ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Segment of MA Route 16 (Revere Beach Parkway) in Everett & Medford, Massachusetts and Intersection of River’s Edge Drive at Route 16 Westbound Ramps in Medford, Massachusetts September 19, 2011 Prepared For: MassDOT Prepared By: Fay, Spofford & Thorndike 5 Burlington Woods Burlington, Massachusetts Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table of Contents Background .................................................................................................................................1 Project Data.................................................................................................................................1 Project Location and Description..............................................................................................3 Audit Observations .....................................................................................................................6 Potential Safety Enhancements ...............................................................................................13 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................18 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Map.............................................................................................................................. 5 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – River’s Edge Dr. at Rte. 16 Ramps.................. 19 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary –Route 16 Corridor ............................................. 21 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Background Fay, Spofford & Thorndike of Burlington, Massachusetts is the Massachusetts Department of Transportation – Highway Division’s (MassDOT) prime design consultant for the Bridges M-12-017 and E-12-004=M-12-018 (Woods Memorial Bridge) Reconstruction Project, Everett & Medford (604660). The Project primarily consists of the reconstruction of Route 16 over the Malden River (Woods Memorial Bridge, E-12-004=M-12-018), the reconstruction of Route 16 over the MBTA railroad tracks (Bridge M12-017) and the reconstruction of the bridge approaches on Route 16 (Revere Beach Parkway). As part of the project design process, the crash history within the project limits was researched. The research revealed that there were crash clusters within the Project limits that were in the top 5% of clusters in the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) boundaries. As a result of these clusters, which were identified on MassDOT’s online database and established using crash data from 2006-2008, a Roadway Safety Audit (RSA) was conducted. Additionally, MassDOT guidelines require a RSA to be conducted where HSIP-eligible crash clusters are present, as they are in this instance. A Roadway Safety Audit, as defined by the Federal Highway Administration, is a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent audit team. This RSA was conducted during the Preliminary Design (25% Design) stage of the Project in order to incorporate safety-related design features early in the design process. Elements of the RSA will be considered for incorporation into the Project as the design progresses. Project Data The Roadway Safety Audit was conducted on July 21, 2011 at 10 AM, with the pre- and post-audit meetings held at the Massachusetts State Police Barracks Station A-4, 520 Fellsway in Medford. As can be seen in Table 1, the Audit Team consisted of a cross-section of State and Local engineering, enforcement, maintenance and emergency response professionals and was assembled in conjunction with input from MassDOT’ Safety Management Unit. Page 1 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Cassandra Koutalidis, City Engineer Jack Buckley, DPW Commissioner Frank Giliberti, Fire Chief John Freedman, Captain Sgt. Richard Huber Ken Kirwin, DCR Traffic Engineer Lisa Scheltzbaum, Traffic Safety Engineer Sara Timoner, Traffic Engineer Keith Arnold John Hayden, Project Engineer Brandon Rayno, Highway Engineer Walt Woo, Senior Engineer (Traffic) Agency/Affiliation City of Medford Massachusetts City of Medford Massachusetts City of Medford Fire Department City of Medford Fire Department Massachusetts State Police Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Management Unit MassDOT Highway Division – District 4 Traffic MassDOT Highway Division – District 4 Project Development Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Audit participants were provided with materials to review prior to the Audit. The materials included a summary of traffic volume data (daily and peak hour), vehicle classification (i.e. truck) data and vehicle speed data. An existing conditions field survey plan was also provided. Participants were encouraged to visit the site prior to the Audit and were urged to consider elements on MassDOT’s Safety Review Prompt List (also included). The day of the Audit, a pre-Audit meeting was held at the Massachusetts State Police Barracks to discuss the Audit process, review the distributed materials and to discuss the some of the issues that Team members had observed individually, prior to the Audit. The Audit Field Walk consisted of field observations of the Audit locations. Handwritten notes and digital photographs documented the observations made by Audit Team members during the Field Walk. Following the Audit Field Walk, a post-Audit meeting was held at the State Police Barracks where the Team confirmed the observations made in the field and offered solutions to remedy the safety deficiencies noted in the Field Walk and Pre-Audit meeting. Page 2 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Project Location and Description The Audit locations were as follows: • The intersection of River’s Edge Drive and the Route 16 Westbound Ramps (Medford), and • The segment of Route 16 (Revere Beach Parkway) between Santilli Circle (Everett) and the Route 16 Ramps to River’s Edge Drive/Wellington MBTA Station (Medford). Intersection of River’s Edge Drive and the Route 16 Westbound Ramps River’s Edge Drive is an urban minor arterial that is under the jurisdiction of the City of Medford. The roadway runs north-south between the Medford-Malden City Line to the north and the MBTA Wellington Station to the south and, according