ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Highland Street Corridor (Highland at Park Avenue, Lancaster Street, Harvard Street, Main Street and Lincoln Street/Belmont Street) Pleasant Street/Chandler Street/Mower Street City of Worcester January 15, 2013 Prepared For: MassDOT Highway Division Prepared By: BETA Group, Inc. Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table of Contents Project Data .................................................................................................................................1 Background .................................................................................................................................2 Project Description .....................................................................................................................2 Audit Observations ...................................................................................................................13 Potential Safety Enhancements ...............................................................................................19 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................24 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Speed Regulations List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Location Map – Highland Street ............................................................................................ 3 Location Map – Pleasant Street/Chandler Street/Mower Street ........................................... 11 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 19 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 25 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Project Data A Road Safety Audit for High Crash Locations along the Highland Street Corridor and the intersection of Pleasant Street, Chandler Street and Mower Street in the City of Worcester was held on November 14, 2012 at the Worcester Police Department in Worcester, MA. As indicated in Table 1, the audit team consisted of representatives from State, Regional and Local agencies and included a cross-section of engineering, planning and emergency response expertise. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Silpa Munukutla MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Dan Daniska CMRPC Kevin Krasnecky CMRPC Joe Borbone City Engineer – Department of Public Works and Parks Lt. Tim Walsh Worcester Police – Traffic P.O. John Collamore Worcester Police – Operations P.O. William Auger Worcester Police – Operations P.O. Mike Brunstetter Worcester Police – Operations Jackie Carver HSH (Designer) Bridget Myers HSH (Designer) Michael Bruce MassDOT Highway Division – District 3 Traffic Joe Frawley MassDOT Highway Division – District 3 Traffic John Sullivan Worcester Fire Greg Lucas BETA Group, Inc. Justin Curewitz BETA Group, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Background The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for High Crash Locations in Worcester, including five intersections along Highland Street – Park Avenue, Lancaster Street, Harvard Street, Main Street and Lincoln Street/Belmont Street – and the intersection of Pleasant Street, Chandler Street and Mower Street. All six intersections have been identified as high crash locations within the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) region, and an RSA is required by MassDOT design guidelines for high crash locations. The intersections of Highland Street and Park Avenue, Highland Street at Harvard Street, Highland Street at Main Street, and Highland Street at Lincoln Street and Belmont Street are on MassDOT’s Top 200 list of High Crash Intersections from 2008 to 2010. All study intersections are scheduled for improvements under a project currently under design intended to improve safety and traffic operations with spot improvements at 18 intersections along the Highland Street and Pleasant Street corridor. The project is currently funded through the 2013 CMRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The RSA is intended to identify potential short and long term safety improvements that can be made at the intersections, which can then be implemented through general maintenance for short term low cost improvements or incorporated into the planned project to the greatest extent practicable. Project Description Highland Street, shown in Figure 1, is a Principal Arterial providing east-west access through the City of Worcester to the downtown core. Route 9 follows Highland Street from Park Avenue to Lincoln Street, then follows Belmont Street and crosses I-290 approximately 1,000 feet east of Lincoln Street. Belmont Street provides access to I-290 westbound, while vehicles bound for I-290 eastbound from Highland Street must follow Lincoln Street northbound. The six intersections included in the audit are discussed in detail below. Highland Street/Park Avenue Highland Street and Park Avenue form a 4-legged signalized intersection. Park Avenue generally follows a northeast-southwest alignment and provides a de facto dividing line between the densely spaced urban core and the more suburban western portion of the city. Park Avenue carries Routes 12 and 122A through the intersection and carries Route 9 south of the Highland Street at Park Avenue (looking west) Page 2 LINCOLN STREET ST RE ET MAIN ARD S T REET EET NT STR BELM O UTE 9) O (R HARV (RO PARK UT E AV S 9 ENU , 12 E &1 22A ) 0 I-29 STREET HIGHLAND 9) TE (ROU STREET LANCA STER S TREET TR EE T G ROVE BU RY S ( R PA OU R TE K A S VE 12 NU & 12 E 2A ) SA LIS LEGEND RSA INTERSECTION Road Safety Audit Highland Street Worcester, MA Figure 1 Location Map Highland Street Corridor Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. intersection; Route 9 follows Highland Street east of the intersection. Park Avenue is classified as a Principal Arterial south of Highland Street and an Urban Principal Arterial north of Highland Street. Highland Street west of Park Avenue is classified as an Urban Minor Arterial. Highland Street and Park Avenue are both under City of Worcester jurisdiction. Highland Street provides a single lane of travel in each direction approaching Park Avenue, widening in both directions to provide a left turn lane at the intersection. Lane widths are narrow and no shoulders or edge lines are provided. The right turn from Highland Street eastbound to Park Avenue southbound is accommodated within a channelized right turn lane. Park Avenue provides two lanes of travel in each direction approaching Highland Street, with left turns accommodated from a shared left/through lane at the intersection. The southbound approach widens to three lanes to provide a narrow right turn lane. Crosswalks are provided across all four legs of the intersection and across the eastbound channelized right turn lane. A triangular island separates the right turn lane and provides refuge for pedestrians. Pedestrian signals are not provided across this lane, but are provided for the four primary street crossings. Land use in the area consists of a Price Chopper supermarket on the northeast corner, Elm Park on the southeast corner, a wooded area bordering Doherty High School on the southwest corner, and residential properties on the northwest corner. It was noted that a bus stop is located on the south side of Highland Street east of the intersection, and that pedestrians often cross directly from the bus stop to the Price Chopper instead of using the crosswalk provided at the intersection. It was also noted that high school students cut through the wooded area and cross at various points along Park Avenue south of Highland Street. Elm Park, a 60 acre public park, also impacts pedestrian travel at the intersection. Continuous sidewalks are provided along both sides of both intersecting streets. The traffic signal provides a protected left turn for Highland Street in each direction and protected/permissive operation for the southbound Park Avenue left turn from a shared lane. It was noted that locals avoid the intersection due to congestion during peak periods. Crash data provided by MassDOT show 76 crashes occurred for the three year period from 2009 to 2011. Rear-end crashes comprise 38% of total crashes and occurred in all four directions – seven westbound, six northbound, five eastbound and five southbound. 34% of crashes were angle crashes; with 15 involving vehicles exiting the Price Chopper driveway located approximately 220 feet in advance of the westbound stop line. Eight crashes involved vehicles exiting Price Chopper turning left, two involved vehicles exiting right, and five did not provide enough information to determine direction. Drivers begin to form two lanes eastbound at the Price Chopper driveway, especially during peak periods, although the marked turn lane does not begin until after the driveway. A number of these crashes are defined as “courtesy crashes”, where a through vehicle provides a break for the exiting vehicle, which is then struck by a vehicle either in the inside lane or traveling in the opposite direction. Also of note is the number of sideswipe crashes which occurred at the intersection. Five sideswipe crashes occurred on the southbound Park Avenue approach, with an additional four crashes on Park Avenue southbound departing the intersection. The approach crashes are likely the result of abrupt lane changes or due to the narrow lanes on the southbound approach. The departure crashes may be the result of poor alignment of the southbound lanes through the intersection. Three additional sideswipe crashes occurred at the intersection – one eastbound, one northbound approaching the intersection, and one northbound departing the intersection. Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. The intersection ranks 24th on MassDOT’s statewide list of Top Crash Intersections from 2008 to 2010. The MassDOT ranking is based on the number and severity of crashes in MassDOT’s database which can be georeferenced to a cluster area around the intersection. This cluster area experienced 83 crashes in the three year period, with 21 of the 83 crashes involving an injury. The variance in crash totals may be the result of local crash reports not being submitted to the statewide system, or the difference in areas due to the automated nature of the geocoding process. The ranking is based on a weighted system which calculates the Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) rating of the intersection. Fatal crashes are weighted 10 times and injury crashes are weighted 5 times. There were no fatal crashes at the intersection in the period. Highland Street/Lancaster Street Highland Street and Lancaster Street form a 4-legged signalized intersection. Lancaster Street is oneway southbound from Salisbury Street to the north, connecting to Linden Street to the south and generally running parallel to Main Street along the edge of the City’s downtown core. Lancaster Street is classified as an Urban Minor Arterial. Land use in the area consists of a mix of multi-family residential buildings, some of which Highland Street at Lancaster Street (looking west) have been converted for office space. A parking lot fills the block between Lancaster Street and Harvard Street to the east on the north side of Highland Street. A retaining wall borders the parking lot on the east side of Lancaster Street. Highland Street and Lancaster Street are both under City of Worcester jurisdiction. Highland Street provides two lanes in each direction east of Lancaster Street, and one lane of travel in each direction west of Lancaster Street. The eastbound approach widens to provide two general purpose lanes for approximately 175 feet, with no left turns due to the one-way southbound alignment of Lancaster Street. The westbound approach provides an exclusive left turn lane to Lancaster Street and a single through lane. The left travel lane is a continuous lane but becomes a left turn lane at Lancaster Street, which has the potential to trap drivers intending to continue through the intersection due to lack of advance lane control signage. Lancaster Street southbound provides a three lane approach, intending to operate as a left turn lane, through lane and right turn lane; however, markings are faded and no lane control signage is provided to indicate the desired lane assignments. The Lancaster Street departure appears wide enough for two travel lanes, but is not clearly delineated as such. The traffic signal provides protected/permissive operation for the westbound left turn. It was noted that vehicles often continue westbound from the left turn lane, and that the left turn lane is in fact better aligned than the through lane with the single westbound departure lane. Crosswalks are provided across all four legs of the intersection, with a pushbutton activated exclusive pedestrian phase. Continuous sidewalks are provided on both sides of both intersecting streets. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Crash data provided by MassDOT show 40 crashes occurred for the three year period from 2009 to 2011. Twenty crashes were angle crashes, with ten occurring between a westbound through vehicle and a southbound vehicle and eight occurring between an eastbound through vehicle and a southbound vehicle. Thirteen crashes were noted to have occurred under flashing lights operation, and 57% of total crashes occurred between 10 PM and 6 AM. The City of Worcester operates many traffic signals under flashing operation during the overnight hours. Also of note are seven sideswipe crashes at the intersection, six of which involved westbound vehicles traveling straight from the left turn lane. Highland Street/Harvard Street Highland Street and Harvard Street form a 4-legged signalized intersection approximately 300 feet east of the Highland Street/Lancaster Street intersection. Harvard Street is one-way northbound and is functionally classified as an Urban Minor Arterial. Land use west of Harvard Street is similar to that Highland Street at Harvard Street (looking east) described for Lancaster Street – multifamily residential buildings and small offices south of Highland Street, and a parking lot north of Highland Street. The block east of Harvard Street is dominated by two facilities no longer in regular use: the Worcester Auditorium on the north side of Highland Street, and the former courthouse on the south side of Highland Street. Highland Street and Harvard Street are both under City of Worcester jurisdiction. Highland Street provides two lanes of travel in each direction at Harvard Street, with eastbound left turns accommodated from a shared lane. Harvard Street northbound provides two through lanes at Highland Street and has two defined lanes departing the intersection. It is assumed that through movements can occur from either lane, as no lane control signage is provided to indicate the desired lane assignments. The traffic signal operates under simple two phase operation with an exclusive pedestrian phase. Crosswalks are provided across all four legs of the intersection, and continuous sidewalks are provided on both sides of each intersecting street. Crash data provided by MassDOT show 60 crashes occurred for the three year period from 2009 to 2011. The prevalent crash type were angle crashes, comprising 73% of total crashes. Thirty-seven of these angle crashes occurred between an eastbound through vehicle and a northbound vehicle, and six occurred between a westbound through vehicle and a northbound vehicle. Many crashes were noted as a red light violation or reported as “both drivers stated that they had the green light”. Red light running may be a result of driver frustration due to traffic congestion, but may also indicate clearance time deficiencies or signal visibility issues. It is worth noting that the traffic signals at Harvard Street are all post mounted, rather than overhead signals, which are provided at adjacent signalized intersections along Highland Street. Harvard Street also intersects Highland Street at a crest vertical curve, which may further exacerbate signal visibility concerns. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Also of note are seven rear-end crashes involving westbound vehicles. This also may be the result of signal visibility deficiencies or driver frustration. Two rear-end crashes involved eastbound vehicles. The intersection ranks 34th on MassDOT’s statewide list of Top Crash Intersections from 2008 to 2010. This cluster area experienced 71 crashes in the three year period, with 21 of the 71 crashes involving an injury. The variance in crash totals may be the result of local crash reports not being submitted to the statewide system, or the difference in areas due to the automated nature of the geocoding process. There were no fatal crashes at the intersection in the period. Highland Street/Main Street/Grove Street Highland Street, Main Street and Grove Street form an intersection under signalized control. The approach and departure roadways for Main Street are divided by an underpass structure which allows southbound traffic from Salisbury Street to bypass the surface intersection at Highland Street. Grove Street also has separate approach and departure legs, divided by a concrete and grass median island. Main Street is functionally classified as an Urban Minor Arterial, and provides access to Worcester’s downtown area. Grove Street is also classified as an Urban Minor Arterial, and has an intersection with Salisbury Street approximately 700 feet north of Highland Street. Highland Street, Main Street and Grove Street are all under City of Worcester jurisdiction. Highland Street at Grove Street (left) and Main Street (right) (looking east) Main Street provides a wide, undefined lane northbound, and has a turn lane in advance of the stopline which allows vehicles to make a U-turn to Main Street southbound without entering the intersection. Grove Street provides two lanes southbound, with two receiving lanes on Main Street departing the intersection. Graphical no left turn signs are posted for the Grove Street approach. Highland Street provides two through lanes in each direction, with a channelized right turn lane eastbound separated by a triangular island. The separation of the approach and departure lanes for both Main Street and Grove Street creates a wide overall intersection which appears to be two separate intersections, separated by a 50 foot segment with striped lanes. This configuration is the result of modifications made by the City approximately 15 years ago to provide access from Main Street north of Highland Street. Signal phasing as implemented by the City is intended to clear vehicles through the entire intersection in either direction on Highland Street and Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. also for left turns from Main Street. It was noted that confusion exists as to the intended signal operation, especially amongst vehicles turning left from Main Street. The location of the overhead signals for the westbound Highland Street approach makes them visible to left turning vehicles, who may not realize that the intended operation of the intersection assumes that they will ignore these overhead signal indications. It was also noted that Main Street drivers that do continue through the intersection may not expect that they have to yield to Grove Street traffic, which by design has a green indication at the same time as Main Street. Finally, it was noted that drivers attempt to turn left from Grove Street despite the posted restriction. A crosswalk is provided across the west leg of Highland Street, across the channelized eastbound right turn lane, and across both the approach and departure legs of both Main Street and Grove Street. Continuous sidewalks are provided on both sides of all intersecting streets. Crash data are discussed below in tandem with crash data for the Lincoln Square intersection. Highland Street/Belmont Street/Lincoln Street/Major Taylor Boulevard (Lincoln Square) Highland Street, Belmont Street, Lincoln Street and Major Taylor Boulevard form a 4-legged intersection under signal control. The intersection is closely spaced with the intersection of Highland Street/Main Street/Grove Street, with approximately 105 feet of storage for westbound vehicles between Lincoln Street and the westbound stop line at Grove Street. Highland Street and Belmont Street carry Route 9 in an east-west alignment. Lincoln Street carries Route 70 north of the intersection. Highland Street, Belmont Street and Lincoln Street are functionally classified as Principal Arterials, while Major Taylor Boulevard is classified as an Urban Principal Arterial. Land use in the area includes: the main headquarters of the Worcester Police Department located on the southeast corner of the intersection; a medical and office building on the northeast corner; a parking garage on the parcel between Major Taylor Boulevard and Main Street on the southwest corner; and a municipal building and green space on the northwest corner. Highland Street, Belmont Street, Lincoln Street and Major Taylor Boulevard are all under City of Worcester jurisdiction. Highland Street at Lincoln Street (left) and Major Taylor Blvd (right) (looking east) Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Highland Street provides three eastbound through lanes and an exclusive left turn lane at the intersection. The left turn lane is separated from the through lanes by a flush cobblestone area approximately 35 feet in length. Belmont Street westbound provides a left turn lane, two through lanes, and a channelized right turn lane to Lincoln Street northbound separated by a large planted island. Lincoln Street southbound has a four lane cross section with two left turn lanes and two through lanes. Major Taylor Boulevard northbound provides a left turn lane and three through lanes. All four legs of the intersection are median divided. Crosswalks are provided across all four legs of the intersection and across the channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street to Lincoln Street northbound. Pedestrian signals are provided for the four primary street crossings. Continuous sidewalks are provided on both sides of all four intersecting streets. Crash data provided by MassDOT show 126 crashes occurred for the three year period from 2009 to 2011 at the Lincoln Square intersection and the intersection of Highland Street, Main Street and Grove Street. The prevalent crash type were angle crashes, comprising 53% of total crashes. Angle crashes were more prevalent at the Highland Street/Main Street/Grove Street intersection. Seventeen angle crashes occurred at this intersection between an eastbound through vehicle and a westbound vehicle turning left to Main Street, potentially indicating visibility issues, clearance time deficiencies or clearance time violations due to driver frustration. Ten angle crashes occurred between a vehicle turning left from Main Street and a Grove Street vehicle, confirming audit participants’ concern that the intersection alignment and permissive operation of left turns from Main Street may create confusion. Twelve crashes involved a southbound Grove Street vehicle and an eastbound through vehicle, which also may indicate visibility concerns, clearance time deficiencies or driver frustration. It is also worth noting that six crashes involved a vehicle turning left from Grove Street, a movement which is prohibited by signage. Rear-end crashes are also common at the intersections, comprising 31% of total crashes. Of particular note are twelve rear-end crashes involving the yield-controlled channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street westbound to Lincoln Street northbound. Rear-end crashes on this type of yield alignment are common because of variances in driver behavior in yield situations, exacerbated by the fact that the ramp alignment requires drivers to be looking over their shoulder to judge available gaps rather than forward where a vehicle may still be stopped unexpectedly. Driver frustration due to traffic congestion may also contribute to more aggressive driver patterns at this particular yield point. Visibility restrictions created by vegetation in the island may also be a contributing factor, and was specifically noted in the crash report for one of the twelve crashes. Five rear-end crashes occurred on the Lincoln Street southbound approach, five on Belmont Street westbound, and four each on Highland eastbound at Lincoln Street and Highland westbound at Main Street. One bicycle crash occurred at the intersection in which the cyclist did not stop at a red light and was presumably struck by a motorist who had the right of way. Three pedestrian crashes occurred at the intersection – one in which a driver hit a utility pole to avoid an unconscious pedestrian in the roadway, and two where a pedestrian was struck crossing Route 9 at the Lincoln Square intersection. Also of note are four sideswipe crashes along Lincoln Street southbound or in the left turn from Lincoln Street to Belmont Street eastbound, which may indicate confusion over the dual left turn lane. Sideswipe crashes also occurred on Major Taylor Boulevard northbound, on a northbound right turn to Belmont Street eastbound, and in both directions in the segment between Main Street and Lincoln Street. These Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. types of crashes may indicate deficiencies with lane delineation or lack of arrow markings or signage providing advance notice of lane assignments. Three separate segments of the crash summary area rank on MassDOT’s statewide list of Top Crash Intersections from 2008 to 2010. The definition of specific areas and variance in crash totals are due to the automated nature of the geocoding process, Highland Street at Main Street ranks 125th on the list, with 53 crashes in the three year period, including 15 injury crashes. Highland Street, Main Street, Lincoln Street and Major Taylor Boulevard combine to rank 26th on the list, with 88 crashes in the three year period, including 19 injury crashes. The segment of Belmont Street east of Lincoln Street ranks 28th on the list, with 85 crashes in the three year period including 19 injury crashes. It was noted on the day of the audit that the combination of these three areas would rank 2nd in the entire state. There were no fatal crashes at the intersection in the period. Pleasant Street/Chandler Street/Mower Street (Tatnuck Square) The intersection of Pleasant Street, Chandler Street and Mower Street, also known as Tatnuck Square, is shown in Figure 2. Pleasant Street is an east-west roadway with Chandler Street approaching from the south and Mower Street approaching from the north. Mower Street splits approaching the intersection to provide two separate two-way segments intersecting with Pleasant Street under signalized control. The resultant intersection where the two segments merge is under yield control in all directions. Route 122 follows Chandler Street south of the intersection and Pleasant Street west of the intersection, with those two roadway segments classified as Urban Principal Arterials. Pleasant Street east of the intersection is classified as an Urban Minor Arterial, while Mower Street is classified as an Urban Collector. Land use in the immediate vicinity of the intersection is commercial, with residential uses north and west of the intersection and additional commercial use south and east. A gas station is located on the southwest corner of the intersection, a Sovereign Bank is located on the northwest corner, a People’s United Bank is located on the northeast corner adjacent to the merge of the two Mower Street segments, and an automotive service station is located on the northeast corner. A commercial building housing multiple businesses is located on the southeast corner. Pleasant Street, Chandler Street and Mower Street are all under City of Worcester jurisdiction in the vicinity of the intersection. Due to the split legs of Mower Street, the overall intersection is in reality comprised of three separate intersections with the two along Pleasant Street under traffic signal control and the northern intersection of the two Mower Street segments under yield control. Pleasant Street westbound provides a wide undefined lane approaching the eastern leg of Mower Street, then provides two defined lanes between the two Mower Street legs. Pleasant Street eastbound provides a shared lane for left turns and throughs, and an exclusive right turn lane. The exclusive right turn lane forms from a continuous through lane and is not well signed or marked, creating a trap lane for drivers unfamiliar with the area. Chandler Street northbound provides an exclusive left turn lane and a shared lane for through vehicles and right turning vehicles. It should be noted that vehicles bound from Chandler Street northbound to Pleasant Street eastbound are likely to use Mill Street to bypass the intersection. Mower Street provides a single lane approach southbound, which splits into two separate two-way segments approximately 125 feet north of Pleasant Street. The island between the two legs of Mower Street provides pedestrian refuge at its southern end and mulch and vegetation forming its northern end. Page 10 O W ER ST RE ET PLEA SANT PLEAS ANT (ROUT STREET E 122) STREE T ET RE ST ER 22) DL E 1 AN U T CH ( RO M ST ILL RE ET M LEGEND RSA INTERSECTION Road Safety Audit Highland Street Worcester, MA Figure 2 Location Map Chandler St @ Pleasant St Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Pleasant Street at Chandler Street and Mower Street (looking west) Crosswalks are provided across all intersection legs at the primary intersection and across the Mower Street leg and the eastern leg of Pleasant Street at the eastern intersection. Pushbuttons and an exclusive pedestrian phase are provided for all crosswalks. Continuous sidewalks are provided along both sides of all intersecting streets. Crash data provided by MassDOT show 23 crashes occurred for the three year period from 2007 to 2009. Eleven of the 23 crashes were angle crashes, including five entering or exiting the gas station on the southwest corner of the intersection. Two angle crashes involved vehicles entering or exiting the Sovereign Bank on the northwest corner of the intersection. Also of note are seven rear-end crashes at the intersection. Four occurred in the eastbound direction; two on the intersection approach, and two departing the intersection. It was noted that confusion may exist over whether eastbound vehicles need to stop at the eastern intersection with Mower Street due to the lack of stop bar and limited visibility of the signal heads. This confusion may have been a contributing factor in one rear-end crash. One crash involving a bicycle occurred at the intersection between a bicyclist traveling northbound and a vehicle traveling eastbound. Two crashes involved sideswipes with parked cars – one along the eastbound departure lane and one on the eastern Mower Street leg in the vicinity of the bank. Parking is legally allowed in both of these areas. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Audit Observations Following a brief introduction to the RSA process and a summary of existing geometry and crash information, the audit participants were asked to discuss safety issues at the six study intersections. The review of the existing intersection conditions included a review of aerial photos and Google Street View images, during which time audit participants offered observations on safety issues. A summary of those major safety considerations is as follows: Highland Street/Park Avenue A number of safety issues are related to the Price Chopper driveway on the eastern Highland Street leg of the intersection. o Grading – The grade differential between Highland Street and the Price Chopper parking area creates a noticeable slope entering and exiting the driveway which may impact driver behavior and operations. This may be a contributing factor in the significant crash history at this driveway. o Pavement Markings – Markings are faded in the parking lot at the driveway exit, which may cause confusion for entering and exiting drivers who are not aware of the intended traffic flow. This also may be a contributing factor in the significant crash history at this driveway. o Bus Stop – The bus stop on the south side of Highland Street east of the intersection is across from the Price Chopper entrance, and bus passengers often cross at this location where no crosswalk exists. It should be noted that an unprotected crosswalk is provided at Russell Street east of the Price Chopper building. o Sidewalk Delineation – It was noted that there is no visual difference in the sidewalk at the driveway and on either side of the driveway. Pedestrians may not realize that they are within the limits of the driveway apron, which is approximately 135 feet in length to allow vehicles access to the paved area along the building as well as the driveway. Cut-Through Traffic – It was noted that drivers are known to use Russell Street and Elm Street to avoid the intersection during peak periods due to traffic congestion. Skewed Alignment – The through lanes on the southbound Park Avenue approach do not clearly align with the through lanes on the departure side of the intersection. This may be a factor in sideswipe crashes involving southbound vehicles. Southbound Right Turns – The narrow southbound right turn lane and the tight radius on the northwest corner make it difficult for all vehicles to navigate the right turn without encroaching on the through lane. One sideswipe crash occurred on this approach involving a right turning vehicle. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Pavement Condition – The pavement is rutted on the intersection approaches, especially in the westbound direction. Signage – An existing sign supplementing the southbound left turn signal is substandard and faded, greatly reducing its effectiveness. Signage – A “Right Turn Must Turn Right” sign for the southbound right turn lane is located well in advance of the entrance to the right turn lane, which may cause drivers to think that the right travel lane becomes an exclusive turn lane, which is not the case. This may be a factor in sideswipe crashes on this approach. Signal Visibility – Audit participants noted that the post-mounted signal for the southbound approach located in the island on the southwest corner is not clearly visible to approaching traffic because of visibility constraints created by queued vehicles. Lane Trap – The eastbound and westbound Highland Street approaches both widen to provide a left turn lane, but do not provide a painted taper or dotted edge line to shield the left turn lane. Drivers following the double yellow center line may inadvertently end up in the left turn lane when they intended to continue through the intersection. This may be a factor in the sideswipe crash on the eastbound approach and rear-end crashes on both the eastbound and westbound approaches. Southbound Left Turns – Southbound left turns are accommodated under protected/permissive phasing within a lane shared by left turning vehicles and through vehicles. Left turning vehicles queue in this lane during peak periods due to the protected/permissive phasing, which causes through vehicles to quickly switch lanes to avoid delay, which may be a contributing factor in sideswipe crashes. Crashes between left turning vehicles and northbound through vehicles may also be a result of the permissive phase. Left Turn Restrictions – It was noted that left turns are restricted from Highland Street eastbound to the residential side streets north of Highland Street from 7:00 to 9:00 AM. These restrictions are in place to prevent cut-through traffic along these side streets. There was some discussion amongst audit participants of eliminating these restrictions to ease congestion at the study intersection, but it was decided that these restrictions should remain intact. Highland Street/Lancaster Street Left Turn Lane – A number of safety concerns are related to the Highland Street westbound left turn lane at Lancaster Street. These are all likely contributing factors in the history of sideswipe crashes involving westbound vehicles. o Lane Trap – As previously noted, the inside westbound through lane becomes an exclusive left turn lane at the intersection, which has the potential to trap drivers intending to continue through the intersection. Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. o Signage – The lack of lane control signage prevents drivers unfamiliar with the intersection from being aware of the left turn lane trap. o Lane Alignment – It was noted that the left turn lane is in fact better aligned than the through lane with the single westbound departure lane. Visibility – The retaining wall along the east side of Lancaster Street north of the intersection blocks visibility for approaching vehicles, which reduces awareness of vehicles traveling along Highland Street. This may be a contributing factor in the number of crashes occurring during flashing operation. It was specifically noted that the wall blocks both visibility and sound, which reduces awareness of lights and sirens from emergency vehicles. Turning Radius – The turning radius on the northwest corner of the intersection was noted by the fire department as a potential safety issue. Trucks must encroach on the other Lancaster Street lanes or on the eastbound Highland Street lanes to make a right turn onto Highland Street westbound. Sun Glare – Sun glare is a concern along Highland Street and for vehicles turning left from Lancaster Street. Wrong Way Traffic – It was noted that wrong way traffic is sometimes an issue south of the intersection, with vehicles approaching the intersection northbound on Lancaster Street. It should be noted that no crashes appear to be attributable to this condition. Flashing Operation – The number of crashes occurring overnight when the traffic signal is flashing suggests that flashing operation should be discontinued at this location. Highland Street/Harvard Street Signal Visibility – Signals at Harvard Street are post mounted, rather than overhead, as are provided at adjacent intersections along Highland Street. Harvard Street also intersects Highland Street at a crest vertical curve, which may exacerbate visibility concerns. The eastbound signal head on the left side is difficult to see in advance of the stop bar because it is twisted. Signal visibility is a likely factor in the crash history of the intersection. Westbound Driver Behavior – It was noted that westbound Highland Street drivers exhibit aggressive behavior through the Harvard Street intersection due to congestion along the corridor and due to the left lane trap at Lancaster Street. Drivers most likely familiar with the lane trap will stay in the left lane to bypass slower traffic, and then cut into the right lane in advance of Lancaster Street. Lane Delineation – The lack of lane delineation on Harvard Street causes drivers to occupy the parking lane and create a four lane approach. Red Light Violations – A significant number of red light violations were noted in the crash history of the intersection. This may be the result of poor signal visibility, driver frustration due to noted congestion, or inadequate existing clearance time. Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Highland Street/Main Street/Grove Street Highland Street/Belmont Street/Lincoln Street/Major Taylor Boulevard (Lincoln Square) Safety issues at these closely-spaced intersections were discussed and are presented in tandem. Permissive Operation – The history of angle crashes at the intersection show a potential safety issue related to the permissive operation of the Main Street and Grove Street approaches. Drivers can make a left turn safety into the striped median area before needing to yield to on-coming Grove Street traffic, which from the driver’s perspective is approaching from the right. This creates an unexpected situation for the driver, who does not typically expect to yield to traffic from the right at a signalized location, and therefore would not expect that Grove Street traffic has a green indication at the same time. Signal Design - Drivers turning left from Main Street may expect that they have to make an intermediary stop before crossing the Grove Street southbound departure lanes based on both intersection layout and the placement of overhead signals which are intended for the westbound Highland Street approach. Eastbound Driver Behavior – It was noted that eastbound Highland Street drivers exhibit aggressive behavior through the corridor during peak periods. Drivers bound for the left turn lane at Lincoln Street will stay in the right lane past Harvard Street to avoid conflicts with turning vehicles, and then cut into the left lane between Main Street and Lincoln Street. This may be a factor in sideswipe crashes in this roadway segment, and driver aggressiveness in general may be a factor in rear-end crashes. Eastbound Queuing – Queuing for the eastbound Highland Street left turn lane at Lincoln Street extends into the through lane. This may also be a contributing factor in sideswipe crashes in this roadway segment, as drivers change lanes to avoid the blocked through lane. The eastbound through lanes queue beyond Main Street, blocking vehicles from Main Street. This may be a factor in angle crashes at Main Street. Channelized Right Turn – Trees and shrubs in the island on the northeast corner may create visibility issues for vehicles in the channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street westbound to Lincoln Street northbound, contributing to the history of rear-end crashes at the end of the ramp. I-290 Signage – It was suggested that abrupt lane changes at the intersection may be the result of inadequate signage for I-290 eastbound. Eastbound drivers bound for I-290 eastbound must turn left onto Lincoln Street. Signage – The lack of “No Turn on Red” signs for the northbound Major Taylor Boulevard approach was noted as a safety concern. Drivers turning right on red during the southbound left turn phase may not expect two lanes of left turning traffic. One angle crash occurred at this location between a northbound right turning vehicle and a southbound left turning vehicle. Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Pleasant Street/Chandler Street/Mower Street (Tatnuck Square) Speeding – Audit participants familiar with the intersection noted that vehicles travel at excessive speed through the intersection, especially eastbound vehicles which have traversed a downhill grade in advance of the intersection. It should be noted that no speed data were available for review. Signal Visibility – The gas station on the southwest corner of the intersection has a sign and corresponding pricing sign which are primarily red. It was noted that the post-mounted signals on this corner can blend in with the red signage, especially during the red indication, reducing driver awareness of the signal indication. This may be a factor in both rear-end and angle crashes on the eastbound approach. Sun Glare – Sun glare is a concern along Pleasant Street and reduces visibility of signal heads, which do not have backplates. Traffic Control – It is potentially unclear to drivers what the intended traffic control is at the eastern intersection between Mower Street and Pleasant Street. No stop line is provided for the eastbound approach but post-mounted signal heads are provided on both sides facing eastbound traffic. It is unclear where and when a vehicle must stop on this approach. Pavement Markings – Stop lines and lane lines are faded at the intersection. Eastbound Lane Trap – The outside eastbound through lane becomes an exclusive right turn lane at the intersection, which has the potential to trap drivers intending to continue eastbound on Pleasant Street. Visibility – Mature vegetation on the island separating the two Mower Street legs may restrict visibility for vehicles traveling north on either Mower Street leg attempting to yield to northbound vehicles on the other Mower Street leg. One rear-end crash occurred on the western leg of Mower Street at this location. Gas Station – Access to the gas station on the southwest corner of the intersection is a safety concern, as evidenced by the number of crashes involving vehicles entering or exiting the property. The majority of these crashes are “courtesy crashes”, where a through vehicle stops and waves on a turning vehicle, and that turning vehicle is struck by a vehicle in the other through lane or traveling in the opposite direction. Page 17 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Pedestrian Accommodations – A signal post on the southwest corner is located in the sidewalk within the limits of the crosswalk, creating a potential obstacle for crossing pedestrians. It was also noted that handicap ramps do not clearly align with crosswalks, specifically at the eastern intersection of Mower Street and Pleasant Street. Crosswalk and ramp alignment - Mower Street at Pleasant Street Page 18 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements Following review of available materials and a discussion of existing safety issues, audit participants were asked to consider improvements. Audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long term improvements for each issue. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-term <1 year Costs Low Mid-term 1–3 years Medium Long-term >3 years High <$10,000 $10,000–$50,000 >$50,000 Highland Street/Park Avenue Investigate grading and driveway slope at the Price Chopper entrance. It was suggested that the grade differential may impact driver behavior. The design should consider if the driveway can be lowered or if more gradual slope changes can be introduced. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. Reapply entry and exit pavement markings in the Price Chopper parking lot. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that will improve awareness of the indicated traffic flow. Consider “right in/right out” access for Price Chopper. This potential improvement involves modification of the Price Chopper driveway on Highland Street to allow only right turns in from Highland Street westbound and right turns out of the driveway to Highland Street westbound. This will address the number of crashes involving vehicles turning left from Price Chopper, but requires further analysis of internal site traffic and impacts to other access points. Study of further impact is a short-term improvement, while implementation would be a mid-term improvement. Apply “Don’t Block the Box” pavement markings for Highland Street at the Price Chopper driveway. This improvement would provide pavement markings in accordance with Figure 3B-18 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Paint is recommended instead of thermoplastic due to concerns over braking friction. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. The increase in potential “courtesy crashes” should be evaluated before implementation of this recommendation. Consider relocation of the bus stop on the south side of Highland Street. The bus stop is currently located on the south side of Highland Street across from the Price Chopper entrance, where no crosswalk exists. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that requires coordination with the Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA). Consider a flashing beacon installation in tandem with bus stop relocation. It was suggested that the bus stop be relocated to the intersection of Highland Street and Russell Street, and that a flashing beacon be installed. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement. Page 19 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Narrow the Price Chopper driveway apron access to reduce conflict area between turning vehicles and pedestrians. The current driveway is approximately 135 feet in width, which creates a larger potential conflict area between vehicles and pedestrians. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. Study cut-through traffic patterns and consider mitigation measures. Audit participants noted that cutthrough traffic uses Russell Street and Elm Street to avoid the congested intersection of Highland Street and Park Avenue. Further study is necessary to determine the impacts of this cut-through traffic on other area streets. Mitigation measures may be considered depending upon impacts. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Improve alignment of the southbound through lanes. The existing Park Avenue southbound lanes do not clearly align with the through lanes on the departure side of the intersection. Alignment of these lanes should be improved as part of the proposed project. Dashed guide lines through the intersection may also be considered to further emphasize through lane alignment. Improvements to lane alignment would address the history of sideswipe crashes in the southbound direction. This is a mid-term improvement with a cost assumed to be included in the planned project. Widen the southbound approach to provide adequate lane widths and turning radius. Lane widths should meet MassDOT design guidelines and the turning radius on the northwest corner should accommodate a single unit design vehicle at a minimum. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Rehabilitate pavement. The pavement should be rehabilitated at the intersection, with the appropriate method determined based on the results of subsurface exploration. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Update traffic signal layout and associated signage. It was noted that the project includes a full signal upgrade with new equipment, and that the existing substandard sign for the southbound left turn signal will be replaced. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement. Consider revising the proposed design and signal phasing to include exclusive left turn lanes on the northbound and southbound approaches along with a protected only left turn phase. This improvement would address both sideswipe crashes and angle crashes that have occurred at the intersection, but may not be feasible due to the impacts on overall intersection operation. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement that should be considered and would be implemented as part of the proposed project. Relocate the “Right Lane Must Turn Right” sign on the southbound approach so that it coincides with the beginning of the exclusive right turn lane. This will eliminate confusion for approaching vehicles, which may have been a factor in sideswipe crashes on this approach. This should be done as a shortterm measure, and then the sign location should be adjusted as a mid-term improvement if proposed improvements modify the length of the turn lane. Page 20 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Taper pavement markings to delineate a transition to all turn lanes. This improvement was suggested for the eastbound approach but should be implemented for exclusive turn lanes on all approaches. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Install lane usage signage on all approaches. This will alert drivers to the intended lane use in tandem with pavement marking improvements. Arrow and ONLY markings alone are not effective during peak periods when queued vehicles may block visibility of ground markings. It is recommended that R3-8 graphical signs be provided on all approaches. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Highland Street/Lancaster Street Improve westbound through lane alignment. The proposed design provides two through lanes at this intersection, which will eliminate the existing westbound lane trap and will address the history of sideswipe crashes involving left turning vehicles. Further study is recommended to determine if this is the most appropriate design, or if an exclusive left turn lane is warranted at this location. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Install lane usage signage on all approaches. This will alert drivers to the intended lane use in tandem with pavement marking improvements. It is recommended that R3-8 graphical signs be provided on all approaches. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Provide emergency pre-emption equipment as part of the traffic signal upgrade planned for the intersection. It was noted that Worcester has existing Opticom equipment and that pre-emption equipment should be provided at all signalized locations. This was noted specifically at this location because it would alleviate concerns that approaching drivers cannot see or hear emergency vehicles due to the retaining wall along the north side of Lancaster Street. The signal pre-emption would display a red indication for Lancaster Street when a vehicle is detected along Highland Street. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Increase the radius of the northwest corner to accommodate southbound turning vehicles. Lane widths should meet MassDOT design guidelines and the turning radius on the northwest corner should accommodate a fire truck at a minimum. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Include backplates on all proposed signal heads. This will increase visibility of signals for approaching vehicles and address concerns regarding sun glare. This is a mid-term improvement with a cost assumed to be included in the planned project. Improve signage on Lancaster Street south of Highland Street to prevent wrong-way traffic. Signage should be upgraded at intersections or major traffic generators south of Highland Street to confirm the one-way southbound operation of Lancaster Street. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Page 21 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Eliminate overnight flashing operation of the traffic signal. The number of crashes occurring overnight suggests that traffic signal operation is needed 24 hours a day. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Highland Street/Harvard Street Upgrade the existing traffic signal with mast arms, overhead signals with backplates, and vehicle detection. Mast arms and overhead signals will improve visibility, while backplates will address sun glare concerns. Taller mast arms may be considered to account for the vertical alignment of Highland Street in the vicinity of Harvard Street. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Provide parking lane delineation on Harvard Street. Pavement markings should be applied that delineate the parking lane, to prevent vehicles from using parking lanes as turning lanes at Highland Street. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. The City should evaluate the effectiveness of the improvement following implementation and consider the installation of curb bump-outs as a longterm, medium cost fix if the issue persists. Study clearance times, and implement changes as needed. The existing yellow and all red clearance times should be determined from the existing traffic signal controller and compared to minimum requirements calculated based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) methodology. If existing clearance times are insufficient, clearance times should be increased accordingly. This change in clearance times could reduce the occurrence of red light running and rear-end crashes at the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that should be done in advance of planned improvements. Clearance times for the proposed geometry should also be calculated following the same methodology as part of planned improvements. Install lane usage signage on all approaches. This will alert drivers to the intended lane use in tandem with pavement marking improvements. It is recommended that R3-8 graphical signs be provided on all approaches. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Lane use signage improvements at both Harvard Street and Lancaster Street and other operational improvements aimed at improving congestion may reduce the aggressiveness of drivers along Highland Street. It was noted that the project includes coordination of signals at Lancaster Street, Harvard Street, Main Street and Lincoln Street. Highland Street/Main Street/Grove Street Highland Street/Belmont Street/Lincoln Street/Major Taylor Boulevard (Lincoln Square) Consider eliminating permissive operation of the Main Street and Grove Street approaches. The audit team concluded that drivers turning left from Main Street may not expect to yield to Grove Street traffic, which is approaching from the right. Turning movements, phasing and geometry should be considered to determine potential improvement strategies. This is a short-term improvement with a cost to be determined. Relocate westbound signal heads to eliminate confusion as to whether they pertain to vehicles turning left from Main Street. This should be considered in tandem with phasing and other geometry changes Page 22 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. at the intersection. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement that can be included in the planned project. Provide overhead directional signage for the Highland Street eastbound approach. It was noted that aggressive drivers intending to turn left at Lincoln Street stay to the right and cut over between Main Street and Lincoln Street. Improved overhead directional signage will reduce confusion for unfamiliar drivers, which may improve traffic flow and reduce aggressiveness of regular users. Signage should indicate lane use as well as destination information for I-290 and Route 70. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Provide a dual left turn lane for Highland Street eastbound at Lincoln Street. This improvement aimed at reducing congestion and providing adequate storage for turning vehicles may also address driver behavior. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Provide a left side yield sign for the channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street westbound to Lincoln Street. This short-term, low cost improvement may help raise awareness of the yield condition and address rear-end crashes in this lane. Add a yield line to the channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street westbound to Lincoln Street. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that should follow Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) guidelines. Study geometric and lane alignment improvements for the channelized right turn lane. Long-term improvements suggested included increasing the entry angle so that drivers are looking left instead of over their shoulder to determine available gaps, and reducing the perceived lane width through the use of pavement markings. These improvements require further study of conditions and potential impacts of potential solutions. Study is a short-term improvement; implementation is a mid-term, improvement with a cost to be determined. Further study should include a determination of whether existing trees and shrubs need to be trimmed or removed due to their impact on visibility. Install “No Turn on Red” signage for Major Taylor Boulevard at Belmont Street. This is common for approaches with an opposing dual left turn lane, because right turning drivers may not expect two lanes of turning traffic. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Consider converting Main Street to one-way southbound. This improvement was discussed by the audit team as a means to eliminate conflicts and potential confusion for Main Street northbound vehicles at Highland Street and Grove Street. Ultimately, it was determined that this should not be implemented due to the City’s desire to maintain access both to and from Route 9 and Main Street. Pleasant Street/Chandler Street/Mower Street (Tatnuck Square) Increase enforcement for speeding in the vicinity of the intersection. Additional enforcement is a short-term improvement with no cost, except for the cost of potential reduced enforcement elsewhere. Page 23 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Upgrade the existing traffic signal with mast arms and overhead signals with backplates. Mast arms and overhead signals will improve visibility, while backplates will address sun glare concerns. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement assumed to be included in the planned project. Apply new pavement markings. This is a mid-term improvement that will be included in the planned project, but should be done as a short-term improvement if conditions worsen before the project start date. Taper pavement markings to delineate a transition to the eastbound Pleasant Street right turn lane. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement that can be included in the planned project. Modify the Mower Street approach to improve traffic flow and eliminate conflicts. It was noted that the proposed design has a one-way northbound flow for Mower Street east of the existing island, eliminating the need for signal control at the eastern intersection of Mower and Pleasant Streets and eliminating conflict points where the Mower Street legs converge. This improvement also eliminates confusion at the existing eastern intersection of Mower Street and Pleasant Street, which will no longer need to be under signal control. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement included in the planned project. Provide “No Left Turn” signage exiting the gas station on the southwest corner of the intersection. The history of crashes involving vehicles entering or exiting the property illustrates the need for improvement. Restricting left turns to Pleasant Street westbound eliminates one of the causes of “courtesy crashes” at this location. It should be noted that left turns will still be allowed from Pleasant Street. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Improve crosswalk and ramp alignment and remove or relocate obstructions that violate the minimum pedestrian clear path width. Proposed improvements should address existing deficiencies in this area. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement included in the planned project. Summary of Road Safety Audit Table 3 summarizes potential recommendations discussed by the audit team. The recommendations are categorized based on the potential safety payoff, as well as by time frame and cost. The safety payoff is a qualitative judgment of the effectiveness of the potential safety improvements. Each recommendation has a responsibility assigned to it stating whether MassDOT or the City of Worcester would be responsible for implementing the recommended improvement. The term “Project” refers to improvements that are assumed to be included or could reasonably be accommodated as part of planned improvements. Page 24 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Highland Street/Park Avenue Price Chopper DW, Grading Investigate grading and driveway slope at the Price Chopper entrance. City/ Property Owner Medium Mid-term $10,000 Price Chopper DW, Pavement Markings Reapply entry and exit pavement markings in the Price Chopper parking lot. Property Owner Medium Short-term $2,500 Price Chopper Driveway Consider “right in/right out” access for Price Chopper. (This City/ improvement requires further study) Property Owner High Mid-term TBD Price Chopper Driveway, Pavement Markings Apply “Don’t Block the Box” pavement markings in accordance with Figure 3B-18 of the MUTCD. City Medium Short-term $3,000 Bus Stop Consider relocation of the bus stop on the south side of Highland Street. City/WRTA Medium Short-term TBD Bus Stop Consider a flashing beacon installation in tandem with bus stop relocation. City Medium Mid-term $75,000 Price Chopper DW, Sidewalk Delineation Narrow the Price Chopper driveway apron access to improve sidewalk delineation. City/ Property Owner Medium Mid-term $15,000 Cut-Through Traffic Study cut-through traffic patterns and consider mitigation measures. City Low Short-term TBD Skewed Alignment Improve alignment of the southbound through lanes. This improvement may also include installation of dashed guide lines, if appropriate. Project High Mid-term High* Southbound Right Turns Widen the southbound approach to provide adequate lane widths and turning radius. Project High Mid-term High** Pavement Condition Rehabilitate pavement. Project Medium Mid-term High** Signage, Signal Visibility Upgrade traffic signal layout and associated signage. Project High Mid-term High** Southbound Left Turns Consider revising the proposed design and signal phasing to include exclusive left turn lanes on the northbound and southbound approaches along with a protected only left turn phase. Project High Mid-term High* Page 25 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Signage Relocate the “Right Lane Must Turn Right” sign on the southbound approach. City(Short-term) Project(Mid-term) Medium Short-term/ Mid-term $250 (Shortterm) Lane Trap Taper pavement markings to delineate a transition to all turn lanes. Project Medium Mid-term Low* Signage Install lane usage signage on all approaches. Project Medium Mid-term Low* Highland Street/Lancaster Street Lane Trap, Lane Alignment Improve westbound through lane alignment. Further study is recommended to determine if the proposed design of two through lanes is the most appropriate, or if an exclusive left turn lane is warranted. Project High Mid-term High** Signage Install lane usage signage on all approaches. Project Medium Mid-term Low* Visibility Provide emergency pre-emption equipment as part of the traffic signal upgrade planned for the intersection. Project Medium Mid-term Medium** Turning Radius Increase the radius of the northwest corner to accommodate southbound turning vehicles. Project Medium Mid-term High* Sun Glare Include backplates on all proposed signal heads. Project Medium Mid-term Medium** Wrong Way Traffic Improve signage for intersections or major traffic generators on Lancaster Street south of Highland Street to prevent wrong-way traffic. City High Short-term $2,500 Eliminate overnight flashing operation of the traffic signal. City Highland Street/Harvard Street High Short-term $1,000 Project High Mid-term High** City Medium Short-term $2,500 Flashing Operation Signal Visibility Upgrade the existing traffic signal with mast arms, overhead signals with backplates, and vehicle detection. Taller mast arms may be considered to address grade concerns. Lane Delineation Provide parking lane delineation. Pavement markings should be applied as a short-term measure, and the City should evaluate the effectiveness and consider bump-outs as a long-term measure. Page 26 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Red Light Violations Study existing clearance times and implement changes as needed. WB Driver Behavior Install lane usage signage on all approaches. Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost City Medium Short-term $2,000 Project Medium Mid-term Low* Highland Street/Main Street/Grove Street Highland Street/Belmont Street/Lincoln Street/Major Taylor Boulevard Permissive Operation, Consider eliminating permissive operation of the Main Signal Design Street and Grove Street approaches. Project High Mid-term TBD* Signal Design Relocate westbound signal heads to eliminate confusion as to whether they pertain to vehicles turning left from Main Street. Project High Mid-term Medium* EB Driver Behavior Provide overhead directional signage for the Highland Street eastbound approach. Project Medium Mid-term Medium* EB Driver Behavior, Left Turn Queuing Provide a dual left turn lane for Highland Street eastbound at Lincoln Street. Project High Mid-term High** Channelized Right Turn Provide a left side yield sign for the channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street westbound to Lincoln Street. City Medium Short-term $250 Channelized Right Turn Add a yield line to the channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street westbound to Lincoln Street. City Low Short-term $1,500 Channelized Right Turn Study geometric and lane alignment improvements for the channelized right turn lane from Belmont Street westbound to Lincoln Street. City Medium Mid-term TBD Short-term $250 Signage Speeding Install “No Turn on Red” signage for Major Taylor City Medium Boulevard at Belmont Street. Pleasant Street/Chandler Street/Mower Street (Tatnuck Square) Increase enforcement for speeding in the vicinity of the intersection. Signage/Visibility, Sun Upgrade the existing traffic signal with mast arms and Glare overhead signals with backplates. City High Short-term Use of police resources Project High Mid-term High** Page 27 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary City Safety Payoff Medium Project Medium Mid-term Low** Taper pavement markings to delineate a transition to the eastbound Pleasant Street right turn lane. Project Medium Mid-term Low** Visibility Modify the Mower Street approach to improve traffic flow and eliminate conflicts. Project High Mid-term High** Gas Station Provide “No Left Turn” signage exiting the gas station on the southwest corner of the intersection. City High Short-term $500 Pedestrian Accommodations Improve crosswalk and ramp alignment, and remove of relocate obstructions that violate the minimum pedestrian clear path width. Project Medium Mid-term Medium** Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Pavement Markings Apply new pavement markings. Eastbound Lane Trap * Responsibility Time Frame Cost Short-term $7,500 These improvements were not part of the proposed project as described and should be included in the next submission. All other “Project” safety enhancements are assumed to already be included in the proposed improvements. ** Improvements to be incorporated into the proposed project are assumed to be included as part of the overall project cost. Page 28 Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data SYMBOLS ---•111> TYPES OF CRASH Moving Vehicle .....------- ~ Backing Vehicle .....,.........,....._orn....,....... ----Ill> Non-Involved Vehicle ~ Highway Division ~ COLLISION DIAGRAM Reor End Pedestrian Bicycle Animo I ~ Parked Vehicle D Fixed Object Heod on _/ Angle lr.-- Turning Movement ~ ceo• SEVERITY Worcester, MA 0 Highland Street at Park Avenue Injury 0 Fotol REGION: CMRPC N TIME PERIOD ANALVZED: 2009 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: Sideswipe Out of Control DATE PREPARED: 2011 Registry of Motor Vehicles t October 26, 2012 PREPARED BY: CO *NOT TO SCALE , -+-' Q) Q) PRICE CHOPPER L. -+-' U1 ""'0 c 0 -+-' (J) Q) s 29 30 .....___ _~ Highland Street ..... 8... 65 66 ... 73 . ... /""44 =::::£!60 41~ ~ Ill 61 Ill Ill '\-'?~ IJJ .,... ®...... ... 8 19 75 IJlll • "/\, tf,) v4 / /~81~1@ ""\ :z: 47 14 14 ) 25 63 .. 39~ ___.. 3 53. 7 ~ 1 12 15 4 . 133 4 22 46 ® 70 ~42 4 \. 49 14 i ··-­ 56 57 :.. Highland Street (Route 9) I ELM PARK I Crash Data Summary Table Highland Street and Park Street, Worcester, MA 2009 - 2011 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 1/23/09 Friday 7:40 PM Rear-end 2 1/31/09 Saturday 9:00 AM Rear-end 3 2/10/09 Tuesday 12:30 PM Angle 4 2/14/09 Saturday 5:45 PM Angle 5 2/27/09 Friday 3:49 PM Single Vehicle Crash 6 7 8 9 3/4/09 4/13/09 5/22/09 7/8/09 Wednesday Monday Friday Wednesday 7:15 PM 3:45 PM 9:15 AM 5:00 PM Angle Angle Rear-end Rear-end 10 11 7/31/09 8/9/09 Friday Sunday 4:40 PM 9:50 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9/8/09 9/9/09 9/12/09 9/14/09 9/14/09 9/15/09 9/24/09 9/24/09 11/22/09 Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Monday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Sunday 7:52 PM 7:15 AM 4:04 PM 11:05 AM 12:26 PM 1:15 PM 3:35 PM 8:20 AM 1:41 PM Rear-end Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Rear-end 21 22 23 24 25 12/4/09 12/10/09 12/16/09 12/17/09 12/24/09 Friday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thursday 5:50 PM 12:10 PM 7:25 AM 1:40 PM 2:20 PM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Rear-end 26 27 12/27/09 Sunday 12/30/09 Wednesday 9:00 PM 3:10 PM Angle Rear-end 28 29 30 2/7/10 2/26/10 2/26/10 Sunday Friday Friday 1:00 AM 4:50 PM 5:15 PM Head on Angle Angle 31 32 33 3/4/10 4/24/10 6/11/10 Thursday Saturday Friday 8:04 PM 4:37 PM 4:30 PM Angle Rear-end Angle 34 7/3/10 Saturday 1:20 AM 35 36 7/7/10 7/29/10 Wednesday Thursday 4:11 PM 5:19 PM 37 8/18/10 Wednesday 38 39 8/20/10 8/21/10 40 41 42 9/3/10 9/20/10 9/22/10 Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 D2 Ages D3 Operator 3 was distracted when he/she dropped something on the floor of car Clear Dry No Improper Driving 53 57 Snow Snow Followed too closely 30 18 Clear Dry Inattention 21 38 Vehicle 2 (police cruiser with active lights and siren) stopped then proceeded into intersection and was hit by Vehicle 1 Clear Severe Crosswinds Dry Visibility Obstructed 42 57 Inside lane left a gap Dry No Improper Driving 45 Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Dry Dry Dry Dry 21 54 49 62 49 46 56 26 Rain Cloudy Wet Dry 48 39 42 40 Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Followed too closely No Improper Driving Inattention Inattention No Improper Driving Unknown Inattention No Improper Driving No Improper Driving 22 18 24 47 31 24 40 52 38 56 60 34 20 23 52 43 40 30 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way Unknown No Improper Driving Failed to yield to right of way 32 23 50 20 44 32 51 80 19 33 Cloudy Clear Ice Dry No Improper Driving Followed too closely 20 57 66 20 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Visibility Obstructed Visibility Obstructed 25 26 33 21 19 63 Snow Clear Rain Wet Dry Wet Unknown No Improper Driving Visibility Obstructed 18 57 19 unk 20 48 Head on Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dusk Dusk Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Inattention Failed to yield to right of way Unknown Other improper action Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Unknown Clear Dry Unknown 54 27 Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Followed too closely Failed to yield to right of way 44 24 32 22 11:15 AM Unknown Clear Dry Unknown 40 35 Friday Saturday 11:57 PM 4:40 PM Single Vehicle Crash Angle Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Clear Cloudy Dry Dry 49 44 48 Friday Monday Wednesday 3:30 PM 2:30 PM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Clear Wet Dry Dry No Improper Driving Distracted Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner No Improper Driving Unknown 28 80 36 19 80 17 Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight 26 Comments D4 Unsecure traffic sign fell onto vehicle 26 46 *Angle crash, not a single vehicle crash 47 Heavy congested traffic Uninvolved vehicle made a sudden left turn in right lane Courtesy crash Uninvolved vehicle cut in front of Vehicle 1 Inside lane left a gap Black ice on road, both operators unsure what happened Inside lane left a gap Inside lane left a gap Vehicle traveling straight did not have its lights on; hit and run crash Inside lane left a gap Stopped quickly for emergency vehicle entering intersection from Highland Street *Angle crash, not a rear-end crash Both vehicles attempted to change lanes at same time. Vehicle 1 motorcycle crashed, no contact between vehicles. Bicycle collision Outside lane left a gap Crash Data Summary Table Highland Street and Park Street, Worcester, MA 2009 - 2011 Crash Diagram Ref # 43 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y 10/6/10 Wednesday Time of Day 2:53 PM Angle Light Condition Type Daylight Weather Condition Type Rain Wet 44 45 10/25/10 Monday 11/2/10 Tuesday 9:40 AM 2:20 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry 46 47 11/2/10 11/3/10 5:34 PM 2:10 PM Head on Sideswipe, same direction Clear Cloudy Dry Dry 48 49 50 11/5/10 Friday 11/14/10 Sunday 11/26/10 Friday 6:05 PM 1:24 PM 4:50 PM Rear-end Rear-end Angle Cloudy Clear Clear Wet Dry Dry Followed too closely No Improper Driving Physical Impairment 19 21 31 51 12/30/10 Thursday 7:01 PM Rear-end Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dusk Dark - lighted roadway Driver Contributing Code Type Failed to yield to right of way Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner No Improper Driving Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Inattention Clear Dry 37 1/22/11 Saturday 11:50 AM Sideswipe, same direction Clear Dry 43 70 53 54 55 2/7/11 2/22/11 4/15/11 Monday Tuesday Friday 9:23 PM 7:52 AM 8:40 AM Angle Angle Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Cellular telephone Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 22 52 Cloudy Daylight Clear Dry Dry Dry Unknown No Improper Driving Illness 66 24 44 21 45 56 56 57 5/10/11 5/16/11 Tuesday Monday 12:20 PM 1:45 PM Angle Angle Clear Cloudy Dry Wet Unknown No Improper Driving 19 21 55 31 58 5/18/11 Wednesday 9:06 PM Angle Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield to right of way 27 22 59 60 61 5/26/11 5/27/11 6/2/11 Thursday Friday Thursday 10:30 AM 7:30 AM 4:12 PM Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Clear Clear Cloudy Dry Dry Dry Inattention No Improper Driving Followed too closely 77 21 19 56 42 43 62 63 64 6/20/11 7/14/11 7/19/11 Monday Thursday Tuesday 9:54 PM 4:36 PM 12:12 PM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Angle Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Made an improper turn Failed to yield to right of way Unknown 25 24 44 46 43 41 65 66 67 7/19/11 9/6/11 9/6/11 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 10:24 PM 7:20 AM 2:00 PM Rear-end Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Clear Rain Rain Dry Wet Wet Followed too closely Unknown Unknown 32 33 35 16 39 unk 68 69 70 71 72 10/1/11 10/3/11 10/10/11 10/11/11 10/29/11 Saturday Monday Monday Tuesday Saturday 10:15 PM 3:40 PM 4:45 PM 1:00 PM 2:54 PM Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Angle Sideswipe, same direction Angle Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Snow Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Followed too closely No Improper Driving Failed to yield to right of way Inattention Visibility Obstructed 46 35 59 83 65 30 52 22 40 60 73 74 75 76 11/1/11 11/5/11 12/14/11 7/23/10 Tuesday Saturday Wednesday Friday 9:56 PM 2:25 PM 1:01 PM 4:53 PM Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Clear Clear Clear Rain Dry Dry Dry Wet Followed too closely Unknown Distracted Inattention 23 51 38 52 unk 50 50 28 Tuesday Wednesday Manner of Collision Type Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Registry of Motor Vehicles Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Road Surface Type Ages D3 Comments D1 22 D2 26 D4 37 17 unk 27 Hit & run crash 22 36 unk 61 Hit & run crash 45 56 19 Unknown vehicle cuts in front of Vehicle 1 Operator 1 claims that vehicle stalled and rolled into intersection Operator texting while driving 33 Vehicle 1 pulling out of residence. Vehicle 2 ran red light from south. Operator 2 has Parkinson's disease and was shaking uncontrollably In attempt to go around traffic, Operator 2 crossed double yellow center lane into eastbound lane Vehicles 1 and 2 were stopped at a green light for a pedestrian crossing 28 54 21 Heavy congested traffic Hit & run crash Operator may have taken a wide turn Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Highland Street and Park Street, Worcester, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 17% 15% 12% 11% 10% 5% 8% 4% 4% 3% 12% 12% N D 9% 5% 4% 0% J F M A M J J A S O CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 20% 15% 17% 13% 20% 16% 14% 13% 10% 7% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 30% 24% 20% 10% 0% 16% 19% 7% 8% 5% 6AM­ 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 7% 8% 12PM­ 2PM 2PM­ 4PM 4PM­ 6PM 6PM­ 8PM 8PM­ 10PM 4% 3% 10PM­ 12AM 0% 0% 12AM­ 2AM 2AM­ 4AM 4AM­ 6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 50% 38% 40% 34% 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% 4% Single Vehicle Crash Crash Summary Data Park.xls 0% Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 3 of 4 4% Head on 0% 1% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/7/2012 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Highland Street and Park Street, Worcester, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 71% 60% 40% 25% 20% 0% Daylight 0% 4% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 0% Unknown 0% Blowing sand, snow Severe Crosswinds 0% Other 1% 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Snow Rain 4% Fog, Smog, Smoke 11% Cloudy 20% Clear 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 64% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 82% 16% Dry Wet 1% 1% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 27% 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% 22% 16% 9% 15-20 Crash Summary Data Park.xls 5% 21-29 30-39 40-49 4 of 4 50-59 60-69 1% 70-79 3% 80+ 11/7/2012 Crash Data Summary Table Highland Street at Lancaster Street, Worcester, MA January 2009 - December 2011 # Crash Date Time of Day m/d/y Light Condition Type Daylight Daylight Weather Condition Type Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear 1 2 1/21/09 3/10/09 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 3 4 5 6 3/19/09 5/15/09 10/2/09 12/24/09 4:25 PM 10:45 AM 10:15 AM 4:15 PM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Head on Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight 7 12/2/09 5:30 PM Rear-end Wet 8 1/3/10 2:10 AM Unknown Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Sleet, Hail, Dark - lighted roadway Freezing Rain Snow No Improper Driving 25 u/a 9 2/23/10 12:10 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 22 21 10 11 12 13 2/27/10 3/8/10 6/11/10 6/12/10 8:20 PM 1:56 PM 7:30 PM 4:30 PM Sideswipe, same direction Angle Rear-end Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Dawn Daylight Daylight Wet Dry Dry Wet 42 29 30 35 25 57 27 32 14 8/29/10 3:45 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Failed to yield to right of way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Made an improper turn Inattention No Improper Driving Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 34 24 15 9/24/10 16 9/30/10 11:30 PM 10:10 AM Sideswipe, same direction Unknown Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Rain Dry Wet 22 20 17 17 10/2/10 18 10/4/10 12:05 AM 6:00 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield to right of way Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Other improper action 20 25 32 23 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation Crash details text missing/unclear 19 10/12/10 11:25 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 31 59 Vehicle 2 drove straight while in the left turn lane 20 10/27/10 12:25 AM 21 11/22/10 10:13 AM Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Daylight Clear Wet Dry Unknown Followed too closely 42 47 24 73 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation 22 12/5/10 12:15 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 50 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation 23 1/14/11 2:08 AM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Snow 24 1/16/11 1:13 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 38 Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road u/a Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 48 Cloudy Clear Clear Rain Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Dry Unknown Dry No Improper Driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Dry Dry Unknown Dry Unknown Wet Failed to yield to right of way Other improper action D1 45 23 Ages D2 60 67 57 44 27 36 52 71 20 24 86 42 Comments Manner of Collision Type Head on Angle D3 Potential Red light violation 22 Angle crash led to sideswipe, same direction Unknown vehicle caused driver to hit the curb/snow bank Vehicle 2 is a motorcycle Crash occurred under flashing lights operation Crashed into light pole while backing vehicle along Lancaster 39 25 1/16/11 2:21 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 19 u/a Crash occurred under flashing lights operation Crash occurred under flashing lights operaton; Angle crash led to collision with parked vehicle on Lancaster; 26 3/2/11 27 7/12/11 1:20 AM 1:34 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Inattention 34 60 71 27 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation Vehicle 1 drove straight while in the left turn lane 28 7/21/11 1:06 AM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Vehicle 1 is a motorcycle 29 9/2/11 1:56 AM Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 25 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings u/a 43 Angle 24 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation 30 9/11/11 31 9/13/11 1:26 AM 6:30 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry 46 38 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation 32 9/22/11 12:08 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield to right of way 19 Made an improper turn 50 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 24 50 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield to right of way 19 23 33 Vehicle 1 drove straight while in the left turn lane Angle crash led to another angle crash; crash occurred under flashing lights operation 33 10/13/11 10:38 PM 36 1:00 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 21 35 11/13/11 1:59 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 19 u/a 36 11/29/11 7:00 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Followed too closely 31 23 37 12/11/11 12:43 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield to right of way 23 36 Driver 1 complained that flashing traffic light view obstructed by vehicle turning right 38 12/15/11 12:30 AM 39 12/17/11 Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Unknown 28 21 44 19 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation Narrative indicates no injuries, but report summary indicates 1 injury 40 12/24/11 3:19 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 22 25 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation 34 11/9/11 Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Registry of Motor Vehicles 25 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Intersection of Highland Street and Lancaster Street; Worcester, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 15% 18% 15% 15% 13% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 3% 3% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 20% 15% 15% 10% 20% 18% 15% 13% 13% 8% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 60% 44% 40% 18% 20% 0% 13% 13% 2-6PM 6-10PM 13% 0% 6-10AM 10-2PM 10-2AM 2-6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 51% 21% 15% 3% Single Vehicle Crash 0% Rear-end Angle Copy of Crash Summary Highland & Lancaster.xls Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 5% Head on 0% Rear to Rear 5% Unknown 11/13/2012 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Intersection of Highland Street and Lancaster Street; Worcester, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 64% 33% Daylight 3% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 74% 8% 15% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 71% 60% 40% 0% 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Slush 0% Water (standing, moving) Snow Wet Dry 0% 5% Sand, mud, dirt, oil, gravel 20% Ice 24% CRASH DRIVER AGES 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 41% 20% 13% 8% 15-20 21-29 30-39 Copy of Crash Summary Highland & Lancaster.xls 40-49 3 of 3 9% 50-59 4% 4% 60-69 70-79 1% 80+ 11/13/2012 Crash Data Summary Table Highland Street and Harvard Street, Worcester, MA January 2009 - December 2011 # Crash Date Time of Day m/d/y Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type 1 1/1/09 6:00 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet 2 3 1/25/09 2/8/09 2:15 AM 4:40 PM Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry 4 2/27/09 11:00 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield to right of way 20 21 Red light violation 5 3/1/09 11:51 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Snow Snow 37 u/a Snow caused slippery conditions 6 7 8 9 3/7/09 3/12/09 5/8/09 5/13/09 1:44 AM 3:10 PM 1:30 PM 4:10 PM Angle Angle Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Snow Dry Dry Dry No Improper Driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Inattention Unknown Followed too closely 34 22 55 41 19 72 27 19 Red light violation Red light violation 10 5/16/09 2:15 AM Unknown Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry 18 Red light violation; Vehicle 2 experienced brake failure 11 5/16/09 3:20 PM Angle Daylight Dry 34 Both drivers state they had the green light 12 6/1/09 9:49 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Distracted 26 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 74 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 59 55 Both drivers state they had the green light 13 6/20/09 3:50 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield to right of way 18 31 8/5/09 9/2/09 9/5/10 9/9/09 9/14/09 9/19/10 8:57 PM 5:10 PM 6:45 PM 6:20 PM 1:23 PM 12:59 PM Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Rain Clear Rain Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving Glare No Improper Driving Unknown Failed to yield to right of way 43 25 20 u/a u/a 36 37 55 38 38 22 22 20 9/22/10 10:10 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 74 24 Both drivers state they had the green light 21 10/4/10 9:15 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry 60 53 Red Light Violation 22 10/6/10 4:20 PM 56 38 Red light violation; Crash Detail text unclear 44 27 Red light violation 45 66 68 47 Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Road Surface Type Ages D2 D3 Comments Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 40 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 24 No Improper Driving 28 14 15 16 17 18 19 Manner of Collision Type D4 Red light violation 37 u/a 35 Red light violation Three car pile-up 25 50 28 27 Four car pile-up Three car pile-up D2 was riding a moped 23 10/13/10 10:00 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 24 10/4/09 12:47 PM 25 10/17/09 4:20 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Wet Dry Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Made an improper turn 26 11/26/10 4:30 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 33 27 Red light violation 27 11/28/10 5:39 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 53 Crash occurred under flashing lights operation 28 1/6/10 Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield to right of way 21 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 66 Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Snow Clear Wet Dry 12:45 PM 29 2/16/10 30 5/25/10 31 32 33 34 35 7/30/10 8/17/10 8/23/10 7:30 PM 8/24/10 7:28 AM 11/28/10 1:49 PM Angle Angle Angle Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Rain Clear Clear Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry 36 37 38 39 12/1/10 1/11/11 1/11/11 1/17/11 7:40 PM 10:00 AM 3:20 PM 8:30 AM Angle Angle Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Clear Clear Wet Dry Dry Dry 40 1/22/11 41 1/27/11 7:03 PM 12:17 PM Head on Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Wet Snow Unknown Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving Unknown Glare No Improper Driving Unknown Inattention Glare Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. Unknown 77 55 31 Red light violation; Angle crash led to a sideswipe, same direction Vehicle went through from a left-turn-only lane Red light violation; Angle crash led to rear-end Both drivers stated that they had the green light; Crash Detail text unclear Red light violation; Crash Detail text unclear Red light violation; Crash Detail text unclear 37 22 46 59 25 19 19 19 35 26 32 56 43 32 33 21 Red light violation; driver distracted by GPS 26 20 56 45 Both drivers stated that they had the green light Crash Data Summary Table Highland Street and Harvard Street, Worcester, MA January 2009 - December 2011 # Crash Date Time of Day m/d/y Light Condition Type Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Weather Condition Type Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Road Surface Type Dry Dry Wet Dry Wet Driver Contributing Code Type Distracted Followed too closely Unknown Inattention Inattention 42 43 44 45 46 3/5/11 3/18/11 3/20/11 4/3/11 4/28/11 10:00 AM 4:30 PM 2:10 PM 2:28 PM 4:20 PM Manner of Collision Type Rear-end Rear-end Angle Angle Angle 47 48 49 50 5/3/11 5/7/11 5/16/11 5/19/11 8:27 PM 12:38 PM 4:09 PM 11:17 AM Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Cloudy Rain Rain Rain Dry Wet Wet Wet 51 5/22/11 52 9/4/11 53 9/6/11 10:50 AM 7:40 PM 2:10 PM Angle Angle Angle Daylight Dusk Daylight Clear Clear Rain Dry Dry Wet 54 9/16/11 2:07 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 55 10/9/11 11:51 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 56 11/6/11 3:30 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown Unknown Other improper action Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 57 11/22/11 6:00 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Followed too closely 30 40 58 11/27/11 8:00 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 28 53 59 12/12/11 Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry u/a 60 12/19/11 12:15 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Other improper action 39 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 28 Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Registry of Motor Vehicles Comments D1 23 26 74 20 49 Ages D2 D3 51 50 33 25 66 50 18 22 28 38 50 50 25 75 57 Both drivers stated they had the YELLOW light Both drivers stated that they had the green light 69 26 39 21 38 53 Red light violation 23 19 Red light violation 77 57 38 44 56 D4 Three car pile-up Angle crash led to another angle crash Potential Red light violation Red light violation Both drivers stated they had the green light Red light violation Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Highland Street and Harvard Street, Worcester, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 15% 17% 15% 13% 10% 10% 10% 7% 5% 5% 10% 3% 3% 5% 2% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 20% 25% 13% 15% 15% 8% 10% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday 13% 10% Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 40% 27% 30% 31% 24% 20% 10% 0% 7% 7% 10-2AM 2-6AM 4% 6-10AM 10-2PM 2-6PM 6-10PM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 73% 80% 60% 40% 19% 20% 2% 0% Single Vehicle Crash 2% Rear-end Crash Summary Highland & Harvard.xls Angle 0% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 3 of 4 3% Head on 0% 2% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/8/2012 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Highland Street and Harvard Street, Worcester, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 61% 37% Daylight 0% 2% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 64% 12% 20% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 69% 60% 40% 0% 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Slush 0% Water (standing, moving) Snow Wet Dry 0% 5% Sand, mud, dirt, oil, gravel 20% Ice 25% CRASH DRIVER AGES 40% 31% 30% 21% 20% 10% 0% 10% 8% 15-20 19% 21-29 Crash Summary Highland & Harvard.xls 30-39 40-49 4 of 4 50-59 5% 6% 60-69 70-79 0% 80+ 11/8/2012 Crash Data Summary Table Lincoln Square; Worcester, MA 2009 - 2011 Crash Diagram Ref # 1 2 3 4 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y 1/30/09 Friday Thursday 2/5/09 2/10/09 Tuesday 2/18/09 Wednesday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 12:30 PM 9:01 AM 3:50 PM 1:09 AM Angle Angle Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Light Condition Type Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Weather Condition Type Cloudy Clear Snow Clear Dry Dry Wet Dry Road Surface Type 5 6 2/20/09 5/14/09 Friday Thursday 12:10 PM 1:57 PM Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Clear Rain Dry Wet 7 4/10/09 Friday 8:30 PM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Driver Contributing Code Type Unknown Unknown Unknown Failed to yield to right of way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings No Improper Driving Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 8 9 10 11 4/13/09 4/30/09 5/7/09 6/18/09 Monday Thursday Thursday Thursday 4:47 PM 2:27 PM 6:57 PM 8:01 AM Angle Angle Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Rain Rain Dry Dry Wet Wet Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving Failed to yield to right of way Unknown Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. Other improper action Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Unknown Ages D3 Comments D1 70 36 36 43 D2 25 24 42 26 D4 40 31 51 24 Vehicle 2 made a prohibited left turn Courtesy crash 45 23 35 39 50 44 23 27 16 57 Operator 2 went through red light Vehicle 2 did not notice Vehicle 1 (police cruiser w/ lights and siren activated) enter the intersection Courtesy crash Courtesy crash 41 Vehicle 1 trying to complete a u-turn Vehicle pulling out of courthouse driveway swerved to avoid an uninvolved eastbound vehicle & hit fire hydrant. Operator claims visibility was obstructed due to crest in road west of driveway. 12 13 6/18/09 6/25/09 Thursday Thursday 1:11 PM 3:10 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Daylight Daylight Rain Cloudy Wet Dry 14 15 6/25/09 7/6/09 Thursday Monday 4:22 PM 9:43 AM Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry 16 7/20/09 Monday 5:06 PM 17 18 19 7/28/09 9/14/09 9/22/09 Tuesday Monday Tuesday 12:45 PM 11:30 AM 5:41 PM Rear-end Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry No Improper Driving Failed to yield to right of way Unknown 42 30 66 68 55 48 20 21 22 10/2/09 Friday 10/14/09 Wednesday 10/21/09 Wednesday 9:25 PM 8:53 AM 1:15 PM Rear-end Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Unknown No Improper Driving 44 66 31 38 18 56 23 24 25 10/27/09 Tuesday 11/1/09 Sunday 11/5/09 Thursday 8:02 AM 1:29 PM 2:25 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Angle Angle Dawn Daylight Daylight Dry Dry Dry 74 44 27 37 37 20 26 11/15/09 Sunday 7:46 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown Unknown No Improper Driving Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 49 44 27 28 11/20/09 Friday 11/24/09 Tuesday 11:00 PM 6:05 AM Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dawn Cloudy Dry Wet No Improper Driving No Improper Driving 26 40 18 29 12/16/09 Wednesday 11:20 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Snow Snow Unknown 24 21 Officer observed that "Red light was hard to see" for Vehicle 2 30 12/29/09 Tuesday 6:30 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 19 Courtesy crash 31 1/2/10 Saturday 4:31 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Snow Ice No Improper Driving 20 Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. 44 17 32 33 34 35 1/3/10 1/28/10 2/1/10 2/2/10 Sunday Thursday Monday Tuesday 1:02 AM 9:30 AM 12:50 PM 11:00 AM Unknown Angle Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Snow Clear Clear Clear Snow Dry Dry Dry Poor road conditions due to snow Operator lost control of vehicle and hit utility pole while attempting and failing to avoid an unconscious person laying in the street 36 2/4/10 Thursday 12:02 AM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy 37 2/8/10 Monday 5:30 PM Rear-end 38 39 2/10/10 2/12/10 Wednesday Friday 6:48 PM 9:40 AM Angle Angle 40 41 2/19/10 2/22/10 Friday Monday 6:41 PM 5:30 PM 42 43 44 45 3/14/10 3/22/10 3/23/10 3/25/10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday 8:40 PM 10:00 AM 5:45 PM 11:55 AM 22 62 16 46 55 28 45 Operator hit traffic signal pole; Claims he was avoiding an uninvolved eastbound vehicle 22 Clear Clear Cloudy 36 41 39 60 27 21 31 Dry 33 36 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 29 21 Dark - lighted roadway Snow Daylight Clear Snow Dry No Improper Driving Unknown 19 51 39 22 Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dusk Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way 39 25 25 26 Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Wet Dry Wet Dry No Improper Driving Unknown Unknown Failed to yield to right of way 36 31 48 77 unk 52 19 33 Rain Cloudy Rain Clear Operator may have gone through red light After striking another uninvolved vehicle that had no damage or injuries, Vehicle 1 backed into Vehicle 2 Both operators claimed that they had a green light 51 Cyclist failed to stop at red light Unknown No Improper Driving Unknown No Improper Driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Angle Angle Both operators claim to have heard a siren coming down Highland Street Vehicle 1 failed to stop at red light due to slippery/snowy conditions Hit & run crash; operator 2 went through red light Courtesy crash Operator 2 claims to have been unaware of red light on Highland Street Vehicle 1 right on red Crash Data Summary Table Lincoln Square; Worcester, MA 2009 - 2011 Crash Diagram Ref # 46 47 48 49 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y 3/26/10 Friday 4/10/10 Saturday 4/11/10 Sunday Wednesday 6/2/10 Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 3:50 PM 1:10 PM 4:30 PM Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Light Condition Type Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Weather Condition Type Clear Clear Clear Clear Road Surface Type Dry Dry Dry Dry 50 51 52 6/5/10 6/16/10 6/30/10 Saturday Wednesday Wednesday 3:00 AM 5:34 PM 11:03 AM Angle Angle Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Rain Daylight Cloudy Daylight Clear Wet Dry Dry 53 54 7/27/10 8/3/10 Tuesday Tuesday 2:30 PM 12:15 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 8/14/10 8/19/10 8/25/10 8/27/10 8/31/10 9/2/10 9/3/10 9/22/10 Saturday Thursday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Wednesday 8:40 AM 8:40 AM 3:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:08 PM 5:57 PM 9:15 AM 3:40 PM Angle Single Vehicle Crash Angle Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 63 64 10/19/10 Tuesday 10/29/10 Friday 9:20 PM 2:30 PM Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry 65 66 11/3/10 Wednesday 11/27/10 Saturday 4:20 PM 1:50 PM Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry 67 11/27/10 Saturday 8:40 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear 68 12/3/10 Friday 9:25 PM Angle 69 12/5/10 Sunday 2:28 AM Angle 70 12/15/10 Wednesday 10:45 PM 71 12/16/10 Thursday 72 73 12/16/10 Thursday 12/17/10 Friday 74 75 76 77 12/21/10 1/14/11 1/14/11 2/28/11 78 79 Driver Contributing Code Type Inattention Inattention Inattention Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield to right of way Inattention Unknown Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Unknown No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Failed to yield to right of way Unknown Other improper action Failed to yield to right of way Ages D3 Comments D1 48 40 36 44 D2 36 31 20 22 D4 23 38 42 unk 41 75 20 41 48 20 24 26 22 51 40 56 63 20 19 32 22 63 38 58 29 44 Operator 2 ran red light Operator 2 went through a red signal Hit & run crash; Vehicle 2 made a prohibited left turn Officer states that intersection has poor design & that there are three traffic signals within a 100 ft stretch of Highland St. Both vehicles in LTL, Operator 2's foot got stuck on accelerator pedal 60 17 59 25 Operator 1 claimed to have not seen the red traffic light 70 51 82 38 Operator 1 ran red light Both operators claim green light Dry Inattention Visibility Obstructed Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings No Improper Driving Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 34 unk Hit & run crash; Vehicle 1 stationary during crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Made an improper turn 18 17 Operator 2 did not realize there was a restricted left turn Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 26 37 Both operators claim green light Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Made an improper turn 27 27 Both operators claim green light 8:05 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 53 64 11:50 PM 1:40 PM Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry No Improper Driving Unknown 32 51 22 unk Tuesday Friday Friday Monday 10:50 PM 9:40 AM 3:45 PM 12:16 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dry Wet Slush Wet No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way 65 53 25 72 21 29 21 22 3/6/11 3/9/11 Sunday Wednesday 7:20 PM 8:40 AM Angle Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Daylight Clear Wet Dry No Improper Driving Followed too closely 59 36 59 32 80 3/13/11 Sunday 12:30 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 19 unk Hit & run crash; Vehicle 2 stopped to allow Vehicle 1 to proceed then proceeded itself 81 4/19/11 Tuesday 8:21 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet No Improper Driving 48 28 Both operators claim green light 82 83 84 4/20/11 5/18/11 5/31/11 Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday 7:55 PM 5:00 PM 8:45 AM Rear-end Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Rain Daylight Clear Dry Wet Dry Other improper action Failed to yield to right of way Unknown 22 29 42 26 36 40 Operator 2 ran red light Both operators claim green light 85 86 87 6/18/11 7/14/11 7/14/11 Saturday Thursday Thursday 2:15 AM 7:50 AM 8:44 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Dry 47 22 56 46 21 38 Operator 1 ran red light 88 7/22/11 Friday 12:00 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown Unknown Inattention Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 35 60 89 90 91 92 7/23/11 9/25/11 10/6/11 10/14/11 Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday 9:25 PM 6:20 PM 11:18 AM 5:42 PM Rear-end Rear-end Angle Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dry Dry Dry Dry Unknown Made an improper turn Unknown Unknown 23 19 27 21 unk 16 30 26 Hit & run crash Vehicle 1 attempted to change lanes 93 10/15/11 Saturday 12:15 AM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Dry Made an improper turn 23 38 Vehicle 1 made a prohibited left turn Clear Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Clear Both operators claim green light unk unk Hit & run crash Hit & run crash Both operators claim green light Snow banks forced Vehicle 2 into other lane Vehicle 2 claims to have not seen red light Crash Data Summary Table Lincoln Square; Worcester, MA 2009 - 2011 Crash Diagram Ref # 94 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y 11/10/11 Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 11:35 AM Angle Light Condition Type Daylight Weather Condition Type Rain Road Surface Type Wet 95 11/10/11 Thursday 7:56 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet 96 11/14/11 Monday 1:00 AM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear 97 98 99 100 11/17/11 1/29/09 4/30/09 5/16/09 Thursday Thursday Thursday Saturday 10:25 AM 1:50 PM 6:25 PM 3:15 PM Rear-end Head on Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight 101 7/13/09 Monday 8:30 PM Single Vehicle Crash 102 11/30/09 Monday 6:05 PM Rear-end 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 12/11/09 5/13/10 6/18/10 6/19/10 9/8/10 1/31/11 2/8/11 2/11/11 Friday Thursday Friday Saturday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Friday 6:25 PM 7:00 PM 12:35 PM 7:35 AM 7:50 AM 10:10 AM 4:21 PM 9:25 AM 111 3/9/11 Wednesday 112 3/17/11 Thursday 113 114 4/20/11 5/1/11 115 116 117 118 Driver Contributing Code Type Made an improper turn D1 61 D2 24 26 Dry Followed too closely 21 Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 49 Dry Wet Dry Dry No Improper Driving No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Other improper action 75 29 43 57 48 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Illness 32 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet No Improper Driving 30 18 Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Angle Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Unknown Inattention Followed too closely Unknown No Improper Driving Followed too closely No Improper Driving Unknown 44 56 51 61 48 23 19 30 45 46 34 45 36 45 45 6:33 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 64 Angle Daylight Clear Wet Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 43 5:12 PM 27 18 Wednesday Sunday 7:55 PM 2:20 PM Rear-end Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Other improper action Distracted 22 74 26 20 6/1/11 Wednesday 9:47 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet unk Sunday Monday Wednesday 12:35 PM 5:00 PM 8:33 AM Angle Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Inattention Followed too closely 45 7/11/10 8/29/11 9/15/10 20 56 18 51 21 40 119 9/16/11 Friday 5:58 AM Rear-end Dawn Clear Dry Followed too closely 30 57 120 10/6/10 Wednesday 7:27 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet 28 121 122 10/27/11 Thursday 11/2/11 Wednesday 9:00 AM 4:10 PM Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Wet Dry Inattention 50 Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. 21 Failed to yield to right of way 40 123 11/18/11 Friday 8:25 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry 124 125 12/9/11 Friday 12/23/11 Friday 10:41 AM 8:15 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Rain 126 12/27/11 Tuesday 9:55 AM Angle Daylight Clear Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Registry of Motor Vehicles Cloudy Clear Clear Rain Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Comments D4 Operator struck traffic signal pole several times (once in forward direction and twice in reverse direction) Vehicles had to stop quickly due to pedestrian in road (pedestrian is a panhandler that has had to be removed from this location several times) 33 24 Operator went into diabetic shock & hit traffic control light Operator #2 failed to stop for traffic light at Grove St. & Highland St. Hit & run crash 63 Vehicle 2 hit as a result of the collision between Vehicles 1 and 3 Both operators complained bushes in island were too high and obstructing view - police officer agreed with this statement 33 26 Dry Wet No Improper Driving 18 Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 26 No Improper Driving 55 30 46 Dry Unknown 55 58 Ages D3 44 Due to heavy congested traffic, Vehicle 2 (ambulance with active lights and siren) side swiped Vehicle 1 Operator 2 claims that he pulled into intersection at red light to make room for ambulance with active lights and siren coming from behind Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Lincoln Square, Worcester, MA CRASH MONTH 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 12% 12% 10% 10% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6% J F M 9% A 7% 6% M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 21% 17% 20% 15% 19% 13% 11% 10% 9% 9% Saturday Sunday 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday CRASH TIME OF DAY 20% 15% 15% 0% 14% 10% 8% 10% 5% 14% 13% 10% 4% 5% 3% 6AM-8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM-4PM 4PM-6PM 6PM-8PM 2PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 2% 1% 12AM­ 2AM-4AM 4AM-6AM 2AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 53% 31% 8% 5% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Crash Summary Data Lincoln Square.xls Angle 1% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 4 of 5 1% 0% 1% Head on Rear to Rear Unknown 11/7/2012 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Lincoln Square, Worcester, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 66% 31% Daylight 2% 1% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 71% 60% 40% Severe Crosswinds 0% 0% 0% Unknown 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow 4% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Rain Cloudy Clear 0% 18% 7% Snow 20% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 75% 60% 40% 1% 0% 0% Unknown Water (standing, moving) 0% Other 0% Slush 1% Sand, mud, dirt, oil, gravel Snow Wet Dry 0% 2% Ice 21% 20% CRASH DRIVER AGES 40% 30% 30% 19% 20% 10% 0% 20% 13% 8% 15-20 6% 21-29 Crash Summary Data Lincoln Square.xls 30-39 40-49 5 of 5 50-59 60-69 3% 70-79 0% 80+ 11/7/2012 Top Crash Intersections 2008-2010 RANK 125 WORCESTER HIGHLAND STREET MAIN STREET ROUTE 9 Legend MassDOT District 3 RPA CMRPC EPDO 113 Number of Fatal Crashes Number of Injury Crashes Number of Non-Injury Crashes Total Crashes 53 • Crash Locations 2008-2010 ~ Local Roads 0 15 / ' V All Functional Classification Except Local Roads 38 Top Crash Intersections massDOT Massachusetts Department of Transportadon Top Crash Intersections 2008-2010 RANK WORCESTER 26 HIGHLAND STREET (LIN<Bmll.R"S<9UARE) MAIN STREET Legend MassDOT District 3 RPA CMRPC EPDO 164 Number of Fatal Crashes Number of Injury Crashes Number of Non-Injury Crashes Total Crashes 88 8 Crash Locations 2008-2010 ~ Local Roads 0 19 / " \ / All Functional Classification Except Local Roads 69 ~ Top Crash Intersections 111assDOT Massachwetts Department of Transportation Top Crash Intersections 2008-2010 RANK 28 WORCESTER BELMONT STREET LINCOLN STREET ROUTE 9 Legend MassDOT District 3 RPA CMRPC EPDO 161 Number of Fatal Crashes Number of Injury Crashes Number of Non-Injury Crashes Total Crashes 85 • Crash Locations 2008-2010 ~ LocaiRoads 0 19 / \ . / All Functional Classification Except Local Roads 66 ~ Top Crash Intersections 111assDOT Massachu~ Department of Transportadon Road Safety Audit—Highland Street Corridor and Pleasant St/Chandler St—Worcester, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix D. Speed Regulations