ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Lower Broadway/Alford Street Municipalities of Boston and Everett March 10, 2016 Prepared For: MassDOT On Behalf Of: WYNN Everett Prepared By: AECOM 250 Apollo Drive Chelmsford, MA Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Table of Contents Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 3 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 3 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 4 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 7 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 13 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Road Safety Audit References List of Figures Figure 1: Locus Map – Lower Broadway, Everett..................................................................................... 6 List of Tables Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members ............................................................................................. 4 Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ........................................................................... 13 Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Lower Broadway ................................................... 14 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Background The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. This RSA evaluates the Broadway between Beacham Street in Everett and Dexter Street/Alford Street in Boston, Massachusetts. Broadway is under the jurisdiction of the City of Everett. A safety audit was scheduled for this corridor as part of the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency (MEPA) approval process for the proposed Wynn Everett Project. MassDOT has identified one Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) crash cluster between 2011 and 2013 at Broadway and Beacham Street in Everett. The section of Broadway between Beacham Street and Horizon Way was identified at a HSIP pedestrian crash cluster between 2004 and 2013. It is noted that Broadway has been recently been reconstructed including improvements for all modes. A key objective of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be made throughout the corridor and or at the subject intersections. Project Data An RSA was completed for lower Broadway on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. The agenda for the RSA meeting held at Everett City Hall is provided in Appendix A of this report. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise in the engineering, planning, and maintenance fields. Contact information for the audit team members is provided in Appendix B of this report. Within the email invitation sent on January 20, 2016 to each participant in the RSA, background material was provided. This information included collision diagrams and crash data summaries for the study locations. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group prior to the field visit to the locations. During the RSA field visit, various safety issues were observed and identified. Following the RSA field visit, the team returned to discuss additional concerns and potential solutions for the existing safety issues. Page 3 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Derek Caldwell John Mastera Timothy Paris Mark Abbott Richard Fries Sarah Lee Jay Monty Tony O’Brien Alfredo Vilar Al Carrier Lori Aho Dirk Grotenhuis Jeff Maxtutis Agency/Affiliation MassDOT District 4 – Traffic MassDOT – Highway Safety MassDOT District 4 - Projects Boston MPO/CTPS MassBike MAPC City of Everett Everett Fire Department Boston Transportation Department Wynn Design and Development AECOM AECOM AECOM The crashes and collision diagrams were based on crashes reported by City of Boston and City of Everett between January 2013 and December 2015. There were a total of 80 crashes reported along the study corridor between 2013 and 2015. Of these, 35 percent were angle crashes and 29 percent were rear end. The intersection of Broadway and Beacham Street experienced the highest number of crashes in the study corridor. This included two crashes involving mopeds and one pedestrian crash. Three other bicycle crashes and one other pedestrian crash occurred throughout the study corridor. The data shows that there is a high proportion of injury related crashes. A total of 18 percent of the crashes occurred between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. June and August are the two months with the highest percent of crashes (13 percent). The day with the highest percent of crashes was Friday (21 percent). Most crashes occurred in daylight hours with clear weather conditions and dry road surface. Project Location and Description The Audit location focuses on the Lower Broadway corridor (Everett) between Beacham Street on the north (Everett) and Alford Street and Dexter Street on the south (Boston). The study corridor is approximately one-half mile long. Most of the study corridor is in Everett, except for the intersection Alford Street/Dexter Street and approximately 200 feet to the north which is in Boston. The Broadway