ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 2 (Mohawk Trail) / Colrain Road / Big Y Driveway Cheapside Street / Hope Street Turners Falls Road / Loomis Road Town of Greenfield July 2014 Prepared For: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared By: Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 2 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 4 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 15 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA meeting Invitation and Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1 2014 Road Safety Audit Locations in Greenfield, Massachusetts on USGS Base Area Map..... 3 Figure 2 Aerial View of Route 2 Intersections with Colrain Road and Big Y Plaza Driveway ............... 4 Figure 3 Photo of Guardrail East of Big Y Plaza Driveway ..................................................................... 4 Figure 4 Photo Looking Left from the Big Y Driveway........................................................................... 5 Figure 5 Photo Looking Right from Big Y Driveway .............................................................................. 5 Figure 6 Photo of Directional Text Pavement Markings in Eastbound Route 2 Lanes ............................ 6 Figure 7 Photo of Sidewalk termination on North Side of Route 2 .......................................................... 6 Figure 8 Photo of Sidewalk termination on North Side of Route 2 .......................................................... 6 Figure 9 Aerial View of Cheapside Street at Hope Street ......................................................................... 8 Figure 10 Photo of Sign Mounting Distorting STOP Sign Shape ............................................................ 9 Figure 11 Photo of Raised Island and Pavement Markings on Hope Street .............................................. 9 Figure 12 Looking East from Hope Street Stop Bar ............................................................................... 10 Figure 13 Looking West from Hope Street ............................................................................................. 10 Figure 14 Aerial View of Turners Falls Road and Loomis Road ........................................................... 11 Figure 15 Photo of Turners Falls Road Through Approach to Loomis Road ......................................... 12 Figure 16 Photo of Warning Signs on Turners Fall Road Through Approach ........................................ 12 Figure 17 Photo of Turners Falls Road Thru Approach Looking Back from Loomis Rd Intersection .. 13 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. List of Tables Table 1 Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Table 2 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary .......................................................................... 16 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Background The three intersections included in this Roadway Safety Audit (RSA) were identified by MassDOT and/or Franklin Regional Council of Governments. The purpose of a RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. The FHWA defines a Road Safety Audit as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. For this RSA the safety audit team includes representatives from the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG), the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), the Town of Greenfield Highway and Fire Departments and Stantec. Stantec’s role is to facilitate the meetings, compile the team’s observations and ideas to improve safety, and effectively outline the team’s program for safety improvement. Project Data The three locations in Greenfield audited on July 10, 2014 are: • Route 2 (Mohawk Trail) at Colrain Road and the Big Y Plaza Driveway; • Cheapside Street at Hope Street; and • Turners Falls Road at Loomis Road. The RSA was initiated through FRCOG, the Town of Greenfield and MassDOT. MassDOT engaged Stantec as the facilitator, and FRCOG scheduled the audit. The Invitation and Agenda are included in Appendix A. The participating team members and their affiliations are listed in Table 1, and their contact information is provided in Appendix B. MassDOT collected crash data from their records and requested copies of those and any additional crash records from the Franklin Regional Council of Governments and the Greenfield Police Department. This information was compiled by MassDOT and furnished to the team in advance of the audit. This crash data is provided in Appendix C. An audit includes a field visit to each location “sandwiched” between meetings. One meeting started the day when all safety related observations were noted. Another meeting immediately followed the site visits when the team’s thoughts on safety measures to mitigate the safety issues were recorded. Participating Audit Team Members are: Table 1 Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Stacy Metzger Franklin Regional Council of Governments John Whitney Greenfield Fire Department Laurie Scarbrough Franklin Regional Council of Governments Luke Hayes MassDOT – District 2 Traffic Kevin McDyer MassDOT – District 2 Traffic Sara Campbell Greenfield Department of Public Works Bonnie Polin MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Beth Giannini Franklin Regional Council of Governments David DeBaie Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Project Location and Description This RSA focuses on three intersections whose locations are illustrated in Figure 1, are generally described in the following paragraphs and described in detail on the pages that follow the figure. Route 2 (Mohawk Trail) at Colrain Road and Big Y Plaza Driveway Route 2 (Mohawk Trail) is a principal arterial under MassDOT jurisdiction. Route 2 is oriented east west and with a median divided five-lane roadway with a speed limit of 35 MPH through the Colrain Road and the Big Y Plaza driveway intersections. Just east Route 2 operates through the I-91 rotary interchange and just west tapers to a two lane roadway. Colrain Road is classified as a rural minor collector operating under local jurisdiction with a posted speed limit of 30 mph north of its signalized intersection with Route 2. There are two lanes including a left turn lane on the Colrain Road approach and 65 feet back from Route 2 there is a driveway to the Irving gas station which serves all movements. Two Irving driveways on Route 2 serve either right in or right out movements only. Robbins Road is a single lane local road directly opposite Colrain Road. The Big Y Plaza driveway is located approximately 400 feet west of Colrain Road; it operates as a STOP sign controlled two lane driveway. On the opposite side of Route 2, there is a single lane driveway to the Pella window store, Valero gas station and Taco Bell Restaurant. A sidewalk exists along that south side of Route 2 to a point west of Robbins Street. On the north side there is a sidewalk from the rotary west as far as the Irving gas station frontage. On Colrain Road sidewalks extend from Route 2 just north of the Irving gas station on both sides. Pedestrian signals and crosswalks are provided on the western side across Route 2 and across Colrain Road. There are no separate bicycle facilities through these two intersections. Cheapside Street at Hope Street Cheapside Street is a two-lane roadway under MassDOT jurisdiction, functionally