ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor Town of Spencer April 2014 Prepared for: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared by: Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates 38 Chauncy Street Boston, MA 02111 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background .................................................................................................................................2 Project Data .................................................................................................................................4 Project Location Description .....................................................................................................5 Road Safety Audit Observations ...............................................................................................8 Corridor-Wide Observations ............................................................................................................... 9 Location 1: Route 31 at Howe Road ................................................................................................. 15 Location 2: Route 31 at Cranberry Meadow Road/Bacon Hill Road................................................ 17 Potential Safety Enhancements ...............................................................................................20 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 3 Route 31 (Charlton Road) at Howe Road............................................................................... 6 Route 31 (Charlton Road) at Cranberry Meadow Road/Bacon Hill Road ............................. 7 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 4 Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements ....................................................................... 21 Page 1 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Background The Road Safety Audit (RSA) focused on the segment of Route 31 in Spencer, Massachusetts, from just south of Vista Lane to the Charlton Town Line. The segment of Route 31 experienced 49 crashes in 1999-2004 plus 2008-2013, including three fatal crashes. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has determined that the Town of Spencer would be eligible to receive funding for resurfacing and other improvements for Route 31 under the High Risk Rural Roads (HRRR) program of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) if a RSA were conducted and the proposed design incorporated the safety improvements identified in the RSA. The HRRR program requires a roadway to be classified as a collector or local roadway in a rural area on which the crash rate for injury crashes or fatal crashes is higher than the statewide average. The RSA study area is illustrated in Figure 1. A roadway improvement project (MassDOT Project # 602991) was approved in 2003, and survey and conceptual design was completed in 2004-2005 in coordination with the Town of Spencer, MassDOT District 3, and an engineering consultant. However, at the time, MassDOT required the geometric safety issues (i.e. sag curves, etc., which can’t meet AASHTO requirements) to be addressed in the design. This significantly increased the cost of the project; in 2006, the project cost was between $6-8 million. Given the low AADT and high cost, the project does not score high enough on the TIP to gain approval; however, funding options are being explored. The project is tentatively scheduled to begin construction in Fall 2019, pending funding. In general, the RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of current and/or future design efforts for resurfacing/reconstruction. The short-term, low-cost potential improvements could be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to resurfacing, as appropriate. Page 2 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer, MA Locus Map VISTA LN. HO WE RD . TON RD .) ROUTE 3 1 (CHARL RSA Location SPENCER STATE FOREST EA ST LT O N RD. E ROUT HAR 31 (C RD.) LTON CH AR G RD. ROU TE 3 1 (CH AR LTO NR D.) SUNBER LL HI . RD . AD OW RD N CO BA RR Y Figure 1. Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. CRAN BE E M Not to scale. Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Project Data The audit team conducted an RSA for the Route 31 corridor between Vista Lane and the Charlton Town Line in Spencer, Massachusetts, on Thursday, April 10, 2014. The RSA agenda appears in Appendix A. Table 1 lists the audit team members and their affiliations. Appendix B provides contact information for all team members. Prior to the RSA, in order to begin assessing possible safety issues, the team reviewed collision diagrams and a crash detail summary based on crash records supplied by the Spencer Police Department for the corridor. Appendix C provides the detailed crash data for the study area. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Kevin Krasnecky Dan Daniska Dave Darrin Bob Parsons Michelle Buck Eben Butler Steven Tyler Thuong Phan Lola Campbell Rick Handfield Craig Roberts Corey O’Connor Ted Brovitz Mike Tremblay Agency/Affiliation Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) Town of Spencer Police Department Town of Spencer Fire Department Town of Spencer Town Planner Town of Spencer Highway Department Town of Spencer Highway Department/DPW MassDOT District 3 MassDOT District 3 Traffic MassDOT Highway Division MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates From 1999-2004 and 2008-2013, 49 crashes were reported along Route 31 between Vista Lane and the Charlton Town Line. Of the 49 crashes, 23 (or 48%) were single-vehicle crashes with fixed objects on the edge of the roadway. Ten crashes (20%) were angle-type crashes; ten (20%) were rear-end type crashes; four (8%) were sideswipe crashes, and two (4%) were head-on crashes. Most crashes occurred during daylight hours (63%). A significant number of crashes occurred on wet pavement (12%), snow (20%), ice (10%), or slush (5%). Nearly half (48%) of crashes involved motorists who were aged 15-29 years old, including 26% of drivers between the age of 15-20 years old. Eleven crashes resulted in personal injury, and three crashes resulted in a fatality. Page 4 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Project Location Description The RSA focused on Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) between Vista Lane and the Charlton Town Line in Spencer. Within the study area, Route 31, which falls under the jurisdiction of the Town of Spencer, is classified as an urban minor arterial north of Howe Road and as a rural major collector south of Howe Road. Route 31 runs north-south between the Connecticut State Line in Dudley to the south and the New Hampshire State Line in Ashby to the north. Within the Town of Spencer, Route 31 runs from the Charlton Town Line to the south, where it is called Charlton Road, to the Paxton Town Line to the north, where it is called North Spencer Road. Within the study area, Route 31 consists of one travel lane in each direction, and runs continuously without any traffic signals or stop signs. No sidewalks are provided in the study area south of Bemis Street, and no bicycle accommodations are provided along the corridor. Passing is generally not permitted along the corridor except for a short stretch in the vicinity of Howe Road; however, public safety officials stated that vehicles traveling faster along the corridor often illegally pass slower traveling vehicles using the opposing travel lane throughout the corridor. The RSA team also discussed two intersections along Route 31 that had unique safety issues compared to the rest of the corridor. Route 31 (Maple Street) at Howe Road is an unsignalized intersection with three approaches. The Howe Road stop-controlled eastbound approach consists of one travel lane in each direction. Howe Road is classified as a local road under the Town of Spencer’s jurisdiction. The Route 31 northbound and