ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 20 (Charlton Road) Corridor Town of Sturbridge January 2015 Prepared For: MassDOT Prepared By: McMahon Associates, Inc. 300 Myles Standish Blvd. Suite 201 Taunton, MA 02780 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description.............................................................................................. 2 Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements.............................................. 8 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 22 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1: Location Map ............................................................................................................................. 3 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 22 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 23 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Background The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. This RSA evaluates the following intersections on Route 20 (Charlton Road) in Sturbridge, MA, as shown in Figure 1. Route 20 (Charlton Road) at the Xtramart Plaza Driveway Route 20 (Charlton Road) at Hall Road Route 20 (Charlton Road) at Gifford Road Route 20 (Charlton Road) at Hobbs Brook Plaza Route 20 (Charlton Road) at Fiske Hill Road/Picker Road Route 20 (Charlton Road) at Route 49 A safety audit was scheduled for these intersections as part of the required MassDOT design process for the three high crash clusters on Route 20. The intersection of Route 20 at the Xtramart Plaza Driveway was identified by MassDOT as a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) intersection for the year 2012. Route 20 at Fiske Hill Road/Picker Road was recognized as a HSIP intersection for the years 2010 through 2012. For the years 2010 and 2011, the intersection of Route 20 at Route 49 was acknowledged as a HSIP intersection. A key objective of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be made at the subject study area intersections. Project Data A Road Safety Audit was completed for the study area intersections abutting Route 20 in the Town of Sturbridge on January 5, 2014. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise in the engineering, planning, maintenance and emergency response fields. Contact information for the RSA attendees is provided in Appendix A of this report. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Kevin Krasnecky CMRPC Alolade Campbell MassDOT District 3 Traffic Safety Rick Handfield MassDOT Projects Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Traffic Safety Joe Frawley MassDOT District 3 Traffic Dan Daniska CMRPC Greg Morse Town of Sturbridge - DPW Director Thomas Ford Town of Sturbridge Chief of Police David Zinther Town of Sturbridge Fire Chief Gerald Powers Walk Bike Worcester Amy West Walk Bike Worcester Alex Lacouture McMahon Associates Phil Viveiros McMahon Associates Within the email invitation sent on December 17, 2014 to each participant in the RSA, background material was provided. This information included collision diagrams and MassDOT crash data summaries for the study area intersections. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group, along with videos of the corridor filmed in each direction along Route 20 prior to the meeting. Due to a lack of pedestrian accommodations around the study area intersections, a field visit was not part of this RSA. Videos of the Route 20 corridor along with visual tools such as Google Earth were supplemented for the field visit. Throughout the meeting, the team observed and identified various safety issues throughout the Route 20 corridor. Following the RSA video, the team discussed additional concerns and potential solutions for the existing safety issues. Project Location and Description Study Area Roadways As shown in Figure 1, Route 20 is a four-lane roadway that runs in the east-west direction through the project study area and in the Town of Sturbridge. Heading west from Route 49, the majority of the Route 20 corridor has a posted speed limit of 50 miles per hour (mph) but decreases to 45 mph just east of the Route 20 at the Xtramart Plaza intersection. Route 20 is classified as an urban principal arterial under MassDOT jurisdiction throughout the study area intersections. The travel lanes on Route 20 vary in width throughout the corridor, but are typically between 10-12 feet wide. No sidewalks or crosswalks are present throughout the study area. Shoulders in the study area are also limited on both sides of the Route 20 corridor. Route 49 is a two-lane roadway and classified as an urban principal arterial under MassDOT jurisdiction that generally runs in a north/south direction through the study area in Sturbridge. Route 49 begins at the junction with Route 20 in Sturbridge, MA and extends northeast through Sturbridge, and ends linking to Route 9 in Spencer. Route 49 connects to Route 20 in both the eastbound and westbound directions via a signalized intersection. The Route 49 off-ramp heading eastbound and the on-ramp heading westbound are both under yield control. There is a large splitter island dividing Route 49 northbound and southbound lanes that stretches approximately 700 feet north of Route 20; beyond this point to the north, Route 49 is a Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL two-lane undivided roadway. Both the northbound and southbound through lanes are 12 feet wide with 10-foot shoulders along the outside edge. The posted speed limit along Route 49 is 55 mph in either direction but is reduced to 35 mph prior to its intersection with Route 20. Hall Road is a two-lane roadway that begins at Route 20 to the north and extends south through the Town of Sturbridge to Route 131. Hall Road is classified as an urban minor arterial under Town of Sturbridge jurisdiction. Hall Road provides one lane of travel in either direction for the majority of the roadway, but provides two auxiliary turn lanes at the intersection with Route 20. Hall Road has no sidewalks present on either side of the roadway. Similar to Hall Road, Fiske Hill Road is a two-lane roadway that begins at Route 20 to the north and extends south through the Town of Sturbridge to Route 131. Fiske Hill Road is classified as an urban collector under Town of Sturbridge jurisdiction. Fiske Hill Road provides one lane of travel in either direction for the majority of the roadway. At the intersection with Route 20, left-turn movements are prohibited and marked with appropriate signage. Fiske Hill Road has no sidewalks present on either side throughout the roadway. Gifford Road, Picker Road, Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway, and the Xtramart Plaza Driveway are all local roads under Town of Sturbridge jurisdiction. Gifford Road is a two-way roadway connecting from Route 20 by the Stop & Shop gas station and extends west combining with Fiske Hill Road reconnecting to Route 20. The majority of Gifford Road is unpaved until it connects with Fiske Hill Road and Route 20. Picker Road connects to Route 20 to the south, directly across from Fisk Hill Road, and terminates roughly 1,200 feet to the north with a business driveway. Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway is signalized at its intersection with Route 20 and provides access to multiple commercial properties. The Xtramart Plaza Driveway connects to commercial properties and can also be used to access Hall Road. All four of these roadways provide access to commercial properties. Sidewalks and crosswalks are not present at any of these roads or at their intersections with Route 20. Study Area Intersections The intersection of Route 20 at the Xtramart Plaza Driveway is a four-legged unsignalized intersection maintained by MassDOT. The eastbound approach on Route 20 provides an exclusive right turn lane for traffic entering the Xtramart Plaza Driveway and two general purpose lanes. The westbound approach consists of an exclusive left turn lane and two general purpose lanes. The northbound approach (the Xtramart Plaza Driveway) provides an exclusive left turn and right turn lane that are both under stop control. Multiple resident driveways also exist on the northerly side of Route 20 adjacent to the intersection. Just east of the Xtramart Plaza Driveway is a Wendy’s site driveway that provides full access to Route 20. There are no crosswalks or sidewalks spanning the study area intersection. The intersection of Route 20 at Hall Road is a four-legged unsignalized intersection maintained by MassDOT. The eastbound approach on Route 20 consists of two general purpose lanes. The westbound approach provides an exclusive left turn lane and two general purpose lanes. The northbound approach on Hall Road provides an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through and right turn lane and is under a stop control. The southbound approach consists of a commercial property providing full access to Route 20 and is under stop control. Further east of Hall Road, there are multiple commercial driveways providing direct access to Route 20. There are no crosswalks or sidewalks spanning the study area intersection. The intersection of Route 20 at Gifford Road is a three-legged unsignalized intersection maintained by MassDOT. The eastbound approach on Route 20 consists of two general purpose lanes. The westbound approach also provides two general purpose lanes. The northbound approach on Gifford Road provides a Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL shared left and right turn lane under stop control as well as provides direct access to the Stop & Shop gas station. Located to the east and west of Gifford Road, there are multiple commercial driveways providing direct access to Route 20. There are no crosswalks or sidewalks spanning the study area intersection. The intersection of Route 20 at Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway is a three-legged signalized intersection maintained by MassDOT. The Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway (southbound approach) provides an exclusive right turn lane and two exclusive left turn lanes. The eastbound approach from Route 20 consists of an exclusive left turn lane and two exclusive through lanes. The westbound approach provides a channelized right turn lane into the plaza driveway (not under signal control) and two exclusive through lanes. Crosswalks are not present at any of these approaches. The traffic signal phasing provides a lead protected left turn and through phase for eastbound traffic, followed by a protected westbound and eastbound through phase, and a protected southbound phase for left and right turn exiting movements. Right turn on red is also prohibited for the southbound approach. The intersection of Route 20 at Fiske Hill Road/Picker Road is a four-legged unsignalized intersection maintained by MassDOT. The eastbound approach on Route 20 consists of two general purpose lanes. The westbound approach provides an exclusive left turn lane and two general purpose lanes. The northbound approach on Fiske Hill Road provides a shared through and right turn lane with left turning movements prohibited and is under stop control. The southbound approach on Picker Road consists of a multi-use lane under stop control. There are no crosswalks or sidewalks spanning the study area intersection. The intersection of Route 20 at Route 49 is a three-legged signalized intersection maintained by MassDOT. The Route 49 southbound approach consists of a channelized right turn lane under yield control and an exclusive left turn lane. The eastbound approach on Route 20 provides an exclusive left turn lane onto Route 49 with two exclusive through lanes. The westbound approach provides a channelized right turn lane under yield control and two exclusive through lanes. To the west and east of this intersection, Route 20 remains a two-lane roadway. Crosswalks or sidewalks are not provided at any of the existing approaches. The traffic signal phasing provides a lead eastbound left turn phase, a phase for eastbound and westbound through movements on Route 20, and a southbound phase for protected left turns from Route 49. Crash Data Crash data was received from MassDOT and used the Town of Sturbridge Police Department crash data along with Massachusetts State Police crash data from the years 2010 to 2014. Based on this data, there was a total of 30 crashes reported from the beginning of 2010 through the end of 2014 at the intersection of Route 20 and the Xtramart Plaza Driveway and the surrounding abutting driveways. Of the 30 crashes that occurred in the time period reviewed, 24 crashes appear to be a result of the operations of the study area intersection itself. Of those 24 crashes reported, 19 were a result from angled collisions between eastbound through vehicles and vehicles taking a left out of the plaza driveway heading in the westbound direction on Route 20. Seven out of those 19 crashes involved personal injury. It was noted by the audit participants that unfamiliar travelers attempting to access the Wendy’s Driveway may use the right turn lane entering the Xtramart Plaza then realize that is not the correct driveway and continue going straight, where a vehicle may interpret them making a right turn. The remaining six crashes resulted at the Wendy’s site driveway. Five crashes are a result of the Wendy’s driveway operations while one crash was an isolated occurrence of a medical emergency that resulted in a single vehicle crash near the driveway. Four of those five crashes resulted from eastbound through vehicles colliding with vehicles either entering or exiting the Wendy’s Driveway. Of the other five crashes reported for this cluster, one crash resulted in