ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road

Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road
City of Chicopee
November 4, 2013
Prepared For:
MassDOT Highway Division
Prepared By:
BETA Group, Inc.
Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Table of Contents
Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1
Background ................................................................................................................................. 2
Project Description ..................................................................................................................... 2
Audit Observations ..................................................................................................................... 6
Potential Safety Enhancements ................................................................................................. 9
Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 12
List of Appendices
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
RSA Meeting Agenda
RSA Audit Team Contact List
Detailed Crash Data
List of Figures
Figure 1.
Location Map ......................................................................................................................... 3
List of Tables
Table 1.
Table 2.
Table 3.
Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1
Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ....................................................................... 9
Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 13
Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Project Data
A Road Safety Audit for the intersection of Mass Pike (I-90) Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road was
held on October 9, 2013 at the Chicopee Department of Public Works in Chicopee, MA. As indicated in
Table 1, the audit team consisted of representatives from State, Regional and Local agencies and included
a cross-section of engineering, planning and emergency response expertise.
Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members
Audit Team Member
Corey O’Connor
MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section
Juliet Locke
Chris Chaban
Chicopee Asst. City Engineer
Paul D’Auteuil
Mass. State Police - Springfield
Bao Lang
MassDOT Highway Division – District 2 Traffic
Steve Pikul
MassDOT Highway Division – District 2 Projects
Khyati Parmar
Greg Lucas
BETA Group, Inc.
Justin Curewitz
BETA Group, Inc.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination
of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an
RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering
all roadway users. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for the intersection of Mass Pike Interchange 6, I291 and Burnett Road because the signalized intersection has been identified as a high crash location
within the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) region, and an RSA is required by MassDOT
design guidelines for high crash locations. The RSA also included the segment of I-291 between the onramp to I-291 from Fuller Road/Shawinigan Drive and the ramp from I-291 to the Mass Pike. The RSA is
intended to identify potential short and long term safety improvements that can be made at the locations,
which can then be implemented through general maintenance for short term low cost improvements or
incorporated into a reconstruction project for long term improvements.
Project Description
The Massachusetts Turnpike (Mass
Pike) is a tolled interstate highway
carrying I-90 across the
Commonwealth. Mass Pike
Interchange 6 provides access to I291, which is an interstate highway
providing access to the City of
Springfield from the east. I-291 travels
generally northeast-southwest,
extending approximately 5.5 miles
from the Mass Pike to its terminus at
I-91 in Springfield.
Mass Pike Interchange 6 at I-291 and Burnett Road
The intersection of Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road is a T-type intersection under
signalized control. As previously discussed, I-291 travels generally northeast-southwest, but is signed as
an east-west roadway and forms the south leg of the signalized intersection. Burnett Road forms the north
leg of the intersection, and Mass Pike Interchange 6 forms the east leg. Traffic exiting the Mass Pike at
Interchange 6 bound for I-291 westbound must turn left at the signalized intersection. A yield-controlled
channelized ramp is provided for traffic heading from I-291 eastbound to the Mass Pike, allowing them to
bypass the traffic signal.
Burnett Road is functionally classified as an Urban Minor Arterial and provides access from the Mass
Pike and I-291 to Chicopee and Ludlow to the north and east. The segment of Burnett Road south of First
Avenue is under MassDOT jurisdiction, as are both interstate highways and all ramps to and from the
highways. The signalized intersection at First Avenue and the signalized intersection at Interchange 6 are
both under MassDOT jurisdiction. Burnett Road north of First Avenue is under the jurisdiction of the City
of Chicopee.
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Road Safety Audit
Mass Pike Interchange 6,
I-291 and Burnett Road
Chicopee, MA
Figure 1
Location Map
Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
The Burnett Road southbound approach to the intersection at Interchange 6 provides two through lanes to
I-291 and a left turn lane to the Mass Pike toll plaza. The left turn lane is controlled by an optically
programmed left turn signal, which is not clearly visible to vehicles as they enter the exclusive left turn
lane. The alignment of the southbound lanes requires a shift to the left when traveling through the
intersection. The northbound approach of I-291 eastbound provides two through lanes, with right turns to
the Mass Pike toll plaza accommodated by a channelized ramp under yield control that departs I-291
approximately 250 feet in advance of the signalized intersection.
