ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Wellington Circle Municipality of Medford March 10, 2016 Prepared For: MassDOT On Behalf Of: WYNN Everett Prepared By: AECOM 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Table of Contents Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 2 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 5 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 10 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Road Safety Audit References List of Figures Figure 1: Locus Map – Wellington Circle, Medford ................................................................................. 4 List of Tables Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members ............................................................................................. 2 Table 2: Intersection Roadways ................................................................................................................. 3 Table 3: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ........................................................................... 10 Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Wellington Circle .................................................. 11 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Background The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. This RSA evaluates the Wellington Circle intersection along Mystic Valley Parkway/Revere Beach Parkway (Route 16)/Fellsway (Route 28)/Middlesex Avenue in Medford, Massachusetts. Mystic Valley Parkway/Revere Beach Parkway (Route 16) is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). A safety audit was scheduled for this intersection as part of the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency (MEPA) approval process for the proposed Wynn Everett Project. MassDOT has identified two Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) crash clusters between 2011 and 2013 at Wellington Circle. A key objective of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be made throughout the corridor and or at the subject intersections. Project Data An RSA was completed for Wellington Circle on Tuesday, February 2, 2016. The RSA for Route 16/Mystic Valley Parkway was conducted on the same day with the same audit team members. The agenda for the RSA meeting held at Wynn Design and Development offices near the Wellington Circle, Medford is provided in Appendix A of this report. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise in the engineering, planning, and maintenance fields. Contact information for the RSA attendees is provided in Appendix B of this report. Within the email invitation sent on January 26, 2016 to each participant in the RSA, background material was provided. This information included collision diagrams and crash data summaries for the study area. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group prior to the field visit to the intersections. During the RSA field visit, various safety issues were observed and identified. Following the RSA field visit, the team returned to discuss additional concerns and potential solutions for the existing safety issues. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Richard Huber John Mastera Timothy Paris Sara Timoner Mark Abbott David Loutzenheiser Val Soroka Cassandra Koutalidis Al Carrier Frank Astone Chris Chaffee Jeff DeInnocentis Dirk Grotenhuis Jeff Maxtutis Agency/Affiliation Massachusetts State Police MassDOT – Highway Safety MassDOT District 4 – Projects MassDOT District 4 – Traffic Boston MPO/CTPS MAPC DCR Medford Wynn Design and Development AECOM AECOM AECOM AECOM AECOM The crashes and collision diagrams were based on crashes reported by Mass State Police between January 2011 and December 2013. A total of 176 crashes were reported for the period between 2011 and 2013. Of these, 31 percent were angle crashes, 30 percent were rear-end crashes, and 24 percent were side swipe crashes. Several crashes were the result of motorists driving through a red light or failure to yield the right of way. Two pedestrian crashes and no bicycle crashes were recorded. A total of 30 percent of the crashes occurred between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM. The months with the highest percent of crashes were March and November (11 percent). The day with the highest percent of crashes was Saturday (20 percent). Most crashes occurred in daylight hours with clear weather conditions and dry road surface. Project Location and Description Wellington Circle is a complex traffic configuration in Medford at the junction of Route 16 (Mystic Valley Parkway/Revere Beach Parkway) with Route 28 (Fellsway) and Middlesex Avenue. The configuration consists of 28 approach lanes with all turns allowed from each approach. All approaches are signalized, except for the yield-controlled right turns to and from Route 16 west of the intersection. Table 2 shows roadway jurisdiction and functional classes, provided by MassDOT. Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Table 2: Intersection Roadways Roadway Route 16 West Leg (Mystic Valley Parkway) Route 16 East Leg (Revere Beach Parkway) Route 28 North Leg (Fellsway) Route 28 South Leg (Fellsway) Middlesex Avenue Jurisdiction Functional Class Regulatory Speed Limit DCR Principal Arterial 35 MPH DCR Principal Arterial 35 MPH DCR Urban Principal Arterial 35 MPH DCR Principal Arterial 35 MPH MassDOT Urban Minor Arterial 35 MPH The MassDOT Highway Safety Inventory Program (HSIP) identified two high crash clusters for Wellington circle between 2011 and 2013. During the Friday PM peak hour, approximately 9,000 vehicles enter the intersection. Approximately 49% of entering vehicles are on Route 16, 44% are on Route 28, and 7% are on Middlesex Avenue. During the Saturday afternoon peak hour, approximately 7,900 vehicles enter the intersection. Approximately 51% of entering vehicles are on Route 16, 39% are on Route 28, and 10% are on Middlesex Avenue. Pedestrian crosswalks are provided on each leg of the intersection. No bicycle facilities are provided at Wellington Circle. Figure 1 shows the Wellington Circle study area. Page 3 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Figure 1: Locus Map – Wellington Circle, Medford Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements During the RSA meeting prior to the field visit, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of crash information was presented to the audit participants. It was noted that between January 2011 and December 2013, a total of 176 traffic crashes were recorded within the audit area. Following the presentation, the members of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety within the study area. The audit team then visited the site as a group, at which time observations of various safety concerns and deficiencies were identified and documented. The audit observations, identified and documented in this report, have been provided by audit participants or commenter’s, and do not necessarily represent those of the report authors – AECOM. Comments made by respondents have been reviewed to ensure the report is focused on current safety concerns/recommendations within the study area, are relevant to plans for the corridor, and relate to the goals of this RSA. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns and issues that were identified during the RSA within the study area. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities There were three recorded crashes involving pedestrians, and zero involving bicycles. • There are no bicycle facilities provided at Wellington Circle. • There are no countdown pedestrian signals. There are no pedestrian signals or crosswalk signs provided at the following locations: o Route 28 northbound right turn slip lane o Route 28 southbound right turn slip lane o Route 16 westbound right turn slip lane o Route 16 eastbound right turn slip lane Image 1: Wheelchair ramp on Route 16 westbound at Route 28 southbound • There is no crosswalk across Middlesex Avenue (northbound and southbound legs) north of Route 16 westbound and no sidewalk on the island. A desire line path was observed for this location, and pedestrians were observed in the island during the RSA. • The pedestrian signal for Route 28 southbound facing west, north of Route 16 westbound is broken. The DCR representative called in to have the signal repaired. • Most pedestrian wheelchair ramps lack detectable warning devices. Some ramps do not meet current ADA/AAB dimensional standards. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Pavement Markings and Signs There are multiple lanes for each intersection approach. It is not clear to motorists via designation signing and pavement markings which lane to be in while driving through the intersection, which contributes to angle and sideswipe crashes. • Route 16 Eastbound and Westbound o There are no Yield signs on the two u-turn lanes located north and south of Route 16. o The turning radius is tight for the Route 16 westbound triple left turn movement (particularly trucks) to Route 28. As a result, trucks need to use more than one lane to make this maneuver. There were approximately twenty-one crashes related to this maneuver in the analyzed time frame. There is no “No Turn on Red” (right turn) sign on Route 16 westbound approaching Route 28 northbound. On red, some motorists drive straight through to Route 28 northbound from the right turn slip lane, which is an illegal movement. This is due to the geometry; The lane is striped as a right turn only arrow, therefore drivers are confused and believe that the “thru” movement is actually a turn. This movement can conflict with other traffic movements. One crash was attributed to this maneuver. o • Route 28 Northbound o Route 28 northbound north of Middlesex Avenue has three travel lanes, but the outside lane turns into an on-street parking lane without signage or pavement markings indicating a lane drop. Approximately two crashes may have been contributed to by this lack of traffic controls. o The Route 28 northbound lanes have a 2 left turn lanes, and due to the lack of designation it is causing vehicles in the far left lane to attempt a thru movement, the current signage only states Rt 16 West next left and contains a single small worn sign stating left lane for left turn which is an outdated sign. This appears to have contributed to at least one crash. Image 2: Route 28 Northbound north of Middlesex Avenue o There is an overhead lane utilization sign for Middlesex Avenue westbound between Route 28 northbound and southbound. This sign blocked by the overhead green directional sign. o There is a lack of lane delineation on the Route 28 northbound and southbound sections, particularly between Route 16 eastbound and westbound. Lane designations were noted as lacking for Route 28 northbound approaching Route 16. There are also five lanes heading southbound and only two lines marked in the center of the intersection. This leads to motorist Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 confusion as to which lane to travel in while negotiating the intersection. (See Image 3) Many vehicles go thru in the left lane causing an angle collision. The lack of direction appears to have contributed to at least six crashes. Image 3: Route 28 Southbound at Circle Image 4: In the foreground, looking at the limited pavement markings for the Route 28 southbound section in the circle. In the background is the Route 16 westbound left turn movement to Route 28 southbound. Intersection Geometrics and Traffic Operations • The Route 16 eastbound inside lane approaching Route 28 southbound is offset by more than six feet from the departure side. As a result, motorists need to shift lanes, often in heavy traffic. • The Route 28 northbound right turn lane is very wide and vehicles often take the turn as two lanes wide. This can lead to sideswipe crashes. • The optical overhead signal heads for Route 28 southbound in the circle are difficult for motorists to see. This may contribute to crashes involving running red lights, of which there were approximately five at this location in the analyzed time frame. • The yellow + all red signal clearance times appear to be the standard four seconds. Longer clearance times may be needed given the time it takes for vehicles to clear the center of the intersection during congested conditions. There were approximately fifteen crashes involving vehicles traveling southbound from Middlesex Ave striking vehicles on Route 16 eastbound, and five traveling Route 16 westbound. • There is no signal backing plates which results in a sun glare issues for motorists. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Obstructions • Trees block the visibility of the green guide sign on the Route 16 westbound approach. • Many of the mast arm poles were noted to be unprotected. This can create a serious safety concern should a vehicle crash into the pole. • In some locations, trees may prevent adequate sight distance to signals. In particular, the trees in the island between EB and WB heading WB16 may block the sight to the signal heads for the triple left turn. Potential Safety Enhancements The Audit Team members offered potential safety enhancements that could be implemented to mitigate the safety related observations that were noted in the previous section. Audit team members were encouraged to develop short, medium and long-term safety enhancements. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities • Update pedestrian facilities to be ADA compliant. This includes: o Providing 16” signal heads with countdown signals at crosswalks and o Provide Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) o Updating wheelchair ramps to comply with ADA standards; • Provide pedestrian crosswalk and advance warning signs at unsignalized crosswalks. • Provide pedestrian signals and crosswalks across the Middlesex Avenue northbound and southbound approaches to Route 28 northbound. Provide ADA compliant ramps and a new sidewalk along the west side of the two islands. • Evaluate separated bicycle lanes (cycle track) along Route 16 eastbound and westbound through the circle as part of the connectivity effort from Mystic River to the Everett residential area. • Evaluate reducing the pavement width on the right turn slips lanes to reduce pedestrian crossing distance. • Evaluate separating the pedestrian signal phasing across Route 28 southbound and Middlesex Avenue westbound. Currently they run at the same time, but could be split since they run concurrently with the traffic approach. Pavement Markings and Signage • Provide new lane delineation pavement markings and signage (overhead and/or postmounted) to clarify traffic lane utilization through the circle. This should include lane markings for the Route 28 northbound southbound movements and the triple left turns for Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Route 16 westbound and Middlesex Avenue westbound. Especially for the Route 28 northbound and southbound movements through the circle. This includes evaluating and clarifying signage for the Route 28 southbound approach that left lanes are for left turns only. Advance signing should also be considered. • Overhead lane utilization signs and guide signs should be considered. Clear signage should be provided for the triple left turn movements on Route 16 and Middlesex Avenue westbound. This should be evaluated to provide one arrow per travel lane, in addition to guidance. • Add signage to prohibit u-turns through the circle and to alert motorists to the two legal uturns north and south of the circle. If lane volumes analysis allows, the far left lane could be used for u-turn only. • Provide signage and pavement markings for the lane drop on Route 28 northbound north of Middlesex Avenue. • Evaluate “No Turn on Red” (right turn) sign for the Route 16 westbound right turn movement. • Review reducing vehicle travel lane widths and increasing bicycle lane widths. Intersection Geometrics and Traffic Operations • Analyze a long-term scenario where the Middlesex Avenue signal is moved further north. Evaluate the impact on safety and operations for all modes. • Replace the optical overhead signal heads for Route 28 southbound to improve visibility. • Evaluate lengthening the yellow + all red clearance intervals. • Review that proper number of signal heads are provided for each movement. Consider replacement of balls with arrows to provide clear designation of movements. • Add back plates and visors to signal heads as needed. • Trim trees on Route 16 westbound to improve visibility. • Model and analyze a double-roundabout or other alternative as a long-term solution. • Evaluate turning movements for a WB-67 vehicle. • Evaluate narrowing downstream pavement area on Route 16 southbound to prevent vehicles in the left turn lanes from traveling thru southbound. • Evaluate the reduction of pavement at the yellow gore on the eastern central island to better delineate the travel area and provide larger pedestrian refuge. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Summary of Road Safety Audit After the site visit, the RSA participants returned to discuss the safety issues and consider various improvements. The participants were encouraged to consider both short and long-term improvements for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 3. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 3. Table 3: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-Term <1 Year Mid-Term 1-3 Years Long-Term >3 Years Costs Low Medium High <$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 >$50,000 Each safety issue and potential safety enhancement was discussed during the audit. Table 4 describes the potential safety enhancement, potential safety payoff, the estimated time frame for completion, the estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency for safety issue for Wellington Circle. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Wellington Circle Safety Issue Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic Signal Equipment ADA Accessibility Signage Signage Signage Signage Signage/Pavement Markings Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation Potential Safety Enhancement Install countdown pedestrian signals Review signal heads and replace balls with arrows Repair pedestrian signal for Route 28 Southbound, facing west Many signals difficult to see, especially due to glare. Install signal backplates with reflective border and add visors as needed Clearance times appear to be too short for some intersection movements. Evaluate lengthening the yellow and all red clearance intervals Upgrade all pedestrian crossings to meet ADA standards Install pedestrian crosswalk signs on uncontrolled channelized right turn lanes Trim trees on Route 16 westbound to improve visibility Install lane overhead lane utilization signage on all intersection approaches to make lane use clear to motorists Install “No Right Turn on Red” sign for vehicles traveling from Route 16 westbound to Route 28 northbound Add yield signs and markings at the two U-turn locations Evaluate the feasibility for a pedestrian crosswalk at Middlesex Avenue where no crosswalk exists Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Mid-term High DCR Medium Mid-term Mid DCR High Short-term Low DCR Medium Short-term Low DCR High Short-term Low DCR Low Mid-term Mid DCR Low Short-term Low DCR Low Short-term Low DCR High Mid-term High DCR Medium Short-term Low DCR Low Short-term Low DCR Medium Mid-term Low DCR Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Wellington Circle Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Safety Issue Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation Lane Configuration Lane Configuration Intersection Geometry Intersection geometry Intersection geometry Intersection geometry Intersection geometry Potential Safety Enhancement Examine the feasibility of providing separated bicycle lanes (cycle track) along Rt. 16 eastbound and westbound through the circle Evaluate removing the right lane entirely or adding warning signs and markings on Route 28 northbound north of the intersection, which drops from 3 lanes to 2 lanes without warning Evaluate removing a through lane on the Route 28 southbound approach to the intersection and add lane markings where feasible to avoid lane confusion Evaluate adjusting the geometry of the turn for truck (WB-67) usage to make Route 16 westbound triple left wide enough for trucks to stay in lane Analyze a long-term scenario where the Middlesex Avenue signal is moved further north. Evaluate the impact on safety and operations for all modes Difficult intersection geometry to navigate. Model and analyze a double-roundabout alternative Difficult intersection geometry to navigate. Evaluate reducing the pavement width on the right turn slips lanes to reduce pedestrian crossing distance and vehicle speeds Evaluate narrowing downstream pavement area on Route 16 southbound to prevent vehicles in the left turn lanes from traveling thru southbound. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Long-term High DCR Medium Mid-term Mid DCR Medium Mid-term Mid DCR Medium Mid-term Mid DCR Medium Long-term High DCR High Long-term High DCR Medium Long-term High DCR Medium Mid-term Low DCR Page 12 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: February 2, 2016 Audit Team Members Location: Wynn Design and Development, Medford, MA Frank Astone Chris Chaffee Agency/Affiliation Massachusetts State Police MassDOT - Highway Safety MassDOT – District 4 Projects MassDOT District 4 – Traffic Boston MPO/CTPS MAPC DCR Medford Wynn Design and Development AECOM AECOM Jeff DeInnocentis AECOM Dirk Grotenhuis Jeff Maxtutis AECOM AECOM Richard Huber John Mastera Timothy Paris Sara Timoner Mark Abbott David Loutzenheiser Val Soroka Cassandra Koutalidis Al Carrier Email Address Phone Number 978-538-6030 857-368-9648 781-641-8325 781-641-8435 857-702-3641 617-933-0743 617-626-4942 781-393-2476 857-770-7823 m 978-905-2173 978-905-2125 978-905-2178 978-905-2303 978-905-2309 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table Wellington Circle (Medford, MA) January 2011 - December 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date 1 2 1/8/2011 Crash Day Saturday 1/19/2011 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code 5:45 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Snow Snow 1:05 PM Angle Daylight N/A Ages No improper driving 28 N/A Wet Other improper action 27 51 58 Middlesex St & Rt 28 north. Vehicle 1 ran red light and struck vehicle 2. 40 Vehicle 1 on Rt 28 S, Vehicle 2 on Rt 16 E. Vehicle 1 went through changing light and struck vehicle 2 when it received green light. Rt 16 WB at Rt 28 S. Vehicle 1 was struck by unknown vehicle on drivers side and unknown vehicle fled. 3 1/24/2011 Monday 9:35 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 4 1/31/2011 Monday Sideswipe, same 2:00 PM direction Daylight N/A Dry No improper driving 43 N/A Single vehicle 1:20 AM crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or improper manner 32 Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Wrong side or wrong way 33 21 Daylight Rain Wet No improper driving 71 61 Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 24 62 5 2/12/2011 Saturday 6 2/14/2011 Monday 7 3/11/2011 Friday 8 3/24/2011 Thursday 11:11 PM Angle Sideswipe, same 9:45 AM direction 2:05 PM Angle 9 3/31/2011 Thursday 5:50 PM Angle 10 4/5/2011 Tuesday 10:25 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy/Rain Wet Daylight Clear Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 60 43 26 23 4/15/2011 Friday 12 4/22/2011 Friday 4:28 PM Angle Daylight N/A Dry N/A 27 31 13 5/2/2011 Monday 8:45 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Other improper action 35 27 14 5/9/2011 Monday 5:00 PM Angle Daylight N/A Dry Failed to yield right of way 50 55 15 5/14/2011 Saturday N/A N/A Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 26 44 16 5/16/2011 Monday 7:00 PM Angle Daylight N/A Wet 79 47 17 5/21/2011 Saturday 8:06 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 68 47 18 6/4/2011 Saturday Daylight N/A Dry 37 38 19 6/4/2011 Saturday Daylight Clear Dry 19 40 20 6/5/2011 Sunday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry N/A 65 21 22 6/6/2011 6/7/2011 Monday Tuesday Daylight Daylight Dry Dry 67 28 55 55 23 6/11/2011 Saturday 24 6/19/2011 Sunday 25 7/1/2011 Friday 26 7/6/2011 Wednesday 5:45 PM Angle 11:20 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 10:25 AM direction 4:00 PM Rear end 8:55 PM Rear end 11:54 AM Angle Single vehicle 8:27 PM crash 5:43 PM Angle Dry 37 11 10:19 AM Rear end Clear Inattention 36 7:30 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 12:15 PM direction Dusk Clear N/A Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Followed too closely Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings No improper driving Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Inattention Comments Rt 16 WB at Wellington T Station. Hit and run. Vehicle 1 was hit in rear and vehicle 2, unknown, fled. Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Daylight Clear Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or improper manner Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 24 26 Daylight N/A Dry Over-correcting/over-steering 58 32 28 29 74 41 Rt 28 S. Vehicle travelling at high rate of speed and lost control in snow causing vehicle to string barrier. Rt 16 WB at Rt 28. Vehicle 1 going wrong way when vehicle 2 receives green light and hits vehicle 1. 36 Rt 16 WB. Vehicle 1 struck vehicle 2, which was in center lane. Rt 28 SB at Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 1 ran red light and was struck by vehicle 2. Ninth St and Middlesex Ave. Vehicle 1 was turning right onto Middlesex Ave and was struck by vehicle 2. Wellington Circle, Rt 16W toward Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 makes contact with vehicle 2. Vehicle 1 doesn’t stop and is followed by vehicle 2. Rt 28 NB at Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 2 stopped and was struck in rear by vehicle 1. Rt 16 WB and Rt. 16 EB at McDonald Park driveway. Vehicle 2 was pulling into driveway and was struck by vehicle 1. Rt 16 EB prior to Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was backing up at red light and struck vehicle 2. Corner of Middlesex Ave and Ninth St. Vehicle 2 was coming out of ninth st and failed to yield right of way. Struck by vehicle 1. 45 Rt 16 WB toward Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1, a truck, struck vehicle 2 causing it to strike vehicle 3. Vehicle 1 Rt 16 WB and vehicle 2 Rt 28 N. Vehicle 1 making right hand turn struck vehicle 2. Vehicle 1 Rt 28 N and vehicle 2 Rt 16 W. Vehicle 1 ran red light and was struck in right side by vehicle 2, which had green. Rt 16 W. Vehicle 2 was rear ended by vehicle 1, who did not have a drivers license. Rt 16 W and Rt 28 S. Vehicle 1 had sun in eyes and did not see light then collided with vehicle 2 who had green light. Rt 28 N. Vehicle 1 struck rear of vehicle 2. Intersection of Rt 16W and Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 crossed into right lane from left lane and struck vehicle 2's trailer. Rt 16W. Vehicle 2 was stopped at red light and was rear ended by vehicle 1. Rt 16W north of Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was stopped at red light and vehicle 2 rear ended vehicle 1. Rt 28N and Rt 16E. Vehicle 1 entered circle when light turned green and was struck by vehicle 2, which did not stop Rt 28N and Rt 16E. Vehicle had green light and proceeded through light when it collided with 31 2 pedestrians. Wellington Circle toward rt 28 SB. Multiple accidents caused by vehicle 1 that was travelling at high rate of speed. Crash Data Summary Table Wellington Circle (Medford, MA) January 2011 - December 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision 27 7/11/2011 Monday 3:32 PM Angle 28 8/4/2011 Thursday 11:04 PM Angle 29 30 8/6/2011 8/22/2011 Saturday Monday 31 9/5/2011 32 Light Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code 34 23 22 46 35 N/A 44 50 Comments Rt 28 S at Rt 16 E. Vehicle 2 continued straight in the left turn lane and vehicle 1 was turning left in other left turn lane. Vehicle 1 struck vehicle 2 in rear. Rt 28 S at Circle. Vehicle 1 turned hard left and blocked passage of vehicle 2, causing accident. Rt 16 EB entering Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 failed to stop for red light and collided with vehicle 2. Rt 16 EB entering Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 struck vehicle 2 in rear. Ages Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Monday 7:20 PM Rear end 2:20 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 2:40 PM direction Other improper action Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Followed too closely Daylight Clear Dry N/A 52 39 Rt 28 S south of Rt 16. Vehicle 2 was turning and struck side of vehicle 1. 9/5/2011 Monday 4:45 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry 40 26 Wellington Plaza parking lot at Rt 16. Vehicle 1 was backing up and struck front of vehicle 2. 33 9/19/2011 Monday 8:15 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Wrong side or wrong way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 43 39 Rt 28 SB and Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 1 ran red light an struck vehicle 2. Vehicle 1 fled. 34 9/22/2011 Thursday 6:05 PM Rear end Dusk N/A Dry 36 47 35 9/26/2011 Monday Daylight Clear Dry 31 24 Rt 28 N. Vehicle 2 was struck in rear by vehicle 1 and vehicle 1 fled. Rt 28 at Rt 16. Vehicle 2 was in the left turn lane from Rt.28 SB onto Rt.16 EB, but went straight and crashed into drivers side of vehicle 1. 36 10/29/2011 Saturday 7:15 AM Angle Sideswipe, same 3:00 PM direction Followed too closely Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Daylight Rain Wet Made an improper turn 35 54 37 10/31/2011 Monday Daylight Cloudy Dry No improper driving 47 80 38 11/4/2011 Friday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving 43 N/A 39 11/11/2011 Friday Daylight Clear Dry 39 11/18/2011 Friday Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 52 40 11:34 AM Angle Sideswipe, same 9:25 PM direction Sideswipe, same 7:43 AM direction Sideswipe, same 8:45 AM direction 38 50 41 11/23/2011 Wednesday Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 65 39 42 12/22/2011 Thursday Dark - lighted roadway N/A Ice 77 43 12/31/2011 Saturday 3:55 AM N/A Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 24 51 44 1/7/2012 Saturday 2:30 PM Angle Daylight Dry No improper driving 35 57 45 1/12/2012 Thursday 6:50 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Failed to yield right of way 47 64 46 1/20/2012 Friday 11:05 AM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 38 28 47 1/21/2012 Saturday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action 30 22 48 1/29/2012 Sunday 12:30 AM Angle Sideswipe, same 3:25 PM direction Daylight N/A Dry Made an improper turn 37 33 Vehicle 1 traveling Rt 28N, vehicle 2 coming off Middlesex Ave attempting to cross Rt 28 N. Vehicle 2 was stopped and proceeded, then was struck by vehicle 1. Rt 16 WB at Rt 28. Vehicle 2 was slowing/stopped at intersection and is rear ended by vehicle 1. Rt 16 WB at Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 was attempting to change lanes to left and struck vehicle 2. Driver of vehicle 1 was arrested for OUI. Rt 28 N at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 attempted left hand turn from middle lane and struck vehicle 2. 3:05 PM Angle Single vehicle 12:27 AM crash Daylight Weather Condition N/A Dry Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Clear 57 Rt 16 W entering circle. Tractor trailer was attempting wide left turn and struck two vehicles. Rt 16 W at Rt 28 S. Truck was making left and light turned red. Driver applied brakes and trailer hit car next to it. Rt 16 W at Rt 28 S. Vehicle 3 made contact with vehicle 2/1 (tractor trailer). This was a minor 38 collision. Rt 16 W at Rt 28 S. Vehicle 1's trailer struck vehicle 2 and vehicle 1 pulled vehicle 2 into 57 vehicle 3. Rt 16 W. Tractor trailer, vehicle 2, went through red light from right lane and tried to make left turn, but struck vehicle 1, which was waiting at red light. Middlesex Ave NB. Vehicle one was backing up illegally and struck parked car. Rt 16W. Vehicle lost control in icy conditions and struck guardrail. Rt 28 N at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 ran red light and caused accident with vehicle 2. Middlesex Ave S. Vehicle 2, a fire truck, pulled onto the road from earlier incident and its right front tire struck vehicle 1 in front left fender. 