ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/ Old Union Turnpike Town of Lancaster August 2010 Prepared for: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared by: Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates 38 Chauncy Street Boston, MA 02111 Road Safety Audit—Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background .................................................................................................................................1 Project Data.................................................................................................................................1 Project Location Description .....................................................................................................2 Road Safety Audit Observations ...............................................................................................4 Safety Issue #1. Safety Issue #2. Safety Issue #3. Safety Issue #4. Safety Issue #4. Safety Issue #5. Intersection Geometry......................................................................................... 5 Signage ............................................................................................................... 8 Speed................................................................................................................. 10 Pedestrian Accommodations............................................................................. 12 Pedestrian Accommodations............................................................................. 12 Bicycle Accommodations ................................................................................. 13 Potential Safety Enhancements ...............................................................................................14 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Map.............................................................................................................................. 3 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements ....................................................................... 15 Page i Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Background The intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike in the Town of Lancaster, Massachusetts, is within the Top 5% of High Crash Locations within the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) area. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has determined that the Town would be eligible to receive Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding for reconstruction of the intersection if a Road Safety Audit (RSA) were conducted and the proposed design incorporated safety improvements identified in the RSA. The RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of the design process for the reconstruction. The short-term low-cost potential improvements should be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to reconstruction. The intersection is currently at the 25% design stage, funded by the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association. During the RSA, the team discussed installation of either a roundabout or a traffic signal to mitigate safety issues at the intersection. However, during the preliminary design process the safety benefits for each of these alternatives were evaluated and considered and the single-lane roundabout was selected as the preferred alternative based on the safety benefits. Project Data The audit team conducted an RSA for the intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike in Lancaster on Monday, August 30, 2010. The RSA agenda appears in Appendix A. Table 1 lists the audit team members and their affiliations. Appendix B provides contact information for all team members. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member John Sonia Noreen Piazza John Foster George Snow Scott MacDonald John Fleck Kevin Lamb Edwin Burgwinkel Tim White Mickey Splaine Joe Frawley Lisa Schletzbaum Keri Pyke Joseph SanClemente Agency/Affiliation Town of Lancaster Selectmen Lancaster Planning Lancaster DPW Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) Lancaster Highway Foreman Lancaster Fire Chief Lancaster Police Chief Sergeant, Lancaster Police Department Federal Highway Administration MassDOT – District 3 MassDOT – District 3 MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Page 1 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Project Location Description The intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike is located in the Town of Lancaster, as shown in the aerial image in Figure 1; the intersection is currently unsignalized and is approximately 400 feet south of Route 2 (George W. Stanton Highway) where Route 70 crosses over Route 2. A Toyota car dealership and the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association soccer fields (16 soccer fields) are located on the southwest corner of the intersection. Vehicular access to each of these uses is provided on Lunenburg Road and Old Union Turnpike. Several stone and gravel plants are also located to the southwest, north, and east of the intersection and generate a fairly substantial level of heavy vehicle activity through the area. Prior to the RSA, in order to begin assessing possible safety issues, the team reviewed collision diagrams and a crash detail summary based on crash records supplied by the Lancaster Police Department. Of 27 crashes related to the intersection from January 1, 2006–December 31, 2009, 20 were angle type (approximately 74%), 2 were rear-end (approximately 7%), 2 were sideswipe same direction (approximately 7%), 1 was a sideswipe opposite direction, and 1 involved a single vehicle. Crashes generally occurred on dry pavement (24, or 89%) and during daylight hours (23, or 85%). Crashes were most commonly the result of driver failure to yield to right of way or driver inattention or distraction. Of the 