classified as a minor arterial operating with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour in both directions through the intersection with Hope Street. Hope Street is a two-lane local roadway operating under STOP control with a posted speed limit of 20 mph immediately north of the intersection on Cheapside Street. There are no sidewalks or bicycle facilities at this intersection. Turners Falls Road at Loomis Street Turners Falls Road is under Greenfield jurisdiction and functionally classified as a minor arterial. The speed limit on Turners Falls Road is 30 mph approaching Loomis Road as a one way roadway. Left turns onto Loomis Road are under STOP control directly opposite STOP controlled Eliza Lane. Through movements on Turners Falls Road must YIELD to Loomis Road traffic. North of Loomis Road, Turners Falls Road is a two-way roadway. Loomis Road is a two-lane local road under Greenfield jurisdiction operating under a 30 mph speed limit between Route 2A and the intersection. There are no pedestrian or bicycle facilities at the intersection or on either Turners Falls Road or Loomis Road. Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Figure 1 2014 Road Safety Audit Locations in Greenfield, Massachusetts on USGS Base Area Map Page 3 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements Route 2 (Mohawk Trail) at Colrain Rd & Big Y Plaza Driveway Figure 2 Aerial View of Route 2 Intersections with Colrain Road and Big Y Plaza Driveway Observations During the three year and three month period from January1, 2011 to March 31, 2014, at the Big Y Plaza driveway unsignalized intersection with Route 2 and a shared use driveway, there were a total of 17 recorded crashes. All but one crash involved westbound vehicles. Most occurred during daylight and just one during wet weather. Ten of the 17 crashes occurred during winter months of December through March. Angle type crashes predominate with 11 crashes involving left turns out of the Big Y Plaza and five involving left turns or through movements into the Big Y Plaza. One crash involved a left turn onto Route 2 from the opposite driveway. Despite the east-west orientation of Route 2, none of the recorded comments indicated that the solar glare was a factor; however, an inability to see the other vehicle was often cited. Westbound Vehicle Crashes All but one recorded crash involved westbound traffic. Route 2 operates with two westbound through lanes approaching the Big Y Plaza driveway and just west of the intersection a lane is dropped and traffic is free flowing but uphill. East of the intersection lane changing occurs to pull around slower right turning vehicles and crash records indicate that some westbound drivers actually stop to allow vehicles to enter Route 2 from the Big Y Plaza driveway. Figure 3 Photo of Guardrail East of Big Y Plaza Driveway Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Drivers wanting to avoid delays on the uphill grades to the west pass slower moving trucks. Vehicles in the right lane hide other vehicles shifting into the left lane. In addition, there is a highway guard rail just a foot or so off the edge of the Route 2 travelway and no shoulder (See Figures 3 and 4). One of the team members remembered Figure 4 Photo Looking Left from the Big Y Driveway back to wintertime when snowed was piled along this guard rail protecting a steep slope down to a running stream. This guard rail reduces the visibility of the Big Y Plaza driveway, and in combination with the piled snow, may reduce sight distance of drivers entering Route 2 from this driveway. Figures 4 and 5 provide photos looking left and looking right from the Big Y Plaza driveway. Drivers exiting the Big Y Plaza were observed traveling beyond the STOP bar before entering Route 2. As shown in the Figure 5 photo vegetation limits sight distance to west. This location and the adjacent Colrain Road intersection are located just west of I-91 and the rotary that connects the northbound and southbound ramps with Route 2 and Route 2A. The two lane rotary operates best when drivers enter the rotary in a lane that is appropriate for their route destination. For this reason the eastbound through Figure 5 Photo Looking Right from Big Y Driveway lanes are marked with text that identifies the proper lane for 91 NORTH or 91 SOUTH as well as for EAST on 2 and 2A as shown in Figure 6. These messages are provided west and east of the Big Y Plaza driveway and east of Colrain Road just west of the rotary. The RSA team noted missing lane markings leaving no lane definition along Route 2 east of the Big Y Plaza driveway. No crashes were attributed to this. At the Colrain Road intersection with Route 2, ten crashes occurred within the intersection, one just downstream east of the intersection, another in the entry only driveway off Route 2 west of the intersection, and seven on Colrain Road 60 feet back from Route 2 at the Irving gas station driveway. Sixteen of these 19 crashes occurred during the daylight. Most (14) occurred when the road was dry. More than half (six) of the crashes at the traffic signal were rear end type crashes that occurred on the northbound and southbound approaches. The RSA team considered the possibility that the signal clearances intervals were not properly timed; however, later review of the signal timing in the regulation indicates typical settings: four seconds of yellow and two seconds of all red associated with each phase. As discussed by the team, some of the crashes may relate to the disparity of the volume served on Colrain Road and Robbins Road; vehicles may assume the right of way on Colrain Road despite vehicles entering Route 2 from Robbins Road. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Figure 6 Photo of Directional Text Pavement Markings in Eastbound Route 2 Lanes Crashes by Irving Gas Station All seven of the crashes at the Irving driveway on Colrain Road show a pattern of “courtesy crashes”. That is, all were left turns into the gas station driveway and all involved an OK from the driver in the left lane to turn left but all resulted in a subsequent collision with a third vehicle on Colrain Road in the through / right turn lane. Pedestrian Accommodation Figure 7 Photo of Sidewalk termination on North Side of Route 2 As the RSA team walked around the area, we noted the absence of a sidewalk along the Big Y Plaza frontage on Route 2. Figures 7 and 8 are photos of the sidewalk termination on Route 2 and on Colrain Road at the property line of the Irving gas station. The inability of pedestrians to walk to the Big Y Plaza is a significant safety deficiency as there is pedestrian activity in this area although no crashes have been directly attributed to this. Pedestrians wanting to cross Route 2 in this area must use the pedestrian crossing and pedestrian phase at the Route 2 and Colrain Road traffic signal. Figure 8 Photo of Sidewalk termination on North Side of Pedestrian crosswalks and signal heads are Route 2 provided across both Colrain Road and Route 2. Members of the team noted that the WALK interval was relatively short at approximately four seconds. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. This was confirmed by review of the traffic signal timing permit/ regulation which also indicated that the Flashing DONT WALK interval is 23 seconds. This later interval (Flashing DONT WALK) is most critical as it is the time allowed for the pedestrian to actually cross while the signal is flashing. The WALK indication signals when to start crossing per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. No crashes have been attributed to this. Traffic signal detection placement was noted as odd on the Colrain Road approach with more loops in front of or over the STOP bar. Later review of the design plan indicates that these are half of the total loops and just those that were recently replaced. Also noted was significant pavement rutting on the westbound Route 2 approach. Potential Safety Enhancements 1. In response to the angle type crashes review the prior studies regarding a traffic signal at the Big Y Plaza Driveway location. 2. In response to the angle type crashes between Route 2 westbound and Big Y Plaza driveway traffic evaluate possible inhibitors to the lane changing and passing that occurs on Route 2 east of the Big Y Plaza driveway that likely contributes to the majority of the crashes. These would include replacing the broken white lane line with a solid white lane line and revising the use of the right lane as a right turn only. The latter would require review of the potential impact of increased upstream queuing back to the rotary and the potential for “lane trap”. (Drivers intending to continue west but required to turn right.) 3. If the westbound lane changing issue cannot be solved, then in response to the angle type crashes evaluate the feasibility and impacts of installing a traffic signal at Route 2/ Big Y Plaza driveway that is coordinated with the Colrain Road intersection. 4. In response to the angle type crashes involving westbound Route 2 traffic, evaluate ways to increase the visibility of the Big Y Plaza driveway to westbound drivers. 5. In response to the angle type crashes involving Westbound Route 2 traffic at the Big Y Plaza driveway, assess the opportunity to move guard rail back from roadway (Route 2) for improved sight distance and to create space for sidewalk. 6. For safe pedestrian mobility extend sidewalk on the north side of Route 2 to the Big Y Plaza driveway. 7. Although there were no recorded crashes with eastbound Route 2 vehicles trim vegetation along Big Y Plaza driveway to improve sight distance to west where vehicles are approaching at higher speeds. 8. In response to the two nighttime crashes occurring at the Big Y Plaza driveway intersection with Route 2, evaluate improved lighting. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 9. Although no rear end type crashes on Route 2 were recorded, consider overhead signing structures to replace the directional text pavement markings. 10. In response to crashes at the Irving gas station driveway, evaluate access alternatives at Irving gas station driveway including prohibited left turn from Colrain Road. 11. In response to crashes at the Irving gas station driveway, install signs (DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAY) and crosshatched pavement marking box to maintain clear area of Colrain Road southbound along Irving gas station driveway. 12. In response to the crashes involving opposing minor street vehicles, consider adding sign adjacent to Colrain Road traffic signal head “Left Turn YEILD on GREEN SIGNAL”. 13. Review signal timing and evaluate the impact longer cycle lengths may have on vehicle queuing. 14. To confirm the presence of two eastbound Route 2 lanes, add broken white lines on Route 2 between Big Y Plaza Driveway and Colrain Road. 15. For adequate pedestrian crossing provisions, review the WALK interval length of the traffic signal timing. 16. To address potential safety concern, repave Route 2 westbound approach to Colrain Road where rutting was noted. Cheapside Street at Hope Street Figure 9 Aerial View of Cheapside Street at Hope Street Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Observations Cheapside Street is oriented east – west and forms a T- type intersection with Hope Street as shown in Figure 9. The ability for drivers on Hope Street to enter Cheapside Road is severely affected by solar glare. Moreover, drivers on Cheapside Street are similarly blinded by the sun and unable to see the intersection. The recent crash record at this intersection includes just two crashes. One of the crashes involved a driver hitting the STOP sign mounted on the median island as the driver attempted a left turn at dawn. The other crash relates to the grade of Hope Street down to Cheapside Street. This driver slid on snow and hit the island. For some traffic volume and vehicle mix context, traffic counts conducted by the Franklin Regional Council of Governments in June, 2014 indicate that the Average Daily Traffic on Cheapside Street at this location is 4200 vehicles per day and 900 vehicles per day on Hope Street. Morning and evening peak hour traffic volumes are respectively 500 and 600 vehicles per hour on Cheapside Street and 60 and 90 vehicles per hour on Hope Street. Trucks with three or more axles and buses use Hope Street as do a four bicycles during the course of the day. The RSA team noted that the STOP sign is mounted on the island on the left side of the approach but not on the right. A right side STOP sign not only conforms to the MUTCD but also helps to orient a driver on the approach in severe sun conditions. As shown in Figure 10 the existing STOP sign’s distinctive shape is distorted due to the mounting of a KEEP RIGHT sign on the other side of the STOP sign support. This other side of the STOP sign support. This mounting practice does not conform to the MUTCD. Figure 10 Photo of Sign Mounting Distorting STOP Sign Shape The double yellow centerline pavement markings on Hope Street extend just beyond the far end of the raised island to one side (Figure 11) rather than splitting and providing a single yellow line on both sides of the island which may be reason for crashes involving the island. The RSA team observed that railroad bridges over Hope Street and over Cheapside Street influence truck traffic. To the west, the railroad bridge over Cheapside Street does not impose. The RSA team Figure 11 Photo of Raised Island and Pavement Markings on Hope observed that railroad bridges over Street Hope Street and over Cheapside Street influence truck traffic. To the west, the railroad bridge over Cheapside Street does not impose a limitation but the bridge over Cheapside Street to the east allows only an 11 foot 6 inch clearance while Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. the one over Hope Street allows 13 feet 4 inches clearance. It was discussed that truck tracking may be the reason for the median island on Hope Street as the island should properly position a driver waiting to enter Cheapside Street. Figure 12 Photo Looking East from Hope Street Stop Bar Speed limits posted at 30 MPH on both Cheapside Street approaches were discussed during the site visit. As shown in Figure 12 the speed limit drops to 25 MPH east of the intersection. Warning signs are posted on the Cheapside Street approaches including CHILDREN and bridge clearances but there are no intersection ahead warning signs. Sight distance from the Hope Street approach looking east and west onto Cheapside Street is illustrated in Figures 12 and 13. Looking to the east, the sight distance can be restricted by landscaping growing next to the residence but also encroaching on the intersection corner. Looking to the west the sight lines are sufficient. Figure 13 Photo Looking West from Hope Street Potential Safety Enhancements 1. In response to the crash potential relating to solar glare and related driver disorientation and two median island crashes, install Double Arrow Sign (W1-7) opposite Hope Street. 