corridor was reconstructed within the last few years which provided new pavement, signals, pavement markings and signage, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, street lighting and landscape improvements. Broadway (Route 99) is four-lane roadway running primarily north-south in Everett and Boston. It is classified as an Urban Principal Arterial by MassDOT and carries approximately 52,100 vehicles per day Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 (2009) north of Dexter Street. During the Friday PM peak hour, Broadway south of Dexter Street has over 3,000 two-way vehicles (2014, SFEIR). There are no posted speed limit signs on Broadway in the study area. Broadway is under the jurisdiction of the City of Everett. MassDOT has identified one Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) crash cluster between 2011 and 2013 at Broadway and Beacham Street in Everett. The section of Broadway between Beacham Street and Horizon Way was identified at a HSIP pedestrian crash cluster between 2004 and 2013. It is noted that Broadway has been recently reconstructed including improvements for all modes. The following three signalized intersections are located on Broadway in the study area: • • • Beacham Street/McDonald’s (4-way) Mid-block pedestrian signal Alford Street/Dexter Street (4-way, Boston) There are several unsignalized intersections and private driveways within the Broadway study corridor. There are concrete sidewalks and curbs on both sides of Broadway with pedestrian signals provided at all three signalized locations. Striped bicycle lanes are provided in both directions on Broadway in the study area. Bicycle stencil symbols, arrows and Bike Lane signs are also provided in both directions. MBTA bus stops and shelters are provided on both sides of Broadway within the study corridor. Figure 1 shows the Broadway study area. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Figure 1: Locus Map – Lower Broadway, Everett Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements During the RSA meeting prior to the field visit, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of crash information was presented to the audit participants. Following this brief presentation, the members of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety within the study area. The audit team then visited the site as a group, at which time observations of various safety concerns and deficiencies were identified and documented. The audit observations, identified and documented in this report, have been provided by audit participants or commenter’s, and do not necessarily represent those of the report authors – AECOM. Comments made by respondents have been reviewed to ensure the report is focused on current safety concerns/recommendations within the study area, are relevant to plans for the corridor, and relate to the goals of this RSA. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns and issues that were identified during the RSA within the study area. • Broadway experiences high traffic volumes with many vehicles turning in and out of side streets and private driveways; e.g., Mobil, Dunkin Donuts, McDonald’s. As a result, Broadway functions as a two-lane roadway (versus four lanes) because of turning traffic and motorists experience angle and rear-end crashes. The turning traffic also results in the weaving of traffic around stopped vehicles. • Beacham Street and Dexter Street experience high truck volumes. Turning movements at the intersections with Broadway are constrained by tight corner radii which makes truck maneuverability difficult. Trucks often drive over the sidewalks to negotiate the turns. Evidence of this is the damaged bollards located at the corners of Beacham and Broadway. • The traffic signals on Broadway are coordinated with the master controller at Dexter Street in Boston. The City of Boston controls the signal timing, but most of the signals are in Everett. The timing at Dexter Street may not be optimized with the rest of the corridor which results in delay and queuing along the corridor. The signal cycle length is approximately 75 seconds. The traffic signal loop detection on Dexter Street may not be working. Image 1: High traffic volume, trucks, parked vehicles, and driveways causes friction and discomfort for bicyclists riding in bike lanes on Broadway Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 • The bicycle lanes have been added in the last few years. There have been 7 crashes involving motorists and bicycle lane users including 4 bicycles, 2 mopeds, and 1 motorcycle since the bicycle lanes have been installed, which indicates the bicycle lanes are not providing the level of protection as was intended (see Image 1). • Broadway was identified as a high pedestrian crash cluster between 2004-2013 and Beecham at Broadway was identified as a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) crash cluster between 2011-2013, before improvements were made by MassDOT. These improvements included constructing new sidewalks and wheelchair ramps, upgrading the existing traffic signals, installing