to traffic counts conducted in 2011 as part of the Project, carries approximately 17,600 vehicles per day (vpd). In Malden, the roadway is named Commercial Street and provides connections to Malden Center. The roadway generally consists of one lane in each direction, with auxiliary lanes provided at intersecting roadways or private properties. At the intersection, two northbound approach lanes (one through lane and one shared through and right turn lane) are provided. Two southbound approach lanes are provided at the intersection (one 500 foot long exclusive left turn lane and one through lane). Bike lanes on the roadway are provided in each direction, north of the Route 16 westbound ramps. A sidewalk is provided on the east side of the roadway, north of the Route 16 westbound ramps and on the west side of the roadway, south of the Route 16 westbound ramps. The MBTA rail/subway tracks are west of River’s Edge Drive and run parallel to the roadway. The speed limit on River’s Edge Drive is 30 MPH, established by regulation by the City of Medford. However, there are no posted speed limits on the roadway. The Route 16 Westbound ramps are classified as an urban minor arterial that is under the jurisdiction of the MBTA and carries traffic between River’s Edge Drive and Route 16. The ramps carry approximately 10,700 vpd, according to traffic counts conducted in 2011 as part of the Project. The westbound off-ramp approach to the intersection consists of one exclusive right turn lane and one exclusive left turn lane. There are no sidewalks or dedicated bicycle lanes on the ramps. The travel lanes on the ramps are of sufficient width to accommodate bicycle travel. This T- intersection is under traffic signal control and includes a protected-permissive southbound leading left turn phase (from River’s Edge Drive to the ramps) and an exclusive pedestrian phase which allows all pedestrian movements to occur simultaneously while all vehicular traffic is stopped. The pedestrian signal includes audible tones for the visually impaired. Route 16 Corridor The Route 16 corridor that is being evaluated as part of the Audit is approximately 1,500 feet long and is the segment of Route 16 (Revere Beach Parkway) between Santilli Circle (Everett) and the Route 16 Ramps to River’s Edge Drive/Wellington MBTA Station (Medford). The Everett/Medford City line is located along the Malden River. The roadway is classified as a Principal Arterial, carries approximately 73,500 vpd (according to traffic counts conducted in 2011 as part of the Project) and is a major east-west Page 3 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike roadway that links Medford to Everett and Revere to the east and Arlington to the west. This segment of Route 16 crosses over the MBTA railroad tracks (Bridge M-12-017) and over the Malden River (Woods Memorial Bridge, E-12-004=M-12-018). This segment of Route 16 (Revere Beach Parkway), is under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). The two bridges, however, are under the jurisdiction of MassDOT. The posted speed limit on Route 16 within the Audit segment is 35 MPH. According to the DCR, speed regulation documentation establishing the speed limit does not exist. The Route 16 Audit corridor features three travel lanes in each of the eastbound and westbound directions, with acceleration and deceleration lanes provided at the on/off ramps to River’s Edge Drive/Wellington MBTA. Sidewalks are also present on both sides of the roadway in this segment. The roadway is a median divided, with guardrail separating the two travel directions on Route 16. The Route 16 ramp system, located within the limits of the Audit, provides access between Route 16 (eastbound and westbound) and River’s Edge Drive and the MBTA Wellington Station. On and off ramps are present on each of the eastbound and westbound directions of Route 16. The Bridges M-12-017 and E-12-004=M-12-018 (Woods Memorial Bridge) Reconstruction Project, Everett & Medford (604660). As part of the Commonwealth’s ongoing Accelerated Bridge Program (ABP), Route 16 over the Malden River (Woods Memorial Bridge, E-12-004=M-12-018) and Route 16 over the MBTA railroad tracks (M12-017) will be entirely reconstructed (superstructure and substructure replacement). The project also includes the reconstruction of the approaches to each of the bridges and the Route 16 ramp system. As a result, the segment of Route 16, between Santilli Circle in Everett and Brainard Avenue in Medford will be reconstructed as part of the project. The Project is currently at the 25% Design stage. Crash History As part of the project design process, the crash history within the project limits was researched. The research revealed that there were crash clusters within the Project limits that were in the top 5% of clusters in the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) boundaries. The clusters were identified on MassDOT’s online database and established using crash data from 2006-2008. The cluster map is contained in Appendix C. Additionally, Sgt. Richard Huber of the Massachusetts State Police participated in the Audit and noted that a large proportion of the crashes within the Audit corridor occur at the Route 16 ramps. Sgt. Huber noted that the crashes at the ramps are typically of the rear-end type, where the driver on the on-ramp attempting to enter into mainline Route 16 traffic will begin accelerating and then will stop unexpectedly. As a result, the vehicle behind the stopped vehicle will collide with the stopped vehicle. Sgt. Huber did not recall any crash related fatalities within the Audit corridor, in recent memory. Page 4 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Audit Observations Audit Team members were solicited for their observations during the Pre-Audit and Post-Audit meetings and during the Audit Field Walk. The Audit Team members offered the following observations on roadway and intersection issues as they relate to safety. Intersection of River’s Edge Drive and the Route 16 Westbound Ramps Pavement Markings and Signs • The “Left Lane Must Turn Left” sign on the southbound River’s Edge Drive approach (at the STOP line) is blocked by vegetation and not visible to an approaching motorist; • The “Right Lane Must Turn Right” sign on the westbound Route 16 