra Washington S treet \\MAWATR\ts\08363.40\ssheets\Crash Data from WPD\CollisionDiagram.dwg Montvale Avenue d Alba ny S treet S NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. NOT TO SCALE 4. 2. COLLISION DATA FROM MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH POLICE REPORTS: JANUARY 2009-SEPTEMBER 2014 5. 3. 6. TYPES OF COLLISION SYMBOLS MOVING VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENT HEAD ON BACKING VEHICLE INJURY ACCIDENT SIDE SWIPE PARKED VEHICLE OUT OF CONTROL FIXED OBJECT RIGHT ANGLE PEDESTRIAN BICYCLIST ANIMAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL STOP SIGN YIELD SIGN ACCIDENT SUMMARY SEVERITY REAR END LEFT TURN S DAYLIGHT TYPE FATAL INJURY ANGLE 5 REAR-END 1 HEAD-ON NIGHT PROP. DAM. 81 FATAL INJURY 1 PROP. DAM. TOTALS PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY 8 6 1 5 2 1 1 4 2 89 TOTAL 95 7 8 2 2 1 6 7 1 4 5 2 2 9 110 119 LEFT TURN SIDESWIPE 1 FIXED OBJECT 2 1 2 93 1 17 PARKED CAR 2 OTHER TOTAL 7 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Figure 2-1d Collision Diagram Montvale Avenue between Washington Street and Rainin Road Woburn, Massachusetts \\MAWATR\ts\08363.40\ssheets\Crash Data from WPD\CollisionDiagram.dwg oad nR ini Ra venue le A Montva NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. NOT TO SCALE 4. 2. COLLISION DATA FROM MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH POLICE REPORTS: JANUARY 2009-SEPTEMBER 2014 5. 3. 6. TYPES OF COLLISION SYMBOLS MOVING VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENT HEAD ON BACKING VEHICLE INJURY ACCIDENT SIDE SWIPE PARKED VEHICLE OUT OF CONTROL FIXED OBJECT RIGHT ANGLE PEDESTRIAN BICYCLIST ANIMAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL STOP SIGN YIELD SIGN ACCIDENT SUMMARY SEVERITY REAR END LEFT TURN S DAYLIGHT TYPE FATAL INJURY NIGHT PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY PROP. DAM. TOTALS PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY TOTAL ANGLE 1 15 3 1 18 19 REAR-END 1 4 1 1 5 6 2 2 2 HEAD-ON LEFT TURN Figure 2-1e SIDESWIPE FIXED OBJECT PARKED CAR 1 OTHER TOTAL Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 2 20 6 2 1 1 26 28 Collision Diagram Montvale Avenue at Rainin Road Woburn, Massachusetts I-9 3S BO ff-R am p \\MAWATR\ts\08363.40\ssheets\Crash Data from WPD\CollisionDiagram.dwg venue Montvale A I-93 SB On-Ra mp ill H et re St NOTES TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. NOT TO SCALE 4. 2. COLLISION DATA FROM MOTOR VEHICLE CRASH POLICE REPORTS: JANUARY 2009-SEPTEMBER 2014 5. 3. 6. TYPES OF COLLISION SYMBOLS MOVING VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENT HEAD ON BACKING VEHICLE INJURY ACCIDENT SIDE SWIPE PARKED VEHICLE OUT OF CONTROL FIXED OBJECT RIGHT ANGLE PEDESTRIAN BICYCLIST ANIMAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL STOP SIGN YIELD SIGN ACCIDENT SUMMARY SEVERITY REAR END LEFT TURN S DAYLIGHT TYPE FATAL INJURY ANGLE REAR-END 4 NIGHT PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY PROP. DAM. TOTALS PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY TOTAL 10 1 2 1 12 13 10 3 4 7 14 21 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. HEAD-ON LEFT TURN 5 SIDESWIPE 1 6 6 FIXED OBJECT PARKED CAR 1 OTHER TOTAL 4 25 4 8 8 1 1 33 41 Figure 2-1f Collision Diagram Montvale Avenue at Hill Street Woburn, Massachusetts Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (A) Montvale Avenue @ Central Street Crash Month 25% 19% 20% 19% 15% 12% 12% 10% 5% 8% 4% 8% 4% 4% 8% 4% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D Crash Day of Week 23% 25% 23% 19% 20% 15% 15% 12% 10% 5% 4% 4% Saturday Sunday 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Crash Time of Day 30% 27% 23% 25% 20% 19% 15% 15% 8% 10% 4% 5% 0% 4% 0% 0% 0% 10pm12am 12am2am 0% 0% 6am8am 8am10am 10am12pm 12pm2pm 2pm4pm 4pm6pm 6pm8pm 8pm10pm 2am4am 4am6am Crash Manner of Collision 50% 42% 40% 38% 30% 20% 10% 8% 4% 4% 4% Sideswipe, opposite direction Head on 0% Single Rear-End Vehicle Crash Angled Sideswipe, same direction 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown Page 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (A) Montvale Avenue @ Central Street Crash Light Condition 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 69% 31% Daylight 0% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark - lighted Dark roadway roadway not lighted 0% 0% 0% Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown Crash Weather Condition 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 69% 15% 12% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crash Road Surface 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 73% 19% Dry Wet 4% 4% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unk Crash Driver Age 24% 25% 24% 20% 20% 15% 10% 13% 7% 9% 5% 2% 0% 2% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Unknown Page 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (B) Between Central Street and Washington Street Crash Month 25% 22% 20% 15% 11% 10% 6% 11% 11% 11% 6% 6% 11% 6% 5% 0% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D Crash Day of Week 50% 39% 40% 30% 22% 20% 11% 6% 10% 11% 6% 6% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crash Time of Day 25% 22% 20% 17% 15% 10% 17% 11% 11% 6% 6% 5% 6% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6am8am 8am10am 10am12pm 12pm2pm 2pm4pm 4pm6pm 6pm8pm 8pm10pm 10pm12am 12am2am 2am4am 4am6am Crash Manner of Collision 50% 39% 40% 39% 30% 20% 11% 11% 10% 0% Single Rear-End Vehicle Crash Angled Sideswipe, same direction 0% 0% 0% 0% Sideswipe, opposite direction Head on Rear to Rear Unknown Page 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (B) Between Central Street and Washington Street Crash Light Condition 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 67% 33% Daylight 0% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark - lighted Dark roadway roadway not lighted 0% 0% 0% Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown Crash Weather Condition 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 78% 11% 11% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crash Road Surface 100% 83% 80% 60% 40% 17% 20% 0% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unk 0% 0% 70-79 80+ Crash Driver Age 24% 25% 21% 20% 15% 16% 13% 13% 11% 10% 5% 3% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Unknown Page 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (C) Montvale Avenue @ Washington Street Crash Month 14% 13% 12% 12% 12% 10% 10% 10% 10% 8% 8% 8% 5% 6% 5% 3% 4% 3% 2% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D Crash Day of Week 25% 20% 20% 18% 18% 17% 15% 12% 8% 10% 7% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crash Time of Day 25% 20% 20% 15% 15% 12% 15% 12% 10% 12% 5% 5% 3% 3% 2% 2% 0% 0% 6am8am 8am10am 10am12pm 12pm2pm 2pm4pm 4pm6pm 6pm8pm 8pm10pm 10pm12am 12am2am 2am4am 4am6am Crash Manner of Collision 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 50% 28% 13% 5% Single Rear-End Vehicle Crash Angled Sideswipe, same direction 2% 2% 0% 0% Sideswipe, opposite direction Head on Rear to Rear Unknown Page 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (C) Montvale Avenue @ Washington Street Crash Light Condition 100% 80% 77% 60% 40% 20% 5% 5% Dawn Dusk 12% 0% 0% 0% 2% Other Unknown 0% Daylight Dark lighted roadway Dark Dark roadway not unknown lighted roadway lighting Crash Weather Condition 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 65% 23% 7% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% Crash Road Surface 100% 80% 78% 60% 40% 18% 20% 2% 0% Snow Ice 0% Dry Wet 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 2% Slush Other Unk 3% 3% 70-79 80+ Crash Driver Age 25% 23% 20% 20% 18% 17% 15% 10% 7% 5% 5% 5% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Unknown Page 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (D) Between Washington Street and Rainin Road Crash Month 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 15% 13% 13% 7% 8% 7% J F 6% M 6% A M 5% J 8% 8% N D 5% J A S O Crash Day of Week 25% 20% 20% 18% 18% 18% 14% 15% 10% 7% 5% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crash Time of Day 20% 15% 18% 15% 13% 13% 13% 12% 9% 10% 5% 2% 0% 2% 2% 3% 12am2am 2am4am 4am6am 0% 6am8am 8am10am 10am12pm 12pm2pm 2pm4pm 4pm6pm 6pm8pm 8pm10pm 10pm12am Crash Manner of Collision 100% 80% 80% 60% 40% 20% 6% 7% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-End 5% 1% 2% Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, opposite direction Head on 0% Angled 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown Page 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (D) Between Washington Street and Rainin Road Crash Light Condition 100% 82% 80% 60% 40% 20% 3% 4% Dawn Dusk 11% 1% 0% 0% 0% Other Unknown 0% Daylight Dark lighted roadway Dark Dark roadway not unknown lighted roadway lighting Crash Weather Condition 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 65% 25% 8% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crash Road Surface 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 75% 24% Dry Wet 2% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unk Crash Driver Age 30% 26% 25% 21% 18% 20% 14% 15% 10% 6% 