Interchange 6 provides two left turn lanes to I-291 and a channelized, yield-controlled right turn to
Burnett Road northbound. This three lane cross section extends approximately 450 feet from the stop line
at the traffic signal, roughly coincident with the limits of a median divider separating the approach and
departure lanes. Vehicles entering the interchange from I-291 eastbound must yield to those which turned
left from Burnett Road, and the lack of pavement markings in this segment present frequent weaving and
jockeying for position before approaching the toll booth lanes, especially during peak periods. This layout
is typical of Mass Pike toll booths. A tandem trailer parking area is located on the southeast corner of the
intersection, accessed via the interchange traveled way between the end of the median and the toll booths.
Tandem trailers exiting the Mass Pike must stop at this location to drop the 2nd trailer, which is not
allowed on I-291 or Burnett Road. It was noted that tandem trucks interfere with interchange traffic flow
because drivers do not anticipate the truck’s need to turn left immediately after departing the toll booth,
traveling across Pike-bound traffic, to access the tandem parking area.
The audit also considered the segment of I-291 eastbound between the Fuller Road/Shawinigan Drive
ramps and the Burnett Road/Mass Pike Interchange 6 intersection. The segment between the on-ramp
from Shawinigan Drive to the on-ramp from I-291 eastbound to the Mass Pike is approximately 650 feet
in length, with the Mass Pike crossing over I-291 within this segment. I-291 eastbound maintains two
travel lanes in advance of the Shawinigan Drive on-ramp, and maintains two marked lanes through the
weaving segment to the on-ramp to the Mass Pike.
The on-ramp from Shawinigan Drive has a tight curve radius, and vehicles on the ramp travel essentially
perpendicular to I-291 before the sharp turn to the right to merge into I-291 traffic under yield control. It
was noted that this sharp corner causes many drivers to stop rather than yield at the end of the ramp.
Bridge-mounted lane control signs indicate that the left lane in this segment of I-291 is a through lane to
the traffic signal and Burnett Road northbound, while the right lane is a right turn lane to the on-ramp to
the Mass Pike. This likely matches traffic demand, but requires vehicles entering from Shawinigan Drive
to yield to right lane traffic, then cross a lane if they intend to travel north on Burnett Road. The wide
right lane in this segment appears wide enough for two vehicles to travel side-by-side, and audit
participants familiar with the area noted that this frequently occurs during peak periods. A driver entering
from Shawinigan Drive may actually fail to yield, thinking that they have room on the right, only to find
another driver moving right within the wide lane. When active, this three lane operation would require a
driver entering at Shawinigan Drive and traveling north on Burnett Road to weave across two lanes of
traffic. It should also be noted that although the wide right lane is designated as a right turn lane, a
through movement to Burnett Road is possible from this lane. These variances in driver behavior,
expectations and aggressiveness create confusion and great potential for conflict along this segment of I291.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Crash data were provided by the State Police and the Chicopee Police Departments and summarized by
MassDOT, and show 35 police documented crashes occurred at the signalized intersection of Interchange
6, I-291 and Burnett Road for the five year period from January 2007 though January 2012. A crash data
summary and a collision diagram are included in the Appendix. The most prevalent crash type were rearend crashes, comprising 51% of total crashes. Ten rear-end crashes occurred on the interchange approach
to the traffic signal, and may be the result of inadequate signal visibility, driver aggression, and lane
maneuvering after departing the toll booth. Six rear-end crashes occurred on the I-291 eastbound
approach, and may be the result of speed, driver aggression and inadequate signal visibility. One rear-end
crash occurred on the southbound Burnett Road approach, and two occurred on the yield controlled right
turn from the interchange to Burnett Road northbound. Rear-end crashes on this type of channelized right
turn are often the result of variances in driver aggression and willingness to accept a gap in through
traffic. A trailing driver may accelerate, expecting that the leading driver will go, and then strike the stillstopped leading driver.