Westbound ramps approach (at the STOP line) is blocked by vegetation and not visible to an approaching motorist; • “No Turn on Red” sign facing northbound River’s Edge Drive traffic is mounted on the far right side of the approach but is not mounted adjacent to a signal face and may not be seen by drivers who are accustomed to the sign being adjacent to a signal head; • Signal Ahead (graphical sign) mounted on the off-ramp approach to the intersection is obscured by vegetation and is not visible to an approaching motorist; • Wayfinding is difficult at the intersection for drivers who are unfamiliar with the roadway network – an insufficient number of guide signs was noted; Looking North - Sidewalks are not present on the east side of River’s Edge Drive • Pavement markings are worn in certain areas and edge line pavement markings are not present on the Route 16 westbound ramps, which may provide less guidance to drivers during nighttime and adverse weather conditions; • There are no signs facing Route 16 westbound on-ramp traffic to warn of a sharp change in the horizontal alignment at the horizontal curve on the westbound ramp. During periods of limited visibility, it is possible that drivers may not realize there is a curve and drive straight, instead of traveling along the curve. Page 6 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Multi-Modal Accommodation • Sidewalks are not present on the east side of River’s Edge Drive, south of the Route 16 Westbound ramps. A sidewalk is present only on the northbound side of River’s Edge Drive, north of the Route 16 westbound ramps. Currently, pedestrians who are walking south on River’s Edge Drive (north of the ramps) must cross at the intersection to the sidewalk on the west side of the roadway in order to continue walking south on River’s Edge Drive towards the Wellington MBTA Station or to Route 16 eastbound; • Bicycle lanes are not present in the northbound and southbound direction of River’s Edge Drive, south of the Route 16 westbound ramps. Bicycle lanes are present north of the Route 16 ramps, in both directions of River’s Edge Drive. Bicycles must currently use the vehicular travel lanes south of the Route 16 ramps to/from the Wellington MBTA Station and Route 16 Eastbound; • Bicycle lanes are not present in the eastbound and westbound directions on the ramps between Route 16 Westbound and River’s Edge Drive. Bicycles currently have to ride in the travel lane with vehicular traffic. Obstructions • The existing Route 16 eastern bridge abutment and retaining wall limits the intersection sight distance for westbound right-turning ramp traffic (looking south) during right turns made on the red signal. Vehicles have been observed making right turns on the red signal from the off-ramp while northbound vehicles coming from the area of the MBTA station (who are shown a green signal) were in close proximity; • Visibility of traffic signal heads looking north on River’s Edge Drive (south of Route 16) is limited by a horizontal curve on River’s Edge Drive and the presence of the bridge and bridge abutments. The signal indications cannot be seen until the tangent section of River’s Edge Drive under the bridge, which is approximately 250 feet of visibility; Looking south from the ramps – sight distance is limited due to the wall and abutment Page 7 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Speed • The clearance intervals for the existing traffic signal is 3 seconds of yellow and 1 second all red. These intervals are insufficient for a design speed of 35 MPH and the width of the intersection. The clearance intervals calculated according to the Manual of Traffic Signal Design, Second Edition (Institute of Transportation Engineers; Washington, DC; 1998) should be 4 seconds of yellow and 3 seconds of all red. Route 16 Corridor Pavement Markings and Signs • Pavement markings at the Route 16 eastbound ramp deceleration lane do not guide through traffic to stay in through lanes as vehicles travel over the MBTA bridge crest vertical curve. As a result, some through vehicles were observed to be in the ramp’s deceleration lane before having to make a sudden maneuver to the left to remain in the through lane; • The Route 16 Eastbound guide sign for the Wellington MBTA station is partially covered by vegetation and is not entirely visible to drivers; Guide signs to Route 99 and to Mystic View Road are confusing and partially obstructed Page 8 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike • Guide signs and pavement markings directing vehicles to Route 99 and Mystic View Road on Route 16 eastbound (near Santilli Circle) are poor. The signs are small, confusing and partially covered by vegetation. Currently drivers must make the first right turn before Santilli Circle to access Mystic View Road and the second right turn to access Route 99. The existing guide signs appear to be insufficient in distinguishing between the correct turn to make to access Route 99 versus the turn to access Mystic View Road; • The guide signs for Route 99 and Mystic View Road are currently too closely spaced together; • There is a general lack of guide signs in the corridor; • Traffic control (signs and markings) are missing/not present for vehicles entering Route 16 westbound from the on-ramp. Drivers are not informed of whether there is a merge, yield, STOP or added lane condition as the vehicle enters on to Route 16 westbound. The pavement markings also do not provide any visual cues to the driver; • Traffic control signs are missing/not present for vehicles entering Route 16 westbound from Santilli Circle (from Route 99 and Mystic View Road). Drivers are not informed of whether there is a merge, yield, STOP or added lane condition as the vehicle enters on to Route 16 westbound; • There are no signs indicating that there is a sharp change in horizontal alignment on the Route 16 westbound onramp. During periods of poor visibility, there is no guidance for drivers that there is a sharp change in the horizontal alignment of the ramp; Traffic signs and appropriate pavement markings are missing at the Route 16 Westbound ramps • The STOP sign facing Route 16 eastbound on-ramp traffic is visible to Route 16 eastbound through traffic and may cause vehicles to stop on Route 16. The sign is barely visible to