ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Routes 12/20 (Two Locations) Town of Auburn/Town of Oxford January 2012 Prepared for: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared by: Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates 38 Chauncy Street Boston, MA 02111 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Location Description ..................................................................................................... 3 Road Safety Audit Observations ............................................................................................... 6 Intersection #1. Southbridge Street (Route 12)/Washington Street (Route 20)............................ 7 Intersection #2. Southbridge Road (Route 20)/Main Street (Route 12) ..................................... 13 General Corridor-wide Issues ............................................................................................................ 17 Potential Safety Enhancements ............................................................................................... 21 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. 25% Design Plans RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 4 Intersection #1: Southbridge Street (Route 12)/Washington Street (Route 20) ..................... 8 Intersection #2: Southbridge Road (Route 20)/Main Street (Route 12) ............................... 14 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 3 Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements ....................................................................... 22 Page 1 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Background The segment of Southbridge Street (Routes 12/20) between Washington Street in Auburn and Main Street in Oxford has two intersection locations listed in the Top 5% of High Crash Locations within the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) area. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has determined that the Towns would be eligible to receive Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding for reconstruction of this roadway segment if a Road Safety Audit (RSA) were conducted and the proposed design incorporated safety improvements identified in the RSA. The roadway segment is currently at the 25% design stage, funded by MassDOT (#604234). Meanwhile, Southbridge Road (Route 20), west of Main Street in Oxford is being redesigned as part of a separate reconstruction project. During the RSA, the team focused on safety issues at the intersections of Southbridge Street/Washington Street in Auburn and Southbridge Road/Main Street in Oxford and the safety benefits of the proposed improvements along the entire roadway segment between Washington Street and Main Street. The 25% design plans for the segment evaluated during this RSA are provided in Appendix A. The RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of the design process for the reconstruction. The short-term, low-cost potential improvements could be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to reconstruction, as appropriate. Project Data The audit team conducted an RSA for the Southbridge Street (Routes 12/20) corridor on Wednesday, January 25, 2012. The RSA agenda appears in Appendix B. Table 1 lists the audit team members and their affiliations. Appendix C provides contact information for all team members. Prior to the RSA, in order to begin assessing possible safety issues, the team reviewed collision diagrams and a crash detail summary based on crash records supplied by the Auburn, Oxford, and State Police Departments for the intersections of Southbridge Street/Washington Street and Southbridge Road/Main Street (crash data for the corridor between the two intersections was not obtained or reviewed, but was characterized by team RSA members as being greater than the average crash rate for the road’s functional classification). Appendix D provides the detailed crash data and speed regulations for the study area. Page 2 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Bill Coyle Joanna Paquin Kevin Krasnecky Sujatha Mohanakrishnan Stephen Anderson Arthur Resca Thuong Phan Alolade Campbell Joe Frawley Jay Johnson Mike Hassett Adam Burney Sean Divoll Greg Russell Lisa Schletzbaum Ted Brovitz Joe SanClemente Agency/Affiliation Town of Auburn Town of Auburn Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) Auburn Fire Department MassDOT District 3 – Maintenance MassDOT District 3 MassDOT District 3 – Traffic MassDOT District 3 – Traffic Auburn Police Department Oxford Police Department Auburn Town Planner Oxford DPW Director VHB MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Project Location Description The RSA focused on the intersections of Southbridge Street/Washington Street in Auburn and Southbridge Road/Main Street in Oxford; the RSA team also commented on general safety issues along the Southbridge Street corridor between Washington Street and Main Street. The study area is illustrated in Figure 1. The study area is located just southwest of the I-90 (exit 10)/I-290 (exit 6) interchange. Within the study area, Southbridge Street serves as a major east–west roadway and provides access to numerous commercial uses as well as connections to residential neighborhoods on the north and south sides of the roadway. In general, there has been limited new development along the corridor over the past few years, and future development is expected to be limited to similar types of highway-oriented uses such as fast food restaurants, auto sales, and limited retail. The team noted a 10-acre parcel on the south side of Southbridge Street near Washington Street that could potentially be developed, but is significantly restricted by wetlands. Page 3 St .( Rt e. 12 /2 0) n Rd . So ut hb rid ge Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Locus Map So ut h Figure 1. ge id br 12) te. . (R t S gton ) te. 20 St. (R St. /2 12 So ut hb rid ge St .