Office of Outdoor Advertising Public Meeting March 13, 2014 11:00 AM Ten Park Plaza Conference Rm 5 & 6 Boston, MA 02116 Present: Edward Farley, Executive Director Chris Quinn, Esq., Counsel 2 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 EDWARD FARLEY: Good morning everyone. 4 Today is March 13, 2014. Welcome to the Office of 5 Outdoor Advertising meeting. 6 is Ed Farley. 7 This is to my left, Chris Quinn, our legal counsel. 8 would like to remind everyone if you haven’t already 9 done so, please sign in at the side of the room here. It is 11:00 AM. My name I am the Director of the Department. 10 There are also agendas and minutes from the February 11 13, 2014 OOA Public Meeting. 12 With that, I would like to review the 13 minutes from the February 13, 2014 minutes. 14 any comments? 15 2014 OOA Minutes are adopted. 16 Are there Hearing no comments, the February 13, First item, there is an application for 17 license from 71 Newbury Street Properties. 18 someone here representing these properties. 19 for the record, can you give us your name please. 20 DAVID MODICA: 21 ED FARLEY: 22 DAVID MODICA: 23 ED FARLEY: 24 I Is there Okay sir, My name is David Modica. Okay, I’m sorry, last name? Modica. Modica. For clarification is the 71 Newbury Street Properties, is this a ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 3 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 partnership or an LLC. DAVID MODICA: It is an LLC but it is a partnership LLC. ED FARLEY: Okay, can counsel give me a distinction on that. CHRIS QUINN: think you could be both. Is it both? I didn’t I think -- 8 DAVID MODICA: 9 is handled as a partnership. It is a corporation that 10 CHRIS QUINN: All right. 11 DAVID MODICA: 12 CHRIS QUINN: 13 an LLC filing with the Secretary of State? For tax reasons. All right, well is there 14 DAVID MODICA: 15 CHRIS QUINN: I believe so. All right. We would 16 probably would just license the LLC rather than the -- 17 if that is okay with you. 18 DAVID MODICA: 19 CHRIS QUINN: 20 ED FARLEY: No, that’s fine. Okay. Okay, I think what we are 21 waiting on is the Certificate of Good Standing from 22 the Mass Department of Revenue. 23 24 DAVID MODICA: The certificate of Good Standing had to be the way the taxes are filed. ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 That 4 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 was the hold up. 2 ED FARLEY: Okay. 3 DAVID MODICA: They wouldn’t recommend 4 the LLC as a corporation because it is a partnership, 5 a tax right-off. 6 within the next couple of days. 7 8 It was issued and it should be here ED FARLEY: Okay. So a Certificate of Good Standing if forth coming then? 9 DAVID MODICA: 10 ED FARLEY: Yes sir. Okay, what I am going to do 11 with this license is I am going to keep it under 12 advisement until the certificate comes through. 13 DAVID MODICA: 14 ED FARLEY: Okay. When I receive the 15 Certificate of Good Standing in hand, I am inclined to 16 issue the license. 17 that? 18 for 71 Newbury Street will be held under advisement 19 for the moment. No, okay. 20 Is there any public comment about So the application for new license The next item of business is a transfer 21 of permits from Boston Outdoor Ventures to Lamar 22 Whiteco. 23 The application appears to be in order. 24 comment about the transfers? I have the transfer application in hand. Is there any Hearing no comment, ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 5 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 transfer of permits from Boston Outdoor Ventures to 2 Lamar Whiteco Outdoor for permit numbers 2013D047 and 3 2013D048 are approved. 4 Okay, moving on to agenda item C, 5 application for electronic permits. First applicant 6 is Eagle Advertising. 7 going to discuss this morning is the Pleasant Street 8 location. 9 received by the Town of West Bridgewater on January The first sign that we are For the record, municipal notification was 10 24, 2014. So we have applications 2014D011 and 11 2014D012. May I ask is the applicant present this 12 morning? 13 WALTER PIERONI: Mr. Farley, Walter 14 Pieroni (sounds like). I am an attorney representing 15 Eagle Advertising and with me is Connor McLaughlin who 16 is a principle in Eagle Advertising. 17 ED FARLEY: Thank you. 18 WALTER PIERONI: 19 ED FARLEY: Thank you. Is there anyone from the 20 municipality present this morning? Is there anyone 21 from the District Office or Traffic Operations present 22 this morning? 23 to abutters within 500-feet sent at least 30-days 24 prior to submittal of this application? Okay, so may I ask, was certified mail ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 6 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 WALTER PIERONI: 2 ED FARLEY: 3 present this morning? 4 written comments received? Yes, sir. Are there any abutters Can I ask you were there any 5 WALTER PIERONI: 6 ED FARLEY: Okay. Nothing received. This was received 7 via a special permit from the Town of West 8 Bridgewater? 9 WALTER PIERONI: 10 ED FARLEY: Okay. That’s correct. Who did the 11 inspection? 12 Can you please give me an overview of your field 13 inspection report? 14 Okay, Marc Plante did the inspection. MARC PLANTE: I can. This is a 15 proposed monopole, digital, located facing the Route 16 24 in West Bridgewater. 17 via Pleasant Street which is running parallel to Route 18 24. 19 My access to the property was The area is of commercial character. 20 The two businesses I have listed are Atlas Self 21 Storage and IW Harding Construction which satisfies -- 22 they are within 500-feet. 23 ED FARLEY: 24 Okay, so you did a measurement and you found that there are two separate ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 7 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 businesses within 500-feet of the proposed location. 2 MARC PLANTE: 3 ED FARLEY: 4 MARC PLANTE: Yes sir. Okay. As far as parks and 5 recreational area, we didn’t have anything of that 6 nature. 7 ED FARLEY: Okay, can I ask, it looks 8 as if the parcel where the proposed sign is to be 9 located is on an industrial commercial parcel. 10 MARC PLANTE: 11 ED FARLEY: 12 Can I ask where your point of access to the sign is going to be? 13 14 It is adjacent to it. WALTER PIERONI: It is through Pleasant Street. 15 ED FARLEY: Okay, and there is an on- 16 premise sign close by to that location and from the 17 storage facility. 18 19 MARC PLANTE: Yes, I can comment on that. 20 21 Was that -- WALTER PIERONI: there is a sign not our site. 22 ED FARLEY: 23 CHRIS QUINN: 24 At the Atlas site show that. Okay. All right, maybe we can Can we zero in? ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 8 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 JASON BEAN: 2 CHRIS QUINN: Okay, it is a little hard MARC PLANTE: Now this is within 50- 3 That’s it. to see. 4 5 feet of the proposed sign stake. 6 observing, that sign cannot be blocked or hindered 7 with, it exists, it is on premise, it’s legal. 8 measurement from where the base of the monopole is to 9 be the sign would be 23-feet above that, the existing 10 In my comments So the on-premise sign. 11 ED FARLEY: Okay, I understand. I 12 think a concern may be in terms of the proximity to 13 the on-premise sign is will there be -- will the 14 proposed off-premise sign obscure the on-premise sign 15 from a southbound direction. 16 know the answer to that. 17 sign is 35-feet and 21-feet from the bottom of the 18 face. 19 it may be of concern in terms of the existing on- 20 premise sign from their visibility standpoint from 21 Route 24. I don’t know that we The proposed height of the I just want to note that for the record, that 22 Are there any other comments Marc? 23 MARC PLANTE: 24 No, outside -- you asked the question of access and he said from Pleasant ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 9 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 Street which answers that question and they cannot 2 obstruct that on-premise sign from view of Route 24. 3 ED FARLEY: Okay. Is there any other 4 comment from the applicant this morning? 5 WALTER PIERONI: No. 6 ED FARLEY: Is there any public No. 7 comment in general in this application? 8 applications 2014D011 and 2014D012 are going to be 9 taken under advisement. 10 Okay. Permit That moves us along to the next item 11 application number 2014D013 and 2014D014. 12 the record, municipal notification was received on 13 January 24, 2014. 14 present. We know that the municipality is not 15 present. I’m going to again ask, is there anyone from 16 the District Office and/or Traffic Operations present 17 this morning. 18 mail sent to abutters at least 30-days prior to -- We know that the applicant is Again, I’m going to ask, was certified 19 WALTER PIERONI: 20 ED FARLEY: 21 Yes, sir. Okay, any written comment received? 22 WALTER PIERONI: 23 ED FARLEY: 24 Again, for No comments. Again, this was issues via special permit from the Town of West Bridgewater? ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 10 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 WALTER PIERONI: 2 ED FARLEY: 3 Okay. Marc, did you do the inspection again? 4 MARC PLANTE: 5 ED FARLEY: 6 That’s correct. Yes sir. Okay, can you give me an overview, please. 7 MARC PLANTE: 8 proposed digital monopole. 9 character. This would be another The area is business Two businesses are D’Angelos, I believe it 10 is a corporate office and Double E Company 11 Incorporated which makes printing material 12 legitimately 500-feet within 500-foot distance. 13 ED FARLEY: 14 MARC PLANTE: Okay. It does not -- there is 15 no park or recreational facilities. 16 to exist in that particular spot. 17 issues, 780-feet to the north there is an existing 18 monopole which is unlicensed, unpermitted. 19 to be on-premise but is in disrepair, not able to read 20 any current advertisement. 21 ED FARLEY: They don’t seem As far as spacing It seems Okay, can I ask the 22 applicant, is this an adjacent parcel, is this one 23 parcel, is this your -- is this the applicants 24 property? ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 11 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 WALTER PIERONI: 2 signs. 3 sign which is being replaced. One is in the exact location of the proposed 4 5 ED FARLEY: Okay, is that the D’Angelos sign? 6 WALTER PIERONI: 7 ED FARLEY: 8 WALTER PIERONI: 9 is not on premise. 11 it. 12 Okay. That is not on premise or that is on premise? WALTER PIERONI: ED FARLEY: 17 CHRIS QUINN: Okay. So that is not your WALTER PIERONI: CHRIS QUINN: 22 WALTER PIERONI: 24 Our client through an affiliate owns that property. 21 23 It is clients sign. 19 20 That is not. adjacent property. 16 18 The second one, I That is on property adjacent to ED FARLEY: 14 15 Correct. believe is the one that is being referred to, and that 10 13 There are two monopole Through an affiliate. But it is not the same property. CHRIS QUINN: All right. I think we ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 12 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 would need where it is an affiliate we would need that 2 sign to be dealt with. 3 4 ED FARLEY: Do you have an intent on removing that sign. 5 WALTER PIERONI: 6 ED FARLEY: 7 CHRIS QUINN: WALTER PIERONI: ED FARLEY: It is on a different premises. 14 15 It is not on this premise. 12 13 I think it is not on- premise. 10 11 So your position is that that is an on-premise sign currently. 8 9 No. WALTER PIERONI: It is on adjacent property, yes. 16 ED FARLEY: When we refer to an on- 17 premise display, the intent there is that the sign is 18 advertising a good of service that is taking place on 19 that particular parcel. 20 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The sign is not 21 in use currently. 22 proper position we are going to seek to have it 23 restored. 24 It is going -- once we are in the ED FARLEY: To advertise a business on ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 13 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 -- that is taking place on that -- 2 3 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Static off- premise advertising. 4 ED FARLEY: Static on-premise. 5 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: 6 CHRIS QUINN: Off. All right, well it would 7 be eligible for a static off-premise but not a 8 digital. 9 look at that as well. All right, I think we would have to take a I think we would like it to be 10 either permitted or removed, one or the other because 11 it is in a state of disrepair and it is a bit of an 12 eyesore. 13 advisement and I think we can talk about that and 14 hopefully we can resolve it. So I think we will just take it under 15 ED FARLEY: Any further comment? 16 WALTER PIERONI: 17 ED FARLEY: No, thank you. Application numbers 18 2014D013 and 2014D014 are under advisement. We will 19 move onto our third application from Lamar Central for 20 a proposed site in the City of Chicopee and the 21 application number is 2014D015. 22 notification was received by the City of Chicopee on 23 January 27, 2014. 24 this morning? Municipal Can I ask if the applicant present ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 14 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 2 PAT KEOUGH: Present, Pat Keough, Lamar Central Outdoor. 3 ED FARLEY: Thank you, Mr. Keough. Is 4 there anyone representing the City of Chicopee here 5 this morning? 6 Traffic Operations? 7 certified mail sent out to abutters at least 30-days 8 prior to submittal of the application. Anyone from the District Office and/or Okay, Mr. Keogh, can I ask was 9 PAT KEOUGH: 10 ED FARLEY: 11 Okay. Did you receive any objection in writing? 12 13 Yes it was. PAT KEOUGH: I did not receive anything back. 14 ED FARLEY: Okay and for the record and 15 I believe the stenographer has the letters in hand. 16 The office did receive three letters of opposition to 17 the proposed conversion. 18 letters of opposition. 19 letters were sent by a Russell Seelig, Andrea Donlon, 20 and John Gormally. 21 are reviewing those letters and the merits of the 22 complaints. 23 morning? 24 The stenographer has the Again, for the record, the So that is for public record. We Are there any abutters present this Okay. And you received this permit from the ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 15 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 City of Chicopee. Was this issued via special permit? 2 PAT KEOUGH: 3 ED FARLEY: 4 Bean did the inspection. 5 your reports. 6 Yes, it was. Okay. Who did -- Jason Can I get an overview of JASON BEAN: Yes. This location has an 7 existing monopole. One side is the digital and the 8 sign up for permit here is currently a static to be 9 converted. It is no height change. I believe the 10 sign face is just going to be swapped out to a 11 digital. 12 are no spacing issues. 13 mentioned, have some opposition to it. 14 up for discussion. 15 Rockrimmon Auto and Johnstone Supply. 16 of commercial and business activity. 17 businesses are down south of the pushpin on the map 18 there. 19 It is currently sitting at 67-feet. There We did as the Director That will be There are two businesses This is an area The two It will face the Connecticut River. At this point, we did receive another 20 complaint about another sign behind it that we are in 21 the process of investigating that’s old. 22 have some issues going forward. 23 it from being noncompliant that I found. 24 scenic byway per our tools that we use to figure that So we do Nothing that prevents It is not a ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 16 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 stuff out. 2 There is a -- as shown on the map here. 3 There is a park across the way here. They refer to it 4 as land along the Connecticut River. I couldn’t find 5 anything specific that basically said it was 6 protected. 7 the dyke system is built along the river but there is 8 nothing that I found within 300-feet of this. I believe it’s not. 9 10 CHRIS QUINN: It is an area where Is that park more than 300-feet from the proposed sign? 11 JASON BEAN: It absolutely is. It is 12 actually beyond 800. 13 500-feet of a ramp but Chicopee does meet the criteria 14 of over 50,000. 15 spacing issues and the current permit of 95010 will 16 need to be surrendered and removed before this is 17 built. 18 This particular site is within They have 54,000 plus. ED FARLEY: Okay. There are no Just for 19 clarification, there is another sign that is 20 approximately how many feet from -- 21 JASON BEAN: It is roughly -- so we do 22 measure along the road here, so it is not point to 23 point, we measure along the road. 24 because of the terrain, not exactly but it is roughly I roughly got ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 17 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 about 300-feet. 2 3 ED FARLEY: But that sign is not permitted from -- 4 JASON BEAN: This is the location right 5 here of basically was just a sign that used to say 6 land for lease. 7 believe was a healthcare ad on there now. 8 the landowner. 9 understand the issues that they have with it. I did come across it one day that, I I spoke to They are aware of it and they So we 10 are in the process of working with Bay State Hospital 11 is the owner of the land, so we are working with their 12 lawyer to rectify the situation. 13 permit and the location, as far as I have been able to 14 find has never been permitted. 15 16 CHRIS QUINN: It does not have a All right. So the other sign is unpermitted. 17 JASON BEAN: Exactly. So I sort of 18 removed that from what we are doing since that is a 19 separate issue that I didn’t take in account the 20 spacing to that sign because it is not legal at this 21 point. 22 ED FARLEY: Okay. I am going to share 23 with the applicant too, there is an interoffice memo 24 from the District Office that you can take a look at. ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 18 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 1 I am going to wait to hear from Traffic Operations in 2 terms of any concerns that they may have because of 3 decision making points in the roadway. 4 you have any other questions or comments? 5 CHRIS QUINN: 6 ED FARLEY: Counsel, do No. Okay. Mr. Keough, are 7 there any other comments from you relative to the 8 application? 9 10 PAT KEOUGH: No, unless you have any other questions for me. 11 ED FARLEY: No. Is there any public 12 comment about the application? Hearing none 13 application 2014D015 is taken under advisement. 14 the Record items, I open the meeting up to public 15 comment. 16 Hearing no public comment, it is 11:21 am and this 17 meeting is adjourned. Is there any public comment this morning? Thank you. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 For (Whereupon, the proceedings were concluded on March 13, 2012 at 11:21 a.m.) ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 19 Office of Outdoor Advertising March 13, 2014 C E R T I F I C A T E I, Tammy A. Hillery, do hereby certify that the foregoing record is a true and accurate transcription of the proceedings in the above-captioned matter to the best of my skill and ability. _________________________________________ Tammy A. Hillery **All names not provided were spelled phonetically to the best of my ability. ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100