2. In response to the two median island crashes, repaint double yellow centerline transition to solid yellow edgeline on both sides of island. 3. In response to the two median island crashes, add oversize STOP sign to right side of Hope Street approach. 4. In response to the two median island crashes, repaint STOP bar at Hope Street approach. 5. In response to the crash potential relating to solar glare and the related driver disorientation, add Intersection Ahead Warning signs on Cheapside Street approaches. 6. In response to the reduced sight distance, request homeowner permission / trim vegetation in front of residence on Northwest corner of intersection. 7. In response to the snow related crash, consider programming timely winter maintenance at this intersection. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 8. In response to the crash into the raised median island, evaluate the continued presence of the island for driver orientation on the approach and on the turn into Hope Street. (Determine if island is an aide or an obstacle.) 9. For MUTCD compliance, remedy the altered STOP sign shape by increasing the size so that the KEEP RIGHT sign is not seen when looking at the STOP sign. Turners Falls Road at Loomis Road Figure 14 Aerial View of Turners Falls Road and Loomis Road Observations Turners Falls Road begins at Route 2A as a one-way roadway until it intersects with Loomis Road where it becomes a two-lane roadway that travels over a bridge and a canal as it reaches Montague. The roadway operates one way from Route 2A to the Loomis Street intersection and two-way from the intersection over the crest, down the hill, around the “corner” and over the bridge. Pedestrians, bicyclists and individuals with physical disabilities are frequent users of Turners Falls Road and Loomis Road; however, there are no dedicated facilities for these users other than the shared travel way even though this has been identified as a commuter route for bicyclists and pedestrians. At the intersection of Turners Falls Road and Loomis Road, there is unusual geometry as shown in Figure 14. Turners Falls Road actually intersects Loomis Road at two points as left turn vehicles and through vehicles merging from the one-way section of road are provided separate roadways. The left turn roadway is STOP sign controlled at Loomis Road opposite Eliza Lane which is also STOP controlled. The through movement is under YIELD control where Loomis Road roadway curves into Turners Falls Road. Crashes (eight) have primarily occurred at the YIELD controlled intersection, two others close by just east on Turners Falls Road, three others upstream of the left turn split and one on the Eliza Lane corner. The crashes at the YIELD include a rear end on Turners Falls Road and two more on Loomis Road. Two angle type and two sideswipes as well as two other crashes that appear to involve vehicles on the wrong side of the centerline and one out of control vehicle. All of the crashes upstream of the left turn roadway Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. were single vehicle type including one where a pedestrian was struck, another involving an animal and the third a fixed object off the road. The crash on the corner of Eliza lane involved a fixed object. The higher volume roadway is YIELD controlled which is likely not intuitive to drivers because of the volume imbalance, the continuing straight alignment of Turners Falls Road, and the existing warning sign that identifies Turners Falls Road as the through roadway. So there was discussion related to why the YIELD control was on Turners Falls Road rather than on Loomis Road. Typically the lesser volume roadway yields to the higher volume roadway; however, as the traffic volume data indicates that is not the case at this location. As further discussed it seems that the YIELD control was set based on the ability of the Turners Falls Road traffic to see oncoming Loomis Road traffic because Loomis Road drivers cannot as readily see the Turners Falls Road traffic. The Franklin Regional Council of Governments has collected traffic count data in June, July and August 2014. This data indicates an average daily traffic (ADT) volume of 3000 vehicles per day (vpd) on the one way section of Turners Falls Road and 8000 vpd on the two-way section. On Loomis Road the ADT is 1000 vpd eastbound and 4000 vpd westbound. Peak hour traffic volumes on the two way section of Turners Falls Road during the morning and evening are 520 vehicles per hour (vph) and 750 vph respectively. On June 18, 2014, more bicycles traveled eastbound ( 60) than westbound (40) during the day on the two-way section of Turners Falls Road; and, nearly three times the number of all trucks traveled westbound (184) than eastbound (73) during the day traveled on this section of Turners Falls Road. Figure 15 Photo of Turners Falls Road Through Approach to Loomis Road The RSA team’s on-site observations are presented in the following paragraphs. In Figures 15, 16 and 17 photos of the Turners Falls Road eastbound through approach show the continued alignment with the downstream two –way roadway, the clutter of warning signs on the approach and the view of the eastbound approach from the westbound approach. There are many warning signs along one section of Turners Falls Road as shown in Figure 16. Figure 16 Photo of Warning Signs on Turners Fall Road Through Approach The roadway geometry on the two-lane Loomis Road has challenges related to horizontal and vertical curvature. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Drivers traveling westbound on Turners Falls Road must follow the road as it turns right onto Loomis Road rather than continuing straight as it might appear at a distance. And the left side edgeline pavement marking on the Turners Falls Road single lane through roadway is misaligned with the pavement markings on the two lane roadway downstream. STOP signs have other signs mounted on the Figure 17 Photo of Turners Falls Road Thru Approach Looking Back from Loomis Rd Intersection back which distort the apparent shape of the STOP sign which is not in compliance with the MUTCD. There are no pedestrian facilities such as sidewalks or crosswalks and no bicycle accommodation even though 100 bicycles were observed south of the intersection during one day. Speeds appear to be high although speed limit signs were not found. The regulations state a 30 MPH speed limit on all approaches to the intersection of Turners Falls Road and Loomis Road. North of the intersection and the two way section of Turners Falls road has a regulation of 40 MPH in both directions. Along the hillside segment of Turners Falls Road, the roadway width varies from 25.5 feet to over 32 feet wide. The roadway edge is curbed and close to the back of the curb in several areas there is rock outcropping that precludes pedestrians from creating a path off the roadway. At the bottom of the hill Turners Falls Road abruptly turns a corner to be aligned for the bridge crossing of the Connecticut River. This corner is marked with chevron signing that is obscured by vegetation and may require updated signage and relocation. Potential Safety Enhancements 1. In response to crashes involving the eastbound Turners Falls Road vehicles in the vicinity of the YIELD sign, replace the existing YIELD AHEAD sign with a graphic type warning sign (W3-2). 2. In response to crashes at the YIELD control intersection, evaluate the feasibility of changing to STOP or YIELD control on Eastbound Loomis Road. 3. In response to crashes at the YIELD control intersection, evaluate slight realignment of Loomis Road Eastbound for improved sight distance under an alternate condition with YIELD control on Loomis Road and no control on Turners Falls Road. 4. In response to crashes at the YIELD control intersection, evaluate T-type reconfiguration under an alternate condition with Loomis Road Eastbound under STOP control and no control on Turners Falls Road. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 5. In response to crashes at the YIELD control intersection, evaluate the need and location of all the warning signs on the YIELD control approach to avoid sign clutter. 6. In response to crashes at the YIELD control intersection, install sawtooth type YIELD condition pavement markings at YIELD sign on Turners Falls Road if the YIELD control remains on this approach. 7. For improved pedestrian mobility and safety, in conjunction with an intersection reconfiguration and alternate control, evaluate locating crosswalks across roadways serving single directions of traffic. Post YIELD to pedestrian signs in advance of pedestrian crossings. 8. For improved pedestrian and bicycle mobility and safety, evaluate context sensitive design on two way segment of Turners Falls Road north of the intersection featuring narrower lanes and reduced design speeds where standard width not possible. 9. In response to crashes east of the YIELD control intersection, evaluate left side edgeline on Turners Falls Road through approach to be better aligned with the centerline on two-way Turners Falls Road 10. In response to crashes on the one way section of Turners Falls Road upstream of the left turn split, determine utility of existing one way sign on Turners Falls Road eastbound and replace if appropriate / remove if not and confirm the location of wrong way sign west of the split. 11. In considering alternate alignments, review horizontal and vertical curvature on Turners Falls Road and Loomis Road. 12. For MUTCD compliance, STOP sign shapes are distorted due to signs mounted on back of STOP sign support, increase size of STOP signs to “hide” other signs. 13. To improve pedestrian / bicycle mobility, evaluate “SHARE THE ROAD” signing and markings. 14. For improved safety for all users, trim vegetation and augment / relocate signing on corner at bottom of hill and make MUTCD compliant with respect to number of chevrons. Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit Each safety issue and potential safety enhancement discussed during the audit has been listed on the following Table 2. For each safety issue, the potential safety enhancement is described; its potential safety payoff is estimated based on groupings shown below, as are the estimated time frame for completion, and the estimated construction cost. The responsible agency is also listed with MassDOT and the Town of Greenfield shown in association with their authority over the major roadway and or entire intersection. There are no known conceptual design plans in progress for these locations, otherwise the potential safety enhancements that have been incorporated into the design would be identified. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and may be based on the relative percent of crashes that may be reduced by the enhancement based on known and documented crash reduction factors, if available, or estimated crash reduction based on a stated source [for example, low (<30%), medium (31% to 70%), and high (>71%)]. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or longterm (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Table 2 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Location Safety Issue Westbound traffic involved in all but one crash at Big Y Plaza driveway. Downstream lane Route 2 reduction and uphill (Mohawk Trail) at Big Y Driveway Mohawk Trail prompts aggressive driving westbound on Route 2. Drivers on Big Y approach unable to see westbound vehicles. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Review the prior studies regarding a traffic signal at this location Low Short-term Low MassDOT Apply solid white lane line on Route 2 east of Big Y Plaza Driveway High Short-term Low MassDOT Evaluate use of right lane east of Big Y Plaza driveway as mandatory turn lane ( consider upstream impacts regarding lane use at traffic signal) Low Short-term Low MassDOT If feasible, use as mandatory right turn lane to Big Y Plaza High Short-term Low MassDOT Evaluate the warranting, feasibility and impacts of installing a traffic signal Low Short-term Low MassDOT Install traffic signal per MUTCD High Mid-term High MassDOT- Town and Land Owner Increase the visibility of the Big Y Plaza Driveway High Mid-term Mid MassDOT- Town and Land Owner Evaluate the opportunity to move guardrail for improved sight distance and create space for sidewalk Low Short-term Low MassDOT- Town and Land Owner Potential Safety Enhancement Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Location Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Mid-term Mid MassDOTTown of Greenfield and Land Owner Mid Short-term Low MassDOT Town of Greenfield and Land Owner Nighttime crashes at Big Consider improved roadway lighting Y Plaza driveway intersection. Low Mid-term Mid MassDOT Town of Greenfield Detailed directional text pavement markings approaching rotary may not be discernable. Consider overhead signing structures to replace the directional text pavement markings (Markings on Route 2 have since been reapplied) Low Long-term High MassDOT Evaluate access alternatives at Irving gas station driveway including prohibited left turn from Colrain Road High Short-term Low Town of Greenfield and Land Owner High Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Low Short-term Low MassDOT Mid Short-term Low MassDOT Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Sidewalk terminates on Route 2 northside west of Irving Station If feasible, relocate guardrail for improved sight distance and to create space for sidewalk Route 2 Vegetation limits the sight Trim vegetation to improve sight (Mohawk Trail) distance from the Big Y distance to west on Route 2 at Big Y Driveway Driveway toward the Mohawk Trail. Route 2 (Mohawk Trail) at Colrain Road Seven crashes involving left turns into Irving gas Install signs (DO NOT BLOCK station driveway on DRIVEWAY) and crosshatched Colrain Road pavement marking box to maintain clear area of Colrain Road southbound along Irving gas station driveway Opposing minor street vehicle crashes at Colrain Road Review Mast Arm Loading for Left Turn Yield on Green Signal sign for Colrain Road approach Signalized Intersection is Review traffic signal timing so as to close to rotary avoid excessively long cycle lengths Page 17 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Location Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement No lane markings on Route 2 EB east of Big Y Add broken white lines on Route 2 between Big Y Plaza driveway and Plaza driveway. Colrain Road Route 2 (Mohawk Trail) at Colrain Road (cont.) Cheapside Street at Hope Street Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short-term Low MassDOT WALK time is set to four seconds Review WALK interval length of traffic signal timing and update as appropriate Low Short-term Low MassDOT Pavement rutting between rotary and Colrain Road Repave Route 2 westbound approach to Colrain Road Low Mid-term Low MassDOT Install Double Arrow Signs opposite Hope Street Low Short-term Low MassDOT Repaint double yellow centerline transition to solid yellow edgeline on both sides of island Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Driver disoriented due to Add STOP sign to right side of Hope solar glare. Street Mid Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Mid Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Low Short-term Low Mid Short-term Low Repaint STOP bar Add Intersection Ahead Warning signs on Cheapside Street approaches. Bush in front of Request homeowner permission/ cut residence to east of back vegetation in front of residence intersection inhibits sight MassDOT Town of Greenfield Page 18 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Location Safety Issue Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Low Short-term Mid Town of Greenfield and MassDOT If feasible, remove median island Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield and MassDOT Increase size of STOP “hide” KEEP RIGHT sign shape. Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Replace YIELD AHEAD ( text) sign with graphic sign ( W3-2) Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Evaluate STOP or YIELD control on Eastbound Loomis Road Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield If feasible, control Loomis Road High Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield High Mid-term Mid Town of Greenfield Potential Safety Enhancement distance Grade on Hope contributes to winter sliding Program timely winter maintenance Evaluate the continued presence of the island for driver orientation on the Island struck during both approach and turning into Hope St. crashes Cheapside Street at Hope Street (cont.) Loomis Road at turners Falls Road and Eliza Lane STOP sign shape altered Multiple intersections; two STOP controlled; one YIELD controlled; Loomis Street – No control. Evaluate slight realignment of Loomis Road Eastbound for improved sight Seven crashes involving distance under YIELD control on Loomis Road and no control on YIELD condition for Turners Falls Road. Note realignment major traffic movement has occurred within last 10 years. If feasible, slightly realign Loomis Rd Page 19 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Location Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Multiple intersections; two STOP controlled; one YIELD controlled; Loomis Street – No control. Evaluate T-type reconfiguration with Loomis Road Eastbound STOP control on Loomis Road and no control on Turners Falls Road. Note realignment occurred within last 10 years. Seven crashes involving YIELD condition for If feasible, reconfigure as T-type major traffic movement intersection with Loomis as stem Numerous Warning signs on Turners Falls Road approach to Loomis Street Loomis Road at Turners Falls Road and Eliza Lane Assess need and location of warning signs on Turners Falls Road YIELD controlled approach /modify as appropriate Yield control on Turners Falls Road is not intuitive Install sawtooth type YIELD condition pavement markings considering volumes Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short term Low Town of Greenfield High Mid -term High Town of Greenfield Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Mid Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Low Mid-term Low Town of Greenfield Low Short-term Mid Town of Greenfield ( Cont.) Bikes and Peds regularly In conjunction with reconfiguration travel through locate crosswalks across single intersection but no directions of traffic. Post YIELD to facilities Pedestrian and warning signs in advance of pedestrian crossings One vehicle- pedestrian where there is no other control. crash Roadway too narrow for recreational biking on two way section of Turners Falls Road north Evaluate context sensitive design with narrower lanes and reduced design speed where standard width not possible. Page 20 Road Safety Audit—Greenfield Prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Location Loomis Road at Turners Falls Road and Eliza Lane (cont.) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Mid Long-term High Town of Greenfield Three crashes appear to Evaluate left side edgeline alignment involve vehicles on on Turners Falls Road wrong side of road Mid Short-term Low Town of Greenfield One way and wrong way Determine utility of one way sign and signing west of replace if appropriate. Confirm intersection on Turners position of wrong way sign. Falls Road Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Roadway geometry Review horizontal and vertical curves Low Mid term Mid Town of Greenfield STOP sign shape altered Increase size of STOP signs to “hide” sign on back distorting STOP sign shape Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Evaluate “SHARE THE ROAD” signing or similar preferred signage. Mid Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Investigate / undertake process for designation for recreational biking. Low Short-term Low Town of Greenfield Mid Short-term Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement of intersection Construct context sensitive design Turners Falls Road East of Intersection No pedestrian or bicycle facilities along Turners Falls Road Turners Falls Road Corner to East near bridge Chevrons on curve are not visible due to Clear vegetation and augment / vegetation and there relocate signing may be too few chevrons Town of Greenfield Page 21 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) Cordially invite you to participate in a Road Safety Audit Your participation in the Road Safety Audit (RSA) is critical to the process The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of a RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. RSA participants should include representatives from the FRCOG, and MassDOT as well as representatives from local police, fire, and Department of Public Works. Thursday, July 10th, 2014 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM These three Greenfield intersections will be the focus of the RSA: • Route 2 / Colrain Road /Big Y Driveway; • Cheapside Road/ Hope Street; and • Turners Falls Road / Loomis Road. These three intersections have previously been identified as hazardous locations in Franklin County. The RSA will consist of a review of crash data and trends, existing roadway volumes, an onsite visit and conclude with a working session. Design improvements identified through this process may be eligible to receive safety funding for implementation. Please R.S.V.P. to Stacy Metzger at or call (413) 774-3167 x128 Road Safety Audits Route 2/ Colrain Road/ Big Y; Cheapside Road/ Hope Street; Turners Falls Road/ Loomis Road Meeting: John W. Oliver Transit Center 12 Olive St, Greenfield, MA Thursday, July 10, 2014 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM Type of meeting: Hazardous Locations – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! (and Safety Gear) 8:00 AM Welcome and Introductions Coffee and Breakfast Pastries 8:10 AM Review of Site Specific Material • Crash & Volume Summaries– provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions • Images and Aerial Photographs 9:00 AM Visit the Sites • Visit each of the intersections o Route 2/ Colrain Road / Big Y Driveway; o Cheapside Road /Hope Street; and o Turners Falls Road / Loomis Road • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:30 PM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA • Discuss observations and finalize findings • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:30 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on July 10th, participants are encouraged to visit the intersections and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. Please remember to wear your safety gear. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: July 10,2014 Audit Team Members Location: John W. Oliver Transit Center, Greenfield MA Agency/Affiliation Email Address Phone Number Name Agency Email xxx-xxx-xxxx Stacy Metzger FRCOG 413-774-3167 X128 John Whitney Greenfield Fire Dept. 413-774-4737 X1114 Laurie Scarbrough FRCOG 413-774-3167 X139 Luke Hayes MassDOT 413-582-1525 Kevin McDyer MassDOT 413-426-7187 Sara Campbell Greenfield DPW 413-772-1528 Bonnie Polin MassDOT 857-368-9636 David DeBaie Stantec 603-206-7533 Beth Giannini FRCOG 413-774-3167 X125 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data This appendix should include detailed crash analysis such as collision diagrams and crash data [state specific crash source and other details so that an evaluation of the effectiveness of the improvements may be performed.] Collision Diagram of Route 2 ( Mohawk Trail) and Colrain Road Intersection Crash Data Summary Table Mohawk Trail(Rt 2) at Colrain Rd(Robbins Rd), Greenfield, MA 1/25/11 - 2/24/14 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type 1 1/25/11 Tuesday 5:43 AM Rear-end Dawn Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 2 2/9/11 Wednesday 10:14 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy 3 4 2/13/11 4/1/11 Sunday Friday 1:52 PM 12:33 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight 5 4/5/11 Tuesday 4:19 PM Angle 6 4/28/11 Thursday 5:37 PM 7 5/4/11 Wednesday 8 9 10 6/9/11 6/16/11 7/11/11 Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 31 Dry Followed too closely Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Clear Clear Dry Dry Other improper action No Improper Driving 47 31 Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 51 Angle Daylight Cloudy Wet Inattention 23 12:01 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Unknown 64 Thursday Thursday Monday 7:47 AM 1:16 PM 5:00 PM Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Other improper action Distracted 11 10/20/11 Thursday 6:28 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 21 12 11/5/11 Saturday 5:15 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 16 13 14 15 1/29/12 6/13/12 10/1/12 Sunday Wednesday Monday 2:10 AM 8:21 PM 3:46 PM Rear-end Rear-end Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Dry Inattention Inattention Inattention 18 28 62 16 10/15/12 Monday 9:36 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Inattention 17 17 4/24/13 Wednesday 1:31 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Operating defective equiptment 63 18 5/24/13 Friday 12:16 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 60 19 2/24/14 Monday 4:44 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 25 Ice 42 unk 19 67 Comments V2 was turning right onto Robbins Road, and lost traction due to icy conditions then stopped in the middle of turn. V1 couldn't stop in time and 42 rear-ended V2. 81 V1 (EB) went through red light and struck V2. Courtesy crash. V1 was reported to be waved to turn by uninvolved vehicle, 66 then stuck V2. 44 V1 passenger opened passenger door into the path of V2 causing collision. Courtesy crash. V1 was waved through by a motorist in traffic, then struck 69 V2 going SB on Colrain Rd. V1 was turning left from Colrain Rd to Irving Gas Station then struck V2 19 traveling SB. V1 rear ended V2. Op 1 stated he felt like he was sliding on ice when he 74 stepped on brakes. A TT unit traveled into parking lot from Colrain Rd, traveling through lot and exited out the posted " one way' sign's entrance, hit the "one way" sign, and headed WB on Mohawk Trail. 32 V2 was rear-ended by V1. 63 Courtesy Crash. 55 Courtesy Crash. V2 was turning left onto Mohawk Trail, V1 was turning right onto Mohawk 52 Trail, then sideswiped with V2. 25 V1 backed into V2. 44 V1 rear-ended V2, then fled away from scene. 50 Courtesy crash. V1 was turning left into Big Y entrance, V2 was traveling SB on Colrain 18 Road. V2 rear-ended V1 on Robbins Rd, then V1 turned right onto grass to avoid 22 contact with Route 2 traffic. V1 on the left lane wanted to make a right turn. V2 on the right lane wanted 26 to merge to left lane to go straight, then hit by V1. V2 was rear-ended by V1 who stated that didn't see V2 stopped at the traffic 50 light. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Greenfield Police Department. Collision Diagram of Route 2 ( Mohawk Trail) and Big Y Plaza Driveway Intersection Crash Data Summary Table Mohawk Trail at Big Y Entrance, Greenfield, MA 1/3/11 - 3/29/14 Crash Diagram Ref # 1 Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y Monday 1/3/11 Time of Day Manner of Collision Type 10:44 AM Angle Light Condition Type Daylight Weather Condition Type Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Type Type Dry Followed too closely Cloudy Dry Inattention 45 D1 Ages D2 69 2 2/19/11 Saturday 2:31 PM Angle Daylight 3 3/1/11 Tuesday 6:25 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 46 4 4/25/11 Monday 12:03 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 18 5 6/22/11 Wednesday 1:15 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 66 6 8/19/11 Friday 3:34 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Other improper action 73 7 5:26 AM 5:05 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Inattention 8 12/21/11 Wednesday 1/30/12 Monday Angle Dusk Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 26 50 9 4/9/12 Monday 3:05 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 72 10 5/29/12 Tuesday 7:07 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 78 11 9/3/12 Monday 2:49 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Distracted 70 12 3/12/13 Tuesday 4:34 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Daylight Rain Wet Visibility Obstructed 30 13 7/3/13 Wednesday 2:58 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 90 14 15 1/20/14 3/2/14 Monday Sunday 2:41 PM 3:54 PM Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Failed to yield right of way 27 53 16 3/21/14 Friday 2:46 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 85 17 3/29/14 Saturday 5:27 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Cloudy Dry Visibility Obstructed 57 Comments unk V2 turning left into Big Y hit by an unknown vehicle in right rear quarter. V2 exiting Big Y parking lot and entered path of V1 who was traveling west 45 on Mohawk Trail. 67 Courtesy crash. V1 exiting Big Y didn't notice V2 going west, and struck the passenger side 58 of V2. V2 jumped across center median to avoid V1 turning left from Big Y to 43 Mohawk EB. No contact made between vehicles. V2 pulled out from Big Y intending on turning left, but stopped due to EB unk traffic on Mohawk Trail. V2 was then struck by V1. V1 left the scene. V1 exiting Big Y didn't notice V2 going west, and hit the passenger side of 40 V2. 58 V1 pulled out from Big Y didn't yield to V2 traveling WB on Mohawk Trail. V1 pulled out from Big Y hit V2 travelling WB on Mohawk Trail, then left the unk scene. Heavy traffic reported at time of crash. V1 was doing 3 point U turn from Mohawk WB to EB, V1 stated that he didn't see V2 who tried to pass behind him as he was backing up to do his 3 62 point turn. V1 was traveling NB across EB and WB traffic on Mohawk Trail, to enter the 51 Big Y. He didn't see V2 travelling WB in the most northern lane, then hit V2. V2 passed univolved vehicle which stopped in front of her, then struck V1 32 that was exiting from Big Y and attempting to turn left onto Mohawk Trail EB. V1 (EB) was turning left into Big Y, when he passed WB traffic, he didn't see 24 V2 traveling WB and struck him. V1 turning left from Valero gas station driveway to Mohawk Trail WB, didn't 55 notice V2 traveling WB and struck V2. 61 V1 travelling NB into Big Y didn't see V2 traveling WB on Mohawk Trail. V1 exiting Big Y didn't notice V2 going west, and struck V2. V2 stated that she observed couple of vehicles in the opposite lane ready to turn into Big Y, 42 and she continued on going WB, then hit by V1. The motorcycle swerved to avoid V1 which was pulling out of the Big Y parking lot which results in personal injury and damage to his vehicle. No 34 contact made between vehicles. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Greenfield Police Department. Collision Diagram of Cheapside Street and Hope Street Intersection Crash Data Summary Table Cheapside Street at Deerfield Street, Greenfield, MA 7/12/2012 - 1/3/2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Crash Day Date m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type 1 7/12/12 Thursday 9:14 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry 2 8/23/12 Thursday 11:25 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear 3 9/14/12 Friday 3:24 PM Rear-end Daylight 4 12/19/12 Wednesday 6:47 AM Single Vehicle Crash 5 1/3/13 Thursday 3:36 PM 6 12/19/13 Thursday 7 8 Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 53 Dry No Improper Driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Clear Dry Inattention 40 Dawn Clear Dry Other improper action 40 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 21 5:41 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown 12/26/13 Thursday 11:54 AM Rear-end Daylight Snow Snow Other improper action 1/3/14 12:15 AM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Snow Snow Unknown Friday 34 UNK 49 UNK Comments V1 was attempting a right turn onto Cheapside St. V1 crossed over the double yellow line when turning onto Cheapside St. from Deerfield St. and 33 collided with V2 that was slowing for the stop sign. Operator of TT unit was unable to make the clearance height under the bridge and got stuck. V2 was slowing to turn left, V1 was traveling behind V2 and rear ended V2. 58 V1 attempting a left turn from Hope St. to Cheapside St. struck a stop sign and a street sign at the intersection. V2 stopped at stop sign on Cheapside St. turning onto Deerfield St. when V1 45 rear ended V2. V2 was stopped at the stop sign at Cheapside St. at Deerfield St. when V1 54 rear ended V2. V1 fled the scene. V2 stopped at stop sign on Cheapside St. turning onto Deerfield St. when V1 61 skidded because of the snow and rear ended V2. An unknown vehicle was traveling south on Hope St. approaching Cheapside St. appeared to have slid out of control and into the posted stop sign and street sign. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Greenfield Police Department. Collision Diagram of Turners Falls Road and Loomis Road Intersection Crash Data Summary Table Turners Falls Road at Loomis Road, Greenfield, MA 1/1/2011 - 3/12/2014 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 1/10/11 Monday 9:48 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight 2 2/18/11 Friday 6:10 PM Rear-end 3 2/25/11 Friday 9:03 AM 4 5/21/11 Saturday 5 6/16/11 Thursday Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type Ages D1 D2 Dry Unknown 90 Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet Inattention 21 Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Snow Snow Driving too fast for conditions 29 8:56 AM Single Vehicle Crash Rain Wet Inattention 29 3:35 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Dark - roadway not lighted Clear Dry No Improper Driving 23 34 Clear 6 8/13/11 Saturday 8:32 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 7 9/11/12 Tuesday 7:09 AM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Glare 89 8 10/17/12 Wednesday 6:51 PM Sideswipe, opposite direction Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Wrong side or wrong way 62 42 50 9 11/27/12 Tuesday 3:30 PM Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Cloudy Wet Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc. 10 12/29/12 Saturday 11:25 AM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Slush Visibility Obstructed 11 7/18/13 Thursday 6:14 AM Single Vehicle Crash Unknown Clear Dry Unknown 12 12/6/13 Friday 2:57 PM Rear-end Dusk Clear Dry Inattention 51 13 12/15/13 Sunday 11:53 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Snow 20 14 3/12/14 2:50 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Rain Wet Exceeded authorized speed limit Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Wednesday UNK 21 Comments V1 traveling East on Turners Falls Road struck pedestrian. Operator of V1 left the scene. V2 slowing for traffic on Turners Falls Road. V1 rear ended V2. 26 V1 lost control of her vehicle due to driving too fast for road conditions, spun 28 around and hit V2 behind her. V1 traveling East on Turners Falls Road failed to yield to for oncoming traffic, swerved to avoid collision and drove up an embankment, then rolled back onto the road on its roof. V1 could not avoid hitting a deer that ran into the roadway. V2 traveling East on Loomis Road failed to yield to oncoming traffic and 54 collided with V1 traveling East on Turners Falls Road. Operator of V1 was traveling East on Turners Falls Road, was blinded by the sun and struck the mail box of 45 Turners Fall Road. V1 traveling East on Turners Falls Road crossed the double yellow line and 36 side swiped V2 traveling West on Turners Fall Road. V1 traveling East on Turners Falls Road when V2 entered the traffic lane from Loomis Road causing V1 to brake and swerve. V1 struck the North side of the road and then the embankment to the south, finally coming to a rest on its drivers side. No contact made between vehicles. V1 sanding the roadway, was stopped at the stop sign on Loomis Road, 53 attempted to back up and backed into V2 behind it. Resident on Eliza Lane stated she observed the stop sign had been struck. She was unsure when it had happened and had no vehicle description. V1 and V2 approaching the yield sign at the Loomis Road and Turners Falls 73 Road intersection. V2 was distracted and rear ended V1. V1 and V2 were traveling toward each other on Turners Falls Road. V1 slid 52 on the snow covered road into the oncoming lane striking V2. V1 traveling on Turners Falls Road failed to yield to V2 already traveling 80 onto Turners Fall Road from Loomis Road. V1 side swiped V2. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Greenfield Police Department.