( Rt e. n Rd. 0) ert M Alb Appleto ap le St . in Wash Walmart Ma in St. (R t So ut e1 2) hb rid ge RD RN FO BU OX AU 20) e. Rt ( . Rd RSA Locations Source: MassGIS Not to scale. RSA Locations Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Southbridge Street (Route 12)/Washington Street (Route 20) – is a 3-way signalized intersection, located in the Town of Auburn. Southbridge Street bends at the intersection with Washington Street to form the western and northern legs of the intersection. The Southbridge Street eastbound approach consists of a dedicated left-turn lane and two through lanes; a small area of widened pavement is provided along Southbridge Street westbound to accommodate Southbridge Street eastbound U-turns. The Southbridge Street southbound approach intersects Washington Street at an acute angle and consists of two through lanes, located approximately 100 feet west of the Southbridge Street northbound travel lanes. The Washington Street westbound approach consists of two through lanes and a channelized right-turn lane and has two stop lines at the signalized intersection. The first stop line allows for Southbridge Street eastbound left-turns onto Southbridge Street northbound and the second stop line is located in advance of the Southbridge Street southbound approach. Maple Street intersects Southbridge Street from the west approximately 200 feet north of the intersection and operates under stop sign control. A pedestrian crossing is provided across the Maple Street eastbound approach; no other pedestrian crossings are provided at the intersection. Southbridge Road (Route 20)/Main Street (Route 12) – is a 3-way signalized intersection located in the Town of Oxford. The Auburn Town line is located just east of the intersection, where Southbridge Road (in Oxford) turns into Southbridge Street (in Auburn). Main Street intersects Southbridge Road from the southwest resulting in a Y-shaped intersection. The Main Street north-eastbound approach consists of a dedicated left-turn lane and two through lanes. The Southbridge Road eastbound approach consists of two through lanes and a dedicated right-turn lane. The Southbridge Road westbound approach consists of a dedicated left-turn lane and two through lanes. A one-way, entrance-only driveway serving Periwinkles Bar & Grill is located on the south side of the intersection; however, field observations by the RSA team indicate that vehicles currently use the driveway as both an entrance and exit. No crosswalks are provided at the intersection. These two intersections form the junctions of the following roadways, which are categorized according to MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning functional classifications: Southbridge Street/Road (Routes 12/20) is named Southbridge “Street” in Auburn and Southbridge “Road” in Oxford and is classified as an urban principal arterial to the west of Washington Street and an urban minor arterial to the east of Washington Street. The roadway is generally oriented east-west and consists of two lanes in each direction and falls under MassDOT jurisdiction. The roadway is dedicated as Route 12 and Route 20 between Washington Street in Auburn and Main Street in Oxford. West of Main Street, in Oxford, Southbridge Street turns into Southbridge Road and is dedicated as Route 20. Northeast of Washington Street, in Auburn, Southbridge Street is dedicated as Route 12 and provides access to I-90 at exit 10. Within the study area, the speed limit along Southbridge Street is posted at 40 miles per hour (mph). Washington Street (Route 20) is an urban principal arterial and falls under MassDOT jurisdiction. Within the study area, Washington Street is an east–west roadway and consists of two lanes in each direction. Washington Street provides connection to numerous commercial uses and I-290 at exit 6. Page 5 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Maple Street is a local roadway and falls under Town of Auburn jurisdiction. Maple Street generally runs east–west between Southbridge Street and Tinker Hill Road and consists of one lane in each direction. Maple Street provides access to residential uses along the north side of the roadway and commercial uses along the south side. Main Street (Route 12) is an urban minor arterial and falls under MassDOT jurisdiction. Main Street runs north–south and consists of one travel lane in each direction. Road Safety Audit Observations Based on field observations on Wednesday, January 25, 2012, the RSA team determined that the segment of Southbridge Road (Routes 12/20) between Washington Street in Auburn and Main Street in Oxford has the following issues that affect safety: Access management; Drainage; Limited bicycle accommodations; Limited pedestrian accommodations; Limited transit accommodations; Traffic signal indications, phasing, and clearance intervals; Unclear, inconsistent, and cluttered wayfinding and regulatory signage; Unclear traffic circulation and turn restrictions; and Utility pole placement. The following sections describe in more detail the safety issues and enhancements determined during the RSA. These safety enhancements are also discussed as they relate to both the existing conditions and the design plans which are currently at the 25% design level. Several of these issues require further study and engineering judgment to determine the feasibility of implementing enhancements to address them. Page 6 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Intersection #1. Southbridge Street (Route 12)/Washington Street (Route 20) Observations: From March 2007 through August 2011, a total of 44 crashes were reported at this signalized intersection location, of which 37 (or 84%) were rear-end type. Of the 44 crashes at this intersection, eight (or 18%) resulted in personal injury; no fatalities were reported during this time period. The majority of the crashes occurred on Thursday or Friday (57%) between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM (36%). The team noted that the increase in crashes during these time periods may be the result of an increase in traffic volume due to motorists using Route 12/20 as a bypass to congestion along I-90. The intersection is illustrated in Figure 2. The following details the observations made by the RSA team at this location with respect to lane usage and queuing conditions, signal indications and clearance intervals, access management, and signage: Lane Usage and Queuing Conditions The Southbridge Street eastbound approach consists of a dedicated left-turn lane and two through lanes. During field observations, the team noted that the left- turn queue often exceeds the storage and extends in the Southbridge Road eastbound through travel lanes. According to the crash data, two sideswipe same direction crashes were reported along this approach, which may have been the result of motorists changing lanes to avoid the left-turn queue. Signal Indications and Clearance Intervals The left-turn queue on the Southbridge Road eastbound approach often extends into the through lanes. Washington Street Westbound – The Washington Street westbound approach consists of two through lanes and a channelized right-turn lane and has two stop lines at the signalized intersection. The first stop line allows for Southbridge Street eastbound left-turns onto Southbridge Street northbound. The second stop line is located approximately 100 feet downstream in advance of the Southbridge Street southbound approach, which intersects the westbound approach at an acute angle resulting in a Y-shaped intersection. According to the crash data, 24 rear-end crashes occurred along the Washington Street westbound approach within the intersection, including nine rear-end crashes at the first stop line and 15 rear-end crashes at the second stop line. Page 7 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Sou thb rid ge St .( Rt e. 12 Figure 2. Intersection 1: Southbridge Street (Route 12)/ Washington Street (Route 20) e pl ) Ninety Nine Restaurant . St a M Was . 20) t. (Rte on S hingt Chili’s Restaurant Source: MassGIS Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Not to scale. Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. During field observations, the RSA team noted that the traffic signal indications at each stop line change at the same time. Thus motorists that make it through the first signal at the end of green or during the yellow change interval can get trapped in the storage area at the second stop line. Team members noted that motorists often “race” through the intersection to try to make it through both traffic signal indications. Additionally, the Washington Street westbound approach is on a fairly steep downgrade that may contribute to higher travel speeds and Dual stop lines on Washington Street westbound and twisted make it more difficult for signal indications at Southbridge Street southbound. motorists to perceive and react to a yellow signal indication. Of the nine rear-end crashes at the first stop line, four occurred on wet pavement which, in combination with vehicle travel speeds, may have contributed to the occurrence of rear-end crashes at this location. At the second stop line, the team noted that the second set of traffic signal indications may be unexpected by motorists either traveling along Washington Street westbound or making a U-turn from Southbridge Street eastbound. Furthermore, because of the acute angle between Southbridge Street southbound and Washington Street westbound, the drivers along the westbound approach can partially see the southbound signal indications resulting in confusion regarding which driver has the right of way. The team also noted the left-most signal head for the Washington Street westbound approach is not aligned correctly so drivers in the right-hand lane don not see any of the indications. Also, the right-most signal head for the Washington Street westbound direction is mast-arm mounted, which coupled with the horizontal alignment of the road is easily blocked by a large truck traveling in front of a driver. The misaligned signal and potentially blocked signal can result in a driver in the right lane traveling westbound not seeing any signal indications. Similarly, team members also noted that the visibility of the signal indications along Southbridge Street southbound and westbound have the potential for being blocked by the presence of large trucks, which are prevalent along the corridor. Lastly, the team noted that the motorists traveling on Washington Street westbound may also be distracted when approaching the second stop line as they can see Southbridge Street southbound Page 9 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. traffic approaching and may be unsure if those vehicles have a red light or if it is a yield controlled movement. Of the 15 rear-end crashes at this location; driver inattention was a contributing factor in seven of the crashes. Driver inattention/confusion likely played a role in the rear-end crash history at this location. Southbridge Street Southbound – Of the 37 rear-end type crashes at the intersection, four (or 11%) occurred at the Southbridge Street southbound approach. During field observations the team noted that due to the skewed intersection geometry, motorists at the Southbridge Street southbound approach may be confused on whether they are allowed to take a right turn on red since it is relatively unclear if the approach is considered a right turn or a through movement; No Turn on Red (R10-11a or R10-11b) signage is currently not provided. The traffic signal indications are inconsistent and add to the confusion since one of the two traffic signal indications for the approach has a red arrow with a green arrow and the second indication has a red bulb with a green arrow. Traffic control and signal indications are unclear at Southbridge Street Southbound. Access Management The two commercial properties located along the south side of the intersection have several large, and relatively undefined, curb cuts. According to the crash history at this intersection, two rearend type crashes were reported along Southbridge Street westbound that may have involved motorists attempting to turn into one of the commercial properties and then being rear-ended by a second unsuspecting motorist. Signage Sign clutter along Washington Street westbound. On the Southbridge Street eastbound approach, an RSA team member noted that commercial signage located along the south side of the roadway blocks the visibility of the through traffic signal indications; only the left-turn signal indication is visible upstream of the intersection . As a result, since the through indications are always green, there is potential Page 10 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. for eastbound through vehicles to mistakenly react to the left-turn signal indication and unnecessarily slow down. The team also noted significant sign clutter along Washington Street westbound where there is redundant Route 12 guide signage; the team noted that two signs for Route 12 North and South block the visibility of Route 20 signage and additional Route 12 signage. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider the safety benefits of either increasing the left-turn storage and/or adding an additional left-turn lane at Southbridge Street eastbound to reduce/eliminate conflicts with through traffic. 2. Eliminate the second stop line/set of signal indications at Washington Street westbound to reduce driver confusion. 3. Evaluate clearance intervals and update as necessary per current standards. 4. Reorient Southbridge Street southbound signal indications, add louvers, and/or other appropriate measure so that they are no longer visible from Washington Street westbound. 5. Consider the appropriateness of installing No Turn on Red (R10-11a or R10-11b) signage at the Southbridge Street southbound approach to reduce driver confusion. 6. Remove redundant guide signage at the Washington Street westbound approach. 7. Define access points for commercial properties located along the south side of the intersection to reduce driver confusion and reduce the number of conflict points. 8. Realign Washington Street westbound traffic signal indications to improve visibility. 9. Review quantity and placement of traffic signal indications at the Washington Street westbound approach to ensure that the appropriate number of signal indications are visible due to the presence of large trucks. Design-Specific Comments: The RSA team noted the following with respect to the proposed 25% Design Plans: 1. The current design provides for a dedicated receiving lane to accommodate Southbridge Street eastbound U-turns, which will intersect Southbridge Street southbound at an acute angle and operate under yield control. The RSA team had the following comments with regards to the U-turn lane: a. Evaluate the operating conditions and consider the safety impacts of creating a yield controlled movement for U-turns. The team noted that motorists that are Page 11 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. provided a protected left-turn movement to make the U-turn may then not expect to encounter a yield/merge condition. b. Evaluate the potential for the U-turn yield-controlled movement to queue into the intersection as a result of increased U-turn demand with the addition of the median along Southbridge Street. Consider potential geometric/signal phasing modifications, adding additional green time to Southbridge Street southbound, and/or the addition of upstream detection within the U-turn receiving lane to detect queue build-up. c. Consider improved guide signage along Southbridge Street eastbound, such as a graphic guide sign to illustrate lane use and alert motorists that the inside lane can be used to reverse direction. 2. Consider the appropriateness of adding a No Turn on Red (R10-11a or R10-11b) signage at the Southbridge Street southbound approach. 3. The current design will construct a median dividing Southbridge Street (Route 12) northbound and southbound, which will physically restrict left-turns to/from Maple Street that are currently allowed today. During the RSA, Town officials recommended that the median on Southbridge Street should not be extended to Maple Street to allow for the left-turn access to/from Southbridge Street. The designer and MassDOT agreed to leave the access open as it is currently. 4. Consider adding louvers, and/or other appropriate measure, to reduce the visibility of the Southbridge Street southbound traffic signal indications from Washington Street westbound. 5. Verify the visibility of the proposed signal heads for Southbridge Street eastbound for minimum sight distance criteria based on 85th percentile travel speed. Page 12 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Intersection #2. (Route 12) Southbridge Road (Route 20)/Main Street Observations: From June 2006 through July 2010, a total of 15 crashes were reported at this signalized intersection location, including seven rear-end type (47%), three sideswipe (20%), three angle (20%), and two single vehicle crashes (or 13%). Of the 15 crashes reported at this intersection, seven resulted in personal injury, including one fatality. The intersection is illustrated in Figure 3. The RSA team made the following observations with respect to lane use, sight distance, and parking at this intersection location: Lane Use and Intersection Geometry The Southbridge Road westbound approach increases from two to three travel lanes at the intersection to provide for a dedicated left-turn lane and two through lanes; however, no pavement markings are provided indicating that the left-hand lane is for left-turns only and advance lane use signage is generally confusing. According to the crash history, four rear-end crashes were reported at the Southbridge Road westbound approach, which were generally the result of driving too fast and/or following too closely. One angle type crash was also reported involving a Southbridge Road westbound vehicle making a left-turn onto Main Street with a second vehicle traveling along Southbridge Road eastbound; the crash was the result of driver disregard of the traffic signal. The team also noted that the presence of the triangular island within the intersection also adds to driver confusion at the intersection. One single vehicle crash involved a motorist traveling along Main Street north-eastbound that hit the island; the police report indicated that the reflective signing was missing at the time of the crash and was replaced shortly after. Another crash involved a vehicle that attempted to make a U-turn from Southbridge Road westbound around the island, which resulted in an angle crash with a second vehicle traveling Triangular island at Main Street eastbound along Main Street north-eastbound. Southbridge Road westbound U-turns are allowed as long as the vehicle does not make the turn around the island. Page 13 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Figure 3. Intersection 2: Southbridge Road (Route 20)/ Main Street (Route 12) RN BU AU RD FO OX S St ri hb t ou e dg . te R .( ) 20 / 12 Honey Dew Donuts 12 te. (R Ma in St. Cumberland Farms Periwinkles Bar & Grille ) te. 20) d. (R R dge bri h t u So Walmart Source: MassGIS Not to scale. Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Lastly, a curb cut providing access (entrance only) to Periwinkles Bar and Grill is located on the south side of the intersection, just east of the Main Street north-eastbound stop line. Currently turns out of the driveway are prohibited by one Do Not Enter Sign; which appears to be nonstandard. Field observations indicate that this restriction is generally disregarded and resulted in one reported crash. Team members also noted that the Southbridge Road westbound left-turn approach has a green arrow at the same time as the Main Street northA vehicle exiting Periwinkle’s eastbound movement (acting as an overlap phase); however, the green arrow is for “bear left” and not “hard left” into Periwinkles. While there haven’t been any recent crashes reported involving Southbridge Road westbound lefts into Periwinkles, it is a safety issue. Sight Distance The RSA team noted that the visibility of the traffic signal indications along the Southbridge Road eastbound approach are limited due to the presence of a horizontal curve in the roadway. A team member commented that motorists unfamiliar with the area may not anticipate a red light/vehicle queue at the intersection. In addition, the presence of truck traffic on the roadway could further reduce the visibility of the signal indications for other motorists traveling behind them. Advance warning signage such as Signal Ahead (W3-3) is not currently Horizontal curve along Southbridge Road provided. According to the crash data, one eastbound and truck traffic limits visibility of signals indications. rear-end crash was reported at this location that was result of following too closely; limited sight lines may have been a contributing factor. Similarly, a team member noted that wayfinding and commercial signage located along the inside of a horizontal curve on the north side of the roadway reduces sight lines of the traffic signal indications for the Southbridge Street westbound approach. Page 15 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Parking Team members noted that a large unpaved area along the north side of Southbridge Road (Route 20) westbound has become a popular place for trucks to briefly park and then access Cumberland Farms on foot. A crosswalk or signage prohibiting parking along the roadway is not provided. Potential Enhancements: 1. Improve Southbridge Road westbound lane use markings to reduce driver confusion. 2. Improve intersection circulation around center island and/or improve intersection geometry by removing island to reduce driver confusion. 3. Improve signage and/or modify signal phasing to prohibit/eliminate conflict between that Southbridge Street westbound “hard lefts” into Periwinkles and Main Street northeastbound traffic. 4. Improve signage at Periwinkles entrance driveway to improve clarity of turn restrictions and help deter vehicles from exiting into intersection. 5. Consider adding No Parking signage along the north side of Southbridge Road to deter trucks from parking and accessing Cumberland Farms on foot. Design-Specific Comments: The RSA team noted the following with respect to the proposed 25% Design Plans: 1. Consider adding improved signage along the Southbridge Road westbound approach to clarify lane use and alert drivers that the left-lane can be used for U-turns. 2. The current design proposes to relocate the Periwinkles driveway approximately 50 feet southwest of its current location and would operate as an exit only versus an entrance only as it is currently. While Do Not Enter signage (R5-1) is proposed, the team noted that motorists may still be tempted to enter the driveway from Southbridge Road eastbound and westbound, which is currently allowed today. Consider geometric changes to physically preclude left-turns entering the driveway; the potential for closing the driveway and providing access to Periwinkles via the Walmart driveway; and/or other appropriate measure to accommodate vehicular access to Periwinkles. 3. The current design includes a flattening of the horizontal curve along the Southbridge Road eastbound approach, which will improve the visibility of the traffic signal indications at the intersection; however, an RSA team member commented that the designer should consider the appropriateness of providing advance warning signage (i.e., Signal Ahead, W3-3) to alert motorists and verify that the minimum required sight distance of the signal indications for the 85th percentile travel speed is provided. Page 16 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. General Corridor-wide Issues Observations: While the RSA focused on crash history at the intersections of Southbridge Street/Washington Street and Southbridge Road/Main Street, the RSA team noted several general safety issues throughout the study area related to signage, roadway conditions, pedestrian and transit accommodations, and other issues, as described below: Signage The team noted that signage throughout the study area is cluttered, often redundant, and/or confusing. Some of the existing signage is also in poor condition and/or outdated. The abundance of business signage associated with the numerous commercial uses along the corridor further contributes to visual clutter. For example, a team member noted that Periwinkle’s has a flashing sign board which may contribute to motorist distraction. Abundant wayfinding and commercial signage Team members noted that the corridor can contribute to sign clutter experience a fair amount of cut-through traffic (as a bypass to I-90) during peak demand periods – thus sign clutter and/or unclear guide signage can add to confusion for motorists unfamiliar with the area, particularly as they navigate through the Route 12/20 crossover. Roadway Conditions Lanes and Shoulders – Southbridge Street consists of two travel lanes, with no shoulder, in each direction. Team members noted that the lack of shoulder makes it difficult for vehicles (passenger vehicles and, in particular, trucks) traveling at the posted speed limit (40 mph) to turn in/out of the numerous commercial driveways along the corridor. This is particularly an issue during/after large snow storm events when snow banks along the edge of the roadway reduce/block site lines at the driveways. According to team members, bicycle activity is generally minimal throughout the study area; however, the lack of a shoulder along Southbridge Street makes it difficult for cyclists to ride in mixed traffic. Page 17 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Pavement Conditions/Drainage – The pavement is in poor condition, and rutted, throughout the study area. A team member noted that the poor pavement conditions combined with a relatively flat roadway profile contribute to drainage issues throughout the corridor. During the field visit, the team noted standing water in several places, particularly along the edge of the roadway and at curb cut locations. Of the 59 crashes that occurred at the two intersection locations, 21 (or 36%) occurred on wet pavement. Standing water and rutted pavement is Utility/Light Poles – Utility/light poles are prevalent along Southbridge Street. located very close to edge of the travel lanes along the corridor posing a potential safety issue particularly in the interior segments of the corridor where speeds tend to increase in combination with poor pavement and drainage conditions. While crash data along the entire corridor was not reviewed as part of this RSA, the crash data at the two intersections noted one fatal crash at the intersection of Southbridge Road/Main Street involving a utility pole and one non-injury crash at the intersection of Southbridge Street/Washington Street involving a light pole. Travel speed was a contributing factor in both crashes. Pedestrian Accessibility Sidewalks are provided on both sides of Southbridge Street along most of the corridor; however, they are not continuous and generally in poor condition and covered in debris. Crosswalks are not provided across the Southbridge Street within the study area or at the intersections of Southbridge Street/Washington Street or Southbridge Road/Main Street. Sidewalks are generally in poor condition. Transit Conditions The Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) currently operates the Route #42 bus service along Southbridge Street; however, the bus does not service any stops within the study area. The team noted that the narrows shoulders and lack of bus pull-outs on Southbridge Street would make it difficult for buses to safely serve passengers on the side of the road. The limited pedestrian accommodations within the study area would be a safety concerns for riders. Page 18 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Other General Observations The RSA team also noted the following general observations: Pavement Markings – Are generally in worn and in poor condition throughout the study area. Solar Glare – Due to the east–west orientation of Southbridge Street, the RSA team noted that solar glare can be an issue for motorists, particularly during the morning and evening periods. The team noted that backplates (which would reduce solar glare) are generally not provided on any of the traffic signal heads throughout the study area. Emergency Response – An RSA team member noted that the Town of Auburn does have Opticom on their emergency response vehicles; however, Opticom detection is not provided at the signalized intersections within the study area. Potential Enhancements: 1. Reduce sign clutter/redundant signage and replace outdated/worn signage to reduce driver confusion. 2. Consider safety benefits of adding a shoulder. 3. Resurface roadway and improve drainage to improve travel conditions for motorists. 4. Relocate utility/light poles away from edge of roadway, as appropriate, to eliminate conflicts with vehicles in the outside travel lanes. 5. Improve sidewalk conditions for pedestrians. 6. Add crosswalks at key intersections along corridor. 7. Provide bus pull-outs as appropriate to safely accommodate WRTA bus service along corridor. 8. Improve pavement markings to reduce driver confusion. 9. Add backplates to all east-west facing signal indications to improve visibility. 10. Provide Opticom detection at signalized intersections along the corridor to improve emergency response times. Page 19 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Design-Specific Comments: The RSA team noted the following with respect to the proposed 25% Design Plans: 1. The 25% design plans currently call for a median along the length of Southbridge Street. The team discussed the potential changes in circulation patterns – substantially more Uturns at the signalized intersections along the corridor. Consider the safety issues/benefits associated with operational changes due to an increase in U-turn activity at signalized intersections along the corridor. 2. During the RSA, public safety officials pointed out that crashes along Southbridge Street during peak demand periods often result in significant queuing/delay. Concerns were raised about how to manage incidents effectively along the corridor with the median in place, which would prevent the temporary use of travel lanes in both directions during a crash event and the potential impacts on traffic congestion. According to MassDOT District 3 staff, the proposed median is designed such that it would be mountable by emergency vehicles at most locations (see typical sections in Appendix A). To be mountable at all locations, elimination of proposed plants in the median should be considered. Page 20 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements Based on its observations and discussions, the RSA team identified the issues and possible enhancements that could improve safety along the segment of Southbridge Street (Routes 12/20) between Washington Street in Auburn and Main Street in Oxford. Many of the enhancements identified during the RSA have already been evaluated as part of the design process, although further design work or consideration may be necessary to determine the feasibility of making some of the improvements. Short-term enhancements include: Evaluate and update clearance intervals at signalized intersections as necessary; and Improve Signage/reduce sign clutter. To enhance the safety of the intersection, the long-term enhancements are to: Improve access management; Improve bicycle accommodations; Improve drainage; Improve pavement and lane use markings; Improve pedestrian accommodations; Improve transit accommodations; Improve visibility of traffic signal indications; and Relocate utility poles. Table 2 summarizes these safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, cost, and responsibility. Safety payoff estimates are based on engineering judgment and are categorized as low, medium, and high. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (typically >3 years). Long-term improvements are typically considered to be substantial improvements with an expected time frame for implementation greater than 3 years; however, the project is scheduled to be advertised in the summer of 2012. Therefore, the improvements categorized as longterm may be implemented in less than 3 years. The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,000). It is the responsibility of MassDOT to ensure that the designer incorporates the relevant safety enhancements identified as part of this RSA. The RSA is intended to identify potential safety improvements that can be evaluated and included as part of the design process for the reconstruction. The short-term low-cost potential improvements could be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to reconstruction. Page 21 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements Location Intersection #1: Southbridge Street (Route 12)/Washingt on Street (Route 20) Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Consider the safety benefits of either increasing the Lane Usage left-turn storage and/or adding an additional left-turn & Queuing lane at Southbridge Street eastbound to reduce/eliminate conflicts with through traffic. Eliminate the second stop line/set of signal indications at Washington Street westbound to reduce driver confusion. Evaluate clearance intervals and update as necessary per current standards. Reorient Southbridge Street southbound signal indications, add louvers, and/or other appropriate Signal measure so that they are no longer visible from Indications & Washington Street westbound. Clearance Intervals Realign Washington Street westbound traffic signal indications to improve visibility. Review quantity and placement of traffic signal indications at Washington Street westbound approach to ensure that the appropriate number of signal indications are visible due to the presence of large trucks. Consider the appropriateness of installing No Turn on Red (R10-11a or R10-11b) signage at the Southbridge Street southbound approach to reduce Signage driver confusion. Remove redundant guide signage at the Washington Street westbound approach. Define access points for commercial properties Access located along the south side of the intersection to Management reduce driver confusion and reduce the number of conflict points. Safety Payoff Time Frame Medium Cost Responsibility1 Status2 Longterm High - Included in design Medium Longterm High - Included in design Medium Shortterm Low MassDOT Included in design Medium Shortterm Low - Included in design Medium Shortterm Low MassDOT Needs further evaluation in next submittal Medium Longterm Low Designer/MassD OT Needs further evaluation in next submittal Medium Shortterm Low Designer/ MassDOT Needs further evaluation in next submittal Low Shortterm Low - Included in design Medium Longterm Medium - Included in design Page 22 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Location Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility1 Status2 - - - Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal - - - Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal - - - Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal Maintain left-turn access at Maple Street to/from Southbridge Street, as is currently provided today. - - - Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal Verify the visibility of the proposed signal heads for Southbridge Street eastbound for minimum sight distance criteria based on 85th percentile travel speed. - - - Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal Low Shortterm Low - Included in design Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Intersection #1: Southbridge Design Street (Route Specific 12)/Washingt Comments on Street (Route 20) – (continued) Intersection #2: Southbridge Lane Use & Road (Route Intersection 20)/Main Geometry Street (Route 12) Evaluate the operating conditions and consider the safety impacts of creating a yield/merge condition for Southbridge Street eastbound U-turns. Evaluate the potential for queue blockage at the intersection as result of the U-turn yield/merge and increase in U-turn demand with the median. Consider potential geometric/signal phasing modifications, adding additional green time to Southbridge Street southbound, and/or the addition of upstream detection within the U-turn receiving lane to detect queue build-up. Consider improved guide signage along Southbridge Street eastbound, such as a graphic guide sign to illustrate lane use and alert motorists that the inside lane can be used to reverse direction. Improve Southbridge Road westbound lane use markings to reduce driver confusion. Page 23 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Location Safety Issue Lane Use & Intersection Geometry Signage Intersection #2: Southbridge Road (Route 20)/Main Street (Route 12) – (continued) Signage Design Specific Comments Design Specific Comments Safety Enhancement Improve intersection circulation around center island and/or improve intersection geometry by removing island to reduce driver confusion. Improve signage and/or modify signal phasing to prohibit/eliminate conflict between that Southbridge Street westbound “hard lefts” into Periwinkles and Main Street north-eastbound traffic. Improve signage at Periwinkles entrance driveway to improve clarity of turn restrictions and help deter vehicles from exiting into intersection. Consider adding No Parking signage along the north side of Southbridge Road to deter trucks from parking and accessing Cumberland Farms on foot. Consider adding improved signage along the Southbridge Road westbound approach to clarify lane use and alert drivers that the left-lane can be used for U-turns Consider geometric changes to physically preclude left-turns entering periwinkles driveway; the potential for closing the driveway and providing access to Periwinkles via the Walmart driveway; and/or other appropriate measure to accommodate vehicular access to Periwinkles. Along the Southbridge Road eastbound approach, consider the appropriateness of providing advance Signal Ahead warning signage (W3-3) to alert motorists and verify that the minimum required sight distance for the signal indications are provided according to the 85th percentile travel speed. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility1 Status2 Low Longterm High - Included in design High Shortterm Medium Low Shortterm Low - Included in design Low Shortterm Low Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal Low Longterm Low Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal - - - Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal Low Shortterm Low Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal Included in design Page 24 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Location Safety Issue Intersection #2: Southbridge Design Road (Route Specific 20)/Main Comments Street (Route 12) – (continued) Signage Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility1 Status2 Along the Southbridge Road westbound approach, verify that the minimum required sight distance for the traffic signal indications are provided according to the th 85 percentile travel speed. Low Shortterm Low Designer Needs further evaluation in next submittal Reduce sign clutter/redundant signage and replace outdated/worn signage to reduce driver confusion. Low Medium - High - High - High - High - Medium - Medium - Low - Low - Safety Enhancement Consider safety benefits of adding a shoulder. Roadway Conditions General Corridorwide Issues Pedestrian Conditions Transit Conditions Pavement markings Solar Glare Resurface roadway and improve drainage to improve travel conditions for motorists. Relocate utility/light poles away from edge of roadway, as appropriate, to eliminate conflicts with vehicles in the outside travel lanes. Medium Medium High Improve sidewalk conditions for pedestrians. Medium Add crosswalks at key intersections along corridor. Medium Provide bus pull-outs as appropriate to safely accommodate WRTA bus service along corridor. Improve pavement markings to reduce driver confusion. Add backplates to all east-west facing signal indications to improve visibility. Low Low Low Shortterm Longterm Longterm Longterm Longterm Longterm Longterm Longterm Shortterm Included in design Included in design Included in design Included in design Included in design Included in design Included in design Included in design Included in design Page 25 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Table 2. Summary of Potential Safety Enhancements (continued) Location Safety Issue Emergency Response General Corridorwide Issues (continued) Design Specific Comments Design Specific Comments Safety Enhancement Provide Opticom detection at signalized intersections along the corridor to improve emergency response times. Consider the safety issues/benefits associated with the proposed median and the resulting increase in Uturn activity at signalized intersections along the corridor. Consider the elimination of the proposed plantings in the median to allow the median to be mountable by emergency vehicles in both directions during a crash event. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsibility1 Status2 High Longterm Medium - Included in design - - - Designer/ MassDOT Needs further evaluation in next submittal - - - Designer/ MassDOT/ Town of Auburn Needs further evaluation in next submittal Notes: 1. It is the responsibility of MassDOT to ensure that the designer incorporates the relevant safety enhancements identified as part of this RSA. 2. The designer shall ensure that all enhancements listed as “Included in Design” are designed per current MassDOT standards, as appropriate. Page 26 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix A. 25% Design Plans OXFORD AUBURN OXFORD AUBURN OXFORD AUBURN OXFORD AUBURN Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Auburn / Oxford Washington St/Southbridge Rd & Main St/Southbridge Rd Meeting Location: Auburn Town Hall, 104 Central Street, Auburn, MA Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Locations – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:30 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:45 AM Discussion of Safety Issues • Crash history, Speed Regulations – provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions 11:15 AM Site Visit • Drive to the intersections of Washington St/Southbridge Rd & Main St/Southbridge Rd • As a group, identify areas for improvement 12:00 PM Discussion of Potential Improvements • Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:30 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on January 25th, participants are encouraged to drive/walk through the intersections and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix C. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Participating Audit Team Members Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Location: Auburn Town Hall, 104 Central Street, Auburn, MA Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation E-mail Address Bill Coyle Town of Auburn Joanna Paquin Town of Auburn Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Kevin Krasnecky Commission (CMRPC) Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Sujatha Mohanakrishnan Commission (CMRPC) Stephen Anderson Auburn Fire Department Arthur Resca MassDOT District 3 – Maintenance Thuong Phan MassDOT District 3 Alolade Campbell MassDOT District 3 – Traffic Joe Frawley MassDOT District 3 – Traffic Jay Johnson Auburn Police Department Mike Hassett Oxford Police Department Adam Burney Auburn Town Planner Sean Divoll Oxford DPW Director Greg Russell VHB Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Ted Brovitz Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Joe SanClemente Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates Phone Number (508) 832-7814 (508) 832-7814 (508) 459-3314 (508) 459-3335 (508) 832-3333 (508) 929-3848 (508) 929-3937 (508) 929-3916 (508) 929-3916 (508) 832-7778 (508) 987-0156 (508) 832-7704 (508) 987-6006 (508) 752-1001 (617) 973-7685 (617) 348-3308 (617) 482-7080 Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix D. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table Intersection of Southbridge St and Washington St; Auburn, MA March 27, 2007 - August 19, 2011 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Crash Date Crash Day Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Thursday Thursday Friday Time of Day 3/27/07 5/3/07 5/5/07 5/8/07 5/12/07 8/2/07 8/9/07 8/10/07 8/15/07 9/18/07 9/23/07 11/7/07 11/9/07 11/22/07 12/28/07 Wednesday Tuesday Sunday Wednesday Friday Thursday Friday 1:04 AM 1:36 PM 1:01 PM 3:38 PM 5:48 PM 11:03 AM 4:01 PM 1/18/08 1/25/08 2/10/08 3/2/08 3/24/08 4/16/08 4/24/08 5/31/08 7/31/08 8/5/08 26 8/7/08 Friday Friday Sunday Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Thursday Tuesday 8:41 AM 12:19 PM 10:15 AM 5:59 PM 7:03 PM 2:08 PM 8:11 AM 2:55 PM 8:27 PM 8:05 AM 2:15 PM 1:07 PM 10:56 AM 5:58 AM 12:05 PM 9:46 AM 6:39 PM 7:28 AM Manner of Collision Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Sideswipe, same direction Light Condition Daylight Weather Condition Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Dusk Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Road Surface Single Vehicle Crash Angle Rear-end Rear-end Dark - roadway not lighted Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Snow Cloudy Dry Dry Wet Wet Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Dawn Daylight Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Clear Dry Dry Wet Wet Dry Thursday 10:22 AM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry 5:43 PM 4:43 PM 4:05 PM 11:22 PM Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Rain Rain Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Snow Clear Rain Wet Wet Wet Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Wet Dry Wet 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 9/27/08 10/28/08 12/10/08 1/2/09 1/22/09 1/29/09 2/27/09 2/27/09 3/1/09 3/20/09 4/3/09 Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Sunday Friday Friday 8:03 AM 3:45 PM 2:18 PM 7:03 PM 4:02 PM 6:22 PM 11:22 AM Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end 38 39 40 41 7/1/09 7/9/09 7/24/09 9/11/09 Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday 11:04 PM 9:21 PM 7:02 AM 6:34 PM Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Rain Rain Wet Dry Wet Wet Friday Friday Friday 2:04 PM 3:20 PM 3:30 PM Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry 42 2/11/11 43 5/20/11 44 8/19/11 Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Auburn, Oxford, & State Police Departments. Driver Contributing Code Inattention No Improper Driving No Improper Driving No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Inattention Followed too closely Exceeded authorized speed limit Followed too closely Unknown Followed too closely No Improper Driving Visibility Obstructed Inattention Followed too closely Inattention Inattention No Improper Driving Followed too closely Unknown Unknown No Improper Driving Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. Unknown Inattention Inattention Followed too closely Inattention Followed too closely Followed too closely Inattention Inattention Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Inattention No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner Other improper action Other improper action Ages 50 58 24 33 unk 37 81 49 27 41 17 35 50 36 24 74 55 53 58 72 24 unk 50 59 62 46 57 34 22 48 39 46 55 Comments Hit and run. 36 Hit a traffic light pole. Operator arrested for OUI. unk 28 19 34 54 33 Operator stated that vehicle's windshield fogged. Hit guard rail that protects the median. Officer stated that the sign marking the median had been damaged/removed in previous accident. 34 17 53 54 61 44 25 35 27 45 29 47 26 17 38 41 24 51 unk 44 39 56 35 29 36 19 57 33 18 52 unk 30 29 42 44 61 34 18 19 57 25 40 44 21 59 39 47 59 Could not be mapped. 67 Officer stated that there was a construction crew in vicinity and there were some barrels partially in the right lane. The traffic light was not visible until directly underneath it. pavement. 18 41 Hit and run. Hit and run. Road Safety Audit Routes 12/20 (Two Locations), Auburn/Oxford Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. Appendix E. Additional Information