on-ramp traffic; Page 9 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike • There is no STOP line to supplement the STOP sign on the Route 16 eastbound on-ramp approach to Route 16 eastbound. Drivers are not being provided with guidance for the location at which to stop their vehicle before entering onto Route 16 eastbound; • There are no signs present that indicate turns that can be made to reverse direction on Route 16. Multi-Modal Accommodation • Crosswalks and wheelchair ramps are not present at the Route 16 eastbound and westbound ramps. Pedestrians must cross the roadway without the visibility and regulatory protection that a crosswalk typically provides; • Sight distance for pedestrians crossing the off-ramp is restricted for a westbound pedestrian on the Route 16 westbound sidewalk, due to the location of the sidewalk on the triangular island at the ramp, overgrown vegetation and the horizontal alignment of the roadway. As a result, a crossing pedestrian is not visible to vehicles on Route 16 who may be using the exit ramp and be in potential conflict with a crossing pedestrian; Sight distance for pedestrians crossing the westbound offramp is restricted • Bicycle lanes/accommodation are not present on Route 16. Currently, bicyclists were observed travelling in the vehicular travel lanes on Route 16 and on the sidewalks. Some bicyclists were observed travelling in the opposite direction of the flow of vehicular traffic; • Tactile warning panels that assist visually impaired pedestrians are not present on the existing wheelchair ramps across the Route 16 west leg of Santilli Circle; Page 10 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Obstructions • Existing trees on the triangular island at the Route 16 eastbound ramps limit the visibility of vehicles on the entrance ramp to Route 16 to oncoming traffic, making it difficult to enter the mainline Route 16 traffic stream. Speed • Stopping sight distance on Route 16 over both crest curves on the Woods Memorial Bridge and the MBTA bridge appears to be substandard and may limit driver visibility over the bridges for the speed at which vehicles are travelling. The Woods Memorial Bridge vertical curve was designed for 40 MPH and the MBTA bridge vertical curve for 40 MPH. The 85th percentile speed on Route 16 is approximately 44 MPH; • Stopping sight distance to the traffic signal heads that control the pedestrian crossing on the slip lane to Mystic View Road appears to be insufficient for the travel speed. Sight distance is limited by the combination of a horizontal curve and overgrown roadside vegetation, making it difficult to see the traffic signal heads until the vehicle is relatively close to the crossing, which may be an insufficient distance to stop in time for a crossing pedestrian, depending on the speed of the vehicle. Auxiliary Lanes • Acceleration lanes/deceleration lanes on Route 16 at the ramps between Route 16 and Wellington MBTA Station/River’s Edge Drive are substandard for the travel speed. Vehicles exiting Route 16 are not provided with sufficient area to decelerate before exiting, thus vehicle deceleration occurs in the right through lane, which may be unexpected by a driver of a through vehicle and may be a contributing factor to accidents. Vehicles entering Route 16 are not provided with an acceleration lane of sufficient length to enter onto Route 16 mainline traffic and thus vehicles may have difficulty entering the traffic stream and which may also lead to vehicles stopping unexpectedly before merging into mainline traffic, which could also be a contributing factor to accidents; • The roadway grade of the eastbound on-ramp to Route 16 appears to be steep, which makes it difficult for vehicles to maintain an appropriate speed while accelerating onto mainline Route 16; • The acceleration lane for vehicles coming around Santilli Circle from Route 99 is substandard for the travel speed. Vehicles entering Route 16 are not provided with an acceleration lane of sufficient length to enter onto Route 16 mainline traffic and thus vehicles may have difficulty entering the traffic stream. Lighting • According to prior observations, the existing roadway did not appear to be well lit and may be a contributor to accidents that occur during the nighttime hours; Page 11 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Other • The existing W-Beam shape of the guard rail on the Route 16 median (dividing the two travel directions) may be substandard in preventing departures of an errant vehicle into the opposing travel lanes; • Trucks are restricted on Route 16 westbound to the right lane only. It is not known if the existing bridge can now structurally accommodate truck traffic in the left and center lanes, due to ongoing bridge maintenance efforts • The chain link fence on the Route 16 median island that currently prevents pedestrians from illegally crossing Route 16 at mid-block is difficult to see at night. Pedestrians had been observed (outside of the Audit Field Walk period) crossing at mid-block, using holes in the fence. A scenario that may possibly occur is that a pedestrian would begin a mid-block crossing of Route 16 at night without realizing that a fence is present, until the pedestrian is in close proximity to the fence ; • The paved area adjacent to the Route 16 westbound off ramp (near the sharp change in horizontal alignment on the ramp) is large enough such that multiple vehicles were observed to be parking adjacent to the ramp, which is undesirable, as there is limited sight distance for parked vehicles exiting this area. Outside the Audit areas: • The geometry and layout of the Wellington MBTA Station/parking access roads should be improved. It currently could be very confusing for users who are unfamiliar with the station’s roadway layout; • As an eastbound Route 16 driver crosses Route 28 at Wellington Circle, the three eastbound through receiving lanes (east of Route 28) do not align properly with the three through approach lanes (west of Route 28). The eastbound rightmost approach lane aligns with an acceleration lane that ends. The lanes appear to be offset by the width of one full lane. Page 12 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Potential Safety Enhancements The Audit Team members offered potential safety