personal injury. These driveway crashes may have been influenced by excessive vehicle speeds in the Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL eastbound direction along with blocked visibility from entering vehicles into the Xtramart Driveway and driver inattention. A total of 25 crashes were reported at the intersection of Route 20 and Hall Road. Approximately 12 of the 25 crashes were rear-end collisions, and the remainder were angle, sideswipe, and single vehicle collisions. Twelve of the 25 crashes appear to be directly related to the operations of the study area intersection. Of these 12 crashes, seven involve rear-end collisions resulting in two personal injuries. At the adjacent driveways just east of Hall Road, the majority of the 11 crashes are angle and rear-end collisions resulting from turning movements in and out of these sites onto Route 20. Of those crashes at the access driveways, one is a “courtesy crash”, a term used to describe a crash that occurs when a driver on the mainline yields the right of way to a driver exiting a driveway and a collision occurs as a result. Of the 25 total crashes, five involved personal injury. Excessive vehicle speeds in combination with multiple driveway access points and driver distraction along the study area intersection may have some influence in these crashes. There were a total of 22 crashes reported at the intersection of Route 20 and Gifford Road and the adjacent Stop & Shop Gas Station. Of the 22 crashes that occurred in the time period reviewed, only one angled crash appears to be a result of the operations of the Route 20 intersection with Gifford Road while the remaining 21 crashes are either at the adjacent Stop & Shop Gas Station Driveways or the commercial driveways located just west of Gifford Road. Approximately 12 of the total 22 crashes are directly involved with vehicles either entering or exiting the Stop & Shop Gas Station. Five were rear-end collisions with vehicles attempting to enter the gas station. While the remaining seven crashes were angled collisions between eastbound through vehicles and vehicles attempting to enter or exit the gas station, resulting in three personal injuries. Six of the seven angled collisions at the Stop & Shop Gas Station are also “courtesy crashes” and can be assumed that these crashes are a product of excessive vehicle speeds and queueing from the adjacent intersection of Route 20 at the Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway located to the east of Gifford Road. At the remaining adjacent site driveways west of Gifford Road, the majority of crashes are rear-end collisions resulting from turning movements in and out of these sites. Heavy traffic congestion during the holiday seasons along with excessive vehicle speeds and driver inattention could influence a majority of these crashes as 46 percent of crashes occur during the November and December months. At the intersection of Route 20 and the Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway, there were a total of 28 crashes reported. 21 crashes appear to be a result of the operations of the intersection itself. Out of those 21 crashes, 13 were rear-end collisions resulting in two personal injuries. Seven out of the 13 rear-end crashes are vehicles from the westbound approach while four crashes occurred from the eastbound approach and two rear-end crashes from the Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway approach. Out of the remaining eight crashes at the intersection, four are sideswipe or near miss sideswipe collisions involving the southbound exiting movements onto Route 20. The four remaining crashes were either angle or single vehicle collisions. The seven collisions just outside the study area intersection involves one sideswipe crash, one angle crash, two rear-end collisions, and three single vehicle crashes. One of the single vehicle crashes was caused by a collision with a deer while the other two involved an isolated occurrence of with two vehicles hitting debris dropped from an unknown vehicle onto Route 20. Of the total crashes reported, only four involved personal injury. There were a total of 32 crashes reported at the intersection of Route 20 and Fiske Hill Road/Picker Road. Of these 32 crashes, eight crashes are angle collisions between the eastbound through movement and the exiting movement from Fiske Hill Road while another six angle crashes involved the eastbound through movement and a vehicle attempting to make a left turn to enter Fiske Hill Road. Of the 14 angled collisions, approximately half resulted in personal injury. There are also ten rear-end collisions in total, Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL six of which are from the Fiske Hill Road approach. The Picker Road approach had one rear-end collision causing personal injury. The remaining crashes are other angle, sideswipe, and single vehicle collisions. Of the four single vehicle crashes, two were caused by deer crossing Route 20, one was caused by a glare issue heading eastbound and one was cut-off by an unknown vehicle causing it to crash into a snow bank. Of the total crashes reported, 13 involved personal injury. At the intersection of Route 20 at Route 49, there were a total of 25 crashes reported. All 25 crashes are can be attributed to the intersection operations of Route 20 at Route 49. Of the 25 crashes, 24 crashes are rear-end collisions, 17 of which are in the southbound direction on the Route 49 off-ramp that is under yield control. Of the seven remaining rear-end collisions, three crashes were headed in the eastbound direction and four crashes were vehicles heading in the westbound direction. There was one accident that involved a westbound vehicle running a red light and colliding with a vehicle attempting to turn left onto Route 49. Out of the total 25 crashes, four resulted in personal injury. Detailed crash diagrams are provided in Appendix B. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements During the RSA meeting, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of crash information were presented to the audit participants. Following this presentation, the members of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety at the intersections along the Route 20 Corridor between the Xtramart Plaza and Route 49. The audit team was unable to visit the site as a group, due to various safety concerns. However, videos of the corridor along with visual software services like Google Earth were supplemented instead of a field visit. The audit team was successfully able to identify numerous safety concerns and deficiencies that were later documented during the meeting. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns that were identified during the RSA for each intersection and for the corridor as a whole. RSA members were asked to think of potential short term and long term safety countermeasures that could be identified throughout the Route 20 corridor, focusing on the “4 E’s” of engineering, education, enforcement, and emergency response. Route 20 (Charlton Road) Corridor Wide Safety Issue #1: Vehicle Speeds Observations: Vehicle speeds were noted by the RSA team to be a key problem at several locations of the Route 20 corridor between the Xtramart Plaza Driveway and Route 49. At the intersection of Route 20 with the Xtramart Plaza Driveway, audit team members have often observed vehicles traveling eastbound at a high rate of speed into and throughout the corridor from Route 20 and the Interstate 84 interchange. The Route 49 connection with Route 20 may also contribute to excessive speeds for vehicles heading in the westbound direction, into the corridor. The posted speed limit on Route 20 is 45 mph to the west of the study area, and increases to 50 mph throughout the rest of the corridor, to the east of the Xtramart Plaza. Audit members mentioned during the meeting that speed regulations may pre-date the recently added commercial developments along the Route 20 corridor. Excessive vehicle speeds may be a contributing factor for rear-end and angle collisions at each of the study area intersections and driveways located along Route 20. Rear-end collisions throughout the study area corridor account for approximately 44% of the total collisions that occurred corridor wide. High rates of vehicle speeds can make it difficult to gauge the available gap space for vehicles either entering onto Route 20 or exiting Route 20 via the numerous driveways and side streets located throughout the study corridor. Enhancements: Evaluate the current 85th percentile speeds and investigate potential adjustment of speed limits throughout the Route 20 corridor based on current data. Install additional speed limit signage to better inform drivers of the speed limit as they enter the Route 20 corridor. Provide additional speed enforcement at key locations on Route 20 with the use of temporary radar trailers. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Consider a permanent installation of a variable speed feedback sign with a posted speed limit sign attached. Enforcement will help discourage drivers from traveling at a high rate of speed throughout the corridor. Safety Issue #2: Traffic Volumes and Unfamiliarity with Corridor Observations: Interstate 90 (MassPike) is linked to Interstate 84 which connects directly to Route 20 just west of the study corridor. High volumes of traffic traveling through this corridor have caused some issues with congestion. Due to the proximity of Interstate 90, congestion issues are exacerbated during peak shopping times such as Saturdays or holiday seasons. That may also contribute to an increased volume of traffic being unfamiliar with the following corridor. Congestion and unfamiliarity can contribute to driver frustration and aggressive driving which can be characterized by driving too closely to another vehicle, frequent lane changes, and inappropriate gap acceptance for vehicles exiting abutting driveways. This type of driver behavior can contribute to a variety of accident types. Additionally, in a review of the accident data, it was noted that collisions are increased at certain study area intersections on Saturdays and the holiday season when traffic volumes are greatest. There is also a large volume of heavy vehicles traveling this corridor partly due to the proximity of a truck repair/service shop located within the Route 20 corridor, located east of Hall Road. Enhancements: Evaluate the current signal phasing and consider adding coordination to optimize travel through the corridor and to help alleviate queuing issues. As there is currently no coordination between existing signals, this evaluation should also consider the type of interconnect (hardwire or wireless) needed for signal coordination. Provide the proper amount of dedicated turning lanes and through lanes for each intersection as dictated by traffic volumes to optimize capacity. Safety Issue #3: Inattention and Distracted Driving Observations: Audit team members discussed inattention and distracted driving as a noticeable problem throughout the corridor. Several drivers have been observed using cell phones or texting while sitting in congested traffic. Corridor wide, inattention contributes to approximately 27% of the total collisions. Enhancements: Develop a public education campaign related to the dangers of distracted driving to promote driver awareness. Provide additional enforcement of distracted driving laws to help minimize the number of distracted drivers. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue #4: Access Management and Roadway Geometry Observations: Within the Route 20 study area, there are several commercial and residential driveways accessing adjacent land uses. With few exceptions, these adjacent land uses do not allow for access to and from adjacent parcels, requiring vehicles to reenter Route 20 when travelling to multiple sites along the corridor. In addition, the entire Route 20 corridor also has narrow lanes and shoulders on either side of the roadway. One example of this mentioned during the audit was the right shoulder and adjacent embankment along Route 20 eastbound between Hobbs Brook Plaza and Fiske Hill Road, where some audit participants noted that it is difficult to determine where the edge of the narrow shoulder drops off into the embankment. Audit participants have also indicated that multiple driveways located on Route 20 may have inadequate sight distance for approaching vehicles, especially vehicles traveling at speeds in excess of the posted speed limit. Existing geometry of the study area intersections are either inadequate or create difficult situations for drivers. Crashes related to driveway access were identified by the audit team to be a contributing factor at many of the study area intersections throughout the corridor. Typically, these crashes are angle collisions that result from exiting vehicles turning left. Having to cross two to three lanes of traffic at these driveways exacerbates the issue and introduces the opportunity for courtesy crashes that recent MassDOT crash data supports. Enhancements: • Evaluate turn restrictions at the various site driveways and side streets to facilitate the flow of traffic and minimize conflicts on Route 20, including right-in, right-out alternatives and enter/exit only alternatives. • Evaluate the main intersections and site driveways along Route 20 to ensure adequate sight distance for drivers at every approach, governed by the established speed limits. • Consider extending shoulders along the Route 20 corridor in order to widen the existing narrow lanes and provide additional room for disabled vehicles. • Consider a solution for greater contrast between the roadway and shoulder or embankment, particularly along the eastbound shoulder of Route 20 between Hobbs Brook Plaza and Fiske Hill Road. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue #5: Pavement Conditions and Markings Observations: In many sections throughout the study area, rutted or distressed pavement was observed. Distressed pavement may be a contributing factor in rear-end collisions as vehicles are not able to stop as efficiently on these worn surfaces. Additionally, through several segments of the study area on Route 20, there are missing pavement markings to delineate marked lanes through the segment between the Xtramart Plaza Driveway and Route 49. There are several offset intersections observed with minimal or missing directions to the shifted receiving lanes. This may be a contributing factor in the number of sideswipe collisions traveling through this segment. MassDOT is planning a milling and resurfacing project for the spring of 2015 to address the rutting and pavement markings on the section of Route 20. Enhancements: • Repave/repair rutted pavement throughout the Route 20 corridor to provide a better travel surface. • Replace all of the missing pavement markings to delineate travel lanes along Route 20 between Route 49 and the Xtramart Plaza Driveway. Safety Issue #6: Signage Issues Observations: It was observed by the audit team that there are several signs throughout the corridor that create clutter, and several signs that are not placed in an optimal location to convey a clear message to drivers such as advance warning signage and guide signage. In addition, there was a general lack of signage for the Route 49 southbound approach to guide motorists as to what direction of Route 20 they were heading in. The presence of multiple travel lanes on Route 20 exacerbates this issue as drivers may not know what lane is appropriate to access their intended destination, creating last minute lane changes resulting in sideswipe and rearend collisions. Enhancements: • Re-evaluate existing lane use and guide signagealong the Route 20 corridor to help guide unfamiliar travelers and reduce the frequency of crashes attributed to driver frustration and aggressiveness.. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL • • • Ensure that all signage is current with the latest MassDOT standards and unobstructed by overgrown vegetation to provide clear directions to drivers. Consider additional intersection ahead warning signs with attached street names to better warn unfamiliar travelers of upcoming intersections. Review sign locations and heights for optimal placement to minimize sight obstruction and confusion to drivers. Safety Issue #7: No Pedestrian/Bicycle Accommodations Observations: Through the study area corridor, there are no existing sidewalks or crosswalks located on Route 20. Audit members mentioned that Route 20 has the potential to serve as an important regional bicycle connection from a recreational and commuter point of view, as there are currently no existing bicycle connections between Route 49 and Route 131 (Old Sturbridge Village). Route 49 and Route 131 were noted to provide minimal bike accommodations. The southbound offramp of the Route 49 bike lane abruptly ends when connecting with Route 20. The shoulders on either side of Route 20 are currently too narrow to safely accommodate bicycles or pedestrians. For bicycles to travel this corridor, bicycle traffic would be forced to use the vehicular travel lane, which may cause additional conflicts and aid driver frustration. It was also noted during the RSA field review that there is light pedestrian activity near the Xtramart Plaza Driveway, along Route 20. There are no existing pedestrian accommodations of any kind throughout this corridor. Enhancements: • Evaluate the impacts of creating an ADA compliant walking surface for the length of the corridor, including bringing sidewalk surface, handicap ramps, and crossings to ADA standards. • Evaluate accommodations for bicycles in this area including creating a five-foot shoulder with bike friendly rumble strips on both sides of Route 20. This would also improve visibility for motorists traveling along Route 20 while providing a place of refuge for disabled motorists. • Review existing drainage grates and rumble strips for compatibility with bicycle use, as part of a potential extension of the Route 49 bike lane that abruptly ends when connecting with Route 20. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Route 20 at the Xtramart Plaza Safety Issue #1: Vehicle Speeds Observations: The audit team stated that vehicle speeds were often observed to be higher than appropriate, in some cases as high as 70 to 75 mph. Excessive speeds in the area may be due to the proximity of the Interstate 84 off-ramps that feed into Route 20 heading in the eastbound direction. With vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed through the intersection, misjudged gaps and impatience with gaps for exiting vehicles from the plaza driveway onto Route 20 may also contribute to the number of overall crashes. Permissive movements opposing a higher speed through movement of multiple lanes may be a contributing factor in the 23 angle collisions with the eastbound through movements. 19 of these accidents were vehicles attempting to take a left turn onto Route 20 but which collided with a vehicle travelling in the eastbound direction. A number of these crashes state that the sight distance was obstructed by vehicles turning into the plaza using the exclusive right turn lane. Although crashes can help determine issues with a particular study area intersection, local audit members mentioned the number of close calls at this intersection greatly exceed the number of actual crashes. Some members mentioned that a signal placed at this intersection would also calm eastbound traffic while providing a safer entrance to all users of the road, including residents living behind the plaza. Enhancements: • Evaluate if implementing a new signal at the Xtramart Plaza Driveway and Route 20 intersection is warranted, which would improve the opportunity for vehicles to safely enter and exit Route 20 at this location. Safety Issue #2: Roadway Geometry and Access Management Observations: Audit participants noted major visibility issues for exiting movements from the plaza driveway. The eastbound approach contains two through lanes and an exclusive right turn only lane into the plaza driveway that blocks visibility of the eastbound through traffic for vehicles exiting the site. The plaza driveway consists of an exclusive left turn and right turn movement. Crash data supports the observations with the majority of crashes occurring with vehicles attempting to make a left turn out of the plaza driveway and colliding with eastbound through vehicles. Vision being obstructed by the exiting plaza driveway vehicle was one of the most common stated causes for the applicable crashes. Audit members mentioned that a shared access internal driveway with the adjacent Wendy’s may help reduce the number of left turns exiting the Xtramart plaza driveway. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: • Evaluate a turn restriction at the Xtramart driveway to facilitate the flow of traffic and minimize conflicts on Route 20, including right-in, right-out alternatives. • Evaluate off-setting the Route 20 eastbound exclusive right turn lane to provide better visibility of the Route 20 eastbound through traffic for vehicles exiting the plaza. • Evaluate the possibility of adding an internal site driveway connecting the Xtramart Plaza to the Wendy’s site to potentially decrease left turns onto Route 20 and allow patrons to use the Wendy’s site drive to make safer left turns. Safety Issue #3: Signage Issues Observations: Currently, signage at this study area intersection is absent or faded and could be misleading for unfamiliar travelers. There is a lack of intersection ahead warning signs when approaching the study area. As shown in the adjacent picture, unfamiliar vehicles heading westbound on Route 20 that use the exclusive left turn lane to enter the plaza may confuse that “Do Not Enter” sign for that particular driveway, causing confusion and hesitation. The sign is posted directly in front of the Xtramart Plaza driveway. The Do Not Enter sign is placed to warn vehicles exiting left (heading westbound) from the plaza that the upcoming roadway is twoway and divided up ahead. Audit members noticed entering the corridor from the west, heading eastbound, that there are a pair of “Two-Way Traffic” warning signs that are mounted approximately 1,000 feet in advance of two ”Divided Highway Ends” warning signs. These signs were likely placed in the wrong order. Enhancements: • Add intersection ahead warning signs for the plaza driveway. • Remove and relocate the Do Not Enter sign further west, down the corridor. • Consider switching the eastbound “Two-Way Traffic” and “Divided Highway Ends” warning signs on Route 20 to the surrounding interchange area to better alert drivers of changes in the roadway-related cross sections. Safety Issue #4: Wrong Way Drivers Observations: Audit participants stated that on average a dozen vehicles a year head down the Route 20 corridor the wrong way at the split located to the west of this study area intersection. Unfamiliarity with the area and lack of appropriate signage could contribute to this issue. This intersection specifically may include an increased amount of unfamiliarity with the study area corridor because of the proximity to the surrounding Interstates 84 and 90. This could lead to confusion and contribute to eastbound vehicles entering the right turn only lane Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL and continuing ahead instead of making the right turn, as observed by some audit members. Audit members also stated that vehicles heading westbound have been observed to crossover and head down the eastbound travel lanes at the split located to the west of the Xtramart Plaza Driveway on Route 20. The audit participants noted that the study area intersection is lighted appropriately during nighttime/low light conditions for the area and shouldn’t be a major factor in crashes or lack of wrong way signage visibility. Enhancements: • Consider adding additional wrong way signage to better warn drivers that are heading in the westbound direction on Route 20 • Consider a raised or divided median on Route 20 to help deter westbound vehicles from heading down the eastbound travel lanes. Route 20 at Hall Road Safety Issue #1: Roadway Geometry Observations: Audit participants discussed issues with the eastbound and westbound left turns at the Hall Road intersection with Route 20. The westbound approach provides an exclusive left turn lane but is poorly marked for vehicles with no visible lane arrows or distinguished lane lines. The eastbound approach has no exclusive left turn lane for the available commercial property driveway. That leaves eastbound vehicles the option of either coming to a complete stop in the left lane, or using the striped median as a turn lane. Several drivers have been observed by the audit members to use the painted median as an exclusive left turn lane. The northbound approach on Hall Road consists of an exclusive left turn lane and a shared through and right turn lane. However, there are currently no pavement markings to distinguish the two lanes apart. There were five rear-end collisions on Hall Road that can be contributed to driver inattention and following too closely in the northbound approach. Approximately 44 percent of total crashes at this study area intersection were rearend collisions. Unexpected turning movements throughout this study area intersection could contribute to a number of rear-end and angle collisions. Multiple commercial driveways further east from Hall Road contributed to 11 out of the 25 total crashes for the study area intersection. The audit team noted that the bank driveway may also contribute to a spike of crashes during the 2-4 p.m. time period as well as crashes occurring on Thursdays and Fridays. Vehicles exiting any one of the multiple driveways can create many potential issues across multiple lanes with vehicles traveling at a high rate of speed. Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: • Evaluate the traffic impacts of adding a two-way, left-turn lane (TWLTL) lane or additional turning lanes to allow vehicles to stack without blocking through movements. • Evaluate the intersection and driveway approaches to ensure adequate sight distance. Safety Issue #2: Driver Behavior Observations: The RSA team members noted that vehicles in the eastbound direction often travel at a high rate of speed through this study area intersection. High speeds may be caused by the proximity of Interstate 84 as well as the 50 mph posted speed limit that is currently enforced. Additionally, there is a truck service/repair shop located to the east of Hall Road. RSA participants stated that, similar to the Xtramart site driveway intersection, misjudged gaps and impatience with gaps for exiting vehicles from the plaza driveway onto Route 20 may also contribute to the number of overall crashes. In addition, the combination of high speed vehicles on Route 20 and an increased amount of heavy vehicle traffic attempting to enter Route 20 at very low speeds due to the nature of trucks and crossing potentially up to three lanes of travel is a major safety concern. Driver inattention may also contribute to a number of the crashes around this intersection. Enhancements: • Evaluate if implementing a new signal at the Hall Road and Route 20 intersection is warranted, which would improve the opportunity for vehicles to safely enter and exit Route 20 at this location. Some audit members mentioned that, if warranted, adding a new signal at this intersection may help reduce vehicle speeds while accommodating more traffic at Hall Road, as opposed to the suggested Xtramart signal that would solely serve a private development. • Consider the impacts of adding standard MUTCD truck crossing warning signage (W8-6) to better warn drivers on Route 20 of the upcoming business driveways. Route 20 at Gifford Road Safety Issue #1: Roadway Geometry Observations: The Gifford Road approach to Route 20 is currently unpaved and typically used by locals. Locals tend to use Gifford Road to take a left onto Route 20 because of the left turn restriction when Gifford Road connects to Fiske Hill Road further north. The eastbound and westbound approaches are two lane. A significant number of crashes involve vehicles attempting to enter or exit the Stop and Stop gas station. Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: Evaluate the impacts of adding an exclusive westbound left turn lane for the Stop & Shop gas station driveways. Evaluate the gas station driveways’ sight distance, particularly when heavy traffic is affecting the intersection. Safety Issue #2: Signage Issues Observations: Audit members noted that Gifford Road is a low volume local roadway and there is currently no stop sign or line at the Gifford Road approach. The gas station currently provides enter only and exit only signs that need to be adjusted for better visibility and enforcement. Enhancements: Evaluate/adjust the “Stop” and “Do Not Enter” signage for Stop & Shop gas station to help maximize visibility. Consider adding a stop sign to the Gifford Road approach. Safety Issue #3: Pavement Markings Observations: The Gifford Road approach is missing stop line markings at the intersection with Route 20. In addition, the double yellow center line (DYCL) throughout the intersection is not broken to indicate that there is an intersection at Gifford Road. The increased number of courtesy crashes involved with the gas station driveways may call for additional safety measures for vehicles making turns at the intersection and the gas station driveways. Enhancements: Restripe travel lane markings to incorporate appropriate lane markings with the intersection at Gifford Road. Evaluate the impacts of adding “Don’t Block the Box” markings to the gas station driveways. Safety Issue #4: Vehicle Congestion Observations: Audit team members also noted that queues during the holiday seasons would stack from the Hobbs Brook Plaza left turn only lane, spill into the eastbound through lane and extend past the gas station. Five out of the 12 crashes occurring at the gas station driveways were reported courtesy crashes. The heavy traffic in the eastbound direction could be a major factor in the five courtesy crashes involved at the study area intersection. The audit team mentioned the spike in Wednesday crashes, accounting for approximately 32 percent of all crashes in the study area intersection, could be involved with gas station promotions that run on the coinciding day. Page 17 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: Review traffic signal operations for the Hobbs Brook Plaza signal. Adjust the signal timings and review existing capacity. Route 20 at Hobbs Brook Plaza Safety Issue #1: Signal Operations Observations: Audit members noted that holiday season operations at this intersection are very poor. Vehicles queues from the eastbound left turn spill into the adjacent through lane, further diminishing operations, and possibly impacting intersections further west. This queuing could be responsible for vehicles attempting to pass the congestion through the intersection to make an illegal U-turn, representing one collision at this intersection. The westbound and eastbound through movement’s represent 11 rear-end collisions due to driver inattention or following too closely. Solar glare was noted by audit members as a potential issue at this intersection as well and could contribute to rear-end collisions. Enhancements: Consider signal retiming to alleviate the eastbound left turn queuing issues, which would reduce crashes related to drivers looking to avoid turn lane congestion. Add retro-reflective back plates to signal heads to help increase visibility during solar glare periods by allowing greater contrast between the back plate and signal head. Safety Issue #2: Roadway Geometry Observations: The audit team discussed specific issues with drainage and queue lengths at the Route 20 and Hobbs Brook Plaza Driveway intersection. Crash data shows approximately 40 percent of the total collisions at the study area intersection occur when the road surface is affected by inclement weather. As previously mentioned, the eastbound left turn queue lengths are problematic during the holiday season and weekends. Adjustments to the number of eastbound left turn lanes may need to be considered to handle more vehicles. The Hobbs Brook Plaza approach consists of two exclusive left turn lanes onto Route 20 and a right only turn lane. The signal visibility at this study area intersection was specifically mentioned as a potential safety issue during the RSA meeting. Vehicles located behind trucks can greatly reduce or block the signal visibility completely leading to safety issues. Enhancements: Evaluate the current drainage system and current maintenance activities (Clean pipes/Repair waterways) to ensure adequate size and design are minimizing negative weather condition impacts on Route 20 and the surrounding areas. Evaluate the impacts of adding an eastbound left turn lane to help alleviate queues in the Route 20 eastbound direction. Evaluate signal head distance from the stop line to provide maximum visibility for drivers. Page 18 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Evaluate adding signal heads (post-mounted) for increased visibility at the study area intersection. Safety Issue #3: Pavement Markings and Signage Observations: The audit team noticed that the vertical curve approaching the intersection from the plaza may block the visibility of lane markings, leading to vehicles attempting to switch lanes quickly and colliding with an adjacent vehicle. Lane use signs were observed being blocked by trees while exiting the Hobbs Brook Plaza. Out of the five sideswipe crashes at the study area intersection, three were collisions while exiting the plaza driveway. The poor visibility of signage and lane markings could contribute to vehicles attempting to switch lanes quickly and colliding with an adjacent vehicle. Enhancements: Evaluate land use signs and additional lane use markings at the Hobbs Brook Plaza approach to help guide drivers to their desired lane. Provide additional arrow and left/right turn only markings on the southbound approach to account for the visibility issues. Ensure that all signage at the plaza approach is not obstructed by vegetation to maximize driver awareness. Route 20 at Fiske Hill Road/Picker Road Safety Issue #1: Roadway Geometry and Sight Distance Observations: The northbound approach on Fiske Hill Road is shown to be involved with 14 out of the 32 total crashes at the study area intersection. Six involve rear-end collisions while the other eight crashes involve the northbound vehicle exiting and colliding with an eastbound through vehicle. The team noted that sight distance from the existing geometry with overgrown vegetation created visibility issues with eastbound vehicles for the Fiske Hill Road approach. Signage location and a horizontal curve also play roles in visibility issues for vehicles on the Fiske Hill Road approach. This limited visibility could have a role in the 14 angled crashes at this intersection. Audit participants also stated that many vehicles may use the northbound through movement, then U-turn and then turn right in order to head westbound on Route 20 as left turns are restricted on Fiske Hill Road. With the westbound left turn lane, that makes the northbound through movement very difficult, needing to cross five lanes of traffic moving at speeds of 50 mph or greater. The southbound through movement is also noted by the team to be dangerous and used frequently to connect businesses to the south reaching Route 131. The team noted that eastbound vehicles attempting a left onto Picker Road often used the painted island as a left turn lane. The team also discussed the visibility issues when both the Route 20 eastbound and westbound vehicle are taking left turns simultaneously. The large radius on the northbound right turn prevents the second car in the queue looking left from seeing the first vehicle. Page 19 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: Evaluate the traffic impacts of adding an exclusive eastbound left turn lane. Evaluate the intersection geometry to help improve sight distance for all approaches. Evaluate the left turn restriction on the Fiske Hill Road approach and consider restricting through movements to Picker Road. (Adding U-turns to the Route 49 and Route 20 intersection can be evaluated to compensate for vehicle traffic.) Evaluate signal warrant analysis at the intersection to determine if signal control is warranted. Safety Issue #2: Signage Issues Observations: Audit participants noted that signage on the Fiske Hill Road approach is potentially blocking sight distance of the eastbound traffic. There is also minimum intersection warning signage when approaching the study area from either direction on Route 20. Approximately 30 percent of crashes involve drivers aged 21 to 29 years old. This spike could be contributed to the nearby Baypath Community College campus that connects to Picker Road. Enhancements: Evaluate sign locations and the mounted heights within the splitter islands at the Fiske Hill Road approach to improve sight distance for exiting vehicles. Route 20 at Route 49 Safety Issue #1: Geometry Observations: In a review of the crash data, the audit team noted that 17 of the 25 crashes at this location are rear-end collisions from the Route 49 southbound off-ramp. This large radius channelized right turn movement from the off-ramp is under yield control, allowing drivers to proceed onto Route 20 in the westbound direction, when there is an available gap in traffic. It was observed by audit members that this geometry is a contributing factor for the number of rearend collisions at this location, as drivers are looking left for an available gap and begin to edge into the roadway thinking that the vehicle ahead of them has merged into traffic when it has not, resulting in a rear-end collision. Members also mentioned that Route 49 should also extend the five foot shoulders with bike friendly rumble strips to accommodate bicyclists. Enhancements: Remove the existing yield sign for the southbound right turn lane and replace with a larger yield signs on both sides of the lane. Evaluate the safety impacts, if any, of replacing the yield control with full stop control. Consider installing yield control pavement markings for the off-ramp as a short-term enhancement. Evaluate the benefits of redesigning the southbound right turn geometry creating an intersecting angle closer to 90 degrees and including the operation of the lane as part of the traffic signal. Page 20 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue #2: Signage Issues Observations: Audit participants observed numerous signage deficiencies throughout this study area intersection. The yield sign for the southbound right turn from Route 49 is small and could be overlooked by drivers. Also the yield sign is only located on the left hand side of the driver. Missing guide signs were also noticed in the southbound direction to help direct vehicles to either Route 20 westbound or eastbound. Also faded route shields were identified at this intersection. The team also observed missing “Signal Ahead” warning signs heading in the westbound direction. Enhancements: Replace/add MassDOT standard guide signage for the Route 49 southbound approach at appropriate decision points. Evaluate the signal ahead warning signage for all approaches. Safety Issue #3: Traffic Signal Observations: There are currently protected phases for the eastbound left turn movement onto Route 49. Seven of the 25 crashes, were rear-end collisions involving vehicles at the eastbound and westbound approaching the signalized intersection. Audit members pointed out that eastbound vehicles may use the left turn lane as a U-turn movement because of the Fiske Hill Road left turn restriction just west of this study area intersection. During the meeting, it was also discussed that trucks may block signals for typical passenger vehicles in the westbound direction. Enhancements: Evaluate adding signal heads (post-mount) for increased visibility at the study area intersection for all approaches. This will help awareness for vehicles that are following trucks to see the signal and act accordingly. Evaluate impacts of signal retiming of change and clearance intervals with dilemma zone detection to reduce the number of vehicles being caught in a situation where it may be difficult for a vehicle to decide to stop or proceed through the intersection. Consider altering geometry to tighten turns at the study area intersection as a long term goal. Ensure adding a U-turn option for the eastbound direction can accommodate all vehicles for the previously mentioned Fiske Hill Road turn restrictions. Page 21 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Recommendations After the site visit, audit participants returned to discuss the safety issues and consider various improvements. The audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long-term