southbound approaches each consist of one travel lane in each direction. Howe Road intersects Route 31 from the southwest, creating an acute intersection angle. Passing is permitted on Route 31 in the vicinity of Howe Road. An aerial image of the intersection is shown in Figure 2. Route 31 (Charlton Road) at Cranberry Meadow Road/Bacon Hill Road is an unsignalized intersection with four approaches. The Cranberry Meadow Road stop-controlled eastbound approach and the Bacon Hill Road stop-controlled westbound approach each consists of one travel lane in each direction. Both Cranberry Meadow Road and Bacon Hill Road are classified as rural minor collectors and fall under the jurisdiction of the Town of Spencer. The Route 31 northbound and southbound approaches also consist of one travel lane in each direction. The intersection is located on a vertical curve; Cranberry Meadow Road intersects Route 31 at an upgrade, while Bacon Hill Road intersects Route 31 at a downgrade. An aerial image of the intersection is shown in Figure 3. Page 5 Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer, MA ROUTE 31 (CHA RLTON RD.) Figure 2. Route 31 (Charlton Road) at Howe Road D. R WE Not to scale. ROUTE 31 (CHA RLTON RD.) HO Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer, MA ROUT E 31 ( CHAR LTON RD.) Figure 3. Route 31 (Charlton Road) at Cranberry Meadow Road/Bacon Hill Road D. ILL R BACON H . OW RD D Y MEA NBERR CRA Not to scale. Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Observations Based on field observations on Thursday, April 10, 2014, the RSA team determined that the segment of Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) between Vista Lane and the Charlton Town Line in Spencer has the following issues that affect safety: � � � � � � � � � Travel speeds; Roadway geometry; Drainage; Signage; Lighting; Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations; Intersection geometry; Sight lines; and Intersection control. The following sections describe in more detail the safety issues and potential enhancements determined during the RSA. Several of these issues require further study and engineering judgment to determine the feasibility of implementing the improvements to address them. Page 8 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Corridor-Wide Observations The RSA team identified the following safety issues along the Route 31 corridor as a whole, including travel speeds, roadway geometry, drainage, signage, and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. Observations: Travel Speeds RSA participants indicated that speed is a significant safety issue on the corridor. Of the 49 crashes reported along the corridor, nine crash reports cited motorists driving erratically or driving too fast for the conditions or speed limit. Route 31 is a rural road that typically does not experience congestion, and there are no traffic signals or stop signs along Route 31 within the study area, so vehicles may often maintain fast speeds. High travel speeds may lead to severe crashes and out-of-control crashes along the corridor. Of the 49 crashes reported along the corridor, 17 crashes occurred when the motorist lost control of the vehicle, hitting a fixed object on the side of the roadway or another vehicle. These crashes typically involved speeds that exceeded the posted speed limit of 40 mph and/or occurred on a wet, snow-covered, or icy roadway surface. Passing is not permitted on Route 31, except for a 1,000­ foot section of the roadway in the vicinity of Howe Road, where passing is permitted. However, RSA team members stated that vehicles often use the opposing travel lane to pass on Route 31 despite the double yellow centerline (DYCL) dividing directions of travel on the corridor. Public safety officials attending the RSA stated that speed enforcement does occur on Route 31 when possible. Motorists are typically pulled over within the travel lane with the understanding that motorists will drive around the police vehicle in the opposite travel lane. Public safety officials did state that there are very few places for police vehicles to idle on public property and observe the speed of passing vehicles. RSA team members stated that additional enforcement is desired by public safety officials. Passing is permitted only in a small section of Route 31 south of Howe Road. space to idle and conduct speed Roadway Geometry Between Vista Lane and the Charlton Town Line, Route 31 contains a series of horizontal and vertical curves. These curves may obscure sight lines between motorists on the roadway and vehicles entering or exiting driveways or side streets. Vertical curves may also contribute to travel speeds on downgrades. There is no intersection warning signage on Route 31, and no Page 9 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. “Stop Ahead” signage on the stop-controlled intersecting roadways. Four crashes, including one fatal crash, involved vehicles that did not stop at a stop sign. There is no curb or paved shoulder along Route 31 within the study area. RSA participants observed that delivery vehicles often park on the side of the road to service residents along the corridor rather than parking in driveways, out of which it may be difficult to exit. One sideswipe crash was reported between a service vehicle and passenger vehicle driving southbound along Route 31 at 196 Charlton Road. Guardrails are provided on one or both sides of the roadway in areas where there is a significant drop-off in grade at the side of the roadway. These guard rails are often located within two feet of the edge of the paved roadway, which may increase the number of property damage only crashes as the roadway width is less “forgiving” in these areas. Four crashes involved vehicles that struck a guardrail, including one crash involving a motorist that lost control of their vehicle as a result of clipping the guardrail. Team members also noted that Guardrails along the corridor many guard rails do not have safe end treatments. Guard typically have unsafe end treatments. rails should be treated with an impact attenuator. The guardrails along the corridor typically do not have flared ends, and thus present a hazard for vehicles if they hit the end of the guardrail. Guardrails that recess into the ground without a flared end have a potential to lift vehicles off of the roadway, causing severe crashes. In locations with no guardrails, there is an inconsistent recovery area, where there are often trees, utility poles, rocks, mailboxes, or other objects located very close to the edge of the roadway. These objects may present safety issues, as many vehicles that depart the roadway hit these objects because they do not have sufficient recovery time before striking a fixed object. Nineteen of the 41 crashes involved vehicles hitting fixed objects on the side of the roadway. However, team members also stated that the objects may help to calm traffic, as they visually narrow the roadway and cause most drivers to drive more carefully. Team members noted that East Charlton Road intersects Route 31 from the southeast at an acute angle. This intersection angle allows East Charlton Street northwest-bound vehicles to enter Route 31 northbound at high speeds, while left-turning motorists must look over their left shoulder to see oncoming Route 31 northbound vehicles while watching for southbound vehicles. Similarly, Route 31 southbound vehicles may enter East Charlton Road at high speeds due to the geometry of the intersection. While no crashes were reported related to this observation, it was seen as a potential safety issue. Page 10 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Drainage RSA participants indicated that there is poor drainage and a lack of drainage infrastructure throughout the corridor. Most of Route 31 drains off the edge of the roadway; however, in some locations, closed drainage systems collect and discharge water