enhancements that could be implemented to mitigate the safety related observations that were noted in the previous section of this report. Audit Team members were encouraged to develop short, medium and long term safety enhancements. Intersection of River’s Edge Drive and the Route 16 Westbound Ramps Pavement Markings and Signs • Trim vegetation around signs to provide visibility to approaching motorists; • Install guide signs at the intersection to improve wayfinding. New signs to improve wayfinding may include a sign directing vehicles to Route 16 Eastbound (facing southbound River’s Edge Drive traffic), south of the Route 16 westbound ramps. The guide signs directing drivers to Malden Center and the MBTA station, facing the ramp approach to the intersection, are also missing and should be replaced. Guide signs on Route 16 should also include River’s Edge Drive as a destination, in addition to the Wellington MBTA station; • Reapply the existing markings at the intersection to replace the worn out pavement markings; • Apply pavement marking edge lines on the Route 16 Westbound ramps; • Install horizontal alignment warning signs facing Route 16 westbound on-ramp traffic to warn of a sharp change in the horizontal alignment of the ramp in order to better guide drivers during periods of limited visibility; • Construct an extension to the existing triangular island that divides on and off-ramp traffic to improve channelization of traffic along the sudden change in horizontal alignment of the ramp. Multi-Modal Accommodation • Construct a sidewalk along the east side of River’s Edge Drive, south of the Route 16 Westbound Ramps. This sidewalk should meet the existing sidewalk south of the bridge. Providing a sidewalk while maintaining two northbound vehicular travel lanes on River’s Edge Drive would necessitate the relocation of the east bridge abutment; • Provide bicycle lanes on River’s Edge Drive south of the Route 16 Westbound Ramps, which would eliminate the gap in the provision of bicycle lanes between the MBTA station and River’s Edge Drive. Providing bicycle lanes while maintaining the existing number of travel lanes on River’s Edge Drive would necessitate the relocation of the bridge abutments; • Provide bicycle lanes on the Route 16 westbound ramps in order to provide accommodation for bicyclists on the ramp. The existing ramps appear to be of sufficient width to accommodate a bicycle lane; Page 13 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike • Replace existing pedestrian signal heads with pedestrian signal heads that include countdown pedestrian timer display. Obstructions • Evaluate the impact on intersection capacity of posting a NO TURN ON RED sign facing the Route 16 westbound off-ramp approach so that vehicles would be prohibited from making this movement, due to the limited intersection sight distance looking to the south. If the impacts of restricting turns on red on this approach are acceptable, a NO TURN ON RED sign should be mounted; • Relocate the east MBTA bridge abutment to improve the intersection sight distance (looking south) for vehicles making the right turn on red signal from the Route 16 westbound off-ramp approach and to improve visibility of the intersection and signal for northbound River’s Edge Drive vehicles; • Improve the visibility of the traffic signal by mounting signal backplates on all signal heads at the intersection. The backplates provide a dark contrasting background for the signal head that is expected to make the head more visible. The ability of the existing mast arms and foundations to accommodate the additional loading generated by the backplates should be evaluated prior to any potential installation; • Improve the visibility of the traffic signal for northbound vehicles on River’s Edge Drive by adding a signal head facing northbound traffic on the existing mast arm that is closest to the bridge. The ability of the existing mast arm and foundation to accommodate the additional loading generated by the addition of the signal head should be evaluated. The need for this improvement should also be more closely evaluated. Speed • Conduct a formal study to determine the appropriate traffic signal clearance intervals for River’s Edge Drive northbound and southbound traffic and implement the revised clearance intervals at the intersection. Route 16 Corridor Pavement Markings and Signs • Install painted dotted lane marking extension lines along the deceleration and acceleration lanes at the Route 16 ramps. The dotted extension lines will provide delineation between the acceleration/deceleration lanes and the through lanes and is expected to provide enhanced guidance to drivers entering and exiting Route 16. The 2009 MUTCD requires the use of dotted extension markings (Section 3B.04) at acceleration and deceleration lanes; • Trim vegetation around signs to provide visibility to approaching motorists; Page 14 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike • On the Route 16 eastbound approach to Santilli Circle, remove existing guide signs for Route 99 and Mystic View Road and install improved guide signs that provide better guidance for drivers for the right turn towards Mystic View Road and the right turn to access Route 99; • Remove and reset existing diagrammatic guide sign (Route 99/Mystic View Road/Route 16 East) to a location that provides greater separation between existing guide signs; • Install a cantilevered overhead sign over the exclusive right-turn lane on the Route 16 eastbound approach at Santilli Circle. The sign legend should direct drivers to turn right to access Route 99; • Add guide signs along Route 16 in both directions that direct drivers to River’s Edge Drive and Malden Center prior to the off-ramps; • Install the appropriate signs facing drivers on the Route 16 westbound on-ramp approach to Route 16 westbound, based on existing roadway conditions, to provide drivers the required traffic control as they accelerate onto Route 16 westbound; • Install a yield sign facing drivers coming from Santilli Circle (from Route 99 and Mystic View Road) onto Route 16 westbound; • Rotate the STOP sign facing Route 16 eastbound on-ramp traffic such that it is not visible to drivers on Route 16 and visible to on-ramp traffic; • Install a STOP line on the on-ramp approach to Route 16 eastbound; • Install signs at the Route 16 off-ramps in both directions (“TO REVERSE DIRECTION USE NEXT EXIT”) and near Santilli Circle (“TO REVERSE DIRECTION USE NEXT RIGHT”) that indicate the turns to make to reverse direction on Route 16. Multi-Modal Accommodation • Install painted crosswalks and construct wheelchair ramps at the Route 16 ramps. The location of the crossing should ensure that a crossing pedestrian is visible from the Route 16 ramp deceleration area; • Evaluate and potentially construct a multi-use path of a width such that pedestrians and high speed bicyclists (such as commuters) and low speed bicyclists (such as recreational bicyclists) can be comfortably accommodated along Route 16, in both directions. Under this scenario, a dedicated bicycle lane would not be provided on Route 16 as all bicyclists would be accommodated on the path; • Evaluate and potentially construct a multi-use path of a width such that pedestrians and bicyclists (low speed only) can be comfortably accommodated along Route 16, in both directions. Under this scenario, the roadway would also be widened to provide a minimum 5 foot bicycle lane on Route 16 (in each direction of travel) to accommodate higher speed bicyclists (such as Page 15 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike commuters). The widening of Route 16 and the bridges is expected to have considerable impacts and is a substantial project; • If bicycle lanes on Route 16 are provided, ensure that the design of bicycle lanes on Route 16 account for the safe crossing of the Route 16 ramps for a bicycle travelling through on Route 16; • If bicycle lanes on Route 16 are provided, ensure that the design of bicycle lanes on Route 16 account for the safe transition of bicycles back to segments of roadway that do not have bicycle lanes (i.e. Wellington Circle, Santilli Circle); • Install tactile warning panels for visually impaired pedestrians on each of the wheelchair ramps along the Route 16 west leg of Santilli Circle. The panels are now required on new wheelchair ramp installations. The installation of the panels on each existing wheelchair ramp will necessitate the entire reconstruction of each wheelchair ramp. Obstructions • Trim or remove the trees on the triangular island at the Route 16 eastbound ramps to increase sight distance. Speed • Construct the replacement for the Woods Memorial Bridge and the MBTA Bridge, both of which are to be reconstructed as part of the Project. The current design of the replacement for the Woods Memorial Bridge features a vertical curve that can accommodate 50 MPH speeds. The current design of the replacement for the MBTA bridge features a vertical curve that can accommodate 40 MPH speeds; • Trim the vegetation along the slip lane to Mystic View Road (near Santilli Circle) to improve visibility of the traffic signal on the slip lane (that controls the pedestrian crossing), giving drivers sufficient opportunity to see the traffic signal and stop when a pedestrian is in the crossing; • Relocate the painted crosswalk closer to Route 16 eastbound, so that the crossing is visible to mainline traffic. Relocation of the crosswalk would also necessitate the construction of new wheelchair ramps, and necessitate the relocation of the sidewalk on the traffic island to link the relocated crosswalk to the crossing of Route 16. Auxiliary Lanes • Widen Route 16 roadway and bridges at the ramps and at Santilli Circle to provide standard length acceleration lanes that can accommodate the travel speeds on Route 16. The widening of Route 16 and the bridges is expected to have considerable impacts and is a substantial project; • Regrade the ramps and Route 16 to reduce the steep uphill grade for drivers attempting to merge on to Route 16 eastbound; Page 16 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike • Ensure that any potential improvements to auxiliary lanes do not significantly impact traffic safety and operations at the intersection of Route 16 westbound and Brainard Avenue. Ensure that Route 16 westbound on-ramp traffic merges onto mainline Route 16 westbound before Brainard Avenue. Lighting • Identify overhead street lights that are out of service and replace with new bulbs or fixtures; • Replace the roadway lighting along the corridor with a new lighting system and hardware. Other • Evaluate the existing guardrail in the median for its suitability in preventing vehicle departures into oncoming traffic and replace the median guardrail with guardrail or barrier that is suitable for preventing vehicle departures into oncoming traffic. F-Shaped concrete barrier or Thrie-beam steel guardrail may be suitable for use in the median on Route 16; • Review the bridge inspection reports to determine if the truck restrictions (on the left and center lanes) on Route 16 westbound can be eliminated, allowing for truck traffic to use all lanes; • Install a new fence on the median island that is visible to pedestrians at night, so that pedestrians can see that mid-block pedestrian crossings of Route 16 are not possible. Methods to make the fence material and/or posts more visible will be investigated and may include retroreflective painting of the fence post and/or visible fencing materials; • Install temporary concrete barrier along the Route 16 westbound off ramp to prevent vehicles from parking on the ramp. Supplement the barrier with pavement marking edge lines; • Installing curbing to improve the delineation of the ramp travel lane and eliminate the excess paved area. Other Areas • Reconstruct the MBTA Wellington Station access roads to parking, live parking, bus stops; • Conduct a formal study to improve the lane markings Wellington Circle such that the lane offset for Route 16 eastbound vehicles is eliminated. Implement the findings of the study; Page 17 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Summary of Road Safety Audit For each safety enhancement noted in the previous section, the following (Tables 2 and 3) is a summary of the proposed enhancement, its potential safety payoff, the estimated time frame for completion, the estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency. Safety payoff estimates are based on engineering judgment and are categorized as follows: low, medium, and high (>71%). The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or longterm (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,000 to $50,000), or high (>$50,000). For enhancements that are expected to be incorporated into the design of the Bridges M-12-017 and E-12004=M-12-018 (Woods Memorial Bridge) Reconstruction Project, Everett & Medford (604660), the responsible agency will be listed as “Project”. The Project will be constructed as part of the Commonwealth’s Accelerated Bridge Program and the awarding authority for the Project is MassDOT. The Project is currently under design, with the preliminary highway design (25% Design) to be submitted in September of 2011. As of the writing of this report, the project construction is expected to begin in 2013 and be complete by 2016. Page 18 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – River’s Edge Dr. at Rte. 16 Ramps Safety Issue Pavement Markings & Signs Multi-Modal Accommodation Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short Low City of Medford/MBTA Low Short Low City of Medford/MBTA Low Short Low City of Medford/MBTA Low Short Low MBTA Low Short Low MBTA Low Long Medium Project Medium Long High Project Medium Long High Project Provide bicycle lanes on the Route 16 westbound ramps Medium Short Low MBTA Replace existing pedestrian signal heads with countdown pedestrian signal heads Low Long Low Project Trim vegetation around signs Install guide signs to improve wayfinding at the intersection Reapply existing pavement markings at the intersection Apply pavement marking edge lines on the Route 16 westbound ramps Install horizontal alignment signs on the ramp for Route 16 westbound on-ramp traffic Extend triangular island at Route 16 ramps in the direction of River’s Edge Drive Construct a sidewalk along east side of River’s Edge Drive south of the westbound ramps Provide bicycle lanes along River’s Edge Drive south of the westbound ramps Page 19 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 2 (Cont’d). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – River’s Edge Dr. at Rte. 16 Ramps Safety Issue Obstructions Speed Potential Safety Enhancement Post NO TURN ON RED for westbound ramp approach to the intersection Relocate east bridge abutment to improve intersection sight distance Mount backplates on signal heads Add a traffic signal head on mast arm Review and revise traffic signal clearance intervals Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Short Low City of Medford/MBTA High Long High Project Medium Long Low Project Medium Long Low Project Medium Short Low City of Medford/MBTA Page 20 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary –Route 16 Corridor Safety Issue Pavement Markings & Signs Potential Safety Enhancement Install dotted lane marking extension lines at the ramp acceleration/deceleration lanes Trim vegetation around signs Remove existing guide signs for Route 99 and Mystic View Road and install improved guide signs to Route 99 and Mystic View Road Remove and reset existing diagrammatic guide sign (Route 99/Mystic View Road/Route 16 East) to a location that provides greater separation between existing guide signs Install cantilevered overhead guide sign for Route 99 Add guide signs along Route 16 in both directions that direct drivers to River’s Edge Drive and Malden Center prior to the off-ramps Install the appropriate traffic control signs on Route 16 westbound on-ramp Install a Yield sign facing drivers coming from Santilli Circle (from Route 99 and Mystic View Road) onto Route 16 westbound Rotate STOP sign facing Route 16 eastbound on-ramp traffic Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Short Low DCR Low Short Low DCR Low Short Low DCR Low Short Low DCR Low Long Medium Project Low Long Low Project Medium Short Low DCR Medium Short Low DCR Low Short Low DCR Page 21 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 3 (Continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary –Route 16 Corridor Safety Issue Pavement Markings & Signs Multi-Modal Accommodation Potential Safety Enhancement Install a STOP line for Route 16 eastbound on-ramp traffic Install signs at the Route 16 offramps in both directions (“TO REVERSE DIRECTION USE NEXT EXIT”) and near Santilli Circle (“TO REVERSE DIRECTION USE NEXT RIGHT”) Install wheelchair ramps and crosswalks at the Route 16 Ramps Evaluate and potentially construct a multi-use path of a width such that pedestrians and high and low speed bicyclists can be comfortably accommodated along Route 16, in both directions. Under this scenario, a dedicated bicycle lane would not be provided on Route 16 as all bicyclists would be accommodated on the path. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short Low DCR Low Long Low Project Medium Long Medium Project High Long High Project Page 22 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 3 (Continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary –Route 16 Corridor Safety Issue Multi-Modal Accommodation Potential Safety Enhancement Evaluate and potentially construct a multi-use path of a width such that pedestrians and bicyclists (low speed only) can be comfortably accommodated along Route 16, in both directions. Under this scenario, the roadway would also be widened to provide a minimum 5 foot bicycle lane on Route 16 (in each direction of travel) to accommodate higher speed bicyclists. If bicycle lanes on Route 16 are provided, ensure that the design of bicycle lanes on Route 16 account for the safe crossing of the Route 16 ramps for a bicycle travelling through on Route 16 If bicycle lanes on Route 16 are provided, ensure that the design of bicycle lanes on Route 16 account for the safe transition of bicycles back to segments of roadway that do not have bicycle lanes (i.e. Wellington Circle, Santilli Circle) Install tactile warning panels on existing wheelchair ramps at Santilli Circle Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Long High Project Medium Long Medium Project Medium Long Low Project Medium Short Medium DCR Page 23 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 3 (Continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary –Route 16 Corridor Safety Issue Obstructions Speed Auxiliary Lanes Lighting Potential Safety Enhancement Trim or remove the trees on the triangular island at the Route 16 eastbound ramps Reconstruct the Woods Memorial Bridge for 50MPH vertical curve and MBTA Bridge for 40MPH vertical curve Trim vegetation along slip lane to Mystic View Road to increase visibility of the pedestrian signal Relocate painted crosswalk and sidewalk along slip lane to Mystic View Road closer to Route 16 Provide standard length acceleration and deceleration lanes on Route 16 at the ramps Regrade ramp to reduce steep uphill grade at Route 16 westbound on-ramp merge Ensure that any potential improvements to auxiliary lanes do not significantly impact traffic safety and operations at the intersection of Route 16 westbound and Brainard Avenue. Ensure that Route 16 westbound on-ramp traffic merges onto mainline Route 16 westbound before Brainard Avenue. Replace street lights that are out of service with new bulbs or fixture Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short Low DCR High Long High Project Medium Short Low DCR Medium Long Medium DCR High Long High Project Medium Long High Project Low Long High Project Medium Short Low DCR Page 24 Road Safety Audit— Route 16 (Medford & Everett) & River’s Edge Drive (Medford) Prepared by Fay, Spofford & Thorndike Table 3 (Continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary –Route 16 Corridor Safety Issue Lighting Other Outside the Audit Area Potential Safety Enhancement Replace roadway lighting system along the entire Route 16 corridor Replace median guardrail with suitable guardrail for preventing vehicle departures Review bridge inspection reports to determine if truck restrictions on left and center lanes can be eliminated, allowing for truck traffic to use all lanes Install a new fence on the median island that is visible to pedestrians at night Install temporary concrete barrier along the Route 16 westbound off ramp to prevent vehicles from parking on the ramp. Supplement the barrier with pavement marking edge lines. Installing curbing to improve the delineation along the Route 16 westbound off ramp travel lane and eliminate the excess paved area. Reconstruct and improve the MBTA Wellington Station access roads to parking, live parking, and bus stops Restripe Wellington Circle Route 16 eastbound lanes to eliminate lane offset Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Long High Project High Long High Project High Short Low DCR Medium Long High Project Low Short Low MBTA Low Long Medium Project Low Long High MBTA Medium Short Low DCR Page 25 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Route 16- Revere Beach Parkway (Everett & Medford) & River’s Edge Drive at Rte 16 WB Ramps (Medford) Meeting Location: Massachusetts State Police Barracks, Station A-4 520 Fellsway, Medford, MA 02155 July 21st, 2011 10:00 AM – 12:30 noon Type of meeting: Road Safety Audit for Roadway & Bridge Reconstruction Project Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Review of Site Specific Material • Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries • Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:45 AM Visit the Site • Drive/Walk to intersection of River’s Edge Drive at the Rte 16 Westbound ramps, followed by a visit to Route 16, between the Rte 16 EB and WB ramps and Santilli Circle • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:45 AM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA • Discuss observations and finalize findings • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:30 noon Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on July 21st, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and Rte 16 corridor and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: Audit Team Members Location: Agency/Affiliation Cassandra Koutalidis, City Engineer Jack Buckley, DPW Commissioner City of Medford Massachusetts City of Medford Massachusetts City of Medford Fire Department Frank Giliberti, Fire Chief John Freedman, Captain Sgt. Richard Huber Ken Kirwin, DCR Traffic Engineer City of Medford Fire Department Massachusetts State Police Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) MassDOT Highway Lisa Scheltzbaum, Traffic Division – Safety Safety Engineer Management Unit MassDOT Highway Sara Timoner, Traffic Division – District 4 Engineer Traffic MassDOT Highway Keith Arnold Division – District 4 Project Development John Hayden, Project Fay, Spofford & Engineer Thorndike Brandon Rayno, Highway Fay, Spofford & Engineer Thorndike Walt Woo, Senior Fay, Spofford & Engineer (Traffic) Thorndike Email Address Phone Number 781-393-2476 781-393-2417 781-396-9400 781-396-3901 781-396-0100 617-626-1498 617-973-7685 781-641-8435 781-221-1198 781-221-1285 781-221-1294 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Appendix D. Additional Information SIXT H ST REE T 46 1,0 36 1,1 NINT REE T 224 149 6 43 63 407 36 2,373 360 673 H ST 350 2,023 BRA IN 13 934 359 93 70 75 4 413 4754 4 ARD AVE NUE 39 828 354 1,985 1,985 ( ! 16 16 ! ( 3 PARKWAY 96 15 42 9 5833 1,376 1 14459 9 1,358 595 11 4 2 REVERE BEACH 1,174 295 TILESON STREET KEVIN STREET H ST SANTILLI HIGHWAY ENT T RIVERSEDGE DRIVE SEV REE CRADO CK AVE NUE OA D GTO NR L L IN WE MIDD LESE X AV ENU E ¯ 28 ( ! 108 5193 137 6 1,358 7 CON S TITU TION 1,602 217 15 1378 6 108 5680 WAY 461 M YS TI C FELL VI EW SWA Y RO AD 28 ! ( 0 250 500 Feet Map Source: Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS), Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and Mass RMV Figure 1 2011 Existing AM Turning Movement Counts Woods Memorial Bridge - Everett & Medford SIXT H ST REE T 33 1,5 12 1,0 NINT REE T 264 99 5 56 208 674 37 2,578 357 281 H ST 555 2,023 BRA IN 91 342 377 77 32 1217 779 9 132 37 ARD AVE NUE 1758 48 363 2,152 2,152 ( ! 16 16 ! ( 5 PARKWAY 60 33 40 2 REVERE BEACH 1,453 188 5 11622 7321 1,910 4 15529 2 2,331 584 TILESON STREET KEVIN STREET H ST SANTILLI HIGHWAY ENT T RIVERSEDGE DRIVE SEV REE CRADO CK AVE NUE OA D GTO NR L L IN WE MIDD LESE X AV ENU E ¯ 28 ( ! 158 6183 191 0 2,331 WAY 407 7 34 7711 2,201 TION 22 1569 9 158 CON S TITU 537 M YS TI C FELL VI EW SWA Y RO AD 28 ! ( 0 250 500 Feet Map Source: Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS), Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and Mass RMV 2011 Existing PM Turning Movement Counts Woods Memorial Bridge - Everett & Medford Roadway Safety Audit - July 2011 Prepared by: Fay, Spofford & Thorndike