Sideswipes were also common at the intersection, with five occurring on the interchange approach. These
are likely the result of drivers jockeying for position after departing the toll booth. One sideswipe crash
occurred departing the intersection southbound, and two occurred between vehicles turning left from the
interchange onto I-291.
Of particular note are four crashes between a vehicle turning left from the Mass Pike interchange and a
vehicle traveling north towards Burnett Road from I-291. All four of these crashes included a comment
stating that the operator did not have time to stop, which can indicate signal visibility deficiencies but can
also be an indication of higher speeds approaching the signal on I-291.
40% of all crashes at the intersection occurred between 6 AM and 10 AM, illustrating an expected
correlation between the crash history and peak congestion periods.
Crash data were also provided by the State Police for the segment of I-291 eastbound between the onramp from Shawinigan Drive and the on-ramp to the Mass Pike. 25 police-documented crashes occurred
along this segment for the five year period from 2007 through 2011. 80% of crashes were rear-end
crashes, with 16 of the 25 crashes occurring on the on-ramp from Shawinigan Drive to I-291. As
previously noted, the geometry of this ramp causes many drivers to stop rather than yield when entering
the highway, which can cause rear-end crashes due to conflicts with expectation of driver behavior.
Several crash reports refer to driver aggression, road rage or heavy traffic. Two crashes were noted to
involve drivers trying to pass stopped vehicles on the ramp. This may also relate to differing expectations
of driver behavior due to the wide right lane and the potential for variance in travel patterns through the
weaving segment.
Six additional rear-end crashes occurred between the two ramps and may be the result of driver
aggression or may relate to queued traffic from the signal during congested periods. Two crashes were
single vehicle crashes where the vehicle departed the roadway; both occurred late at night and may have
been related to speed.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Audit Observations
Following a brief introduction to the RSA process and a summary of existing geometry and crash
information, the audit participants were asked to discuss issues that affect safety at the intersection of
Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road, as well as for the segment of I-291 between
Shawinigan Drive and Interchange 6. Audit participants then conducted a site visit as a group, at which
time they offered observations on safety issues and concerns. A summary of those major safety
considerations is as follows:
Traffic Congestion and Queuing – Congestion during peak periods was noted as a significant concern
at the intersection, and likely plays a factor in the history of rear-end crashes as well as the noted
incidents where driver aggression was a factor in the crash. A driver is likely to be more aggressive
when delayed by traffic congestion. Congestion also leads to queuing, which may be a factor in rearend crashes from drivers unexpectedly encountering queued traffic. It was noted that queues can
extend from the toll booth back through the ramp onto I-291, and can at times extend all the way back
to the Shawinigan Drive ramp. It was also noted that queues exiting the Pike can back up through the
toll booths, through the ramps onto the Pike itself in the morning peak. Congestion and queuing
indicates signal deficiency and failure.
Speed – Speed was noted by audit participants as a concern on I-291 eastbound approaching the
traffic signal at the interchange. Adequate advance warning signage exists for the end of I-291, but
the only signage relating to speed reduction is an “END SPEED ZONE” sign that indicates the end of
the speed regulation for I-291. Drivers may be unprepared for the transition from highway speed on I291 to the stopped condition of the traffic signal and queued traffic.
Weaving – The 650 foot segment of I-291 between the Shawinigan Road on-ramp and the ramp to the
Mass Pike interchange experiences significant weaving as a result of I-291 traffic merging right to
exit to the Mass Pike and Shawinigan Drive traffic merging left to travel north on Burnett Road.
Vehicles changing lanes may be a factor in rear-end crashes, especially during times of traffic
I-291 Lane Configuration – Overhead signage
within the weaving segment of I-291 designates
the left lane as a through lane and the right lane
as a right turn lane. This confirms advance
overhead guide signage indicating that the left
lane is a through lane to Burnett Road and the
right lane accesses the ramp to the Mass Pike.