into wetland areas. At the time of the RSA, the pavement along the Route 31 corridor within the study area was in very poor condition. As a result, the crown of the roadway is poorly defined, impacting drainage. This condition causes water and ice to build up on the pavement, contributing to some crashes. The pavement was in such poor condition that snow, ice, and water collect large potholes that are unreachable by snow plows. There are many locations where drainage from abutting properties flows into the roadway, creating unexpected wet or icy roadway surfaces. Many areas also lack a defined drainage swale to remove and keep water off the roadway. Of the 41 crashes, 20 occurred on a roadway surface that was described as snow, ice, slush, or wet pavement. Team members also noted that some sections of the closed drainage system may be blocked, negatively impacting its effectiveness, and that some of the swales on the sides of the roadway may be overgrown, reducing their capacity. Signage Street name signs are provided; however, they are relatively small, especially considering the 40 mph posted speed limit on Route 31. The street name signage may also be obscured by horizontal and vertical curves, as well as tree branches or other obstructions, in some locations. Team members also noted that curve warning signage is not provided along the corridor. Some of the out-of-control crashes along the corridor may have occurred in the vicinity of a horizontal curve. Delineation A lack of delineation was observed throughout the corridor. Delineation devices such as retroreflective pavement markings, recessed pavement markers, roadway edge reflectors, and guardrail reflectors are not provided anywhere along the corridor. The lack of delineation makes it difficult for drivers to comprehend where the edge of the roadway is, and makes it difficult for motorists to navigate the winding roadway, especially at night and during inclement weather. The lack of delineation also contributes to the single vehicle departure crashes. Lighting The lighting on the Route 31 corridor is inconsistent, and may be inadequate in some locations. Of the 12 crashes that occurred at night, seven were reported to have occurred on a lighted roadway, four were reported to have occurred on a non-lighted roadway, and one crash had unknown lighting conditions. Team members also noted that additional lighting at intersections may increase awareness of the intersections. Page 11 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities RSA participants observed that there are no bicycle and pedestrian facilities on the corridor except for a small section of sidewalk located on the east side of Route 31 between Vista Lane and Demers Drive. Team members stated that residents of the RSA participants expressed concern about cyclists/pedestrians on Route 31, particularly given the high vehicle travel speeds along the corridor and the history of speed related crashes where drivers lost control of the vehicle. Although no pedestrian or bicycle crashes were reported in the crash data, the concern of lacking pedestrian and bicycle accommodations was still raised during the RSA. Team members noted that pedestrians often walk along Route 31 to access the Spencer State Forest west of Route 31. Page 12 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. In the short-term, consider reinforcing the speed limit with new retroreflective speed limit signage. Consider placing signage at the bottom of vertical curves, and consider using oversize signage. 2. Consider using a speed display sign in areas where speeding is especially prominent. Radar speed signage should display the posted speed limit and the vehicle speed. If the vehicle speed exceeds the posted speed limit, the display should read “SLOW DOWN” to reinforce to motorists that they are exceeding the posted speed limit. 3. Consider the use of advanced curve warning signs with advisory speed signage in advance of horizontal curves. While not enforceable, advisory speed signage may alert motorists to a change in the roadway, causing them to drive more cautiously, while the advanced curve warning sign gives the motorist advanced notice on what to expect of the roadway ahead. 4. Consider the use of longitudinal rumble strips on Route 31 approaching hazardous horizontal curves or intersections to influence motorists to drive slower in these locations. Consider maintenance issues and noise that these may cause. 5. Consider the safety benefits of identifying safe passing zones along the corridor, and reconsider existing passing zones. Place “No Passing” signage in locations where passing is deemed unsafe. Section 3B.02 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) outlines where passing zones may be placed in relation to vertical and horizontal curves. 6. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, identify and provide locations where police can park and conduct traffic enforcement, including speed and passing violations, to help reduce the occurrence of speeding and reckless driving on the corridor. 7. Provide intersection warning signage on Route 31 with supplemental street name signs and “Stop Ahead” signage on stop-controlled intersecting roadways to alert motorists to the presence of the intersection. 8. Consider providing a paved shoulder to provide motorists with a recovery zone in case they depart the roadway. Mark the shoulder with a solid white edge line (SWEL) to guide motorists along the roadway and to help keep vehicles away from the guardrails. Consider using a 30-degree shoulder slope, or Safety Edge, as outlined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to reduce the occurrence of tire scrubbing, which often causes motorists to lose control of their vehicle. According to the FHWA, the Safety Edge may reduce the occurrence of crashes on two-lane highways by 6%. 9. Clear the edge of the roadway as much as possible to ease the hazard of fixed object crashes and to give motorists additional recovery room. 10. Replace unsafe fixed-end or buried guardrail end treatments with impact attenuators to reduce the chance of severe collisions with guardrails. Page 13 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. 11. Consider altering the geometry of the East Charlton Road northwest-bound approach to Route 31 to create a right-angle intersection, which would improve motorists’ sight lines to the south and force motorists entering or exiting East Charlton Street to do so at slower speeds. 12. Resurface the roadway with a defined crown to facilitate drainage and reduce the number of crashes that occur on wet, snowy, icy, or slushy pavement conditions. 13. Better define, construct, and maintain swales and closed drainage systems to increase the efficiency of the drainage system. 14. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider identifying locations to add additional drainage structures. Install subdrain in areas where appropriate. Consider impacts that roadway runoff may have on wetlands. 15. Provide delineation throughout the corridor. Thermoplastic and retroreflective pavement markings should be used in addition to recessed pavement markers along the DYCL. More delineation techniques may also be explored, including guardrail reflectors and yellow and white object markers (depending on which side of the road they are used). Object markers may be used according to Section 2C.65 of the MUTCD along stretches of roadway where it is particularly undesirable to leave the roadway edge. 16. Provide larger street name signage at intersections and provide street name placards on intersection warning signage so that motorists may prepare to make their turns in advance of the intersection. 17. Identify locations where additional lighting is needed and provide it as part of long-term reconstruction efforts. 18. Consider the safety benefits of providing additional lighting at intersections to draw motorist attention to the intersections. 19. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider providing a sidewalk on at least one side of the roadway to provide pedestrians with a safe location to walk along Route 31. 20. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider providing a shoulder of at least 4 feet on each side of the roadway to provide bicyclists with a safe location to ride their bicycle along the corridor and to provide motorists with a recovery zone in the event that they depart the roadway. Page 14 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Location 1: Route 31 at Howe Road The RSA team identified the following issues with regard to intersection geometry and sight lines at the intersection of Route 31 at Howe Road: Observations: Intersection Geometry Howe Road intersects Route 31 from the southwest at a skewed angle, and as a result, motorists turning left from Howe Road onto Route 31 northbound must look over their right shoulder for oncoming Route 31 northbound traffic while also watching for oncoming Route 31 southbound traffic. In addition to the skewed intersection angle, Route 31 northbound approaches the intersection at a significant downgrade. The vertical curve makes it more difficult for vehicles exiting Howe Road to see Route 31 northbound traffic. This issue is Howe Road approaches from the exacerbated by the upgrade on Howe Road approaching southwest at an acute angle. the intersection. The downgrade also makes it more difficult for Route 31 northbound vehicles to see Howe Road; of the eight crashes that occurred at the intersection, two were rear-end crashes between Route 31 northbound vehicles, and two were single-vehicle crashes involving Route 31 northbound left-turning vehicles that slid off the road due to an icy roadway surface. Each of these crashes indicate that motorists on the Route 31 northbound approach may not anticipate Howe Road as they approach the intersection. RSA participants also noted that the skewed intersection may cause Route 31 southbound vehicles to turn onto Howe Road at an excessive rate of speed. This may have contributed to two single-vehicle crashes involving Route 31 southbound vehicles approaching Howe Road. Motorists may maintain high speeds because they are not aware that they are approaching the intersection. Sight Lines Sight lines to the south of Howe Road are obscured by signs, trees, and a guardrail. RSA team members noted that trees, signs, and a guard rail in the southwest corner of the intersection may obscure sight lines to the south of the intersection, making it more difficult for Howe Road northwest-bound vehicles to turn left onto Route 31 northbound. This forces motorists to advance beyond the stop bar in order to get an adequate view of approaching Route 31 northbound traffic. The stop bar itself is set back in a location that also makes it difficult to see Route 31 southbound vehicles approaching the intersection. Page 15 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. Provide intersection warning signage along the Route 31 northbound and southbound approaches, equipped with street name placards for Howe Road, to help motorists anticipate the intersection as they approach Howe Road. 2. Move the location of the Howe Road street sign so it is more visible to Route 31 northbound vehicles. Consider using a larger street name sign. 3. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider realigning the Howe Road northeast-bound approach to form a right-angle intersection to improve sight lines for both Howe Road northeastbound vehicles and Route 31 northbound and southbound vehicles. 4. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider altering the profile of the intersection so that Howe Road intersects Route 31 on a flatter grade, and thus improving visibility for all motorists. 5. Consider clearing trees and unnecessary signage from the sight triangles on the Howe Road northeast-bound approach to improve sight lines to the south of Howe Road. 6. If possible, move the Howe Road northeast-bound stop bar and stop sign closer to the intersection so that motorists stop in the appropriate location to be able to see oncoming traffic and so that Howe Road northeast-bound vehicles are more visible to Route 31 northbound and southbound motorists. Page 16 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Location 2: Route 31 at Cranberry Meadow Road/Bacon Hill Road The RSA team had the following observations with regard to intersection control, intersection geometry, and sight lines at the intersection of Route 31 at Cranberry Meadow Road/Bacon Hill Road. Observations: Intersection Control The Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach and the Bacon Hill Road westbound approach are each stop- controlled approaches, while Route 31 traffic flows freely through the intersection. Team members stated that vehicles often do not stop at the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound stop sign, either because the motorist did not see the stop sign or because the motorist attempted to continue onto Bacon Hill Road without stopping. Four crashes, including two resulting in personal injury and one fatality, occurred where a Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound vehicle failed to stop at the stop sign. The stop sign on the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach is obstructed by a utility pole. The Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound stop sign is obscured by a utility pole as motorists approach the intersection. Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound motorists may not see the stop sign due to the utility pole, which may contribute to the four crashes involving Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound vehicles. The stop line is located closer to the intersection than the stop sign, which may cause confusion as to the appropriate place to stop. Intersection Geometry Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approaches the intersection at an upgrade, while Bacon Hill Road westbound approaches the intersection at a downgrade. The upgrade on Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound may make the intersection more difficult to see for motorists approaching Route 31. Additionally, Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound motorists can clearly see Bacon Hill Road to the east due to the downgrade on Bacon Hill Road as it approaches Route 31. This may result in vehicles crossing Route 31 without stopping, causing severe angle crashes. The downgrade on Bacon Hill Road westbound was cited as a safety issue on wet, snow- or icecovered roadway surfaces, since it may cause stopping vehicles to slide down the hill into the intersection. One crash occurred due to a snow-covered roadway surface on Bacon Hill Road. Page 17 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Sight Lines A rock wall and trees obstruct sight lines to the north of Bacon Hill Road RSA team members observed that, due to obstacles such as rock walls and trees in the northeast corner of the intersection, sight lines to the north and east of the intersection are obstructed. This may cause Bacon Hill Road westbound vehicles to proceed past the stop bar in order to see Route 31 southbound vehicles. If a vehicle proceeds too far, it may conflict with Route 31 northbound through traffic. One angle crash resulting in personal injury involved a Bacon Hill Road westbound vehicle and a Route 31 northbound vehicle. RSA team members stated that the obstructions are located within the roadway right-of-way. Page 18 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. Determine the ideal position for the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound stop line, and place the stop sign closer to the stop bar to improve clarity on the approach. Ensure that the stop sign is not obstructed by trees or utility poles. 