27 crashes reported, 12 resulted in personal injury (approximately 45%). No fatalities were reported between 2006 and 2009; however, RSA team members noted that fatalities have occurred at the intersection in the past. Appendix C provides the detailed intersection crash data from 2006–2009. Speed regulations and traffic volume data are presented in Appendix D. The intersection is the junction of the following roadways, which are categorized according to MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning functional classifications: Lunenburg Road (Route 70) is a rural major collector owned by the Town, with the exception of the bridge over Route 2 which falls under MassDOT jurisdiction. Lunenburg Road runs north–south between Main Street (Route 117) in Lancaster and Fort Pond Road in Lunenburg and provides access to Route 2 (George W. Stanton Highway) at Exit 35 via Old Union Turnpike. Lunenburg Road is also dedicated as Route 70 between Route 2 and Main Street. Lunenburg Road consists of one travel lane in each direction. Per speed regulations, the speed limit on Route 70 is 30 miles per hour (mph) in the vicinity of the intersection and is 50 mph approximately 600 feet south of the intersection. Motorists can access Route 2 westbound (Exit 35) from Lunenburg Road via Fort Pond Road approximately 900 feet north of the intersection. Old Union Turnpike is a local roadway owned by the Town. Old Union Turnpike runs east–west, parallel to Route 2, between Shirley Road and Mechanic Street in Leominster. Old Union Turnpike generally consists of 1 travel lane in each direction. Old Union Turnpike provides access to Route 2 eastbound at Exit 35 approximately 500 feet east of the intersection and at Exit 34 approximately 4,000 feet west of the intersection. The Old Union Turnpike eastbound and westbound approaches both operate under stop control at the intersection with Lunenburg Road. Page 2 Road Safety Audit–Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Figure 1. Locus Map Fo rt P on dR d. Route 2 Route 2 Ol dU nio nT urn p Toyota Dealership Lunenburg Rd. (Route 70) ike Fire R oad 10 Massachusetts Youth Soccer Not to scale. Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Observations Based on field observations on Monday, August 30, 2010, and subsequent discussions, the RSA team determined that the intersection has the following issues that affect safety: Intersection geometry; Signage clutter and clarity; Vehicle speed; Limited pedestrian accommodations; and Limited bicycle accommodations. The following sections describe in more detail the safety issues and enhancements determined during the RSA. Several of these issues require further study and engineering judgment to determine the feasibility of implementing enhancements to address them. Page 4 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Safety Issue #1. Intersection Geometry Observations: The intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike is located approximately 400 feet south of Route 2 (George W. Stanton Highway). The Old Union Turnpike eastbound and westbound approaches operate under stop sign control; the Lunenburg northbound and southbound approaches are uncontrolled movements. The RSA team noted several deficiencies in intersection geometry that may contribute to crash experience at this intersection including the following: Sight Distance Limitations - Field observations made by the RSA team indicate that sight lines to the north of the intersection along Lunenburg Road are significantly limited due to the presence of a vertical curve in the roadway created by the bridge on Lunenburg Road that passes over Route 2. The limited sight line makes it difficult for motorists exiting the Old Union Turnpike eastbound and westbound approaches to perceive and react to vehicles traveling southbound. Sight distance to the north of the intersection along Similarly, vehicles traveling Lunenburg Road is limited by a vertical curve. southbound have difficult seeing vehicles pulling out of the Old Union Turnpike eastbound and westbound approaches onto Lunenburg Road. These observations are substantiated by crash records that indicate that 16 (or nearly 60%) of crashes involved vehicles traveling southbound along Lunenburg Road where the visibility is limited. Of these, 8 crashes were angle collisions involving southbound and eastbound traffic; 7 were angle collisions involving southbound and westbound traffic; and 1 crash was a sideswipe (opposite direction) involving southbound and northbound traffic. These crashes were typically the result of motorist failure to yield to right of way or driver inattention. According to RSA team members, the intersection elevation was raised by approximately 1 foot several years ago in an effort to improve sight lines by reducing the vertical grade difference; however, the ability to raise the intersection was limited by the ability to also raise the grades of the adjacent intersection approaches; e.g., Fire Road 10, Toyota driveway, etc. Lack of Designated Turning Lanes – Designated turning lanes are generally not provided at the approaches of the intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, with the exception of channelized right-turn lanes on the Lunenburg Road southbound approach and the Page 5 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Old Union Turnpike westbound approach. For example, RSA team members noted that the vehicles turning left from Lunenburg Road southbound block the view of second vehicle traveling southbound through the intersection. Police crash records indicate one sideswipe (opposite direction) crash, that resulted in personal injury, involving a vehicle traveling on Lunenburg Road northbound and second vehicle traveling on Lunenburg southbound that was a result of driver failure to yield right of way. Confusion over the number of lanes, and sight distance limitations, may have contributed to this crash. Multiple lanes combined with the sight distance limitations add to driver confusion at the intersection. An RSA team member commented that there are just too many places for motorists to look which makes it difficult for them to decide when it is safe to enter the intersection. Wide Approaches – Field observations indicate that all of the intersection approaches are wide and have large radii, which facilitate truck right turns, but also contribute to higher vehicle turning speeds and allow vehicles to form more than one lane at the intersection approaches. RSA team observations indicate that most motorists making right turns from Old Union Turnpike eastbound and westbound generally do not come to a complete stop before turning onto Lunenburg Road. RSA team members also noted that the wide intersection approaches add to driver confusion at the intersection. Wide intersection approaches allow vehicles to form more than one lane. RSA team members noted that the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection would not improve sight distance limitation and could potentially introduce additional crashes at the intersection (e.g., rear-end, angle). RSA team members also noted that the currently proposed roundabout would reduce sight distance issues at the intersection by physically slowing vehicles and would also provide clarity in lane use. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) “…well-designed roundabouts will result in fewer crashes and less delay than stop and signal-controlled intersections:” 1 Additionally, according to the Highway Safety Manual, conversion of a suburban intersection with stop control on the minor approaches, such as the intersection of Lunenburg Road/Old Union Turnpike, to a roundabout will reduce crash 1 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), “Priority, Market-Ready Technologies and Innovations List”, (accessed September 22, 2010). Page 6 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. experience by an average of 71%, while installation of a traffic signal will reduce crashes by only 44% and may increase rear-end crashes by as much as 58%. 2 Enhancements: 1. Change intersection control by installing a roundabout at the intersection to clarify the right of way, simplify intersection operations, and to improve safety. Install durable apron to accommodate truck turns and emergency vehicles. 2. Evaluate feasibility/appropriateness of adding a Lunenburg Road southbound left-turn pocket with striping to improve clarity in lane use along Lunenburg Road (short-term). 2 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Highway Safety Manual, 1st Edition, Volume 3, 2010, page 14-11 and 14-13. Page 7 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Safety Issue #2. Signage Observations: RSA team members noted that a number of local business signs add to sign clutter on the southeast and southwest corners of the intersection, which may result in driver confusion at the intersection. Such signage also partially inhibits the view of regulatory signage along Lunenburg Road southbound and signs in the southwest corner of the intersection obstruct views of Old Union Turnpike eastbound drivers looking to the south. RSA team members noted that the “Enter Here” and Route 2 guide Sign clutter on southwest corner of intersection. signage on the northwest corner of the intersection blocks views of Lunenburg Road southbound traffic for motorists leaving the Old Union Turnpike eastbound approach. The 30 mph Speed Limit sign along the Lunenburg Road northbound approach, approximately 900 feet south of the intersection, is partially hidden behind a “Road Narrows” sign (WB-1). Overgrown vegetation partially blocks view of the advanced intersection warning signage (cross road symbol – W2-1) and “Hill Blocks View” sign (W7-6) located along the east side of Lunenburg Road southbound. RSA team members noted that wayfinding signage for Massachusetts Youth Soccer parking lots may not be adequate and that traffic management likely could be improved. During large soccer events, some of the parking lots occasionally fill and can result in added traffic volume on Lunenburg Road and Old Union Turnpike as motorist search for parking. It was also noted that the exits on Route 2serving the soccer fields (Exit 34 and Exit 35) may be able to be used more efficiently with improved wayfinding signage. An RSA team member also noted that the traffic count data collected in 2005/2006 may not reflect traffic conditions associated with peak event conditions at the Massachusetts Youth Soccer fields or traffic increases associated with recent development projects, changes in traffic patterns, and/or general background growth. Page 8 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Enhancements: 1. Remove and/or relocate local businesses signs to improve/eliminate sign clutter and improve visibility of regulatory signage (short-term). 2. Review all existing signage for relevance and conformance to current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards as part of redesign of intersection and relocate/place signage such that sight distance from intersection approaches is not compromised. 3. Relocate the “Road Narrows” sign (WB-1), which is currently blocked by the 30 mph Speed Limit sign, along the Lunenburg Road northbound approach to improve visibility. 4. Trim overgrown vegetation to ensure that all signage is visible. 5. Conduct coordination meeting with Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association, MassDOT, and Town staff to identity/discuss soccer event traffic management strategies and potential improvements to wayfinding signage. 6. Update traffic count data at intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike. New data should capture heavy vehicles, pedestrian, and bicycle activity and also consider soccer event traffic. Page 9 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Safety Issue #3. Speed Observations: The speed limit along Lunenburg Road is posted at 30 miles per hour (mph) in the vicinity of the intersection and is 50 mph approximately 600 feet south of the intersection. According to RSA team members, speed along Lunenburg Road has been a concern, and Lancaster Police often enforce travel speeds in the vicinity of the intersection. Since sight distance is currently limited at the intersection, even for vehicles traveling at the speed limit, vehicles traveling at higher rates of speed will have less time to perceive and react to vehicles entering the intersection. Higher travel speeds likely contribute to the incidence of angle crashes at the intersection. Lancaster Police often need to enforce travel speeds along Lunenburg Road. An RSA team member noted that the change in speed limits along Lunenburg Road from 50 mph (south of the intersection) to 30 mph (at the intersection and to the north of the intersection) may contribute to higher speeds through the intersection as motorists may not expect such a large drop (i.e., 20 mph) in travel speed in such a short distance. RSA team members noted that a roundabout would physically slow vehicles through the intersection, while a traffic signal would not be effective at reducing vehicular speeds. The intersection is also located near several stone and gravel plants that generate a high number of construction vehicles hauling material through the intersection; these vehicles generally have much slower acceleration/deceleration rates than passenger vehicles and thus will react slower to other vehicles traveling at higher rates of speed. Significant heavy vehicle activity at intersection. Page 10 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Enhancements: 1. Continue to enforce speed limits along Lunenburg Road. Consider using a speed trailer that has the capabilities of recording the speed data relative to time of day for effective enforcement. 2. Consider changes to the control at the intersection which may regulate speed such as a roundabout. Should the traffic control change, consider reevaluating the speed limit to the south of the intersection to introduce a less drastic drop in speed along Lunenburg Road. Page 11 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Safety Issue #4. Pedestrian Accommodations Observations: Pedestrian sidewalks and crosswalks are not provided at the intersection; however, a wide shoulder along the east and west sides of Route 70, to the south of the intersection, which is often utilized by pedestrians and cyclists. At the time of the audit, the RSA team noted several pedestrians walking/jogging along Lunenburg Road. RSA team members noted people often park at the flea market, located along Lunenburg Road to the south of the intersection, and then walk/jog to a fitness club located on Old Union Turnpike to the west of the intersection. Pedestrian accommodations are not provided along Old Union Turnpike within the vicinity of the intersection. Pedestrian using wide shoulder along Lunenburg RSA team members noted that the Road to jog. current 25% redesign efforts are exploring the feasibility of installing sidewalks along one side of Lunenburg Road and crosswalks across some of the approaches of the intersection. Enhancements: 1. Evaluate the feasibility and appropriateness of adding pedestrian sidewalk, or off-road pedestrian path, along Lunenburg Road and Old Union Turnpike as part of the redesign of the intersection. 2. Consider adding crosswalks and handicap-accessible ramps as part of the redesign of the intersection. Page 12 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Safety Issue #5. Bicycle Accommodations Observation: No bicycle accommodations are currently provided at the intersection, with the exception of the wide shoulder along Lunenburg Road to the south of the intersection. RSA team members noted a moderate level of bicycle activity along Lunenburg Road during the audit. Enhancements: Evaluate the appropriateness/feasibility of installing bicycle accommodations along Lunenburg Road and Old Union Turnpike (e.g., bike lanes, wide shoulder, share the road signage, etc.). Page 13 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements Based on its observations and discussions, the RSA team identified the issues and possible enhancements that could improve safety at the intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike in Lancaster, Massachusetts. Further study and design work need to be conducted to determine the feasibility of making such improvements to the intersection. Short-term enhancements include: • Continue speed enforcement and consider using speed trailer; • Reduce sign clutter; • Trim overgrown vegetation; • Restripe Lunenburg Road southbound approach with dedicated left-turn lane; and • Identify event management strategies for soccer events. To enhance the safety of the intersection, the long-term enhancements are to: • Improve sight distance; • Improve intersection control through installation of a roundabout; • Improve signage; • Improve pedestrian accommodations; and • Improve bicycle accommodations. Table 2 summarizes these safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, cost, and responsibility. Safety payoff estimates are based on engineering judgment and are categorized as low, medium, and high. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (typically >3 years). Long-term improvements are typically considered to be substantial improvements with an expected time frame for implementation greater than 3 years; however, if improvements to the intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike are selected as an HSIP project, then redesign of the intersection would be advertised for construction sooner. The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,000). It is the responsibility of the Town of Lancaster to ensure that the designer incorporates the relevant safety enhancements identified as part of this RSA. The RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of the design process for the reconstruction. The short-term low-cost potential improvements should be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to reconstruction. Page 14 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Change intersection control by installing a roundabout at the intersection to clarify the right of way, simplify intersection operations, and to improve safety. Install durable apron to Intersection Geometry accommodate truck turns and emergency vehicles. Signage Evaluate feasibility/appropriateness of adding a Lunenburg Road southbound left-turn pocket with striping to improve clarity in lane use along Lunenburg Road Remove and/or relocate local businesses signs to improve/eliminate sign clutter and improve visibility of regulatory signage. Review all existing signage for relevance and conformance to current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards as part of redesign of intersection and relocate/place signage such that sight distance at intersection approaches is not compromised. Relocate the “Road Narrows” sign (WB-1), which is currently blocked by the 30 mph Speed Limit sign, along the Lunenburg northbound approach to improve visibility. Trim overgrown vegetation to ensure that all signage is visible. Conduct coordination meeting with Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association, MassDOT, and Town staff to identity/discuss soccer event traffic management strategies and potential improvements to wayfinding signage. Update traffic count data at intersection of Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike. New data should capture heavy vehicles, pedestrian, and bicycle activity and also consider soccer event traffic. Safety Payoff Time Frame High Current Design Roundabout has been chosen for design. Apron needs to be evaluated Cost Responsibility Longterm High Town of Lancaster Low Shortterm Low Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Low Shortterm Low Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Medium Longterm Medium Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Low Shortterm Low Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Low Shortterm Low Needs to be evaluated Low Shortterm Low Town of Lancaster Town of Lancaster/Mass. Youth Soccer Assoc./MassDOT Low Shortterm Low Designer/MRPC/ MassDOT Needs to be evaluated Needs to be evaluated Page 15 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Continue to enforce speed limits along Lunenburg Road. Consider using speed trailer. Speed Pedestrian Accommodations Bicycle Accommodations Safety Payoff Low Consider changes to the control at the intersection which may regulate speed such as a roundabout. Should the traffic control Low change, consider reevaluating the speed limit to the south of the intersection to introduce a less drastic drop along Lunenburg Road. Evaluate the feasibility and appropriateness of adding pedestrian sidewalks, or an off-road pedestrian path, along Lunenburg Road Medium and Old Union Turnpike as part of the redesign of the intersection. Consider adding crosswalks and handicap-accessible ramps as Medium part of the redesign of the intersection. Evaluate the appropriateness/feasibility of installing bicycle accommodations along Lunenburg Road and Old Union Medium Turnpike (e.g., bike lanes, wide shoulder, share the road signage, etc.). Time Frame Short /long term Cost Responsibility Current Design Low Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Longterm High Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Longterm Medium Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Longterm Medium Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Longterm Medium Town of Lancaster Needs to be evaluated Page 16 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Lancaster – Route 70 at Old Union Turnpike Meeting Location: Lancaster Town Hall Auditorium, 695 Main Street Monday, August 30, 2010 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Review of Site Specific Material • Crash, Speed, and Volume Summaries • Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:45 AM Visit the Site • Drive to the intersection, view the area • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:30 AM Completion of RSA • Finalize discussion on all areas for improvement • Discuss potential improvements with pros and cons and record possible countermeasures 12:00 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on August 30th, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Participating Audit Team Members Date: Monday, August 30, 2010 Location: Lancaster Town Hall Auditorium, 695 Main Street, Lancaster, MA Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation E-mail Address Phone Number John Sonia Town of Lancaster Selectmen (978) 365-5614 Noreen Piazza Lancaster Planning (978) 368-4007 John Foster Lancaster DPW (978) 365-2412 George Snow Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) (978) 345-7376 Scott MacDonald Highway Foreman (978) 365-2272 John Fleck Lancaster Fire Chief (978) 365-3502 Kevin Lamb Lancaster Police Chief (978) 365-6308 Edward Burgwinkel Sergeant, Lancaster Police Department (978) 365-6308 Tim White Federal Highway Administration (617) 494-3280 Mickey Splaine MassDOT – District 3 (508) 929-3808 Joe Frawley MassDOT – District 3 (508) 929-3916 Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section (617) 973-7685 Keri Pyke Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates (617) 482-7080 Joseph SanClemente Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates (617) 482-7080 Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Road Safety Audit— Lunenburg Road (Route 70)/Old Union Turnpike, Lancaster Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix D. Additional Information