new signs and pavement markings, installing new lighting, and adding a signalized pedestrian crossing at the MBTA bus stop located between Lynde Street and Thorndike Street, • Ponding of water was observed at the northwest corner of Broadway/Dexter Street (see Image 2). • The Bow Street (south) intersection is aligned as an off-ramp configuration which encourages high vehicle travel speeds approaching a crosswalk north of Mystic Street (see Image 3). Image 2: Ponding of water at Broadway/Dexter • Sun glare blocks motorist’s vision so it is difficult to see signals. Most traffic signals along Broadway are missing reflectorized back plate borders. • The proposed Broadway concept plan shows a new southbound right turn lane on Broadway entering the Wynn site. The bicycle lane is shown between the right turn lane and the through lane. This configuration may not provide adequate protection for bicyclists given the high traffic volumes, speeds, and truck traffic. Image 3: Bow Street (south) ramp-style configuration at Broadway – crosswalk in the background Image 4: Faded pavement markings on Broadway north of Beacham Street Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 • Pavement markings are worn in some locations of the corridor (see Image 4). • Pedestrian signals are missing accessible pedestrian signal (APS) equipment (see Image 5). • The pedestrian signal head on the southeast corner of Broadway/Beacham Street is misaligned (see Image 6). Image 5: Pedestrian signal without accessible pedestrian signal (APS) equipment Image 6: Misaligned pedestrian signal on the left at Broadway/Beacham Street • The pedestrian mid-block signal was being actuated without the button being pressed. • At the mid-block signalized pedestrian crosswalk there is only one overhead signal facing SB which given the high volume of trucks, may make the signal head visibility difficult. (see Image 7). Image 7: Mid-block pedestrian signal on Broadway looking east Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 • The pavement markings for the on-street parking on Broadway northbound, north of Thorndike Street is too narrow to accommodate parking for aide vehicles (see Image 8). • It was noted that pedestrians from the neighborhood located east of Broadway cross Broadway mid-block near Thorndike Street. There are no marked crosswalks at this location. Image 8: Broadway northbound north of Thorndike Street – Striped lane for parking is too narrow to accommodate all vehicles • Image 9: Damaged bollard at Beacham Street and Broadway Most of the crashes involving trucks at Broadway/Beacham Street have occurred at night. One of the bollards on the southeast corner has been knocked over (see Image 9). The corner radii at the intersection of Beecham and Broadway are tight due to the close proximity of the existing buildings (see Image 10). It was observed that tractor trailers have difficulty entering and exiting Beecham Street. There were 5 accidents involving tractor trailers at this location during the study period. Image 10: Truck turning from Beacham Street onto Broadway Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 • A No Parking sign on Broadway southbound was knocked down near the MBTA bus shelter. • MBTA bus ridership for routes along Broadway is high and is expected to increase in the future. A MassDOT/CTPS study found that the corridor has a very high transit mode share and is a target corridor for transit prioritization. The corridor is also a focus of the ongoing Everett Transit Action Plan being performed by MassDOT. With the expected redevelopment of the Lower Broadway corridor per the City’s Master Plan it is expected that MBTA ridership will increase. Potential Safety Enhancements The Audit Team members offered potential safety enhancements that could be implemented to mitigate the safety related observations that were noted in the previous section. Audit team members were encouraged to develop short, medium and long-term safety enhancements. • Evaluate the feasibility of installing a raised median on Broadway. This will improve access management along the corridor by limiting left-turn movements to signalized intersections and may reduce accidents. Evaluate the feasibility of providing a gentle chicane for Broadway/median to discourage speeding. • Analyze providing a lag signal phase for the Broadway northbound approach to Beacham Street. Today the Broadway southbound approach has a lead phase but the northbound approach does not have a lag phase. Adding a lag phase to the northbound approach may help reduce angle crashes at this location. As noted previously angle crashes account for 35 percent of the crashes in the study area. • The City of Boston and Everett to coordinate on signal coordination and optimization on Broadway. Boston to review linking signals to the Boston Central Commuter System, so signal timing changes can be made dynamically. • Evaluate the feasibility of providing separated bicycle lanes (cycle track) on Broadway to improve separation between vehicles and bicycles. This measure would improve the concept showing a bicycle lane between the southbound Broadway right turn lane and the through lane approaching Horizon Way. • The drainage issues at the northwest corner of Broadway/Dexter Street should be evaluated and appropriate measures taken to reduce the ponding. Clean out the sediment in the catch basin. • Re-align the Bow Street (south) ramp to discourage high vehicle speeds. The intersection geometry could be modified to force vehicles to make a right hand (90°) turn from Broadway to Mystic/ Bow Street to slow their speed. • Improve the unsignalized crosswalk on Bow Street (south) north of Mystic Street with a rectangular rapid flashing beacon or raised crosswalk, or installing high visible pavement markings such as a ladder or continental style crosswalk. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 • Provide reflectorized back plate borders for signals to improve signal head visibility for motorists • Provide new pavement markings and ladder style crosswalks. • Provide new APS buttons at all pedestrian signals. • Adjust the alignment of the pedestrian signal head on the southeast corner of Broadway/Beacham Street. • Provide a second overhead signal head for southbound traffic and pedestrian crossing signs for southbound and northbound traffic on the mast arm at the mid-block signalized pedestrian crosswalk. This may require a new or longer mast arm. • Consider widening on-street parking pavement markings on Broadway northbound, north of the mid-block crosswalk to accommodate parked vehicles. This is a short-term measure because onstreet parking will be eliminated on Broadway as part of the Wynn Everett Project. • Evaluate the need for a new mid-block pedestrian signal at Thorndike Street. This would serve the residential neighborhood located east of Broadway and replace the current mid-block signalized crosswalk. • Provide delineation and reflectorization of the bollards at Broadway/Beacham Street and straighten damaged bollard. • Evaluate the alignment and turning radius of Beacham Street at Broadway to provide better truck movements. • Fix the No Parking sign on Broadway southbound near the MBTA bus shelter that was knocked down. • Evaluate widening the on-street bike lanes and adding a buffer between vehicle lane and bicycle lane. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10, 2016 Summary of Road Safety Audit After the site visit, the RSA participants returned to discuss the safety issues and consider various improvements. The participants were encouraged to consider both short and long-term improvements for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-Term Mid-Term Long-Term <1 Year 1-3 Years >3 Years Costs Low Medium High <$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 >$50,000 Each safety issue and potential safety enhancement was discussed during the audit. Table 3 describes the potential safety enhancement, potential safety payoff, the estimated time frame for completion, the estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency for safety issue for Lower Broadway. Page 13 Road Safety Audit— Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10. 2016 Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Lower Broadway Safety Issue Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Install new median on Broadway to reduce left turns and improve access management. Consider High chicane alignment to reduce speeds. Realign Bow Street (south) at Broadway to reduce travel speed. Evaluate alternatives to improve alignment and turn radius of Beacham Street and Broadway Analyze the potential benefit of adding a lagging Signal Operations signal phase for the northbound Broadway approach at Beacham Street Optimize signal timing and coordination along Signal Operations Broadway corridor and connect with Boston central computer system Provide APS buttons at all pedestrian signals. Provide a second overhead signal head for Signal Equipment southbound traffic at the mid-block signalized crosswalk. Provide reflectorized back plates Pedestrian Signal Adjust misaligned pedestrian head at Equipment Broadway/Beacham Street Crosswalk Visibility and Install a new rectangular rapid flashing beacon or Vehicle Speed raised crosswalk on the Bow Street (south) Reduction crosswalk north of Mystic Street Consider providing a separated bicycle Bicycle Accommodation facility/path Bicycle Accommodation Evaluate safer on-street bicycle lanes with buffer Evaluate the need for a new mid-block pedestrian Pedestrian signal at Thorndike Street in coordination with Accommodation Broadway reconstruction Provide delineation and reflectorization of Pedestrian Protection bollards at Broadway/Beacham Street and straighten damaged bollards Roadway Geometry Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Mid-term High Everett Medium Mid-term High Everett Medium Mid-term High Everett Medium Mid-term Low Everett Low Mid-term High Boston/Everett Low Mid-term Medium Boston/Everett Low Short-term Low Everett Medium Mid-term Medium Everett High Long-term High Everett High Mid-term Medium Everett Medium Mid-term Medium Everett Low Short-term Low Everett Page 14 Road Safety Audit— Lower Broadway (Route 99) – Beacham Street (Everett) to Dexter Street/Alford Street (Boston) Prepared by AECOM March 10. 2016 Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Drainage Correct drainage issues on Broadway and Dexter Low Street as part of the Broadway improvements Pavement Markings Signage Safety Payoff Install ladder style crosswalks at all current crosswalk locations. Widen parking pavement Low markings on Broadway northbound north of midblock crosswalk. Fix the No parking sign on Broadway southbound Low near MBTA bus shelter that was knocked down. Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Mid-term Medium Boston Short-term Low Everett Short-term Low Everett Page 15 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: February 9, 2016 Audit Team Members Location: Everett City Hall, Everett, MA Agency/Affiliation Mark Abbott Richard Fries Sarah Lee Jay Monty MassDOT District 4 – Traffic MassDOT - Highway Safety MassDOT – District 4 Projects Boston MPO/CTPS MassBike MAPC City of Everett Tony O’Brien Everett Fire Department Derek Caldwell John Mastera Timothy Paris Alfredo Vilar Al Carrier Lori Aho Dirk Grotenhuis Jeff Maxtutis Boston Transportation Department Wynn Design and Development AECOM AECOM AECOM Email Address Phone Number 781-641-8318 s anthony.o’brien@cityofeverett. org 857-368-9648 617-635-4605 acarrier@wynndevelopment.c om 781-641-8325 857-702-3641 781-888-7272 617-544-6033 617-257-3701 857-770-7823 978-905-2476 978-905-2303 978-905-2309 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table Broadway January 2013 - December 2015 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date 1 Crash Day 1/16/2013 Wednesday 2 2/8/2013 Friday 3 2/16/2013 Saturday 4 3/12/2013 Tuesday 5 4/13/2013 Saturday 6** 7 8** 5/1/2013 Wednesday 5/31/2013 6/3/2013 Friday Monday Manner of Collision Single Vehicle 8:00 PM Crash Single Vehicle 5:00 AM Crash Time of Day 12:00 PM Angle 6:15 AM Head on 6:43 AM Head on Side swipe opposite 10:00 AM direction 4:40 PM Angle Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Failure to keep in proper Wet lane or running off road Over-correcting/overDry steering Rain/Snow Daylight Cloudy/Snow Wet No improper driving N/A Dawn Cloudy Wet Failed to yield right of way N/A Daylight Cloudy/Rain Wet Unknown N/A Daylight Clear Dry N/A N/A Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A Vehicle 1 was turning left and colided with vehicle 2 (motorcycle). Vehicle 2 (moped) was passing vehicle 1 on right and vehicle1 struck vehicle 2 when vehicle 1 saw vehicle 2 too late. Clear Ages N/A N/A Vehicle 2 was cut off and forced the vehicle into vehicle 1. Vehicle 1 was turning left onto Beacham St. and was struck or it struck vehicle 2, which was traveling straight. Broadway and Chemical Lane. Vehicle 1 crossed into southbound lanes while traveling NB and struck vehicle 2 head on. Clear Dry N/A N/A Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A Vehicle 1 was making aright turn into Mobile parking lot, struck by vehicle 2 (moped) from the SB. 9 6/19/2013 Wednesday 10 6/25/2013 Tuesday Single Vehicle 10:00 PM Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving N/A 11 7/23/2013 Tuesday 12:34 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry N/A N/A 12 7/24/2013 Wednesday 5:00 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving N/A 13 8/23/2013 7:00 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings N/A 14 8/28/2013 Wednesday 7:30 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way N/A Friday Comments Vehicle hit a road bump, lost control, hit the median and then hit a utility pole. Vehicle (TT) made right hand turn and struck ballard. Tire and rim damage. Intersection of Beacham and Bow. Vehicle 1 (TT) attempted right hand turn from Broadway onto Beacham, but struck a pole and got stuck on median. Sideswipe - same Dark - lighted 12:05 AM direction roadway 8:49 AM Head on Weather Condition Light Condition Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway NB on Broadway. Pedestrian was crossing street not in crosswalk and was struck by vehicle 1. SB on Broadway. Vehicles 2, 3, 4 were stopped at red light when vehicle 1 rear ended vehicle 2 causing chain reaction. SB on Broadway in front of McDonalds. Vehicle 1 was turning right into McDonalds when vehicle 2 38 Broadway. Vehicle 1 (motorcycle) was in bike lane when it struck vehicle 2, which was pulling out of parking lot. 15 9/9/2013 Monday Single Vehicle 11:00 AM Crash Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A 38 Broadway. Vehicle 1 attempted left out of parking lot onto broadway when it collided with vehicle 2. NB on Broadway. Vehicle 1 tried to make left, but then switched to right land and hit pole. This caused vehicle 1 to flip onto its side. 16 9/9/2013 Monday Side swipe - same 12:23 PM direction Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A McDonalds parking lot. Vehicle 1 a TT, was waiting for green light when it was side swiped by vehicle 2. 17** 18 10/25/2013 Friday 11/27/2013 Wednesday 6:58 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving N/A Rt 99 at 100 Broadway. Vehicle 1 was pulling into Honday Cars of Boston when it struck a bicyclist 3:00 PM Rear end Daylight Rain Wet N/A N/A Rte 99 Traveling SB. Crash Data Summary Table Broadway January 2013 - December 2015 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments 19 2/7/2014 Friday 2:30 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving N/A 20 3/15/2014 Saturday 3:10 PM Rear end Clear Dry No improper driving N/A 21 3/16/2014 Sunday 1:28 AM Rear end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown N/A Rte 99 Traveling SB. Vehicle 1 rear ended Vehicle 2 due to traffic Vehicle 1 rear ended vehicle 2 then jumped curb and struck fence then struck vehicles 3 and 4, which were parked vehicles of "Honda Boston". Vehicle 1 was stopped at red light and was rear ended by vehicle 2. 22 3/22/2014 Saturday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention N/A Vehicle 2 rear ended vehicle 1. No further description. 23 4/11/2014 Friday 5:35 PM Head on Daylight Clear/Rain Dry Over-correcting/oversteering N/A Vehicle 2 struck vehicle 1 in the rear then crossed the median and struck vehicle 3, head on. 24** 6/3/2014 Tuesday 6:00 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry 25 6/8/2014 Sunday 3:45 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear 26 6/23/2014 Monday Single Vehicle 8:00 AM Crash Daylight 27 7/13/2014 Sunday 2:35 PM Angle 28 8/2/2014 Saturday 29 8/7/2014 Thursday 30 8/9/2014 Saturday 31 8/10/2014 32 Single Vehicle 11:00 PM Crash Dry No improper driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings and other improper action N/A Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way N/A Daylight Clear Dry Made an improper turn N/A 6:50 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy/Rain Dry Unknown N/A Single Vehicle 2:12 AM Crash Dark - roadway not lighted Cloudy Dry N/A Daylight Clear Dry Sunday 1:20 PM Angle Sideswipe opposite 2:00 AM direction Unknown Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road amd other improper action Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action N/A Vehicle 1 was pulling into parking lot and was struck in rear by vehicle 2, a moped. Broadway and Beacham St. Vehicle 2 went through red light and struck vehicle 1 (TT) coming out from Beacham St. in drivers side rear wheels. Broadway and Chemical Lane. Vehicle 1, a truck, was turning onto Chemical Lane and was struck in rear by bicyclist. NB on Broadway. Vehicle 1 attempted a U-Turn and was struck by vehicle 2. Vehicle 2 then struck vehicle 3 Vehicle 1 was pulling out of Mobil and turning left onto Broadway when struck by vehicle 2, which was said to be speeding. Vehicle 1 was traveling SB of Broadway (had a green light), pedestrian was stepped off the bus stop (next to the cross walk), and stuck by Vehicle 1 SB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 (moped) was traveling on Broadway when it rear ended vehicle 1, which was turning right off Broadway. Vehicle 1 and Vehicle 2 sideswiped each other travelling in the opposite direction in the vicinity of 115 Broadway St 8/15/2014 Friday Single Vehicle 11:30 PM Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry N/A N/A Broadway and Beacham St. Vehicle 1 (TT) was turning onto Beacham St and trailer struck road ballard. 33 8/25/2014 Monday Single Vehicle 9:50 PM Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown N/A 34 8/30/2014 Saturday 5:40 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A 35 9/8/2014 Monday Single Vehicle 5:00 PM Crash Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action N/A N/A N/A Corner of Broadway and Beacham St. Vehicle 1 (TT) was turning and struck road road barrier. SB on Broadway. Vehicle 1 is turning left into McDonalds and clips rear of vehicle 2, which was travelling SB on Broadway. NB on Broadway. Vehicle 1 (TT) was turning onto Beacham and got trailer caught on metal traffic barrier, which caused damage to undercarriage. Crash Data Summary Table Broadway January 2013 - December 2015 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments 50 Broadway. Vehicle 1 was traveling on Broadway and was struck in rear by bike. 34 Broadway. Vehicle 1, which was turning into EnergyTo-Go, was struck by vehicle 2 on front fender and door. 36 9/9/2014 Tuesday 6:30 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A 37 9/19/2014 Friday 2:00 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry N/A N/A 38 9/26/2014 Friday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action N/A 39** 10/9/2014 Thursday 7:30 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road N/A 40 10/9/2014 Thursday 11:30 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way N/A Corner of Broadway and Beacham St. Vehicle 1 struck vehicle 2 in rear. Operator of vehicle 1 was drinking. 50 Broadway. Vehicle 1 was making left into DD from Broadway NB and was struck by vehicle 2 (motorcycle) which was traveling in bike lane. Broadway in front of Mike's Roast Beef. Vehicle 3 was exiting parking lot onto Broadway SB and struck vehicle 2 in its front which caused tire to come off and strike 41 10/14/2014 Tuesday 5:25 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action N/A Broadway and Dexter St. Vehicle 1 was pulling out of parking lot when it was struck by vehicle 2. 42 10/17/2014 Friday 8:55 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown N/A 43 11/18/2014 Tuesday 1:36 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention N/A 44 11/23/2014 Sunday 1:06 PM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving N/A 45 11/23/2014 Sunday 5:40 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving N/A 46 12/13/2014 Saturday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely and other improper action N/A 47 12/20/2014 Saturday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way and other improper action N/A NB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 was slowing and was rear ended by vehicle 1. In front of 50 Broadway. Vehicle 1 (TT) was turning into parking lot of 50 Broadway when it was struck by vehicle 2 (moped) Broadway and Horizon Way. Vehicles 1 and 2 were slowing when vehicle 3 rear ended V2, which then rear ended V1. Broadway and Beacham St. Vehicle 1 was turning into McDonalds when it was struck on side by vehicle 2 (moped). 38 Broadway. Vehicle 2 claimed to be struck in rear which cause the vehicle to rear end vehicle 1. Drive of V2 may have been drinking. SB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 had mechanical problem, which caused car to turn left suddenly and strike vehicle 1. 48 1/2/2015 Daylight Cloudy Dry Followed too closely N/A SB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 rear ended vehicle 1. Driver of vehicle 2 had no license. N/A N/A Friday 11:00 PM Rear end 10:40 PM Rear end Sideswipe opposite 10:30 PM direction 11:45 AM Rear end 49 2/11/2015 Wednesday 8:48 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet 50 2/14/2015 Saturday 5:35 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Snow Snow N/A Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist 51 3/23/2015 Monday 6:30 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A Vehicle 1 rear ended vehicle 2 traveling on Broadway (no direction noted). NB on Rt 99. Vehicle 1 lost control and swerved into SB lane and struck vehicle 2, which caused vehicle 3 to strike vehicle 2. NB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 was turning left onto Broadway and collided with vehicle 1 which was traveling NB on Broadway. Crash Data Summary Table Broadway January 2013 - December 2015 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Manner of Collision Sideswipe opposite 3:47 PM direction Daylight Time of Day Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Clear Dry N/A N/A NB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 attempted illegal U-Turn and was struck by vehicle 1. Comments 52 5/17/2015 Sunday 53 5/30/2015 Saturday 2:30 AM Rear end Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A NB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 was slowing and was rear ended by vehicle 1. 54 6/6/2015 Saturday 7:30 AM Rear end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention N/A SB on Broadway. Vehicle 1 was stopped in traffic and gets rear ended by vehicle 2. 55 6/26/2015 Friday 2:31 AM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit N/A NB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 was slowing to turn at 38 Broadway and was rear ended by vehicle 1. 56 7/4/2015 Saturday 10:05 PM Rear end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Made an improper turn N/A NB on Broadway. Two car accident at 100 Broadway. No specific details. 57 7/7/2015 Tuesday 1:30 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving N/A SB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 was changing lanes and struck vehicle 1. Crash occurred at 100 Broadway. 58 7/8/2015 Wednesday 4:34 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A 59 9/23/2015 Wednesday 9:09 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way N/A 128 Broadway. Vehicle 1 (mopen) was struck by vehicle 2. Operator of moped needed medical treatment. Intersection of Broadway and Beacham. Vehicle 1 was exiting McDonalds and was struck by vehicle 2 on its driver's side. 60 9/24/2015 Thursday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry N/A N/A SB on Broadway at 38 Broadway. Vehicle 2 stopped for traffic and was rear ended by vehicle 1. 61 10/1/2015 Thursday Cloudy Dry No improper driving N/A 62 10/5/2015 Monday Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry N/A N/A 63 10/8/2015 Thursday 7:32 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way N/A 64 10/24/2015 Saturday 1:30 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way N/A 65 11/30/2015 Monday 11:30 AM Rear end Daylight Cloudy Dry Other improper action N/A 66 12/10/2015 Thursday 8:52 AM Head on Clear Dry Unknown N/A 67 11/24/2014 Monday 9:10 PM Rear end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown N/A Vehicle 1 cut off vehicle 2 and went into reverse and slammed into vehicle 2. Corner of Broadway and Beacham St. Vehicle 1 was traveling NB on Broadway when vehicle 2 attempted left onto Beacham in front of V1, which led to head on 100 Broadway. Vehicle 1 was traveling south on Broadway when it was rear ended by vehicle 2 68 9/9/2014 Tuesday 8:30 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A S on Broadway. Vehicle 1 was traveling on Broadway when it was struck by a bicyclist. 10:56 PM Rear end Sideswipe - same 4:17 PM direction Daylight 10:49 PM Rear end Honda Cars of Boston. Vehicle 1 hit vehicle 2 when it was coming out of the parking lot. SB on Broadway at 100 Broadway. Vehicle 1 stopped in front of vehicle 2 (police car) and vehicle 2 struck back of vehicle 1. NB on Broadway in front of DD. Vehicle 2 was exiting DD and struck vehicle 1 on driver's side door. Intersection of Horizon Way and Broadway. Vehicle 1 was turning left onto Broadway and collided with vehicle 2. Crash Data Summary Table Broadway January 2013 - December 2015 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Manner of Collision Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Ages Comments 70 12/21/2015 Monday 3:02 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No improper driving N/A 71 1/12/2015 Monday 8:45 AM Angle Daylight Clear Wet N/A N/A 72 5/10/2013 Friday Sideswipe, same 6:20 PM direction Daylight Clear Dry Unknown N/A 73 8/22/2014 Friday 3:15 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely/Distracted N/A Vehicle 1 was turning onto Beacham from Broadway when it struck a utility pole and took down the pole. Broadway and Beacham St. Vehicle 1 , a tractor trailer, was turning onto Beacham and struck a yellow cement barrier on the side of the road. South on Broadway. Vehicle 1 was turning into Honda Cars when vehicle 2 collided with it. North on Broadway. Vehicle 2, a motor cycle, was changing lanes from right to left and crashed into drivers side of vehicle 1. MC passengers were ejected NB on Alford St. Vehicle 2 was following vehicle 1 too closely and rear ended it near the intersection with Dexter St. 74 5/9/2014 Friday 2:00 AM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy/Rain Wet Inattention N/A SB on Broadway. Vehicle 2 was stopped for traffic and was rear ended by vehicle 1. 75* 2/10/2013 Sunday 4:41 PM N/A N/A N/A N/A 69 6/26/2013 Wednesday Single Vehicle 12:00 PM Crash Light Condition Daylight Cloudy Dry Unknown N/A 76* 1/23/2015 Friday 6:00 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway 77* 2/27/2015 Friday 9:41 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway 78* 6/26/2014 Tuesday 79* 2/22/2014 Saturday 80* 2/10/2013 Sunday 4:29 PM Single Vehicle Crash N/A Sideswipe, same N/A 7:50 AM direction Dark - lighted 6:00 PM Single Vehicle Crash roadway N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Corner of Alford and Dexter. Vehicle 1 was at a red light and was struck from behind by vehicle 2 Vehicle 1 was traveling inbound on Alford when it crossed the ywllow line and struck vehicle 2 head on. Debris from cars went airborne and hit vehicle 3, casuing it damage. Vehicle 1 was travelling on Alford St near Dexter St when bicyclist came into road, which cause vehicle to strike the bike and caused bicyclist to hit windshield and roll over the Turning onto Dexter St. Vehicle 1 slid on ice and struck the front of vehicle 2 Bicyclist was travelling across Alford St after he was allowed to cross by a plow. At which point vehicle 2, a black Honda struck the bicyclist and caused moderate injury. Vehicle 2 Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from City of Everett and City of Boston Police * Crashes occurred in City of Boston jurisdiction ** Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. MATCHLINE - A MATCHLINE - A NOT TO SCALE XX - CORRESPOND TO REFERENCE NUMBER ON CRASH DATA SUMMARY TABLE SYMBOLS TYPES OF CRASH SEVERITY COLLISION DIAGRAM EVERETT/BOSTON, MA TIME PERIOD ANALYZED: 2013-2015 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: CITY OF EVERETT & MASSDOT CRASH PORTAL DATE PREPARED: JANUARY 2016 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Broadway, Everett/Boston, MA CRASH MONTH 15% 13% 11% 10% 8% 6% 5% 13% 11% 11% 8% 8% 5% 5% 3% 0% JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 20% 21% 15% 13% 13% TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 19% 11% 9% 10% 0% MONDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY CRASH TIME OF DAY 18% 20% 15% 13% 12% 11% 9% 8% 10% 7% 5% 5% 6% 4% 6% 1% 0% CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 40% 35% 29% 30% 20% 16% 6% 10% 5% 8% 0% 1% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction Head on Rear to Rear Unknown Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Broadway, Everett/Boston, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 61% 33% Daylight 1% 0% Dawn Dusk 0% 0% 4% Darkunknown roadway lighting Other Unknown 1% Dark-Lighted DarkRoadway Roadway not lighted CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 74% 9% 6% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 81% 10% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% Appendix D. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995.