2. Consider placing a second stop sign opposite the existing stop signs on the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach and the Bacon Hill Road westbound approach to improve visibility of the stop sign. Consider using oversized signs or retroreflective tape on the sign posts to further improve awareness of the stop signs on each approach. If this recommendation is implemented, a DYCL must be provided and maintained on each roadway so that these roadways are not perceived to be one-way roadways. 3. Upgrade text “Stop Ahead” signage on the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach and the Bacon Hill Road westbound approach to diagrammatic “Stop Ahead” signage on both sides of the roadway. 4. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider the safety benefits of providing an overhead flashing signal at the intersection that would flash red for the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach and the Bacon Hill Road westbound approach, and would flash yellow for the Route 31 northbound and southbound approaches. The overhead signal would improve visibility of the stop restriction on both stop-controlled approaches, particularly Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach, due to the upgrade on the approach. The signal would also alert Route 31 northbound and southbound motorists to use caution when approaching the intersection. 5. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider altering the profile of the intersection so that Cranberry Meadow Road and Bacon Hill Road intersect Route 31 on flatter grades, and thus improving visibility for all motorists and makes it easier to stop on Bacon Hill Road westbound due to the fact that these vehicles would not have to stop on a down grade. 6. Consider removing the obstructions in the right-of-way on the northeast corner of the intersection to improve sight lines to the north and east of the intersection. Page 19 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements Short-term enhancements include: � Provide intersection warning signage and “Stop Ahead” signage; � Improve street name signage; � Remove trees and other obstructions from sight lines; and � Increase speed enforcement. To enhance the safety of the intersection, the long-term enhancements are to: � Provide longitudinal rumble strips in high-speed areas; � Realign intersections; � Equip guardrails with safe end treatments; � Level the profile of the intersection of Route 31 at Cranberry Meadow Road/Bacon Hill Road; � Improve drainage; � Improve lighting; and � Provide pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. Table 2 summarizes these safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, cost, and responsibility. Safety payoff estimates are based on engineering judgment and are categorized as low, medium, and high. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (typically >3 years). Long-term improvements are typically considered to be substantial improvements with an expected time frame for implementation greater than 3 years; however, the Route 31 corridor will be resurfaced before the full project is funded and begins construction. Some of these improvements may be implemented as part of roadway resurfacing. Therefore, the improvements categorized as long-term may be implemented in less than 3 years. The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,000 to $50,000), or high (>$50,000). It is the responsibility of MassDOT to ensure that the designer incorporates the relevant safety enhancements identified as part of this RSA. The RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of the design process for the resurfacing. The short-term low-cost potential improvements could be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to resurfacing. Page 20 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements Location Corridor-wide Observations Safety Enhancement In the short-term, consider reinforcing the speed limit with new retroreflective speed limit signage. Consider placing signage at the bottom of vertical curves, and consider using oversize signage. Consider using a speed display sign in areas where speeding is especially prominent. Radar speed signage should display the posted speed limit and the vehicle speed. If the vehicle speed exceeds the posted speed limit, the display should read “SLOW DOWN” to reinforce to motorists that they are exceeding the posted speed limit. Consider the use of advanced curve warning signs with advisory speed signage in advance of horizontal curves. While not enforceable, advisory speed signage may alert motorists to a change in the roadway, causing them to drive more cautiously, while the advanced curve warning sign gives the motorist advanced notice on what to expect of the roadway ahead. Consider the use of longitudinal rumble strips on Route 31 approaching hazardous horizontal curves or intersections to influence motorists to drive slower in these locations. Consider maintenance issues and noise that these may cause. Consider the safety benefits of identifying safe passing zones along the corridor, and reconsider existing passing zones. Place “No Passing” signage in locations where passing is deemed unsafe. Section 3B.02 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) outlines where passing zones may be placed in relation to vertical and horizontal curves. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, identify and provide locations where police can park and conduct traffic enforcement, including speed and passing violations, to help reduce the occurrence of speeding and reckless driving on the corridor. Provide intersection warning signage on Route 31 with supplemental street name signs and “Stop Ahead” signage on stop-controlled intersecting roadways to alert motorists to the presence of the intersection. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Low Mid-term Low Town of Spencer Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Medium Long-term Medium Town of Spencer Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer Page 21 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Corridor-wide Observations Safety Enhancement Consider providing a paved shoulder to provide motorists with a recovery zone in case they depart the roadway. Mark the shoulder with a solid white edge line (SWEL) to guide motorists along the roadway and to help keep vehicles away from the guardrails. Consider using a 30-degree shoulder slope, or Safety Edge, as outlined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to reduce the occurrence of tire scrubbing, which often causes motorists to lose control of their vehicle. According to the FHWA, the Safety Edge may reduce the occurrence of crashes on two-lane highways by 6%. Clear the edge of the roadway as much as possible to ease the hazard of fixed object crashes and to give motorists additional recovery room. Replace unsafe fixed-end or buried guardrail end treatments with impact attenuators to reduce the chance of severe collisions with guardrails. Consider altering the geometry of the East Charlton Road northwest-bound approach to Route 31 to create a right-angle intersection, which would improve motorists’ sight lines to the south and force motorists entering or exiting East Charlton Street to do so at slower speeds. Resurface the roadway with a defined crown to facilitate drainage and reduce the number of crashes that occur on wet, snowy, icy, or slushy pavement conditions. Better define, construct, and maintain swales and closed drainage systems to increase the efficiency of the drainage system. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider identifying locations to add additional drainage structures. Install subdrain in areas where appropriate. Consider impacts that roadway runoff may have on wetlands. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Medium Long-term High Town of Spencer Medium Mid-term High Town of Spencer High Long-term High Town of Spencer High Mid-term Medium Town of Spencer High Mid-term High Town of Spencer Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer High Long-term High Town of Spencer Page 22 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Provide delineation throughout the corridor. Thermoplastic and retroreflective pavement markings should be used in addition to recessed pavement markers along the DYCL. More delineation techniques may also be explored, including guardrail reflectors and yellow and white object markers (depending on which side of the road they are used). Object markers may be used according to Section 2C.65 of the MUTCD along stretches of roadway where it is particularly undesirable to leave the roadway edge. Provide larger street name signage at intersections and provide street name placards on intersection warning signage so that motorists may prepare to make their turns in advance of the Corridor-wide intersection. Observations Identify locations where additional lighting is needed and provide it as part of long-term reconstruction efforts. Consider the safety benefits of providing additional lighting at intersections to draw motorist attention to the intersections. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider providing a sidewalk on at least one side of the roadway to provide pedestrians with a safe location to walk along Route 31. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider providing a shoulder of at least 4 feet on each side of the roadway to provide bicyclists with a safe location to ride their bicycle along the corridor and to provide motorists with a recovery zone in the event that they depart the roadway. Provide intersection warning signage along the Route 31 northbound and southbound approaches, equipped with street name placards for Howe Road, to help motorists anticipate the Location 1: Route intersection as they approach Howe Road. 31 at Howe Road Move the location of the Howe Road street sign so it is more visible to Route 31 northbound vehicles. Consider using a larger street name sign. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Medium Long-term High Town of Spencer Low Long-term High Town of Spencer High Long-term High Town of Spencer Medium Long-term High Town of Spencer Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Page 23 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Safety Enhancement As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider realigning the Howe Road northeast-bound approach to form a right-angle intersection to improve sight lines for both Howe Road northeast-bound vehicles and Route 31 northbound and southbound vehicles. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider altering the profile of the intersection so that Howe Road intersects Route 31 Location 1: Route on a flatter grade, and thus improving visibility for all motorists. 31 at Howe Road Consider clearing trees and unnecessary signage from the sight triangles on the Howe Road northeast-bound approach to improve sight lines to the south of Howe Road. If possible, move the Howe Road northeast-bound stop bar and stop sign closer to the intersection so that motorists stop in the appropriate location to be able to see oncoming traffic and so that Howe Road northeast-bound vehicles are more visible to Route 31 northbound and southbound motorists. Determine the ideal position for the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound stop line, and place the stop sign closer to the stop bar to improve clarity on the approach. Ensure that the stop sign is not obstructed by trees or utility poles. Consider placing a second stop sign opposite the existing stop Location 2: Route signs on the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach and 31 at Cranberry the Bacon Hill Road westbound approach to improve visibility of Meadow Road/ the stop sign. Consider using oversized signs or retroreflective tape on the sign posts to further improve awareness of the stop signs on each approach. If this recommendation is implemented, a DYCL must be provided and maintained on each roadway so that these roadways are not perceived to be one-way roadways. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party High Long-term Medium Town of Spencer Medium Long-term High Town of Spencer Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer Page 24 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Upgrade text “Stop Ahead” signage on the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach and the Bacon Hill Road westbound approach to diagrammatic “Stop Ahead” signage on both sides of the roadway. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider the safety benefits of providing an overhead flashing signal at the intersection that would flash red for the Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound approach and the Bacon Hill Road westbound approach, and would flash yellow for the Route 31 northbound and southbound approaches. The overhead signal would improve visibility of the stop restriction on both stop-controlled Location 2: Route approaches, particularly Cranberry Meadow Road eastbound 31 at Cranberry approach, due to the upgrade on the approach. The signal Meadow Road/ would also alert Route 31 northbound and southbound motorists to use caution when approaching the intersection. As part of long-term reconstruction efforts, consider altering the profile of the intersection so that Cranberry Meadow Road and Bacon Hill Road intersect Route 31 on flatter grades, and thus improving visibility for all motorists and makes it easier to stop on Bacon Hill Road westbound due to the fact that these vehicles would not have to stop on a down grade.. Consider removing the obstructions in the right-of-way on the northeast corner of the intersection to improve sight lines to the north and east of the intersection. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Party Medium Short-term Low Town of Spencer High Long-term High Town of Spencer Medium Long-term High Town of Spencer Low Short-term Low Town of Spencer Page 25 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Spencer, MA Route 31 from Vista Ln to Charlton T.L. Meeting Location: Spencer Town Hall 157 Main St, Spencer, MA Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Discussion of Safety Issues • Crash history, Speed Regulations – provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions 11:00 AM Review Video of Corridor and Site Visit, if necessary • Review video of corridor • If necessary, drive to a specific location along Rt 31 • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:30 AM Discussion of Potential Improvements • Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:00 noon Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on April 10th, participants are encouraged to drive/walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Participating Audit Team Members Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014 Location: Spencer Town Hall 157 Main Street, Spencer, MA Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation E-mail Address Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission Kevin Krasnecky (CMRPC) Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission Dan Daniska (CMRPC) Dave Darrin Town of Spencer Police Department Bob Parsons Town of Spencer Fire Department Michelle Buck Town of Spencer Town Planner Eben Butler Town of Spencer Highway Department Steven Tyler Town of Spencer Highway Department/DPW Thuong Phan MassDOT District 3 Lola Campbell MassDOT District 3 Traffic Rick Handfield MassDOT Highway Division Craig Roberts MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Ted Brovitz Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Mike Tremblay Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Phone Number 508-459-3314 508-459-3331 508-885-6333 508-885-3555 508-885-7500 x180 508-885-7506 508-885-7525 508-929-3937 508-929-3887 508-929-3864 857-368-9638 617-348-3308 617-348-3347 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data SYMBOLS • TYPES OF CRASH ~ COLLISION DIAGRAM Non-Involved Vehicle Pedestrian ___/ Angle Turning Movement Bicycle l-- ~ Animal ~ Parked Ve~icle 0 Fixed Object 0 Rear End ~ ~!iii~ Spencer, MA Head on Moving Vehicle ~ Backing Vehicle ----IIi' SEVERITY ~ Injury Sideswipe 0 Fatal Route 31 (Maple St/Chorlton Rd) from Vista Ln to E. Charlton Rd REGION: CMRPC TIME PERIOD ANAI..YlED: 1999 - 2004 lie 2008 - 2013 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: Spencer Police Department Out of Control SHEET 1 OF 4 DATE PREPARED: March 10, 2014 PREPARED BY: CO *NOT TO SCALE 1[, +--z ~C!l t llr ~~--~8~,oQjL - Charlton Road (Route 31) 6 - ... (4)~ ., ~0oO ~,.._o('o c~o: ~- 00' • 1 7 .., ...., / "\..