improvements for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, mid-term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-Term <1 Year Mid-Term 1-3 Years Long-Term >3 Years Costs Low Medium High <$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 >$50,000 Summary of Road Safety Audit A summary of the potential recommendations discussed by the RSA audit team are summarized in Table 3. The recommendations are summarized based on the potential safety payoff, time frame, approximate cost and responsible agency. The safety payoff is a subjective judgment of the potential effectiveness of the safety recommendations listed below. Page 22 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low Town of Sturbridge Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Long-Term High MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Low Mid-Term Low Low Short-Term Low High Mid-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Sturbridge Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Sturbridge Route 20 (Charlton Road) Corridor Wide Evaluate the current 85th percentile speeds and investigate potential adjustment of speed limits Vehicle Speeds throughout the Route 20 corridor based on current data Install additional speed limit signage to better Vehicle Speeds inform drivers entering the Route 20 corridor Provide additional speed enforcement at key Vehicle Speeds locations on Route 20 with the use of temporary radar trailers Consider a permanent installation of a variable Vehicle Speeds speed feedback sign with a posted speed limit sign attached Evaluate the current signal phasing and Traffic Volumes & consider adding coordination to optimize travel Unfamiliarity with Corridor through the corridor and to help alleviate queuing issues Provide the proper amount of dedicated turning Traffic Volumes & lanes and through lanes for each intersection as Unfamiliarity with Corridor dictated by traffic volumes to optimize capacity Distracted Develop a public education campaign related to Driving/Inattention the dangers of distracted driving Distracted Additional enforcement of distracted driving Driving/Inattention laws to limit the number of distracted drivers Evaluate turn restrictions at the various site Access Management & driveways and side streets to facilitate the flow Roadway Geometry of traffic and minimize conflicts on Route 20 Evaluate the main intersections and site Access Management & driveways to ensure adequate sight distance for Roadway Geometry all approaches Town of Sturbridge Town of Sturbridge Page 23 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Access Management & Roadway Geometry Access Management & Roadway Geometry Pavement Conditions & Markings Pavement Conditions & Markings Signage Issues Signage Issues Signage Issues Signage Issues Pedestrians, Bicycles,& Transit Pedestrians, Bicycles,& Transit Pedestrians, Bicycles,& Transit Potential Safety Enhancement Consider extending shoulders along the Route 20 corridor in order to widen the existing narrow lanes and provide additional room for disabled vehicles Consider a solution for greater contrast between the roadway and shoulder or embankment Repave/repair rutted pavement throughout the Route 20 corridor to provide a better travel surface Replace all missing pavement markings to delineate travel lanes on Route 20 Re-evaluate existing guide and warning signage throughout the Route 20 corridor to help unfamiliar travelers Ensure that all signage is up to MassDOT standards and clear of obstructing vegetation Consider additional intersection ahead warning signs with attached street names along Route 20 Review sign locations and heights for optimal placement to minimize obstructions/confusion Evaluate the impacts of creating an ADA compliant walking surface for the length of the corridor Evaluate accommodations for bicycles, including creating a five-foot shoulder with bike friendly rumble strips on both sides of Route 20 Review existing drainage grates and rumble strips for bicycle compatibility along Route 20 Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Mid-Term High MassDOT High Mid-Term High MassDOT High Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Sturbridge High Long-Term High MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Long-Term High MassDOT Route 20 at Xtramart Plaza Vehicle Speeds Evaluate if implementing a new signal at the Xtramart Plaza Driveway and Route 20 intersection is warranted High Page 24 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Roadway Geometry & Access Management Roadway Geometry & Access Management Roadway Geometry & Access Management Signage Issues Signage Issues Signage Issues Wrong Way Drivers Wrong Way Drivers Potential Safety Enhancement Evaluate a turn restriction at the Xtramart driveway to facilitate the flow of traffic and minimize conflicts on Route 20, including rightin, right-out alternatives Evaluate off-setting the Route 20 eastbound exclusive right turn lane to provide enhanced visibility for exiting vehicles Evaluate the possibility of adding an internal site driveway from the Xtramart Plaza to the Wendy’s site to provide safer left turns onto Route 20 Add intersection ahead warning signs at the Xtramart Plaza driveway Remove and relocate “Do Not Enter” sign further down Route 20 to reduce potential driver confusion Consider switching the eastbound two way traffic and divided highway ends warning signs on Route 20 to the surrounding interchange area to better alert drivers of changes in the roadway related cross sections Consider adding additional wrong way signage for vehicles heading westbound Consider a raised or divided median on Route 20 to help deter westbound vehicles entering eastbound travel lanes Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Sturbridge Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Long-Term High Town of Sturbridge / Property Owners Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Mid-Term High MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Sturbridge Route 20 at Hall Road Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Evaluate the traffic impacts of adding a twoway, left-turn lane (TWLTL) lane or additional turning lanes to allow vehicles to stack without blocking through movements Evaluate the intersection and driveway approaches to ensure adequate sight distance Page 25 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Driver Behavior Driver Behavior Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Long-Term High MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT High Mid-Term High MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low Town of Sturbridge Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Sturbridge Low Short-Term Low Town of Sturbridge Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Evaluate if implementing a new signal at the Hall Road and Route 20 intersection is warranted Consider the impacts of adding standard MUTCD truck crossing warning signage (W8-6) to better warn drivers on Route 20 Route 20 at Gifford Road Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Signage Issues Signage Issues Pavement Markings Pavement Markings Vehicle Congestion Vehicle Congestion Evaluate the impacts of adding an exclusive westbound left turn lane for the gas station driveways Evaluate the gas station driveways’ sight distance, particularly when heavy traffic is affecting the intersection Evaluate/adjust the “Stop” and “Do Not Enter” signage for Stop & Shop gas station to help maximize visibility Consider adding a stop sign to the Gifford Road approach Restripe travel lane markings to incorporate the Gifford Road intersection with Route 20 Evaluate the impacts of adding “Don’t Block the Box” markings to the gas station driveways. Review traffic signal operations for the Hobbs Brook Plaza signal Adjust the signal timing and review existing capacity Route 20 at Hobbs Brook Plaza Signal Operations Signal Operations Roadway Geometry Consider signal retiming to alleviate eastbound left turn queuing issue Add retro-reflective back plates to signal heads to help increase visibility Evaluate the drainage system and maintenance procedures to ensure adequacy along the Route 20 corridor Page 26 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Roadway Geometry Pavement Markings & Signage Pavement Markings & Signage Pavement Markings & Signage Potential Safety Enhancement Evaluate the impacts of adding an eastbound left turn lane to help alleviate queues Evaluate signal head distance from stop lines to provide maximum visibility for drivers Evaluate adding signal heads (post-mounted) for increased visibility at the study area intersection Evaluate land use signs and additional lane use markings at the Hobbs Brook Plaza approach to help guide drivers to their desired lane Provide additional arrow and left/right turn only markings on the southbound approach to account for the visibility issues. Ensure that all signage at the plaza approach is not obstructed by vegetation to maximize driver awareness Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Low MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low Town of Sturbridge Medium Short-Term Low Town of Sturbridge Low Short-Term Medium Town of Sturbridge Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Sturbridge Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low Town of Sturbridge Route 20 at Fiske Hill Road/Picker Road Roadway Geometry & Sight Distance Roadway Geometry & Sight Distance Roadway Geometry & Sight Distance Roadway Geometry & Sight Distance Signage Issues Evaluate the traffic impacts of adding an exclusive eastbound left turn lane Evaluate the intersection geometry to help improve sight distance for all approaches Evaluate the left turn restriction on the Fiske Hill Road approach and consider restricting the through movements to Picker Road Evaluate signal warrant analysis at the intersection to determine if signal control is warranted Evaluate sign locations and the mounted heights within the splitter islands at the Fiske Hill Road approach to improve sight distance for exiting vehicles Route 20 at Route 49 Page 27 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Geometry Geometry Geometry Geometry Signage Issues Signage Issues Traffic Signal Traffic Signal Traffic Signal Traffic Signal Potential Safety Enhancement Remove the existing yield sign for the southbound right turn lane and replace with a larger yield signs on both sides of the lane Evaluate the safety impacts, if any, of replacing the yield control with full stop control. Consider installing yield control pavement markings for the off-ramp Evaluate the benefits of redesigning the southbound right turn geometry creating an intersecting angle closer to 90 degrees and including the operation of the lane as part of the traffic signal and enforcing a no right turn on red condition Replace/add MassDOT standard guide signage for the Route 49 southbound approach at appropriate decision points Evaluate the signal ahead warning signage for all approaches Evaluate adding signal heads (post-mount) for increased visibility at the study area intersection for all approaches Evaluate impacts of signal retiming of change and clearance intervals with dilemma zone detection to reduce the number of vehicles being caught in a situation where it may be difficult for a vehicle to decide to stop or proceed through the intersection Consider altering geometry to tighten turns at the study area intersection as a long term goal Ensure adding a U-turn option for the eastbound direction can accommodate all vehicles Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT High Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Page 28 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix A. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Participating Audit Team Members Date: January 5, 2014 Audit Team Members Location: Sturbridge Public Safety Complex, Sturbridge, MA Phone Number 508-459-3314 508-929-3887 Agency/ Affiliation Email Address Kevin Krasnecky CMRPC Alolade Campbell MassDOT District 3 Traffic Safety Rick Handfield MassDOT Projects Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Traffic Safety Joe Frawley MassDOT District 3 Traffic 508-929-3864 857-368-9634 508-929-3916 Dan Daniska CMRPC Greg Morse Town of Sturbridge DPW Director 508-459-3331 508-347-2515 Thomas Ford Town of Sturbridge Chief of Police 508-347-2518 David Zinther Town of Sturbridge Fire Chief Gerald Powers Walk Bike Worcester Amy West Walk Bike Worcester Alex Lacouture McMahon Associates Phil Viveiros McMahon Associates 508-347-2519 508-868-8268 508-795-0284 508-823-2245 508-823-2245 Road Safety Audit—Charlton Road (Route 20) Corridor – Sturbridge, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix B. Detailed Crash Data SYMBOLS ------. Movln9 v.hlde -«f-+ IIGclolng ...... . - - - - · NDn-1.....- ...... . ~ ~n COLLISION DIAGRAM A TYPES OF CRASH ------______.. ___/ ~ ~llqde ~ Animal ~ ~iii Pa.-! D n.- ObJ-et ~ v.tllcl. .-an Rooar End STURBRIDGE. MA 0 Chartton Road (Route 20) Injury Angle Turning~ Sid--­ out"' SEVERITY Colma !tight llme Craoh 0F'­ at Wendy's Plaza REGION: CMRPC ... - -.mD< 4/18/IIHD-7/11/2014 -IM-­ IOURCEOF-REPIIIIII<-....-~---~ DIIOt: - 11/4/211114 Residence #226 - 1n 10·~ 7\::! 24c 3 4@@7 ®@12 15 16 @@21@26 27 28 29 30 Heritage XtraMart #215 25-_..r r 1 8 -..... 14 22 "\ .. .;\ - ® \ '\ 20 ' Cracker Barrel #215 Wendy's #211 Crash Data Summary Table Charlton Road at Wendy's Plaza, Sturbridge, MA 4/15/2010-7/16/2014 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y Time of Day 1 4/15/10 Thursday 11:01 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Over-correcting/over-steering 23 2 5/16/10 Sunday 2:28 PM Head on Daylight Dry Distracted 21 3 11/27/10 Saturday 4:30 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Dark - lighted roadway Dry Failed to yield right of way 59 28 4 1/11/11 Tuesday 6:33 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 21 52 5 1/15/11 5/10/11 6/3/11 Saturday 7:25 PM 7:37 AM 4:27 PM Angle Dark - roadway not lighted Other Wet Other improper action Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 25 21 50 70 28 64 Crash Diagram Ref # 6 7 Tuesday Friday Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Clear Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 Comments V1 lost control traveling east. Hit the guard rail on the opposite side of the road and continued to rotate after the collision. Hit and run. The operator of V1 was pulling out onto Rt. 20 and couldn't see the oncoming car and pulled out more causing the crash. No narrative. From the diagram, it seems that V1 tried to go straight from a right turn only lane then hit V2, which was turning left. Based off the Crash Diagram, V1's vision may have been blocked by a turning car before attempting to proceed onto Rt. 20 WB. The V1 operator didn't see any vehicles except one pulling into the plaza. She accelerated to exit and was struck by V2 going EB. Possible black ice prevented the stop. V1 turning left onto Rt. 20 struck V2 going EB. Both cars appeared totalled. Vision obstructed by turning vehicle. Vision obstructed by trailor driving in front of the vehicle that was hit. Driver that caused accident left the scene. V1(motorcycle) traveling EB was struck by V2 turning left onto Rt. 20. An unkown vehicle in right turn only lane waved V1 to exit Wendy's. V1 then pulled out and struck V2. Operator of V1 left the scene. V1 going EB was struck by V2 turning left. V1 fell into the westbound lanes after the crash. V1 was in a turn only lane with her turn signal on, but continued straight into V2 as he was turning left onto Rt. 20. 10/14/11 Friday 4/15/12 Sunday 7:06 AM 4:04 PM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 9 Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 17 59 64 23 10 5/16/12 Wednesday 12:16 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 17 43 11 5/28/12 Monday 4:43 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 24 30 12 7/14/12 Saturday 11:30 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 58 27 13 7/23/12 Monday 2:03 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry 57 28 V1 going WB struck V2 turning left onto Rt. 20 WB. 14 10/19/12 Friday 10:07 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. 46 V1 was cut off by an unknown vehicle turning left onto Rt. 20 WB. V1 50 swerved out the way and sideswiped with V2. 15 11/8/12 9:56 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Slush Failed to yield right of way 31 43 Slush from earlier snow storm prevented a stop. 16 11/14/12 Wednesday 7:16 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 43 45 V1 was pulling out onto Rt. 20 WB and was struck by V2 17 11/18/12 Sunday 2:02 PM Head on Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 75 18 11/25/12 Sunday 6:17 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 23 19 12/3/12 Monday 7:28 AM Angle Daylight Clear Wet Inattention 63 20 1/3/13 Thursday 11:55 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 23 21 2/14/13 Thursday 4:40 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 51 22 2/23/13 Saturday 3:11 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 18 62 V1 was turning left onto Rt. 20 WB, struck by V2, who had right of way. V1 turning left into Wendy's, V2 going EB. Vehicle that was hit must have been traveling WB based on narrative context, but was written as traveling 49 east, likely a typo. V1 followed 2-3 other cars pulling onto route 20 when stuck by V2, traveling EB. V1 driver ejected and badly injured. V2 driver knocked unconscious and 52 drove into Wendy's sign. Chest pain caused driver to crash into a snow bank (Chest pain not caused by accident). Driver said he slowed down following the pain, but does not remember how the crash happened. V1 was turning onto Rt. 20 WB and did not see V2 traveling EB. V2 17 attempted to swerve out of the way, but could not avoid colliding. V1's vision obstructed by turning vehicles. V1 was turning onto Rt. 20 WB 73 and was struck by V2. 23 5/27/13 Monday 1:35 PM Angle Daylight Other Dry Inattention 76 24 8/30/13 Friday 9:19 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 66 V1's vision obstructed by turning vehicle. V1 was turning onto Rt. 20 WB and 65 was struck by V2. One car entering parking lot from westbound while another was leaving 27 parking lot to west. 25 10/26/13 Saturday 4:35 PM Head on Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 47 V2 attempted to make a left turn into Wendy's from WB, but collided ghead 71 on with V1 traveling EB. 26 12/12/13 Thursday 5:46 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 34 67 V1 going EB was struck by V2 turning left onto Rt. 20 WB. 8 Thursday Crash Data Summary Table Charlton Road at Wendy's Plaza, Sturbridge, MA 4/15/2010-7/16/2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 Comments 27 12/29/13 Sunday 1:25 AM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 24 The operator of V1 stated that V2 was in the right turning lane with her right directional activated, the operator of V2 denied this. V2 going EB was struck 56 by V1 turning left onto Rt. 20 WB. 28 5/15/14 Thursday 5:33 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 33 V1 did not see V2 and began to turn onto Rt. 20 WB. V2 was unable to stop 49 in time. 29 5/17/14 Saturday 3:40 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 16 58 V2 was traveling EB and was struck by V1 who was exiting Xtramart. 30 7/16/14 Wednesday 9:37 AM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Other improper action 34 53 V1 did not see V2 and began to turn onto Rt. 20 WB. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Sturbridge Police Department and State Police. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Road at Wendy's Plaza, Sturbridge, MA CRASH MONTH 23% 25% 20% 17% 15% 10% 10% 10% 10% 7% 7% 3% 5% 3% 0% 0% J 10% F 0% M A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 20% 20% 15% 20% 17% 13% 13% 10% 10% 7% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 30% 20% 27% 17% 17% 10% 10% 7% 7% 7% 3% 0% 3% 3% 0% 6AM- 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM- 4PM4PM- 6PM6PM- 8PM 2PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 0% 12AM­ 2AM- 4AM4AM- 6AM 2AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 80% 70% 60% 40% 20% 0% 7% Single Vehicle Crash 7% 3% Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet - Wendy's Plaza.xlsx Angle 3% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 3 of 4 10% 0% Head on 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/12/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Road at Wendy's Plaza, Sturbridge, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 80% 17% Daylight 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 3% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 0% 7% 0% Other Blowing sand, snow 0% Severe Crosswinds Snow Rain Cloudy 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% 0% Unknown 10% Fog, Smog, Smoke 17% Clear 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 66% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 80% 17% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 3% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 26% 21% 20% 10% 0% 14% 9% 12% 9% 9% 0% 15-20 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet - Wendy's Plaza.xlsx 30-39 40-49 50-59 4 of 4 60-69 70-79 80+ 11/12/2014 SYMBOLS ------. Moving v.hlde IIGclolng ....... -«f-+ - - - - · NDn-1.....- .,.,. . ~ ~n ~= COLLISION DIAGRAM 8 D n.- ObJ-et v.tllole Charlton Road (Rt.20) ~ .,I{ 718 !A= 5 21 / 14 0 :I: ~3·111-- SEVERITY Sturbridge, MA Rooar End Charlton Road (Route 20) ____/ ~· ~ ~ out"' Road 1M: PD0D -.mD< III/11,12111G - Gl/10/11114 IOURCEOF_REPIIIIII< _ _ ............ - . , . . _ Colma ftlght 11,. Craoh at Hall REGION: CMRPC Turning~ ~ Pa.-! *NOT TO SCALE J11 ______.. ~Sid. . ~iii 14 TYPES OF CRASH ------­ ._an DIIOt: 11/IMIJD14 -IM-IIong Crash Data Summary Table Hall Road at Charlton Road, Sturbridge, MA 02/12/2010 - 01/10/2014 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 2/12/10 4:23 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Driving too fast for conditions 43 18 V1 slowed down to take a left into 200 Charlton Rd. V2 operator was not paying attention and struck V1. 2 12/21/10 Tuesday 3:50 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 18 59 *Courtesy Crash Crash Diagram Ref # Friday Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 D3 Comments D4 D5 3 6/24/11 Friday 2:44 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Visibility Obstructed 45 62 4 6/27/11 Monday 7:04 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 33 17 V1 was an escort vehicle for a TT (uninvolved). V1 was attempting to help the TT to turn left out of the driveway of New England Truck Stop. The TT pulled up next to V1 and obstructed V1's view. V1 was then struck by V2. V2 was attemtping to make right turn out of the New England Truck Stop driveway but failed to yield for the oncoming EB traffic on Rt. 20, and was struck by a motorcycle. 5 8/15/11 Monday 7:19 PM Rear-end Dusk Rain Wet Other improper action 32 56 V1 was in the left turn only lane and was struck by V2 from behind. 6 8/21/11 Sunday 5:08 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 20 40 V1 rear-ended V2 because V1 did not realize that operator of V2 had stopped before turning onto Rt. 20. V1 turned left from the left travel lane onto Hall Road and was going to turn onto the wrong side of roadway of Hall Rd. V1 struck V2 while correcting the direction to enter the proper entrance to Hall Rd. 7 11/3/11 Thursday 2:24 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 75 55 8 1/12/12 Thursday 2:38 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Wet Distracted 43 44 9 2/21/12 Tuesday 2:17 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 21 32 10 4/2/12 Monday 3:15 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 84 21 11 5/25/12 Friday 3:06 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 57 43 Traffic came to a sudden stop. V1 failed to yield to WB traffic while making a left turn. There was a large volume of traffic at the time of the crash. 12 6/30/12 Saturday 11:12 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 56 54 V1 (TT) pulled out to center of the road to turn left onto Charlton Rd. WB. V2 (motorcycle) traveling EB was not paying attention and struck V1. 13 7/27/12 Friday 12:32 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Operating defective equiptment 56 14 8/21/12 Tuesday 7:51 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 88 61 15 9/6/12 Thursday 3:04 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 47 UNK 16 10/4/12 Thursday 5:34 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 46 50 17 10/19/12 Friday 4:23 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Driving too fast for conditions 55 42 18 10/25/12 Thursday 7:17 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 58 55 19 1/21/13 Monday 3:49 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Followed too closely 46 20 20 3/17/13 Sunday 3:43 AM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 41 UNK 21 6/28/13 Friday 2:58 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Driving too fast for conditions 19 31 22 10/4/13 Friday 1:19 PM Rear-end Rain Wet Followed too closely 25 36 23 11/12/13 Tuesday 9:57 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Clear Dry No Improper Driving 44 24 12/19/13 Thursday 11:01 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 56 25 1/10/14 2:53 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Daylight Cloudy Wet Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 20 Friday V1 operator was using cell phone and struck V2. Operator of V2 thought that V1 had entered Rt. 20 and proceeded forward to check traffic and ended up rear-ending V1. V1 hit the guardrail due to the vehicle mechanical failure. V1 was not paying attention and sideswiped V2 on the right hand side. V1 rear-ended by an unknown vehicle. Hit and run crash. Operator of V1 thought that V2 had entered Rt. 20 and proceeded forward ended up rear-ending V2. V1 stopped to turn left into the Mole Hollow Candles driveway. V2 tried to stop but slid into the rear of V1. V1 (WB) failed to yield to the EB traffic while making a left turn onto Hall Rd. Operator of V2 claims that his foot slipped off the brake and then he rearended V1. An unknown truck (V2) sideswiped V1 while V1 was attemtping to make a right turn into New England Truck Stop. Hit and run crash. 39 23 V1 was in the left turn only lane and was struck by V2 from behind. V1 was traveling WB and stopped suddenly to avoid a collision with a left turning uninvolved vehicle and was rear-ended by V2 and V3. V1 then crossed the double yellow line into oncoming traffic. As a result, V4 (EB) swerved to get out of way of V1 but ended up sideswiping V5 who was 35 traveling in the right EB lane. V1 struck a deer. 24 *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Sturbridge Police Department and State Police. V1 pulled out from Hall Rd. and was not paying attention to the EB traffic. V1 drove off the roadway, took down a highway sign and struck an parked UHaul vehicle. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Hall Road at Charlton Road, Sturbridge, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 15% 16% 16% 12% 10% 12% 8% 5% 4% 4% 4% M A M 4% 8% 8% N D 4% 0% J F J J A S O CRASH DAY OF WEEK 40% 32% 30% 20% 24% 16% 16% 10% 0% 4% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8% Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 60% 44% 40% 20% 0% 8% 6AM- 8AM 0% 8AM­ 10AM 8% 8% 10AM­ 12PM 16% 8% 4% 0% 0% 4% 0% 12PM­ 2PM- 4PM4PM- 6PM6PM- 8PM 2PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 12AM­ 2AM- 4AM4AM- 6AM 2AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 48% 32% 8% Single Vehicle Crash 8% Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet - Hall Road.xlsx Angle 4% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 0% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/12/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Hall Road at Charlton Road, Sturbridge, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 88% Daylight 0% 4% 4% 4% 0% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 68% 60% 0% 0% Other 0% Unknown 0% Blowing sand, snow 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Cloudy Clear 0% 20% Rain 12% 20% Snow 40% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 72% 60% 40% 28% 20% 0% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 25% 17% 20% 10% 0% 25% 15% 8% 15-20 4% 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet - Hall Road.xlsx 30-39 40-49 50-59 3 of 3 60-69 2% 70-79 4% 80+ 11/12/2014 ?lmi!l§Q9.T .......,1111111.. COLLISION DIAGRAM c SYMBOLS ------. Movln9 v.hlde TYPES OF CRASH ------______.. -«f-+ IIGclolng ....... - - - - · NDn-1.....- .,.,. . ~ ~ ~n ___/ IIII¥H ~ Animal ~ ~iii Pa.-! D n.- ObJ-et ~ v.tllole SEVERITY .-an 0F'­ Turning~ Sid--­ out"' Charlton Raad (Route 20) Injury Angle 1111[ - -.Tl!DI 4/7/m10 - 7/11/11114 fiF- - - I'IU:E IIEPMIIIEIIT- llllli1E l'aJCE 11/4/211114 -!Mimi­ DIIOt: - !tight llme Craoh at Gifford Raad REGION: CMRPC 101.111:£ Colma MA Sturbridge, 0 Rooar End DENRIIIEII1' I "' •NOT TO SCALE ALSCO Industries, Inc. #174 Charlton Road (Route 20) 15 4 .. 14 3 17 14 1 4 5 6 @14 ! 14 _J t ---IIJIIM--...... 11) __/ 16 21~ ~ ~ 10@ 19 20 IJII _ _7_~ 2®® II) ~ I Neal Law Office #175 I Penney's Appliances a: Lawn #171 I Baa;~9Gaa I Crash Data Summary Table Charlton Road (Route 20) and Gifford Road, Sturbridge, MA 4/7/2010 - 7/18/2014 Crash Diagram Ref # 1 2 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Wednesday 4/7/10 12/23/10 Thursday 5:10 PM Manner of Collision Type Rear-end Light Condition Type Daylight Weather Condition Type Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Dry Followed too closely 4:53 PM Angle Dark - roadway not lighted Clear Dry Time of Day No Improper Driving D1 D2 Ages D3 38 45 56 24 3 4/13/11 Wednesday 5:55 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Followed too closely 43 24 4 5/6/11 Friday 9:19 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 56 44 5 8/3/11 Wednesday 10:38 AM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 18 69 6 7 8 8/14/11 Sunday 11/23/11 Wednesday 11/23/11 Wednesday 6:10 PM 1:04 PM 3:46 PM Rear-end Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Cloudy Wet Dry Wet Inattention Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way 41 79 68 17 57 43 9 10 12/10/11 Saturday 12/16/11 Friday 1:18 PM 4:44 PM Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Visibility Obstructed Inattention 64 62 39 85 11 12 12/31/11 Saturday 11/25/12 Sunday 12:21 PM 2:12 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Fog, Smog, Smoke Clear Wet Dry Failed to yield right of way No Improper Driving 61 57 57 26 13 5/29/13 Wednesday 9:08 AM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Driving too fast for conditions 32 39 14 6/2/13 Sunday 2:54 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 31 46 15 6/27/13 Thursday 12:40 PM Rear-end 16 17 7/18/13 Thursday 11/14/13 Thursday 10:25 PM 12:41 PM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Comments D4 V1 slowed to turn left into gas station and was rear-ended. V1 was attempting to turn left into gas station, found an opening in traffic and proceeded to turn across EB lanes. V2 was traveling EB and struck V1 as it was turning across EB right lane. Uninvolved vehicle slammed on brakes to turn into gas station. V1 was able to stop in time but was rear-ended by V2 that was not able to stop in time. V1 was attempting to take a left turn into gas station and was rear-ended by V2. V1 was attempting to take a left turn into gas station and was rear-ended by V2. V1 was attempting to take a left turn into gas station and was rear-ended by V2. Courtesy crash. V1 exiting gas station. Courtesy crash. V1 entering gas station. Courtesy crash, V1 entering gas station. As a result of crash, V2 (traveling EB) slid off roadway and struck light pole. Courtesy crash V1 made an unsafe lane change from the LTL into the RTL where V2 was traveling. V1 rear-ended by V2 while stopped waiting to take a left turn from LTL. Uninvolved vehicle waiting to take a left hand turn into 174 Charlton Rd. V2 was able to stop in time but was rear-ended by V1. Uninvolved vehicle waiting to take a left hand turn into Alsco Industries. V1 was able to stop in time but was rear-ended by V2. 35 V2 saw V1 approaching quickly and attempted to change lanes, but was struck in the rear by V1. V1 spun clockwise, crossed into EB lane, and was 29 struck by V3. V1 continued sliding and struck the rear of V4. 45 V2 was stopped due to traffic and was rear-ended by V1. Courtesy crash, collision pushed V1 (attempting left turn into gas station)backwards into V3, which then rear-ended V4. V3 and V4 were 46 stopped in the EB lane in heavy traffic. Rain Wet Driving too fast for conditions 28 46 Clear Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Inattention 20 83 24 60 30 56 86 27 *Courtesy crash. There was heavy traffic at the time of crash. V1 did not see V2, who was trying to turn into gas station. Operator of V1 may have been operating under the influence of prescription medicartion. 18 11/30/13 Saturday 1:54 PM Head on Daylight Clear Dry 19 12/24/13 Tuesday 10:01 AM Sideswipe, opposite direction Daylight Clear Dry Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 20 3/19/14 Wednesday 7:39 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 58 47 21 5/15/14 Thursday 2:35 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 73 50 22 7/18/14 Friday 8:45 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 60 V1 (turning out of Gifford Rd) did not see V2 approaching. V1 was cut off and turned right sooner than she wanted to avoid collision with univolved vehicle. V1 entered a ditch before the entrance of 175 Charlton Rd. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Sturbridge Police Department and State Police. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Road (Route 20) and Gifford Road, Sturbridge, MA CRASH MONTH 25% 23% 23% N D 20% 14% 15% 9% 10% 9% 9% 5% 5% 0% 9% 0% 0% J F M A M J J A 0% 0% S O CRASH DAY OF WEEK 40% 32% 30% 23% 20% 10% 0% 14% 14% 14% Friday Saturday Sunday 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday CRASH TIME OF DAY 27% 30% 18% 20% 18% 14% 10% 0% 9% 5% 5% 5% 0% 6AM- 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM- 4PM4PM- 6PM6PM- 8PM 2PM 8PM­ 10PM 0% 10PM­ 12AM 0% 0% 12AM­ 2AM- 4AM4AM- 6AM 2AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 50% 32% 5% Single Vehicle Crash 5% Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet - Gifford Road.xlsx Angle 5% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 5% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/12/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Road (Route 20) and Gifford Road, Sturbridge, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 91% Daylight 0% 0% 5% 5% 0% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 68% 60% 40% Other Severe Crosswinds 0% Unknown 0% 0% Blowing sand, snow 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke Rain 5% 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Cloudy Clear 0% 18% 9% Snow 20% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 73% 60% 40% 27% 20% 0% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 21% 20% 10% 0% 17% 17% 15% 15% 4% 15-20 4% 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet - Gifford Road.xlsx 30-39 40-49 50-59 3 of 3 60-69 70-79 6% 80+ 11/12/2014 SYt.iBOLS ------. Movln9 v.hlde TYPES OF CRASH ------­ -«f-+ IIGclolng ....... ______.. - - - - · NDn-1.....- .,.,. . ~ ~n tf\llqde COLLISION DIAGRAM D ~ Animal ~iii Pa.-! D n.- ObJ-et ___/ ~ ~ v.tllcl. ~ SEVERITY .-an Charttan Raad (Route 20) Injury Angle 0F'­ Turning~ Sid--­ out"' Sturbridge, MA 0 Rooar End at Habb8 Broak Plaza REGION: Ct.tRPC ... - -Y21D< 1/UIIIHD-7/14/2014 -IM-­ IOURCEOF-REPIIIIII<-....-~---~ Colma DIIOt: - !tight llme Craoh 1Q/:11/JID14 sturbridge Antique stont #128 LJ t,__ :-v­ 21 @23@ 1 4 7 !A= 12 16 II) 11)1 4 14 IJJII .,. 11)1 14 .,. 6 Charlton Rood (Route 20) D...,__@ ., ""' 28 4 14 3 511 •4--14 ......- ­ 27 014-4- ­ Crash Data Summary Table Charlton Road (Route 20) at Hobbs Plaza, Sturbridge, MA 01/22/2010 - 7/14/2014 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 1/22/10 Friday 9:10 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet Other improper action 30 51 V2 (TT) attempting to turn right on the middle lane (left turn only), V1 on the right lane did not pay attention of V2's signal, V1 stuck by V2 while turning. 2 1/30/10 Saturday 3:22 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Cloudy Ice No Improper Driving 44 38 V2 on the middle lane slide onto V1 due to the ice road surface. 3 3/14/10 Sunday 12:21 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 45 27 4 6/3/10 Thursday 5:22 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Driving too fast for conditions 45 44 5 7/23/10 Friday 6:05 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Followed too closely 25 47 6 8/9/10 Monday 1:43 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Driving too fast for conditions 24 61 7 12/2/10 Thursday 5:18 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 61 UNK 8 12/5/10 Sunday 6:15 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - roadway not lighted Other Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 98 19 9 5/12/11 Thursday 12:33 AM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - roadway not lighted Clear Dry Inattention 31 10 6/15/11 Wednesday 10:18 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 28 51 11 8/21/11 Sunday 4:54 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 21 56 12 12/29/11 Thursday 10:48 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 82 51 13 1/26/12 Thursday 4:15 PM Angle Dusk Cloudy Dry Driving too fast for conditions 24 30 14 Saturday Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Rain Wet Illness 40 52 25 Sunday 1:57 PM 2:33 PM Rear-end 15 3/31/12 4/22/12 16 6/23/12 Saturday 7:39 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Operating defective equiptment 56 36 17 7/24/12 Tuesday 8:03 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 57 53 18 8/3/12 Friday 9:56 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry No Improper Driving 19 9/8/12 Saturday 4:48 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Rain Wet Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 V2 failed to change lanes from right to left and stuck V1 from behind, due to the poor rain visibility. Rear vehicle unable to stop on wet pavement. V1 (turck with near max load) did not stop in time stuck the guardrail and rear ended V2. Speeding V1 sideswipped without stopping while V2 was slowing at the intersection. Both V1 and V2 exiting plaza east, V1 in the middle lane drifted into V2 in the right lane. Trailer struck guard rail. Water bottle fell under rear driver's break pedal. 35 V1 operator oversteer and lost control of the vehicle, crossed 5 lanes stuck V2 on the EB, V2 then hits the guardrail. Illness operator. 60 Rear car pushed middle car into front car, due to low brake fluid level. Truck hit deer. UNK 55 Comments D3 68 V1 in the middle lane drifted into V2 in the right lane causing V2 to hit guard rail. V1 and V2 never made contact. 20 9/28/12 Friday 2:15 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 43 20 V2 was in the middle lane, waiting to merge into a turn lane (the middle lane has green light, but red for turn lane), It was rear ended by V1, and V2 got pushed into the turning lane and stuck V3. V2 then continued spin crossed 42 the WB lanes and into the antique store parking lot. 21 12/1/12 Saturday 10:29 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Snow Snow Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 28 37 V1 slow down and lost traction, stuck V2 on the left lane and pushed V2 into the EB. 22 Saturday Daylight Snow Wet Driving too fast for conditions Friday 8:49 AM 11:07 AM Rear-end 23 2/16/13 3/8/13 Rear-end Daylight Snow Snow Driving too fast for conditions 32 48 29 24 24 8/14/13 Wednesday 2:52 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 45 28 25 3/12/14 Wednesday 2:34 PM Angle Daylight 26 4/11/14 Friday 11:57 PM Single Vehicle Crash 27 4/11/14 Friday 11:57 PM 28 7/14/14 Monday 5:18 PM Dry Failed to yield right of way 50 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 17 Hits debris that an unknown vehicle had dropped. Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 24 Hits debris that an unknown vehicle had dropped. Rear-end Daylight Dry Inattention 40 Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Sturbridge Police Department and State Police. Cloudy Clear 16 V1 was in the right travel lane attempting to make a U-turn across the left lane, V2 stuck onto V1. 27 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Road (Route 20) at Hobbs Plaza, Sturbridge, MA CRASH MONTH 14% 15% 14% 14% 11% 11% 11% 11% 10% 7% 4% 5% 4% 0% J F M A M J J A S 0% 0% O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 25% 21% 18% 20% 14% 11% 10% 7% 4% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 30% 21% 18% 20% 14% 11% 10% 7% 7% 7% 7% 4% 0% 4% 0% 6AM- 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM- 4PM4PM- 6PM6PM- 8PM 2PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 0% 12AM­ 2AM- 4AM4AM- 6AM 2AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 54% 21% 18% 7% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet - Hobbs Plaza.xlsx Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 0% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/12/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Road (Route 20) at Hobbs Plaza, Sturbridge, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 75% 60% 40% 14% 20% 0% Daylight 0% 4% Dawn Dusk 7% Dark ­ Lighted Roadway Dark ­ Roadway not lighted 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 43% 21% 21% 11% Other Severe Crosswinds 0% Unknown 4% 0% Blowing sand, snow 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke Snow Rain Cloudy 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Clear 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 80% 60% 61% 40% 29% 20% 0% Dry Wet 7% 4% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 27% 21% 20% 10% 0% 19% 15% 8% 6% 4% 0% 15-20 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet - Hobbs Plaza.xlsx 30-39 40-49 50-59 3 of 3 60-69 70-79 80+ 11/12/2014 ?lmi!l§Q9.T .......,DIIIIIan COLLISION DIAGRAM E SYMBOLS ------. Movln9 v.hlde -«f-+ IIGclolng ....... - - - - · NDn-1.....- .,.,. . ~ ~n ~ ~iii D TYPES OF CRASH ------______.. ___/ IIII¥H ~ Animal ~ Pa.-! v.tllole n.- ObJ-et ~ .-an SEVERITY Charlton Road (Route 20) Injury Angle 0F'­ Turning~ Sid--­ out"' Sturbridge, 0 Rooar End Colma MA Hill Road and Picker Road REGION: CMRPC 1111[ - 101.111:£ DIIOt: - !tight 11,. Craoh at Rllke -Tl!DI rA/21110 - l(a/JD14 fiF- - - I'IU:E IIEPMIIIEIIT- llllli1E l'aJCE .. DENRIIIEII1' 11/4/211114 -!Mimi­ \ •NOT TO SCALE Charlton Road (Route 20 Westbound) 14 s0 @22 @~.(" Charlton Road (Route 20 Eastbound) Crash Data Summary Table Route 49 at Route 20 (Charlton Road), Sturbridge, MA 02/07/2010 - 05/11/2014 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 2/7/10 Sunday 11:04 AM Rear-end Daylight Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Dry Followed too closely 23 57 2 3/10/10 Wednesday 8:00 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry 42 39 3 5/25/10 Tuesday 9:06 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 23 26 V1 on route 20 ran a red light. 4 6/11/10 Friday 7:41 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 77 23 V2 following too close. 5 7/5/10 Monday 6:25 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 30 19 6 10/11/10 Monday 3:25 PM Rear-end Daylight Other Dry Followed too closely 39 25 V1 was not paying attention when V2 stopped at red light. 7 10/22/10 Friday 5:49 AM Rear-end Dawn Clear Dry Inattention 60 56 V1 slowed to yield to a tractor on route 20. 8 3/28/11 9:49 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 21 45 V1 attempted to merge off of Rte. 49 ramp, did not realize that V2 was still observing traffic and did not stop in time. 9 12/30/11 Friday 4:44 PM Rear-end Dusk Other Dry Other improper action 51 21 Occurred in the left turn lane. 10 3/18/12 Sunday 12:47 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 31 26 11 7/14/12 Saturday 12:57 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 19 19 12 8/11/12 Saturday 2:24 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Wet Followed too closely 42 24 13 8/11/12 Saturday 12:58 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Visibility Obstructed 83 25 14 8/16/12 Thursday 5:04 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 24 32 15 9/7/12 Friday 5:30 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 45 UNK 16 9/7/12 Friday 9:14 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 68 30 17 9/20/12 Thursday 8:39 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 20 27 18 12/1/12 Saturday 1:33 PM Rear-end Daylight Snow Wet Followed too closely 23 60 V1 sneezed and was unable to stop in time before colliding with V2. 19 12/15/12 Saturday 4:59 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Followed too closely 26 49 V1 observed traffic was clear and did not noice that V2 was stopped. 20 4/22/13 Monday 6:32 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 56 49 21 5/16/13 Thursday 3:08 PM Rear-end Daylight Other Dry Inattention 17 52 22 10/5/13 Saturday 12:41 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Followed too closely 47 62 23 11/25/13 Monday 7:50 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 25 25 24 12/19/13 Thursday 12:20 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Wet Inattention 20 80 V1 was watching traffic on the left to make a turn and did not realize that V2 had stopped. 25 5/11/14 12:37 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 19 89 Rear driver dropped his water bottle and took eyes off the road to reach it. Crash Diagram Ref # Monday Sunday Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Sturbridge Police Department and State Police. Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 D2 Ages D3 Comments D4 Sudden downpour of rain obstructed visibility. Unknown vehicle that was hit by V1 continued making a left hand u-turn and drove away. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Route 49 at Route 20 (Charlton Road), Sturbridge, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 16% 15% 12% 12% 12% 10% 12% 8% 4% 5% 0% 12% 4% 4% 4% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 20% 24% 20% 20% 16% 12% 10% 0% Monday 4% 4% Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 28% 30% 20% 10% 0% 16% 4% 6AM- 8AM 12% 16% 12% 4% 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 4% 12PM­ 2PM- 4PM4PM- 6PM6PM- 8PM 2PM 8PM­ 10PM 0% 0% 0% 10PM­ 12AM 4% 12AM­ 2AM- 4AM4AM- 6AM 2AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 96% 4% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet - Route 49.xlsx Angle 0% 0% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 0% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/12/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Route 49 at Route 20 (Charlton Road), Sturbridge, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 84% Daylight 4% 4% 8% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ Roadway not lighted Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 64% 0% Other Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Unknown 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Blowing sand, snow 4% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Cloudy 12% 4% Snow 4% Rain 12% Clear 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 84% 16% Dry Wet 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 37% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 12% 10% 14% 10% 8% 2% 15-20 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet - Route 49.xlsx 30-39 40-49 50-59 3 of 3 60-69 70-79 6% 80+ 11/12/2014 SYt.iBOLS ------. Movln9 v.hlde -«f-+ IIGclolng ...... . - - - - · NDn-1.....- ...... . ~ ~n tf\llqde COLLISION DIAGRAM F ~ TYPES OF CRASH ------­ ______.. ___/ ~ ~ Animal ~iii Pa.-! D n.- ObJ-et v.tllole ~ .-an Rooar End Sturbridge, 0 Charlton Road (Route 20) Injury Angle Turning~ Sid--­ out"' SEVERITY Colma ftlght 11,. Craoh 0F'- MA at Route 48 Region: CMRPC -.mD< I/7/71JIO -I/11/71J14 fiF- - - I'IU:E IIEPMIIIEIIT- llllli1E l'aJCE 1M: PDOD 101.1111:£ DENRIIIEII1' 1Q/211(JD14 DIIOt: - -!Mimi­ 4 ®18 25 1 257@10111214 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 @ 3 4 1111 U.S. Route 20 Westbound 9 l)il U.S. Route 20 Eastbound Crash Data Summary Table Charlton Rd. at Fiske Hill Rd. and Picker Rd., Strubridge, MA 2/8/2010 - 8/26/2014 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y Time of Day 1 2/8/10 Monday 12:33 PM Angle 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3/20/10 4/10/10 7/1/10 8/20/10 10/26/10 11/4/10 4/9/11 5/12/11 Saturday Saturday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Thursday 10:35 PM 1:07 PM 3:12 PM 8:44 AM 8:48 AM 1:28 PM 1:19 PM 11:53 AM 10 11 12 6/2/11 9/16/11 12/9/11 Thursday Friday Friday 13 1/13/12 14 Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 Comments Forced into shoulder by a vehicle that was entering the right lane. Driver lost control in snow and struck a traffic sign. No contact between vehicles. Clear Dry No Improper Driving 52 Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Rear-end Angle Angle Rear-end Angle Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry No Improper Driving Followed too closely Failed to yield right of way Other improper action No Improper Driving Failed to yield right of way Followed too closely Failed to yield right of way 20 28 82 58 30 29 28 77 6:42 PM 3:59 PM 8:19 AM Angle Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Inattention Inattention 64 45 63 Friday 11:08 AM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 68 2/22/12 Wednesday 12:16 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 51 15 16 17 18 19 4/6/12 4/17/12 4/25/12 7/19/12 10/6/12 Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 2:02 PM 4:44 PM 8:05 AM 3:36 PM 5:36 PM Angle Single Vehicle Crash Head on Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Failed to yield right of way Over-correcting/over-steering Failed to yield right of way Inattention Inattention 73 25 26 20 46 20 10/12/12 Friday 10:01 PM Sideswipe, same direction Dark - roadway not lighted Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Water (standing, moving) Inattention 28 21 11/16/12 Friday 6:42 PM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry No Improper Driving 34 22 12/20/12 Thursday 5:04 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Snow Failed to yield right of way 57 69 A witness stated that V2 going EB driving too fast. 23 24 25 2/6/13 3/28/13 6/25/13 8:18 PM 8:50 AM 7:56 AM Head on Sideswipe, opposite direction Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Cloudy Daylight Clear Dry Dry Dry Made an improper turn Other improper action Inattention 33 52 50 26 27 7/19/13 Friday 11/19/13 Tuesday 5:32 PM 2:24 PM Angle Head on Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way 73 18 28 29 30 31 32 12/21/13 12/24/13 5/7/14 7/25/14 8/26/14 12:07 PM 3:49 PM 5:11 PM 6:11 AM 4:34 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Single Vehicle Crash Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry No Improper Driving Inattention Other improper action Glare Failed to yield right of way 44 21 29 49 78 51 38 23 V1 stopped for traffic. V2 can't stop on time and rear-ended V1. Roll over with entrapment, victim freed by cutting roof off car, transported to 24 hospital by helicopter. 61 V1 was traveling in right lane, cut off by unknown vehicle, werved off the road, truck street sign, and was stuck in snow bank. 74 69 V1 (traveling WB) was a motorcycle. Traveled onto median and collided with DOT sign due to glare. 77 V1 (traveling SB) was a motorcycle. Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Sturbridge Police Department and State Police. Struck deer. 22 20 30 Operator whose car was rear-ended complained of back pain. UNK Struck vehicle that failed to yield to right of way. Hit and run 62 31 Rear-ended while slowing for traffic. 60 V1 struck V2 because V1 was unable to move into left lane when V2 entered 58 the roadway without proper caution. 28 V1 stopped twice for traffic and was rear-ended by V2. 30 V1 stopped twice for traffic and was rear-ended by V2. The operator of V1 stated that he looked at EB traffic and never saw the 41 vehicle in right lane. The operator of V2 stated she thought V1 was pulling out and took her foot 42 off the brake. Unknown vehicle was turning left onto Picker Road, V1 was turning left onto Fiske Hill Road. V2 was traveling east on Rt. 20 and struck V1, who could 37 not see V2 because of the unknown vehicle. Motorcycle braked too hard while turning and operator was ejected. 49 V1 was looking left to check traffic then rear-ended V2. 45 V1 was looking left to check traffic then rear-ended V2. 23 22 The operator of V1 stated V2 was in his blind spot. Struck deer Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Rd. at Fiske Hill Rd. and Picker Rd., Strubridge, MA CRASH MONTH 20% 16% 15% 9% 10% 5% 13% 13% 6% 6% 6% 9% 9% O N 6% 3% 3% 0% J F M A M J J A S D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 28% 30% 22% 19% 20% 16% 13% 10% 3% 0% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 19% 19% 19% 20% 16% 15% 10% 6% 6% 6% 5% 0% 6% 3% 0% 6AM- 8AM 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM 12PM­ 2PM- 4PM4PM- 6PM6PM- 8PM 2PM 8PM­ 10PM 10PM­ 12AM 0% 0% 12AM­ 2AM- 4AM4AM- 6AM 2AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 38% 40% 31% 30% 20% 16% 9% 10% 0% 3% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Crash Data Spreadsheet - Fiske Hill Road.xlsx Angle 3% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 2 of 3 0% Head on 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 11/12/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Charlton Rd. at Fiske Hill Rd. and Picker Rd., Strubridge, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 84% Daylight 0% 0% Dawn Dusk 9% 6% Dark ­ Lighted Roadway Dark ­ Roadway not lighted 0% 0% 0% Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 0% 0% Other 0% Unknown 0% Blowing sand, snow 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke Rain 0% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 6% Snow 9% Cloudy 84% Clear 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 88% Dry 6% 3% 0% Wet Snow Ice 3% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 40% 30% 30% 20% 10% 0% 14% 14% 14% 14% 11% 2% 15-20 2% 21-29 Crash Data Spreadsheet - Fiske Hill Road.xlsx 30-39 40-49 50-59 3 of 3 60-69 70-79 80+ 11/12/2014