The right lane in this segment is wide enough to
accommodate two lanes of traffic, and audit
participants noted that traffic often forms three
Wide right lane on I-291 eastbound
lanes during peak periods, which exacerbates
weaving and queuing concerns. Operation contrary to lane control signage and markings reduces a
driver’s expectation of other driver’s behavior, which can lead to increased aggression and is a likely
factor in rear-end crashes.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Ramp Curve Radius – As previously noted, the on-ramp from Shawinigan Drive to I-291 has a sharp
radius at I-291. This causes many drivers to stop rather than yield at the end of the ramp, likely
because they cannot judge gaps while navigating the sharp turn. This is a likely factor in the variance
in driver aggression on the ramp as noted in the crash summary and the history of rear-end crashes. It
was noted by audit participants that modifications in ramp geometry are difficult to accommodate
because of the proximity of the Mass Pike, which crosses over I-291 just north of the on-ramp.
Signal Visibility – Several issues related to visibility were noted at the intersection of Interchange 6,
I-291 and Burnett Road.
Signal heads for the Mass Pike interchange approach are post-mounted, which are less
visible to approaching traffic than overhead signals. This is of particular concern given
the heavy truck traffic exiting the Mass Pike. Trucks can easily block visibility of the
post-mounted signals. Poor signal visibility is a likely factor in rear-end crashes on this
approach. It was noted by MassDOT District 2 that a work order has been placed for a
near-side supplemental post-mounted signal for this approach.
The optically programmed signal for the left turn from Burnett Road southbound to the
Mass Pike is not centered over the lane and is angled such that it is not clearly visible to
vehicles when they enter the left turn lane. A driver cannot ascertain the signal indication
until they reach the stop line, which could have been a factor in the rear-end crash on this
Overhead signals for the I-291 and Burnett Road approaches are older free-swinging
heads without backplates. This provides less visibility than signal heads with backplates,
which are particularly of concern at locations where sun glare is an issue. Glare was cited
as a factor in one crash at the intersection, but audit participants familiar with the area
noted that glare is not typically an issue due to the orientation of the intersection
The I-291 and Burnett Road approaches both provide one overhead signal head and one
signal head mounted on the mast arm shaft, both located on the far side of the intersection
only. The single overhead signal face can be obstructed by larger vehicles in the lane,
reducing visibility for approaching traffic. This is a likely contributing factor in the
concentration of northbound rear-end crashes.
Signal Equipment – It was noted that detection loops are not working on the interchange approach,
and that the associated vehicle phase is currently running on max recall. The lack of functioning
detection on this approach reduces the effectiveness of the traffic signal, which may contribute to
congestion and increased driver aggression.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Truck Traffic – Significant truck
traffic passes through the signalized
intersection due to the importance of
the interchange and I-291 as a regional
connector, and the presence of the
tandem truck lot. Trucks can block
visibility of traffic signals, and impact
traffic due to their slower speeds and
Trucks turning side-by-side
need for wider turning paths. It is
unknown if the two sideswipe crashes
on the left turn from the interchange to I-291 involved trucks, but it was noted that the turning path
and receiving width is not wide enough for two trucks to turn side-by-side.
Tandem Truck Lot – The tandem lot impacts operations because trucks must turn across Pike-bound
traffic entering the tolls to access the lot, which is contrary to driver expectations of a vehicle
departing the toll booth. Audit participants parked in the tandem lot during the site visit on the day of
the audit and experienced first hand the challenge of turning left across interchange traffic when
exiting the lot.
Interchange Lane Configuration – The occurrence of sideswipe crashes on the interchange approach
indicates drivers changing lanes on this approach. This may be due to the short distance between the
toll booth exit and the beginning of the marked lanes, and the inability of a driver to shift towards
their desired lane in advance of the lane markings. This may also be related to traffic congestion and
driver aggression, as drivers jockey for position to find their desired lane.
Red Light Violations – It was noted by audit participants that red light violations are common at the
intersection. A PVPC study of the intersection identified 35 violations in the AM peak hour and 29
violations in the PM peak hour. Red light running is likely related to driver aggression as a result of
traffic congestion. It was noted by police that enforcement is difficult due to the limited ability to stop
drivers on the interchange ramp or on I-291. Red light violations can also be attributed to poor signal
visibility, where a vehicle following a tractor trailer may not be able to view the far side signal
indications turning yellow and red, or may be an indication of inadequate traffic signal clearance
Pavement Rutting – Audit participants noted pavement rutting on the intersection approaches.
Signage – It was suggested that rear-end crashes on I-291 at the traffic signal may be the result of
inadequate signage warning of the end of I-291 and the presence of the traffic signal.
Driver Aggression – Driver aggression was noted as an overriding concern with many other safety
issues identified above. Improvements aimed at improving and correcting the various issues identified
should reduce aggressive behavior.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Potential Safety Enhancements
After the site visit, audit participants returned to the meeting location to discuss the safety issues and
consider improvements. Audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long term
improvements for each issue. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been
assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2.
Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown
Time Frame
<1 year
1–3 years
>3 years
Improve the capacity of the signalized intersection at Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road.
MassDOT District 2 personnel present at the audit identified details of a design project which will
replace the traffic signal and resurface the ramps and adjacent roadways. The project will provide a
four lane approach from the interchange with three left turn lanes to I-291. The turn lanes and
receiving lanes are designed to accommodate larger trucks turning side-by-side. I-291 westbound will
have three travel lanes up to the Fuller Road/Shawinigan Drive off-ramp, where the right lane will be
an exit only lane. The I-291 approach to the traffic signal will provide two through lanes to Burnett
Road. Burnett Road southbound will provide three through lanes to I-291, matching the three
receiving lanes. The traffic signal will be fully actuated with timings optimized based on anticipated
traffic demand. The increase in capacity and the updated traffic signal timings should reduce
congestion, queuing and levels of driver aggression. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. It
should be noted that the project is not currently programmed on the State Transportation
Improvement Plan (TIP).
Modify lanes for I-291 between Shawinigan Drive and the Mass Pike interchange. The current two
lane designation requires jockeying for position for drivers approaching on I-291, and weaving for
drivers entering from Shawinigan Drive. The design project formally establishes the
three lane operation that occurs today in this segment, which will reduce confusion
stemming from varied driver behavior that exists today in the wide right turn lane.
The left lane will remain a through lane to Burnett Road, the middle lane will
accommodate through vehicles to Burnett Road and vehicles using the ramp to the
Mass Pike, and the right lane will exit to the Mass Pike. Drivers entering at
Shawinigan Drive will no longer have to stop at the end of the ramp and will no
longer face the two lane weave that occurs today during times when three travel
lanes are established; instead, traffic will enter its own lane and shift left at speed
with I-291 traffic. Added Lane signs W4- 3 and W4-6 should be used for the added
travel lane at the ramp. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. The feasibility of
implementing the three lane operation as a short-term improvement was discussed,
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
but it was noted that this change cannot be formalized without work to protect the bridge abutment for
the Mass Pike overpass.
Review advance signage warning of the end of I-291. Existing signage is provided, but it was
suggested that upgraded, larger signage could be provided.
Existing signage should be reviewed to determine its adequacy
and updated if necessary. A W19-1 “Freeway Ends” sign
should also be considered in the absence of a regulated speed
limit at the end of I-291 to clearly indicate that the freeway
segment is ending. This is a short-term, low cost improvement.
Provide improved advance signage warning of the traffic signal for I-291 traffic. W3-3 Traffic Signal
Ahead signs are currently provided on both sides of the highway in advance of the Mass Pike
overpass. It was suggested that illuminated Red Signal Ahead signs could be provided, which led to a
debate of the effectiveness of the signs for drivers who are entering the Mass Pike and do not pass
through the signal, and the potential for
the illuminated sign to encourage
speeding if drivers know that the signal is
green based on the absence of
illumination of the “RED” legend on the
sign. A larger W3-3 sign could be
provided overhead with flashing beacons
to increase its visibility and effectiveness.
This is a mid-term, medium cost
improvement that could be incorporated
into the p roposed project. It was noted
that the project will provide overhead,
Existing W3-3 signs on I-291 eastbound
arrow-per-lane guide signage to clearly
identify the lane configuration of I-291.
Consider improvements to the Shawinigan Drive on-ramp. Vehicles frequently stop rather than yield
due to the ramp geometry. The project will formalize the three lane operation of I-291 north of the onramp and should no longer require on-ramp traffic to stop. It was noted that the proposed project
retains existing ramp geometry, and that modifications to the ramp are difficult due to the proximity
of the Mass Pike overpass and the terrain of the slopes from the Mass Pike roadway. This is a longterm improvement with a cost to be determined.
Replace the traffic signal with a modern, fully-actuated signal. This is being proposed by the
reconstruction project along with the increased capacity described above. The traffic signal will
conform to current standards and will have overhead signal heads for all approaches centered over the
lane they serve. Backplates will be provided for all overhead signal heads with a yellow
retroreflective border. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. Supplemental far side signal heads
should be considered for left turn signals if they are not already incorporated into the design.
Adjust the optically programmed signal head serving the left turn from Burnett Road to the Mass
Pike. As a short-term measure, the alignment and rotation of the head can be adjusted to improve
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
visibility to the greatest extent practical for vehicles entering the lane. This is a short-term, low cost
Add a supplemental head for the Mass Pike interchange approach, and consider supplemental heads
for the Burnett Road left turn and for the I-291 approach. All three approaches have visibility
constraints identified by the audit team. It was noted that a work order has been placed for the
supplemental head for the interchange approach, but heads should also be considered for the other
two approaches as part of the same work order. This is a short-term, low cost improvement.
Repair or replace detection on the interchange approach to the signal. It was noted that a new radar
detection technology is to be tested at this location. Detection should be reinstated either by
replacement of loops or by installation of video or other modern detection technology. This is a shortterm, low cost improvement.
Accommodate truck traffic in the proposed triple left turn lane from the Mass Pike to I-291. It was
noted that the width of the receiving lanes allows for larger trucks to turn side-by-side from the two
left-most lanes. Truck traffic is expected to favor the left two lanes because the right lane on I-291
will be an exit only lane to Fuller Road/Shawinigan Drive. This is part of the long-term, high cost
Identify ways to better accommodate the tandem truck lot. It was suggested that the tandem truck lot
may be relocated. Improvements should consider the feasibility of improving access to the tandem
lot, and reducing or eliminating conflicts between turning trucks and other entering and exiting
vehicles. This is a long-term, high cost improvement.
Consider changes to the toll booths, incorporating
MassDOT’s plans to implement open road tolling.
Open road tolling will eliminate the need for
drivers to choose between electronic toll collection
lanes and manned cash lanes, which will reduce
lane jockeying for drivers entering the Pike and
will allow drivers exiting the Pike to be more
directly aligned with their desired lane on the
approach to the traffic signal. This is a long-term,
high cost improvement. The audit team discussed
the feasibility of reassigning existing electronic
Current toll booth configuration
toll lanes and cash lanes as a short-term measure
entering the Mass Pike
to improve traffic flow and reduce weaving. It was
suggested that the cost of reconfiguration of the booths with signage changes is cost prohibitive as a
short term solution.
Upgrade lane designation signage and pavement markings for the Mass Pike interchange approach to
the traffic signal. It was suggested that existing signage is too small and should be replaced with
larger signage as a short-term, low cost measure, and that updated signage should be incorporated into
the project as a long-term measure. It was also noted that no lane designation pavement markings are
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
currently provided, but should be applied as a short term measure and incorporated into the the
project as a long-term measure.
Study clearance times. The existing yellow and all red clearance times should be determined from the
existing traffic signal controller and compared to minimum requirements calculated based on the
latest MassDOT guidance. If existing clearance times are insufficient, clearance times should be
increased accordingly. This is a short-term, low cost improvement.
Reconstruct pavement. I-291 will have full depth reconstruction and the ramps will be resurfaced as
part of the proposed project. This is a long-term, high cost improvement.
Reconstruct the Mass Pike and I-291 ramps to provide a typical Interstate to Interstate interchange,
with free flowing traffic between all maneuvers. This is a very high cost, very long term improvement
that should be considered as part of regional and statewide Interstate highway improvements.
Summary of Road Safety Audit
Table 3 summarizes potential recommendations discussed by the audit team. The recommendations are
categorized based on the potential safety payoff, as well as by time frame and cost. The safety payoff is a
qualitative judgment of the effectiveness of the potential safety improvements. Each recommendation has
a responsibility assigned to it stating whether MassDOT or the City of Chicopee would be responsible for
implementing the recommended improvement.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Improve the capacity of the signalized intersection at Mass Pike
Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road. A MassDOT project
currently under design provides additional lanes which will provide
increased capacity.
Traffic Congestion
& Queuing,
Weaving, I-291
Lane Configuration
Modify lanes for I-291 between Shawinigan Drive and the Mass
Pike interchange. The proposed project formally establishes three
lanes in this roadway segment. Include W4-3 and W4-6 Added
Lane Signage at the ramp merge.
Signage, Speed
Review advance signage warning of the end of I-291. Existing
signage may be supplemented or replaced with larger signage. A
W19-1 “Freeway Ends” sign should be considered in the absence
of a regulated speed limit.
TBD (Low)
Provide improved advance signage warning of the traffic signal for
I-291 traffic. A larger W3-3 sign could be considered overhead with
flashing beacons.
Ramp Curve
Consider improvements to the Shawinigan Drive on-ramp. It was
noted that modifications to the ramp may be difficult due to the
proximity of the Mass Pike overpass.
TBD (High)
Traffic Congestion
and Queuing,
Signal Visibility,
Signal Equipment
Replace the traffic signal with a modern, fully-actuated signal with
overhead signal heads with backplates with a retroreflective border.
Signal Visibility
Adjust the optically programmed signal head serving the left turn
from Burnett Road to the Mass Pike.
Signal Visibility
Add a supplemental head for the interchange approach as planned,
and consider supplemental heads for the Burnett Road left turn and
for the I-291 approach.
Signal Equipment
Repair or replace detection on the interchange approach to the
Truck Traffic
Accommodate truck traffic in the proposed triple left turn lane from
the Mass Pike to I-291.
Safety Issue
Safety Enhancement
Traffic Congestion
& Queuing,
Interchange Lane
Truck Traffic
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Identify ways to better accommodate the tandem truck lot.
TBD (High)
Interchange Lane
Consider changes to the toll booths, incorporating MassDOT’s
plans to implement open road tolling.
Interchange Lane
Upgrade lane designation signage and pavement markings for the
Mass Pike interchange approach to the traffic signal.
Red Light
Study clearance times, and implement changes as necessary.
Pavement Rutting
Reconstruct pavement.
Reconstruct the Mass Pike and I-291 ramps to provide a typical
Interstate to Interstate interchange, with free flowing traffic between
all maneuvers.
Safety Issue
Safety Enhancement
Tandem Truck Lot
Long-term improvements are assumed to be combined into an overall reconstruction project; costs are order of magnitude components of the
overall project cost.
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Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda
Road Safety Audit
Chicopee, MA
Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road
Meeting Location: Chicopee Department of Public Works
115 Baskin Drive, Chicopee, MA
Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
10:00 AM – 12:00 noon
Type of meeting:
High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit
Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team
Please bring:
Thoughts and Enthusiasm!!
10:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions
10:15 AM
Discussion of Safety Issues
• Crash history, Speed Regulations – provided in advance
• Existing Geometries and Conditions
11:00 AM
Site Visit
• Drive to the intersection of the Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road
• As a group, identify areas for improvement
11:30 AM
Discussion of Potential Improvements
• Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas
• Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations
12:00 noon
Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended
Instructions for Participants:
• Before attending the RSA on October 9th, participants are encouraged to drive/walk
through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List
with a focus on safety.
• All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants
are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the
synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the
success of the overall RSA process.
• After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the
document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the
multidisciplinary team.
Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List
Participating Audit Team Members
Chicopee – MassPike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road
Email Address
Phone Number
Date: October 9, 2013
Audit Team Member
Greg Lucas
Justin Curewitz
Corey O’Connor
Juliet Locke
Chris Chaban
MassDOT – Safety
Chicopee Eng.
Mass State Police –
Paul D’Auteuil
Bao Lang
Steve Pikul
Khyati Parmar
Road Safety Audit—Mass Pike Interchange 6, I-291 and Burnett Road – Chicopee, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data