___:- 05 Maple Street (Route 31) SYMBOLS • TYPES OF CRASH ~ COLLISION DIAGRAM Non-Involved Vehicle Pedestrian Rear End ___/ Angle Turning Movement ~ Bicycle l-- ~ Animal ~ ~!iii~ Parked Ve~icle 0 Fixed Object Spencer, MA Head on Moving Vehicle ~ Backing Vehicle ----IIi' SEVERITY ~ Sideswipe Out af Control 0 Injury Route 31 (Charlton Rd) from I Capen Rd to Crestwood Ave REGION: CMRPC 0 Fatal TIME PERIOD ANALVZED: 1999 - 2004 &: 2008 - 2013 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: Spencer Police Department SHEET 2 OF 4 DATE PREPARED: March 1O. 2014 PREPARED BY: CO *NOT TO SCALE +--z 1170 Charlton Rd 1176 Charlton Rd 1196 Charlton Rd I I \Route 3\) cnori'I.Of' Rood 1 D~ I cJ- 7 _6 9 8 10 ("> !& t; ~ <&. ~ (1) SYMBOLS • TYPES OF CRASH ~ COLLISION DIAGRAM Non-Involved Vehicle Pedestrian Rear End ___/ Angle Turning Movement ~ Bicycle l-- ~ Animal ~ ~!iii~ Parked Ve~icle 0 Fixed Object Spencer, MA Head on Moving Vehicle ~ Backing Vehicle ----IIi' SEVERITY ~ Sideswipe Out of Control 0 Injury 0 Fatal Route 31 (Charlton Rd) from Sunberg Rd to Gauthier Rd REGION: CMRPC 2004 lie 2008 - TIME PERIOD ANALYlED: 1999 - 2013 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: Spencer Police Department SHEET 3 OF 4 DATE PREPARED: March 10, 2014 PREPARED BY: CO *NOT TO SCALE .._z If) c :> aC1) .., "' ~ 0 a. 1238 Charlton Rd I Charlton Rd ~-~ -------1207 Charlton Rd Jt) 1231 Charlton Rd I 1219 Charlton Rd I I SYMBOLS • TYPES OF CRASH ~ COLLISION DIAGRAM Spencer, MA Head on Moving Vehicle ~ Backing Vehicle ----IIi' SEVERITY Non-Involved Vehicle Pedestrian ___/ Angle Turning Movement ~ Bicycle l-- ~ Animal ~ ~!iii~ Parked 0 Fixed Object ~ Ve~icle 0 Rear End Injury Sideswipe 0 Fatal Route 31 (Charlton Rd) from Bacon Hill Rd to Charlton T.L. REGION: CMRPC TIME PERIOD ANALVZED: 1999 - 2004 Be 2008 - 2013 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: Spencer Police Department Out of Control SHEET 4 OF 4 DATE PREPARED: March 10, 2014 PREPARED BY: CO *NOT TO SCALE .._z \\ -:g 1264 Charlton Rd CD ~ I 1: ::J D<D 1: 3: ~ 1300 Charlton Rd I ---:-r•• (j) ®Q3 -~ - ~ 14 -"' 19 -{i~ Ill c 1261 Charlton Rd I CD cr (") CD D ., CD -< Ill 0 :::!; 0 ..... 0 0 :c ., < :E CD 0 0 0 CD rn rn ., 0 0 c. :::!. CD 0 ::l :;o 0 0 c. Crash Data Summary Table Route 31 Corridor, Spencer, MA 1999 - 2004 & 2008 - 2013 Route 31 (Maple St/Charlton Rd) from Vista Ln to E. Charlton Rd (1 of 4) Crash Diagram Ref # 1 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y 6/24/00 Saturday 2 12/1/00 3 3/20/02 4 3/15/04 Friday Wednesday Time of Day 1:00 PM 12:00 AM 9:00 PM 3/4/08 6 2/24/10 7 8 6/13/11 2/29/12 9 8/14/13 Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Type Rear-end Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Dark - lighted roadway 6:57 AM Monday 5 Manner of Collision Tuesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Angle 7:30 PM 4:25 PM 9:09 AM 2:57 PM Clear 47 Dry D2 32 41 V1 slid in snow and went off road. Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Wet No Improper Driving Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. Snow Ice No Improper Driving 29 No Improper Driving Inattention Driving too fast for conditions Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 16 48 19 20 48 81 Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Snow Slush Dry Snow Angle Daylight Clear Dry V1 stopped abruptly causing V2 to rear-end it. Crash info missing. V1 drove off road & hit guardrail. Snow Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Comments D3 19 Fog, Smog, Smoke 2:40 PM Wednesday Ages D1 17 Operator of V1 lost control of vehicle on slippery road and spun into V2. 37 V1 slid on slippery road into trees Operator was an inexperienced permit holder. While turning left, V1 ran into slush and operator lost control and struck rocks on side of road. V1 stopped to turn left onto Howe Rd, V2 rear-ended it. V1 lost control and struck a utility pole. V2 did not stop at stop sign. V2 states that she stepped on accelerator instead of the brakes. Route 31 (Charlton Rd) from I Capen Rd to Crestwood Ave (2 of 4) Crash Diagram Ref # 1 2 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y 4/25/02 Thursday 10/5/03 Sunday Time of Day 10:12 PM 6:55 AM 3 1/9/04 4 5 6 Friday 1/9/04 Monday 3/8/04 11/28/09 Saturday 12:01 PM 8:15 PM 9:38 AM 7 12/21/09 11:12 AM 8 7/23/11 9 11/5/11 10 7/30/12 Friday Monday Saturday Saturday Monday 1:39 AM 1:24 AM 8:48 AM 4:45 AM Manner of Collision Type Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Angle Single Vehicle Crash Head on Sideswipe, same direction Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Type Type Type Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Daylight Clear Dry Clear Clear Dry Dry Daylight Cloudy Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Driver Contributing Code Type Driving too fast for conditions Exceeded authorized speed limit Ages D1 D2 22 19 Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit Made an improper turn Driving too fast for conditions No Improper Driving 23 21 28 31 Clear Snow No Improper Driving 73 Clear Dry Fatigued/asleep 20 Cloudy Wet No Improper Driving 36 Fog, Smog, Smoke Dry No Improper Driving 22 51 44 Comments D3 Roads were snow covered. Operator lost control of vehicle and hit rocks, trees and debris. Fatal crash. V1 was traveling at an estimated speed of 79 mph, reportedly clipped guardrail, spun across the road and hit tree. V1 executed a U-turn, V2 could not avoid collision. V1 lost control on snow and ice and hit rocks in front of 170 Charlton Rd. Windy conditions, tree fell into roadway and hit V1 at 194 Charlton Rd. V1 (service truck making delivery to 196 Charlton Rd) was parked partially in road and V1 side-swiped it. Operator fell asleep and hit utility pole #74. Operator claims to have hit a patch of black ice, lost control and hit utility pole #68 and the wall of 176 Charlton Rd. Due to dense fog, V1 left the roadway and hit utility pole #74 and the mailbox of 193 Charlton Rd. Crash Data Summary Table Route 31 Corridor, Spencer, MA 1999 - 2004 & 2008 - 2013 Route 31 (Charlton Rd) from Sunberg Rd to Gauthier Rd (3 of 4) Crash Diagram Ref # 1 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y 12/22/00 Friday 2 12/14/02 3 3/8/04 4 5 6/23/04 3/17/10 6 5/5/10 7 7/3/10 8 10/9/10 9 2/9/11 10 12/25/11 11 6/27/13 Manner of Collision Time of Day Light Condition Weather Condition Type Type Road Surface Driver Contributing Code 11:00 AM Daylight Snow Type Snow Saturday 3:13 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Distracted Monday Wednesday Wednesday 10:08 AM 8:05 PM 8:01 AM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Dusk Daylight Snow Clear Clear Snow Dry Ice Driving too fast for conditions No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Clear Dry Fatigued/asleep 19 Clear Clear Dry Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit Inattention 19 61 Clear Dry No Improper Driving 64 Clear Dry 17 Fog, Smog, Smoke Dry Other improper action Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Wednesday 3:54 AM Sideswipe, opposite direction Saturday Saturday 1:56 AM 4:28 