49 2/1/2012 Wednesday 9:45 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Inattention 42 37 Rt 28 N at Rt 16 E. Vehicle 1 rear ended vehicle 2, slightly, and vehicle 2 pulled into parking lot. Passengers on vehicle 2 requested medical treatment 50 2/8/2012 Wednesday Sideswipe, same 2:55 PM direction Daylight N/A Dry Other improper action 34 38 Rt 16 WB at Rt 28. Vehicle 1, a tractor trailer, was changing lanes and struck left side mirror and door of vehicle 2. 51 3/13/2012 Tuesday Sideswipe, same 1:21 PM direction Daylight N/A Dry Failed to yield right of way 60 46 Rt 28 N at Middlesex Ave. Vehicle 1 attempted a left turn, where left turn was illegal and struck vehicle 2. 52 3/13/2012 Tuesday 5:50 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 26 52 Rt 16 EB at Rt 28. Vehicle 2 was stopping for traffic and vehicle 1 rear ended vehicle 2. 53 3/21/2012 Wednesday 8:11 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Made an improper turn 48 25 CVS Parking Lot on Rt16 W. Vehicle 2 struck vehicle 1 at intersection of Rt28 and Rt16 and attempted to flee. Vehicle 1 followed to CVS. Crash Data Summary Table Wellington Circle (Medford, MA) January 2011 - December 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day 54 3/22/2012 Thursday 55 3/23/2012 Friday 56 3/25/2012 Sunday 57 3/28/2012 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments 3:30 PM Rear end Daylight N/A Dry Followed too closely 27 47 Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 was stopping for red light and was struck in rear by vehicle 2, a tractor trailer. 3:10 PM Rear end Single vehicle 3:08 AM crash Daylight Clear Dry 32 52 Rt 28 SB at state police barracks. Vehicle2 was stopped and rear ended by vehicle 1. Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 3:20 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 11:38 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 58 4/2/2012 59 4/4/2012 Wednesday 7:00 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 51 19 Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 struck left curb and continued off the roadway, then struck a tree. Rt 28 NB. Vehicle 2 was not paying attention and ran red light, then struck vehicle 1, which was properly traveling through green light. Rt 16 E at intersection of Rt 28. Vehicle 2 failed to stop for red light and was struck by vehicle 1, which had green light. Rt 16 WB next to Kappy Liquors. Vehicle 2 was changing lanes and failed to yield to vehicle 1, leading vehicle 1 to collide with vehicle 2. 60 4/5/2012 Thursday 3:25 PM Rear end Daylight N/A Dry No improper driving 53 22 Rt 16 WB at Rt 28 NB. Vehicle 1 stopped for red light and was rear ended by vehicle 2, which was trying to change lanes. 61 4/6/2012 Friday 10:49 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 36 52 62 4/8/2012 Sunday 4:45 PM Angle Daylight N/A Dry Other improper action Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 31 42 Rt 16 WB and Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 ran red light and struck vehicle 2, which had green light. Monday 58 36 24 25 Rt 16 WB to Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 (TT) was making left from Rt 16 WB and rubs into vehicle 2. 56 Vehicle 1 continues turn and rear ends vehicle 3. Clear Dry N/A 47 48 Rt 16 WB to Rt 28 SB withing Wellington Circle. Vehicle 2 was stopped for red light and was side swiped by vehicle 1. Tuesday Sideswipe, 9:07 PM opposite direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 50 30 Rt 16 EB and Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 ran red light and struck vehicle 2, which had green. Tuesday Sideswipe, 10:00 PM opposite direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 42 50 63 4/11/2012 Wednesday 64 4/17/2012 65 4/17/2012 Sideswipe, same 11:35 AM direction 21 Daylight 32 Rt 16 EB and Rt 28 SB. Multi car accident without any description. 66 4/22/2012 Sunday Sideswipe, same 8:49 PM direction 67 5/4/2012 Friday 9:40 PM Rear end 68 5/8/2012 Tuesday 69 5/10/2012 Thursday Sideswipe, same 4:50 PM direction Daylight Clear Dry N/A N/A N/A Rt 28 SB within Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 attempted a left hand turn and struck back passenger side of vehicle 2. 70 5/31/2012 Thursday 2:45 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry N/A N/A N/A Middlesex Ave at Kappy's Liquors Parking Lot. Vehicle 1 was parked, but rolled in reverse, 52 unoccupied, and struck vehicle 2, which was driving on Middlesex Ave. 71 6/11/2012 Monday 3:37 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry N/A Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Single vehicle 10:10 PM crash Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet N/A N/A N/A Rt 16 EB and Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 ran red light and was struck by vehicle 2, which had green. Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry N/A N/A N/A Rt 16 EB at Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 was at yield and was rear ended by vehicle 2, which is an unknown vehicle. Vehicle 2 fled. Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet N/A N/A Rt 28 NB at Station Landing. Vehicle 1 lost control when trying to change lanes and crashed into the curb. 72 7/4/2012 Wednesday 7:05 PM Head on Daylight N/A Dry 73 7/5/2012 4:15 PM Rear end Daylight N/A Dry Rt 28 SB at Rt 16WB. Vehicle 1 (TT) struck rear of vehicle 2 when vehicle 2 was slowing for N/A N/A N/A light. When moving vehicle 1 off roadway, vehicle 1 struck vehicle 3. 67 27 Rt 28 SB and Rt 16 WB. Vehicle 1 ran red light and struck vehicle 2, which had green. 74 7/18/2012 Wednesday 6:19 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 75 7/26/2012 Thursday Daylight N/A Dry Followed too closely 37 62 76 7/27/2012 Friday 3:30 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 3:39 PM direction Daylight Clear Dry N/A 75 35 Entering Rt 28 south from ramp. Vehicle 2 was yielding and was rear ended by vehicle 1. Rt 16 WB and Rt 28 SB at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 2 was traveling WB on Rt 16 and ran red light at which point vehicle 1 struck rear of vehicle 2. Rt 28 SB and Rt 16 WB. Vehicle 1 rear ended vehicle 2. Driver of vehicle 1 was driving with suspended license. Rt 28 SB and Rt 16 EB. Both vehicles claimed to have green, but no witnesses. Collision occurred in middle of intersection. 77 7/30/2012 Monday Daylight N/A Dry Followed too closely 30 47 Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 1 was slowing for light and vehicle 2 failed to slow then rear ends vehicle 1. Thursday 12:39 PM Rear end 50 30 50 41 Crash Data Summary Table Wellington Circle (Medford, MA) January 2011 - December 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day 78 8/1/2012 Wednesday 79 8/1/2012 Wednesday 80 8/11/2012 Saturday 81 8/17/2012 Friday 82 8/20/2012 Monday 83 8/22/2012 Wednesday 84 8/25/2012 Saturday 85 9/2/2012 Sunday 86 9/6/2012 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Weather Condition 25 30 Made an improper turn 23 48 Dry Followed too closely 24 52 N/A Dry 21 44 Daylight Clear Dry 63 52 Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 51 23 Comments Rt 16 EB and Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 was making left onto rt 28 SB and was struck by vehicle 2 on its right side. Vehicle 1 ran red light. Rt 16 West ramp to Rt 28 S. Vehicle 2 was in middle lane and attempted left hand turn and struck vehicle 1 (Motorcycle). Rt 16 EB at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 2 was yielding for traffic and was struck from behind by vehicle 1. Rt 16 WB prior to Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was in left turn lane when vehicle 2 failed to yield into vehicle 1's lane causing the accident. Rt 28 SB. Vehicles were both in left turn lane when vehicle 1 continued straight and struck vehicle 2. Rt 28 SB at turnaround to Rt 28 NB. Vehicle 2 was in middle lane and attempted to change lanes into left lane and struck vehicle 1. Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 57 18 Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 2 stopped for yellow light and was rear ended by vehicle 1. Sideswipe, 4:25 PM opposite direction Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 20 41 Rt 28 SB and Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 1 ran red light and collided with vehicle 2, which had green. Clear Dry Other improper action 50 71 12:29 AM Angle Sideswipe, same 9:54 AM direction 3:30 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 6:55 PM direction Sideswipe, same 11:08 AM direction Sideswipe, same 5:25 PM direction 1:58 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 11:00 AM direction Light Condition Dark - lighted roadway Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Dry Daylight Clear Dry Daylight Clear Daylight Daylight Daylight Ages 87 9/7/2012 Friday 9:50 AM Rear end Clear Dry Other improper action 41 82 88 9/9/2012 Sunday Sideswipe, 9:30 PM opposite direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 35 26 89 9/10/2012 Monday 4:22 PM Angle Dry Other improper action 21 48 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or improper manner 21 Daylight N/A 90 9/23/2012 Sunday Single vehicle 3:10 AM crash 91 10/2/2012 Tuesday 8:32 AM Rear end Daylight N/A Wet Other improper action 40 54 92 10/6/2012 Saturday Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet 33 10/8/2012 Monday Daylight N/A Dry No improper driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 40 93 6:20 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 9:30 AM direction 20 26 94 10/12/2012 Friday Daylight N/A Dry 28 73 95 10/28/2012 Sunday Daylight Cloudy/Rain Dry Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 51 35 96 11/5/2012 Monday 6:55 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 97 11/8/2012 Thursday 4:00 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 98 11/10/2012 Saturday Daylight Clear 99 11/11/2012 Sunday 3:45 PM Angle Sideswipe, same 1:12 PM direction Daylight Clear 100 11/17/2012 Saturday 1:30 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 12:20 PM direction 12:01 AM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway N/A Rt 16 WB toward Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1, a truck, struck vehicle 2, which was in middle lane. Rt 16 EB at Wellington Circle. Vehicles 2 and 3 stopped due to traffic and vehicle 1 rear ended 29 vehicle 2, which pushed it into vehicle 3. Rt 28N at Rt 16W. Vehicle 1, emergency vehicle w sirens on, was crossing intersection when vehicle 2 failed to yield and struck vehicle 1. Wellington Circle SB. Vehicle 1 got caught in intersection after light turned red and vehicle 2, had green, but made minor contact w vehicle 1. Rt 28 at north section of Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1's tire exploded and caused vehicle to spin into center median. Rt 28 NB near Station Landing. Vehicle 2 came to a stop, but vehicle 1 was unable to brake and struck vehicle 2. Rt 16 W at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 2 was cut off by unknown vehicle and had to stop short causing vehicle 1 to crash into vehicle 2. Rt 28 SB toward Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 1 went straight through left turn lanes and struck vehicle 2 turning left. Rt 16 EB off ramp. Vehicle 2 had yielded due to sign and vehicle 1 tried to brake, but slid into back of behicle 2. Rt 28 SB at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was in left turn land, but continued straight and struck vehicle 2 on its left. Middlesex Ave at Ninth St. Vehicle 1 was travelling SB on Middlesex when unknown vehicle entered from Ninth St and struck Vehicle 1 and fled. 45 64 Dry No improper driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 31 32 Dry Made an improper turn 66 43 Rt 16 E and Rt 28. Vehicle 1 ran red light and scraped vehicle 2, which had green light. Rt 28S at Rt 16E. Vehicle 2 had green light and vehicle 1 ran red light causing collision between the vehicles. Middlesex Ave toward Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 attempted left from middle lane and struck vehicle 2 who was in left lane. Dry N/A 23 24 Rt 16 WB. Vehicle 2 rear ended vehicle 1. 41 34 Rt 28 SB and Rt. 16 EB. Vehicle 2 was in left turn lane and went straight when vehicle 1 was making left in 2nd left turn lane. 33 N/A 101 11/21/2012 Wednesday 5:45 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 102 11/21/2012 Wednesday Sideswipe, same 9:05 AM direction Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 55 41 Rt 16 WB toward Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1, a TT, veered into right lane from middle lane and collided with vehicle 2. 103 11/24/2012 Sideswipe, same 5:30 PM direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 89 44 Rt 16 WB at Rt 28 SB. Vehicle 1 was in left turn lane and went straight when vehicle 2 was making left in 2nd left turn lane causing a collision. Saturday Crash Data Summary Table Wellington Circle (Medford, MA) January 2011 - December 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision 104 11/24/2012 Saturday 6:10 PM Rear end 105 12/2/2012 Sunday 12:07 PM Rear end Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments Dusk Clear Dry Followed too closely 53 33 Daylight Clear Dry 26 30 Rt 16 EB to Rt 28 SB (Wellington Circle). Vehicle 2 was yielding to traffic and vehicle 1 struck rear of vehicle 2. Rt 28 NB onto Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 2 was merging onto Rt 16 and slowed when it was rear ended by vehicle 1. 43 40 Rt 28 SB and Rt 16 EB. Vehicle 1 ran red light and collided with vehicle 2, which had green. Rt 16 WB. Vehicle 1 was rear ended by vehicle 2 after intersection. Entrance to McDonald Park from Rt 16 WB. Pedestrian was crossing when struck by police cruiser. Rt 28S and Rt 16E. Vehicle 1 had red light and vehicle 2 had green. Vehicle 2 made contact with vehicle 1. Rt 28N south of police barracks. Vehicle 2 was slowing for traffic ahead and vehicle 1 failed to slow then struck rear of vehicle 2. Rt 16W and Rt 28N. Vehicle 1 had green and vehicle 2 ran red then struck vehicle 1. Vehicle 2 fled. 106 12/12/2012 Wednesday 3:00 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 107 12/16/2012 Sunday No improper driving 35 35 12/21/2012 Friday Dark - lighted roadway Snow Dark - roadway not lighted Rain Wet 108 3:20 PM Rear end Single vehicle 8:20 PM crash Wet N/A 57 15 109 12/22/2012 Saturday 5:10 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry Failed to yield right of way 20 80 110 12/24/2012 Monday 1:13 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 57 26 111 12/27/2012 Thursday 11:00 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry 29 N/A 112 1/6/2013 Sunday 12:15 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 113 1/26/2013 Saturday 4:00 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 114 2/1/2013 Friday 12:20 PM Angle Daylight N/A 115 2/4/2013 Monday 7:33 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy 116 2/4/2013 Monday 5:17 AM Rear end 117 2/16/2013 Saturday 4:35 PM Rear end 118 2/25/2013 Monday 10:13 PM Head on 119 3/4/2013 Monday 120 3/9/2013 121 27 85 26 Rt 28 S and Rt 16 E. Vehicle 1 ran red light an struck vehicle 2. 33 28 Ramp from Rt 16 WB and Middlesex Ave to Rt. 28 SB. Vehicle 1 was in left turn lane and continued straight and struck left door of vehicle 2, which was turning left. Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings and other improper action 77 59 Rt 28 S and Rt 16 E. Vehicle 1 ran a red light and struck vehicle 2, which caused vehicle 3 to 61 strike rear of vehicle 2. V2 and 3 had green on Rt 16 EB. Wet N/A 36 22 Rt 28 N at Wellington Circle. Both operators unsure of how crash occurred and thought other was at fault. Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely 27 N/A Daylight Dry Followed too closely Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry 9:15 AM Angle Daylight N/A Saturday 1:25 PM Rear end Daylight 3/9/2013 Saturday 122 3/11/2013 Monday 9:40 AM Rear end Sideswipe, same 8:50 AM direction 123 3/15/2013 Friday 2:15 PM Rear end 124 3/17/2013 Sunday 11:00 AM Angle 125 3/19/2013 Tuesday 126 3/25/2013 127 45, 43 41 Failed to yield right of way 22 26 Dry Failed to yield right of way 49 26 Clear Dry N/A 35 41 Daylight Clear Dry 34 34 Daylight N/A Dry 39 41 Daylight Clear Dry 51 60 Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 55 28 8:20 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Driving too fast forconditions 49 77 Monday 3:20 PM Rear end Dusk Clear Dry Followed too closely 72 27 3/29/2013 Friday 7:50 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely 52 44 128 3/29/2013 Friday 1:02 PM Rear end Daylight N/A Dry Followed too closely 31 27 129 4/6/2013 Saturday 1:51 PM Rear end Daylight N/A Dry Inattention 37 65 Rt 16W. Vehicle 1 was slowing for traffic and was rear ended by vehicle 2. Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 25 43 Intersection of Middlesex Ave and Ninth St. Vehicle 1 turned onto Middlesex with red light and struck vehicle 2, which had green. 130 4/6/2013 Saturday 5:40 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy 62 Rt 16 W. Vehicle 1 rear ended vehicle 2. Rt 16 W east of Fellsway. Vehicle 1 was slowing when vehicle 3 struck rear of vehicle 2, 41 which caused it to strike rear of vehicle 1. Rt 28 S. Vehicle 2 was traveling SB and vehicle 1 was attempting to enter Rt 28 S. Vehicle 1 disregarded stop sign and collided with Vehicle 2. Rt 16W at Rt 28S. Vehicle 2 did not stop for red light and struck vehicle 1, which was proceeding though green light. Rt 28N in front of Margaritas Restaurant. Vehicles 1 and 2 were slowing for traffic when 34 vehicle 3 struck vehicle 2 causing it to strike vehicle 1. Rt 16 W at Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 was slowing for red light and was struck from behind by vehicle 2. Rt 16W cut off to Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 was in middle lane and forced over by unknown TT when it struck vehicle 2 in the left lane. On ramp to Rt 28S near Barracks. Vehicle 2 was slowing to merge and vehicle 1 failed to slow, striking rear of vehicle 2. Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 went straight in left turn lane and was struck by vehicle 2 in other left turn lane. N/A Rt 16W at Wellington Plaza parking lot. Vehicle 2 was turning left into parking lot and vehicle 1 was traveling WB on Rt 16 when it lost control and struck vehicle 2. Merge from Rt 16E onto Rt 28S. Vehicle 2 was yielding when struck from behind by vehicle 1. Rt 16E at Rt 28. Vehicle 1 was following vehicle 2 too closely and crashed into back of vehicle 2. Rt 16E prior to Wellington Circle. Vehicles 1 and 2 were slowing for traffic when vehicle 3 53 rear ended vehicle 2 causing it to rear end vehicle 1. Crash Data Summary Table Wellington Circle (Medford, MA) January 2011 - December 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day 131 4/25/2013 Thursday 132 4/26/2013 Friday 133 4/30/2013 Tuesday 134 5/11/2013 Saturday 135 5/14/2013 Tuesday 136 5/17/2013 Friday 137 5/22/2013 Wednesday 138 5/24/2013 Friday 139 5/24/2013 Friday 140 5/25/2013 Saturday 141 6/2/2013 Sunday 142 6/13/2013 143 Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments Daylight N/A Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 79 82 Daylight N/A Dry History heart/epilepsy/fainting 27 Daylight Clear Dry 56 Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 43 1:25 AM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Made an improper turn 31 Rt 28S at Wellington Circle. Driver of vehicle suffered seizure then struck guardrail. Rt 28 NB toward Rt 28 SB at Wellington Circle (North of Middlesex Ave ramp to Rt 28 S. Vehicle 2 tried to cut over to left lane and clipped back rear passenger side of vehicle 2, 29 N/A which was exiting.) Intersection of Rt 28N and Middlesex Ave. Vehicle 2 went through red light and struck vehicle 1 which had green on Middlesex Ave 17 Rt 16W immediately prior to Rt 28N/Wellington Circle. Vehicle 2 (TT) struck rear of vehicle 1. Vehicle 2 was changing lanes. 26 10:50 AM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 28 43 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry N/A 54 36 11:55 AM Angle Single vehicle 11:06 AM crash Sideswipe,, same 7:15 PM direction 10:45 AM Angle Sideswipe, same 8:30 PM direction 5:45 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 6:00 PM direction Daylight Rain Wet Followed too closely 47 48 Daylight N/A Wet Physical Impairment 30 39 8:20 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Followed too closely 59 33 Intersection of Rt 16E and Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 ran through yellow when it was struck by vehicle 2, which claimed to have green. Rt 28S to Rt 16E. Vehicle 2 was slowing for traffic when it was rear ended by vehicle 1. Rt 16W towards Rt 28S at Wellington Circle. Both vehicles making left when vehicle 1 merged into vehicle 2's lane and made contact. Rt 28S at Wellington Circle just prior to Rt 16 W. Vehicle 2 stopped for red light and was rear ended by vehicle 1. Rt 28S at Rt 16. Vehicle 1 was trying to change lane and struck passenger side of vehicle 2. Rt 28N at Station Landing. Vehicle 1 struck vehicle 2 in rear when travelling at high rate of speed. Daylight Clear Dry Made an improper turn 23 69 Thursday Sideswipe, same 4:50 PM direction Sideswipe, same 1:00 PM direction Daylight Rain Wet Other improper action 22 64 Rt 28S and Rt 16E at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was attempting to pass vehicle 2 and make left turn to Rt 16 E from the right lane and vehicle 2 struck vehicle 1. Rt 16W toward Rt 28S at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was stopped in vehicle 2's blind spot and vehicle 2 struck vehicle 2 on right side near passenger door. 6/18/2013 Tuesday 9:56 AM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 53 28 Rt 16W approaching Rt 28 N. Vehicle 1 struck rear of vehicle 2, which was slowing for traffic. 144 6/21/2013 Friday Dawn Clear Dry Inattention 27 21 145 6/25/2013 Tuesday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action 61 28 146 6/28/2013 Friday 5:12 AM Rear end Sideswipe, same 12:45 AM direction Sideswipe, same 7:00 AM direction Daylight Dry N/A 32 N/A Rt 28S at Rt 16E. Vehicle 2 was stopped at red light and struck in rear by vehicle 1. Rt 28N at Rt 16E. Vehicle 1 over passed vehicle 2 from left while making right turn to Rt 16E and struck rear of vehicle 2. Rt 28S south of Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was side swiped by vehicle 2, which is unknown and fled. 147 6/29/2013 Saturday Sideswipe, same 11:01 PM direction Dark - lighted roadway N/A Dry No improper driving 70 31 Rt 28 N on right hand travel lane towards Rt 16E. Vehicle 2 attempted to pass vehicle 1 in right hand land and was struck by vehicle 1 when vehicle 1 was changing lanes to turn right. 148 7/22/2013 Monday Sideswipe, same 7:15 AM direction Daylight Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 28 46 149 7/23/2013 Tuesday Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 27, 54 50 150 7/23/2013 Tuesday Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 151 8/2/2013 Friday Daylight Clear Dry 152 8/4/2013 Sunday 8:20 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 153 8/27/2013 Tuesday 8:40 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 154 8/29/2013 Thursday Daylight Dry N/A Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 155 9/1/2013 Sunday Dry Made an improper turn 9:00 AM Rear end Sideswipe, same 6:09 AM direction 12:00 PM Rear end 12:48 PM Angle Sideswipe, same 12:55 AM direction Cloudy Cloudy Dark - lighted roadway N/A Within Wellington Circle towards Rt 28S. Vehicle 1, a TT, failed to stay in its own lane while turning left towards Rt 28S from Wellington Circle and struck vehicle 2. Rt 16W prior to circle. Vehicle 4 struck vehicle 3 in rear forcing it into vehicle 2, which was 29 forced into vehicle 1. 49 N/A N/A Rt 16W prior to circle. Vehicle 2 cut in front of vehicle 1 and struck trailer of vehicle 1. Rt 16W at Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 (TT) veered into left lane and its trailer struck vehicle 37 64 37 2, which forced it into vehicle 3. Intersection of Rt 16E and Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 ran red light and struck vehicle 2, which claimed to have green. 35 35 Ramp from 16WB to Rt 28N. Vehicle 1 (Motorcycle) entered intersection when light turned green and it collided with vehicle 2 that didn’t have green. 65 65 19 24 18 48 Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 went straight in left turn lane and struck vehicle 2 in other left turn lane. Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 was pulling out to the right lane from stop and made improper turn and sideswiped vehicle 2. Crash Data Summary Table Wellington Circle (Medford, MA) January 2011 - December 2013 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date 156 157 9/7/2013 Crash Day Saturday 9/11/2013 Wednesday 158 9/18/2013 Wednesday 159 10/2/2013 Wednesday 160 10/8/2013 Tuesday 161 10/13/2013 Sunday 162 10/15/2013 Tuesday 163 10/23/2013 Wednesday 164 10/26/2013 Saturday 165 10/27/2013 Sunday 166 11/5/2013 Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Weather Condition 9:51 AM Angle Daylight Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Dry 6:10 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 6:35 AM Angle Light Condition Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 43 42 Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or improper manner 27 26 Rt 16W west of Fellsway. Vehicle 1 attempted unsafe lane change and sideswiped vehicle 2. Vehicle 1 fled. 22 26 Rt 28S at Rt 16E. Vehicle 1 continued straight from left turn lane and struck vehicle 2 in rear. 41 43 Rt 28S at Rt 16E. Vehicle 1 continued straight from left turn lane and struck vehicle 2 in rear. Clear Dry Daylight Clear Dry Daylight Clear Dry Made an improper turn Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 8:40 AM Rear end Daylight Clear Other No improper driving 50 61 5:15 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 27 32 Rt 16W near Kappy. Motorcycle was struck in rear by unknown vehicle, which fled. Rt 16W at Rt 28S. Vehicle 2 was stopping for traffic and struck in rear by vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 fled. Daylight N/A Dry Other improper action 52 67 Middlesex Ave and Rt 28N. Vehicle 1, a TT, was in left turn lane, but attempted to change into a non left turn lane and struck vehicle 2 on the right hand side causing damage. 2:03 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Physical Impairment 28 24 Rt 28S north of Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 departed Wllinton plaza from Dunkin Donuts onto Rt. 28S and rolled into vehicle 2. 4:52 PM Rear end Sideswipe, same 7:38 AM direction Daylight Clear Dry 46 25 Daylight Clear Dry 35 54 11:39 AM Rear end Sideswipe, same 6:50 AM direction Sideswipe, same 10:55 AM direction 11/9/2013 Saturday 11:55 AM Angle 168 11/12/2013 Tuesday 8:00 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear 169 11/14/2013 Thursday 6:30 PM Rear end 170 11/19/2013 Tuesday 171 11/24/2013 Sunday 172 11/27/2013 Wednesday 12/4/2013 Wednesday 51 Daylight 167 173 62 Comments Rt 28S at Rt 16W then Rt 16E. Vehicle 1 failed to stop for two red lights and collided with vehicle 2 within rotary. Rt 28N at Middlesex Ave traveling from Rt 16 EB through Wellington Circle. Both vehicles were traveling from Rt 16E through Wellington Circle onto Rt 28N. Vehicle 1 changed lanes and collided with vehicle 2. Ages Daylight Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Rt 28S and Rt 16E. Vehicle 1 cut off vehicle 2 and suddenly stopped for red light. This caused vehicle 2 to rear end vehicle 1. Rt 16W. Vehicle 2 (TT) was travelling straight and vehicle 1 committed a lane violation and attempted to enter lane with vehicle 2 causing collision. Rt 16E and Rt 28S. Two car accident in the intersection. Vehicle 1 was in left lane of Rt 28SB and attempting to drive straight. Another vehicle on the right hand side of vehicle 1 cut him off and made left turn to Rt 16 EB. After this, vehicle 1 drove around this vehicle to the right side and was then struck by vehicle 2 travelling on Rt 16 EB. Rt 16E prior to Wellington Circle. Vehicle 1 made unsafe lane change from right lane to middle land and struck vehicle 2. 64 31 Dry Other improper action Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 42 46 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely 21 34 3:10 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely 27 37 Rt 28S at Rt 16 W. Vehicle 2 stopped for a red light and was rear ended by vehicle 1. Ramp onto Rt 28S from Rt 16. Vehicle 2 was slowing for a yield sign and was rear ended by vehicle 1. 9:50 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Wrong side or wrong way 56 54 Wellington Circle at Middlesex Ave. Vehicle 1 was driving the wrong way, traveling eastbound on Rt 16 WB and struck vehicle 2, which was travelling right way on Rt 16WB. 9:45 AM Rear end Daylight Wet Other improper action 36 43 Rt 28S, south of Wellington Circle.Vehicle 2 was stopping to yield for police and was rear ended by vehicle 1. 23 23 Rt 16W at Wellington Circle. While driving through the light, vehicle 1 was sideswiped by vehicle 2. Vehicle 2 fled. N/A Rain Dry Sideswipe, same 4:00 PM direction Daylight Clear Dry Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or improper manner 7:20 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving 72 27 Rt 28N at Station Landing. Vehicle 2 was entering the second travel lane from Station Landing parking lot in front of vehicle 1 and vehicle 1 struck driver's side door of vehicle 2. 174 12/10/2013 Tuesday 175 12/21/2013 Saturday 10:42 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely 43 56 Rt 16W at CVS Pharmacy. Vehicle 2 was slowing for traffic when it was rear ended by vehicle 1. 176 12/21/2013 Saturday Sideswipe, same 10:00 AM direction Daylight Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 76 60 Rt 16W to Rt 28S. Vehicle 1 attempted to change lanes from straight only lane on Rt 16WB to left turn lane and struck vehicle 2. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the State Police Cloudy CONTINUED ON SHEET 2 NOT TO SCALE XX - CORRESPOND TO REFERENCE NUMBER ON CRASH DATA SUMMARY TABLE SYMBOLS TYPES OF CRASH SEVERITY COLLISION DIAGRAM MEDFORD, MA TIME PERIOD ANALYZED: 2011-2013 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: STATE POLICE DATE PREPARED: JANUARY 2016 CONTINUED ON SHEET 1 NOT TO SCALE XX - CORRESPOND TO REFERENCE NUMBER ON CRASH DATA SUMMARY TABLE SYMBOLS TYPES OF CRASH SEVERITY COLLISION DIAGRAM MEDFORD, MA TIME PERIOD ANALYZED: 2011-2013 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: STATE POLICE DATE PREPARED: JANUARY 2016 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Wellington Circle, Medford, MA CRASH MONTH 15% 11% 10% 6% 11% 10% 9% 9% 7% 5% 9% 8% 8% 7% 5% 0% JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 20% 20% 16% 15% 15% 13% 14% TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 12% 10% 10% 5% 0% MONDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY CRASH TIME OF DAY 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 6% 9% 12% 10% 14% 15% 9% 11% 5% 5% 2% 2% CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 34% 32% 24% 5% Single Vehicle Crash 2% Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2% Head on 0% 1% Rear to Rear Unknown Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Wellington Circle, Medford, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 68% 60% 40% 27% 20% 1% 2% Dawn Dusk 1% 0% 0% 1% Darkunknown roadway lighting Other Unknown 0% Daylight Dark-Lighted DarkRoadway Roadway not lighted CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 57% 29% 5% 7% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 86% 50% 11% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% Ages 30% 24% 25% 23% 18% 20% 17% 15% 8% 10% 5% 3% 4% 3% 70-79 80+ 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 Appendix D. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995.