5% 5% 6% 3% 1% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Unknown Page 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (E) Montvale Avenue @ Rainin Road Crash Month 20% 18% 18% 15% 11% 11% 10% 7% 11% 7% 7% 4% 5% 4% 4% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D Crash Day of Week 30% 25% 25% 25% 21% 20% 15% 11% 11% 10% 7% 5% 0% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crash Time of Day 25% 21% 18% 20% 14% 15% 10% 18% 11% 7% 4% 5% 4% 0% 4% 0% 0% 0% 6am8am 8am10am 10am12pm 12pm2pm 2pm4pm 4pm6pm 6pm8pm 8pm10pm 10pm12am 12am2am 2am4am 4am6am Crash Manner of Collision 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 68% 21% 4% Single Rear-End Vehicle Crash Angled 0% 0% Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, opposite direction 7% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown Page 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (E) Montvale Avenue @ Rainin Road Crash Light Condition 100% 80% 79% 60% 40% 21% 20% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk 0% 0% 0% 0% Other Unknown 0% Daylight Dark lighted roadway Dark Dark roadway not unknown lighted roadway lighting Crash Weather Condition 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 75% 11% 7% 7% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crash Road Surface 100% 80% 79% 60% 40% 14% 20% 7% 0% Dry Wet Snow 0% Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unk Crash Driver Age 28% 30% 25% 19% 20% 16% 16% 15% 12% 10% 5% 4% 4% 0% 2% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Unknown Page 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (F) Montvale Avenue @ Hill Street Crash Month 25% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% 5% 10% 10% 7% 5% 5% F M 7% 5% 5% 2% 0% J A M J J A S O N D Crash Day of Week 35% 29% 30% 25% 20% 15% 15% 12% 10% 10% 15% 12% 7% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crash Time of Day 20% 17% 15% 15% 10% 15% 15% 10% 7% 7% 5% 5% 5% 2% 2% 0% 0% 6am8am 8am10am 10am12pm 12pm2pm 2pm4pm 4pm6pm 6pm8pm 8pm10pm 10pm12am 12am2am 2am4am 4am6am Crash Manner of Collision 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 51% 32% 15% 0% Single Rear-End Vehicle Crash Angled Sideswipe, same direction 0% 0% 2% 0% Sideswipe, opposite direction Head on Rear to Rear Unknown Page 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Chart Montvale Ave; Woburn, MA July 2009-Aug 2014 (F) Montvale Avenue @ Hill Street Crash Light Condition 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 71% 29% Daylight 0% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark - lighted Dark roadway roadway not lighted 0% 0% 0% Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown Crash Weather Condition 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 80% 15% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crash Road Surface 100% 80% 80% 60% 40% 20% 20% 0% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unk Crash Driver Age 30% 27% 25% 20% 13% 15% 10% 16% 16% 10% 7% 8% 4% 5% 0% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Unknown Page 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Table # B0a B0b Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (A) Montvale @ Central July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type 4/11/2009 Saturday 16:13:00 Rear-end Daylight 6/26/2009 Friday Sideswipe, same 19:00:00 direction Dark - lighted roadway Rain Clear Wet Driver Contributing Code Type Distracted; Inattention D1 Ages D2 D3 33 17 35 Comments D4 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light, then went in reverse and struck Veh#3 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while making left turn Dry Unknown 37 21 16 40 50 unk B1 7/16/2009 Thursday 12:02:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor B2 8/18/2009 Tuesday 13:55:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 31 38 44 37 Veh #1 struck Veh #2 from behind at light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while Veh#2 was trying to take left turn 54 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 (bus with no passengers) after running red light 45 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 after running red light B3 B4 B5 B6 10/21/2009 Wednesday 12/15/2009 Tuesday 3/19/2010 Friday 9/16/2010 Thursday 16:18:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Wet Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor 17:39:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 7:54:00 Angled 12:41:00 Angled B7 2/10/2011 Thursday 19:57:00 Head on B8 2/27/2011 Sunday 18:05:00 Rear-end Sideswipe, opposite 16:29:00 direction B9 B10 3/8/2011 Tuesday 3/11/2011 Friday 2:52:00 Rear-end Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Clear Clear Dry Glare Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor 68 67 Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 29 45 Cloudy Ice Inattention 37 48 Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 41 25 Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Other improper action 53 43 Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind at light Veh #2(police w/ lights and siren activated) struck Veh #1 while Veh#1 crossed intersection Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while taking left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behing at light Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while taking left turn Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while backing out of intersection to make room for fire truck Page 1 of 3 Crash Data Summary Table # B11 B12 B13 B14 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 8/31/2011 Wednesday 12/12/2011 Monday 2/13/2012 Monday 3/22/2012 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (A) Montvale @ Central July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Driver Contributing Code Type 16:44:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention; Distracted 48 56 10:13:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed; Inattention 41 20 Dry Operating defective equipment 7:47:00 Single Vehicle Crash 6:59:00 Angled Daylight Daylight Clear Clear 64 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 after running red light Dry B16 6/5/2012 Tuesday 18:35:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings B18 B19 2/13/2013 Wednesday 2/15/2013 Friday B20 10/23/2013 Wednesday B21 1/30/2014 Thursday B22 3/5/2014 Wednesday Dark - lighted roadway Clear 64 41 Cloudy Sideswipe, same 18:27:00 direction 31 Veh#1 and Veh#2 collide in intersection; both claim they had green light 61 Daylight Rain 24 Veh#1 struck street sign after losing breaks 35 13:32:00 Rear-end Daylight Wet Failed to yield right of way 26 35 Wet Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 62 52 18:11:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway 12:11:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 69 43 11:40:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 67 69 21:48:00 Angled Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind when Veh#1 stopped for police with lgihts and siren activated Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while backing up at red light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind at light 6/5/2012 Tuesday 7:10:00 Angled D4 No improper driving B15 11/13/2012 Tuesday Comments Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor B17 D1 Ages D2 D3 Snow Snow Distracted 32 61 Clear Dry No improper driving 70 59 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while making left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while changing from left to right lane Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while taking left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light Veh#2 struck Veh#1 (semi-trailer) after running red light Page 2 of 3 Crash Data Summary Table # B23 D1 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 7/7/2014 Monday 7/22/2009 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (A) Montvale @ Central July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 D3 16:45:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 44 57 64 16:30:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 20 35 32 Comments D4 Veh#1 struck Veh#3 from behind at light which then struck Veh#2 from behind Veh #1 struck Veh #2 from behind in traffic, which then struck Veh #3, which then struck 45 Veh #4 One of 26 Hit and Run Zero of 26 charged with OUI. Zero out of 26 involved non-motorist (pedestrian, cyclist) One out of 26 drivers unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured vehicle, and/or expired Inspection Sticker Seven out of 26 collisions resulted in personal injury Twelve of the vehicles involved in 26 collisions were towed Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Town. Page 3 of 3 Crash Data Summary Table # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y C9 12/2/2009 Wednesday D10 7/26/2010 Monday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 18:20:00 Rear-end 7:16:00 Rear-end Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (B) Between Central Street & Washington Street July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Distracted Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely D1 32 57 60 33 D14 2/27/2011 Sunday 10:34:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Wet Other improper action 63 D17 5/23/2011 Monday 18:34:00 Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Cloudy Dry 45 D22 11/22/2011 Tuesday Daylight Clear Dry Illness Inattention; Followed to closely Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 23 7/12/2013 Friday Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 48 unk 8/28/2013 Wednesday 11:27:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention; Distracted 23 6/27/2012 Wednesday D34 D35 D40 F0 26 10:42:00 Rear-end Sideswipe, same 18:11:00 direction D24 D36 8:06:00 Rear-end Ages D2 D3 10/28/2013 Monday 4/30/2014 Wednesday 5/29/2009 Friday 30 56 Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 22 38 8:43:00 Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 34 24 0:11:00 Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Inattention 18 69 17:32:00 Angled Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while making right turn Veh#1 struck pole then fence then wall Veh#2 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic 41 Dark - lighted roadway D4 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behing in traffic 18 59 Comments 33 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic which then struck Veh#3 49 which struck Veh#4 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while passing Veh#2 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting TD Bank which then struck Veh#3 which then struck Veh#4 58 from behind Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 from behind while slowing to enter parking lot F1 9/23/2009 Wednesday 17:16:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 50 32 F2 5/6/2010 Thursday 16:00:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 65 53 Veh #2 struck Veh #1 while making left land turn onto Montvale Veh#2 was struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 17 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot F3a 6/2/2010 Wednesday 15:33:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 38 Page 1 of 2 Crash Data Summary Table # F3b F4 F5 F6 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 10/3/2010 Sunday 12/4/2010 Saturday 5/13/2013 Monday 8/14/2013 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (B) Between Central Street & Washington Street July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type D1 Sideswipe, same 2:44:00 direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving 24 1:47:00 Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Fatigue/Asleep 40 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 28 Dry Failed to keep in proper lane 21:01:00 Angled 17:28:00 Angled Daylight Clear 19 Ages D2 D3 Comments D4 62 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while entering parking lot Veh#1 struck utility pole after falling asleep at the wheel Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while entering parking lot 26 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 33 One of 18 Hit and Run Zero of 18 charged with OUI. Zero out of 18 involved non-motorist (pedestrian, cyclist) One out of 18 drivers unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured vehicle, and/or expired Inspection Sticker Two out of 18 collisions resulted in personal injury Fourteen of the vehicles involved in 18 collisions were towed Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Town. Page 2 of 2 Crash Data Summary Table # A1 A2 C0b Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 7/15/2009 Wednesday 12/20/2010 Monday 4/9/2009 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 18:12:00 Angled 15:41:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (C) Montvale @ Washington July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Daylight Dusk 19:32:00 Angled Dusk Clear Snow Dry Wet Driver Contributing Code Type Failed to yield right of way Unknown D1 23 56 Ages D2 D3 35 26 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 57 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Unknown Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 24 53 59 C1 7/20/2009 Monday 22:09:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway C2 8/20/2009 Thursday 12:16:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 37 30 Dawn Clear Dry Unknown 57 57 C3 9/4/2009 Friday 5:46:00 Angled C4 9/28/2009 Monday 7:13:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 18 28 C5 10/7/2009 Wednesday 6:48:00 Rear-end Dawn Rain Wet Followed too closely 43 28 40 C6a 10/12/2009 Monday 14:40:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way; Inattention 63 C6b 10/25/2009 Sunday 16:07:00 Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 31 C7 11/17/2009 Tuesday 8:02:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 25 25 C8 11/24/2009 Tuesday 17:12:00 Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Followed too closely 24 54 C10 1/10/2010 Sunday 12:33:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 50 D4 Veh #1 struck Veh #2 while crossing lane to make left hand turn Dry Clear Comments Veh #1 struck Veh #2 after running red light Veh #1 struck Veh #2 while Veh #2 was crossing lane to make a left hand turn Veh #1 struck Veh #2 while Veh #2 was crossing lane to make a left hand turn Veh # 1 and Veh #2 collided in intersection when both thought they had a green light Veh #1 struck Veh #2 from behind at light Veh #1 struck Veh #2 while taking left turn into parking lot Veh#1 struck pedestrian 53 32 Veh #2 struck Veh #1 while exiting parking lot Veh #3 struck Veh #2 from behind at light which struck Veh #1 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while Veh#2 was taking left out of parking lot Page 1 of 5 Crash Data Summary Table # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type C11 1/14/2010 Thursday 15:21:00 Angled C12 1/26/2010 Tuesday 6:14:00 Angled C13 2/21/2010 Sunday Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (C) Montvale @ Washington July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 D3 Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 65 24 Dawn Cloudy Wet Failed to yield right of way 67 28 17:08:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 82 86 18:57:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Driving too fast for conditions 23 34 C14 3/13/2010 Saturday C15 3/25/2010 Thursday 8:54:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 35 28 C16 3/30/2010 Tuesday 17:44:00 Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet 44 53 Dry Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings; Failing to keep in proper lane Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Dry Failure to keep proper lane; Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 6/9/2010 Wednesday 8/20/2010 Friday 11/25/2010 Thursday 3/29/2011 Tuesday 4/20/2011 Wednesday C22 4/25/2011 Monday C23 5/9/2011 Monday C24a 11/3/2011 Thursday Sideswipe, same 13:41:00 direction Sideswipe, same 15:46:00 direction 21:21:00 Head on 8:38:00 Single Vehicle Crash 17:42:00 Angled Sideswipe, same 8:18:00 direction Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry No improper driving No improper driving Comments D4 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while Veh#2 took left turn into parking lot Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while making a right turn on red Veh#2 struck Veh#1 after running red light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while Veh#2 tried to take left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic which then hit Veh#3 33 86 43 66 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while changing from left to right lane Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while changing from left to right lane 46 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while making right hand turn, crossed DYCL 54 Veh#1 struck cyclist while taking right turn 45 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while making left turn 25 32 31 Daylight Cloudy Dry No improper driving 22 53 15:57:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 51 24 15:07:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 33 65 Veh#2(truck and trailer) struck Veh#1 while making right turn Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic Page 2 of 5 Crash Data Summary Table # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y C24b 11/7/2011 Monday C24c 11/24/2011 Thursday C25 C26 1/16/2012 Monday 1/17/2012 Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Sideswipe, same 8:30:00 direction Sideswipe, same 1:55:00 direction 23:36:00 Single Vehicle Crash 6:51:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (C) Montvale @ Washington July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Clear Dry Clear Dry Driver Contributing Code Type Disregarding traffic signs, signals, road markings; Failed to keep in proper lane Failure to keep in proper lane Snow Snow No improper driving 18 Wet Failure to keep in proper lane 33 62 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while merging Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while merging Veh#1 lost control of vehicle in snow and struck light pole Veh#1 (semi-trailer) struck Veh#2 while making left turn 48 23 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while making left turn 33 62 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while making left turn 35 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 after running red light Cloudy C27a 1/20/2012 Friday 15:15:00 Angled Daylight Clear Wet Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor C27b 1/27/2012 Friday 6:51:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Wet Failure to keep in proper lane C29 3/12/2012 Monday 16:58:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed; Inattention Disregarding traffic signs, signals, road markings; Inattention C30 5/29/2012 Tuesday 16:44:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry C31 6/5/2012 Tuesday 17:44:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear C32 7/8/2012 Sunday 18:41:00 Angled Daylight C33 7/19/2012 Thursday 19:18:00 Rear-end C34 8/10/2012 Friday C28 C35 2/28/2012 Tuesday 3/6/2013 Wednesday 13:45:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry D1 Ages D2 D3 23 70 25 43 19 25 40 Failed to yield right of way 41 32 Dry Distracted 26 30 Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 17 53 Dusk Clear Dry No improper driving 17 49 Sideswipe, same 10:51:00 direction Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 43 70 Sideswipe, same 8:19:00 direction Daylight Rain Wet Unknown 44 48 Comments D4 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 after running red light Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while making right on red Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind in traffic Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while making left turn Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic Veh#1 (semi-trailer) struck Veh#2 while making right turn Veh#2 (semi-trailer) struck Veh#1 while making right turn Page 3 of 5 Crash Data Summary Table # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y C36 4/20/2013 Saturday C37 4/24/2013 Wednesday C38 C39 C40 5/3/2013 Friday 6/3/2013 Monday 6/12/2013 Wednesday C41 7/6/2013 Saturday C42 8/29/2013 Thursday C43 C44 10/1/2013 Tuesday 10/30/2013 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 13:27:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (C) Montvale @ Washington July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 D3 Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 76 57 9:49:00 Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 61 51 18:37:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Glare 50 40 14:18:00 Angled 6:49:00 Rear-end 11:23:00 Angled Sideswipe, same 16:48:00 direction Daylight Cloudy Dry Unknown 79 42 Daylight Cloudy Wet Followed too closely 31 52 Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 40 23 Daylight Cloudy Dry Unknown 48 unk 24 28 8:38:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 8:13:00 Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Wet Distracted 37 18 49 46 41 21 C45 12/4/2013 Wednesday 9:18:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor C46 1/13/2014 Monday 9:11:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Sideswipe, opposite 6:14:00 direction Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 14:59:00 Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Unknown 59 unk 12:05:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Made an improper turn 30 11:05:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Unknown 46 unk C47 4/3/2014 Thursday C48 4/19/2014 Saturday C49a 7/1/2014 Tuesday C49b 8/15/2014 Friday unk 29 51 Comments D4 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 (motorcycle) from behind at light Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while making left turn Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind at light Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while making left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while passing Veh#1 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while changing from left to right lane Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while making left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light Cyclist struck Veh#1 while taking improper left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while rolling back Page 4 of 5 Crash Data Summary Table # C50 D8 N2 N3 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 8/25/2014 Monday 6/16/2010 Wednesday 9/15/2012 Saturday 11/14/2012 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 8:23:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (C) Montvale @ Washington July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Daylight Clear Dry Driver Contributing Code Type Unknown D1 Ages D2 D3 23 unk Unknown Unk Unk Unknown 53 unk 21:21:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 39 43 Dry Made an improper turn; Other improper action 27 46 Daylight Clear D4 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while making right turn 19:51:00 Rear-end 12:13:00 Angled Comments Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while entering parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while entering parking lot Seven of 60 Hit and Run Two of 60 charged with OUI. Three out of 60 involved non-motorist (pedestrian, cyclist) Two out of 60 drivers unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured vehicle, and/or expired Inspection Sticker Eight out of 60 collisions resulted in personal injury Thirty five of the vehicles involved in 60 collisions were towed Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Town. Page 5 of 5 Crash Data Summary Table # C0a D0b D2 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 2/28/2009 Saturday 3/14/2009 Saturday 8/6/2009 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 3:45:00 Single Vehicle Crash Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor D1 Ages D2 D3 Comments D4 Veh#1 struck utility pole 25 7:34:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Glare; Inattention 58 55 19:02:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 22 53 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Albany St Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind in traffic D11a 8/18/2010 Wednesday 13:22:00 Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 53 46 D11b 8/25/2010 Wednesday 16:11:00 Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Followed too closely 61 61 Veh#3 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic which then struck Veh#1 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic 40 Veh#3 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic which then struck Veh#1 D13a 11/5/2010 Friday D21 9/4/2011 Sunday D23 12/5/2011 Monday D26 11/14/2012 Wednesday D27 12/14/2012 Friday 12:34:00 Rear-end 21:38:00 Rear-end 0:26:00 Single Vehicle Crash 18:28:00 Single Vehicle Crash Sideswipe, same 7:45:00 direction 10:01:00 Rear-end Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet No improper driving 46 Clear Dry Other improper action 47 Clear Dry Fatigued/asleep 49 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving 55 Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 37 unk Veh#1 struck pedestrian crossing the road Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while passing Wet Unknown 27 unk Rain Wet 23 Clear Dry Inattention Inattention; Followed to closely 38 18:11:00 Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway 29 37 Sideswipe, same 12:40:00 direction Daylight Snow Snow Failure to keep proper lane 43 32 D33 6/14/2013 Friday 9:01:00 Angled D37 10/28/2013 Monday D38 12/17/2013 Tuesday Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#1 struck utility pole Snow 2/16/2013 Saturday 50 32 Daylight D30 38 unk Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic which then struck Veh#3 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while changing from right to left lane Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while changing from right to left lane Page 1 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # E0a E0b Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 4/17/2009 Friday 6/30/2009 Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 16:28:00 Angled 17:33:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Dry Dry D1 Failed to yield right of way 57 Failed to yield right of way Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet No improper driving Ages D2 D3 66 37 45 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot E1a 8/23/2009 Sunday E1b 9/15/2009 Tuesday 8:54:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Make an improper turn unk 23 E2 9/15/2009 Tuesday 16:08:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way unk 45 E3 11/6/2009 Friday 14:41:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Unknown 26 12/30/2009 Wednesday 8:53:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 26 32 E5 2/1/2010 Monday 16:12:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 19 59 E6 2/1/2010 Monday 16:29:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility obstructed 29 57 12:05:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 50 52 E8a E8b 2/12/2010 Friday 3/11/2010 Thursday 5/5/2010 Wednesday Sideswipe, opposite 17:14:00 direction Dusk Rain Wet Unknown 51 unk 17:32:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility obstructed; Failed to yield right of way 39 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while entering parking lot Veh #1 struck Veh #2 whlile trying to take left hand turn onto Montvale Ave Veh #2 struck Veh #1 while exiting parking lot 26 unk E4 E7 D4 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Sideswipe, same 1:24:00 direction 38 Comments Veh#1 and Veh#2 collide while both trying to cross Montvale from parking lots Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while turning left out of parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while turning left out of parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while Veh#1 was taking left turn out of parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while making a left turn out of the parking lot 20 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Page 2 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 5/25/2010 Tuesday 5/26/2010 Wednesday 8/23/2010 Monday 9/2/2010 Thursday 11/23/2010 Tuesday 2/16/2011 Wednesday 5/2/2011 Monday 5/13/2011 Friday 7/7/2011 Thursday 7/8/2011 Friday 10/20/2011 Thursday 10/31/2011 Monday 12/23/2011 Friday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 16:11:00 Angled 13:02:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way D1 25 Dry Visibility obstructed 46 36 27 Ages D2 D3 Comments D4 45 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 36 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 4:31:00 Single Vehicle Crash 5:58:00 Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Dawn Rain Clear Wet Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor Illness 7:00:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 39 22 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 30 25 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Daylight Clear Dry Visibility obstructed 32 26 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 32 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 42 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 41 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 27 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 31 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 40 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 18:20:00 Angled 7:45:00 Angled 6:50:00 Angled 16:12:00 Angled 16:29:00 Angled 11:33:00 Angled 17:48:00 Angled 11:55:00 Angled Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dusk Daylight Clear Clear Clear Rain Clear Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way Visibility obstructed; Failure to keep proper lane; Inattention Dry Visibility obstructed; Failed to yield right of way Dry Wet Dry Wet Inattention Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way 41 25 39 41 57 49 Veh#1 struck pole Veh#1 struck pole Page 3 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27a Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 1/4/2012 Wednesday 2/3/2012 Friday 7/30/2012 Monday 8/22/2012 Wednesday 9/25/2012 Tuesday 11/30/2012 Friday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 20:19:00 Angled 7:36:00 Angled 8:07:00 Angled 8:58:00 Angled 18:12:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dusk Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way Visibility Obstructed 47 32 19 35 69 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 82 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 64 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 24 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Dry Visibility Obstructed; Inattention 25 28 25 42 Daylight Daylight Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane D4 51 Failed to yield right of way 34 Comments Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while entering parking lot Dry 7:35:00 Angled Clear D1 Ages D2 D3 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while changing from left to right lane E27b 4/29/2013 Monday 15:53:00 Angled E28 4/30/2013 Tuesday 7:25:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Unknown 25 unk E29 5/17/2013 Friday 8:10:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 32 27 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot E30 8/13/2013 Tuesday 14:51:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 34 27 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot E31 8/19/2013 Monday 4:59:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Visibility Obstructed 65 50 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 27 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot E32 E33a E33b 8/29/2013 Thursday 9/11/2013 Wednesday 1/7/2014 Tuesday 17:24:00 Angled 18:20:00 Angled 15:22:00 Head on Daylight Daylight Dusk Cloudy Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Unknown Visibility obstructed 33 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 38 unk Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 48 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 23 Page 4 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # E33c E34a Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 2/16/2014 Sunday 3/12/2014 Wednesday E34b 5/20/2014 Tuesday E35 6/26/2014 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Sideswipe, same 14:49:00 direction 18:04:00 Angled 12:47:00 Angled Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Cloudy Dry Unknown Wet Visibility obstructed; Failed to yield right of way D1 Ages D2 D3 46 29 Comments D4 66 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while making right turn 34 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 73 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 19 Rain Wet Fatigue/asleep 53 23 72 H0a 1/21/2009 Wednesday 11:34:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Visibility Obstructed; Failed to yield right of way H0b 3/29/2009 Monday 12:55:00 Angled Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 20 33 6:54:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 33 36 Veh#1 struck utility pole Veh #1 struck Veh #2 while pulling out of parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while pulling out of parking lot Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while pulling out of parking lot 41 37 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while pulling out of parking lot H0c 4/2/2009 Thursday 2:47:00 Single Vehicle Crash Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type H0d 4/7/2009 Tuesday 10:55:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention; Disregarding traffic signs, signals, road markings H0e 5/28/2009 Thursday 11:00:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Wet Visibility obstructed 40 49 H1 9/28/2009 Monday 11:59:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed; Other improper action 85 19 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh #2 struck Veh #1 while pulling out of parking lot H2 3/23/2010 Tuesday 7:54:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Wet Unknown 23 unk H3 4/2/2010 Friday 8:15:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 23 42 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while Veh#1 was exiting parking lot H4 4/14/2010 Wednesday 10:29:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 42 53 H5a 5/15/2010 Saturday 14:30:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 73 17 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while taking right turn out of parking lot Page 5 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # H5b H6 H7 H8 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 8/14/2010 Saturday 8/23/2010 Monday 8/27/2010 Friday 10/27/2010 Wednesday H9a 11/17/2010 Wednesday H9b 12/23/2010 Thursday H10a H10b H10c H11 H12 1/25/2011 Tuesday 5/23/2011 Monday 6/29/2011 Wednesday 8/5/2011 Friday 8/8/2011 Monday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 11:00:00 Angled 7:45:00 Angled 12:45:00 Head on 14:52:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Dry Wet Dry Dry Visibility obstructed Wet Unknown 8:29:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Visibility Obstructed; Failed to yield right of way 9:04:00 Angled 12:44:00 Angled 14:50:00 Angled Daylight Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Clear Wet Failed to yield right of way Wet Failed to keep in proper lane Dry Dry 27 Failed to yield right of way Clear Cloudy 26 No improper driving Daylight Daylight 33 Visibility Obstructed 10:26:00 Angled 13:25:00 Angled D1 Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way Ages D2 D3 31 unk 28 74 41 33 30 Comments D4 66 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 37 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 29 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 37 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 64 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 76 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 54 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 32 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 26 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 32 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 8:50:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Wet Visibility obstructed 22 22 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 51 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot H13a 8/26/2011 Friday 17:02:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 46 H13b 10/31/2011 Monday 8:33:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 24 unk Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot Page 6 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # H14 H15 H16 H17 H18 H19 H20 H21 H22 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 11/3/2011 Thursday 11/10/2011 Thursday 1/8/2012 Sunday 1/22/2012 Sunday 2/15/2012 Wednesday 3/14/2012 Wednesday 5/25/2012 Friday 12/16/2012 Sunday 1/13/2013 Sunday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 14:42:00 Angled 12:08:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Daylight Daylight 11:32:00 Angled Daylight 18:43:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway 8:19:00 Angled 15:36:00 Angled 15:58:00 Angled 15:24:00 Angled 10:48:00 Angled Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way Wet Visibility Obstructed; Inattention Dry Failed to yield right of way Wet Visibility Obstructed; Failure to keep in proper lane D1 28 29 25 34 Ages D2 D3 Comments D4 40 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 56 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 76 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 57 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot Wet Visibility Obstructed 57 62 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor 39 84 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor 43 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 60 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 59 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot Daylight Cloudy Daylight Fog, Smog, Smoke Wet Wet 52 Failed to yield right of way 57 Failed to yield right of way 23 9:25:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 28 24 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 11:16:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 69 43 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 9/13/2013 Friday 9:07:00 Angled Daylight Rain Wet Unknown 27 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 5/14/2014 Wednesday 9:34:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 79 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot H23 2/15/2013 Friday H24 5/27/2013 Monday H25 H26 unk 28 Page 7 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # H27 H28 I0 I1 I2 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 6/30/2014 Monday 7/5/2014 Saturday 2/24/2009 Tuesday 12/14/2009 Monday 7/22/2010 Thursday I3 12/31/2013 Tuesday K1 2/9/2010 Tuesday K2 3/18/2010 Thursday K3 11/3/2010 Wednesday K4 2/1/2012 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 9:13:00 Angled 13:01:00 Angled 7:12:00 Angled 17:54:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Visibility Obstructed Failed to yield right of way D1 Ages D2 D3 37 59 Comments D4 21 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 26 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Daylight Cloudy Dry Visibility obstructed 35 43 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 20 59 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot Veh #1 struck Veh #2 while pulling out of parking lot 18:55:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 45 unk 7:40:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry No improper driving 28 9:47:00 Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 40 Daylight Clear Dry 32 23 Dawn Clear Dry Other improper action Failed to yield right of way; Failure to keep in proper lane Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while entering parking lot Veh#1 struck base of old light pole when entering parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while taking left turn out of parking lot 52 38 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting parking lot Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor 32 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting parking lot 24 17 12:01:00 Angled Sideswipe, same 7:19:00 direction 18:37:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway Clear 41 27 K5 8/17/2012 Friday 16:06:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed; Inattention K6 9/30/2013 Monday 16:01:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 48 69 L1 2/17/2010 Wednesday 6:55:00 Angled Daylight Clear Snow Visibility Obstructed 39 32 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while entering parking lot Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while Veh#2 was taking left turn out of parking lot Page 8 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y L2 10/11/2010 Monday L3 8/25/2014 Monday M1 N1 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 O1 3/4/2011 Friday 6/26/2012 Tuesday 11/17/2013 Sunday 12/2/2013 Monday 1/23/2014 Thursday 2/25/2014 Tuesday 5/29/2014 Thursday 5/29/2014 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type D1 Ages D2 D3 15:23:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention; Followed too closely 12:51:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 19 18:38:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 43 unk 9:04:00 Angled 16:17:00 Angled 15:56:00 Angled 7:38:00 Angled 10:57:00 Angled 13:08:00 Angled 17:45:00 Angled 59 25 49 Comments D4 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#1 struck Veh#2 (cyclist) while making right turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while backing out of parking lot Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 40 17 Dusk Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 56 26 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting marking lot Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while entering parking lot 23 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while making illegal left turn out of parking lot 25 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 after making illegal left turn exiting parking lot 37 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Dawn Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Wet Dry Failed to yield right of way; Made an improper turn Made an improper turn 17 27 Dry Failed to yield right of way Dry Disregarding traffic signs, signals, road markings 48 42 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Dry Disregarding traffic signs, signals, road markings; Made an improper turn 58 30 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting parking lot 26 6/9/2014 Monday 11:43:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 25 26 7/3/2012 Tuesday Sideswipe, same 17:04:00 direction Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 42 52 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh#1 struck Veh#2 (cyclist) while entering parking lot Page 9 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # O2 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 8/14/2012 Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 17:15:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (D) Between Washington Street & Rainin Road July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed D1 22 Ages D2 D3 25 Comments D4 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot. Veh#2 then struck Veh#3 which struck Veh#4 Fourteen of 119 Hit and Run Zero of 119 charged with OUI. Three out of 119 involved non-motorist (pedestrian, cyclist) Eight out of 119 drivers unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured vehicle, and/or expired Inspection Sticker Nine out of 119 collisions resulted in personal injury Seventy four of the vehicles involved in 119 collisions were towed Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Town. Page 10 of 10 Crash Data Summary Table # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (E) Montvale Ave @Rainin Rd July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 D3 D0c 3/17/2009 Tuesday 17:27:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Driving too fast for conditions D5 11/30/2009 Monday 12:13:00 Angled Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 37 58 1/21/2010 Thursday 13:17:00 Rear-end Clear Wet 33 3:01:00 Head on Snow Snow Distracted Failure to keep proper lane; Inattention 39 12/23/2010 Thursday Daylight Dark - lighted roadway 25 42 Comments D4 D15 4/7/2011 Thursday 8:50:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 51 24 D20 8/4/2011 Thursday 8:35:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 26 46 D25 7/26/2012 Thursday 9:03:00 Angled Cloudy Dry Inattention 42 48 D29 1/18/2013 Friday 18:56:00 Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 68 56 D39 3/21/2014 Friday 7:40:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 51 31 P0a 1/24/2009 Saturday Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 58 32 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting parking lot Veh #1 struck Veh #2 while Veh#2 was trying to take left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind after hitting pothole Veh#1 struck Veh#2 after crossing DYCL Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while changing from left to right lane Veh#2 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while exiting Citizens Bank 40 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Rd 24 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road D6 D13b P0b P1 6/25/2009 Thursday 12/1/2010 Wednesday 12:55:00 Angled 18:37:00 Angled 9:08:00 Angled P2 12/11/2010 Saturday 1:20:00 Angled P3a 6/17/2011 Friday 16:39:00 Angled P3b 6/22/2011 Wednesday 15:10:00 Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 60 Visibility Obstructed 20 24 46 62 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while making left hand turn onto Rainin Road Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while making left turn from Rainin Road 37 Veh#3 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic which then struck Veh#1 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Cloudy 43 Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor Daylight 23 Wet Followed to closely 28 31 39 Page 1 of 3 Crash Data Summary Table # P4 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 2/9/2012 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 7:48:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (E) Montvale Ave @Rainin Rd July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Daylight Clear Driver Contributing Code Type Dry Visibility Obstructed; Distracted P5 4/2/2012 Monday 17:33:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor P6a 4/6/2012 Friday 15:51:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed; Glare Dry Inattention; Visibility obstructed P6b P7 P8 P9 10/24/2012 Wednesday 11/6/2012 Tuesday 2/8/2013 Friday 4/10/2013 Wednesday 15:43:00 Angled Daylight 18:02:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway 17:10:00 Head on Dark - lighted roadway 20:02:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway Clear Clear Snow Rain Dry Failed to yield right of way Snow Unknown Wet Inattention; Failed to yield right of way D1 Ages D2 D3 Comments D4 49 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road 39 21 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road 31 64 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road 22 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while entering Citizens Bank 60 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road 57 30 30 33 unk Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road 71 53 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road P10a 6/24/2013 Monday 17:14:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 31 19 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while exiting Rainin Road P10b 8/14/2013 Wednesday 15:33:00 Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 56 25 Veh#1 struck Pedestrian 36 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Rd, Veh#1 then struck utility pole 29 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road 52 Veh#2 struck by Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road P10c P11 P12 4/23/2014 Wednesday 5/7/2014 Wednesday 6/27/2014 Friday 8:35:00 Angled 18:35:00 Angled 8:23:00 Angled Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Unknown Visibility Obstructed Visibility Obstructed 73 32 45 Page 2 of 3 Crash Data Summary Table # P13 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 8/12/2014 Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 14:17:00 Angled Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (E) Montvale Ave @Rainin Rd July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Daylight Clear Dry Driver Contributing Code Type Failed to yield right of way D1 66 Ages D2 D3 67 Comments D4 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while exiting Rainin Road One of 28 Hit and Run Zero of 28 charged with OUI. One out of 28 involved non-motorist (pedestrian, cyclist) Two out of 28 drivers unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured vehicle, and/or expired Inspection Sticker Two out of 28 collisions resulted in personal injury Twenty one of the vehicles involved in 28 collisions were towed Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Town. Page 3 of 3 Crash Data Summary Table # D0a D0d D3 D4 D7 D9 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 3/13/2009 Friday 6/27/2009 Saturday 8/29/2009 Saturday 9/29/2009 Tuesday 1/22/2010 Friday 7/20/2010 Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 13:42:00 Rear-end 16:19:00 Rear-end 2:40:00 Rear-end 17:12:00 Angled Sideswipe, same 6:35:00 direction 23:40:00 Rear to Rear Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (F) Montvale @ Hill July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Daylight Clear Dry Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Inattention Ages D2 D3 27 65 Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 71 22 Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failure to keep proper lane 23 72 Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Daylight Clear Dry Unknown Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failure to keep proper lane unk 54 24 55 50 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 after getting confused by construction cones and ending up in wrong lane 9/20/2010 Monday 9:33:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 46 25 33 D16 5/12/2011 Thursday 18:31:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 20 40 66 28 D18 5/25/2011 Wednesday D19 6/10/2011 Friday D28 12/18/2012 Tuesday Sideswipe, same 6:55:00 direction Sideswipe, same 7:56:00 direction 17:29:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 38 unk Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet Followed too closely 22 Veh#3 struck Veh#2 from behind in traffic which then struck Veh#1 Veh #1 struck Veh #2 after misjudging a turn Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while changing from right to left lane D12 Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. D4 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind while Veh #1 tried to make left turn across DYCL 74 59 Comments 49 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind at light which then struck Veh#3 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind which then struck Veh#3 which 31 struck Veh#4 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while avoiding another vehicle Veh#2 sideswiped Veh#1 41 Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind Page 1 of 4 Crash Data Summary Table D31 4/5/2013 Friday 23:01:00 Rear-end Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (F) Montvale @ Hill July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Dark - lighted roadway Dry Clear Inattention D32 4/27/2013 Saturday 14:37:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry G1 9/25/2009 Friday 13:52:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear 14:38:00 Rear-end Daylight 15:20:00 Angled Daylight # J0 J1 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 2/8/2009 Sunday 12/21/2009 Monday J2a 12/21/2009 Monday J2b 3/5/2010 Friday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Distracted 59 27 Dry Inattention 49 51 Clear Dry 18 28 Clear Wet Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 27 48 Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind in traffic Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh #2 struck Veh #1 from behind while exiting McDonald's Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 after running red light Veh#4 struck Veh#3 from behind at light which then struck Veh#2 58 which struck Veh#1 18:22:00 Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet Followed too closely 20 22 15:46:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Disregarding traffic signs, signals and markings 52 51 43 60 62 46 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind in traffic 38 Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while changing lanes 4/15/2010 Thursday 8:59:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry J3b 4/28/2010 Wednesday 7:12:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Glare; Inattention J3d 6/3/2010 Thursday J4 9/16/2010 Thursday D4 45 J3a 5/19/2010 Wednesday Comments 19 Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor J3c D1 Ages D2 D3 8:14:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Wet 13:23:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Dry 12:22:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way Inattention; Failure to keep in proper lane Followed too closely; Distracted J5 9/20/2010 Monday 16:18:00 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry J6 2/27/2011 Sunday 13:43:00 Angled Daylight Cloudy Wet Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manor Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings J7 4/1/2011 Friday 15:31:00 Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Unknown 27 32 66 62 38 24 42 56 33 21 63 37 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 after running red light Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 while taking left turn Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind at light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 after running red light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind Page 2 of 4 Crash Data Summary Table # J8a J8b J9 J10 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 4/21/2011 Thursday 7/8/2011 Friday 8/13/2011 Saturday 8/21/2011 Sunday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Distracted 29 73 10:51:00 Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Wet Followed too closely 20 78 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 after running red light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind 17 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 after running red light 27 Veh#1 and Veh#2 sideswiped eachother making left turn 0:38:00 Angled Sideswipe, same 17:08:00 direction J12 11/18/2011 Friday J13 J14 Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Clear Dry 19:59:00 Angled Clear 4/20/2012 Friday 16:23:00 Angled Daylight 6/29/2012 Friday 19:43:00 Rear-end Sideswipe, same 14:11:00 direction Failed to yield right of way Unknown 31 49 59 Veh#1 struck Veh#2 while merging off ramp Veh#1 struck Veh#2 after running red light Veh#1 struck Veh#2 after running red light Veh#2 struck Veh#1 from behind at lightt Veh#2 (semi-trailer) struck Veh#1 while taking left turn 54 Veh#2 struck Veh#1 after running red light 62 38 Dry Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 72 24 Clear Dry Inattention 25 30 Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 28 unk Daylight Clear Dry Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings; Distracted 24 19:15:00 Angled Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 60 28 37 57 77 Clear Dry 45 J17 10/30/2013 Wednesday 19:12:00 Angled Dark - lighted roadway J18 11/23/2013 Saturday 17:18:00 Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 40 12/20/2013 Friday Sideswipe, same 10:06:00 direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 27 unk Cloudy Dry Inattention; Followed too closely 53 46 Clear Dry Distracted 23 29 J19 J20 4/23/2014 Wednesday J21 5/24/2014 Saturday D4 Dry Daylight Dark - lighted roadway 9/3/2013 Tuesday Comments Clear 11:27:00 Angled J16 D1 Ages D2 D3 Daylight 10/31/2011 Monday 10/22/2012 Monday Driver Contributing Code Type 12:15:00 Angled J11 J15 Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (F) Montvale @ Hill July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type 20:18:00 Rear-end 0:23:00 Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Veh#1 struck by Veh#2 after running red light Veh#3 struck Veh#2 from behind at light which then struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#2 struck Veh#1 while changing from left to right lane Veh#3 struck Veh#2 from behind at light which then struck Veh#1 from behind Veh#1 struck Veh#2 from behind at light Page 3 of 4 Crash Data Summary Table Montvale Ave; Woburn MA (F) Montvale @ Hill July 2009- July 2014 Weather Light Condition Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision m/d/y Type Five of 41 Hit and Run Zero of 41 charged with OUI. Zero out of 41 involved non-motorist (pedestrian, cyclist) One out of 41 drivers unlicensed, unregistered/uninsured vehicle, and/or expired Inspection Sticker Eight out of 41 collisions resulted in personal injury Twenty three of the vehicles involved in 41 collisions were towed Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Town. # Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 D3 Comments D4 Page 4 of 4 Appendix D. Additional Information Safety Review Prompt List 2014 Traffic Volume Networks Speed Regulations Safety Review Prompt List � The Safety Review Prompt List provides basic safety-related questions to use when evaluating a given roadway location. The prompt list should be considered when evaluating a roadway to design improvements or conduct a Road Safety Audit. The primary purpose of the prompt list is to identify potential road safety hazards. The list is meant to be general and should be used to prompt an evaluator as to specific matters identified in the field that may have an adverse effect on road safety. The Safety Review Prompt List is not a check of compliance with design standards. This Prompt List represents the minimum that should be considered when exploring safety opportunities and is not intended to address all aspects of safety. A summary of the responses should be prepared to highlight potential safety improvement opportunities. Speed ° Are posted speed limits consistent with speed regulations; are they adequate? ° Are design features consistent with the posted speed (passing opportunities, sight distance, warning signs for horizontal and vertical curves, clearance intervals, sign placement, etc.) ° Are adequate controls in place for driver compliance with speed limits? Multi-modal ° Have accommodations been provided for safe movement of pedestrians, bicycles, emergency vehicles, public transportation, and commercial vehicles? ° What design features could be improved, added, or removed to enhance the safe mobility of the various modes? Pavement Markings ° Are there highly visible and retro reflective edge lines, center lines, and other pavement markings? ° Do the pavement markings provide sufficient guidance to the road users? Can the placement of the pavement markings be modified to improve guidance to road users? Signs ° Are all signs retro reflective and visible for all roadway conditions, including placed free from obstructions? ° Are signs located to maximize perception and reaction while minimizing intrusion in clear zones? ° Does the signage provide adequate guidance to road users for given road conditions? ° Are pavement markings and signs consistent in effectively guiding road users? Intersection Control ° Do all signs (stop signs, lane assignments, street names, etc.) provide visible, clear, � non-conflicting messages? � ° Is there clear, non-conflicting visibility of traffic control (signal heads, signs, and markings) from all approach lanes? ° Has the potential of misrepresentation of intersection control been considered (at closely spaced intersections or through control that is against expectation)? ° For signalized intersections, have the implications on safety been considered for the signal � phasing? � ° Is there a safe means by which all modes can travel through the intersection? Lighting ° Is lighting (from headlights and/or streetlights) adequate for specific roadway conditions and/or use? ° If glare exists from sunlight or opposing headlights, are there countermeasures that can be � implemented to minimize potentially detrimental effects? � Obstructions ° Are there obstructions to sight lines or roadway guidance (signs, markings, etc.) that can be � removed, relocated, or minimized as part of this project? � ° If obstructions or fixed objects exist but cannot be moved, can they be shielded (with guardrails, etc.) or delineated (with reflectors) to improve road user safety? If so, what can be done? Pavement ° Could the condition of the pavement impact mobility and safety (potholes, edge drop-offs, skid resistance, etc)? ° What improvements can be made to minimize safety impacts? Access Points and Traffic Generators ° Is the access control sufficient for the road’s function? ° Are site access points located to maximize safety while still providing adequate access? ° Have impacts of site developments been adequately accommodated for safe mobility of all � road users? � Parking ° Is parking clearly delineated and in conformance with signs, markings, and regulations? ° Might parking obstruct mobility/safety of pedestrians and other roadway users? Weather Conditions ° Have accommodations been made for impacts from adverse weather condition (storage of snow, removal of ponding, adequate drainage, signage of low salt areas, maintenance program for snow removal, and catch basin clearing, etc.)? Auxiliary Lanes ° Could taper locations and/or alignments contribute to safety challenges? ° Could lack of climbing lanes or passing zones cause driver frustration? ° Do acceleration/deceleration lane lengths necessitate additional signage and/or markings? Animals ° Do animal migrations impact safety? ° Can measures be taken to reduce animal-vehicle conflicts? \\vhb\proj\Wat-TS\08363.40\graphics\FIGURES\intersection network peak hour data graphic EV.dwg 18 411 20 20 258 249 63 40 6 385 628 286 263 284 53 53 47 86 86 388 42 21 645 9 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Not to Scale 2014 Existing Traffic Volumes Weekday Morning Peak Hour Montvale Avenue Road Safety Audit Woburn, MA Figure 1-2 \\vhb\proj\Wat-TS\08363.40\graphics\FIGURES\intersection network peak hour data graphic EV.dwg 19 441 20 32 256 352 61 44 10 236 569 235 358 255 39 56 80 64 200 403 45 27 601 9 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Not to Scale 2014 Existing Traffic Volumes Weekday Evening Peak Hour Montvale Avenue Road Safety Audit Woburn, MA Figure 1-3 \\vhb\proj\Wat-TS\08363.40\graphics\FIGURES\intersection network peak hour data graphic EV.dwg 37 507 34 24 215 236 29 19 11 190 443 194 213 227 64 52 23 50 92 548 56 29 475 15 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Not to Scale 2014 Existing Traffic Volumes Saturday Afternoon Peak Hour Montvale Avenue Road Safety Audit Woburn, MA Figure 1-4 Appendix F. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995.