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Wednesday 4:37 AM Single Vehicle Crash Sunday 3:45 PM Sideswipe, same direction Thursday 11:30 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Dark - roadway not lighted Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Type Ages Type Single Vehicle Crash D1 D2 18 43 60 34 unk 19 40 44 Comments D3 Operator lost control of vehicle and hit tree across from 219 Charlton Rd. V1 slowing for delivery truck sticking out of 238 Charlton Rd. V2 did not observe V1 slowing. Operator claims that a vehicle traveling on the opposite side of the road ran her off the road. 50 Narrative and Diagram missing. Occurred in front of 238 Charlton Rd. V1 hit a patch of ice, rolled over and hit a tree. Operator 1 fell asleep and side-swiped V2 which was parked in driveway of 230 Charlton Rd. Operator was traveling too fast, failed to negotiate curve and hit a tree at 222 Charlton Rd. 36 V1 slowing to turn into Oscars Road. V3 hit V2 into V1. Occurred in front of 207 Charlton Rd. V1 was slowing to enter driveway of 231 Charlton Rd. V2 attempted to pass V1 on left. V1 was texting while driving and hit 2 parked vehicles in driveway of 230 Charlton Rd. 28 Route 31 (Charlton Rd) from Bacon Hill Rd to Charlton T.L. (4 of 4) Crash Diagram Ref # 1 2 3 4 5 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y Time of Day 3/27/99 10/31/99 11/24/99 6/23/00 8/29/00 Saturday Sunday Wednesday Friday Tuesday 5:00 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 9/7/00 1/27/02 Thursday Sunday 2:00 PM 8:30 AM Manner of Collision Light Condition Weather Condition Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Type Type Type Single Vehicle Crash Angle Dawn Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Ages D1 D2 Fatal crash. V1 departed road at approximately 40-50 mph and hit a tree. 18 21 17 27 18 22 34 37 34 17 28 45 18 31 31 6 7 Head on Daylight Clear Slush Over-correcting/over-steering Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Clear Clear Ice Dry Dry No Improper Driving Inattention Inattention Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road No Improper Driving Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Unknown 18 47 26 4/9/03 6/29/03 7/25/03 Wednesday Sunday Friday 1:01 AM 12:25 PM 7:15 AM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Rear-end Dark, unknown roadway lighting Daylight Daylight 2/7/04 3/8/04 Saturday Monday 6:23 AM 10:54 AM Single Vehicle Crash Single Vehicle Crash Dawn Daylight Rain Snow Ice Snow 3/19/04 4/5/04 Friday Monday 3:46 PM 6:48 PM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry 14 15 1/19/09 Single Vehicle Crash Cloudy Snow No Improper Driving 69 16 12/20/09 17 18 6/13/10 2/19/11 Rear-end Angle Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Blowing Sand, Snow Clear Cloudy Snow Dry Wet 45 69 67 19 9/23/12 Single Vehicle Crash Dawn Clear Wet Physical Impairment Failed to yield right of way Inattention Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 8 9 10 11 12 13 Monday Sunday Sunday Saturday 10:38 AM 6:13 AM 5:18 PM 2:41 PM 6:00 AM Sunday 15 *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Spencer Police Department Crash data and narrative missing. Crash appears to be an angle crash. Crash data and narrative missing. Crash appears to be an angle crash. Fatal Crash. V2 failed to stop at stop sign. Crash data and narrative missing. Crash appears to be an angle crash. Crash data and narrative missing. Seems that V1 attempted to pass V2 (John Deere tractor) on left as V2 was turning left into 300 Charlton Rd 47 Narrative and Diagram missing. Occurred in front of 261 Charlton Rd. While braking behind another vehicle near utility pole #108, V1 lost control on ice, crossed over the southbound lane and hit guardrail. V1 missed entrance to cell tower access road and backed into V2. V1 backed into V2. V1 departed road into catch basin marker due to snow and ice. 38 34 57 18 Comments D3 40 17 23 29 52 V1 lost control on snow and ice and hit guardrail near utility pole #107 V2 (OUI) swerved into path of V1 causing V1 to run off road. No contact between vehicles. V1 got caught in soft snow in shoulder, left the road and slid down embankment near utility pole 96. V2 (OUI) did not stop at stop sign and slid into intersection due to snowy conditions and was rear-ended by V1. V2 failed to stop at stop sign. V1 turning onto Bacon Hill Rd when V2 hit it. V1 attempted to turn onto Bacon Hill Road but misjudged speed and went off road into mud. Age as noted in report and OUI. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Route 31 Corridor, Spencer, MA CRASH MONTH 18% 20% 14% 15% 12% 10% 10% 8% 8% 6% 5% 4% 4% A S 6% 6% O N 2% 0% J F M A M J J D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 20% 20% 20% 18% 15% 10% 6% 4% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday 15% 14% 12%12% 10% Wednesday Thursday 8AM­ 10AM 10AM­ 12PM Saturday 14% 6% 6AM­ 8AM Friday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 12% 6% 5% 0% 16% 14% 12PM­ 2PM 2PM­ 4PM 4PM­ 6PM 4% 6PM­ 8PM 6% 8PM­ 10PM 6% 4% 10PM­ 12AM 2% 12AM­ 2AM 2AM­ 4AM 4AM­ 6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 51% 22% 16% 4% Single Vehicle Crash Crash Data Spreadsheet.xlsx Rear-end Angle 2% Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction 1 of 4 4% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 3/10/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Route 31 Corridor, Spencer, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 63% 60% 40% 20% 9% 2% Dawn Dusk Dark ­ Lighted Roadway Dark ­ Roadway not lighted 2% 0% 0% Dark ­ unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 0% Unknown 0% Other 2% 0% Blowing sand, snow Snow Rain 7% 5% Severe Crosswinds 12% 7% Fog, Smog, Smoke 10% Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 57% Cloudy 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Daylight Clear 0% 16% 7% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 60% 54% 40% 20% 0% 12% 20% 10% 0% Dry Wet Snow Ice 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 5% Slush 0% 0% Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 26% 22% 20% 18% 18% 10% 0% 5% 15-20 Crash Data Spreadsheet.xlsx 21-29 30-39 40-49 2 of 4 50-59 8% 60-69 1% 1% 70-79 80+ 3/10/2014 Road Safety Audit Route 31 (Charlton Road/Maple Street) Corridor, Spencer Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix D. Additional Information " No. 10'69 -2- Operation of a motor vehicle at a rate of speed in excess of these limits shall be prima fa.cie evidence that such speed is greRter than is reasonable and proper. The provisions of this regulc.tion shall not , however, abr:::>ga te 1n any sense Chapter 90, Section 14, of the General Laws ~ T~r. Ed). Date of Passa~e -'t~-:ur!zLr/(~-~- March 23, 1981 -h.~..ct;f:, {;;. ~ Attest . ~To"m Clerk COM:10NiVEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPART!~NT OF PUBLIC \'fORKS · SPECIAL SPEED REGULATION NO. 7069 The Department of Public Worlcs and the Registrar of '1otor Vehicles, acting jointly, do hereby certify that this regulation is ·c onsistent with the public interests. StandGrd signs must be erected at the beginning of each zone. DA'l'E: " No. 10'69 -2- Operation of a motor vehicle at a rate of speed in excess of these limits shall be prima fa.cie evidence that such speed is greRter than is reasonable and proper. The provisions of this regulc.tion shall not , however, abr:::>ga te 1n any sense Chapter 90, Section 14, of the General Laws ~ T~r. Ed). Date of Passa~e -'t~-:ur!zLr/(~-~- March 23, 1981 -h.~..ct;f:, {;;. ~ Attest . ~To"m Clerk COM:10NiVEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPART!~NT OF PUBLIC \'fORKS · SPECIAL SPEED REGULATION NO. 7069 The Department of Public Worlcs and the Registrar of '1otor Vehicles, acting jointly, do hereby certify that this regulation is ·c onsistent with the public interests. StandGrd signs must be erected at the beginning of each zone. DA'l'E: