NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Municipality/Organization: Massachusetts Highway Department EPA NPDES Permit Number: MA043025 MaDEP Transmittal Number: W-040919 Annual Report Number & Reporting Period: No. 5: April 07-March 08 NPDES Phase II Small MS4 General Permit Annual Report Part I. General Information Contact Person: Mr. Henry Barbaro Title: Telephone #: Email: (617) 973-7419 Supervisor of Wetlands & Water Resources Certification: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature: Printed Name: Luisa M. Paiewonsky Title: MassHighway Commissioner Date: Page 2 MassHighway has completed the required self-assessment and has determined that the MS4 is in full compliance with all permit conditions. MassHighway has received full authorization to discharge stormwater from MassHighway owned and operated MS4s in urbanized areas of Massachusetts on April 2, 2007. EPA requested that MassHighway continue to update/revise the SWMP in a letter dated August 18, 2006 and October 10. 2006. MassHighway submitted a revised SWMP to address the EPA comments on January 11.2008. Part II. Self-Assessment NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description MassHighway Training Assistance Program (MTAP) BMP ID # 1A Measurable Goal(s) Facilitate one training program related to storm water and /or snow and ice control as a means of reducing source pollution. Document attendance numbers. Responsible Dept./Person Name MTAP 1. Public Education and Outreach Part III. Summary of Minimum Control Measures Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 19 2007 DATE Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct .19 Oct .23 Location District 1 District 3 District 2 District 4 District 5 District 1 Worcester Supervisors Mtg District 2 District 4 District 3 District 5 District 4 District 5 District 4 District 3 Page 3 Facilitate one training program related to storm water and /or snow and ice control as a means of reducing source pollution. Fourteen Snow & Ice Control classes were conducted in 2007, with a total of 453 personnel attending this training. A change this season was the inclusion of a ½-day Communications Skills segment, presented by Management Action Program instructors, Rockie Blunt or Wally Coyle. An additional Snow & Ice Retreat was held for all management personnel. Trainings were held as follows: Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Baystate Roads MassHighway Web Site MassHighway Web Site MassHighway Web Site BMP ID # 1B IC-1 1C-2 1C-3 IT/ Environmental IT/ Environmental IT/Environmental Baystate Roads Responsible Dept./Person Name Evaluate web page annually and revise as necessary. Include link for contacting Highway Department via email. Review emails and direct to appropriate department. Add Environmental Section web page to web site. Provide one training program for MassHighway employees and one for municipal DPW snowplow drivers related to snow and ice control as a means of reducing source pollution. Document attendance numbers. Measurable Goal(s) Provide one training program for MassHighway employees and one for municipal DPW snowplow drivers related to snow and ice control as a means of reducing source pollution. Snow and Ice Training was held with 203 total in attendance. 12/07/2007 – Tewksbury 11/29/2007 – Taunton 11/09/2007 – Stockbridge 10/31/2007 – Holyoke 11/16/2007 - Sterling Page 4 Evaluate web page and revise as necessary. Measurable goal complete. The MassHighway web site includes a link for contacting the Highway Department via email. Emails received are reviewed and directed to the appropriate department. The Environmental web page has been reviewed and updated. Measurable goal complete. Measurable goal completed in Permit Year 1. Baystate also continued to distribute their plow calibration DVD that demonstrates how to calibrate salt spreader output to reduce chemical use Baystate also included a “Let it Snow” article in their newsletter sent out in the Fall 2007. The article discussed the new chemical application guidelines for winter operations. The newsletter is available at Topics covered concentrated on salt, sand and liquids. Calibration and the smart application of chemicals were stressed. Operations and housekeeping (with regard to salt storage) were also reviewed. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Educational Seminars for CIM members MassHighway/ Municipal Tie-In Review Process 1F Storm Water Training Workshop Remove 1E 1D-2 Remove 1D-1 Storm Water Training Workshop BMP Description BMP ID # Provide educational seminars for CIM members on CGP Permit coverage and environmental compliance in Permit Year 1. Develop communication mechanism re: MassHighway drainage that discharges to a local MS4. Develop review process for addressing those concerns. Notify other MS4s of process. Environmental/ Districts Summarize training programs similarly to above. Conduct storm water training workshop for municipal DPW personnel every two years. Conduct training for MassHighway personnel every two years. Summarize date of meeting, topics covered, and #of attendees in annual report. Also include # of Snow& Ice training classes, and # of “tailgate” meetings. Measurable Goal(s) Construction Section Environmental/ Baystate Roads Environmental/ MTAP Responsible Dept./Person Name Deleted BMP Revised – see 1F below Page 5 Measurable goal complete. Measurable goal complete in Permit Year 1. BMP Removed BMP Removed This BMP is duplicative since storm water training is addressed through the BMP 1A program above. The BMP 1D-1 is replaced by the additional commitments made in BMP 1A in the January 2008 SWMP. This BMP is duplicative since storm water training is addressed through the BMP 1B program above. The BMP 1D-2 is replaced by the additional commitments made in BMP 1B in the January 2008 SWMP. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 River and Stream Signs 1G Traffic Operations 1) Distribute a flyer with contact names to municipalities during May 2007 Baystate Roads NPDES Phase II General Permit seminar. Environmental/ Districts/ GIS Post Contact Names for Municipal Drainage Concerns on MassHighway Web Site 1F Revised (Revised in Jan 08 SWMP) Maintain signs identifying rivers and streams crossed by MassHighway roads, until crossing of all named rivers and streams are signposted. 3) GIS group will develop a program to provide easy to use access and allow the public to identify a selected area and review the MassHighway owned roads and outfalls. MassHighway will then review alternatives for alerting towns and the public to the availability of this information. 2) Post DHD contact name for each district on website for municipalities to contact and maintain link. Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name BMP Description BMP ID # MassHighway has installed 20 signs identifying river and stream crossings in Permit Year 5. The locations were identified by Mass Riverways Program and installed by MassHighway personnel. A list of the locations is included in Appendix A of this report. 3) MassHighway shared drainage outfall inventory information with towns which requested information including Beverly, Lexington and Weymouth. MassHighway also worked with the Town of Hatfield who was developing a proposal to obtain Unobligated National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) Funds to purchase GPS equipment. The town wanted to use the equipment to inventory their infrastructure including stormwater. The town plans to share information they gather regarding state highway drainage structures as it pertains to I-91 and Routes 5&10 in Hatfield. 2) DHD contact names have been added to web site at asp?pgid=dist/distRoot&sid=wrapper& iid=dist/dist.asp May 24 Fall River - 50 people May 23 Palmer - 30 people May 17 Tewksbury - 50 people May 16 Marlborough - 50 people 1) Flyer distributed at each of the three May 2007 Baystate Roads NPDES seminars. Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Page 6 MassHighway will continue to install signs in areas identified by Mass. Riverways Program. MassHighway will also review municipal tie-ins identified during the outfall inventory task and contact towns with tie-ins to discuss. 3) MassHighway is developing an Asset Management system. Part of the system will include determining how best to share infrastructure information with the general public. Planned Activities – 2008 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Anti-litter/ Dumping Messages on Variable Message Boards Anti-litter/ Dumping Literature at Visitors Centers New England DOT Meetings Storm Water Coordinator BMP ID # 1H 1I 1J 1K Work with EOEEA’s Think Blue Campaign to identify appropriate brochures for use in Visitor’s Centers. Distribute literature to appropriate visitor centers and track number of brochures distributed annually. Operations Environmental Fund a full-time stormwater coordinator position each year. Coordinate with New England DOTs to discuss on-going issues and programs being faced by the DOT's including wetland mitigation, storm water and erosion controls. Maintain anti-litter message in the message mix on permanent Variable Message Boards (VMBs). Operations Environmental Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name Order and distribute brochures at Visitors Centers. Maintain count of brochures distributed. Work with Think Blue to develop transportation focus brochure. MassHighway will communicate with the other DOTs as the need develops. MassHighway has had extensive discussion with EOEEA’s Think Blue Campaign regarding their program and available brochures. MassHighway has discussed the Think Blue brochures with the Visitors Centers. MassHighway has communicated as the need arose. Formal meetings are no longer ongoing. Page 7 Fund full time coordinator. Continue to include anti-litter messages on VMBs. Anti-litter messages were included in the message mix on permanent Variable Message Boards. MassHighway has advertised for this position, conducted interviews and is in the final stages of hiring a full time stormwater coordinator. We expect the staff member to begin in Spring 2008. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Baystate Roads Addnl Baystate Responsible Dept./Person Name BMP Description Project Related Public Notification and Public Participation Requirements Adopt-a-Highway Project Clean BMP ID # 2A 2B 2C Project Clean Revised – see 2C below Deleted. Page 8 MassHighway will continue to support this program. MassHighway will continue to comply with federal and state public notification and public participation requirements. MassHighway continues to comply with federal and state public notification and public participation requirements. MassHighway conducted 49 design public hearings in this permit year (see Appendix B). MassHighway continues to support this program. Approximately 300 miles of roadway were cleaned by volunteer crews. Planned Activities – 2008 No further action planned. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 5/24/07 Fall River 5/23/07 Palmer 5/17/07 Tewksbury 5/16/07 Marlborough Baystate Roads held a “Stormwater in Your Community” series. These classes reviewed the regulatory requirements that Phase II communities need to meet by the end of this permit term (this spring). Both the EPA and the DEP (and MassHighway) gave presentations and talked to municipalities about their progress and need to plan and get started. 176 persons attended these four classes. They were held at : Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Continue to support Project Clean. Continue to support program. Document miles cleaned. Continue compliance with federal and state public notification and public participation requirements including but not limited to Wetlands Protection Act, Clean Water Act 401 Water Quality Certification, Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit, and MEPA/NEPA. Environmental Adopt-a-Highway Measurable Goal(s) Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name 2. Public Involvement and Participation BMP Description BMP ID # NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 MassHighway Web Site MassHighway Web Site Complete AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence on “Strategies & Approaches to Complying with NPDES Phase II Survey” 2D-1 2D-2 2E BMP Description Rest Area Leases BMP ID # 3A-1 Environmental/ Rightof-Way Responsible Dept./Person Name Develop electronic drainage requirements language for incorporation in Rest Area lease agreements where rest area is being redeveloped. Measurable Goal(s) Complete survey. Environmental 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Post annual reports to the web site. IT/ Environmental Post Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) to web site. Maintain 511 System Operations 511 Massachusetts Traveler Information System 2C Revise d IT/ Environmental Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name BMP Description BMP ID # Planned Activities – 2008 Measurable goal complete. Submission of drainage information is a standard condition on all new rest area leases. Measurable goal complete. Page 9 Permit Year #5’s annual report will be posted to the Environmental Section web page for public access within 30 days of submittal to EPA and DEP. Post NOI and SWMP submitted for new general permit (when issued) within 60 days of submittal. The 511 program expects increased call volume and incidents of debris due to increased seasonal travel, outdoor activity, and knowledge of 511 services over the next six months. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Completed survey in Permit Year 3. Measurable goal complete. Annual reports for Permit Year 1-4 are posted on the Environmental Section’s web page. The most recent SWMP submitted to EPA in January 2008 is posted on MassHighway’s web site. The 511 program received 1,728 calls during the permit year. The calls included 1,468 incidents of debris. Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Rest Area Leases Drainage Inventory Drainage Inventory BMP ID # 3A -2 3B-1 3B-2 Environmental/ IT/ Districts Environmental/ Construction/ Planning/ IT Section Right-of-Way Responsible Dept./Person Name Continue to explore methods for sharing inventory with public and within the Department. Outfall inventory has been completed by inventory consultant and submitted to MassHighway. The inventory includes detail regarding 17,862 storm water discharges from MassHighway MS4s within all urbanized areas covered by the general permit. The inventory is included in Appendix C. Page 10 Continue to develop and finalize system. Once Asset Management system is developed, finalize specification and begin to include in contracts. Draft of drainage specification has been developed. MassHighway has recently hired an Asset Management director who is reviewing the best way to address the inventory of all of MassHighway assets and the tracking of associated maintenance. The completion of the drainage specification has been temporarily put on hold to make sure that it will be in line with the overall strategy for asset management once developed. Develop and implement specification for securing drainage information from future construction and redevelopment projects. The inventory includes a summary of the receiving waterbodies including those that are impaired. The inventory database also indicates if the outfall discharges to a resource area as indicated by the MS4 permit. MassHighway is exploring different methods for sharing the inventory with the public and within the Department. If new rest area leases are issued summarize in annual report. No new rest area leases were issued during this permit term. Summarize new rest area leases issued each year in the annual report. Map drainage discharges within urbanized areas. By the end of the permit term complete inventory of urbanized areas and include summary of resource areas with outfalls. Review methods to make outfall inventory available to the public for ease of access. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Measurable Goal(s) NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Drainage Connection Policy Drainage Tie-In Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) Illicit Connection Review BMP ID # 3C-1 3C-2 3D Environmental/ Districts Environmental/ Legal Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Review twenty discharges each permit year for potential illicit connections. Issue a revised Drainage Tie-In SOP. Annual reports will summarize drainage tie-in permits applications and permits issued. 4) Summarize actions taken in the annual report. 3) Enforce the provision through referrals to the Attorney General office. 2) Post copy of policy on MassHighway web site. 1.) Issue Drainage Connection Policy. Measurable Goal(s) BMP Revised Appendix D summarizes the drainage tie-in permits applied for and permits received in this permit year. MassHighway finalized regulations that pertain to the issuance of permits under C.81, S. 21, including the rules governing drainage tie-ins. Internal draft of Drainage Tie-In SOP is being finalized and reviewed by permit engineers. 3.) See Appendix E for details on letters sent to residences/ businesses with potential illicit connections this permit term. . BMP Revised Page 11 Finalize Drainage Tie-In SOP. Submit to Chief Engineer for signature and issuance to Department. Continue to enforce provisions of drainage connection policy. 1.) Policy issued and posted on June 26, 2006 by the Chief Engineer – measurable goal complete. 2.) Policy posted at http://www.mhd. /environ/envpublications02&sid=about Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Illicit Connection Review Resident Engineer Illicit Connection Training Maintenance Staff Illicit Connection Training BMP ID # 3D Revised 3E 3F Environmental Construction Environmental/ Districts Responsible Dept./Person Name Provide training on illicit connection policy, illicit connection identification and protocol for reporting during annual training seminars for maintenance personnel. Provide training on illicit connection policy, illicit connection identification and protocol for reporting during annual Resident Engineer training seminars. Summarize # of attendees in annual report. Develop prioritized list for IDDE and include in Permit Year 5 Annual Report. Release RFR for development and implementation of IDDE program for watersheds on prioritized list. Field review complaints/ potential IDDEs identified by District personnel, during the drainage inventory, in response to municipal email requesting suspect areas and/ or from public throughout the year. Measurable Goal(s) No action required. No action required. Action completed in Permit Year 4. Action completed in Permit Year 4. Page 12 Award contract and finalize IDDE protocol. Perform comprehensive dry weather review of 10% of urbanized area roads each year. Field review complaints/ potential IDDEs identified by District personnel, during the drainage inventory, in response to municipal email requesting suspect areas and/ or from public throughout the year. Provide summary of IDDE activity in annual report. Districts reviewed potential illicit connections. Letters were sent to eleven potential illicit discharges. The letters state that pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway. Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate further action by the Department either through the State Attorney General’s office or the District. Appendix D includes more detail. MassHighway also sent out an email to the engineering department of municipalities within the MS4permit jurisdiction with MassHighway roads within their boundaries in September 2007. The email asked for feedback regarding any area(s) where the MS4 felt illicit connections would be most likely to occur due to the nature of the parcel’s present or historic use, or due to its proximity to the highway. MassHighway is reviewing the responses and will add areas identified to future IDDE work. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description MassHighway Department Project Development & Design Guide MA DEP Stormwater Management Policy NPDES Construction General Permit BMP ID # 4A 4B 4C New construction and redevelopment activities will comply with Massachusetts DEP’s Stormwater Management Policy and Performance Standards under the Wetlands Protection Act and Clean Water Act Section 401. 1) File NOIs for new projects which disturb more than one acre. 2) Summarize NOIs issued to MassHighway in annual report. Construction Drainage systems for MassHighway roadways will be designed in accordance with Chapter 8 of the MHD Highway Design Guide and companion manuals. Environmental/ Construction/ Projects Environmental/ Construction/ Projects Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control All MassHighway projects will continue to be designed in compliance with the erosion and sediment control requirements in the design guide. MassHighway designs will continue to comply with the Stormwater Management Policy when projects are subject to the WPA or within urbanized areas. Continue to file NOIs for new projects which disturb more than an acre. All MassHighway projects will continue to be designed in compliance with the erosion and sediment control requirements in the design guide. MassHighway designs continue to comply with the Stormwater Management Policy when projects are subject to the WPA or within urbanized areas. MassHighway does not track the NOIs filed since many of the District file them themselves. According to the EPA web site, fourteen NOIs were filed during Permit Year 5. Most of the projects initiated during Permit Year 5 were bridge replacement projects which do not disturb more than an acre. The permits are listed in Appendix J. Page 13 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Other State Environmental Regulations or Policy MassHighway Storm Water Handbook BMP ID # 4D 4E Environmental/ Construction/ Projects Environmental/ Construction/ Projects Responsible Dept./Person Name Design projects in urbanized areas in compliance with Handbook Projects will continue to be designed and constructed in accordance with all applicable state and federal environmental regulations or policy (e.g. Wetlands Protection Act, 404). Measurable Goal(s) The process of design review and pre-construction coordination will continue. MassHighway will require that all new construction and redevelopment activities undertaken by MassHighway, or by others that are funded in whole or in part by MassHighway, comply with the Handbook. The Environmental Section reviews all projects at the 25% design stage to determine what environmental permits are required. The District Environmental Engineer or equivalent District construction staff person attends all preconstruction meetings with the selected contractor to review permit requirements for the project. MassHighway requires that all new construction and redevelopment activities undertaken by MassHighway, or by others that are funded in whole or in part by MassHighway, comply with the Handbook. Page 14 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Standard Specification for Highway and Bridges MassHighway Research Needs Program BMP ID # 4F 4G Environmental/ Construction Environmental/ Construction/ Projects Responsible Dept./Person Name Continue funding the MassHighway Research Needs Program. Continue to include erosion and pollution prevention controls in construction contracts. Measurable Goal(s) MassHighway has developed a draft Request for Response (RFR) for a research study regarding Critical Operational Factors that Affect Road Salt Usage and the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Salt Spreading Operations and Equipment. MassHighway has committed $300k for funding of this study. MassHighway participated in a Research Needs Study regarding the Ability of Wood Fibers to Attenuate Heavy Metals Associated with Highway Runoff. Such controls will continue to be included in construction contracts issued by MassHighway. Inclusion of such controls is standard practice for construction contracts issued by MassHighway. A revised contract item/ specification has been drafted which requires an Erosion Control Plan for all projects (except minor - such as signage, grass mowing, etc.). The intent was to have the Contractor prepare the Plan as they would have the most knowledge of the proposed operations and schedule. However, DEP recently revised their Stormwater Handbook and has indicated that an Erosion Control Plan should be submitted during design along with the permit applications. MassHighway has requested clarification on the process to be followed but has received no response as yet. Page 15 MassHighway will finalize the RFR proposal for this research study, make consultant selection and enter into contract. Begin study. Work with DEP to finalize revised contract item/ spec regarding the Erosion Control Plan. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Pre-Construction Meeting Review of NPDES Construction GP requirements Contract Bid Item and Special Provision for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) Field Guide on Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control BMP ID # 4H 4I 4J Measurable Goal(s) District Environmental Staff Review NPDES requirements at the applicable pre-construction meetings. These meetings include outlining the requirements of the Construction General Permit and identify the roles and responsibilities of MassHighway and the Contractor. Prepare a Contract Bid Item and Special Provision for inclusion in construction contracts to be advertised for bids which exceed the one-acre disturbance threshold. Prepare field guide and issue to Resident Engineers Responsible Dept./Person Name District Environmental Staff/ Construction Construction Section/ Contracts Construction Section/ Chief Engineer A revised contract item/ specification has been drafted which requires an Erosion Control Plan for all projects (except minor - such as signage, grass mowing, etc.) instead of just on those that disturb more than an acre. The intent was to have the Contractor prepare the Plan as they would have the most knowledge of the proposed operations and schedule. However, DEP recently revised their Stormwater Handbook and has indicated that an Erosion Control Plan should be submitted during design along with the permit applications. MassHighway has requested clarification on the process to be followed but has received no response as yet. Measurable goal complete. Page 16 Final completion and circulation for internal approvals will be completed by September 2008. MassHighway is incorporating additional information on innovative controls and new material. MassHighway will continue to review the NPDES Construction GP requirements with Contractors at the preconstruction meeting. MassHighway reviews the NPDES Construction GP requirements with Contractors at the pre-construction meeting. Environmental engineer attends all pre-construction meetings which involve environmental permits, not limited to NPDES. Therefore, erosion control discussed at all pre-con meetings. State Guide development is 90% complete. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Guidance Manual for Contractors Training Non-Traditional Erosion Control Specifications BMP ID # 4K 4L-1 4L-2 Landscaping/ Construction Section Develop specifications for non­ traditional erosion controls and evaluate research being conducted by other state DOTs that can be accepted by MassHighway Research and Materials Section. As new technologies are developed, review and develop specifications for additional erosion controls. Conduct annual Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Training for MassHighway Construction Personnel. Summarize # of attendees and topics covered. Prepare a SWPPP Guidance for Contractors document on MassHighway construction projects. Implement use of the document on all appropriate MassHighway projects. Once contractors begin to use the document, it may be revised if necessary to address input received internally and from agencies. Ultimately the document will be converted into a computer program. Construction Section/ Districts Construction Section Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name Continue use by Contractors on MassHighway projects. Modify as necessary when SWPPP Contract Item is revised to Erosion Control Plan item for all projects. MassHighway will include training on Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control in the annual training seminars given each winter. Develop construction specs when appropriate. Measurable goal complete in Permit Year 4. Construction Division trained 237 staff members this year. The training included a review of critical permit conditions, alternative erosion control measures, issues from MH units, and issues from other agencies. Below is a list of seminar dates and # attending: District 5 1/28/08 48 people District 2 2/11/08 52 people District 3 2/14 /08 50 people District 1 2/20/08 31 people District 4 3/06/08 45 people District 4 3/07/08 11 people MassHighway has not developed any new specifications during this year. Page 17 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Erosion and Sediment Control Field Tests Construction Bulletins Solicit Construction Activity Feedback from Public Construction Runoff Control Enforcement BMP ID # 4M 4N 4O 4P Non-compliance with the CGP and SWPPP as well as non­ compliance with any applicable environmental permits will be addressed through the District Construction personnel and District Highway Director and can include monetary penalties, where included in contracts, and deductions or delays in payment, when warranted. Maintain MassHighway web site to include contact information for ongoing construction activities. Respond to concerns submitted in a timely manner. Construction Section/ IT Construction Section/ Districts Issue annual construction bulletins to each District regarding storm water issues. Perform field tests of new erosion and sediment control materials on MassHighway projects. Prepare and circulate an internal memo on the effectiveness of the new measure. Measurable Goal(s) Construction Section Construction Section/ Districts/ Landscaping Responsible Dept./Person Name Develop internal memo regarding effectiveness once project is complete. Issue bulletin in Fall of 2008 regarding operational controls, concrete washout stations, and stockpile controls. MassHighway will continue to maintain their website to include contact information for ongoing construction activities. MassHighway will respond to concerns submitted in a timely manner. Continue to address non­ compliance through monetary penalties or deductions or delays in payment, when warranted. Worked performed at Waltham Winter Street project is ongoing. Project has used fiber rolls with flocculent in high silt environment. Annual bulletin was issued in October 2007. The bulletin included winter shutdown, site stabilization and record keeping. MassHighway maintained their website to include contact information for ongoing construction activities. MassHighway responded to concerns submitted in a timely manner. Quality assurance inspections were completed on active construction projects by the Boston Construction office and by the District Environmental staff. No payments were withheld this year. Page 18 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Standard Practices Memo Contractor Inspector Training 4Q 4R Construction Section Construction Section Responsible Dept./Person Name Modify NPDES SWPPP item to include half day training requirement. Provide training programs. MassHighway will prepare and issue a Standard Practices memo to Construction Engineers on the protocol for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination during construction projects. Measurable Goal(s) No further action warranted. Include half day training when SWPPP item is revised to be a Erosion Control Plan item instead. A separate SOP for construction was not developed. The District Construction offices were provide with a memo dated June 16, 2006 regarding the procedures to follow on discovery of any illicit discharges during construction. Winter RE training included discussion of the policy and procedures to follow (BMP 3E). A separate SOP is not warranted MassHighway is waiting to hear back from DEP on their request for interpretation regarding the SW Policy requirements for Erosion Control Plan item before revising the SWPPP item. BMP Description MassHighway Storm Water Handbook Revise Ch. 4 of the MassHighway Storm Water Handbook BMP ID # 5A-1 5A-2 Secure DEP ratification for MassHighway Storm Water Handbook. Revise Chapter 4 within 9 months of DEP’s SW Policy Handbook update being released. Reissue MassHighway Handbook to Designers within 1 year of DEP’s document being released. Environmental Measurable Goal(s) Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Planned Activities – 2008 Measurable goal complete. Revise Chapter 4. Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Measurable goal complete. DEP’s Storm Water Policy has been released. Page 19 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment BMP Description BMP ID # NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Revise Ch. 5 of the MassHighway Storm Water Handbook MassHighway Roadway Maintenance Program Technology Acceptance and Reciprocity Partnership (TARP) Southeast Expressway BMP Effectiveness Project BMP ID # 5A-3 5B 5C 5D Continue to implement MassHighway maintenance program as outlined in the maintenance schedule and in accordance with TMDL watersheds specific agreements. Continue to work with DEP to develop review protocol for innovative stormwater BMPs. Summarize meeting(s) attended and agenda in annual report. Conduct a study of the effectiveness of water quality inlets (WQIs) and catch basins at removing suspended sediments from highway runoff.. TARP Environmental Revise Chapter 5 within 9 months of DEP’s SW Policy Handbook update being released. Reissue MassHighway Handbook to Designers within 1 year of DEP’s document being released. Environmental Maintenance Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name No activities planned. No further action planned. MassHighway staff participated in proprietary system sub-committee meetings sponsored by MA DEP as part of the SW Policy update. The meetings included developing protocols for analyzing field and lab tests of the systems. TARP was discussed at these meetings. Study completed previously. The 14-month sediment removal efficiency was 35 % for one WQI and 28% for the second WQI. The efficiency for individual storms for deep sumped hooded catch basins was 39%. Page 20 MassHighway will continue to conduct maintenance on its roadways as outlined in the maintenance schedule and in accordance with TMDL watersheds specific agreements. Revise Chapter 5. DEP’s Storm Water Policy has been released. MassHighway maintained their roads in compliance with the maintenance schedule included in the SWMP and TMDL watershed specific agreements. A summary of this year’s maintenance for each district is included in Appendix F. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Highway Runoff Contaminant Model BMP Maintenance Manual Right of Way Parcel Evaluation BMP ID # 5E 5F 5G Environmental Environmental/ Maintenance Env. Div. Consultant Responsible Dept./Person Name Develop and implement a program of evaluating parcels which are candidates for disposal by MassHighway for their potential in siting storm water BMPs. Develop BMP Maintenance Manual to be used as a field guide by maintenance personnel Provide training on the BMP Maintenance Manual.. Develop and calibrate contaminant loading model. Measurable Goal(s) No further action. Continue to implement methodology. Environmental reviews an average of approximately 20-25 canvasses per year. Remove. Changes to BMP 5B narrative include the manual used as guidance by maintenance staff while performing drainage system maintenance. MassHighway has developed and will implement a methodology for evaluating candidate parcels for their storm water management potential. Environmental reviewed 22 canvasses and was able to add BMP storm water language to 3 canvasses. Page 21 The consultant will prepare a draft report detailing the project monitoring and sampling methods and the results of the study. They will also populate the recently developed Federal Highway highway-runoff database (HRDB Version 1.0), which is a preprocessor for the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) currently under development with the Federal Highway Administration, under a separate funding agreement. Planned Activities – 2008 Collection of flow data and samples of highway runoff ended in September of 2007 by MassHighway’s consultant, as all data objectives were met. The consultant analyzed data for the four primary highways to determine statistically differences as a result of average daily traffic. Data for the four primary highways were compared to the four tests sites to determine the transferability of the primary data set to other areas within Massachusetts. They compiled all quality-assurance data to determine the accuracy and precision of the data set. Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Post Construction Runoff Enforcement-Illicit Discharge Prohibition Policy Post Construction Runoff Enforcement- Drainage Tie-In Policy Post Construction Runoff Enforcement- Offsite Pollution to MH Drainage System Rest Area Redevelopment to Meet Stormwater Management Handbook Standards BMP ID # 5H-1 5H-2 5H-3 5I Finalize Drainage Tie-In SOP. Submit to Chief Engineer for signature and issuance to Department. MassHighway will continue to follow these requirements, when necessary. No action required. MassHighway finalized a set of regulations that pertain to the issuance of permits under C.81, S. 21. This included the rules governing drainage tie-ins. Internal draft of Drainage Tie-In SOP is being finalized and reviewed by permit engineers. No post construction runoff enforcement which met this requirement was necessary during Permit Year 5. Measurable goal complete. Develop permitting process for adjacent properties which would like to tie into MH drainage system. Implement program and summarize actions taken under program in annual report. Runoff not meeting the NPDES MS4 requirements which is reaching the MH MS4 and is not covered under 5H-1 or 5H-2 may be considered trespassing and referred to the AG’s office by MassHighway counsel at the DHD’s discretion. Add language to new lease agreements requiring lessees, who redevelop or build new buildings on rest area property leased from MassHighway, to meet the standards within the Storm Water Management Handbook and the SWMP requirements. Commissioner/ Legal/ Environmental/ Districts Commissioner/ Legal/ Environmental Environmental/ Right of Way Page 22 Enforce Illicit Discharge Prohibition Policy. Follow up on potential illicit discharges where enforcement letters have been sent. Illicit Discharge Policy was issued in June 2006. Letters were sent to eleven potential illicit discharges The letters state that pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway. Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate further action by the Department either through the State Attorney General’s office or the District. Appendix D includes more detail. 1) Develop policy for addressing unauthorized connections to the MassHighway’s drainage system. 2) Enforce the provisions through referrals to the Attorney General. 3) Summarize actions taken in annual report. Commissioner/ Legal/ Environmental Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Transportation Evaluation Criteria Federal Enhancement Funding 5J 5K Planning Planning/ MPOs Responsible Dept./Person Name Explore opportunities for using Federal enhancement funding for environmental restoration and pollution abatement projects. Participate in quarterly committee meetings. Continue to include environmental considerations in the funding prioritization evaluation. Measurable Goal(s) Continue to include environmental component in evaluation procedure. MassHighway will continue to explore the potential for projects with regional Planning agencies to develop projects using federal enhancement funding for stormwater. MassHighway will summarize project in annual report. MassHighway will begin to participate in quarterly committee meetings. MPOs continued to include the environmental component in their evaluation procedures. MassHighway is exploring the potential for projects with regional Planning agencies to develop projects using federal enhancement funding for stormwater. BMP Description Source Control - 511 Massachusetts Traveler Information System Source Control – Adopt-aHighway BMP ID # 6A-1 6A-2 Continue to support this program by maintaining signs in areas where the program is active. Summarize number of road miles cleaned.. Maintain the existing 511 System. Project Clean/ Operations Adopt-a-Highway/ Operations Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name MassHighway will continue to support this program. MassHighway continues to support this program. 300 miles were cleaned during this permit term. Page 23 MassHighway will continue to support this system. MassHighway continues to support this system. Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Planned Activities – 2008 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping in Municipal Operations BMP Description BMP ID # NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 6A-4 Source Control - Deicing 6A-3 Source Control – Motorist Assistance Program (formerly HELP) Programs and Reduced Salt Areas BMP Description BMP ID # Continue to support De-icing and Reduced Salt Areas Programs. Continue to provide 22 Highway Emergency Locator Program (HELP) vans and/or tow trucks. MAP Program/ Operations Measurable Goal(s) Environmental/ Districts Responsible Dept./Person Name MassHighway has continued to provide 22 roving service patrols or tow trucks and has assisted over 22,000 motorists in Permit Year 5 in the areas of Boston, Worcester, and Springfield. This service not only assists disabled motorists also reduces traffic congestion. Page 24 MassHighway will continue to provide 22 roving service patrols or tow trucks. MassHighway will continue to support the De-icing and Reduced Salt Areas Programs. MassHighway will continue to support the De-icing and Reduced Salt Areas Programs. Approximately 5% of deicer used in Winter 2008 was derived from alternative technology. See Appendix H for more information on well replacements and Salt Remediation Program (BMP 6G). Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Source Control - VMP Source Control - HOV BMP ID # 6A-5 6A-6 Planning Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Continue participation in ridesharing activities through the duration of the permit term. 1) Develop a generic Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) which outlines methods of minimizing the discharge of pollutants related to the storage and application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. 2) Prepare a Yearly Operational Plan (YOP) by April of each year. 3) Post YOP on web site within 30 days. 4) Summarize actions taken in previous year in annual report. Measurable Goal(s) MassHighway continues to support this program MassHighway has developed a draft Herbicides Alternative Research report in May 2007. The study looked at the use of alternatives to herbicides and the efficacy on the type of roadside vegetation which herbicides are used on by MassHighway. The report found that because of the cost of materials and need for repeated seasonal applications, all of the alternative practices reviewed would cost more than the use of conventional herbicides. The alternative practices will be useful and the cost will be justified in situations where the use of conventional herbicides is undesired or prohibited. 2007 YOP was posted online by Boston IT in April of 2007. Page 25 MassHighway will continue to support this program. Spraying in District 2, 3, and 5. Five year VMP was submitted to Boston in March and is still being considered and evaluated in-house prior to submitting to DAR for approval in April. Water Supply and well information has been requested from affected communities. New Requests for Determinations of Applicability have been filed with the various Conservation Commissions. MassHighway completed a revised statewide 2003-2007 VMP in June 2003. 2206/2007 YOP was prepared and submitted to DAR and cities and towns in April of 2007. Contracts for District 2, 3, and 5 were advertised in April of 2007. Contracts were not executed and no spraying occurred in 2007. Contracts were extended through 9/30/08. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Source Control - 6A-7 Alternative Transportation BMP Description BMP ID # Planning Responsible Dept./Person Name Provide technical assistance and funding for bicycling and walking, including on-road and off-road improvements, at the local level. Measurable Goal(s) 6. Newburyport – Multi-use Trail Construction 5. Gardner-Winchendon – Pedestrian & Bike Trail Construction 4. Falmouth – Shining Sea Bike Path Construction from County Road to Carlson Lane 3. Northampton – Bike Path Construction on State Street 2. Mattapoisett – Multi-use Path Construction from Fairhaven town line to Mattapoisett Neck Road 1. Chelmsford-Lowell-Westford: Construction of The Bruce Freeman Memorial Bike Path Page 26 Additional funding is expected to be assigned to constructing improvements related to access and safety for children walking and bicycling to school. The Safe Route to School (SRTS) Program executed a contract with a consultant team for $1,231,000 to assess conditions, develop plans, and obtain permits for up to 40 infrastructure projects to improve access and safety for children walking and bicycling to school. Six bike path projects were advertised by MassHighway from 04/01/07 to 03/31/08. The 6 projects had a total federal participating cost of $20,888,344. The projects include: Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Source Control- Highway Safety Source Control - TURA Employee Training BMP ID # 6A-8 6A-9 6B-1 MTAP/ Baystate Roads Environmental Highway Design Responsible Dept./Person Name Continue to support MTAP and Baystate Roads program. 1) Maintain an active PPTF throughout the permit term. 2) Provide summary of actions taken on each pollution prevention initiative included in the SWMP in the annual report. 1) Incorporate safety measures into all new highway designs. 2) Provide signage to warn of vehicle hazards including tipping hazards and steep grades. 3) Install VMS on selected roadways to improve driver awareness. 4) Include evolving safety technologies as part of future highway design projects as they are developed. Measurable Goal(s) MassHighway will continue to support this program. Active PPTF was maintained. No water conservation activities in 2007. MHD made a pilot installation of an automated automotive fluid dispensing rack, to minimize spillage during transfers from drums to vehicles. Page 27 MassHighway will continue to support these programs. MassHighway will continue to support this program. Safety measures are included in all new highway designs including appropriate signage and evolving technologies. MassHighway installs and maintains vehicle message signs on select roads to improve driver awareness to potential safety hazards. MassHighway continues to support these programs. Specific programs sponsored by these programs are discussed in BMP 1D-1 and 1D-2. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Employee Training BMP ID # 6B-2 Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Provide annual training to at least 300 maintenance facility personnel regarding good housekeeping/ spill prevention. Measurable Goal(s) (continued below) District 3: On November 20, 28 and 30th and December 6 and 19th of 2007, trainings were provided for 44 personnel. District 2: On January 29th, 2008 MassHighway staff provided Environmental Awareness Training to 65 District employees. Page 28 MassHighway will again provide annual training to maintenance facility personnel regarding good housekeeping practices and spill prevention. Trainings were provided during the winter of 2007/2008 for 309 maintenance facility personnel. Training included discussion of the following topics: Hazardous Waste Hazardous Materials Universal Waste Asbestos Solid Waste Roadside Issues Tanks (Stage I and II) Vehicle Washing Wetlands Recordkeeping Inspections Water Quality SOPs Spill Prevention Emergency Response District 1: District 1 did not have training during this permit year. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 6B-3 6B-2 cont’d BMP ID # Employee Training BMP Description Highway Operations Responsible Dept./Person Name Provide annual training to at least 200 supervisors and drivers annually on the latest on snow and ice removal. Measurable Goal(s) Snow and Ice Tailgate Training held for over 200 private contractors and 100 state personnel. Topics covered included environmental impact of salt in sensitive areas, proper storage, proper handling, proper application, attention to detail, and improved use of anti-icing techniques. Snow and Ice Trainings were held for each of the 5 districts. Over 500 state personnel attended classes held between September and December of 2007. Topics covered included operations, chemical application, communications, environmental impact, policy and procedures. District 5: Trainings were provided on November 5, 7 and 9th of 2007 for 82 maintenance facility personnel. District 4: On November 13, 14, 15, 27, 28 and 29th MH staff provided Environmental Awareness training to 118 MassHighway staff. Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Page 29 MassHighway will again provide annual training on the latest techniques, equipment and material available for snow and ice removal at a similar level to Permit Year 5. Planned Activities – 2008 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Employee Training Maintenance BMP ID # 6B-4 6C-1 Districts Highway Operations Responsible Dept./Person Name Continue to implement maintenance schedule outlined in Appendix E of the SWMP. Ensure all equipment and vehicle operators have received training on the proper operation of the equipment and vehicles they operate. Measurable Goal(s) MassHighway continued to maintain the highway system through catch basin cleaning contracts, street sweeping and regular drainage system maintenance. See Appendix F for district by district summary of compliance. MassHighway is currently exploring statewide training on our Vactor Trucks (Catch Basin Cleaning Equipment). Traffix/ NES/LC Company provided Trailer Type Crash Attenuators­ Demo/Training in Bridgewater on 2/23/07. Twenty maintenance and Boston personnel received operational, mechanical and safety training for the attenuators. Page 30 MassHighway will continue to maintain the highway system through catch basin cleaning contracts, street sweeping and regular drainage system maintenance in compliance with Appendix E of the SWMP. Provide training for VactorTrucks, Sterling S&I Trucks, Ford Electricians Aerial Trucks. And Trailer type Crash Attenuators. MassHighway has a Safety, & Emissions Mobile Truck, that performs their annual required Safety and Emissions Inspections on Heavy Equipment Statewide, with our Licensed Inspectors in each District. We are canvassing the Districts for additional inspectors; they will require training through DEP & RMV. MassHighway performed sweeper training for operators of the 3-wheel Pelicans & 4-Wheel Eagle Elgin Sweepers. MassHighway includes statewide training by the vendor whenever purchasing any new Heavy or Specialized Equipment. Training includes operational, mechanical and safety on that particular piece of equipment. Elgin Sweeper Train. Co. (C.N. Wood co) was performed statewide in each District Office between 2/26/07—3/2/07. Operational, mechanical, and safety for 76 MassHighway employees. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Maintenance Maintenance Record and Data Management Work Management System Waste Disposal BMP ID # 6C-2 6C-3 6D 1) Street sweeping waste will be reused in appropriate slope stabilization and road work projects in compliance with SOP, when appropriate. 2) Street Sweeping material which can not be reused will be disposed of at landfills as daily cover. 3) Waste material from drainage structures and storm water BMPs removed during maintenance will be disposed of according to “Reuse and Disposal of Contaminated Soil at Massachusetts Landfills” DEP Policy #COMM-97-001. 1) Develop work management system. 2) Populate program with infrastructure information as available. 3) Implement system and begin to record maintenance activities in these watersheds. Environmental Districts 1) MassHighway reviewed each of the maintenance and material storage yards and creates a site specific facility handbook that provides information on necessary steps to environmental compliance. 2) Post EMS Manual on MassHighway website for public information. 3) Post generic Facility Handbook on website for public information. Measurable Goal(s) Districts Responsible Dept./Person Name MassHighway will continue to maintain environmental compliance at their maintenance facilities by complying with each facility’s Environmental Facility Handbook. Both the EMS Manual and the Facility Environmental Handbook are in the process of revision. Continue to develop system. MassHighway and its contractors will continue to properly dispose of waste. Site specific facility handbooks were created in 1995. The EMS Manual and the Facility Environmental Handbook were both posted on the MassHighway web site. MassHighway is in the process of developing an asset management system. The system will include a work management system. MassHighway and its contractors continue to properly dispose of waste. MassHighway did not have an appropriate opportunity to reuse street sweeping waste. Page 31 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Good Housekeeping/ Pollution Prevention Program Evaluation Catch Basin Accumulation Project Policy and Program Review BMP ID # 6E Revised 6E 6F Page 32 Continue to evaluate program and implement changes as determined beneficial. MassHighway will add 60 liquid tanks to assist in prewetting and anti-icing activities. As outlined in BMP 6G, MassHighway has made many changes to its snow and ice control program this last year. On Cape Cod, we reduced our sand to salt ration from 4:1 to 1:1 as of September 1, 2007 We also analyzed data and found reduced salt zones have significantly less material than other spreader routes. Areas reviewed in Boxford, Andover and Middleboro all used 15-20 % less material compared to other routes in the area. Environmental MassHighway will continue to at least biannually evaluate its snow and ice control policies and operational programs in order to make adjustments based on data and experience, and to respond to changing conditions. Complete Year 1 summary report with winter 2007/2008 data added. MassHighway developed a six month qualitative analysis of the monitoring in May 2007 (Appendix G). MassHighway has prepared a draft Year 1 summary report but has not finalized and is waiting to include Winter 2007/2008 data. 1) Provide annual report on progress each December and include summary in annual report. 2) Complete a study of debris accumulation in catch basins. 3) Based on the results of the study, revise the existing cleaning schedule and SOP for catch basin cleaning. Environmental/ Maintenance/ Districts BMP 6E Good Housekeeping/ Pollution Prevention Program Evaluation has been removed (and the subsequent BMPs renumbered) since the addition of BMP 6F through 6Q provide a better use of resources with an increased impact on meeting the good housekeeping and pollution prevention minimum control measure. Evaluate existing Maintenance Programs to determine additional or revised activities, which would increase effectiveness and usefulness of the programs. Planned Activities – 2008 Environmental Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Measurable Goal(s) Responsible Dept./Person Name NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Salt Remediation Program Clean Well Initiative BMP ID # 6G 6H Environmental Environmental. Maintenance/ Districts Responsible Dept./Person Name Provide a continued level of funding that will allow MassHighway to complete up to 20 replacement wells per year. An updated version of the Public Well Supply Matrix is included as Appendix H of this annual report to summarize the current status of each public well included in the Clean Well Initiative Program. MassHighway replaced a total of eight wells this year based on need. The wells were located in Wildwood Lounge, Upton; Antczak, Boxford; Tritt, Boxford; Warwick, Otis; Keech/King, Northfield; Longtine, Wilbraham; Hickok, Charlton; and Connery, Boxford (with treatment). Page 33 Continue sampling and analysis. Casamassa-Sterling waterline, existing well abandonments and site work, further well replacement and treatment installation, complete Fallong-Franklin well ,complete Ash-Boxford well. CarozzaBoxford drainage installation well rehabilitation, complete BaesslerTopsfield well, Morris-Clarksburg well rehabilitation, complete Quarter Keg Pub-Charlton well, Papirio-Belchertown water treatment. Cambridge water supply sampling coordination, wheel based friction meter purchase for salt application decision making ($30k), Andover run-off study, expansion of use of magnesium chloride, salt program problem statement principal investigator selection and implementation, DedhamWestwood Aquifer Study, expansion of liquid deicing capacity by 300,000 gallons (Total Budget $1M). Actions taken to minimize saltrelated impacts to the environment include tailgate training; water treatment installation, sampling and analysis; well rehabilitation and replacement; Plymouth/ Mann Bog Cranberry study and discontinued use of CMA; additional sampling of cranberry bogs; and verification of previous cranberry studies. More information is available at .asp?pgid=SnowIceIndex&sid=level 2 Continue to provide the Salt Remediation Program with a funding level appropriate to quickly address salt related complaints. An updated version of the Public Well Supply Matrix included in the January 2008 SWMP is included as Appendix H of this annual report to summarize the current status of each public well included in the Salt Remediation Program. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 Measurable Goal(s) NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Salt Management and Storage BMP ID # 6I Operations Responsible Dept./Person Name Cont’d Review sheds: Increased capacity of some sheds may be justified because salt storage needs have grown over time and/or because the shed is in a sensitive area and the salt loading operations call for better containment. In sensitive areas, consideration should be given to the use of Gambrel style sheds that provide for the entire operation to be conducted under cover to minimize salt spillage outside of the shed. MassHighway will continue to prioritize the identification and selection of parcels being considered for new salt storage facilities, considering operational needs and the environmental setting. MassHighway will continue to replace or repair inadequate salt storage sheds, as well as cover sand piles and/or move them out of wetland buffer zones. Measurable Goal(s) MassHighway will inspect fabric sheds for repair needs. MassHighway will maintain the facility repair contract(s) to provide for necessary repairs. All Districts repaired various salt sheds throughout the state. MassHighway reviewed salt sheds at Chelmsford, Boxford and Andover sites. MassHighway has a facility repair contract(s) in place to provide for necessary repairs. Page 34 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 6J 6I cont’d BMP ID # Salt Storage Best Management Practices/ Pollution Prevention BMP Description Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Continue to implement salt storage in compliance with DEP Guidelines on Deicing Chemical Storage. Continue to follow MassHighway SOP for the Management of Sand and Deicing Chemicals at MassHighway Facilities. Continue to follow Facility Environmental Handbook guidelines at maintenance facilities. Personnel: In October 2006, MassHighway hired a Director of Snow & Ice Operations, with over 20 years of experience in winter operations, to improve salt management and supervision of deicing operations. Review Sand Piles: MassHighway will strive to locate sand piles outside wetland buffer zones whenever space allows. However, when this is not possible the department will work towards storing sand piles under cover, especially during the non-winter months. This could be accomplished by storing sand within sheds or, more likely, using a heavy-gauge polyethylene tarp. The tarp could be peeled back once, before winter operations, and then covered again at the end of the season. Measurable Goal(s) Continue to look into fabric covers for sand. Director will continue to oversee salt management and supervision of deicing operations. We will continue to work with our personnel and hired contractors to follow all SOP’S relative to salt handling, storage and proper application. MassHighway is making every effort to reduce the amount of sand we spread. The stockpiled sand currently is not covered but we are looking to find pricing for fabric covers. Because of operational challenges, we do not currently use tarps. MassHighway makes every effort to stockpile sand outside the wetland buffer zones. Director has continued to improve salt management and supervision of deicing operations. At all of our training activities, including the tail-gate training sessions, MassHighway emphasizes the need for continual attention to “Good House Keeping “ and attention to detail is enforced. Page 35 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Equipment Improvements Enhanced Weather Forecasting Information Road Weather Information System Alternative Technologies Research BMP ID # 6K 6L 6M 6N 6O Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name MassHighway has joined Clear Roads program and will continue to explore moving forward on other projects. Summarize research performed. MassHighway will continue to maximize the use of Premix and liquid calcium chloride, as alternative deicers, to reduce the quantity of granular sodium chloride, and should closely monitor reduced salt zones during storms to ensure the proper timing of salt applications and to minimize the potential for overuse of deicing chemicals. MassHighway will ensure that these stations will be maintained so as to remain fully functional. Continue to provide sufficient funding to use weather forecasting contractor to provide up-to-date and local weather information during snow and ice season. MassHighway will continue to expand the use of anti-icing as a standard tool for snow and ice control. Measurable Goal(s) MassHighway will continue to utilize spray trucks. We will increase the number of trucks when storage tank capacity increases. MassHighway will add 60 liquid tanks to assist in pre-wetting and anti-icing activities. Continue to improve forecast for upcoming snow and ice season and hold training for our personnel. The systems will be receiving ongoing maintenance throughout the summer to provide the system with the most up to date modifications. We will continue to use Pre-Mix and other alternative dicers in conjunction with Reduced Salt Zones. Will complete research on 1) new methods of removing snow with a multi-blade plow and 2) the use of new chemicals for de-icing and antiicing applications. MassHighway used 143 tanker trucks with spray bars this winter season. This is a 10-15% increase from the 2006/2007 winter season. MassHighway has a 5 year contract with DTN for our weather reporting. It is funded at approximately $29,000 each year DTN and MassHighway hold monthly conference calls to discuss how well the forecasting is working. All sites have been maintained. MassHighway receives weekly status reports from the contractor in charge of the RWIS systems (Quixiote) and communicates every month with them Pre-Mix made up approximately 5% of our salt use throughout the state. We used and monitored the use of pre-Mix in our reduced salt zones. Completed research on the best “ground speed controllers” for applying salt. Page 36 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Wetland Protection Act (WPA) Compliance 401 Water Quality Certification CE Checklist Environmental Site Data Form BMP ID # 7A 7B 7C 7D Environmental/ Construction Environmental Environmental Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Develop an environmental site data form for review by designers with Environmental staff at 25% Design. Implement on all projects. Complete a Categorical Exclusion Checklist for all MassHighway projects that utilize federal funds. Massachusetts’s 401 Water Quality certification requirements, which include review of the project by MA Natural Heritage program and US Fish and Wildlife if endangered species habitat is mapped in the project vicinity, will be complied with whenever they are applicable. 1) All MassHighway projects will comply with the WPA and MESA. 2) When potential impacts are identified, MassHighway will work with the appropriate agencies to design the project to minimize the impacts. Measurable Goal(s) Continue to comply with MESA as required by the WPA. Continue to comply with MA 401 Water Quality Certification Regulations. Complete this checklist at 25% design stage for project that receives federal funds. Finalize form and begin to implement at 25% design stage. Continue to comply with MESA as required by the WPA. Continue to comply with MA 401 Water Quality Certification Regulations. Complete this checklist at 25% design stage for project that receives federal funds. MassHighway has prepared this form to review potential impacts of a project to a variety of resource areas as part of compliance with the NPDES Construction and MS4 general permit. This form includes review of discharges for potential impact to, ORWs, sensitive areas, endangered species and impaired waters, waterbodies with approved TMDLs. A draft form has been developed and is being reviewed internally. Page 37 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 7. BMPs for Meeting Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waste Load Allocations (WLA) <<if applicable>> NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description TMDL Recommendation Summary Table Update TMDL Specific Recommendations TMDL Watershed Review BMP ID # 7E 7F – 7Q 7R Environmental See NOI Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Develop prioritized list of TMDL watersheds to assess based on pollutants and MassHighway contributing areas. Assess 20% of watersheds with TMDLs each year once the USGS Contaminant Model is completed (scheduled for December 2008). Summarize assessment and outcome, including implementation schedules for BMPs if determined necessary, in each annual report. The TMDL Recommendation Summary Table of the annual report will be updated annually to reflect which reports have been finalized in the previous permit year and include progress on any related measurable goals. Measurable Goal(s) MassHighway is in the process of finalizing an RFR for this work. MassHighway has committed 1.3 million dollars for the contract. Comply with TMDL recommendations in table in Appendix I. MassHighway staff members and Commissioner will meet with DEP Commissioner in April 2008 to discuss how MassHighway can be more involved in the development of TMDLs which include implementation measures for MassHighway. MassHighway wants to be part of the development of the TMDL instead of having measures included in the reports without any MassHighway’s coordination. Appendix I includes the updated table with description of measures to meet TMDL recommendations. Page 38 Finalize RFR. Issue RFR and award to consultant. Develop priorities list of TMDL watersheds based on contributing areas. Complete USGS model by December 2008. Continue to review draft and new TMDL reports and implement TMDL recommended activities when possible. Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 BMP Description Salt Remediation Program Cultural Resources Review BMP ID # 7S 8A Cultural Resources Department Environmental Responsible Dept./Person Name Review all projects for impacts to historic properties at the 25% design phase. If a potential impact is found, the Department works with the designer (MassHighway or consultant) and Massachusetts Historical Commission to alter the design to mitigate or prevent adverse effects. Continue to provide the Salt Remediation Program with a funding level appropriate to quickly address salt related complaints. Measurable Goal(s) Continue to provide similar budget for “complaint” and “policy” tasks during FY09. Continue to review projects for impacts to historic properties at the 25% Design Stage. If a potential impact is found, the Dept. works with the designer and MHC to alter the design to mitigate or prevent adverse effects. MassHighway Salt Remediation Program (ISA 38721) included approximately $960K on “complaint” and “policy” tasks during FY08 (7/1/07 to 6/30/08). Overall ISA 38721 Salt Remediation Program budget is $5.9 million including site study task and operation between 3/11/05 through 12/31/08. MassHighway feels this budget has been appropriate to address salt related complaints quickly. Measurable goal met. There have been no instances during the past year where storm water impacts have adversely affected any National Register-listed or eligible parties. Page 39 Planned Activities – 2008 Progress on Goal(s) – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 MassHighway’s accomplishments during the fifth permit year are summarized in Part 1- 4 of this annual report. Part V. Program Outputs & Accomplishments (OPTIONAL) Page 40 Appendix C includes the completed drainage inventory database. Appendix G includes information collected as part of the catch basin accumulation study. Part IV. Summary of Information Collected and Analyzed Projects within a watershed with an approved TMDL are most likely subject to the Wetlands Protection Act (WPA). MassHighway projects which are subject to the WPA strive to meet the WPA’s Stormwater Policy to the greatest extent possible. Meeting the requirements of the Stormwater Policy should provide sufficient water quantity and quality controls to reduce pollutant loading to the impaired waterbodies. The attached table tracks the projects within approved TMDL watersheds and summarizes the controls implemented to meet the TMDL requirements. New design and construction projects which are proposed within a TMDL watershed will incorporate measures to meet the TMDL requirements. 7b. WLA Assessment NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix A: River and Stream Signs Installed in Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 River and Stream Crossing Signs Installed by MassHighway during Permit Year 5 Road River Town Route 128 bridge Crane River Danvers Route 123/138 bridge Queset Brook Easton Route 202 bridge Millers River Winchendon Route 16 bridge (2 locations) Mystic River Medford Route 116 bridge South River Conway Route 116 bridge Mill River Conway Route 3 bridge Monatiquot River Braintree Route 3 crossing Mill River Weymouth Route 3 crossing Old Swamp River Weymouth Route 3 bridge North River Marshfield Route 3 bridge South River Marshfield Route 3 bridge Jones River Kingston Route 3 crossing Town Brook Plymouth US 6 crossing Herring River Bourne US 20 bridge Hop Brook Sudbury Route 1 bridge Little River Newbury Route 7 Konkapot River Sheffield Route 133 Essex River Essex Route 12 Phillips Brook Westminster Route 119 Willard Brook Townsend Page A-1 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix B: Design Public Hearings Table Date 4/5/2007 4/19/2006 4/25/2007 5/02/2007 5/02/2007 5/14/2007 5/17/2007 5/17/2007 5/22/2007 5/30/2007 5/31/2007 6/5/2006 6/6/2006 City/Town Holden Hingham Hingham Concord Sutton Worcester Falmouth Pittsfield Springfield Quincy Salem North Adams Northampton April 2007 Page B-1 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed improvements at the intersection of Route 9, Bridge Road and the Look Park entrance in Northampton, Massachusetts. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Reservoir Road Improvements and Scenic Overlooks roadway reconstruction project in the City of North Adams. June 2007 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway in conjunction with the Division of Capital Asset Management and the City of Salem to discuss the proposed North Street Reconstruction project, in the vicinity of Bridge Street, in Salem, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Quincy Center Concourse roadway construction project in the City of Quincy. A Public Input Meeting will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Streetscape, Sidewalk and Roadway Improvements in the North End and Brightwood Sections of Springfield, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed reconstruction of South Street (Route 7) and Union Street project in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Falmouth-Rte. 28 at Reine's Corner project in Falmouth, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed City Common enhancement project in Worcester, Massachusetts. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed construction of the Tricentennial Park project in Sutton, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 62 - Main Street Footprint Road Reconstruction Project from Water Street to the Acton Town Line in Concord, MA. May 2007 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed project to replace-in-kind the existing cast-in-place concrete arch structure and rehabilitating the existing stone spandrel walls of the Rockland Street Bridge over Weir River in Hingham, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed West Corner Culvert replacement (Route 228 over Straits Channel) in Hull, Cohasset and Hingham, Massachusetts. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 31/Wachusett Street bridge replacement project in the Town of Holden, MA Description Public hearings posted on the MHD web site from 4/1/2007 to 3/31/2008 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Date 6/6/2006 6/14/2006 6/27/2006 6/28/2006 7/19/2006 7/25/2006 8/22/2006 8/28/2006 9/11/2007 9/17/2007 9/18/2007 9/19/2007 9/19/2007 9/26/2007 City/Town Hanover / Hanson Holyoke Easthampton Templeton Sturbridge / Southbridge Seekonk Royalston Transportation Building Petersham Ludlow Berkley/Dighton Milford Tyngsborough Freetown/Fall River Page B-2 A Public Meeting will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 24 Interchange 8-1/2 in Freetown and Fall River, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Tyngsborough Bridge Rehabilitation project in Tyngsborough, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss Phase 2 of the proposed Upper Charles Trail project in Milford, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Elm Street/Center Street over the Taunton River bridge replacement project in Berkley and Dighton, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed East Street/Chapin Street Intersection Improvements project in Ludlow, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 32/122 over the East Branch Swift River bridge superstructure replacement project in Petersham MA September 2007 A Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to receive comments on the proposed Approval of Access to State Highways Regulations. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Stockwell Road Bridge over Lawrence Brook replacement project in Royalston, MA. August 2007 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed reconstruction of Route 152 (Central Avenue) and installation of a traffic signal at the Bakers Corner intersection [Central Avenue (Route 152) at Newman Avenue and Pine Street] in Seekonk, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Resurfacing and Rehabilitation of Main Street (Route 131) in the Towns of Sturbridge and Southbridge, MA. July 2007 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed project to replace the Hendrick Street Bridge over the Broad Brook in Easthampton, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 141/Appleton Street bridges over First and Second Level Canals project in the City of Holyoke, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed project to replace the Broadway Bridge over the Indian Head River in Hanover and Hanson, MA. Description NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 10/3/2007 10/18/2007 10/30/2007 11/7/2007 11/8/2007 11/15/2007 11/29/2007 11/29/2007 12/3/2007 12/11/2007 12/18/2007 12/14/2007 Pittsfield Lynn Tewksbury Harwich Berkshire/ Lanesborough Ashburnham Lowell Somerville Bridgewater Chelmsford Saugus/Lynn 9/27/2007 Fitchburg Northfield Date City/Town Page B-3 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed construction of a temporary bascule bridge carrying Route 107 over the Saugus River in Saugus and Lynn, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed reconstruction of Parkhurst Road in Chelmsford, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed reconstruction of North Street from Pleasant Street (Route 104) to Village Gate Drive in Bridgewater, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed Magoun Square Project. December 2007 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed University Avenue Bridge Replacement project over the Merrimack River in Lowell, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Lake Road over the Watatic Lake Outlet bridge superstructure replacement project in Ashburnham, MA A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 8 and Old State Road Intersection Reconstruction project in Lanesborough, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 124, Pleasant Lake Avenue and Queen Anne Road intersection improvement project in Harwich, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed improvements at River Road Tewksbury, MA. November 2007 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed intersection improvements at Lynnfield Street, Millard and Parker Avenues, and Den Quarry Road in the City of Lynn, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed signal and intersection improvement project at Route 7 (North Street) and Route 9 (Park Square) in Pittsfield, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed sidewalk improvements on a section of Main Street (Route 10/63) in Northfield, MA. October 2007 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed roundabout and intersection improvements of Route 31 with John Fitch Highway, Mechanic Street and Rindge Road in Fitchburg, MA. Description NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Date 1/16/2008 1/28/2008 1/29/2008 1/30/2008 2/26/2008 2/28/2008 2/28/2008 3/12/2008 3/13/2008 3/18/2008 3/19/2008 3/19/2008 3/20/2008 3/26/2008 City/Town Fitchburg and Leominster Millville and Uxbridge Bridgewater / Middleborough Reading Haverhill Revere/Malden/ Saugus Royalston Worcester Clinton Brockton Greenfield Lakeville Worcester Brocton January 2008 Page B-4 The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed Replacement of the White Avenue Bridge Over Salisbury Brook project. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Blackstone Visitor Center project in Worcester, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the Relocation of a portion of Rhode Island Road (Route 79) in the Town of Lakeville, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed project: Traffic Signal and Intersection Improvements at 8 Locations in Greenfield, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed replacement of Bridge No. B-25-060, at Bartlett Street over Salisbury Brook in Brockton, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Water Street bridge project in the Town of Clinton, MA The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed Reconstruction of Route 70 (Lincoln Street) project. March 2008 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the replacement of Northeast Fitzwilliam Road bridge over Lawrence Brook, in the Town of Royalston. A Public Hearing will be held by the Massachusetts Highway Department (MassHighway) to discuss the Environmental Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report (EA/DEIR) for the proposed transportation improvements along Route 1 in the Cities of Revere and Malden, and Town of Saugus, Massachusetts. A Public Information Meeting will be held by MassHighway to discuss the Replacement of Ferry Road bridge over MBTA in Haverhill, MA. February 2008 A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the Reconstruction of West Street Project in Reading, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Bridge Replacement Project at Summer Street over the Taunton River in Bridgewater and Middleborough, MA. A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Blackstone River Bikeway - Segment 2 project in Millville and Uxbridge, Massachusetts. A Public Meeting will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Route 2 Improvements Project in Fitchburg and Leominster, MA. Description NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Date 3/26/2008 City/Town Hatfield A Design Public Hearing will be held by MassHighway to discuss the proposed Elm Street Rehabilitation Project in Hatfield, MA. Description Page B-5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix C: MassHighway Receiving Water Body Tables 14 02 1 14 00 8 12 03 2 12 01 6 14 07 2 14065 14064 14055 14060 14056 14080 14077 NATICK 14054 14047 14053 14052 SOUTHBOROUGH 14003 SHREWSBURY 3 120 3 14518 20070 20069 5 20 0 4 14522 SHERBORN 20066 9 05 20 HOPKINTON 14520 14511 14059 2 20062 145 0 4 12007 10 12 3 3 140 3 2 10 1 14004 12038 LEICESTER 14045 ASHLAND 14512 14 50 2 9 WESTBOROUGH 9 50 14 14504 14 02 6 0 120 12034 14049 20 05 7 8 12018 14048 14528 14 05 1 0 120 12020 WORCESTER 12075 20003 12106 8 12085 UPTON 20060 HOLLISTON 5 20 0 12080 12027 20022 20009 20011 0 200 12 02 4 12040 MEDFI 0 02 20 12005 10126 12 08 4 12028 12042 MILLBURY 12006 20001 0 AUBURN 12003 12105 20 00 2 10122 12076 2006 4 GRAFTON 3 200 10125 NCER 20073 14082 FRAMINGHAM 14537 14011 14075 14073 14069 14070 14076 14071 14068 14067 14043 1 14 08 12001 WAYLAND 14797 14042 12015 10116 10117 NORTHBOROUGH 14358 2 12010 82 11 14013 12031 4 8209 0 120 14094 14029 4 14 0 12011 82 10 PAXTON 12000 12012 14 79 5 14031 12030 11096 14535 14 01 4 14009 14093 SUDBURY 4 MARLBOROUGH 0 HOLDEN 11100 4 4 1 14 0 11104 09 11 14020 BOYLSTON 14091 7 08 14 11106 WEST BOYLSTON 11092 11095 14106 14046 14033 14028 3 145 RUTLAND HUDSON BERLIN 8 14 0 111 01 11097 14 00 5 11102 11082 6 12 05 2 12141 12 14 2 20 06 3 20040 20027 12121 12129 20 02 5 4 12097 12103 12104 MILLVILLE 12122 BLACKSTONE 20 02 4 12126 12138 12139 12 14 0 12135 12130 121 3 12132 12134 20049 3 12131 12 12 8 12127 20026 12 14 4 20 03 7 12136 12120 12143 WRENTHAM 12146 PLAINVILLE 0 270 8 7 27 01 12147 NORTH ATTLEBORO 12148 27016 ATTLEBORO 12 15 0 / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: BLACKSTONE 2701 8 9102 12 11 7 2700 2 10175 10173 12 09 6 2 11 12 121 2 12061 10 15 7 10 15 8 10137 90 96 90 9 7 9100 12094 5 14 12 9099 7 13 12 2 17 10 10174 12069 UXBRIDGE 12064 DOUGLAS 10160 10169 12068 8 12 05 9 20 04 3 12058 20029 20 01 0 BELLINGHAM 20 03 10154 10 15 WEBSTER 5 20035 FRANKLIN 12067 5 09 12 7 10 16 9095 10159 10161 MENDON 8 10168 12060 0 20 0 12050 6 15 10 20015 12114 NORFOLK 20036 12093 8 14 10 10166 DUDLEY 6 11 12 2 20046 20034 HOPEDALE 12090 12071 12057 12111 8 5 101 12049 MEDWAY 20017 6 10138 NORTHBRIDGE 12045 OXFORD 10151 45 101 4 101 10143 10141 9103 12 08 9 SUTTON 8 12 0 CHARLTON MILFORD MILLIS 20061 20023 20 01 2 10 12 8 10134 12026 12023 10131 20031 12 10 7 7 00 20 7 08 12 12 08 3 12004 12 10 8 6 08 12 10133 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12001 12002 12003 12005 12006 12007 12009 12015 12018 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 1.03 Unknown Kettle Brook Reservoir No. 4 MA51082_2002 0.06 Unknown Kettle Brook MA51-19_2002 Kettle Brook Reservoir No. 3 MA51081_2002 Kettle Brook Reservoir No. 4 MA51082_2002 1.78 Unknown Dark Brook Reservoir MA51035_2002 MA51036_2002 Tinker Hill Pond MA51167_2002 0.22 Unknown Pondville Pond MA51120_2002 Ramshorn Brook Stone Brook 15.45 Unknown Auburn Pond MA51004_2002 Dark Brook MA51-16_2002 X -Cause Unknown Eddy Pond MA51043_2002 Pondville Pond MA51120_2002 8.49 Unknown City Pond MA51021_2002 Dark Brook MA51-16_2002 X -Cause Unknown Kettle Brook MA51-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens Kettle Brook Reservoir No. 1 Kinnear Brook Leesville Pond MA51087_2002 Lynde Brook Lynde Brook Reservoir MA51090_2002 Smiths Pond MA51156_2002 X -Turbidity [5/2/2002-CN070.1] Stoneville Pond MA51160_2002 Stoneville Reservoir MA51161_2002 Waite Pond MA51170_2002 X -Metals 1.17 Unknown Lynde Brook Lynde Brook Reservoir MA51090_2002 Southwick Pond MA51157_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [5/2/2002­ CN070.1] 0.15 Unknown Cook Pond MA51027_2002 Holden Reservoir 2 MA51064_2002 Tatnuck Brook MA51-15_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) 1.35 Unknown Coes Reservoir MA51024_2002 Patch Reservoir MA51118_2002 Smith Pond Tatnuck Brook MA51-15_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) 1 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12020 12024 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 40.52 Unknown Beaver Brook MA51-07_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -(Objectionable deposits*) Bell Pond MA51009_2002 Blackstone River MA51-03_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Unionized Ammonia -Chlorine -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Coes Reservoir MA51024_2002 Crystal Pond Curtis Ponds MA51032_2002 -Siltation -Noxious aquatic plants [5/2/2002­ CN070.1] MA51033_2002 X Green Hill Pond MA51056_2002 X -Turbidity [5/2/2002-CN070.1] Indian Lake MA51073_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO [6/28/2002-CN116.0] -Noxious aquatic plants [6/28/2002­ CN116.0] Kettle Brook MA51-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens Middle River MA51-02_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Salisbury Pond MA51142_2002 X -Taste, odor and color -Noxious aquatic plants [6/28/2002­ CN114.0] -Turbidity [6/28/2002-CN114.0] Unnamed Tributary MA51-08_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Weasel Brook 2.14 Unknown Brierly Pond MA51010_2002 Mayo Pond Shiner Hole Singletary Pond MA51152_2002 Slaugherterhouse Pond 2 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12026 12030 12031 12032 12033 12034 12038 12040 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 0.74 Unknown Aldrich Pond MA51002_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Bond Hollow Swamp Casey Brook Cedar Swamp Clark Reservoir MA51022_2002 Cold Spring Brook Girard Pond MA51053_2002 Marble Pond MA51093_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Sibley Reservoir MA51148_2002 Spring Brook Woodbury Pond MA51185_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) 0.91 Unknown Pout Pond MA51122_2002 Sewall Brook Sewall Pond MA51191_2002 Spruce Pond 0.50 Unknown City Farm Pond MA51020_2002 X -Siltation -Noxious aquatic plants Great Brook Poor Farm Brook MA51-17_2002 6.11 Unknown Slocum Meadow West Brook 3.33 Unknown Meadow Brook Peat Meadow 17.35 Unknown Brooklawn Parkway Pond MA51195_2002 Burncoat Park Pond MA51012_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Flint Pond MA51050_2002 MA51188_2002 Green Hill Pond Hovey Pond MA51068_2002 Jordan Pond MA51078_2002 X -Turbidity [5/2/2002-CN070.1] Lake Quinsigamond MA51125_2002 Mill Pond MA51105_2002 X -Turbidity [5/2/2002-CN070.1] Newton Pond MA51110_2002 Poor Farm Brook MA51-17_2002 Quinsigamond River MA51-09_2002 Shirley Street Pond MA51196_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [5/2/2002­ CN070.1] 9.17 Unknown Axtell Brook Big Bummet Brook Hayes Pond MA51060_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Lake Ripple MA51135_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Pratts Pond MA51124_2002 Quinsigamond River MA51-09_2002 Summet Brook Windle Pond MA51184_2002 1.45 Unknown Fisherville Pond MA51048_2002 Quinsigamond River MA51-09_2002 3 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12042 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 12.37 Unknown Blackstone River MA51-03_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Unionized Ammonia -Chlorine -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) MA51-04_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity Broadmeadow Brook Cronin Brook Diversion Channel Dorothy Brook Dorothy Pond MA51039_2002 Fisherville Pond MA51048_2002 Hathaway Pond MA51059_2002 Howe Pond MA51069_2002 Howe Reservoirs MA51070_2002 MA51071_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [5/2/2002­ CN070.1] Quinsigamond River MA51-09_2002 Riverlin Street Pond MA51137_2002 Slaughterhouse Pond MA51153_2002 Woolshop Pond MA51186_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) 4 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12045 12057 12067 12068 12069 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 3.36 Unknown Blackstone Canal Blackstone River MA51-04_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity MA51-05_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -pH -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity Ellis Pond Mumford River MA51-14_2002 X -Metals -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Pout Pond Rice City Pond MA51131_2002 X -Priority organics -Siltation -Turbidity Riverdale Impoundment MA51136_2002 X -Priority organics -Turbidity 0.32 Unknown Dark Brook Dark Brook Pond MA51034_2002 Mumford River MA51-13_2002 Tuckers Pond MA51169_2002 0.25 Unknown Caswell Brook Hunt Pond MA51072_2002 Martin Street Pond MA51095_2002 Mumford River MA51-13_2002 Southwick Brook Stevens Pond MA51159_2002 Weeks Pond 0.45 Unknown Gilboa Brook Gilboa Pond MA51052_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Hunt Pond Lackey Pond MA51083_2002 Mumford River MA51-13_2002 MA51-14_2002 X -Metals -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens 0.03 Unknown Cold Spring Brook Farrell Brook Rivulet Pond MA51138_2002 5 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12071 12075 12080 12086 12093 12097 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 4.44 Unknown Allen Brook Arcade Pond MA51003_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Caprons Pond MA51014_2002 Carpenter Reservoir MA51015_2002 Fish Pond MA51047_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Linwood Pond MA51088_2002 Meadow Pond MA51193_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Mumford River MA51-14_2002 X -Metals -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Purgatory Brook Reservoir No. 4 MA51128_2002 Reservoir No. 5 Reservoir No. 6 Riley Pond MA51134_2002 X -Turbidity Rivulet Pond Smith Pond Steamburg Brook Swans Pond MA51164_2002 Whitin Pond MA51178_2002 Whitins Pond MA51180_2002 0.75 Unknown Cider Millpond MA51019_2002 Miscoe Brook 2.29 Unknown Baker Pond Cider Millpond MA51019_2002 Lake Wildwood MA51181_2002 Silver Lake MA51151_2002 Warren Brook West River MA51-11_2002 X -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA51-12_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Salinity/TDS/chlorides Zachary Pond 0.84 Unknown Center Brook 0.37 Unknown Long Meadow Rock Meadow Brook 0.01 Unknown Bazely Pond MA51008_2002 Doctors Pond MA51194_2002 Emerson Brook Happy Hollow Brook Houghton Pond MA51067_2002 Joels Pond MA51076_2002 Lee Pond Lee Reservoir MA51086_2002 Peabody Pond MA51119_2002 Sawmill Pond Scadden Brook 6 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12103 12104 12105 12107 12108 12111 12114 12116 12120 12126 12129 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 5.42 Unknown Blackstone River MA51-05_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -pH -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity Cedar Swamp Mansfield Pond Pout Pond MA51121_2002 West River MA51-12_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Salinity/TDS/chlorides West River Pond MA51177_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) 0.30 Unknown Blackstone River Crane Pond MA51030_2002 Fox Brook Reilly Pond 1.56 Unknown Mill River MA51-10_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals North Pond MA51112_2002 0.49 Unknown Fiske Millpond MA51049_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Little Field Pond Mill Pond MA51102_2002 Mill River MA51-10_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals Silver Hill Pond MA51149_2002 0.22 Unknown Hopedale Pond MA51065_2002 Mill River MA51-10_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals 1.09 Unknown Hopedale Pond MA51065_2002 Mill River MA51-10_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals 0.30 Unknown Muddy Brook Spring Brook 0.00 Unknown Mill River MA51-10_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals Spindleville Pond MA51158_2002 X -Priority organics -Noxious aquatic plants 0.34 Unknown Duck Pond Fish Pond Mill River MA51-10_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals 0.02 Unknown Harris Pond MA51058_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Mill River MA51-10_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals 0.10 Unknown Arnolds Brook Crystal Lake Curtis Pond Hoag Brook Jenks Reservoir MA51075_2002 Lakeview Pond Lily Hole Long Pond Peters River MA51-18_2002 X -Metals -Pathogens Silver Lake MA51150_2002 7 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 12132 12133 12135 12143 12147 12150 4/19/2007 Table A1. Blackstone Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles In Known Segment ID Category Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 0.61 Unknown Blackstone River MA51-05_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -pH -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity MA51-06_2002 X -Priority organics -Nutrients -pH -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity 1.28 Unknown Blackstone River MA51-06_2002 X -Priority organics -Nutrients -pH -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity 0.33 Unknown Aldrich Brook Bacon Brook Card Machine Brook Ironstone Reservoir MA51074_2002 0.46 Unknown Burnt Swamp Brook 1.98 Unknown Abbott Run 2.59 Unknown Sweedens Swamp 8 of 8 19 10 8 19121 SWAMPSCOTT 18053 18 06 3 19126 15 01 2 LYNN 19116 18059 19 13 7 17 00 3 15 02 0 15017 3 15 0 0 20 10 8 18 04 1 7 14402 MARBLEHEAD 18044 18 04 9 6 04 18 19117 14 10 9 18061 18043 MELROSE 18062 18055 19141 MALDEN NAHANT MEDFORD 19135 ARLINGTON 3 18036 SAUGUS 19142 14 4 0 SALEM 18037 18054 19134 20111 LINCOLN 18042 5 18 05 1 19123 19139 9 19118 WINCHESTER 19130 19140 19133 19132 LEXINGTON 3 10 20 18038 18057 19 11 5STONEHAM 191 2 14401 9 02 17 18052 1805 8 WAKEFIELD WOBURN 19114 CONCORD 18999 18050 7 19127 15002 18056 18033 BEVERLY 18026 18 03 4 18039 PEABODY 4 180 191 0 19125 LYNNFIELD 18047 2 10 19 BURLINGTON 19101 15013 15006 15007 15005 READING 19104 BEDFORD 8 04 18 17010 1 00 17 17004 15019 15009 14407 17 0 0 14404 5 02 17 BILLERICA 14405 CARLISLE DANVERS 18029 17006 17005 17012 WILMINGTON 15021 17 02 6 15022 14 41 5 08 14 4 REVERE 20119 20105 EVERETT 20121 20 10 7 WAYLAND CHELSEA 19 14 5 SOMERVILLE 19147 19143 19149 CAMBRIDGE 20113 WINTHROP WATERTOWN 14 0 8 3 BELMONT 20 12 3 WALTHAM 20 11 2 14 10 6 19138 19151 WESTON 19131 14 07 2 14084 20125 20104 1 07 20 20129 NEWTON 20072 19230 BROOKLINE 20115 19999 20 07 3 4 07 20 20101 WELLESLEY 20102 BOSTON 20098 20 07 7 20075 14053 20097 20078 NATICK 20 06 8 NEEDHAM 20076 20 07 0 19 29 9 20092 20100 19277 20093 0 193 5 HULL 21999 20086 19325 QUINCY 3 19312 19 31 3 19 36 2 19 32 6 19320 19 36 3 3 19 3 2 19 31 9 4 HOLBROOK 19315 21010 25007 STOUGHTON 21030 21027 NORWELL 21028 MARSHFI 21013 ROCKLAND 25017 21021 HANOVER ABINGTON 25005 SHARON 19206 193 1 19 21 4 19 23 5 19255 2 24 19 19208 19 36 4 21 01 1 19307 6 30 19 19 2 1 0 31 19 AVON 19244 19351 2103 6 5 03 21 21007 19375 19371 19356 25001 19249 19352 19359 19358 19357 0 SCITUATE 19373 5 35 19 6 19250 19245 19353 19360 WEYMOUTH 19317 19 3 11 20 08 9 19 25 20 05 1 20 0 52 19253 21006 19361 21 03 7 0 30 19 6 19240 20053 NORFOLK RANDOLPH CANTON 4 25010 21031 21022 25002 25153 19241 / 25036 25032 25038 25014 EAST BRIDGEWATER Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: BOSTON HARBOR 25 HANSON 02 1 21 01 9 EASTON 25107 PEMBROKE WHITMAN 21017 21018 3 02 21 25098 25011 3 2 15 25 25154 25019 BROCKTON 25 01 25102 25131 25029 25030 7 03 25 0 04 20 25128 19201 FOXBOROUGH 6 09 25 9 04 20 WRENTHAM 5 21 02 20050 2103 3 2 26 19 19321 193 5 21005 19374 HINGHAM 19 37 2 19301 19308 19264 19239 19 21 8 8 31 19 19258 20 05 5 0 19261 19221 WALPOLE 19366 BRAINTREE 5 21 19 20063 20 04 3 6 192 19 30 3 19302 NORWOOD 19237 19324 19268 19 26 6 3 192 MILLIS 4 23 19 19 21 9 7 25 19 5 19 22 19228 19232 MEDFIELD 9 4 19 22 19227 21009 COHASSET 19304 19270 WESTWOOD 6 22 19 20056 20064 MILTON 20095 5 192 20080 DOVER 20079 19365 19322 DEDHAM 20091 20083 20069 HERBORN 21026 21029 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19102 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 1.86 19104 9.29 19107 4.14 19108 9.44 19114 2.58 19115 2.87 19117 0.66 19121 0.09 19125 10.57 19126 19127 3.04 1.67 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 15 Halls Brook Middlesex Canal 32 Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 31 Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 39 Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 18 Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Whittemore Pond 5 Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 5 Dark Hollow Pond Dixie Pond North Reservoir North Stream 0 Aberjona Pond Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Whittemore Pond 59 Cummings Brook Littles Brook 22 Shaker Glen Brook 11 Fowle Brook Horn Pond MA71019_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants Sucker Brook 1 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19129 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 0.53 19134 3.55 19135 0.94 19137 0.80 19138 9.46 19139 2.80 19141 0.39 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 4 Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Judkins Pond MA71021_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Mill Pond MA71031_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Wedge Pond MA71045_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Winter Pond MA71047_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity 7 Arlington Reservation Great Meadows Little Pond Mill Brook MA71-07_2002 X -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Munroe Brook 0 Mill Brook MA71-07_2002 X -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 1 Dark Hollow Pond Spot Pond 36 Alewife Brook MA71-04_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) Clay Pit Pond MA71011_2002 X -Pesticides Hills Pond MA71018_2002 Jerrys Pond Little Pond Spy Pond MA71040_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) 17 Dark Hollow Pond Dixie Pond 0 Buckman Pond Doleful Pond Ell Pond MA71014_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Suspended solids Fellsmere Pond Malden River MA71-05_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -(Objectionable deposits*) Quarter Mile Pond 2 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19142 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 19.65 19143 0.02 19145 2.61 19147 0.65 19149 0.06 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 145 Aberjona River MA71-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Alewife Brook MA71-04_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) Bellevue Pond MA71004_2002 Brooks Pond Lower Mystic Lake MA71027_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Salinity/TDS/chlorides Mill Brook MA71-07_2002 X -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Mystic River MA71-02_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens Quarter Mile Pond Upper Mystic Lake Wellington Marsh Wrights Pond 0 Blacks Nook MA71005_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Fresh Pond 86 Mystic River MA71-03_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Unionized Ammonia -Other inorganics -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color 15 Mystic River MA71-03_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Unionized Ammonia -Other inorganics -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color 0 Boston Inner Harbor MA70-02_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Mystic River MA71-03_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Unionized Ammonia -Other inorganics -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color 3 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19151 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 19.84 19201 0.14 19206 4.97 19208 0.92 19213 1.07 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 44 Boston Harbor MA70-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Boston Inner Harbor MA70-02_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Chelsea River MA71-06_2002 X -Priority organics -Unionized Ammonia -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Lewis Lake Lynn Harbor MA93-23_2002 X -Pathogens The Basin Winthrop Bay MA70-10_2002 X -Pathogens Unknown Crackrock Pond MA73010_2002 Neponset Reservoir MA73034_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Neponset River MA73-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Unknown Cedar Swamp Mann Pond Neponset River MA73-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Ruckaduck Pond Unknown Ganawatte Farm Pond MA73037_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity School Meadow Brook MA73-06_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Unknown Neponset River MA73-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity School Meadow Brook MA73-06_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] 4 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19218 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 0.01 19221 1.48 19230 38.00 19234 0.29 19236 1.22 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 Unknown Clark Pond MA73008_2002 Diamond Pond Memorial Pond MA73012_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Rainbow Pond Unknown Bird Pond MA73002_2002 X -Priority organics -Noxious aquatic plants Cobbs Pond MA73009_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Mine Brook MA73-09_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Neponset River MA73-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Plimpton Pond Turner Pond MA73058_2002 Unnamed Tributary MA73-10_2002 40 Boston Harbor MA70-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Boston Inner Harbor MA70-02_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Dorchester Bay MA70-03_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity Frog Pond Neponset River MA73-04_2002 X -Priority organics -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Pleasure Bay MA70-11_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Unknown Bubbling Brook MA73-11_2002 Pettee Pond Unnamed Tributary MA73-13_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] MA73-14_2002 Willett Pond MA73062_2002 X -Metals Unknown Ellis Pond MA73018_2002 Germany Brook MA73-15_2002 X -Nutrients -pH -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) Hawes Brook MA73-16_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Taste, odor and color [6/21/2002­ CN121.0] -Objectionable deposits [6/21/2002­ CN121.0] Unnamed Tributary MA73-14_2002 5 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19237 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 0.04 19239 19244 5.87 0.09 19249 1.53 19250 0.98 19253 3.10 19255 1.01 19257 0.09 19258 19259 19260 1.29 0.14 7.30 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 Unknown Hawes Brook MA73-16_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Taste, odor and color [6/21/2002­ CN121.0] -Objectionable deposits [6/21/2002­ CN121.0] Neponset River MA73-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Unknown Traphole Brook MA73-17_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Unknown Beaver Brook MA73-19_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO Unknown Bolivar Pond MA73005_2002 X -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Brittons Pond Farringtons Pond Muddy Pond Pinewood Pond MA73039_2002 Steep Hill Brook MA73-18_2002 Town Pond MA73056_2002 Unnamed Tributary MA73-32_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -pH Woods Pond MA73055_2002 3 Beaver Meadow Brook MA73-20_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Glen Echo Pond 16 Beaver Meadow Brook MA73-20_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Glen Echo Pond MA73022_2002 Muddy Pond Pequid Brook MA73-22_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] York Brook 5 Pequid Brook MA73-22_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Reservoir Pond MA73048_2002 Unknown Fisher Meadow Lymans Pond MA73021_2002 Plantingfield Brook MA73-23_2002 Unknown Plantingfield Brook MA73-23_2002 Unknown Purgatory Brook MA73-24_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] 18 Purgatory Brook MA73-24_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] 6 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19261 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 13.60 19264 2.37 19266 0.45 19268 5.34 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 13 East Branch MA73-05_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] East Branch Neponset River Neponset River MA73-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA73-02_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Oil and grease -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Plantingfield Brook MA73-23_2002 Purgatory Brook MA73-24_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Traphole Brook MA73-17_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Unnamed Tributary MA73-33_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color 22 Duck Pond Ponkapoag Pond MA73043_2002 Ponkapog Brook MA73-27_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] 2 Neponset River MA73-02_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Oil and grease -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Pecunit Brook MA73-25_2002 Ponkapog Brook MA73-27_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] 37 Hemenway Pond Neponset River MA73-02_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Oil and grease -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Sprague Pond MA73053_2002 7 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19270 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 3.32 19277 13.96 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 7 Balster Brook Blue Hills Reservoir MA73004_2002 Hemenway Pond Hillside Pond Pine Tree Brook MA73-29_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Popes Pond MA73044_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Russell Pond MA73003_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Trout Brook 83 Gulliver Creek MA73-30_2002 X -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Mother Brook MA73-28_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Taste, odor and color Neponset River MA73-02_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Oil and grease -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) MA73-03_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Oil and grease -(Objectionable deposits*) MA73-04_2002 X -Priority organics -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Pine Tree Brook MA73-29_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] Turners Pond MA73059_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Turbidity Unquity Brook MA73-26_2002 X -Nutrients -pH -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens [6/21/2002-CN121.0] -(Objectionable deposits*) 8 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19299 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 0.00 19300 1.21 19302 8.19 19303 0.67 19304 16.03 19305 0.08 19306 19307 19308 0.85 0.14 1.01 19312 19313 19314 19315 1.25 0.97 1.08 0.37 19318 1.01 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 0 Boston Harbor MA70-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Dorchester Bay MA70-03_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity Furnace Brook MA74-10_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO Quincy Bay MA70-04_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens MA70-05_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens 12 Norroway Brook Norroway Pond 102 Blue Hill River Hoosicwhisick Pond MA74015_2002 Houghtons Pond Pakomet Spring 9 Bouncing Brook Farm River MA74-07_2002 Great Cedar Swamp 74 Old Quincy Reservoir MA74017_2002 Town Brook MA74-09_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 0 Hingham Bay MA70-06_2002 X -Pathogens Quincy Bay MA70-04_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens MA70-05_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Town Brook MA74-09_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Town River Bay MA74-15_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Weymouth Fore River MA74-14_2002 X -Pathogens Unknown Trout Brook MA74-12_2002 Unknown Trout Brook MA74-12_2002 5 Great Pond Norroway Brook Upper Reservoir Unknown Bear Swamp 0 Norroway Pond Unknown Tumbling Brook Unknown Cochato River MA74-06_2002 X -Pesticides -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Glovers Brook -Pesticides Ice House Pond MA74028_2002 X Lake Holbrook MA74013_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants Sylvan Lake MA74021_2002 X -Pesticides -Priority organics Trout Brook MA74-12_2002 2 Sunset Lake MA74020_2002 9 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19319 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 0.85 19320 7.94 19322 1.60 19323 2.41 19324 1.10 19325 1.51 19326 0.91 19352 4.79 19353 4.58 19354 0.17 19356 1.61 19357 0.81 19359 1.63 19360 3.03 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 2 Broad Meadow Cochato River MA74-06_2002 X -Pesticides -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Farm River MA74-07_2002 Hollingsworth Pond Monatiquot River MA74-08_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 42 Hollingsworth Pond Monatiquot River MA74-08_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 2 Hingham Bay MA70-07_2002 X -Pathogens Weymouth Back River MA74-13_2002 X -Pathogens Weymouth Fore River MA74-14_2002 X -Pathogens 12 Smelt Brook Weymouth Fore River MA74-14_2002 X -Pathogens 7 Monatiquot River MA74-08_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Weymouth Fore River MA74-14_2002 X -Pathogens Unknown Hingham Bay MA70-07_2002 X -Pathogens Hingham Harbor MA70-08_2002 X -Pathogens Weymouth Back River MA74-13_2002 X -Pathogens 2 Cranberry Pond Fore River Stream Mill Cove Stream Mill Stream Weymouth Fore River MA74-14_2002 X -Pathogens 16 Mill River MA74-04_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Mill Stream 27 Mill River MA74-04_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Whortleberry Pond 6 Mill River MA74-04_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Old Swamp River MA74-03_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Pathogens Whitmans Pond MA74025_2002 Unknown Old Swamp River MA74-03_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Pathogens 0 Old Swamp River MA74-03_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Pathogens 13 Old Swamp River MA74-03_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Pathogens 7 Mill River MA74-04_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Old Swamp River MA74-03_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Pathogens Whortleberry Pond 10 of 11 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 19362 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 0.01 19363 0.14 19364 19365 3.54 7.70 19371 19375 7.26 0.84 21028 6.30 TOTAL KNOWN: 4/19/2007 Table A2. Boston Harbor Basin Number of Water Body Impaired Receiving Waterbody Impairment Known Segment ID Category Outfalls Code 4a or 5 Unknown Bouve Pond Brewer Pond Fresh River 0 Weymouth Back River MA74-05_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA74-13_2002 X -Pathogens Unknown Accord Pond MA94002_2002 Unknown Boston Harbor MA70-01_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Broad Cove Foundry Pond MA74011_2002 X -Nutrients -Siltation -Noxious aquatic plants Great Swamp Hingham Bay MA70-07_2002 X -Pathogens Hingham Harbor MA70-08_2002 X -Pathogens Home Meadows Hull Bay MA70-09_2002 X -Pathogens Straits Pond Weir River MA74-02_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens MA74-11_2002 X -Pathogens 5 Plymouth River Unknown Accord Brook Accord Pond MA94002_2002 Hatch Pond Valley Swamp 36 Furnace Brook MA74-10_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO 1219 11 of 11 RTON 25 1 1 25039 5 8 25 11 25079 25 08 BRIDGEWATER 0 25 05 4 PLYMPTON 25083 25093 21059 21061 KINGSTON 21058 HALIFAX 21 06 7 21063 25048 25052 25094 21065 25077 25045 25159 RAYNHAM 25092 21071 21075 21079 25076 9 25 11 21072 25095 21 07 3 25075 TAUNTON 25085 25120 25069 MIDDLEBOROUGH 25 16 0 25089 PLYMOUTH CARVER 21081 24012 24006 25165 25090 25 07 3 25 17 2 25195 BERKLEY 25177 DIGHTON 25170 21083 25 16 9 25091 25068 LAKEVILLE 25064 24009 25176 25178 24007 1 25 17 24004 21 08 5 9 17 25 25199 25173 25067 WAREHAM 25181 24022 25 19 7 OMERSET 24018 FREETOWN 24001 1 24 01 25061 24003 24037 25180 25058 251 9 6 24023 ROCHESTER 24016 3 24 01 25183 24008 24005 24014 22141 24015 25057 24039 24027 24040 24102 24041 ACUSHNET 22143 24017 9 01 24 24105 24103 24010 8 02 24 FALL RIVER 26187 21089 22001 MARION 22145 BOURNE 24030 24031 1 02 24 24020 24042 24104 24111 24029 26193 24047 24 10 8 4 03 24 24050 24110 MATTAPOISETT 24024 SANDW 24035 22153 7 11 24 22154 24036 24 04 4 24052 24045 DARTMOUTH 26184 22151 22150 2 03 24 FAIRHAVEN 24038 24 03 3 5 02 24 NEW BEDFORD 24113 22149 22999 26194 24112 22146 47 22 1 22155 24056 3 05 24 24115 WESTPORT 22157 FALMOUTH 24118 24060 22 15 8 24119 24059 24062 24 05 5 24061 22002 24054 24 12 1 0 12 24 22156 22163 24163 2 24 12 24999 23999 GOSNOLD TISBURY OAK BLUF / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: BUZZARDS BAY MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A3. Buzzards Bay Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired - SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 24001 3.68 UnknownBourne Pond Buttermilk Bay MA95-01_2002 X Cape Cod Canal MA95-14_2002 X Ellis Pond Garland Bog Gibbs Bog Goat Pasture Pond Horse Pond Mare Pond MA95172_2002 Nightingale Pond Nye Bog Onset Bay MA95-02_2002 X Queen Sewell Pond MA95180_2002 Weeks Pond 24003 0.54 Unknown Sand Pond MA95127_2002 24004 1.69 UnknownBartlett Pond Big Rocky Pond MA95119_2002 Big Sandy Pond MA95011_2002 Deer Pond MA95036_2002 Ezekiel Pond MA95051_2002 Grassy Pond Jakes Pond Little Duck Pond Little Rocky Pond MA95091_2002 Little Sandy Pond MA95092_2002 Long Duck Pond MA95095_2002 Mare Pond Morton Pond Red Brook Robbins Bog Wall Pond White Island Pond MA95166_2002 X MA95173_2002 Whites Pond 4/19/2007 X Impairment -Pathogens -Pathogens -Pathogens -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) MA95168_2002 Page 1 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A3. Buzzards Bay Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired - SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 24005 9.22 UnknownAgawam River MA95-28_2002 MA95-29_2002 X -Nutrients -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Bangs Bog Beaver Dam Pond Black Jonny Pond Broad Marsh Cedar Pond Dicks Pond MA95038_2002 Gibbs Brook Onset Bay MA95-02_2002 X -Pathogens Rogers Bog Sandy Pond MA95128_2002 Spectacle Pond MA95142_2002 Union Pond MA95152_2002 Wankinco River MA95-50_2002 X -Pathogens Wareham River MA95-03_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens 24007 3.58 UnknownAbner Pond MA95001_2002 Agawam River MA95-28_2002 Branch Maple Springs Brook Cattle Pond Charge Pond Doctors Pond Fawn Pond MA95053_2002 Five Mile Pond MA95056_2002 Glen Charlie Pond MA95061_2002 Grassy Pond Litle Fivemile Pond Little Long Pond MA95089_2002 Maple Springs Bog Maple Springs Brook Mill Pond MA95105_2002 New Grassy Pond 4/19/2007 Page 2 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A3. Buzzards Bay Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired - SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 24009 2.01 Unknown Barrett Pond MA95004_2002 Bumps Pond Bumpus Bog Carver Bog Charge Pond MA95025_2002 Cherry Pond College Pond MA95030_2002 Doctors Pond East Head Pond MA95177_2002 Fearing Pond MA95054_2002 Fiske Bogs Frogfoot Brook Golden Field Pond Grassy Pond Harlow Brook Hooper Pond Maple Swamp Mosquito Pond New Long Pond MA95112_2002 Parker Mills Pond MA95115_2002 Raccoon Pond Rose Brook Round Pond Three Cornered Pond MA95145_2002 Tihonet Pond MA95146_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO Torrey Pond Walsh Bog Wankinco Cranberry Bog Wankinco River MA95-30_2002 MA95-50_2002 X -Pathogens 24010 5.71 Unknown Blackmore Pond Blackmore Reservoir MA95015_2002 Cohackett Brook Hammett Cove MA95-56_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Sippican Harbor MA95-08_2002 X -Pathogens Sippican River MA95-06_2002 MA95-07_2002 X -Pathogens 24011 4.34 Unknown Beaverdam Creek MA95-53_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Blackmore Pond Great Swamp Horseshoe Pond Sippican River MA95-07_2002 X -Pathogens Wareham River MA95-03_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Weweantic River MA95-04_2002 MA95-05_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens 4/19/2007 Page 3 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A3. Buzzards Bay Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 24012 3.32 Unknown Bates Pond MA95007_2002 Beaver Dam Brook Benson Pond Bogs Big West Pond Cedar Pond Cedar Swamp Clear Bottom Pond Clear Pond Crane Brook Crane Brook Bog Pond MA95033_2002 Curlew Pond MA95034_2002 Double Brook Dunham Pond MA95044_2002 East Rocky Gutter Brook Federal Bogs Federal Pond MA95055_2002 Fresh Meadow Pond MA95174_2002 Grady Pond Grassy West Pond Indian Brook Kings Pond MA95078_2002 Little Clear Pond Little Micajah Pond Little West Pond MA95093_2002 Little Widgeon Pond Manters Hole Micajah Pond MA95102_2002 Narragansett Pond Rocky Meadow Brook Rocky Meadow Brook Pond MA95118_2002 Rocky Pond MA95179_2002 Round Hole Sampson Pond MA95125_2002 Smelt Pond South Meadow Brook South Meadow Brook Pond MA95139_2002 South Meadow Pond MA95140_2002 Southwest Atwood Bog Pond MA95141_2002 Spring Pond Tremont Mill Pond MA95150_2002 Vaughn Pond MA95153_2002 Wenham Pond West Rocky Gutter Brook Weweantic River MA95-04_2002 Widgeon Pond 24013 2.99 Unknown Broad Marsh River MA95-49_2002 X -Pathogens Cedar Island Creek MA95-52_2002 X -Pathogens Stones Bog Stony Run Wareham River MA95-03_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens 24014 0.24 Unknown Black Jonny Pond Crooked River MA95-51_2002 X -Pathogens Wareham River MA95-03_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens 24016 0.24 Unknown Doggett Brook Sherman Brook 4/19/2007 Page 4 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A3. Buzzards Bay Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired - SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 24018 1.76 UnknownBear Swamp Benson Brook East Branch Sippican River Forbes Swamp Haggertys Brook Haskell Swamp Hataway Pond Leonards Pond MA95080_2002 Marys Pond MA95100_2002 Mill Pond Sippican River MA95-06_2002 Stewart Bog Towsers Swamp West Branch Sippican River 24024 0.81 UnknownMattapoisett Harbor MA95-35_2002 X -Pathogens Pine Island Brook Pine Island\Pond 24025 2.67 UnknownMattapoisett Harbor MA95-35_2002 X -Pathogens 24029 1.62 UnknownAucoot Cove MA95-09_2002 X -Pathogens Hiller Cove MA95-10_2002 X -Pathogens Sippican Harbor MA95-08_2002 X -Pathogens 24031 0.59 UnknownMattapoisett River MA95-36_2002 Tinkham Brook Tinkham Pond MA95148_2002 24032 0.91 UnknownMattapoisett Harbor MA95-35_2002 X -Pathogens Mattapoisett River MA95-36_2002 24033 0.31 Unknown Mattapoisett River MA95-36_2002 24034 1.15 Unknown Swift Brook 24037 3.41 Unknown Acushnet River MA95-31_2002 X -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Ashley Brook Keene River New Bedford Reservoir MA95110_2002 Squam Brook 24038 7.33 UnknownNasketucket River Outer New Bedford Harbor MA95-63_2002 X -Priority organics -Nonpriority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens 24042 0.23 Unknown Acushnet River MA95-32_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA95-33_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Mill Pond 24044 2.93 Unknown Buttonwood Brook MA95-13_2002 X -Pathogens Buttonwood Park Pond MA95020_2002 4/19/2007 Page 5 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A3. Buzzards Bay Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired - SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 24045 17.91 Unknown Acushnet River MA95-33_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Clark Cove MA95-38_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens New Bedford Harbor MA95-42_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Outer New Bedford Harbor MA95-63_2002 X -Priority organics -Nonpriority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens 24047 8.22 UnknownAcushnet Cedar Swamp Black Pond Flag Swamp Hobomock Swamp Paskamanset River MA95-11_2002 Turner Pond MA95151_2002 X -Metals -Turbidity 24050 15.91 Unknown Apponagansett Swamp Paskamansett River MA95-11_2002 24052 3.63 Unknown Paskamanset River MA95-11_2002 24108 0.39 Unknown Colebrook Swamp Shingle Island River MA95-12_2002 24110 10.83 Unknown East Branch Westport River MA95-40_2002 X -Pathogens Noquochoke Lake MA95113_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA95170_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA95171_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Shingle Island River MA95-12_2002 24112 9.64 Unknown Bread And Cheese Brook 24115 3.20 Unknown Allen Creek East Branch Westport River MA95-40_2002 X -Pathogens MA95-41_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Forge Pond Snell Brook Snell Creek MA95-44_2002 MA95-45_2002 X -Pathogens 4/19/2007 Page 6 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A3. Buzzards Bay Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired - SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 24117 1.19 UnknownEast Branch Westport River MA95-40_2002 X -Pathogens Forge Pond Noquochoke Lake MA95113_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) 24999 0.35 Unknown Agawam River MA95-29_2002 X -Nutrients -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants New Bedford Harbor MA95-42_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Wankinco River MA95-50_2002 X -Pathogens Wareham River MA95-03_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens 4/19/2007 Page 7 of 7 TUATE 21043 21045 21044 21047 21046 MARSHFIELD PROVINCETOWN 22001 4 21 0 8 UXBURY 21042 TRURO 21999 21 06 7 21065 21 06 3 21071 24 01 2 7 21 0 21075 WELLFLEET 21079 2 21073 21081 PLYMOUTH 24006 24009 ARVER EASTHAM 21083 24007 21085 21087 24004 21089 WAREHAM ORLEANS 24001 0 24 0 5 24003 BREWSTER 24014 24015 22141 24999 DENNIS 22143 24017 BOURNE SANDWICH HARWICH 22145 22147 CHATHAM 22146 22 14 9 YARMOUTH BARNSTABLE 22151 22150 22002 22153 22154 MASHPEE 22 15 7 22155 FALMOUTH 22 99 9 22158 22156 22163 OSNOLD 23999 TISBURY / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: CAPE COD MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22001 69.94 Unknown Aunt Pattys Pond MA96-01_2002 X Barnstable Harbor Bennett Pond Black Flats Blackfish Creek Blueberry Pond Boat Cove Creek Boat Meadow Bog Boat Meadow River MA96-15_2002 X Bound Brook Brickyard Creek Bridge Creek Canoe Pond Cape Cod Canal MA95-14_2002 X Cedar Pond MA96-35_2002 X Chase Garden Creek MA96035_2002 Clapps Pond Clapps Round Pond Clays Creek MA96039_2002 Cliff Pond Cobbs Pond Coles Pond Dennis Pond MA96061_2002 Depot Pond Dexter Bog Dook Creek Doughnut Pond MA96-32_2002 X Duck Creek Duck Harbor Duck Pond Dyer Pond Eel Creek Elbow Pond Flax Pond Freemans Pond Fresh Brook Fund Pond Garretts Pond Grassy Pond Great Marshes Great Pond MA96114_2002 MA96115_2002 X Great Swamp Greenough Pond Griffiths Pond Gull Pond Hallets Millpond Hatchet Creek Herring Pond Herring River Impairment -Pathogens -Pathogens -Pathogens -Pathogens -Pathogens -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA96123_2002 MA96133_2002 MA96-33_2002 MA96-67_2002 X X -Pathogens -Metals -pH Higgins Pond Hinckley Pond 4/20/2007 Page 1 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22001 continued Howes Pond Hoxie Pond MA96146_2002 Israel Pond Jemima Pond Keeler Pond Kinnacum Pond Lawrence Pond Little Israel Pond Little Namskaket Creek MA96-26_2002 X -Pathogens Lone Tree Creek Long Pond MA96179_2002 Lower Mill Pond MA96188_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Maraspin Creek MA96-06_2002 X -Pathogens Matthews Pond Mill Creek MA96-37_2002 X -Pathogens Mill Pond Miller Pond Moon Pond Myricks Pond Namskaket Creek MA96-27_2002 X -Pathogens No Bottom Pond Nye Pond MA96228_2002 Old Harbor Creek Owl Pond Ox Pond Pamet River MA96-31_2002 X -Pathogens Pasture Pond Perch Pond Pilgrim Lake Pilgrim Spring Pine Pond Provincetown Harbor MA96-29_2002 X -Pathogens Quivett Creek MA96-09_2002 X -Pathogens Raccoon Swamp Rock Harbor Creek MA96-16_2002 X -Pathogens Round Pond Ruth Pond Ryder Pond MA96268_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO Salls Pond Salt Meadow Sandy Hill Pond Scargo Lake MA96279_2002 Schoolhouse Pond Scorton Creek MA96-30_2002 X -Pathogens Sesuit Creek MA96-13_2002 X -Pathogens Shank Painter Pond Shawme Lake Shawme Lake Lower MA96288_2002 Silver Spring Brook Slough Pond Small Pond Smith Pond 4/20/2007 Page 2 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22001 continued Snow Pond Spectacle Pond Springhill Creek Spruce Pond Spruce Swamp Stony Brook Through Creek Turtle Pond Upper Mill Pond MA96324_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Upper Shawme Lake MA96326_2002 Vespers Pond Village Pond MA96329_2002 Walkers Pond MA96331_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Wellfleet Harbor MA96-34_2002 X -Pathogens Whites Brook Widger Hole Widow Harding Pond Williams Pond 22002 73.03 Unknown Abigails Brook Allens Harbor Amos Pond Andrews Pond Anns Cove Areys Pond Ashumet Pond MA96004_2002 X -Metals Aunt Bettys Pond Aunt Edies Pond Backus River Baker Pond MA96008_2002 Bass River MA96-12_2002 X -Pathogens Bassetts Lot Pond Bassing Harbor MA96-48_2002 Bear Pond Bearse Pond MA96012_2002 Big Sandy Pond Black Pond Blue Pond Bog Pond Boland Pond Bournes Brook Bournes Pond MA96-57_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Bucks Creek MA96-44_2002 X -Pathogens Bucks Pond Bumps River MA96-02_2002 X -Pathogens Cahoon Pond Caleb Pond Centerville Harbor MA96-03_2002 Centerville River MA96-04_2002 X -Pathogens Chatham Harbor MA96-10_2002 Childs River Clay Pond 4/20/2007 Page 3 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22002 continued Cliff Pond MA96039_2002 Coleman Pond Coonamessett Pond Coonamessett River Cornelius Pond Cotuit Bay MA96-63_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Crooked Pond Crowell Pond Crows Pond MA96-47_2002 X -Nutrients Crystal Lake MA96050_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO Dam Pond Deans Pond Deep Pond Deer Pond Depot Pond MA96061_2002 Dinahs Pond Duane Pond Duck Pond Dunns Pond Dutchman'S Creek Eagle Pond Eel Pond Elbow Pond Elishas Pond Emery Pond Falmouth Inner Harbor MA96-17_2002 X -Pathogens Fawcetts Pond Featherbed Swamp Fish Creek Flashy Pond Flat Pond Flax Pond MA96090_2002 Flintrock Pond Follins Pond Fresh Pond Frog Pond Frost Fish Creek MA96-49_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Fullers Marsh Goose Pond MA96106_2002 Gould Pond Grassy Nook Pond Grassy Pond Great Harbor MA96-18_2002 X -Pathogens Great Pond MA96-54_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Great River MA96-60_2002 X -Nutrients Green Pond MA96-55_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Greenland Pond Grews Pond Halfway Pond Halls Creek Hamblin Pond MA96126_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens MA96-58_2002 X -Metals 4/20/2007 Page 4 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22002 continued Hamblins Brook Harding Beach Pond MA96-43_2002 X Hawes Run Hawksnest Pond Herring Brook Herring River MA96-22_2002 X Higgins Pond Hinckleys Pond MA96140_2002 Holly Marsh Horse Pond Horseleech Pond Hyannis Harbor MA96-05_2002 X Icehouse Pond Jabinettes Pond James Pond Jehu Pond MA96-59_2002 X Jenkins Pond Jim Pond Johns Pond MA96157_2002 X Jones Pond Josephs Pond Joshua Pond Kelleys Pond Kescayo Gansett Pond Kinnacum Pond Labans Pond Lake Elizabeth MA96080_2002 Lamson Pond Lawrence Pond Lewis Bay MA96-36_2002 X Lewis Pond Lily Pond Little Cliff Pond Little Harbor MA96-19_2002 X Little Israel Pond Little Mill Pond Little Pond MA96-56_2002 X Little River MA96-61_2002 X Little Sandy Pond Littlefields Pond Long Pond Lovells Pond Lovers Lake Lumbert Pond Mares Pond Marstons Mills River Martha Pond Mary Dunnpond Mashpee Pond Mashpee River Impairment -Pathogens -Pathogens -Pathogens -Nutrients -Metals -Pathogens -Pathogens -Nutrients -Nutrients -Pathogens MA96180_2002 MA96183_2002 MA96184_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA96194_2002 MA96-24_2002 X X -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens Meeting House Pond Micah Pond Middle Pond 4/20/2007 Page 5 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22002 continued Mill Creek MA96-41_2002 X Mill Pond MA96-52_2002 X Ministers Pond Miss Thachers Pond MA96258_2002 Moll Pond Moody Pond Morse Pond Mud Pond Muddy Creek MA96-51_2002 X Muddy Pond Mystic Lake Nauset Harbor MA96-28_2002 Neck Pond Nobska Pond North Bay MA96-66_2002 X Impairment -Pathogens -Nutrients -Pathogens -Nutrients -Pathogens North Pond Northeast Pond Northern Simmons Pond Nye Pond Olivers Pond Oyster Pond MA96-45_2002 X Oyster Pond River MA96-62_2002 MA96-46_2002 X X MA96-38_2002 X -Pathogens MA96-53_2002 MA96244_2002 X X -Pathogens -Metals MA96-40_2002 MA96-39_2002 MA96-07_2002 X X X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Nutrients -Pathogens Quaker Brook Quashnet River MA96-20_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Rafe Pond Randall Pond Red Brook Red Lily Pond MA96-25_2002 MA96257_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Paddocks Pond Parker Pond Parkers River Pattys Pond Paw Wah Pond Perch Pond Peters Pond Phinneys Bay Pilgrim Lake Pine Pond Pinlico Pond Plashes Brook Plashes Pond Popes Pond Popponesset Bay Popponesset Creek Prince Cove -Nutrients -Pathogens -Pathogens -Nutrients -Pathogens MA96246_2002 Red River Robbins Pond Round Pond 4/20/2007 Page 6 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22002 continued Run Pond Rushy Marsh Pond Ruth Pond Ryder Cove MA96-50_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Ryders Pond Sage Lot Pond Salt Pond Sam Pond Sand Pond Santuit Pond MA96277_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Santuit River Saquatucket Harbor MA96-23_2002 X -Pathogens Sarahs Pond Schoolhouse Pond MA96281_2002 Scudder Bay Seine Pond Seymour Pond Shallow Pond MA96285_2002 Sheep Pond MA96289_2002 X -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO Shivericks Pond Shoal Pond Shoestring Bay MA96-08_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Shubael Pond MA96293_2002 Siders Pond Simmons Pond Skinequit Pond Slough Pond Smalls Pond Snake Pond MA96302_2002 X -Metals Sols Pond Southeast Pond Southern Simmons Pond Spectacle Pond Stage Harbor MA96-11_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens Stewarts Creek Stillwater Pond Swan Pond Swan Pond River MA96-14_2002 X -Pathogens Taylors Pond MA96-42_2002 X -Pathogens Tim Pond Town Brook Triangle Pond Uncle Harvey Pond Uncle Israels Pond Uncle Seths Pond Uncle Stephans Pond Wakeby Pond MA96346_2002 X -Metals Walkers Pond Waquoit Bay MA96-21_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Wash Pond 4/20/2007 Page 7 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22002 continued Weeks Pond Wequaquet Lake MA96333_2002 X -Metals -(Exotic species*) West Bay MA96-65_2002 X -Nutrients White Pond Williams Pond Witch Pond Woods Cove Wychmere Harbor 22141 2.84 Unknown Cape Cod Canal MA95-14_2002 X -Pathogens Deep Bottom Pond Great Pond Little Halfway Pond Round Swamp 22143 2.31 Unknown Back River MA95-47_2002 X -Pathogens Black River Clay Pond Donnely Pond Eel Pond MA95-48_2002 X -Pathogens Mill Pond Phinneys Harbor MA95-15_2002 X -Pathogens 22145 0.70 Unknown Freeman Pond Lily Pond Mill Pond Opening Pond Pocasset River MA95-16_2002 X -Pathogens Succonnessett Pond Upper Pond 22146 0.88 Unknown Flax Pond MA96087_2002 Lily Pond Red Brook Harbor MA95-18_2002 X -Pathogens 22149 0.29 Unknown Lily Pond Bog Red Brook Harbor MA95-18_2002 X -Pathogens Red Brook Pond 22151 0.75 Unknown Beaton Bog Cuffs Pond Long Pond Squeteague Harbor MA95-55_2002 X -Nutrients 22153 6.20 Unknown Cedar Lake MA96344_2002 Dam Pond Edmunds Pond Fiddlers Cove Flax Pond Herring Brook MA95-21_2002 X -Pathogens Megansett Harbor MA95-19_2002 Osborne Pond Squeteague Harbor MA95-55_2002 X -Nutrients Trout Pond Wild Harbor MA95-20_2002 Wings Pond 22155 4.68 Unknown Crocker Pond Harbor Head MA95-46_2002 X -Pathogens Spectacle Pond West Falmouth Harbor MA95-22_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens 22156 1.40 Unknown Quissett Harbor MA95-25_2002 X -Pathogens 4/20/2007 Page 8 of 9 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A4. Cape Cod Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 22157 4.77 Unknown Beach Pond Crooked Pond Deep Pond Flax Pond Flume Pond Fresh Pond Great Sippewisset Creek MA95-23_2002 X -Pathogens Great Sippewisset Marsh Little Sippewisset Marsh MA95-24_2002 X -Pathogens Miles Pond Quahog Pond Spectacle Pond 22158 0.05 Unknown Long Pond 4/20/2007 Page 9 of 9 14765 14109 CONCORD 3 10 20 OLTON 14040 14041 15012 14748 STOW MAYNARD 14744 19134 19142 19135 ARLINGTON 14403 MALDEN 19141 MEDFORD 19151 20119 20105 14100 20121 EVERETT 19138 19999 19147 19143 20113 20 10 7 14083 14093 CHELS 20123 SUDBURY 14033 19149 CAMBRIDGE WATERTOWN WESTON 14084 14 79 5 4 14535 7 08 14 3 145 WAYLAND MARLBOROUGH 19131 20125 14094 14 07 2 4 14 0 4 14043 20072 14067 4 07 20 1 14 08 20101 20102 20075 20 09 7 7 140 4 14048 14049 14528 BOSTON 20098 20 07 7 14042 19230 WELLESLEY 14065 14055 14062 14060 14056 14080 3 14077 14054 1405 NATICK 2 5 0 14 SOUTHBOROUGH 20129 NEWTON 20115 BROOKLINE 20 07 3 14082 FRAMINGHAM 20104 1 07 20 14797 14075 14073 14070 14076 14071 14068 14537 1451 8 SOMERVILLE WALTHAM 14106 14735 14091 TBOROUGH BELMONT 20112 14 73 4 14 02 8 14046 HUDSON MELROSE LEXINGTON 20111 LINCOLN 18059 7 19118STONEHAM 13 19 19139 19 14 5 14770 14743 19 12 19123 9 19130 WINCHESTER 19133 19132 1805 5 14401 19126 WOBURN 19127 15002 15005 ACTON 0 19 14 14761 14058 20 10 8 14760 ARVARD 20078 20 06 8 NEEDHAM 20076 20092 20100 20070 19277 20093 14059 MILTON 20095 19270 5 192 19304 6 192 9 HOPKINTON 20079 4 19 22 20057 20080 DOVER SHERBORN 20066 9 05 20 14520 20083 WESTWOOD 19268 0 QUINCY 19303 3 19 2 1 6 11 12 20 05 1 19312 19311 20 05 2 6 20 01 2 19 23 5 20 05 5 19239 19240 19218 19245 25001 19249 AVON 19244 20036 NORFOLK 19242 STOUGHTON 19208 SHARON 19206 0 20 0 25002 19241 8 20029 20050 20040 19201 25152 20027 25128 MANSFIELD 25 13 2 25134 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: CHARLES 4 121 2 WEST BRIDGEWA 25036 25155 25099 25 03 8 25098 25032 EASTON 25 10 7 13 0 PLAINVILLE 25 25123 25126 25138 25154 4 10 25 / 2 00 27 25011 25102 25131 9 12 25 12 14 4 12143 4 12 25 12127 25127 2 12 25 12128 20026 25029 FOXBOROUGH WRENTHAM 7 03 20 5 14 12 12126 8 20 02 5 20 02 4 12131 20 03 1 12 12 12122 BLACKSTONE 12104 25153 BROCKTON 25037 12120 12129 25030 6 09 25 9 04 20 FRANKLIN 20 01 0 BELLINGHAM 25103 12105 1210 7 19313 19253 20035 MENDON 12 13 3 19300 CANTON 19250 WALPOLE 20053 20043 20015 RANDOLPH 19 25 20046 20034 HOPEDALE 12 11 7 19261 19221 20017 12093 12114 19237 2 26 19 MEDWAY 19308 19264 NORWOOD 6 7 00 20 12111 3 192 20061 20063 MILFORD BRAINTR 19302 5 21 19 20031 19 26 6 19255 MILLIS 20023 4 23 19 6 19 21 9 19 23 2 0 200 12 10 6 20003 12108 12112 19228 MEDFIELD 8 0 02 20 5 200 20064 5 19 22 0 20009 20011 PTON 19214 20062 20060 HOLLISTON 19227 19258 3 200 20022 20 00 2 20001 7 25 19 6 22 19 20056 2500 5 54 20 0 DEDHAM 20091 20069 14522 14511 20086 21 02 8 14 05 1 14 51 2 ASHLAND 32 14 0 20 08 9 14 02 6 14045 25039 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 19131 20003 0.22 0.94 20006 20008 Receiving Waterbody MA72068_2002 MA72-01_2002 X 3.05 Unknown Box Pond MA72008_2002 X MA72-02_2002 X MA72-03_2002 X MA72-04_2002 X Unknown Beaver Brook Beaver Pond Charles River MA72-12_2002 MA72004_2002 MA72-04_2002 X -Metals -Pathogens Curtis Pond Unknown Milford Pond Stall Brook Unknown Cedar Swamp Hopping Brook Unknown Beaver Pond Dix Brook Mine Brook MA72-14_2002 X MA72077_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA72-14_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) MA72-04_2002 X MA72-14_2002 X -Metals -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) 5.29 7.14 20023 1.48 20027 3.08 Mine Brook Pond 6.37 20030 0.32 20031 1.30 20034 0.00 Spruce Pond Woodward Swamp Unknown Curtis Pond Long Pond Mine Brook Unknown Chicken Brook Waseeka Sanctuary Pond Unknown Chicken Brook Kirby Swamp Milk Pond Unknown Charles River Mine Brook 20037 4/20/2007 Impairment 1.59 20017 20029 Impaired Category 4a or 5 2 Unnamed Tributary Unknown Chaddock Crewes Pond Huckleberry Brook Louisa Lake Unknown Charles River Charles River 20015 Water Body Segment ID Code 2.79 Unknown Desert Brook Lake Pearl Trout Pond MA72-27_2002 -Nutrients -Pathogens -Nutrients -Siltation -Noxious aquatic plants -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Metals -Pathogens MA72155_2002 MA72092_2002 Page 1 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID 20040 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 1.12 Receiving Waterbody Unknown City Mills Pond Comeys Pond Eagle Brook Franklin Reservoir Northeast Franklin Reservoir Southwest 20050 2.46 20053 0.80 Kingsbury Pond Lake Archer Lake Pearl Mill River Miller Brook Uncas Brook Uncas Pond Unknown Stop River Unknown Bristols Pond Highland Lake Mann Pond Stony Brook Stony Brook Lake Stop River Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA72095_2002 X MA72032_2002 X MA72122_2002 MA72-09_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA72-09_2002 X MA72-10_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA72047_2002 0.98 Unknown Houghton Pond MA72050_2002 X 20058 0.21 Jar Brook Unknown Lake Winthrop MA72140_2002 X 20060 0.47 MA72-16_2002 X MA72037_2002 X MA72063_2002 X Linden Pond -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA72002_2002 MA72092_2002 MA72-15_2002 20057 Unknown Bogastow Brook Dopping Brook Factory Pond Impairment -Pesticides -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Meadow Brook 4/20/2007 Page 2 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID 20063 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.01 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Callahan Pond Charles River Danielson Pond Harlow Pond Holt Pond Horse Brook Maple Swamp Mccarthy Pond Phillips Pond Sewell Brook Stop River 20064 0.03 20070 0.42 20072 0.08 20073 20075 2.57 3.88 Walker Pond Unknown Bogastow Brook Bogastow Pond Charles River North Brook South End Pond Vine Brook Unknown Charles River Davis Brook Unknown Bogle Brook Nonesuch Pond Pickerel Pond Reed Pond Unknown Jennings Pond 9 Mud Pond Pickerel Pond Jennings Pond Lake Waban Morses Pond Paintshop Pond Reed Pond Waban Brook 4/20/2007 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA72-05_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA72-10_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA72126_2002 MA72-16_2002 X -Pathogens MA72-05_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity X -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA72053_2002 X -(Flow alteration*) -Noxious aquatic plants MA72053_2002 X -(Flow alteration*) -Noxious aquatic plants Impairment MA72109_2002 MA72-05_2002 MA72085_2002 MA72125_2002 MA72079_2002 MA72-17_2002 Page 3 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID 20076 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 1.93 3 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Abbotts Pond Fuller Brook MA72-18_2002 X Receiving Waterbody 20077 1.75 3 Fuller Brook MA72-18_2002 X 20093 2.28 17 Alder Brook MA72-22_2002 X Charles River MA72-06_2002 X MA72-07_2002 X 20095 20097 4/20/2007 11.11 0.02 38 0 Noannet Pond Powissett Brook Powissett Pond Rock Meadow Brook Rosemary Lake Little Wigwam Pond Lowder Brook Rodman Pond Weld Pond Wigwam Pond Sawmill Brook Impairment -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Priority organics -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Priority organics -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA72084_2002 MA72-20_2002 MA72-21_2002 X -Pathogens X -Other inorganics -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Noxious aquatic plants MA72131_2002 MA72-23_2002 Page 4 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID 20100 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 10.81 50 Receiving Waterbody Charles River Cow Island Pond Kendrick Street Pond Motley Pond Sawmill Brook 20101 13.04 14 Welch Pond Weld Pond Charles River Crystal Lake Lost Pond New Pond South Meadow Brook 20102 20104 20107 20111 20112 20113 4/20/2007 3.67 0.94 0.70 23.02 2.31 9.62 11 3 1 154 10 100 Longfellow Pond Rosemary Brook Rosemary Lake Norumbega Reservoir Seaverns Brook Weston Reservoir Cherry Brook Cambridge Reservoir Cambridge Reservoir, Upper Basin Hobbs Brook Hobbs Brook Dell Brook Stony Brook Stony Brook Reservoir Unnamed Tributary Weston Station Pond Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA72-07_2002 X -Priority organics -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA72055_2002 X -Turbidity MA72-23_2002 X -Other inorganics -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Noxious aquatic plants MA72131_2002 MA72-07_2002 X -Priority organics -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA72-24_2002 X -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity MA72-25_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Impairment MA72030_2002 MA72086_2002 MA72087_2002 MA72134_2002 MA72014_2002 MA72156_2002 MA72-26_2002 MA72114_2002 MA72-27_2002 MA72135_2002 Page 5 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID 20115 20119 20121 20123 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 22.84 9.34 4.14 0.06 83 37 20 1 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Charles River MA72-07_2002 X -Priority organics -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Hurd Brook Maple Cove New Pond Rickridge Pond Rosemary Brook MA72-25_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Turbidity MA72-28_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity Duck Pond Mill Pond Beaver Brook Chester Brook Hardys Pond MA72045_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Kendall Brook Beaver Brook MA72-28_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity Receiving Waterbody Stony Brook Reservoir Unnamed Tributary Wights Pond Beaver Brook Impairment MA72-27_2002 Clematis Brook Duck Pond 4/20/2007 Page 6 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID 20129 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 23.80 62 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Back Bay Fens Beaver Brook MA72-28_2002 X Boston Inner Harbor MA70-02_2002 X Broad Canal Brookline Reservoir Bulloughs Pond MA72010_2002 MA72011_2002 X Chandler Pond MA72017_2002 X Charles River MA72-07_2002 X MA72-08_2002 X Cheese Cake Brook MA72-29_2002 X Chestnut Hill Reservoir Frog Pond Halecyon Lake Halls Pond MA72023_2002 MA72043_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Hammond Pond Jamaica Pond MA72044_2002 MA72052_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO Receiving Waterbody Impairment -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -Priority organics -Pathogens -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Priority organics -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -Noxious aquatic plants Leverett Pond 4/20/2007 Page 7 of 8 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A5. Charles River Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 20129 continued Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Muddy River MA72-11_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color Sargent Pond Sawins Pond Scarboro Golf Course Pond Turtle Pond Unnamed Tributary MA72107_2002 MA72-30_2002 X MA72-31_2002 X MA72-32_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -Priority organics -Metals -(Other habitat alterations*) -Oil and grease -Taste, odor and color -Pathogens Receiving Waterbody Impairment Ward Pond Welch Pond TOTAL KNOWN: 4/20/2007 618 Page 8 of 8 80 63 110 04 1101 2 80 27 110 79 4 11 09 90 48 9005 9109 9063 8 101 2 10131 90 66 9057 90 62 90 83 908 90 4 91 9053 90 60 900 6 91 06 90 54 90 04 90 22 12001 10134 90 55 90 33 90 38 9023 12012 8208 10121 82 30 82 31 82 29 9051 8269 8132 82 48 90 39 903 2 9034 9030 90 28 83 22 110 1 5 11 01 3 70 2 8 82 0 9 82 40 824 3 82 45 82 55 82 56 8254 81 30 81 31 9025 83 2 7 10 12 3 80 9 6 80 99 8246 81 88 9098 10168 9092 SOUTHBRIDGE 9086 9064 9105 9079 9082 9093 DUDLEY 9104 9089 90 96 90 97 83 01 83 03 84 40 1107 7 80 77 8066 8087 8094 81 07 819 0 8191 61 25 61 28 83 35 83 37 8013 8172 80 50 8168 6119 612 1 8093 60 83 608 4 61 96 62 06 80 25 60 61 60 75 6104 6105 60 79 62 75 9081 9058 95 90 62 62 10143 10141 10166 62 50 12 00 7 9071 8 10 13 9085 9070 7 10 16 62 8 0 9 12 00 OXFORD CHARLTON 5 10 13 07 901 90 0 9009 12011 9080 10 13 7 HOLLAND 1107 8 2 10 12 911 0 9011 1011 6 7 11 10 9108 80 03 80 15 STURBRIDGE 1 906 62 70 83 101 82 9 17 90 1106 5 80 11 09 80 9073 90 43 6255 3 802 31 80 10133 9056 9046 9021 19 90 WALES 18 90 6292 9024 9020 6290 8281 6272 6279 82 75 HAMPDEN 6276 AUBUR 12003 10 12 6 8225 8226 BRIMFIELD 9027 6273 8286 8287 8285 0 828 10125 BROOKFIELD 9041 12010 LEICESTER 10124 8272 MONSON 90 94 62 68 6281 LONGMEADOW 6260 6259 6269 62 61 6284 8218 EAST BROOKFIELD 6274 6249 EAST LONGMEADOW 6278 6253 91 82 AGAWAM 8289 8309 6240 62 51 8271 8317 6239 45 62 6252 SPENCER WARREN WORCE 12008 8211 8227 62 82 8279 83 12 6232 6243 6248 8266 82 68 8293 83 8321 26 6228 SPRINGFIELD 6246 8223 8247 8264 8324 WILBRAHAM SPRINGFIELD 4258 82 58 8135 8296 8290 83 29 6237 8261 8305 6234 6223 80 24 37 80 8345 6219 02 82 8331 8244 PALMER 28 83 2 834 12002 12015 8213 8302 06 83 83 34 33 83 8210 8204 22 82 8249 8133 11096 PAXTON 12000 WEST BROOKFIELD 81 99 83 3 9 8299 8338 LUDLOW 83 00 8336 CHICOPEE 8307 8332 6207 8344 6220 8201 8205 8234 NORTH BROOKFIELD 50 82 8198 8304 6204 HOLYOKE 8347 6192 8298 6217 8124 25 81 62 11 8117 8127 95 82 91 61 10 62 6214 80 56 GRANBY SOUTH HADLEY WARE 82 94 6186 28 82 24 82 6188 BELCHERTOWN 110 92 HOLDEN 11095 8221 8238 8118 8126 8200 6202 11082 80 83 NEW BRAINTREE 82 41 T HAMPTON 11083 1108 11091 6 11087 8021 82 19 20 82 8092 11081 11085 110 80 RUTLAND 8061 8081 OAKHAM 6187 07 80 8085 8104 6199 8006 PRINCETON 11068 8042 8080 8097 6134 6200 8004 8008 8089 81 00 9 810 8110 6127 6130 8115 8029 8059 79 80 HARDWICK 8187 8030 8039 8 805 8 80 7 80 76 8180 81 81 26 61 6137 8159 6 810 36 61 AMHERST 6133 6135 23 61 8183 8002 BARRE 8166 81 60 6118 PELHAM 6120 6114 7 80 6 81 57 6122 6088 7 805 8145 8051 8071 8001 80 72 4 81 4 77 81 8178 8070 11029 WESTMINSTER HUBBARDSTON 8158 NEW SALEM 24 61 85 60 8154 PETERSHAM 9 806 6080 SHUTESBURY 6081 6129 NORTHAMPTON 80 54 8141 817 5 6113 HADLEY 80 52 LEVERETT 6068 HATFIELD 80 68 8136 76 81 6103 8151 8137 70 81 8 607 WHATELY 8047 7097 6063 SUNDERLAND 6208 7026 80 45 6098 7029 8046 8043 8149 7 11009 9074 60 62 7093 7101 6073 6212 47 81 6094 34 70 PHILLIPSTON 7094 8134 00 11 7044 81 48 6077 5 703 TEMPLETON 6059 DEERFIELD 7049 7099 60 60 6072 7059 7062 80 33 WENDELL 71 02 7129 60 67 ATHOL 0 70 3 3173 711 9 60 57 60 70 MONTAGUE 67 81 7128 11027 11005 GARDNER 70 89 7120 6071 81 6 9 7131 BURNE 11020 11003 ASHBURNHAM 11025 7011 70 32 7117 7047 70 64 ORANGE 7103 7106 7113 70 87 68 31 7126 7052 70 43 70 65 7127 7051 WINCHENDON 7056 70 60 70 12 7066 704 2 ROYALSTON 7063 7085 70 45 7082 8 70 6 7115 6056 GREENFIELD 3172 7090 711 7109 WARWICK 1 7122 ERVING 71 07 6038 NORTHFIELD GILL 71 24 60 49 3162 70 92 31 3154 58 3165 WEBST 10169 9103 10174 / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: CHICOPEE MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 8011 8021 8132 8209 8210 8218 8281 8286 8289 8291 8293 8324 8326 8328 8329 Table A6. Chicopee Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 0.73 Unknown Moulton Pond MA36098_2002 0.18 Unknown Demond Pond MA36051_2002 Long Pond MA36082_2002 1.45 Unknown Bennett Street Pond MA36014_2002 Forest Lake MA36063_2002 Thompson Lake MA36154_2002 0.24 Unknown Moose Hill Reservoir MA36179_2002 Shaw Brook Shaw Pond MA36138_2002 1.32 Unknown Eames Pond MA36056_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants Moose Hill Reservoir MA36179_2002 -Nutrients [4/12/2002-CN118.0] X MA36150_2002 Sugden Reservoir -Organic enrichment/Low DO [4/12/2002-CN118.0] -Turbidity [4/12/2002-CN118.0] MA36155_2002 Thompsons Pond Turkey Hill Brook MA36157_2002 Turkey Hill Pond 0.83 Unknown Cider Millpond -Chlorine X MA36-20_2002 Cranberry River -Turbidity X MA36165_2002 Lake Whittemore Morgan Swamp -Pathogens X MA36-11_2002 Sevenmile River -Pathogens X MA36-12_2002 0.30 Unknown Calkins Pond Chicopee Brook MA36-21_2002 Smith Pond 0.12 Unknown Conant Brook MA36-21_2002 0.48 Unknown Chicopee Brook MA36031_2002 Chicopee Brook Pond MA36116_2002 Paradise Lake MA36-21_2002 0.35 Unknown Chicopee Brook MA36-21_2002 2.29 Unknown Chicopee Brook Knox Pond Quaboag River MA36-16_2002 X -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color MA36-17_2002 X -Pathogens 0.45 Unknown Calkins Brook MA36-26_2002 Twelvemile Brook 0.58 Unknown Calkins Brook MA36-26_2002 Maxwell Brook Twelvemile Brook 0.77 Unknown Chicopee River MA36-23_2002 X -Pathogens MA36-24_2002 X -Pathogens Spectacle Pond MA36142_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ CN118.0] 1.65 Unknown Chicopee River MA36-24_2002 X -Pathogens Minechoag Pond MA36093_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ CN118.0] 4/20/2007 Page 1 of 2 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 8331 8345 8347 Table A6. Chicopee Basin Impaired Mass Highway Number of Water Body Category Impairment Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID 4a or 5 Urbanized Area Outfalls Code -Pathogens X 0.07 Unknown Chicopee River MA36-24_2002 Dimmock Pond MA36053_2002 Gamache Pond Murphy Pond MA36103_2002 Pickerel Pond Wood Pond 7.55 Unknown Abbey Brook -Pathogens X Chicopee River MA36-24_2002 Cooley Brook Fivemile Pond MA36061_2002 Fivemile Pond South MA36182_2002 MA36084_2002 Lake Lorraine Long Pond MA36083_2002 -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ X CN118.0] -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ MA36094_2002 Mona Lake X CN118.0] MA36011_2002 -Suspended solids X 12.00 Unknown Bemis Pond -Pathogens Chicopee River MA36-24_2002 X -Pathogens MA36-25_2002 X 4/20/2007 Page 2 of 2 11149 11158 PEPPERELL 11153 11175 TOWNSEND 13 00 6 TYNGSBOROUGH 13003 11177 13007 13119 11132 13017 13019 LOWELL 13012 11136 11154 15ANDOV 02 8 13031 13022 13028 15029 13024 13016 14417 TEWKSBURY 15035 GROTON 13117 CHELMSFORD 11137 11165 14413 11162 11140 13105 WESTFORD 111 38 11115 15026 15023 14410 13112 15025 SHIRLEY 11139 HBURG 20 111 11117 11040 AYER 11130 BILLERICA 14415 14408 15 02 2 11118 110 39 LUNENBURG 15021 13101 11116 21 111 11052 14762 LITTLETON 11129 11043 11119 14405 17007 14404 CARLISLE 13113 15019 14763 14764 BOXBOROUGH 11125 14770 LEXINGTON 14109 3 10 20 20111 LINCOLN MAYNARD 11075 20105 14100 20121 14046 14005 11076 BOYLSTON 20123 HUDSON WALTHAM SUDBURY 14028 14091 14083 14093 14033 WESTON 14084 14042 140 4 14048 14049 14528 3 20102 20100 7 14003 WELLESLEY 20075 20 07 7 14065 14062 14055 14060 14056 14080 3 14077 14054 1405 NATICK 14052 SOUTHBOROUGH SHREWSBURY 4 07 20 20 07 3 14358 14011 14067 1 14 08 12 03 2 4 14082 FRAMINGHAM 20115 20072 14075 14073 14070 14076 14071 14068 14043 NEWTON 20101 4 140 14013 20125 20104 1 07 20 14797 14029 14537 12 0 3 19131 14 79 5 14094 14 07 2 0 14 02 1 14031 NORTHBOROUGH 14 00 8 4 1 14 0 14009 12030 3 145 MARLBOROUGH 14535 WAYLAND 14020 7 08 14 BOYLSTON 20113 20129 14030 20112 14106 14735 20 10 7 BERLIN 14014 11106 14403 14025 14 73 4 20 06 8 20078 20076 NEEDHAM 20092 20070 14518 WESTBOROUGH 14 05 1 3 145 0 / 20003 20009 20022 20031 20 05 8 20060 20061 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: CONCORD 19214 MILLIS MEDFIELD 20063 19227 6 22 WESTWOOD 19 5 22 19 12 10 6 20091 20056 20064 20062 19 22 8 12084 20089 4 19 22 9 05 20 20079 0 12105 20001 1208 0 SHERBORN 20066 HOLLISTON UPTON 0 02 20 20 00 2 12076 40 12 0 20057 20083 20080 DOVER 4 14522 HOPKINTON 14520 12075 MILLBURY 12028 20069 5 20 0 DEDHA 20086 14059 3 200 12042 14511 GRAFTON 20093 14045 ASHLAND 32 14 0 WALPOLE 19232 19 23 5 14512 14 50 2 12038 12034 RCESTER 14 02 6 9 50 14 14504 14004 20 05 5 110 7 4 14744 14024 CLINTON 20 11 9 14748 STOW 11111 15 02 0 15002 14401 14743 11112 CONCORD 2 14039 14040 BOLTON 11113 15017 15 0 0 14761 14058 14041 STERLING 15013 15 0 1 11061 15005 14765 14038 11057 15006 ACTON 14037 BURLINGTO BEDFORD 20 10 8 LANCASTER 14407 7 00 15 0 110 5 11127 14402 1 5 140 11058 14767 14755 3 HARVARD 15009 14 75 7 11048 14 76 0 110 45 LEOMINSTER NORWO MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A7. Concord Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 14003 11.80 Unknown Eaton Pond Hop Brook Little Bummet Brook Smith Pond MA82099_2002 14004 0.01 Unknown Assabet River MA82B-01_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Assabet River Reservoir MA82004_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) 14008 3.61 Unknown Cushing Swamp Rawson Hill Brook 14009 3.30 Unknown Cold Harbor Brook Rocky Pond MA82095_2002 14010 0.89 Unknown Howard Brook X -Nutrients MA82B-01_2002 14011 5.20 Unknown Assabet River -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Metals X MA82B-02_2002 -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Nutrients X MA82B-03_2002 -Pathogens -Cause Unknown X MA82B-04_2002 -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Priority organics MA82060_2002 X Hocomonco Pond -Noxious aquatic plants MA82077_2002 Milham Reservoir Muddy Pond MA82100_2002 Solomon Pond -Nutrients MA82B-03_2002 X 14013 2.75 Unknown Assabet River -Pathogens MA82007_2002 Bartlett Pond MA82017_2002 Chauncy Lake Crane Swamp MA82070_2002 Little Chauncy Pond Stirrup Brook MA82018_2002 14014 0.28 Unknown Clamshell Pond Wrack Meadow 14020 0.06 Unknown North Brook 14021 1.81 Unknown Barefoot Brook North Brook X -Cause Unknown MA82B-04_2002 14028 3.13 Unknown Assabet River -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Crystal Spring MA82047_2002 Gates Pond MA82B-10_2002 Gates Pond Brook Hog Swamp Muddy Pond MA82107_2002 Tripp Pond 14029 1.61 Unknown Williams Lake MA82121_2002 4/20/2007 Page 1 of 6 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A7. Concord Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 14031 4.74 Unknown Howe Pond Milham Reservoir MA82077_2002 Millham Brook Millham Brook North Branch 14033 3.71 Unknown Flagg Swamp Fort Meadow Brook MA82B-11_2002 Fort Meadow Reservoir MA82042_2002 X -Nutrients 14037 4.55 Unknown Elizabeth Brook Horse Meadows 14041 1.21 Unknown Elizabeth Brook MA82B-12_2002 X -Cause Unknown Hiley Meadows 14042 8.58 Unknown Foss Reservoir Framingham Reservoir #3 MA82046_2002 Willow Brook 14043 1.90 Unknown Birch Meadow Brook MA82046_2002 14044 0.25 Unknown Framingham Reservoir #3 MA82048_2002 14045 2.75 Unknown Gleasons Pond MA82112_2002 Waushacum Pond X -Cause Unknown MA82B-04_2002 14046 0.02 Unknown Assabet River -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Nutrients X MA82B-05_2002 -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Priority organics X MA82B-06_2002 -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants MA82B-11_2002 Fort Meadow Brook MA82B-08_2002 Taylor Brook 14047 0.64 Unknown Beaver Dam Brook Unknown Bracket Reservoir 1.42 14048 -Metals X MA82044_2002 Framingham Reservoir #1 -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Metals X MA82045_2002 Framingham Reservoir #2 -Turbidity MA82046_2002 Framingham Reservoir #3 -Metals X MA82A-02_2002 Sudbury River -Cause Unknown X MA82A-13_2002 Unknown Eames Brook 0.03 14049 -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Noxious aquatic plants X MA82035_2002 Farm Pond -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Unknown Guggins Brook 1.29 14050 MA82038_2002 Unknown Fisk Pond 1.17 14052 -Priority organics X MA82127_2002 Unknown Lake Cochituate 0.00 14054 -Organic enrichment/Low DO 4/20/2007 Page 2 of 6 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A7. Concord Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 14081 1.88 Unknown Lake Cochituate MA82020_2002 14082 7.86 Unknown Eames Brook Framingham Reservoir #1 Learned Pond Norton Pond Saxonville Pond MA82097_2002 X MA82A-02_2002 MA82A-03_2002 X X -Metals -Metals MA82A-14_2002 MA82A-03_2002 MA82056_2002 X X X MA82A-15_2002 X MA82A-16_2002 X MA82015_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Crystal Lake Cutting Pond Grist Mill Pond MA82055_2002 X Hop Brook MA82A-05_2002 X Run Brook Stearns Mill Pond MA82104_2002 X Unnamed Tributary MA82A-16_2002 X MA82A-17_2002 X Sucker Pond Sudbury River 14083 14084 14087 0.57 1.23 0.45 UnknownHaynard Brook UnknownFolsom Pond Pine Brook Sudbury River Unknown Hager Pond Unnamed Tributary 14091 0.29 Unknown Carding Mill Pond Willis Lake 4/20/2007 Impaired Category Impairment 4a or 5 X -Priority organics -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA82125_2002 X -Priority organics -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA82126_2002 X -Priority organics MA82127_2002 X -Priority organics -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA82A-13_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) MA82044_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) MA82069_2002 -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants MA82122_2002 Page 3 of 6 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A7. Concord Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 14093 2.19 Unknown Blanford Pond Carding Millpond Dudley Brook MA82A-05_2002 X -Nutrients Hop Brook -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients MA82A-05_2002 X 14094 0.57 Unknown Hop Brook -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants Dugan Brook 14109 2.92 16 Fairhaven Bay Goose Pond Kennedys Pond Sudbury River MA82A-04_2002 X -Metals Walden Pond MA82109_2002 X -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO 14358 0.85 Unknown Crane Swamp Little Chauncy Pond Little Crane Swamp Wachusett Aqueduct Crosby Pond 14401 2.45 7 Fairyland Pond Goose Pond Little Goose Pond Mill Brook MA82A-20_2002 14404 3.40 0 Mill Brook Nutting Lake MA82088_2002 X -Metals -(Exotic species*) -Metals MA82124_2002 X MA82B-07_2002 X -Nutrients 14407 0.65 0 Assabet River -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Metals MA82A-07_2002 X Concord River -Nutrients -Pathogens Great Meadows MA82053_2002 Great Meadows Pond #3 MA82A-20_2002 Mill Brook -Metals MA82A-04_2002 X Sudbury River Yellow Birch Swamp MA82032_2002 14408 0.86 Unknown Elm Street Pond Evans Brook MA82037_2002 Fiske Street Pond MA82059_2002 Heart Pond MA82129_2002 Meadow Pond Pond Brook River Meadow Brook MA82096_2002 Russell Millpond Tophet Swamp Unnamed Tributary MA82A-21_2002 14410 10.41 94 Tadmuck Swamp 14413 35.61 211 Farley Brook Old Middlessex Canal Putnam Brook River Meadow Brook MA82A-10_2002 X -Pathogens Russell Millpond MA82096_2002 4/20/2007 Page 4 of 6 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A7. Concord Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 14415 2.45 2 Concord River MA82A-07_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens Winning Pond MA82123_2002 14417 10.48 122 Concord River MA82A-07_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens MA82A-08_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients MA82A-09_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens Meadow Brook River Meadow Brook MA82A-10_2002 X -Pathogens 14512 3.03 Unknown Whitehall Brook MA82A-11_2002 14518 6.54 Unknown Cedar Swamp Piccadilly Brook Rutters Brook Sudbury River MA82A-01_2002 MA82A-02_2002 X -Metals Whitehall Brook MA82A-11_2002 14520 3.05 Unknown Duck Pond MA82061_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO Hopkinton Reservoir -(Exotic species*) Icehouse Pond MA82A-12_2002 X -Cause Unknown Indian Brook MA82A-12_2002 X -Cause Unknown 14528 2.18 Unknown Indian Brook MA82A-02_2002 X -Metals Sudbury River 14535 0.77 Unknown Broad Meadow Brook MA82106_2002 X -Metals Sudbury Reservoir 14537 10.09 Unknown Crane Meadow MA82106_2002 X -Metals Sudbury Reservoir Wachusett Aqueduct MA82B-12_2002 X -Cause Unknown 14743 0.07 Unknown Elizabeth Brook Ministers Pond MA82043_2002 14755 3.12 Unknown Fort Pond MA82B-13_2002 Fort Pond Brook Grassy Pond Grassy Pond Brook Guggins Brook Long Pond MA82072_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants 14757 0.62 Unknown Nagog Pond MA82082_2002 14760 0.13 Unknown Heath-Hen Meadow Brook Muddy Brook 14761 7.61 Unknown Barkers Pond Coles Brook MA82B-13_2002 Fort Pond Brook Partridge Pond Pratts Brook 14762 11.72 Unknown Butter Brook Cobbs Pond Evans Brook MA82B-14_2002 Nashoba Brook Nashua Brook Nonset Brook Vine Brook 4/20/2007 Page 5 of 6 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A7. Concord Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 14763 4.73 1 Conant Brook Ice House Pond MA82066_2002 Nagog Brook Nashoba Brook MA82B-14_2002 Nashua Brook Wills Hole 14765 1.07 0 Fort Pond Brook MA82B-13_2002 Nashoba Brook MA82B-14_2002 Warners Pond MA82110_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) 14770 3.71 6 Assabet River MA82B-06_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Taste, odor and color -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants MA82B-07_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Dakins Brook Second Division Brook MA82B-09_2002 Unnamed Tributary MA82B-16_2002 Warners Pond 14795 0.36 Unknown Hop Brook MA82A-05_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants Wash Brook MA82A-06_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants 14797 0.24 Unknown Dudley Pond MA82029_2002 X -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Heard Pond MA82058_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Norton Pond Pod Meadow Sudbury River MA82A-03_2002 X -Metals MA82A-04_2002 X -Metals Wash Brook MA82A-06_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants 459 TOTAL KNOWN: 4/20/2007 Page 6 of 6 60 62 7080 7076 7090 70 64 710 7 71 02 70 87 813 7 8172 8087 81 04 80 9 6 80 99 82 55 8238 82 40 824 3 82 34 82 31 82 48 904 1 90 39 903 2 9034 9030 90 28 9043 9048 90 38 STURBRID 17 90 9021 9022 9004 HOLLAND 9011 07 90 9010 9009 900 6 83 82 01 91 9023 82 72 19 90 WALES 9046 91 06 828 1 90 33 8269 8132 8254 82 56 83 0 9 8246 82 45 811 8 81 31 81 27 811 7 81 88 9098 83 22 6274 9025 83 2 7 8078 8093 8094 81 07 81 9 0 8191 83 01 83 03 62 75 8229 9054 8168 612 1 61 28 83 35 83 37 62 50 62 8 0 42 34 62 65 4229 81 3 4 60 61 6081 60 83 608 4 61 96 62 06 62 14 42 51 42 53 42 5 5 42 05 42 03 711 9 60 57 60 75 60 79 6147 6138 61 0 4 6105 6153 6113 4054 60 80 30 8 8 61 4 5 6119 31 15 40 42 4046 31 27 30 61 60 38 31 42 3081 42 23 9110 9024 18 90 9108 8286 8287 8285 9020 CONNECTICUT 82 75 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: 6272 9027 0 828 6273 62 82 BRIMFIELD 8289 90 94 HAMPDEN EAST LONGMEADOW 6278 6276 6262 LONGMEADOW 6268 6279 6260 6259 62 70 6292 6269 6290 6261 6284 8279 MONSON 62 49 BROOKFIE 8264 8266 82 68 91 82 6240 17 83 8249 WARREN 8261 8258 8271 8321 9 623 8089 82 41 8244 WEST BROOKFIELD 50 82 41 55 47 81 81 57 6 810 81 00 9 810 8110 25 81 4147 81 48 01 71 81 60 83 24 83 12 5049 3 706 6 70 5 3050 70 23 70 92 4 81 4 41 29 7074 70 88 6 813 4148 78 70 3 70 7 70 96 7077 71 05 67 81 8092 8097 NEW BRAINTREE NORTH BROO 8124 81 99 28 83 62 51 06 83 / 62 53 62 81 83 00 5058 6252 95 82 8332 6283 62 82 27 42 4236 62 66 50 5 7 62 67 5056 6255 AGAWAM 8135 8296 8290 8293 6228 6248 4243 PALMER 8326 6232 45 62 46 42 5055 00 42 50 48 4196 4245 4242 4241 4240 4237 4139 4228 4232 6221 SOUTHWICK 4231 5 4230 423 24 42 4226 5060 4258 8133 8202 8302 WILBRAHAM SPRINGFIELD 6246 8076 8305 6243 4256 42 25 50 47 4199 4198 37 62 8198 8304 8307 8338 8440 LUDLOW 8333 83 29 6234 4211 8331 8345 8201 8299 83 34 2 834 62 19 42 59 5046 4204 83 3 9 CHICOPEE 6220 WEST SPRINGFIELD 4212 4202 GRANVILLE 8344 WARE 8130 98 82 4215 4178 41 87 4207 4195 4192 6192 8336 6223 4252 8347 4219 8126 BELCHERTOWN 8294 6204 6207 62 18 14 42 9 41 7 41 81 42 16 WESTFIELD 4248 4206 4191 62 11 6168 4218 91 61 2 41 8 4194 10 62 6165 41 75 62 17 6182 HOLYOKE 4173 RUSSELL 71 08 GRANBY BARRE HARDWICK 8115 8200 71 61 6188 EASTHAMPTON 8067 8070 8159 8187 6202 6183 41 72 5059 6187 8069 8154 8180 6199 SOUTH HADLEY 6161 4171 8183 81 81 26 61 6200 MONTGOMERY 4163 4159 BLANDFORD 4184 6 615 61 57 51 41 4149 41 61 8166 8145 6134 6179 SOUTHAMPTON 4158 8151 8158 6127 6125 6184 41 50 7111 6118 PELHAM 6120 23 61 6137 6181 8043 7093 6122 6178 6159 8045 NEW SALEM 24 61 AMHERST 6133 6135 6108 7052 TEMPLE 7062 7059 7089 PHILLIPSTON 7099 6130 6173 7060 70 65 PETERSHAM 6088 6186 4111 41104112 41 53 ATHOL 817 5 SHUTESBURY 77 81 6085 36 61 90 40 40 88 72 61 91 40 4087 HUNTINGTON 71 22 LEVERETT 6129 NORTHAMPTON 6170 WESTHAMPTON 7068 8141 8178 HATFIELD 8169 70 81 6068 HADLEY 50 61 79 40 02 41 4103 CHESTER 71 24 6063 8176 6152 6177 4109 7066 7085 7094 60 60 SUNDERLAND 6208 6114 6151 ORANGE 8149 6111 6154 7075 7097 6212 4101 71 04 27 60 28 60 03 61 9 614 61 48 WENDELL WHATELY 61 43 8 40 6 66 40 6 40 7 41 08 4071 8 607 6106 609 9 7098 60 36 61 44 7 40 6 40 65 72 40 75 40 4086 6073 6098 28 31 61 39 7 404 4107 4069 6077 6101 61 40 7129 6059 6094 6146 6142 WILLIAMSBURG CHESTERFIELD 7128 60 67 6091 1 313 23 31 4 403 40 28 55 40 6 40 5 4064 WORTHINGTON 60 29 40 40 8 404 40 26 23 40 40 22 4060 6071 7022 7082 7117 7113 7103 7106 7120 6072 6102 GOSHEN 40 59 7131 DEERFIELD 0 610 4035 4058 7126 3173 CONWAY 7109 7115 70 7018 19 ROYALSTON 7127 60 70 MONTAGUE 3136 WARWICK ERVING 31 72 3139 31 29 4032 40 57 CUMMINGTON 6056 GREENFIELD 3118 ASHFIELD 4043 GILL 37 31 4025 3158 7095 7079 3162 31 68 31 22 60 22 NORTHFIELD 17 31 4041 40 04 3089 6024 6049 6021 6023 48 60 31 61 60 25 602 0 6032 BERNARDSTON 31 65 60 30 86 30 60 26 6031 6033 60 4 6 0 316 0 31 5 3059 84 30 3087 BUCKLAND 3085 PLAINFIELD DLEFIELD 3156 SHELBURNE 30 62 40 36 4074 31 21 65 30 3069 3082 4018 31 54 3107 3153 3063 HAWLEY DSOR 3145 3090 3064 3057 48 31 3098 3109 31 12 6030 60416037 6047 3144 3104 30 76 3054 6042 60 4 5 LEYDEN COLRAIN 5 305 SAVOY 7 30 9 3071 CHARLEMONT 3096 HEATH 3072 7 30 6 3053 6 31 0 3103 3 307 3080 FLORIDA 6040 60 43 3146 ROWE 3037 3147 3101 6 303 30 27 3035 3030 3028 3031 3095 60 34 3093 3102 31 52 3149 3033 3034 3032 3026 MONROE 9005 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 6114 6137 6154 6179 6184 6186 6188 6199 6202 6206 Table A8. Connecticut Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 4.86 Unknown Mill River MA34-24_2002 0.41 Unknown Fort River MA34-27_2002 Plum Brook 1.00 Unknown Beaver Brook Florence Pond Florence Stream Fuller Pond Grass Hill Brook Mill River MA34-28_2002 Nungee Brook Nungee Swamp Potash Brook 0.09 Unknown Hackmatack Swamp Manhan River MA34-11_2002 Manhan River South Branch Pomeroys Meadow Potash Brook MA34-12_2002 Tripple Brook MA34-16_2002 0.65 Unknown Brickyard Brook Broad Brook MA34-18_2002 Lower Mill Pond MA34048_2002 Nashawannuck Pond MA34057_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Rubber Thread Pond MA34105_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants White Brook MA34-14_2002 Wilton Brook MA34-15_2002 1.62 Unknown Bassett Brook Hannum Brook Manhan River MA34-11_2002 0.16 Unknown Lampson Brook MA34-06_2002 X -Unionized Ammonia -Chlorine -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO Weston Brook MA34-23_2002 X -Unionized Ammonia -Chlorine -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens 0.13 Unknown Aldrich Lake MA34002_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ CN112.0] MA34106_2002 -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ X CN112.0] Bachelor Brook MA34-07_2002 Forge Pond MA34024_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Porter Swamp Weston Brook MA34-23_2002 X -Unionized Ammonia -Chlorine -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens 0.86 Unknown Bachelor Brook MA34-07_2002 Elmer Brook Pitchawam Swamp 0.33 Unknown Muddy Brook 4/20/2007 Page 1 of 3 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 6207 6210 6211 6212 6214 6217 6218 6219 Table A8. Connecticut Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 2.36 Unknown Lower Pond MA34049_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Pitchawam Swamp Slabbery Pond Snows Pond Stony Brook MA34-19_2002 Upper Pond MA34095_2002 -(Exotic species*) 0.36 Unknown Stony Brook MA34-19_2002 1.12 Unknown Leaping Well Brook Leaping Well Reservoir MA34040_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants Stony Brook MA34-19_2002 18.04 Unknown Bachelor Brook MA34-07_2002 Conn River Brook Connecticut River MA34-04_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens MA34-05_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens -Suspended solids Cow Bridge Brook Danks Pond MA34019_2002 Dry Brook Fort River MA34-27_2002 Great Pond Greene Swamp Hulberts Pond MA34036_2002 -(Flow alteration*) Lake Bray MA34013_2002 -(Exotic species*) Lake Warner MA34098_2002 -Nutrients [4/12/2002-CN112.0] -Organic enrichment/Low DO [4/12/2002-CN112.0] -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ CN112.0] -Turbidity [4/12/2002-CN112.0] -(Exotic species*) Log Pond Cove MA34124_2002 X -Priority organics -(Exotic species*) Manhan River MA34-11_2002 Mill River MA34-24_2002 MA34-28_2002 Mill River Diversion MA34-32_2002 Mohawk Brook Neds Ditch Oxbow MA34066_2002 X -Turbidity Rocky Hill Pond Russell Cove Serendipity Stream Stony Brook MA34-19_2002 Sugarloaf Brook Superstition Stream Unnamed Tributary MA34-31_2002 White Brook 0.21 Unknown Superstition Stream Whiting Street Reservoir MA34101_2002 -(Exotic species*) 5.45 Unknown Buttery Brook Taylor Pond 4.56 Unknown Clear Pond Tannery Brook Unknown Goldine Brook 3.68 Schoolhouse Brook 4/20/2007 Page 2 of 3 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 6220 6223 6228 6234 6237 6246 6252 6255 6260 6261 6267 6280 6281 Table A8. Connecticut Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 0.19 Unknown Piper Brook 61.05 Unknown 1St Level Canal 2Nd Level Canal Connecticut River MA34-05_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens -Suspended solids Mountain Lake MA34055_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Slabbery Pond Upper Van Horn Park Pond MA34128_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Van Horn Reservoir 0.47 Unknown Cedar Swamp Nine Mile Pond MA34127_2002 0.63 Unknown North Branch Mill River 0.01 Unknown Loon Pond MA34045_2002 X -Nutrients [4/12/2002-CN112.0] -Noxious aquatic plants [4/12/2002­ CN112.0] North Branch Mill River 1.16 Unknown Dan Baker Cove Island Pond Lake Lookout MA34044_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Mill River MA34-29_2002 Noonan Cove MA34058_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Venture Pond MA34096_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Watershops Pond MA34099_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity 17.97 Unknown Connecticut River MA34-05_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens -Suspended solids Cooley Brook MA34-20_2002 Mill River MA34-29_2002 Wheel Meadow Brook 12.86 Unknown Silver Lake MA34084_2002 Three Mile Brook 2.57 Unknown Longmeadow Brook MA34-21_2002 1.51 Unknown Raspberry Brook MA34-22_2002 0.12 Unknown Philo Brook Taylor Pond MA34-05_2002 X -Priority organics 0.62 Unknown Connecticut River -Pathogens -Suspended solids Longmeadow Brook MA34-21_2002 Raspberry Brook MA34-22_2002 0.00 Unknown Fourmile Brook Worthington Brook 4/20/2007 Page 3 of 3 PAXTON 8222 12015 12002 8 00 12 8204 8209 8210 12009 12018 SHREWSBU 82 11 12010 8223 ORTH BROOKFIELD 10116 12034 12020 8227 WORCESTER 8218 10117 LEICESTER 10124 SPENCER 12007 10121 10123 8226 8213 10125 10122 EAST BROOKFIELD 12042 AUBURN 8225 MILLBURY 12006 12003 10126 12005 10133 12024 9073 10128 12004 9055 9066 10134 12026 12023 10131 9080 STURBRIDGE CHARLTON 12 07 1 9074 SUTTON 10146 10138 OXFORD 90 56 10137 10 14 1 10143 10151 10145 12057 12049 9070 9085 10152 1206 7 10148 10135 90 8 1 9071 12050 12052 10156 10166 10157 12061 9063 12060 10168 9084 10158 10167 9093 10 15 9 1 16 10 SOUTHBRIDGE 9095 90 83 9092 10154 12058 DOUGLAS DUDLEY WEBSTER 12064 10155 90 86 12059 9091 9105 9096 9104 10160 9097 10172 10169 89 90 12141 10174 / 9100 91 03 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: FRENCH 9099 10175 10173 12142 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A9. French Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubReceiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles in Known Segment ID Category basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 10117 1.38 Unknown Burncoat Brook MA42-07_2002 Burncoat Pond MA42007_2002 Cedar Meadow Pond MA42009_2002 10123 0.86 Unknown Ballard Hill Pond MA42069_2002 Bartons Brook MA42-08_2002 Bouchard Pond MA42003_2002 Burncoat Brook MA42-07_2002 Dutton Pond MA42015_2002 X -Nutrients [7/12/2002-CN110.0] -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] Greenville Pond MA42023_2002 X -Turbidity [7/12/2002-CN110.0] Greenville Pond West MA42022_2002 Town Meadow Brook MA42-01_2002 MA42-02_2002 10124 0.16 Unknown Henshaw Pond MA42025_2002 10125 0.01 Unknown French River MA42-03_2002 X -Metals Great Cedar Swamp Greenville Pond MA42023_2002 X -Turbidity [7/12/2002-CN110.0] Grindstone Brook Rochdale Pond MA42048_2002 X -Nutrients [7/12/2002-CN110.0] -Organic enrichment/Low DO [7/12/2002-CN110.0] -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] 10126 0.26 Unknown French River MA42-03_2002 X -Metals Texas Pond MA42058_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] 10128 2.49 Unknown French River MA42-03_2002 X -Metals MA42-04_2002 Thayers Pond MA42059_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Turbidity 10131 8.27 Unknown Carbuncle Pond MA42008_2002 Cedar Swamp Chimney Pond French River MA42-04_2002 Stumpy Pond Thayers Pond MA42059_2002 X -Metals -Nutrients -Turbidity Unnamed Tributary MA42-12_2002 Wellington Brook MA42-11_2002 10133 0.01 Unknown Hammond Pond Hultered Pond MA42072_2002 Jones Pond MA42030_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] Little Nugget Lake MA42032_2002 Little River MA42-09_2002 X -Metals Pikes Pond MA42044_2002 X -Turbidity [7/12/2002-CN110.0] Snow Pond MA42054_2002 Tucker Pond Wee Laddie Pond MA42065_2002 10137 0.08 Unknown Dodge Pond Granite Reservoir MA42019_2002 Hultered Pond Shepherd Pond MA42051_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] South Charlton Reservoir 4/20/2007 Page 1 of 2 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A9. French Basin Mass Highway Number of Water Body Impaired SubReceiving Waterbody Impairment Road Miles in Known Segment ID Category basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Code 4a or 5 10151 4.23 Unknown Eames Pond Lowes Pond MA42034_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] Mckinstry Pond MA42035_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] 10152 2.16 Unknown Lowes Brook 10159 1.54 Unknown Club Pond Webster Lake MA42064_2002 10160 7.23 Unknown Bates Cove Cedar Swamp Lake Chaubunagungamaug Middle Pond Mill Brook MA42-10_2002 Narrows North Pond Pout Pond Reid Smith Cove South Pond Sucker Brook Cove Webster Lake MA42064_2002 Winter Cove 10161 0.32 Unknown Mill Brook MA42-10_2002 10166 7.17 Unknown French River MA42-04_2002 MA42-05_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) Mill Brook MA42-10_2002 10168 0.32 Unknown French River MA42-05_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) Hayden Pond MA42024_2002 Larner Pond MA42068_2002 Low Pond MA42033_2002 Merino Pond MA42036_2002 Mosquito Pond MA42060_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] New Pond MA42037_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] Peter Pond MA42042_2002 X -Nutrients [7/12/2002-CN110.0] -Organic enrichment/Low DO [7/12/2002-CN110.0] Pierpoint Meadow Pond MA42043_2002 Wallis Pond MA42062_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO [7/12/2002-CN110.0] -Noxious aquatic plants [7/12/2002­ CN110.0] 10169 2.35 Unknown Conant Pond French River MA42-05_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) MA42-06_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Packard Pond MA42040_2002 Potash Brook 4/20/2007 Page 2 of 2 1009 10 05 4004 4025 PLAINFIELD 2017 1004 20 3 9 2016 2021 20 23 2018 203 1 20 52 4018 3 20 6 2025 2074 2014 HINSDALE 2 201 2069 4056 94 40 56 20 2010 20 65 2064 40 57 4092 2008 2058 4032 CUMMINGTON 4017 15 20 20 33 PITTSFIELD 4058 PERU 4074 2009 4126 20 71 2 410 2140 4124 MIDDLEFIELD 20 78 2083 WEST STOCKBRIDGE 21 00 2111 2121 2120 2079 4120 2095 2085 4130 2086 2101 4131 4119 2087 21 53 TYRINGHAM 4137 5009 2097 5012 9 20 8 21 04 BLANDFORD 2 418 5010 2195 41 59 5021 76 41 2160 4161 5013 OTIS 11 50 5 50 1 2088 2196 MONTEREY 4177 5014 03 21 9 214 GREAT BARRINGTON 2159 4149 4181 2090 4147 21 05 21 54 2157 1 41 4 211 5 2155 4153 41 33 5003 2106 ALFORD 4144 4145 4146 4132 5004 CHESTER 51 41 BECKET 2092 41 42 41 38 2114 2098 4109 03 41 20 91 LEE 22 41 2139 2150 2151 4128 2094 2082 84 20 2113 STOCKBRIDGE 4101 4117 2077 41 2 9 2110 4108 WASHINGTON 4148 21 30 4097 2081 2138 4186 2184 2168 5019 2192 2175 140 5 50 34 2198 71 21 2177 4172 2199 1409 EGREMONT 2172 2169 2170 4187 5018 5031 4184 5017 2193 2182 72 40 2072 20 93 2080 5 407 2118 WORTHINGTON 2005 6 411 33 21 2006 14 41 21 29 21 36 2132 4107 4125 76 20 73 20 20 96 LENOX 2107 20 67 70 20 2075 RICHMOND 2122 4096 67 22 8 206 2128 2119 6 206 2059 4026 2020 2054 2034 4022 4014 DALTON 2032 40 09 23 40 2044 WINDSOR 40 08 1002 202 7 48 20 2 20 6 60 20 120 9 3061 4003 2047 61 20 12 1 0 1014 1008 2026 2057 30 60 CHESHIRE HAWLEY 3063 3062 3059 LANESBOROUGH 50 20 1207 12 08 SAVOY 1015 1006 2041 3064 3057 40 02 2038 1213 12 05 1206HANCOCK 3042 3050 1021 1013 1203 1204 1212 11 10 02 12 1211 3041 1022 10 16 10 07 1201 2037 1026 ADAMS 1012 1017 40 01 1061 NEW ASHFORD 10 6 4 1055 10 62 4194 2200 5027 1 14 0 2176 1 218 2174 5036 5032 50 33 TOLLAND GRANVILLE 2166 1407 5038 21 94 5037 5040 2209 5048 5051 5052 50 50 5041 5039 5054 / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: HOUSATONIC 5049 21 67 5047 2165 1406 1408 2208 46 50 2207 5045 5030 5029 2191 1404 4192 SANDISFIELD 2206 NEW MARLBOROUGH SHEFFIELD 1403 MOUNT WASHINGTON 4191 21 85 1402 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A10. Housatonic Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 2014 0.67 2025 0.77 2026 0.64 2031 0.77 2032 1.93 2034 5.59 2039 2044 0.76 1.13 2054 0.10 Receiving Waterbody Unknown East Branch Housatonic River Frisell Brook Unknown Anthony Brook Center Pond Cleveland Brook East Branch Housatonic River Egypt Reservoir Wahconah Falls Brook Unknown Little Egypt Reservoir Wahconah Falls Brook Weston Brook Windsor Reservoir Unknown East Branch Housatonic River Unknown Center Pond East Branch Housatonic River Walker Brook Unknown Barton Brook Brattle Brook East Branch Housatonic River 1.28 Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA21-01_2002 X -Priority organics X -Priority organics X -Priority organics MA21-02_2002 X MA21016_2002 MA21-01_2002 MA21-02_2002 X X X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Pathogens -Priority organics -Priority organics -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Pathogens MA21-02_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Pathogens MA21-10_2002 MA21016_2002 MA21-08_2002 MA21-01_2002 Impairment MA21-11_2002 MA21-11_2002 MA21042_2002 Goodrich Pond Silver Lake Unkamet Brook Unknown Town Brook Unknown Pontoosuc Lake MA21083_2002 X -Metals -(Exotic species*) Town Brook Unknown Pecks Pond Pontoosuc Lake MA21083_2002 X MA21-18_2002 X -Metals -(Exotic species*) -Priority organics -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens MA21-17_2002 X West Branch Housatonic River 2064 Water Body Segment ID Code Unknown Cranberry Pond Jacoby Brook Mud Pond Shaker Brook Smith Brook Southwest Branch Housatonic River -Cause Unknown -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) Twin Pond 4/20/2007 Page 1 of 2 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A10. Housatonic Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 2069 2075 4/20/2007 2.70 1.34 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA21-02_2002 X Housatonic River MA21-04_2002 X Maloy Brook Morewood Lake Sackett Brook Southwest Branch Housatonic River MA21-17_2002 X West Branch Housatonic River MA21-18_2002 X Receiving Waterbody Unknown East Branch Housatonic River Impairment -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Priority organics -Pathogens -Priority organics -Pathogens -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Priority organics -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Unknown Yokun Brook Page 2 of 2 1051 1048 3029 MONROE 1040 3035 3038 1042 10 71 41 2 9 4148 41 55 21 53 21 39 30 61 41 28 BLANDFORD 41 87 RUSSELL 4173 4184 4194 5032 5030 1406 1408 / 21 94 5038 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: HUDSON 5037 50 40 2209 50 52 4202 GRANVILLE 5051 5048 41 50 5050 5049 21 67 2165 WESTF 4195 4192 50 47 2166 1407 TOLLAND 50 33 2208 2207 4191 5045 46 50 5029 2191 42 06 42 59 5036 SANDISFIELD 2206 NEW MARLBOROUGH 1404 4054 2021 20 26 4147 4163 4171 20 2 7 203 1 20 54 21 07 20 71 21 30 10 16 1055 10 05 5019 5018 5017 21 85 74 21 2181 SHEFFIELD 3082 104 7 106 9 10 54 12 03 20 52 120 9 2122 2168 93 21 2184 71 21 1 14 0 2176 MONTGOM 4159 5027 1403 MOUNT WASHINGTON 40 40 4 501 2 418 76 41 4181 2200 1405 1402 3071 40 88 41 61 41 72 50 34 2 219 5031 2182 40 60 50 12 5013 5010 11 50 95 21 5 50 1 03 21 OTIS 41 50 41 77 4186 2198 51 41 HUNTINGTON 2199 EGREMONT 1409 2169 2170 2175 4112 4110 4111 4149 21 50 21 54 72 21 2160 2088 6 30 7 4091 1 41 4 41 37 20 97 55 21 9 21 4 2089 79 40 4103 CHESTER 4144 4145 2090 MONTEREY 40 28 6 40 7 02 41 41 42 41 53 41 33 50 09 2196 8 404 55 40 72 40 75 40 5004 TYRINGHAM 21 04 40 26 23 40 6 40 5 4138 32 41 98 20 2092 4086 4109 4146 2106 GREAT BARRINGTON 2159 4018 9 411 4122 5003 2087 2115 96 40 6 411 2086 BECKET 21 05 60 30 40 03 94 40 24 41 14 41 3 208 13 21 LEE 4064 CHESTERFIEL 4131 4130 2114 2150 2151 4108 MIDDLEFIELD 4101 4120 2095 20 91 20 85 2084 WORTHINGTON 4126 2082 2101 2177 WASHINGTON 40 59 4107 40 97 2005 2078 20 94 2079 STOCKBRIDGE 4074 4117 2077 21 00 2111 WEST STOCKBRIDGE 2157 2006 20 81 2110 2121 2120 ALFORD 2 201 21 36 20 93 2080 CUMMINGTON 4058 4125 73 20 21 29 LENOX 4032 40 57 2009 2076 72 20 20 96 2140 2138 67 22 2075 RICHMOND 2132 2118 70 20 2119 2066 4042 PERU 20 67 8 206 2059 40 08 15 20 61 20 2074 40 17 4092 2008 2014 HINSDALE 2010 20 65 2069 21 28 2133 40 02 20 32 3 20 6 60 20 PITTSFIELD 2064 4014 ASHFIE PLAINFIELD 4022 2020 20 33 2058 2057 20 18 7 204 2 20 6 2034 4025 40 WINDSOR 09 DALTON 20 25 1210 2056 40 01 2023 4041 40 36 2016 1002 2050 30 62 3059 2017 1004 2044 12 08 3063 HAWLEY 3057 4004 20 3 9 3069 3064 1014 1008 1006 3090 3050 SAVOY LANESBOROUGH 48 20 1207 CHESHIRE 2041 1213 HANCOCK 12 05 1206 1015 1009 11 10 1204 1212 1021 1017 10 07 02 12 2038 42 30 1022 1019 1013 2037 5 305 65 30 62 10 NEW ASHFORD 3054 41 30 ADAMS 3072 CHARLEMONT 3053 1026 1056 1201 1211 3080 3046 12 10 1064 3039 7 306 1070 1061 1082 3037 FLORIDA 3031 1067 1081 1065 3030 3 307 NORTH ADAMS 1052 7 05 1029 1053 1 ROWE 30 28 WILLIAMSTOWN 1080 HEA 3027 32 10 10 49 1050 30 32 3026 30 36 44 10 78 10 1073 3019 1041 CLARKSBURG 3034 1043 1045 41 58 1046 4205 4198 4199 4196 42 00 1075 10 74 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 1004 1006 Table A11. Hudson Basin Impaired Water Body Mass Highway Number of Receiving Impairment Category Segment ID Known Road Miles in Waterbody 4a or 5 Code Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.00 Unknown Gore Brook Gore Pond 2.38 Unknown Berkshire Pond MA11001_2002 Cheshire Reservoir MA11002_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA11018_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA11019_2002 Collins Brook Hoosic River MA11-03_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 4/20/2007 Page 1 of 1 13051 NEWBURYPORT 13073 130 13074 72 13087 WEST NEWBURY 13084 13070 13068 13 06 4 16008 13059 16023 16 02 2 13043 13039 6 06 13 13062 13045 NEWBURY HAVERHILL 13040 13063 16025 16111 16016 GROVELAND 13037 16011 16109 13054 METHUEN 13042 13061 13060 13011 16013 16 00 6 13009 16106 GEORGETOWN 16002 ROWLEY 13058 13027 13035 16107 16105 16004 16001 16 10 4 16017 LAWRENCE 13033 13041 16999 16018 13021 13038 13036 16020 13 04 4 13055 16103 13057 18012 17999 13 11 6 15053 13025 BOXFORD 17059 17056 17042 NORTH ANDOVER 15051 16101 IPSWICH 17076 17058 17041 13030 13088 17068 15049 1504 4 13032 17043 15 04 8 17055 15028 17036 5 17 0 17033 17045 17074 2 17061 17048 ESSEX 18016 HAMILTON 17015 17017 17030 18022 17 04 4 17040 WENHAM 17051 17027 17054 17022 17028 MANCHESTER 18032 17031 17024 17021 18028 18031 DANVERS 1 07 17 NORTH READING 15027 18030 17019 15025 4 02 18 15 02 6 15 03 6 9 MIDDLETON 17035 17 03 4 17062 3 17 0 17018 15039 18 02 5 15 03 8 15043 15037 TEWKSBURY 15040 15041 BEVERLY 15023 ILLERICA 17 00 17009 6 17005 17023 17010 17025 15 02 1 17012 18048 18056 1 00 17 17 00 3 15019 BURLINGTON 19108 1 10 19 18058 18052 WAKEFIELD 19114 19121 0 19 14 19133 19132 LYNN 18053 SWAMPSCOTT 18059 19139 8 WINCHESTER 19130 18 04 9 SAUGUS 19 13 7 15012 3 18044 STONEHAM 1 191 9 191 2 6 04 18 18054 19 11 5 191 2 LEXINGTON 19116 19117 19126 18043 5 19127 SALEM 18061 4 18 0 WOBURN 18041 18036 18051 19125 18 03 7 18 05 7 19107 15013 18042 18038 18050 2 10 19 18999 PEABODY 9 02 17 18047 19104 18034 18039 17 02 6 LYNNFIELD READING 17004 19999 MELROSE 19141 18062 19134 18055 MEDFORD 19135 BELMONT 18026 18033 18029 18 06 3 WILMINGTON 17007 17037 17 0 11 15 02 2 17008 20 11 9 1 02 18 TOPSFIELD 17053 15045 15029 15035 18019 17067 17032 ANDOVER MALDEN NAHANT ARLINGTON 19142 REVERE EVERETT 19151 SOMERVILLE / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: IPSWICH MARBLEHEAD MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A12. Ipswich Basin Subbasin ID 17004 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 1.62 0 17005 2.06 6 17007 0.46 4 17008 2.48 14 17010 0.87 3 17012 8.45 36 17015 1.24 17 Receiving Waterbody Maple Meadow Brook Mill Pond Sawmill Brook Ipswich River Maple Meadow Brook Lubber Pond East Lubber Pond West Lubbers Brook Mud Pond Lubbers Brook Mud Pond Silver Lake Bear Meadow Brook Cedar Swamp Bear Meadow Brook Ipswich River Bear Pond Brackett Pond Bradford Pond Collins Pond Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA92-04_2002 MA92041_2002 X -Metals X -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) X -Turbidity X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Impairment MA92-04_2002 MA92035_2002 MA92036_2002 MA92-05_2002 MA92-05_2002 MA92059_2002 MA92-07_2002 MA92-07_2002 MA92-06_2002 MA92004_2002 MA92005_2002 MA92010_2002 MA92019_2002 MA92023_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants MA92038_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) 17018 4.26 30 Field Pond Frye Pond Skug River Martins Pond 17019 11.50 70 Martins Brook MA92-08_2002 X Martins Pond MA92038_2002 X Ipswich River MA92-06_2002 X Unnamed Tributary Wills Brook MA92-09_2002 MA92-10_2002 X Crystal Pond Devils Dishfull Pond MA92013_2002 MA92015_2002 X X Elginwood Pond Norris Brook MA92017_2002 MA92-11_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Turbidity Pierces Pond Ipswich River MA92048_2002 MA92-06_2002 X Norris Brook MA92-11_2002 X Unnamed Tributary Suntaug Lake Boston Brook Farnum Street Pond MA92-12_2002 MA92065_2002 MA92-13_2002 MA92018_2002 X -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Suspended solids -Turbidity -Pathogens 17024 17025 17028 17029 17032 4/20/2007 0.01 2.54 4.32 1.72 3.55 1 10 17 3 24 -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Page 1 of 2 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A12. Ipswich Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 17040 5.21 43 17041 17043 2.17 4.62 8 79 17051 2.18 3 17053 0.95 4 17055 0.58 1 17056 3.95 53 17058 2.28 2 17061 0.00 1 17071 17074 17076 TOTAL: 4/20/2007 2.37 1.50 1.72 16 3 4 Receiving Waterbody Nichols Brook Orne Swamp Mosquito Brook Crooked Pond Fish Brook Howes Pond Kimballs Pond Towne Pond Cedar Pond Wenham Lake Ipswich River Hassocky Meadow Mile Brook Pintail Pond Rockery Pond Fourmile Pond Hood Pond Lowe Pond Lower Four Mile Pond Pye Brook Spofford Pond Stevens Pond Howlett Brook Mile Brook Bunker Meadows Gravelly Brook Hassocky Meadow Howlett Brook Idlewild Brook Ipswich River Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired - Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA92-25_2002 MA92-14_2002 MA92026_2002 MA92068_2002 MA92073_2002 MA92-06_2002 X -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) X X -Metals -Metals -(Exotic species*) X -Pathogens MA92-17_2002 MA92-24_2002 MA92-06_2002 X -Pathogens X MA92-15_2002 X -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) MA92-16_2002 MA92022_2002 MA92025_2002 MA92034_2002 MA92032_2002 MA92060_2002 MA92062_2002 MA92-17_2002 MA92-16_2002 MA92-18_2002 Mile Brook Muddy Pond Pleasant Pond Salem Beverly Waterway Canal Wenham Swamp Beaver Pond Miles River MA92-16_2002 MA92002_2002 MA92-03_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Norwood Pond Cutler Pond Long Causeway Brook Miles River MA92-20_2002 MA92-03_2002 X Ipswich River MA92-02_2002 MA92-15_2002 X X Kimball Brook MA92-21_2002 X Labor In Vain Creek MA92-22_2002 X Miles River MA92-03_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Ranfoul Pond Unnamed Tributary MA92-23_2002 X MA92049_2002 -Pathogens 452 Page 2 of 2 13 06 5 13079 8 13085 13 07 1800 5 18008 13083 13082 1 30 1800718006 80 13 07 AMESBURY 13077 10 6 180 SALISBURY 13067 13069 18009 MERRIMAC 86 130 13089 13084 4 1 05 13 7 130 2 02 16 13052 13048 13053 NEWBURYPORT 13049 13081 13999 13045 1304713046 13068 13050 13071 13073 13039 13070 13066 WEST NEWBURY 13043 1602 3 HAVERHILL 13064 16 13072 13087 00 13059 NEWBURY 13 8 04 1 0 60 13063 16 16 13037 GROVELAND 01 16109 1 5 13 05 13054 4 13042 304 16106 16006 1METHUEN 9 16020 0 16999 0 13060 13061 1 GEORGETOWN ROWLEY 13 01 13 16107 13058 13 02 13021 13201 13203 1 7 13036 13026 00 13207 11145 1 16 13 11146 11 111 80 16104 16105 LAWRENCE 11171 13001 13010 5 20 11182 43 15 13057 03 9 13023 13018 17999 13 13008 05 11181 130 3 7002 DRACUT IPSWICH BOXFORD 05 13116 13025 11151 11179 170 6 13013 ASHBY 07 DUNSTABLE 56 7 13 13 02 0 1 1 NORTH ANDOVER 4 08 15051 13 TOWNSEND PEPPERELL 170 TYNGSBOROUGH 11141 13007 8 02 17 06 8 15049 1 10 2 ASHBURNHAM 17043 13 13 03 1 15044 15048 32 7003 03 13029 111 49 18019 17 03 2 13 2 ANDOVER 17055 00 13 01 7 11153 6 1 LOWELL TOPSFIELD 5 15028 70 4 13028 9 0 2 1103311034 17045 0 33 18021 ESSE 15 15 17 11037 43 HAMILTON 11003 03 19 150 150 15038 17048 1705217 0 131 11165 GROTON 35 062 11053 TEWKSBURY 17017 17039 11035 17018 18022 13117 MIDDLETON 15039 WENHAM 17 CHELMSFORD 17034 17035 11030 17044 05 18024 15 02 6 15036 FITCHBURG 4 17022 11026 LUNENBURG 17027 17051 MANCHE 18030 0 17071 14413 WESTFORD 13105 17019 41 11028 NORTH READING 17 02 8 14 11040 15025 02 8 11115 11138 18 DANVERS 17021 17024 17031 11139 SHIRLEY 15027 17 00 8 11007 BEVERLY 17 9 1 17037 2 18032 18029 4 02 11118 415 AYER 11009 110 BILLERICA 17011 3 15022 18026 30 11117 WILMINGTON 17 17006 18034 111 11044 11120 14 40 8 17007 005 17 01 0 18 14762 11046 18048 1 110 8 03 9 11121 5 WESTMINSTER READING LYNNFIELD17026 PEABODY LITTLETON 40 11013 29 17001 14404 19 11043 CARLISLE14 111 15 11049 18042 18056 111 04 11016 01 04 18041 18 03 8 1 0 9 18047 LEOMINSTER 7 9 14757 1 1 11054 15020 18999 11047 11050 1805017029 1 18037 SALEM 14755 17003 WAKEFIELD 19102 11048 1 18057 803 15017 8 19108 HARVARD 6 BURLINGTON 18058 052 19101 MARBLEHEAD 58 11056 11125 15006 BEDFORD 19107 11051 18043 110 14764 18051 18045 18044 5 15007 BOXBOROUGH 18049 14050 19 12 WOBURN 19114 ACTON LANCASTER 18 05 4 18046 LYNN SWAMPSCOTT 0 15003 19121STONEHAM 19115 77 11069 14 8003 SAUGUS 59 11057 14038 0 14760 14761 19123 19117 14765 CONCORD PRINCETON 18 15002 19129 19118 19137 MELROSE 14 40 1 WINCHESTER 14039 11068 LEXINGTON 111 18062 19132 19140 14 10 9 14 0 STERLING 13 20108 15012 19 13 4 40 14743 11078 20103 BOLTON 11 11 18055 MALDEN 11 STOW 11 NAHANT 2 MAYNARD LINCOLN 1 19142 7 2 MEDFORD 14748 19135 0 24 REVERE ARLINGTON 6 11 14403 140 4 14 04 CLINTON 11074 14 74 14100 11085 EVERETT 19145 14734 19138 20 BELMONT CHELSEA 11080 UTLAND 14028 SOMERVILLE WALTHAM123 HUDSON 14735 20112 19147 SUDBURY BERLIN 19 14 3 11086 WINTHROP 19149 CAMBRIDGE 14030 3 20107 11082 11106 14 09 WATERTOWN WEST BOYLSTON 3 03 WAYLAND 11102 14 WESTON 14535 14534 BOYLSTON 14084 11092HOLDEN 19131 4 2 14795 14087 MARLBOROUGH 1 111 0 20071 010 14 03 4 14021 20129 14029 11094 0 NEWTON 03 12 14075 BROOKLINE 14044 NORTHBOROUGH 12011 19999 14070 01 1 14082 20 20074 20077 14076 14067 BOSTON FRAMINGHAM SOUTHBOROUGH 14081 WELLESLEY 12001 12016 20 0 98 AXTON 2 14537 04 14003 5 14047 14 12002 12 01 14053 20097 NATICK 14077 SHREWSBURY HULL NEEDHAM 14049 12020 20078 20068 14052 14518 20092 12009 14528 WORCESTER 19299 19305 20 WESTBOROUGH 08 77 6 19 2 14026ASHLAND 14 14004 14509 19325 10116 QUINCY 8 14504 512 19322 DEDHAM 14032 LEICESTER 02 19363 MILTON 14502 20091 21 20 0 10124 SHERBORN 14051 DOVER 20083 HOPKINTON HINGHAM COHASSET 95 14503 19270 20079 20066 20054 19259 GRAFTON WEYMOUTH 19326 19362 19 37 4 21 00 5 12007 20089 8 26 20060 19 BRAINTREE HOLLISTON 19224 WESTWOOD 19260 10125 MILLBURY AUBURN 11 075 UPTON 19214 20056 19302 20030 0 5 20062 19257 2 CANTON 19320 4 12076 19303 1 19323 19366 19372 1 12028 21007SCITU MEDFIELD NORWOOD 16 10 3 16 01 8 17 05 8 4 170 7 3 180 3 15 04 1 19116 18 06 1 17 01 2 18 06 3 19126 19 23 0 20 12 5 20115 20 07 2 14 07 2 140 8 20113 3 14 10 6 14 09 1 14 09 4 19324 19 30 4 20 08 0 200 9 3 20 0 7 14 05 9 14 04 5 7 9 21 00 5 36 19 0 9 MERRIMACK 0 201 6 20 0 9 05 20 2 52 14 20 0 5 14013 14 011 20121 20111 20 10 5 14 02 5 14 00 5 14 01 4 14 00 8 12 03 2 14 02 0 0 6 8 12 03 2 04 12 14 52 0 2 14 04 8 5 7 20 0 0 20 1 7 200 20 07 3 8 14 35 3 04 14 0 4 12 03 3 1 15 19 7 79 14 1 14 0 9 00 14 12 03 1 8 01 12 120 3 19 12 7 14 40 7 15 00 5 7 14402 147 6 13 11 3 7 140 3 111 27 110 61 6 111 0 1 15009 13 10 1 1111 6 11041 110 15 2 7 110 111 00 19141 9 11 20 5 110 7 1109 7 2 3 8 14 05 1 04 14 5 18053 1 150 11 01 1476 3 110 4 5 1 110 7 1109 1 16 01 7 160 0 13 03 3 0 130 3 13 01 6 13 01 2 11137 111 62 7 13003 11178 1 11031 111 3 6 11025 111 77 0 11 02 11 02 1 3 180 17 02 5 1 02 15 2 05 11 99 110 120 1 6 17 0 3 0 04 17 2 2 04 11 11077 7 06 17 5 170 6 03 17 110 05 2 17 01 5 7 3 02 15 1 14 4 13 11 0 14 11 39 110 05 11 65 110 110 6 4 80 02 1107 9 4 16 00 2 160 1 3 16 02 5 1 11 16 1 4 17 0 9 05 17 0 161 1304 1 4 02 13 9 54 111 36 110 111 32 1 130 58 111 75 111 4 14 11 21 110 11 132 7 111 6 2 14 11 7001 / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A13. Merrimack Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment 13006 5.31 2 Deep Brook MA84A-21_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens 13009 14.15 69 Mystic Pond Peat Meadow Spicket River MA84A-10_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -(Objectionable deposits*) Searles Pond Spicket River MA84A-10_2002 X Unknown Beaver Brook MA84A-11_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -(Objectionable deposits*) -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) Double Brook Long Pond MA84032_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Unknown toxicity -Siltation -Pathogens -Turbidity -Unknown toxicity -Siltation -Pathogens -Turbidity 13011 13013 2.69 1.02 6 13016 6.38 5 Peppermint Brook Black Brook MA84A-17_2002 X 13017 9.49 36 Black Brook MA84A-17_2002 X Claypit Brook Concord River Eastern Canal Hamilton Canal Merrimack River MA84A-01_2002 X MA84A-02_2002 X 13018 4/20/2007 0.09 0 Northern Canal Pawtucket Canal Spruce Swamp Western Canal Trout Brook -Metals -Pathogens -Metals -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens MA84A-13_2002 Page 1 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A13. Merrimack Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 13019 4.29 5 13020 0.90 9 13022 7.37 31 13024 13027 7.68 1.41 91 3 13028 0.32 0 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Newfield Pond MA84046_2002 X Stony Brook MA84B-04_2002 X Richardson Brook Trout Brook Deep Brook MA84A-12_2002 MA84A-13_2002 MA84A-21_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Lawrence Brook Limit Brook Locust Pond Merrimack River MA84A-20_2002 X X -Metals -Metals -Pathogens Uptons Pond Trull Brook Bartlett Brook Cedar Pond Peters Pond Merrimack River MA84075_2002 MA84A-14_2002 MA84A-01_2002 X Stony Brook MA84B-04_2002 X -Metals -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Metals -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens MA84031_2002 MA84A-01_2002 13030 1.18 3 Merrimack River MA84A-03_2002 X 13031 2.60 15 Merrimack River MA84A-02_2002 X MA84A-03_2002 X MA84A-12_2002 MA84A-14_2002 MA84022_2002 X 13032 4/20/2007 3.96 33 Richardson Brook Trull Brook Haggets Pond Impairment -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Metals Page 2 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A13. Merrimack Basin Mass Highway Number of SubKnown Receiving Waterbody Road Miles in basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 13033 13035 0.84 4.50 2 15 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA84A-03_2002 X MA84A-04_2002 X Spicket River MA84A-10_2002 X Griffin Brook Merrimack River MA84A-03_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Turbidity Merrimack River Impairment -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Priority organics -Nutrients -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -(Objectionable deposits*) 13036 2.30 9 Mill Pond Merrimack River MA84A-03_2002 X 13041 6.21 39 Merrimack River MA84A-03_2002 X 13042 7.43 32 Bare Meadow Brook MA84A-18_2002 X 13050 7.25 85 13051 2.74 42 Hills Pond Frye Pond Snows Brook Little River MA84A-09_2002 X 13057 1.10 6 MA84064_2002 X -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Metals 13063 13065 0.69 1.84 6 7 MA84008_2002 X -Metals 13066 13068 13069 0.05 0.20 0.03 0 6 0 MA84028_2002 MA84041_2002 MA84A-22_2002 X X X -Metals -Metals -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity 13071 13076 0.30 0.56 2 2 X X -Metals -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Stevens Pond Sutton Pond Lake Cochichewick East Meadow River Neal Pond Kenoza Lake Millvale Reservoir Cobbler Brook Mill Pond Black River Lake Attitash Powwow River MA84039_2002 MA84002_2002 MA84A-28_2002 Sargent Mill Pond Tuxbury Pond 4/20/2007 Page 3 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A13. Merrimack Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 13080 7.23 132 Back River Lake Gardner Pow Wow River Powwow River 13084 13086 30.15 0.75 188 0 13088 11.11 86 13090 36.52 337 13101 4/20/2007 1.22 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA84A-16_2002 X -Siltation -Pathogens -Turbidity MA84A-08_2002 MA84A-25_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Impairment Back River Bailey Pond Boggy Meadows Cobbler Brook MA84A-22_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity Goodwin Creek Indian River Merrimack River MA84A-05_2002 X MA84A-06_2002 X MA84A-26_2002 MA84A-27_2002 X X -Priority organics -Unionized Ammonia -Pathogens -Priority organics -Pathogens -Pathogens -Pathogens MA84A-08_2002 X -Pathogens MA84A-06_2002 X -Priority organics -Pathogens Middle Creek Fish Brook Haggets Pond Bare Meadow Brook MA84022_2002 MA84A-18_2002 X X -Metals -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Turbidity Creek Brook Lake Saltonstall Little River MA84059_2002 MA84A-09_2002 X X Merrimack River MA84A-04_2002 X MA84A-05_2002 X -Metals -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Priority organics -Nutrients -Pathogens -Priority organics -Unionized Ammonia -Pathogens Plum Island River Plumbush Creek Powwow River Presbus Creek Town Creek Allen Creek Black Rock Creek Merrimack River Sutton Pond Unknown Bennetts Brook Black Pond Forge Pond Gibson Brook New Estate Swamp Spectacle Pond MA84003_2002 MA84015_2002 MA84089_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Page 4 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A13. Merrimack Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 13105 13112 13113 5.01 0.80 11.03 Unknown Bootwell Brook Cold Spring Brook Grass Pond Reed Brook Stony Brook Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA84B-03_2002 X MA84B-04_2002 X Tadmuck Brook Unknown Forge Pond Springy Pond Stony Brook MA84B-03_2002 X Unknown Beaver Brook MA84B-02_2002 X Impairment -Cause Unknown -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA84015_2002 -Cause Unknown -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Turbidity -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Suspended solids MA84B-05_2002 Black Pond Forge Pond Mill Pond Muddy Brook Unnamed Tributary 13117 0.40 Wolf Swamp Unknown Bradaocook Pond Burnt Meadow Pond Burnt Meadow Swamp Duck Pond Knops Pond/Lost Lake Martins Pond Brook MA84015_2002 MA84038_2002 MA84081_2002 X X -Noxious aquatic plants -Noxious aquatic plants MA84B-01_2002 X -Nutrients -pH -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Suspended solids MA84084_2002 MA84A-19_2002 X -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Turbidity Springy Pond Whitney Pond TOTAL KNOWN: 4/20/2007 1304 Page 5 of 5 6037 700 6 7007 7074 7023 7077 56 70 70 11 11025 7117 8172 819 0 819 1 110 0 4 70 32 80 59 80 77 8087 3 110 15 11 01 8066 81 07 612 1 11078 61 2 8 80 03 6068 1106 5 MILLERS 3 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: 08 11 NEW BRAINTREE 8092 11081 11085 11080 8021 8081 822 1 8219 11095 8205 11 08 6 11087 110 8 2 HOLDEN 11097 8085 OAKHAM 8080 8096 80 11 80 15 / 811 0 09 80 WARE 8099 11079 RUTLAND 8061 8089 8187 79 80 8042 8063 8104 HARDWICK 8115 81 81 6126 6130BELCHERTOWN 6127 31 80 6 810 81 60 8094 11077 PRINCETON 07 80 8008 PELHAM 0 81 8 61 36 6137 6133 8006 BARRE 80 76 6120 6135 8029 80 72 8093 8159 6119 6123 8 80 7 8157 8067 8002 8039 8 805 8166 71 80 8070 81 45 6118 8056 7 805 4 81 4 77 81 AMHERST 8051 NEW SALEM 8183 6129 PETERSHAM 8158 81 78 6122 9 806 8154 76 81 24 61 11012 HUBBARDSTON 8050 817 6080 5 SHUTESBURY 6081 8033 37 80 6083 85 60 8141 70 81 LEVERETT 6084 8052 8001 8013 60 62 60 61 60 73 8137 80 54 8136 80 68 8151 3 802 8047 7097 WESTMINSTER 80 24 8149 8168 6063 6079 7026 80 45 6077 8147 80 43 7093 6059 8046 11029 0 70 3 70 94 7 11009 7029 81 48 60 60 6072 34 70 PHILLIPSTON 8134 00 11 80 27 7099 7101 6067 5 703 7044 TEMPLETON 80 30 7119 WENDELL 7049 80 04 7129 MONTAGUE 7059 7062 70 2 8 67 81 60 70 11005 GARDNER 7064 70 89 7120 7128 7102 7131 6071 6078 70 87 ATHOL 7103 7106 81 6 9 60 57 13 71 70 43 70 65 7126 11003 7047 70 45 7115 7127 7052 70 60 8 70 6 70 92 ORANGE 11020 7066 7085 03 70 71 24 71 22 7107 7008 4 705 7063 7111 11021 ASHBURNHAM 7051 7082 7090 ERVING 7004 7010 7025 7105 6038 70 13 WINCHENDON 7075 7076 13 211 6028 7109 7001 7015 ROYALSTON WARWICK 70 88 6034 7108 60 22 70 12 6027 NORTHFIELD ASHBY 7005 7022 02 70 RNARDSTON GILL 6056 7009 7014 71 04 60 36 7080 7073 7017 9 13 20 7079 7096 701 8 70 19 78 70 7098 6023 6024 6049 70 95 6021 6025 80 25 6020 7016 6026 6032 704 2 1 603 60 29 6033 6030 8210 110 9 2 11094 PAXTON MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 7029 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 7.47 7030 0.01 7034 0.29 7035 0.96 7044 2.63 7045 0.36 7047 1.42 7049 0.04 4/20/2007 Table A14. Millers Basin Number Water Body Impaired of Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment Outfalls Code 4a or 5 Unknown Dunn Pond MA35021_2002 Foster Brook Greenwood Pond MA35025_2002 Mahoney Brook Minott Pond MA35046_2002 Minott Pond South MA35045_2002 Quag Pond Upper Reservoir MA35091_2002 X -Metals Wrights Reservoir MA35104_2002 Unknown Baker Brook Bents Pond MA35007_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Otter River MA35-06_2002 Ramsdall Pond MA35062_2002 Unknown Otter River MA35-06_2002 Snake Pond Unknown Kendall Pond MA35034_2002 Otter River MA35-06_2002 MA35-07_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) Unknown East Templeton Pond MA35022_2002 Greenwood Pond MA35026_2002 Otter River MA35-07_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) Parker Pond MA35056_2002 Partridgeville Pond MA35057_2002 Perley Brook Ridgley Pond Wilder Brook Unknown Bailey Brook Hilchey Pond MA35029_2002 X -Turbidity Unknown Mellen Pond Otter River MA35-07_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) MA35-08_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Salinity/TDS/chlorides -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Unknown Bourn-Hadley Pond MA35008_2002 Brazell Pond MA35010_2002 Crow Hill Brook Day Millpond Trout Brook Page 1 of 2 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Subbasin ID 7052 4/20/2007 Mass Highway Road Miles in Urbanized Area 1.90 Table A14. Millers Basin Number Water Body Impaired of Known Receiving Waterbody Segment ID Category Impairment Outfalls Code 4a or 5 Unknown Beaman Brook Beaman Pond Depot Pond MA35018_2002 Hansel Pond Mud Pond Norcross Hill Brook Otter River MA35-08_2002 X -Priority organics -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Salinity/TDS/chlorides -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Stoddard Pond MA35083_2002 Page 2 of 2 25147 NORTON 27012 ATTLEBORO 25146 25083 25092 4 25149 25159 RAYNHAM 27013 25095 27014 27019 25119 26009 27021 TAUNTON 26002 27025 25089 27020 25120 25160 27023 25165 25166 25090 26013 25169 26005 25091 REHOBOTH 26020 SEEKONK 25195 DIGHTON 27026 BERKLEY 25177 25170 26501 LAKEVILLE 26021 26014 26015 25178 25197 9 17 25 26022 26018 25176 26019 26502 25181 25199 26016 25061 FREETOWN 4 26508 26023 26 51 26504 SWANSEA 26515 25058 25183 26511 26513 25180 25196 SOMERSET 26507 24102 25198 26187 24105 26509 26999 FALL RIVER 24103 26193 24104 24111 26192 9 24 10 8 26 1 9 12 15 0 27018 25156 9 250 NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH 12148 26189 24110 DARTMOUTH 24112 26194 7 11 24 WESTPORT 24115 24113 24056 26184 1 24 1 / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: NARRAGANSETT BAY 9 24 11 8 24 06 0 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A15. Narraganset Bay Basin Subbasin ID 26013 26014 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Urbanized Area Outfalls 1.08 0.06 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Unknown Carpenter Brook Folleys Brook Palmer River MA53-04_2002 X -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens Perryville Pond Rumneymarsh Brook Sabin Pond West Branch Wolf Plain Brook Unknown Clear Run Brook Palmer River MA53-04_2002 X MA53-05_2002 X -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Pathogens MA53-03_2002 MA53-05_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens Impairment 26016 26018 0.00 1.31 26019 1.40 Shad Factory Pond Unknown Rocky Run Unknown Oak Swamp Oak Swamp Brook Rocky Run Unknown Palmer River 26020 0.66 Shad Factory Pond Tory Creek Unknown Runnins River MA53-01_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -(Objectionable deposits*) 26021 0.82 Unknown Old Grist Mill Pond Runnins River MA53-01_2002 X Unknown Burrs Pond Runnins River MA53001_2002 MA53-01_2002 X X -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -(Objectionable deposits*) -Metals -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -(Objectionable deposits*) 26022 4/20/2007 8.81 Page 1 of 3 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A15. Narraganset Bay Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Urbanized Area Outfalls 26023 1.63 26187 9.72 26189 4.50 26192 2.82 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Unknown Palmer River Runnins River MA53-03_2002 MA53-01_2002 X X Warren River Pond Unknown King Philip Spring North Watuppa Lake North Watuppa Pond Pond Swamp Queen Gutter Brook The Narrows Unknown South Watuppa Pond Sucker Brook Unknown Cook Pond Mount Hope Bay MA53-06_2002 X -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Oil and grease -(Objectionable deposits*) -Pathogens MA61004_2002 X -Metals MA61001_2002 MA61-06_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Pathogens MA61-05_2002 MA62-04_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA61-05_2002 MA61006_2002 MA61006_2002 MA61-01_2002 X MA61-02_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Noxious aquatic plants -(Objectionable deposits*) MA61-04_2002 X Lee River MA61-02_2002 X Mount Hope Bay MA61-07_2002 X Quequechan River Taunton River 26193 11.97 26194 26507 4.44 6.58 26509 4/20/2007 0.34 Unknown Quequechan River South Watuppa Pond Unknown South Watuppa Pond Unknown Lee River Unknown Cedar Cove Cole River Impairment MA61006_2002 -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Noxious aquatic plants -(Objectionable deposits*) -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Pathogens Page 2 of 3 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A15. Narraganset Bay Basin Subbasin ID 26511 26513 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Urbanized Area Outfalls 8.42 2.04 Unknown Cole River Milford Pond Unknown Cole River Mount Hope Bay 26514 0.58 26515 0.40 4/20/2007 Unknown Kickamuit River Warren Reservoir Unknown Birch Swamp Heath Brook Kickamuit River Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA61-03_2002 MA61-04_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA61-04_2002 X MA61-07_2002 X MA61-08_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Pathogens -Pathogens MA61-08_2002 X -Pathogens Impairment Page 3 of 3 13201 13203 13205 7009 13207 111 45 7005 70 0 6 7007 11146 7001 11182 11171 11180 11143 13209 7002 13001 13010 11181 11142 ASHBY 70 13 7004 11167 DUNSTABLE 11 17 9 13211 NCHENDON 13008 11178 11151 4 14 11 11021 PEPPERELL 75 111 7010 ASHBURNHAM 7003 TOWNSEND 11141 11032 13007 7008 11033 11158 11177 TYNGSBO 37 110 11003 2 70 1 11025 11035 3 110 5 11004 11132 11038 11036 11136 11154 GROTON 11165 13 11 9 70 11 110 34 70 42 11020 11153 11149 13117 11005 11140 111 38 11031 11040 703 2 11162 LUNENBURG 11039 11027 GARDNER 11137 WESTF 13112 11115 SHIRLEY 9 11117 11 00 WESTMINSTER 110 4 4 70 30 11029 11018 80 24 11016 21 111 LITTLETON 11129 11043 1104 9 7028 04 11 11054 11116 11052 11041 11119 LEOMINSTER 13113 11050 7 8001 11048 11058 1 2 11 01 11 05 6 8033 HARVARD 05 11 80 25 11045 8027 11064 11127 8002 11071 14037 11061 11057 ACTO PRINCETON 8039 11077 14039 14041 11068 STERLING 1107 8 11075 14760 14040 BOLTON 11113 STOW 11112 14743 11072 11079 11111 11081 14024 110 7 4 8007 14058 14038 8006 800 8 14050 11055 9 110 6 11065 80 03 1 803 80 30 LANCASTER 8029 80 04 BOXBOROUGH 11125 HUBBARDSTON 80 37 13101 11015 8023 AYER 11130 11046 11042 11013 20 111 7029 11139 11118 11007 14755 7043 1102 8 7044 11030 11026 FITCHBURG 11099 CLINTON 14046 14025 09 80 1108 5 11106 WEST BOYLSTON 82 04 12001 12002 12009 14 00 8 12012 14011 12020 WORCESTER 5 01 12 / 12034 SHREWSBURY 14358 14003 12032 12038 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: NASHUA 14044 14537 14013 WESTBOROUGH SOUTHBOROUGH 14 04 2 82 09 14029 NORTHBOROUGH 12031 12000 12 01 6 82 05 0 6 SPENCER 12011 9 110 KHAM 14031 14009 12030 PAXTON 8210 11100 11094 8208 MARLBOROUGH 4 1 14 0 11104 14087 BOYLSTON HOLDEN 11095 14535 14020 3 145 11092 14033 111 02 11097 8021 0 14014 14028 14 09 1 11101 2 110 8 14 02 1 11087 3 140 BERLIN 11086 3 8013 HUDSON 11091 08 11 80 15 RUTLAND 14005 11076 1473 4 11080 80 11 8042 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A16. Nashua Basin Subbasin ID 11005 11018 11029 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Urbanized Area Outfalls 3.11 8.31 6.11 UnknownCrocker Pond Muddy Pond Whitman River Whitmanville Reservoir UnknownFlag Brook North Nashua River Rice Meadow Pond Sawmill Pond Wymans Brook UnknownBurnt Millpond Cedar Swamp Flag Brook North Nashua River Partridge Pond 11031 0.38 Phillips Brook Round Meadow Pond Snows Millpond Tophet Swamp Whitman River Unknown Nichols Pond North Nashua River 11036 1.18 Unknown 11039 0.92 Unknown 11040 11041 11042 0.60 0.46 3.02 Unknown Unknown Unknown 11044 11045 1.24 0.81 Unknown Unknown 11046 0.25 Unknown 4/20/2007 Overlook Reservoir Sand Brook Sheldon Pond Falulah Brook Greenes Pond Putnam Pond Saima Pond Paige Pond Pearl Hill Brook Baker Brook Notown Reservoir Distributing Reservoir Goodfellow Brook Mirror Lake Monoosnuc Brook Pierce Pond Rockwell Pond Notown Reservoir Barrett Pond Fall Brook Fall Brook Reservoir Lake Samoset Morse Reservoir Monoosnuc Brook Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA81025_2002 MA81-11_2002 MA81109_2002 MA81-10_2002 MA81118_2002 MA81-10_2002 MA81-01_2002 X MA81098_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA81-12_2002 MA81114_2002 MA81127_2002 MA81-11_2002 MA81-01_2002 X MA81-02_2002 X -Cause Unknown -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) MA81092_2002 MA81084_2002 MA81-13_2002 MA81101_2002 MA81112_2002 MA81092_2002 MA81162_2002 MA81-14_2002 MA81038_2002 MA81116_2002 MA81-13_2002 Page 1 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A16. Nashua Basin Subbasin ID 11048 11051 11052 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.00 1.39 17.36 11057 0.49 11058 1.47 Unknown Fall Brook Unknown Fall Brook Unknown Baker Brook Fall Brook Monoosnuc Brook North Nashua River White Pond Unknown Bartlett Pond Pratts Pond Wekepeke Brook Unknown Little Spectacle Pond Mcgovern Brook Nashua River North Nashua River 11072 2.92 Unknown 11075 0.58 Unknown 11092 11095 0.43 0.25 Unknown Unknown 11097 0.87 Unknown 11100 3.18 Unknown 4/20/2007 Receiving Waterbody Oak Hill Pond Spectacle Brook Spectacle Pond Houghton Brook Scanlon Brook Stillwater River Connelly Brook Tannery Brook The Quag West Waushacum Pond Asnebumskit Brook Eagle Lake Kendall Reservoir Pine Hill Reservoir Stump Pond Asnebumskit Pond Bumbo Brook Pine Hill Reservoir Streeter Pond Worcester Brook Asnebumskit Brook Warren Tannery Brook Bryant Pond Chaffin Pond Chaffins Brook Dawson Pond Poor Farm Brook Unionville Pond Unnamed Tributary Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA81-14_2002 MA81-14_2002 MA81-14_2002 MA81-13_2002 MA81-02_2002 X MA81-03_2002 X MA81-04_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity MA81155_2002 MA81-04_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity X -Cause Unknown X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA81132_2002 MA81-31_2002 MA81170_2002 MA81153_2002 MA81034_2002 MA81062_2002 MA81102_2002 MA81171_2002 MA81002_2002 MA81102_2002 MA81136_2002 MA81017_2002 MA81-33_2002 MA81028_2002 MA81143_2002 MA81-35_2002 Page 2 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A16. Nashua Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 11104 5.14 11106 4.53 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Unknown Gates Brook MA81-24_2002 X Scarletts Brook Unknown Carrolls Pond Carville Basin French Brook Gates Brook MA81-25_2002 X MA81-24_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Pathogens MA81-29_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA81-27_2002 MA81-28_2002 X -Cause Unknown X X -Cause Unknown -Metals MA81065_2002 MA81-08_2002 X MA81-09_2002 X MA81147_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Pathogens -(Objectionable deposits*) -Metals Receiving Waterbody Gates Cove Hastings Cove Lily Pond Malagasco Brook 11111 11112 11115 11116 4/20/2007 0.03 0.65 2.25 0.24 Malden Brook Muddy Brook Pine Swamp Prescott Cove Quinapoxet River Scotland Swamp South Bay Stillwater Basin Stillwater River Boylston Brook Wachusett Reservoir Unknown Coachlace Pond Fitch Pond Mossy Pond South Meadow Brook South Meadow Pond Unknown Goodridge Brook Lancaster Millpond Nashua River Wachusett Reservoir Unknown Catacoonamug Brook Dead Pond Lake Whalom Massapoag Pond Turkey Hill Pond White Rabbit Swamp Unknown Easter Brook Lake Shirley Impairment -Cause Unknown -Pathogens -Pathogens MA81-32_2002 MA81-31_2002 MA81-34_2002 MA81147_2002 MA81019_2002 MA81129_2002 MA81165_2002 MA81154_2002 MA81080_2002 MA81122_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Page 3 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A16. Nashua Basin Subbasin ID 11125 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.84 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Catacoonamug Brook Cranberry Pond Nashua River North Nashua River 11129 11130 0.01 1.69 MA81-16_2002 MA81-05_2002 X MA81-09_2002 X MA81-04_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Pathogens -(Objectionable deposits*) -Cause Unknown -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity X -Metals MA81044_2002 MA81053_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Long Pond Nonacoicus Brook Plow Shop Pond MA81073_2002 MA81-17_2002 MA81103_2002 X -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) Robbins Pond Sandy Pond Willow Brook Hickory Hills Lake Mulpus Brook Flurcum Swamp Lane Pond Mulpus Brook Perrins Pond White Rabbit Swamp Mulpus Brook Mulpus Brook Perrins Pond Ash Swamp Bayberry Hill Brook Dead Swamp Pearl Hill Brook Squannacook River Walker Brook Walker Pond Wolf Swamp Bixby Brook Bixby Reservoir Graves Pond Harbor Pond Squannacook River Trout Brook Witch Brook MA81111_2002 MA81117_2002 X -Metals Unknown 11137 1.30 Unknown 11139 11140 0.79 0.06 Unknown Unknown 11151 2.72 Unknown 4/20/2007 Impairment MA81085_2002 0.00 2.20 Impaired Category 4a or 5 Slate Rock Pond Still River Unknown Bowers Brook Cold Spring Brook Little Mirror Lake Mirror Lake Robbins Pond Unknown Balch Pond Flannagan Pond Grove Pond 11132 11153 Water Body Segment ID Code Unknown MA81-15_2002 MA81031_2002 MA81-22_2002 MA81-22_2002 MA81-22_2002 MA81-22_2002 MA81-18_2002 MA81010_2002 MA81054_2002 MA81-18_2002 Page 4 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A16. Nashua Basin Subbasin ID 11154 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.35 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Flat Pond Nashua River Pumpkin Brook Squannacook River 11158 0.10 11162 0.21 11165 2.76 Trap Swamp Brook Unknown Bancroft Brook Robinson Brook Unknown Cady Pond Groton School Pond James Brook Unknown Dead River James Brook Moose Brook Mulpus Brook Nashua River Nod Brook Nonacoicus Brook Pepperell Pond Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA81-05_2002 X MA81-06_2002 X MA81-18_2002 MA81-19_2002 X -Cause Unknown MA81-22_2002 MA81-05_2002 X MA81-06_2002 X MA81-07_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Pathogens -Turbidity MA81-17_2002 MA81167_2002 X Impairment -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA81-20_2002 MA81-20_2002 -Metals -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Spruce Swamp Walker Brook Wrangling Brook 4/20/2007 Page 5 of 5 13079 13078 13 08 2 13083 6 13 0 13076 5 18 00 6 18007 13080 AMESBURY 13077 13075 13067 180 0 18 00 8 13085 18010 SALISBURY 9 18009 MERRIMAC 13086 13089 13084 13065 13053 NEWBURYPORT 13081 13999 13 07 3 130 7 6 4 6 130 HAVERHILL 13071 16022 13070 WEST NEWBURY 6 130 13050 13056 13062 13051 13043 13 0 6 8 13 04 8 13 04 6 13049 1305 2 13074 16023 2 13087 16008 13059 NEWBURY 13063 16111 16025 16016 16011 1304 2 GROVELAND 16109 13 05 4 13055 16002 GEORGETOWN ROWLEY 16018 13058 RENCE 16 10 4 18012 18 12 1 IPSWICH 17059 17076 18123 18118 18119 18120 18122 ROCKPORT 17067 17023 3 18031 180 3 17 03 7 18030 DANVERS BEVERLY 18026 18029 17012 18050 19 10 8 19 10 4 19116 19 10 7 18036 18061 18043 MARBLEHEAD 18044 5 18 05 1 18042 SALEM 18037 18057 4 18 04 1 18038 18052 1805 8 WAKEFIELD 4 180 6 04 18 19121 19114 9 02 17 18056 18047 18 0 3 18039 PEABODY 17 02 6 LYNNFIELD READING WOBURN 17025 18 04 8 17010 18054 19 11 5STONEHAM 18 04 9 LYNN 18053 SWAMPSCOTT SAUGUS 19142 MEDFORD 18059 19999 MELROSE 18 06 3 19 13 7 19117 19123 19139 NCHESTER 19118 19129 19140 19132 18062 18055 19141 MALDEN NAHANT REVERE 8 13 19 INGTON SOMERVILLE MBRIDGE EVERETT 19 14 5CHELSEA 19 15 1 / Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: NORTH COASTAL 18 0 2 18 11 1 4 18 0 1 18 01 3 18020 7 18 01 1 18114 18113 18116 18124 18101 18104 18015 18106 3 1 07 17 1 03 17 18028 18032 17028 17024 GLOUCESTER 18 0 1 18025 18105 18 01 8 6 15043 1 180 17054 4 02 18 1 05 17 9 WENHAM 17040 MANCHESTER 17022 NORTH READING 17011 18022 17 04 4 27 17 0 1 02 18 3 17 0 17018 17034 17021 17061 17062 MIDDLETON 17035 INGTON17019 HAMILTON 17 04 8 17030 ESSEX 17074 2 6 03 17 ANDOVER 17015 17017 5 17 0 17045 18 10 2 3 18999 TOPSFIELD 17033 18109 18019 5 05 17 5 170 15045 18 11 5 18 10 7 17068 17043 17032 7 18 11 13 11 6 17999 1 17056 17058 15048 7 10 16 7 3 NORTH ANDOVER 17041 15 05 1 16103 0 16 1 5 13 0 5 150 BOXFORD 17042 16999 16017 16004 16001 16020 6 16 10 16 10 5 13060 16013 16 00 6 13 06 1 METHUEN MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A17. North Coastal Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 18007 6.67 107 18010 4.15 35 18011 1.60 0 18013 18014 0.21 3.29 0 14 18016 0.15 0 18019 0.65 2 18023 1.16 0 18025 3.30 17 18026 18027 18028 4/20/2007 0.14 8.93 9.86 2 44 41 Meader Brook Smallpox Brook Blackwater River Great Meadows Little River Annisquam River Fernwood Lake Lower Banjo Pond Upper Banjo Pond Water Body Segment ID Code MA93-12_2002 MA93022_2002 Impaired Category 4a or 5 X Impairment -Pathogens MA93080_2002 X MA93-18_2002 MA93-12_2002 X X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Pathogens -Pathogens MA93-11_2002 X -Pathogens MA93-16_2002 MA93-11_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA93-29_2002 X -pH -Siltation -Pathogens Cedar Swamp Dexter Pond Millets Swamp Sawmill Brook Coy Pond MA93016_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Gravelly Pond Round Pond Beverly Harbor Cat Brook MA93028_2002 MA93063_2002 MA93-20_2002 MA93-29_2002 X X -Pathogens -pH -Siltation -Pathogens MA93-19_2002 X -Pathogens MA93-25_2002 MA93-37_2002 X X -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Gloucester Harbor Annisquam River Sleepy Hollow Pond Alewife Brook Essex River Castle Neck River Ebben Creek Essex Bay Essex River Farm Creek Lufkin Creek Sleepy Hollow Pond Soginese Creek Clark Pond Lily Pond West Pond Bayberry Swamp Beaverdam Swamp Cat Brook Chubb Creek Curtis Brook Lily Pond Mackerel River Manchester Harbor Plum Brook Salem Sound Beaver Brook Page 1 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A17. North Coastal Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 18029 14.09 38 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Beaver Brook MA93-37_2002 X Crane Brook MA93-02_2002 X Crane River MA93-38_2002 X MA93-41_2002 X Mill Pond Porter River MA93-04_2002 X 18031 4.50 3 Frost Fish Brook Porter River MA93-36_2002 MA93-04_2002 X X 18032 18033 1.40 5.38 7 22 Bass River Bass River Beverly Harbor Danvers River Shoe Pond Danvers River North River MA93-07_2002 MA93-07_2002 MA93-08_2002 MA93-20_2002 MA93-09_2002 MA93068_2002 MA93-09_2002 MA93-42_2002 X X X X X X Waters River MA93-01_2002 X Cedar Pond Craig Pond Goldthwait Brook MA93013_2002 18034 18038 18039 4/20/2007 8.90 19.90 10.70 19 101 46 Little Elder Pond Pierces Pond Proctor Brook Impairment -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Unionized Ammonia -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity -Pathogens -Turbidity -Pathogens -Siltation -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Pathogens -Siltation -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Pathogens MA93-05_2002 X MA93-39_2002 X -Pathogens -Pathogens -Turbidity -Pathogens -Unionized Ammonia -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Unionized Ammonia -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens Page 2 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A17. North Coastal Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 18041 0.25 1 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Meadow Pond North River MA93-42_2002 X Proctor Brook MA93-39_2002 X Impairment -Unionized Ammonia -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Nutrients -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Pathogens MA93-40_2002 X MA93-09_2002 MA93-42_2002 X X -Pathogens -Unionized Ammonia -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens 18042 0.09 1 Strongwater Brook Danvers River North River 18043 18044 0.20 2.75 4 5 Walden Pond Forest River MA93084_2002 MA93-10_2002 X MA93-21_2002 X 4 Salem Harbor Thompsons Meadow Hawkes Brook -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Pathogens X X X -Pathogens -Pathogens -Turbidity 78 Hawkes Pond Walden Pond Lake Quannapowitt MA93-32_2002 MA93-33_2002 MA93032_2002 MA93084_2002 MA93060_2002 X Saugus River MA93-34_2002 X Hawkes Brook Hawkes Pond Crystal Lake Hawkes Brook Lower Pond Mill River MA93-32_2002 MA93032_2002 MA93018_2002 MA93-33_2002 MA93044_2002 MA93-31_2002 X X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Pathogens -Turbidity X -Pathogens X Saugus River MA93-34_2002 X MA93-35_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens 18045 18047 2.87 13.65 18050 7.21 26 18051 18052 0.01 1.23 0 9 Upper Pond 4/20/2007 MA93083_2002 Page 3 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A17. North Coastal Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 18053 18054 18055 18056 2.23 1.21 20.65 3.20 8 7 81 13 Bear Pond Dorothy Cove Floating Bridge Pond Foster Pond Frog Pond Goldfish Pond Lynn Harbor Nahant Bay Reed Cove Crystal Pond Brook Griswold Pond Nihan Pond Spring Pond Lynn Harbor Pines River Rumney Marsh Saugus River Swains Pond Towners Pond Pillings Pond Reedy Meadow Saugus River 18057 18059 0.75 13.50 3 62 Nells Pond Breeds Pond Cedar Brook Fiske Brook Flax Pond Lily Mere Nells Pond Nihan Pond Penny Brook Prankers Pond Saugus River Shute Brook Sluice Pond Stevens Pond 4/20/2007 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA93024_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA93-23_2002 MA93-24_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA93072_2002 MA93-23_2002 MA93-15_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA93-14_2002 X -Thermal modifications -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease Impairment MA93029_2002 MA93056_2002 MA93-34_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity X -Nutrients -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA93023_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA93-14_2002 X MA93-35_2002 X -Thermal modifications -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens MA93006_2002 MA93071_2002 Page 4 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A17. North Coastal Basin Mass Highway Number of SubKnown Receiving Waterbody Road Miles in basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 18061 1.85 2 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Beverly Harbor Black Joe Pond Flag Pond Marblehead Harbor Nahant Bay Oliver Pond Palmer Pond Reds Pond Salem Harbor Salem Sound Ware Pond Saugus River MA93-20_2002 X -Pathogens MA93-22_2002 MA93-24_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA93-21_2002 MA93-25_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA93-14_2002 X -Thermal modifications -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Pathogens -Thermal modifications -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Oil and grease -Pathogens -Pathogens 18062 0.73 5 18063 0.32 0 Lynn Harbor Saugus River MA93-23_2002 MA93-14_2002 X X 18101 1.63 7 2.14 2 MA93-12_2002 MA93-28_2002 MA93009_2002 MA93-18_2002 MA93089_2002 X X 18102 Annisquam River Mill River Buswell Pond Gloucester Harbor West Pond 18105 1.01 3 18106 0.09 0 18107 0.01 0 18111 1.54 2 18114 18116 18117 0.51 0.15 0.17 0 0 0 18119 18121 0.01 0.03 0 0 18124 1.36 4 TOTAL: 4/20/2007 Impairment X X -Pathogens -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Goose Cove Reservoir MA93093_2002 MA93050_2002 Mill Pond MA93076_2002 Strangman Pond X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA93-27_2002 MA93022_2002 MA93085_2002 MA93-12_2002 X -Pathogens X -Pathogens X -Turbidity Unnamed Tributary Fernwood Lake Wallace Pond Annisquam River Duck Pond Goose Cove Reservoir Langsford Pond Mill River Alewife Brook Babson Reservoir Strangman Pond Unnamed Tributary Loop Pond Cape Pond Oregon Pond Quarry Reservoir Rockport Harbor Quarry Reservoir Annisquam River Beaver Swamp Lily Pond Orchard Swamp Camborne Pond Days Pond Gloucester Harbor Loblolly Cove Niles Pond MA93093_2002 MA93-28_2002 MA93-26_2002 MA93001_2002 MA93-27_2002 MA93011_2002 MA93053_2002 MA93-17_2002 MA93053_2002 MA93-12_2002 X -Pathogens X -Pathogens MA93092_2002 MA93-18_2002 X -Pathogens MA93052_2002 825 Page 5 of 5 13085 13078 18005 18008 13083 18006 13082 13080 18007 13077 AMESBURY 13076 13075 18010 SALISBURY 13067 18009 13069 MERRIMAC 8 130 9 13086 13084 13065 13049 NEWBURYPORT 13081 9 13 9 9 13068 13050 16022 13071 13 07 0 13056 13073 13 06 2 13074 WEST NEWBURY 13066 13051 13064 HAVERHILL 16023 13072 13087 16008 13059 NEWBURY 16025 16111 13063 16016 GROVELAND 16011 16109 13055 13054 16013 16106 13060 13061 16002 16006 GEORGETOWN 16999 16020 ROWLEY 13 05 8 16018 16105 16004 16001 16107 16017 16104 16103 18012 17999 16101 IPSWICH BOXFORD 17059 17056 17042 18999 17076 17041 17058 18019 NORTH ANDOVER 17068 17043 17032 17055 17067 TOPSFIELD 17053 17033 17045 17036 17074 ESSEX 17052 HAMILTON 18016 MIDDLETON ANDOVER 17030 17035 9 03 17 17017 17015 18021 17061 17048 17040 / 18022 17062 17044 WENHAM DANVERS Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: PARKER 18025 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A18. Parker Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 16008 0.07 0 16011 0.85 0 16013 16016 16017 16018 0.58 0.66 0.44 0.76 10 1 4 1 16020 0.73 1 16022 7.07 50 16023 0.10 2 16103 0.27 0 16105 0.59 3 16106 TOTAL: 4/20/2007 0.77 0 Receiving Waterbody Ash Swamp Beaver Brook Little Crane Pond Beaver Brook Crane Pond Parker River Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA91007_2002 MA91004_2002 MA91-01_2002 X -Metals -(Flow alteration*) Jackman Brook Parker River MA91-07_2002 MA91-01_2002 X -Metals -(Flow alteration*) Wheeler Brook Cart Creek Parker River MA91-01_2002 X Lower Mill Pond MA91-02_2002 MA91008_2002 X X MA91-08_2002 X -Metals -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Cause Unknown X -Cause Unknown X -Pathogens X -Pathogens X -Pathogens MA91-05_2002 X -Pathogens MA91002_2002 MA91-13_2002 MA91-14_2002 MA91-05_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA91-05_2002 X -Pathogens Mill River Muddy Brook Upper Mill Pond Bachelder Brook Great Swamp Brook Hawk Meadow Lower Mill Pond Mill River Upper Millpond Wilson Pond Central Street Pond Ox Pasture Brook Little River State Street Pond Little River Quills Pond Egypt River Muddy Run Rowley River Bull Brook Bull Brook Reservoir Egypt River Rowley River Club Head Creek Rowley River Sand Creek West Creek MA91015_2002 MA91-08_2002 MA91017_2002 MA91003_2002 MA91-10_2002 MA91-11_2002 MA91014_2002 MA91-11_2002 MA91011_2002 MA91-14_2002 72 Page 1 of 1 OAKHAM 11096 10121 12 01 6 12001 10134 9071 90 8 4 10 15 7 9063 90 62 WEBSTER 9104 9079 9089 12061 10154 10 15 5 12058 DOUGLAS 12 05 9 10160 90 97 9105 90 64 90 96 9091 9086 9082 10159 10161 12060 DUDLEY 90 83 90 54 90 05 9109 10169 9103 10174 9099 9100 10175 10173 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: QUINEBAUG 12 14 2 9102 / 12 02 4 6 9074 12 0 2 82 30 82 29 90 04 900 6 90 60 8269 90 2 4 9023 90 22 9009 9093 10168 2 17 10 901 0 12050 6 15 10 12 14 1 07 90 8 14 10 12 05 2 82 31 90 33 9034 9030 90 28 83 17 83 09 10 12 3 82 56 8254 82 55 82 11 82 45 81 31 81 30 8198 82 86 9098 9106 9092 SOUTHBRIDGE 95 90 9011 9053 7 905 18 90 90 94 9101 HOLLAND 9081 2 10166 7 10 16 9020 WALES 8283 9058 12 05 7 9085 5 10 13 1 906 9017 12049 6 10141 9070 4 10 1 9056 STURBRIDGE 10143 9027 62 73 8281 6272 9 90 43 SUTTON OXFORD 10151 45 101 5 101 9021 19 90 8285 9108 10138 10137 9025 8287 911 0 10131 CHARLTON 9048 12004 12023 9080 BRIMFIELD MONSON 0 828 4 9066 9051 9046 8272 12005 9055 9038 MILLBURY 10126 10133 9032 8289 12042 12006 12003 9073 96 82 8275 AUBURN 8225 8226 9041 8279 8291 10125 BROOKFIELD 9039 8262 8324 8326 2 10 12 8213 8261 WARREN 82 71 8293 12007 8249 82 68 0 120 LEICESTER 10117 8266 8290 12020 WORCESTER 12018 2 10 1 8227 8264 12034 12015 10116 SPENCER 8218 8247 PALMER 8132 8135 2 12010 8234 8248 82 58 SHREWSB 8 8244 EAST BROOKFIELD 8133 12031 10 12 8 8246 8209 NORTH BROOKFIELD 8223 WEST BROOKFIELD 8125 0 120 8222 8243 50 82 8201 8204 12012 0 120 CHERTOWN 8210 82 24 81 88 28 82 82 40 82 41 8124 PAXTON 12000 8221 8117 BOYLST HOLDEN NEW BRAINTREE WARE 8127 11100 12011 81 00 8097 8238 8118 8208 8205 4 80 83 8183 8126 09 11 11095 8092 11101 11102 WEST BOYLSTON 11104 RUTLAND 10 15 8 809 9 80 96 8104 110 9 2 11097 8021 8219 20 82 8110 9 810 8166 8115 HARDWICK 8061 8081 12030 8080 8094 06 111 PETERSHAM HAM NEW SALEM MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A19. Quinebaug Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Urbanized Area Outfalls Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 X -Metals -Pathogens 9048 1.01 Unknown Quinebaug River MA41-01_2002 9051 0.37 MA41008_2002 MA41035_2002 9056 0.91 9061 2.76 Unknown Cedar Pond New Boston Road Pond Unknown Hobbs Brook Pistol Pond Walker Pond Unknown Quinebaug River 9063 9071 9080 0.48 0.12 1.37 Unknown Quinebaug River Unknown Quinebaug River Unknown Cady Brook 9081 0.09 9085 0.51 9089 9093 0.24 3.48 Glen Echo Lake Lambs Pond Prindle Lake Railroad Pond Unknown Cady Brook Carpenter Pond Unknown Dresser Hill Pond Mcintyre Pond Wabash Pond Unknown Quinebaug River Unknown Blood Pond Cady Brook Carpenter Pond Quinebaug River 9097 4/20/2007 0.67 Sylvestri Pond Unknown Conant Pond Wielock Pond Impairment MA41057_2002 MA41052_2002 MA41-01_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants X -Metals -Pathogens MA41-02_2002 MA41-02_2002 MA41-02_2002 MA41-05_2002 X MA41-06_2002 X MA41017_2002 X -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Taste, odor and color -Organic enrichment/Low DO MA41043_2002 MA41058_2002 MA41-06_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Taste, odor and color MA42014_2002 MA41031_2002 X -Turbidity [7/12/2002-CN110.0] MA41-04_2002 X -Pathogens MA41-06_2002 X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Taste, odor and color MA41-02_2002 MA41-03_2002 X MA41-04_2002 MA41-09_2002 X X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Taste, odor and color -(Objectionable deposits*) -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Turbidity -(Objectionable deposits*) MA41049_2002 MA41056_2002 X -Turbidity Page 1 of 1 13011 13026 13036 16001 BOXFORD 13027 13033 LAWRENCE METHUEN 13023 13018 13041 13063 13057 13035 17042 15053 13 11 6 13 02 5 DRACUT 13005 GSBOROUGH 13013 13020 15051 17041 13030 NORTH ANDOVER 13088 15049 13022 15048 15044 13031 13029 17032 13032 ANDOVER 13017 13006 15028 13 02 8 LOWELL 15045 17033 15029 13024 13019 17 01 7 15043 15 03 8 13016 17015 15035 15039 TEWKSBURY 17030 MIDDLET 13 10 5 14417 17018 15 03 6 CHELMSFORD 15041 4 15026 14413 14410 3 17 0 15037 15040 17022 15023 17019 2 170 15025 NORTH READING 17031 17024 1 27 150 17008 17 02 3 15022 WILMINGTON 17007 14408 15021 17 0 11 BILLERICA 14415 17 00 17009 6 17012 17005 17010 LYNNFIELD 18048 TFORD READING 14 76 2 14405 17001 CARLISLE 14404 17 00 3 15017 BURLINGTON 14402 14407 BEDFORD 19102 19108 18052 1 10 19 18058 WAKEFIELD 19107 15013 7 00 15 15 00 6 19125 19116 19114 CTON 180 5 18047 15 02 0 15009 14767 6 19104 17004 15019 WOBURN 18051 15 0 0 3 15005 14763 18054 SAUG 19121 19115 STONEHAM 19127 15002 19126 14106 20105 19130 19133 15012 19134 20111 1 12 20 14100 3 40 14 LINCOLN 20108 20119 20113 / MELROSE 19141 MEDFORD 19142 ARLINGTON 19 13 5 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: SHAWSHEEN 19 13 2 0 19 14 20103 8 WINCHESTER LEXINGTON 14109 1 191 19123 19129 14401 19 13 7 19117 CONCORD 19139 14770 MALDEN 18055 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A20. Shawsheen Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 15002 13.56 52 15003 0.86 2 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Kiln Brook Shawsheen River MA83-10_2002 MA83-08_2002 X X -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Other habitat alterations -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] Trophet Swamp Shawsheen River MA83-01_2002 X MA83-08_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Other habitat alterations -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Turbidity 15005 1.57 11 Elm Brook MA83-05_2002 X 15006 0.03 0 White Cedar Swamp Elm Brook MA83-05_2002 X Shawsheen River MA83-01_2002 X Fawn Lake Shawsheen River MA83004_2002 MA83-01_2002 X Spring Brook Butterfield Pond MA83-14_2002 MA83003_2002 X X Vine Brook Butterfield Pond Long Meadow Brook Sandy Brook Vine Brook Shawsheen River MA83-06_2002 X MA83-11_2002 MA83-13_2002 MA83-06_2002 MA83-01_2002 X X X X MA83-02_2002 X 15009 1.20 0 15012 1.29 2 15013 16.01 51 15017 15019 15021 15022 4/20/2007 4.23 1.87 2.31 0.00 0 6 12 0 Impairment -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Turbidity -Unknown toxicity -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Unknown toxicity -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Unknown toxicity -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] Spring Brook Vine Brook Mc Kee Brook Shawsheen River MA83-14_2002 MA83-06_2002 X X MA83-02_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] Jones Brook Shawsheen River MA83-02_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] Webb Brook Shawsheen River MA83-02_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] Page 1 of 2 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A20. Shawsheen Basin Mass Highway Number of SubRoad Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody basin ID Urbanized Area Outfalls 15023 0.06 0 15025 0.82 5 15026 15028 1.51 4.15 6 23 15029 3.20 13 15035 1.65 5 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Content Brook Long Pond MA83-09_2002 MA83010_2002 X X -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Pond Street Pond Richardson Pond Content Brook Shawsheen River MA83021_2002 MA83020_2002 MA83-09_2002 MA83-02_2002 X X -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] MA83001_2002 MA83-12_2002 MA83-12_2002 X X X -Metals -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] 15039 4.51 20 Heath Brook Ames Pond Meadow Brook Meadow Brook Pinnacle Brook Unnamed Tributary Great Swamp Meadow Brook Round Pond Strong Water Brook Shawsheen River 15043 2.88 11 Unnamed Tributary Fosters Pond MA83-15_2002 MA83005_2002 X X Lowell Junction Pond MA83011_2002 X Shawsheen River MA83-02_2002 X Unnamed Tributary Rabbit Pond Rogers Brook MA83-16_2002 MA83015_2002 MA83-04_2002 X X X Shawsheen River MA83-02_2002 X MA83-03_2002 X Rogers Brook MA83-04_2002 X Shawsheen River MA83-03_2002 X Gravel Pit Pond Hussey Brook Hussey Brook Pond Hussey Pond Shawsheen River MA83007_2002 MA83008_2002 MA83009_2002 MA83-03_2002 X X Shawsheen River MA83-03_2002 X 15048 15049 15051 15053 TOTAL: 4/20/2007 1.47 0.02 12.18 10.28 8 0 45 86 Impairment MA83-15_2002 X -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] MA83-12_2002 MA83018_2002 MA83-07_2002 MA83-02_2002 X -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] X X -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Metals -(Exotic species*) -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Turbidity -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Turbidity -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Turbidity -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Noxious aquatic plants -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] -Unknown toxicity -Pathogens [9/12/2002-CN122.0] 358 Page 2 of 2 9 29 19 0 19 3 19999 5 HULL 19277 19325 QUINCY 19365 19 36 3 19322 19366 19 3 2 3 19 3 5 21006 19361 4 19353 19360 WEYMOUTH 19 36 4 19356 19351 4 21036 5 03 21 21007 19371 19317 193 1 SCITUATE 19375 19352 19359 19358 19357 0 19373 19319 DOLPH 21009 21005 19374 HINGHAM 19 37 2 19318 BRAINTREE 19301 COHASSET 19 36 2 19 32 6 19320 19 30 4 19324 21033 21030 21027 21 01 1 NORWELL 21037 21028 5 35 19 HOLBROOK 1 19 3 21010 19307 21013 5 21021 25007 25017 HANOVER 21044 MARSHFIELD ABINGTON 25010 21031 21022 25005 21043 1 VON 4 210 6 30 19 ROCKLAND 21045 21046 25019 21025 21047 WHITMAN 3 21 01 9 3 02 21 25 01 BROCKTON 25014 PEMBROKE 21040 21029 2 210 21 01 7 25021 HANSON 21 01 8 25011 21026 21048 4 25038 DUXBURY EAST 25015 BRIDGEWATER 25027 2501 6 WEST BRIDGEWATER 21050 21049 21042 25026 21057 21052 21 05 1 4 05 21 25039 21999 21062 21053 5 210 6 KINGSTON 9 HALIFAX 5 05 21 25028 210 5 25054 25079 BRIDGEWATER 21060 21058 PLYMPTON 21063 21061 25048 25 09 4 25 08 0 25052 21 06 7 25083 21065 25077 25045 25092 21071 RAYNHAM 25076 21075 21079 21072 21 07 3 25075 25085 25069 MIDDLEBOROUGH 25089 PLYMOUTH CARVER 21081 24012 TAUNTON 24006 25091 25 17 2 25 07 3 ERKLEY 21083 25068 LAKEVILLE 25064 24009 21085 24007 1 25 17 25173 25067 24037 3 02 24 FREETOWN 24004 24018 24022 ROCHESTER 25061 7 21 08 25176 24016 / 21089 BOURNE WAREHAM 24010 24013 24011 24001 24005 24003 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: SOUTH COASTAL 22141 22001 SANDWICH MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A21. South Coastal Basin Subbasin ID 21005 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 1.02 21010 0.57 21013 4.95 21021 2.27 21022 1.84 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Aaron River Bound Brook Herring Brook Lily Pond Unknown Ben Mann Brook Cushing Brook Drinkwater River Unknown Drinkwater River Hackett Pond Hell Swamp Longwater Brook Peg Swamp Pine Island Swamp Shinglemill Brook Shinglemill Pond 1 French Stream Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA94-18_2002 MA94-21_2002 MA94-21_2002 X X -Metals -Metals MA94-03_2002 X -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA94-21_2002 MA94175_2002 MA94037_2002 X X X French Stream MA94-03_2002 X Indian Head River MA94-04_2002 X -Metals -Metals -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO Studleys Pond Unknown Beech Hill Swamp Drinkwater River Factory Pond Forge Pond MA94151_2002 MA94-22_2002 21025 2.45 21027 1.28 21028 6.30 4/20/2007 Torrey Branch Trout Pond Wampum Swamp Unknown Arnold School Pond Keene Pond Mc Farland Brook Pudding Brook Randall Pond Reservoir Unknown Hatch Pond Jacobs Pond 36 Hoop Pole Swamp Mill Pond Mollys Brook Old Pond Meadows Peterson Pond Third Herring Brook Wildcat Brook Wildcat Creek MA94004_2002 MA94127_2002 MA94077_2002 Page 1 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A21. South Coastal Basin Subbasin ID 21031 21033 21037 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 6.88 2.43 2.68 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Copeland Tannery Brook Hatch Pond Herring Brook Howard Pond Indian Head River Little Pudding Brook Magoun Pond Mine Brook Mounce Pond No Bottom Pond North River Oakman Pond Robinson Creek Second Herring Brook Swamp Brook Unknown First Herring Brook Old Oaken Bucket Pond Satsuit Meadow Tack Factory Pond Unknown Bares Brook Branch Creek Cove Brook Hanna Eames Brook Herring River Lewis Pond Macombers Creek North River North River Marsh Old Oaken Bucket Pond 21038 1.93 Unknown 21040 6.10 Unknown 21041 21042 4/20/2007 1.79 2.78 Unknown Unknown Stony Brook Torrey Pond Wales Pond Bound Brook The Gulf Keene Pond Lorings Bogs Pond Lovings Bogs Philips Brook Pine Lake Round Pond South River South River Pond South River Reservoir Furnace Brook Duxbury Bay Island Creek Pond Mill Pond Round Pond Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA94-22_2002 MA94-05_2002 X -Pathogens MA94113_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA94-07_2002 X -Pathogens MA94-05_2002 MA94-06_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA94113_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity X -Pathogens MA94152_2002 MA94-18_2002 MA94-19_2002 MA94079_2002 MA94089_2002 MA94120_2002 MA94131_2002 MA94-08_2002 MA94148_2002 MA94-15_2002 MA94073_2002 MA94101_2002 Page 2 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A21. South Coastal Basin Subbasin ID 21044 21047 21048 21050 21056 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 3.35 2.66 2.05 0.57 0.01 21057 6.18 21059 0.51 4/20/2007 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Branch Creek Broad Creek Chandlers Pond Furnace Brook Furnace Pond Lewis Pond Littles Creek North River Parsons Pond South River Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Wales Pond Bass Creek Black Mountain Pond Green Harbor Marsh Green Harbor River Wharf Creek Winslow Cemetary Pond Wright Pond Wright Reservoir Allens Pond Cut River Duck Hill River Duxbury Bay Duxbury Marsh Governor Winslow House Pond Green Harbor North Hill Marsh North Hill Marsh Pond Pine Point River Plymouth Bay Lower Chandler Pond Pembroke Street South Pond Pine Brook Reeds Millpond Upper Chandler Pond West Chandler Pond Crossman Pond Fountainhead Brook Jones River Unknown Bassett Brook Blackwater Pond Bracketts Pond Dead Swamp Halls Brook Lower Chandler Pond Pine Street Pond Unknown Crossman Pond Furnace Brook Granny Pond Indian Pond Russell Pond Soules Pond Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA94-06_2002 X -Pathogens MA94-08_2002 MA94-09_2002 X -Pathogens MA94-15_2002 X -Pathogens MA94047_2002 MA94-11_2002 X -Pathogens X -Pathogens MA94126_2002 MA94165_2002 MA94170_2002 MA94032_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants MA94-12_2002 MA94-13_2002 MA94-14_2002 X -Pathogens Impairment MA94009_2002 MA94-10_2002 MA94172_2002 MA94174_2002 MA94109_2002 MA94-17_2002 MA94091_2002 MA94117_2002 MA94121_2002 MA94072_2002 MA94133_2002 Page 3 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A21. South Coastal Basin Subbasin ID 21060 21063 21065 21075 4/20/2007 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 10.58 12.65 2.35 3.51 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Unknown Foundry Pond Goose Pond Great Mink Hole Jones River Little Mink Hole Little Smelt Pond Lucas Pond Pratt Pond Rocky Pond Smelt Brook Smelt Pond Wolf Pond Unknown Arms House Pond Duxbury Bay Eel River Foundry Pond Hedges Pond Leach Pond Little Smelt Pond No Bottom Pond Plymouth Bay Plymouth Harbor Spooner Pond Stone Pond Unknown Arms House Pond Billington Sea MA94038_2002 X -Turbidity MA94-14_2002 X -Pathogens MA94-15_2002 MA94-23_2002 X -Pathogens MA94-17_2002 MA94-16_2002 X X -Pathogens -Pathogens MA94007_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Briggs Reservoir Cooks Pond Goose Pond Harlow Pond Little Muddy Pond Little Pond Lout Pond No Bottom Pond North Triangle Pond South Triangle Pond Town Brook Trask Pond Triangle Pond Unknown Crooked Pond Eel River Forge Pond Gunners Exchange Pond Hallfield Pond Hooper Pond Howland Pond Hoyts Pond Island Pond Negro Pond Russell Millpond South Triangle Pond Turtle Pond MA94020_2002 MA94027_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants Receiving Waterbody Impairment MA94184_2002 MA94182_2002 MA94090_2002 MA94110_2002 MA94149_2002 MA94-23_2002 MA94036_2002 MA94055_2002 MA94070_2002 MA94076_2002 MA94132_2002 Page 4 of 5 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A21. South Coastal Basin Subbasin ID 21079 21081 21083 21085 21089 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 2.81 3.00 1.80 6.13 6.70 TOTAL KNOWN: 4/20/2007 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Bartlett Pond Beaver Dam Brook Beaver Dam Pond Fresh Pond Long Island Pond Rabbit Pond Warner Pond Unknown Black Pond Briggs Reservoir Clam Pudding Pond Cotton Pond Dugway Pond Ellis Bog Hathaway Pond Indian Brook Island Pond Lilly Pond Morey Hole Rocky Pond Savery Grassy Pond Scokes Pond Shallow Pond Ship Pond Tays Bog Unknown Black Jimmy Pond Black Pond Center Hill Pond Hedges Bog Hedges Pond Salt Pond Savery Pond Unknown Black Pond Bloody Pond Elbow Pond Foundry Pond Grassy Pond Great Herring Pond Hathaway Pond Island Pond Little Herring Pond Pickerel Pond Triangle Pond Unknown Black Pond Cape Cod Canal Foundry Pond Long Swamp 37 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA94005_2002 MA94006_2002 MA94040_2002 MA94088_2002 MA94019_2002 MA94075_2002 MA94102_2002 MA94140_2002 MA94142_2002 MA94008_2002 MA94065_2002 MA94136_2002 MA94015_2002 MA94035_2002 MA94050_2002 X -Metals X -Pathogens MA94074_2002 MA94082_2002 MA94160_2002 MA95-14_2002 Page 5 of 5 8 3 19 3 2 19320 193 1 19 37 5 4 19 31 3 19 3 11 19312 19255 21028 21013 ROCKLAND MARSHFIELD HANOVER 4 210 ABINGTON 1 19 2 0 19 31 9 5 192 3 20 05 5 3 21037 NORWELL 0 7 01 25 2 24 19 7 25 00 6 30 19 19 2 1 21030 21027 1 210 5 35 19 20 05 2 21 00 9 21036 SCITUATE 35 0 21 21033 0 21007 21 01 1 1 02 21 1 19307 STOUGHTON 19241 21031 25005 25 02 9 SHARON 25153 19 36 4 COHASSET 21005 19374 19373 HINGHAM 19371 19359 19358 19357 WEYMOUTH 19356 19 31 7 5 31 19 AVON 19206 BRAINTREE 19363 HOLBROOK 25001 19249 19354 19353 19360 5 193 19250 0 31 19 20 05 1 19253 19240 19245 19244 20053 NORFOLK 20 04 3 0 30 19 CANTON 6 WALPOLE 19 21 8 19321 RANDOLPH 19 25 20046 NORWOOD 19237 19261 1923 9 19221 19308 2 26 19 5 21 19 20063 19264 6 MILLIS 19303 19318 19301 3 192 19 21 9 4 23 19 MEDFIELD MILTON QUINCY 19302 19 26 6 2 37 19 19232 20064 19258 2 19 35 19228 5 19 22 DOVER 19226 19227 WESTWOOD 19 21 4 20056 RBORN 21022 25002 21044 20050 21 05 1 25 14 9 210 5 9 8 25 11 25052 25083 25093 21063 21061 25048 21065 25103 25 10 1 25 14 3 PLYMPTON 25 08 0 25077 25094 5 25 04 RAYNHAM 25156 25092 PLYMOUTH 27 01 8 25076 25159 25095 TAUNTON 25075 9 25 11 26009 26002 25085 25120 3 02 27 MIDDLEBOROUGH 25089 25160 CARVER 25069 25166 24012 26005 REHOBOTH 25090 25091 DIGHTON 27026 BERKLEY 1 25 17 25067 24009 9 26 01 6 8 17 25 9 251 25181 26502 24022 25061 26 51 24018 FREETOWN 25 19 6 26 511 24102 24023 25057 7 SOMERSET 25058 24039 FALL RIVER 24041 ACUSHNET 24103 MARION 24105 26199 26 18 9 26194 / WESTPORT 24112 24020 24031 MATTAPOISETT 24045 24050 24115 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: TAUNTON FAIRHAVEN 24038 24034 24033 24024 2402 9 26192 24042 5 02 24 24104 DARTMOUTH 24 10 8 24110 24999 24030 24047 NEW BEDFORD 24111 26193 24008 24014 24010 9 01 24 26187 ROCHESTER 24016 8 02 24 25198 24040 2651 3 25180 3 24 01 25183 2699926509 24005 24037 SWANSEA 1 24 01 26 51 5 4 WAREHAM 26504 265 0 2 26 50 8 2 26 0 25173 7 2602 1 25197 25179 26 01 8 25064 25176 26015 3 25068 LAKEVILLE 2517 0 26501 26014 25 07 3 7 17 25 25195 25 17 2 9 25 16 25165 26013 240 2 6 21 04 7 2 25 1 2 4 210 5 05 21 4 05 21 21058 25079 1 14 25 27105 21 01 9 19 20 1 25152 20 03 7 4 56 KINGSTON 210 21060 BRIDGEWATER 25150 27025 27020 26019 2 210 4 25 13 9 13 25 25115 6 14 25 26020 SEEKONK 21062 21053 25054 27012 260 2 2501 6 2 27 01 7 ATTLEBORO 21057 21052 25039 NORTON 25147 27021 21050 21049 25026 25109 25155 25148 DUXBURY 21048 HALIFAX 27011 27102 21 02 9 25028 25099 27013 4 27019 27 01 21 01 8 3 251 4 12 25 27 00 2 MANSFIELD 27009 NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH 27008 21026 EAST 25015 BRIDGEWATER 25027 WEST BRIDGEWATER 27005 27 01 6 EASTON 25036 27004 PEMBROKE 21040 25021 HANSON 25038 25104 PLAINVILLE 3 02 21 25098 25014 25032 25 10 7 2 12 25 9 12 25 25154 21025 21 01 7 25011 25131 25138 25019 WHITMAN 3 FOXBOROUGH 25130 25123 BROCKTON 25 01 7 03 25 20 04 0 25102 25128 WRENTHAM 25127 25 01 0 25030 6 09 25 9 04 20 24021 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A22. Taunton Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 25001 3.88 25002 10.63 25005 25007 4.82 0.25 25010 1.55 25011 1.51 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Brockton Reservoir Waldo Lake Unknown Cross Pond Ellis Brett Pond Lovett Brook Lower Porter Pond Thirtyacre Pond Upper Porter Pond Waldo Lake Unknown Cary Brook Searles Brook Trout Brook Upper Porter Pond Beaver Brook Cleveland Pond Cushing Pond Unknown Beaver Brook Cleveland Pond Hunts Pond Jones Pond Unknown Beaver Brook Cross Pond Edson Brook Ellis Brett Pond Jones Pond Lower Porter Pond Matfield River Salisbury Brook Thirtyacre Pond Trout Brook 4.78 25015 25016 25017 0.58 1.76 2.82 25019 2.00 4/20/2007 Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA62023_2002 MA62201_2002 MA62052_2002 MA62111_2002 MA62190_2002 MA62200_2002 MA62201_2002 MA62-07_2002 X -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA62-32_2002 MA62-08_2002 X X MA62-05_2002 X MA62-06_2002 X -Pathogens -Siltation -Pathogens -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Cause Unknown -Pathogens MA62-07_2002 X -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA62-32_2002 MA62094_2002 X X -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) X -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) 2 Salisbury Plain River 25014 Water Body Segment ID Code Upper Porter Pond Unknown Hunts Pond Meadow Brook Unknown Forge Pond Unknown Matfield River Unknown Island Grove Pond MA62042_2002 MA62056_2002 MA62-09_2002 MA62042_2002 MA62-09_2002 MA62052_2002 Shumatuscacant River Unknown Bear Meadow Hobart Pond MA62-33_2002 MA62090_2002 Poor Meadow Brook Shumatuscacant River MA62-33_2002 Page 1 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A22. Taunton Basin Subbasin ID 25027 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.01 25029 2.47 25030 1.96 25032 16.42 Unknown Black Brook Poor Meadow Brook Satucket River Unknown Dorchester Brook French Pond Gibney Pond Monte Pond Unknown Ames Long Pond Unknown 25036 1.56 Unknown 25037 25039 2.37 5.50 Unknown Unknown 25045 25048 0.56 0.48 Receiving Waterbody Dry Pond Farrington Pond Flyaway Pond Longwater Pond Picker Pond Queset Brook Shovelshop Pond Whitman Brook Ames Pond Coweeset Brook Dean Pond Hockomock River Longwater Pond Morse Pond Queset Brook Black Brook Little Cedar Swamp West Meadow Brook Black Brook Hockomock River Hockomock Swamp Howard Brook Lake Nippenicket Nunkets Pond Town River Willow Brook Unknown Raven Brook Unknown Annasnapett Brook Bonney Pond Cedar Swamp Colchester Brook Cooper Pond Doten Brook Fuller Street Pond Granny Pond Johns Pond Little Cedar Swamp Lyon Pond Muddy Pond Muddy Pond Brook North Center Street Pond Palmer Mill Brook Peterson Swamp Ricketts Pond Savery Pond Trickle Pond Turkey Swamp Whetstone Brook Winnetuxet River 4/20/2007 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA62-34_2002 MA62-10_2002 MA62001_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) MA73040_2002 MA62109_2002 MA62-21_2002 MA62172_2002 MA62-22_2002 MA62-35_2002 MA62-21_2002 MA62106_2002 MA62-35_2002 MA62131_2002 MA62-11_2002 MA62-12_2002 MA62046_2002 MA95058_2002 MA62096_2002 MA62125_2002 MA94104_2002 MA62132_2002 MA62167_2002 MA62-24_2002 Page 2 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A22. Taunton Basin Subbasin ID 25054 25061 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 1.68 4.06 25064 2.72 25068 2.01 25069 25075 2.08 6.73 25076 2.03 25083 1.48 25085 4/20/2007 7.98 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Beaver Brook Blood Pond Carver Pond Matfield River Satucket River South Brook Spring Brook Taunton River Town River Winnetuxet River Unknown Bolton Cedar Swamp East Freetown Pond Fall Brook Sassaquin Pond Unknown Black Brook Millers Neck Brook Unknown Assawompset Pond Bates Brook Cranberry Pond Loon Pond Nemasket River Owl Swamp Pocksha Pond Sampsons Cove Tamett Brook The Reservoir Unknown Fall Brook Shaving Brook Shorts Brook Stony Brook Tispaquin Pond Woods Brook Woods Pond Unknown Beaver Dam Brook Beaverdam Swamp Fall Brook Meetinghouse Swamp Nemasket River Unknown Joses Meadow Purchade Brook Unknown Bassett Brook Ice Pond Otis Pratt Brook Sawmill Brook Taunton River Unknown Clear Pond Dunham Pond Nevertouch Pond Pogouy Brook Poquoy Pond Puddingshear Brook Thatchers Pond The Reservoir Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA62033_2002 MA62-32_2002 MA62-10_2002 X -Pathogens X -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) Impairment MA62-01_2002 MA62-12_2002 MA62-13_2002 MA62-24_2002 MA62063_2002 MA95129_2002 MA62003_2002 MA62-25_2002 MA62145_2002 MA62189_2002 MA62220_2002 MA62-25_2002 MA62-26_2002 MA62-36_2002 MA62-01_2002 MA62147_2002 Page 3 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A22. Taunton Basin Subbasin ID 25089 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.57 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Big Bearhole Pond Cain Pond 25090 13.26 Unknown 25091 25092 5.91 1.94 Unknown Unknown 25093 3.54 Unknown 25094 3.79 Unknown 25095 5.25 Unknown 25099 25115 25118 7.34 2.10 0.02 25119 0.01 25120 1.24 25122 0.32 25124 1.05 4/20/2007 Deep Pond Furnace Brook Furnace Pond Kings Pond Lake Rico Little Bearhole Pond Middle Pond Richmond Pond Taunton River Thatchers Pond Thompson Brook Barstows Pond Cotley River Cotley River Dam Lot Brook Johnson Pond Dead Swamp Pine Swamp Pine Swamp Brook Prospect Hill Pond Forge River Gushee Pond Hewitt Pond Johnson Pond Kings Pond Titicut Swamp Tracy Pond Cotley River Forge River Taunton River Unknown Canoe River Unknown Black Pond Canoe River Hockomock Swamp Lake Sabbatia Mulberry Meadow Brook Snake River Winnecunnet Pond Unknown Lake Sabbatia Mill River Watson Pond Whittenton Impoundment Unknown Cobb Brook Crapo Bog Unknown Mill River Taunton River Unknown Hawthorne Brook Trout Pond Unknown Turnpike Lake Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA62011_2002 X MA62030_2002 X Impairment -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Turbidity MA62148_2002 MA62115_2002 MA62159_2002 MA62-01_2002 MA62149_2002 MA62-37_2002 MA62084_2002 MA62088_2002 MA62097_2002 MA62101_2002 MA62-37_2002 MA62-01_2002 MA62-02_2002 MA62-27_2002 X -Pathogens X -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) X -Pathogens MA62-27_2002 MA62166_2002 MA62-31_2002 MA62-28_2002 MA62213_2002 MA62166_2002 MA62-29_2002 MA62205_2002 MA62228_2002 MA62-29_2002 MA62-02_2002 MA62198_2002 Page 4 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A22. Taunton Basin Subbasin ID 25128 25131 25132 25134 25139 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 2.57 2.44 2.80 4.19 0.01 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Cracker Pond Crocker Pond Meadow Brook Rabbiy Hill Pond Route One Pond, West Thurston Street Pond Unknown Carpenter Pond Cocasset Brook Cocasset Lake Furnace Lake Gobernor Meadow Sunset Lake Wading River Unknown Blakes Pond Robinson Pond Wading River Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA62051_2002 MA62165_2002 MA62192_2002 MA62032_2002 MA62043_2002 MA62076_2002 X -Turbidity MA62221_2002 MA62163_2002 MA62-17_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Witch Pond Swamp Unknown Hodges Brook Unknown Sweets Pond Wading River MA62185_2002 MA62-17_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA62184_2002 25141 0.34 Unknown Wading River MA62-17_2002 X 25143 0.41 Unknown Wading River MA62-17_2002 X 25147 1.42 Unknown Chartley Brook Chartley Pond Coopers Pond Unknown Barrowsville Pond Wading River MA62007_2002 MA62-17_2002 X MA62-17_2002 X 25148 1.22 25150 0.04 Unknown Wading River 25152 10.58 25153 4.61 Unknown Hersey Pond Robinson Brook Unknown Billings Brook Gavins Pond Mcavoy Pond Rumford River 25154 4/20/2007 6.89 Impairment Vandys Pond Wolomolopoag Pond Unknown Cabot Pond Fulton Pond Glue Factory Pond Hodges Pond Robinson Brook Rumford River MA62038_2002 -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA62-14_2002 MA62077_2002 MA62112_2002 MA62-15_2002 X -Pesticides -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA62216_2002 MA62029_2002 MA62075_2002 X X -Pesticides -Pesticides X -Pesticides X -Pesticides -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA62091_2002 MA62-14_2002 MA62-15_2002 Page 5 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A22. Taunton Basin Subbasin ID 25155 25159 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 9.64 3.73 25160 0.13 25165 0.53 25166 0.40 25170 0.68 25173 2.40 25176 3.19 25177 25178 3.83 0.20 25180 0.05 25181 2.01 25196 14.74 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA62134_2002 X Rumford River MA62-15_2002 X Threemile River Wading River MA62-16_2002 MA62-17_2002 X X Receiving Waterbody Unknown Norton Reservoir Unknown Fall Brook Meadow Brook Meadow Brook Pond Oakland Pond Sheppards Factory Pond Threemile River Willis Pond Unknown Three Mile River Impoundment Threemile River Unknown Taunton River Threemile River Unknown Maple Swamp Segreganset River Segreganset River Ponds -Pesticides -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) -Pesticides -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens MA62113_2002 MA62136_2002 MA62-16_2002 X -Pathogens MA62231_2002 MA62-16_2002 MA62-02_2002 MA62-16_2002 X X X -Pathogens -Pathogens -Pathogens MA62-18_2002 MA62169_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity MA62-19_2002 MA62-20_2002 X -Pathogens Shepherds Cove Taunton River MA62-03_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Terry Brook Unknown Mount Hope Bay MA61-06_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Pathogens MA62-03_2002 X MA62-04_2002 X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens Unknown Cedar Swamp Segreganset River Unknown Fall Brook Hathaway Brook Long Pond Mill Pond Mullein Hill Chapel Pond Unknown Cedar Swamp Cedar Swamp River Holloway Brook Unknown Quaker Brook Unknown Assonet River Forge Pond Quaker Brook Unknown Mill Brook Rattlesnake Brook Unknown Assonet River Quequechan River Steep Brook Taunton River 4/20/2007 Impairment MA62-18_2002 MA62108_2002 MA62127_2002 MA62-19_2002 MA62072_2002 MA61-05_2002 Page 6 of 7 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A22. Taunton Basin Subbasin ID 25197 25198 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 8.32 1.35 TOTAL KNOWN: 4/20/2007 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Broad Cove Buffington Brook Labor In Vain Brook Mount Hope Bay Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA62022_2002 MA61-06_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Pathogens Muddy Cove Brook Muddy Cove Brook Pond MA62-23_2002 MA62124_2002 X -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Segreganset River Somerset Reservoir Taunton River MA62-18_2002 MA62174_2002 MA62-02_2002 MA62-03_2002 X X X MA62-04_2002 X MA61-06_2002 X -Metals -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Thermal modifications -Pathogens Unknown Mount Hope Bay 2 Page 7 of 7 12129 20025 20 02 6 FRANKLIN 2002 7 25128 25131 20037 20024 25152 25129 25122 FOXBOROUGH WRENTHAM 25154 3 12 25 12145 25130 12143 12144 25098 25138 12127 25132 25124 25134 25126 27002 PLAINVILLE MANSFIELD 12146 27004 25099 27005 25155 27009 25139 27008 27017 25141 NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH 25143 25148 27 011 12147 NORTON 0 27 1 27105 25150 2 25147 27016 ATTLEBORO 27012 12148 25149 25159 27018 25146 27013 12150 TAUNTON 27019 27014 26009 27021 26002 27025 27020 27023 25166 REHOBOTH SEEKONK DIGHTON 26013 26005 26020 26501 2 270 26022 / 6 26021 26014 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: TEN MILE 26019 26018 26015 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A23. Ten Mile Basin Subbasin ID 27004 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 0.58 Receiving Waterbody Unknown Plainville Pond Ten Mile River Wetherells Pond Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 MA52-02_2002 X MA52041_2002 X Impairment -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity 27005 0.49 Whiting Pond Unknown Ten Mile River MA52042_2002 MA52-02_2002 X -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity 27008 8.33 Whiting Pond Unknown Falls Pond MA52013_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity Farmers Pond MA52014_2002 MA52015_2002 X -Nutrients -Noxious aquatic plants Manchester Pond Reservoir Mechanics Pond MA52026_2002 MA52027_2002 X -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Peck Pond Scotts Brook Ten Mile River MA52-09_2002 MA52-02_2002 X X MA52-03_2002 X -(Flow alteration*) -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants Whiting Pond 4/20/2007 MA52042_2002 Page 1 of 3 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A23. Ten Mile Basin Subbasin ID 27009 27012 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 10.39 0.43 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Unknown Black Pond Bungay River Greenwood Lake Mechanics Pond MA52-06_2002 MA52017_2002 MA52027_2002 X Plain Street Pond MA52032_2002 X MA52011_2002 X Hebronville Pond Mechanics Pond MA52020_2002 MA52027_2002 X X Speedway Brook MA52-05_2002 X Ten Mile River MA52-03_2002 X Receiving Waterbody Witch Pond Witch Pond Swamp Unknown Dodgeville Pond 27013 0.02 Thacher Brook Unknown Ten Mile River MA52-03_2002 X 27014 0.00 Unknown Ten Mile River MA52-03_2002 X 27016 6.49 Unknown Fourmile Brook Luther Reservoir Orrs Pond Sevenmile River MA52-10_2002 MA52025_2002 MA52029_2002 MA52-07_2002 Impairment -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Noxious aquatic plants -(Exotic species*) -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -Noxious aquatic plants -Nutrients -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Cause Unknown -Metals -Nutrients -Siltation -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Other habitat alterations*) -Pathogens -Turbidity -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Cause Unknown -Unknown toxicity -Metals -Nutrients -Organic enrichment/Low DO -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants X -Turbidity X -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens Todds Pond 4/20/2007 Page 2 of 3 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A23. Ten Mile Basin Subbasin ID 27017 27018 Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Urbanized Area Outfalls 7.01 13.97 Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Unknown Hoppin Hill Reservoir Scotts Brook Sevenmile River MA52021_2002 MA52-09_2002 MA52-07_2002 X X Unknown Lake Como MA52010_2002 X MA52029_2002 MA52-07_2002 X MA52-08_2002 X Receiving Waterbody Orrs Pond Sevenmile River 27105 4/20/2007 2.17 Sweedens Swamp Unknown Fourmile Brook Manchester Pond Manchester Pond Reservoir Impairment -(Flow alteration*) -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Noxious aquatic plants -Turbidity -(Exotic species*) -Organic enrichment/Low DO -(Flow alteration*) -Pathogens -Pathogens MA52-10_2002 MA52026_2002 Page 3 of 3 3121 6147 41 28 4046 14 42 42 53 62 19 62 06 62 04 62 37 6243 42 5 5 62 50 62 51 6249 EAST LONGMEAD 62 53 62 81 62 8 0 42 34 62 65 4229 422 3 6252 LONGMEADOW 6260 6259 6269 62 61 6284 62 68 WESTFIELD 6283 45 62 27 42 Appendix A Sub-Basin Identification Maps: 5060 4236 6255 AGAWAM 62 82 4226 4258 62 67 4240 4237 4139 42 32 6221 4231 SOUTHWICK 235 4 4230 4228 24 42 6248 4242 62 66 4203 5058 / 4256 42 41 4199 5056 50 5 7 SPRINGFIELD 6246 46 42 50 33 42 51 4215 5055 4243 42 25 50 50 5059 6220 4212 4211 42 45 00 42 4196 1 504 5039 5054 WEST SPRINGFIELD 4205 8 419 5052 62 18 9 41 7 2 41 9 5051 2209 4248 42 04 4202 5047 8331 8345 WESTFIELD 4206 5049 GRANVILLE 5048 CHICOPEE 42 83 4207 4195 46 50 TOLLAND 5037 8344 LUDLO W 8347 4219 42 59 22 00 4191 5045 5040 62 14 41 55 4147 2 41 8 76 41 11 50 5 50 1 42 16 4178 SANDISFIELD 5038 4252 4218 4184 5036 2208 6223 6183 4173 RUSSELL 41 87 5027 5032 5030 6207 6168 4194 5029 62 11 6182 HOLYOKE 6161 2193 NEW MARLBOROUGH 10 62 6165 6179 SOUTHAMPTON 6196 GRANBY BLANDFORD 5019 5018 5017 SOUTH HADLEY 6217 4159 5031 6159 MONTGOMERY 41 72 50 34 2192 4171 4163 5010 4186 2198 EASTHAMPTON 6184 6157 4161 5014 5013 41 50 6202 41 75 50 12 9 20 8 MONTEREY 2195 5021 OTIS 41 77 71 61 4181 2090 6199 6186 4158 4149 2098 6130 6200 6178 6 615 5009 6134 6172 4112 411 0 4111 51 41 1 41 4 41 37 TYRINGHAM 6181 6173 41 2 9 4148 91 40 4087 HUNTINGTON 4153 41 33 5003 2206 90 40 40 88 CHESTER 4144 4145 03 41 41 38 22 41 9 411 41 42 4132 5004 AMHERST 6137 NORTHAMPTON 61 7 0 WESTHAMPTON 4146 2092 60 67 6152 4109 4131 2087 2088 6105 HADLEY 4071 6177 4130 BECKET 2196 60 57 61 06 6153 61 4 5 6108 62 62 20 71 4120 2086 2101 60 75 30 61 4054 203 1 20 54 2082 2095 20 85 20 91 6133 6114 6151 6212 2094 84 20 LEE 6088 6154 2078 2079 6129 36 61 50 61 79 40 MIDDLEFIELD 4101 4117 6084 6068 6113 HATFIELD 61 48 4069 4086 02 41 6 411 20 81 WHATELY 6103 6111 6140 9 614 WASHINGTON 6146 61 43 8 40 6 4108 60 9 9 WILLIAMSBURG 6 40 7 4126 8 60 7 61 44 7 40 6 6142 CHESTERFIELD 4124 SUNDERLAND LEVERET 6208 6083 6104 4066 64 40 4072 WORTHINGTON 4097 14 41 73 20 2072 61 39 4059 2006 2005 20 93 2077 4107 75 40 70 20 20 67 67 22 6 206 8 206 4074 4096 4125 76 20 4060 6101 6102 GOSHEN 40 65 2069 LENOX 55 40 4058 2009 6100 4035 PERU 2074 2080 4056 94 40 2008 2014 HINSDALE 6094 28 31 4092 2 201 2010 20 65 40 57 CUMMINGTON 7 404 2034 PITTSFIELD 6077 6091 CONWAY 3131 4043 4034 4032 4018 15 20 20 33 DEERFIELD 3136 3129 40 17 2020 6072 6098 4014 ASHFIELD 73 60 2018 DALTON 2025 2032 3122 3123 40 28 2021 20 23 20 2 7 4022 40 26 23 40 40 09 40 08 1002 20 44 2026 4042 3173 3118 37 31 PLAINFIELD WINDSOR 40 40 2016 8 404 2017 1004 4025 4003 86 30 30 89 40 36 7131 6071 6070 MONTAGUE 3117 4041 1008 4004 20 96 3139 3085 LANESBOROUGH 20 3 9 SHELBURNE 30 62 1014 1006 2041 GILL GREENFIELD 31 3172 68 60 79 3059 60 49 3162 3165 6056 3082 60 30 10 05 CHESHIRE 30 8 8 3063 HAWLEY 3087 BUCKLAND 3158 3156 31 27 1015 3115 6138 1009 3057 SAVOY 3153 3090 84 30 10 16 10 55 CHARLEMONT 3069 3064 40 02 11 10 20 37 1013 30 6 5 3042 3050 1021 40 01 10 07 61 10 2038 3041 1022 80 30 1019 1026 ADAMS 1012 1017 NEW ASHFORD 6278 MassHighway NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent - Appendix A Table A24. Westfield Basin Subbasin ID Mass Highway Number of Road Miles in Known Receiving Waterbody Urbanized Area Outfalls 4173 0.92 4211 0.01 4212 4215 4216 4219 0.10 1.25 0.72 0.16 4223 0.02 Unknown Pond Brook Potash Brook Russell Pond Westfield River Unknown Ashley Brook Jacks Brook Little River Unknown Little River Unknown Arm Brook Unknown Arm Brook Unknown Barry Brook Buck Pond Fuller Reservation Pond Horse Pond Pond Brook Powdermill Brook Sandy Brook Snake Pond Unknown Congamond Lakes 4229 4230 4243 0.76 0.06 0.00 Unknown Unknown Unknown 4246 4248 0.01 6.03 Unknown Unknown Goose Pond Great Brook Great Brook Great Brook Kellog Brook Slab Brook Great Brook Great Brook Little River Moose Meadow Brook Powdermill Brook Westfield River 4256 4258 4/20/2007 2.93 4.67 Westfield River Brook Unknown Block Brook Miller Brook Paucatuck Brook Trask Brook Westfield River White Brook Unknown Westfield Brook Westfield River Water Body Segment ID Code Impaired Category 4a or 5 Impairment MA32-22_2002 MA32061_2002 MA32-05_2002 MA32-08_2002 MA32-08_2002 MA32012_2002 MA32043_2002 MA32-24_2002 MA32-09_2002 X -Siltation -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity X -Siltation -Pathogens -Suspended solids -Turbidity MA32021_2002 MA32022_2002 MA32023_2002 MA32-25_2002 MA32-25_2002 MA32-25_2002 MA32-25_2002 MA32-25_2002 MA32-08_2002 MA32-23_2002 MA32-09_2002 MA32-05_2002 MA32-06_2002 MA32-27_2002 MA32-29_2002 MA32-06_2002 MA32-07_2002 MA32-28_2002 MA32-07_2002 Page 1 of 1 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix D: Summary of Drainage Connections/Concerns/Violations Reviewed by Districts Lee Ashfield Great Barrington Wilbraham 1 1 1 2 4.3.08 Williamstown 1 2-2007-0189 Blandford Town 1 Date Issued Becket Permit # 1 District # Rte 20 105 Stockbridge Road; Rte. 102 Rte. 116 Rte. 20 Rte. 2 Rte. 23 Rte. 8 Road Indirect Direct Direct Indirect Indirect Direct and Indirect Flow Detention basin overflow Property releasing water from a cellar pump with a 3 in. PVC pipe onto the State Highway. A letter from the Dept. is being processed. The letter states that pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway. Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate the removal and all costs incurred will become their responsibility. Underground 3 in. PVC pipe tied into an existing catch basin from homeowners’ property. A letter from the Department is being processed. The letter states that this is an illicit connection and that they are in violation of Chapter 81, Section 21 of Massachusetts General Laws. The connection should be removed and that it is the landowner responsibility to apply for and receive a MassHighway tie in permit Overland flow from a 2 in. PVC pipe from a cellar drain encroaching on State Highway. A letter from the Dept. stating that the pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway. Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate the removal and all costs incurred will become the homeowner responsibility. Owner removed the pipe. Overland flow from a 2 in. PVC pipe from a sump pump, encroaching on State Highway. District 1 sent a letter from the Dept. stating that pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway, Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate the removal and all costs incurred will become the business’s responsibility. Owner removed the pipe. Overland flow from property encroaching onto State Highway. Homeowner constructed new DI, on line and connected sub-drain pipe into new DI thereby eliminating overland flow. Permit Issued. Overland flow from property encroaching onto State Highway. Businesses connected an 8 inch pipe into a new manhole with controlled flow and upgrade 12 inch pipe crossing to 18 inch pipe. Permit Issued. Issue Drainage Connections/Concerns/Violations from 4.1.07—3.31.08 Page D-1 No Unknown No No Exempt non-sw discharge Storm Water Only? NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Permit # 2-2007-0603 2-2007-0478 2-2006-0575 Letter sent Letter sent Letter sent Letter sent Letter sent Letter sent Letter sent 5-2008-0059 5-2007-0591 5-0043-2007 5-0103-2008 District # 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.24.07 12.27.07 8.16.07 8.13.07 3.27.07 1.30.07 1.30.07 10.22.07 10.4.07 12.30.07 Date Issued Harwich Taunton Stoughton Walpole Agawam Holyoke Orange Holyoke Palmer Northampton Ware Northampton Belchertown Chicopee Town Rte 28 Walpole Mall Rte 1 Rt 140 Rte 138 Rte 159 Rte 5 Rte 122 I-91NB Rte 67 Rte 5/10 Rte 9 Rte 5/10 Rte 9 under I-391 Road Direct Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Direct Indirect Indirect Direct and Indirect Flow Existing direct discharge. Mall is working to amend and include improved BMPs. Not Issued – Still In Process Not Issued – Still In Process Part of MEPA mitigation plan that is at 25% Design. Not Issued – Still In Process Request for tie-in from overflow during 100 year storm. Still working on outcome. Letter sent to Six Flags regarding parking lot surface drainage entering NB shoulder and traveled way then into CB via paved water way (PWW) to driveway. Letter sent to residence regarding sediment from edges of steep driveway clogging CB (Cons Comm copied). Letter sent to residence regarding direct discharge from 4” pipe from direction of abutter house and into drain inlet (Town Administrator copied). Letter sent to business regarding direct discharge from 18” pipe at lay out line with potential downstream concerns at I-91 cross culvert, from excess flow (Cons Comm copied). Letter sent to residence regarding flow & sediment from driveway clogging MassHighway drain inlet (Cons Comm copied). Letter sent to residence regarding direct discharge via 3”plastic pipe directed onto SHLO. Letter sent to residence regarding need to apply for permit. Flow & sediment affecting SHLO, unpaved wrong grading (Cons Comm copied). Flow via OCS & SWTC to CB, but all 10-yr plus overflow from detention basin and 50% flow reduction beyond 10-yr event Rip rap overflow from OCS Drain pipe within State Highway Lay Out (SHLO) to rip rap protected slope to City’s Canal Issue Page D-2 Working towards Storm Water Only? NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix E: Potential Illicit Connections Summary Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Oily sheen present Oily sheen present Oily sheen present Town Dracut Dracut Dracut MassHighway Owns Discharge? Y Y Y Location Southern side of Rt. 110 (Merrimac Ave), halfway between Stuart Street and York Street Southern side of Rt. 110, across the road from York Street Southern side of Rt. 110, across the road from Steward Street Identification Source Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Notes Regarding Review of IDDE Page E-1 The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall was performed on May 8th, 2007. The drainage feature consisted of a 15” cast iron projecting pipe, four catch basins in the shoulder of the westbound lane, two catch basins in the shoulder of the eastbound lane, and two manholes. During their review, there was a discharge observed at the site. The sample results demonstrate a high level of specific conductance, which could potentially be explained by the de-icing of Route 110 by road salt. Considering the volume of late-spring snow events, it is not unlikely that some amount of road salt would be discovered in highway runoff. All other parameters analyzed were nondetects. Based on the sample results and the visual review of the area, we feel that the dry weather discharge is most likely from groundwater intrusion into the drainage system and no further action is warranted. The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall on May 8th, 2007. The drainage feature consisted of a 15” PVC projecting pipe, three catch basins in the shoulder of the westbound lane, and three manholes. During the inspection, there was a discharge observed at the site. The sample results demonstrate a high level of specific conductance, which could potentially be explained by the de­ icing of Route 110 by road salt. Considering the volume of late-spring snow events, it is not unlikely that some amount of road salt would be discovered in highway runoff. All other parameters analyzed were nondetects. Based on the sample results and the visual review of the area, we feel that the dry weather discharge is most likely from groundwater intrusion into the drainage system and no further action is warranted. The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall was performed on May 8th, 2007 during dry weather conditions. The drainage feature consisted of a 15” cast iron projecting pipe and a catch basin in the shoulder of the eastbound lane. The staff noted an oily sheen present at the outfall. There were no apparent connections or discharges noted at the site at the time of the inspection. Since ENSR staff did not observe flow, sampling activities were not conducted and no further investigation was warranted. Potential Illicit Discharge Identified in Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Boston Rd (3A), if driving northbound, on left hand side Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) White foam present Oily sheen and garbage present Catch basin with two hoses hooked into it Haverhill Billerica Rowley Y Y I-495-S on-ramp at Exit 48 (Rt. 125 Connector) Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Main Street (Rt. 1A) Catch Bain location Y Location Town MassHighway Owns Discharge? Identification Source Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Page E-2 Reviewed on May 9, 2007, staff noted several garden-type hoses hooked into a catch basin. A black 1” flexible hose protruded from the foundation of the residence at 215 Main Street. . There was no discharge observed at the time of the inspection. Since there was no discharge observed, the field crew was not able to pursue sampling activities. The outfall for this catch basin could not be located; however the catch basin was dry. There was visual evidence to suggest that the hose had been flowing in the past. District 4 Permit Engineer will visit the site and send a certified letter to 215 Main Street as required by the Drainage Connection Policy requiring the homeowner to take appropriate action. The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall in Billerica on Rt. 3A (Boston Road) was performed on May 8th, 2007 during dry weather conditions. The drainage feature consisted of a culvert, a paved waterway on both sides of Route 3A, and a drainage manhole in the middle of the road. This outfall was brought to our attention as a possible illicit discharge during ENSR’s drainage inventory. The staff noted an oily sheen and garbage present at the outfall. There were no apparent connections or discharges noted at the site at the time of the inspection. There was also no flow from the discharge; therefore sampling activities were not conducted. The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall in Haverhill was performed on May 9th, 2007. The outfall was on the eastern side of the ramp, down a steep embankment. The drainage feature consisted of a reinforced concrete headwall with an 18” opening and two catch basins. There was a discharge observed at the site at the time of the inspection. The outfall in question was discharging directly into a larger water feature at the bottom of the embankment. There was a cloudy, white precipitate observed directly below the outfall. The sample results demonstrate a high level of specific conductance, which could potentially be explained by the de-icing of the on-ramps to I-495 by road salt. Considering the volume of late-spring snow events, it is not unlikely that some amount of road salt would be discovered in highway runoff. The pH level (6.2) was also outside the recommended thresholds (typical stormwater discharge pH values range from 6.5 -8.5). All other parameters analyzed were non-detects. District 4 staff will follow-up with a site visit and perform a more thorough inspection of the entire contributing drainage system. Notes Regarding Review of IDDE NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Identification Source Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Inventory staff noted a large gauge electric cable and a 1” black pipe projecting from the outfall Culvert with suspected drainage tied in Town Winchester Manchester Cambridge St.(Rt. 3), sw side of Robinson Circle, directly behind the residence at #14; discharging into Upper Mystic Lake Y Y Location Bridge Street (Rt. 127) MassHighway Owns Discharge? Page E-3 The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall was performed on May 9th, 2007 during dry weather conditions. The drainage feature consisted of a catch basin in the shoulder of Rt. 127 directly connected to an outfall pipe that discharges into the creek. There are identical features on the north and south side of Rt. 127. There were no apparent connections or discharges noted at the site at the time of the inspection. Since ENSR staff did not observe flow, sampling activities were not conducted and no further investigation is warranted. The sample results demonstrate a high level of specific conductance, which could potentially be explained by the de-icing of Route 3 and local roads by road salt. Considering the volume of late-spring snow events, it is not unlikely that some amount of road salt would be discovered in highway runoff. The sample also returned elevated fecal coliform levels. The pH level (8.8) was also outside the recommended thresholds (typical stormwater discharge pH values range from 6.5 -8.5). All other parameters analyzed were non-detects. District 4 staff will follow-up with the homeowner and further inspection of the drainage system. The hose/ wire observed was assumed to be an intake pump, however this was not confirmed with the homeowner. Upon following the catch basins across Rt. 3, the field crew identified a small brook that was running across/ under Fernway St., and down a large hill. It was assumed that the flow observed from the outfall was in fact a stream that had been diverted underground; however the crew took a sample of the outfall for analysis. The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall was performed on May 8th, 2007. The drainage feature consisted of a 15” clay projecting pipe and a series of catch basins across Rt. 3. During the review, the cable and pipe were still present and there was a discharge from the outfall. Notes Regarding Review of IDDE NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Mystic River Watershed Assoc. Mystic River Watershed Assoc. Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Route 1 behind Home Depot, MyRWA Outfall 1342 Route 1 discharging to Mill Creek, MyRWA Outfall 1338 Pipes attached to a house Town Chelsea Revere Saugus Identification Source Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Y Y Salem Turnpike (Rt. 107) at Ballard Street Y Off Northeast Expressway (Rt. 1) near Fenno St. (below Route 1) Constructed wetland, Northern end of HD parking lot Location MassHighway Owns Discharge? Page E-4 The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall in Saugus on Rt. 107 (Salem Turnpike) was performed on May 8th, 2007 during dry weather conditions. . The drainage feature consisted of a projecting concrete pipe, a catch basin on the western side of Rt. 107, and a drainage manhole on the Porter’s Seafood Property. It appeared that a portion of the outfall pipe had broken and cracked off. This outfall was brought to our attention as possible illicit discharge during ENSR’s drainage inventory. There were no apparent connections or discharges noted at the site at the time of the inspection. Since the consultant’s staff did not observe flow, sampling activities were not conducted and no further investigation was determined needed.. The sample results demonstrate a high level of specific conductance, which could potentially be explained by the de-icing of Route 1 by road salt. The suspended solids identified could also be attributed to the presence of road salt/ sand. Considering the volume of late-spring snow events, it is not unlikely that some amount of road salt would be discovered in highway runoff. Fecal coliform results were non-detect, signifying a continuing decrease in bacteria concentrations at this outfall. The District crews will review the upstream drainage system in more detail to rule out the possibility of illicit connections. The site survey and investigation of the questionable MassHighway outfall was performed on May 8th, 2007 during dry-weather conditions. The drainage feature consisted of a broken 15” corrugated metal pipe, a concrete headwall, a manhole, and two catch basins in the shoulder of the southbound lane of Route 1. According to MyWRA, this outfall had exceeded the proposed secondary contact standards for Enterococcus spp. There was a discharge observed at the site at the time of the inspection. The drainage feature consisted of a concrete headwall that discharges into the wetland, two catch basins on the Route 1 on/off-ramps, and a manhole on the southern side of the northbound Rt. 1 off-ramp for Route 16. This outfall was brought to MassHighway’s attention as a possible illicit discharge by the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA). This outfall had exceeded the proposed secondary contact standards for Enterococcus spp. There were no apparent connections or discharges noted at the site at the time of the inspection. Since the consultant’s staff did not observe flow, sampling activities were not conducted. Notes Regarding Review of IDDE NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Roger Frymire, email dated 12/27/06 Roger Frymire, email dated 12/27/06 Roger Frymire, email dated 12/27/06 Larry Salvatore (MHD) Contractor Roger requested MH determine if they own. Discharge #566, 567 and 568 per Mr. Frymire East end of California Street @Rt. 16, Discharge #573 per Mr. Frymire Cheesecake Brook, possible tie-ins. Roger requesting MH determined ownership. Brown stain in ice at discharge and petroleum odor during discharge inventory. No evidence of oil in review of surface runoff leading to discharge. MassHighway identified #2 fuel oil in catch basins during routine work Brookline Watertown Newton Lanesboro Lee Town Identification Source Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Route 20, vicinity of 135 Housatonic St. On Route 8, across from D.R. Billings Construction Co. Appears to be from MassPike. Outfall of note just to ID ownership Jamaicaway, near Willow Pond Location Y Y N N N MassHighway Owns Discharge? Page E-5 Lee Fire Department responded and padded storm drain. MassHighway contracted with Clean Harbors to clean out structures and pipes were flushed and collected with vacuum truck. Lee Fire Dept checked adjacent residences but no one indicated any oil releases. No source identified. Booms also placed at discharge point. DEP Release Form completed and submitted. Review by District 1and DEP identified no illicit connection. There are no MassHighway roads in this area and it appears that the discharge is from MassPike. Letter sent to from MassHighway Roger Frymire dated June 20, 2007 with this information. Environmental consultant (ENSR) reviewed the bridge drainage during recent field work activities and ascertained that that the bridge does not drain to the outfall at the east end of California Street. Based on the physical location of the outfall and the ownership of California Street, this outfall is likely owned/ maintained by the Town of Watertown. Letter sent by MassHighway to Roger Frymire dated June 20, 2007 with this information. The Jamaicaway abuts the pond to the east and Willow Pond Road to the north. Both of these roads are owned by DCR. MassHighway’s drainage inventory in this area, which relied upon inventory performed by the Town of Brookline along Route 9, indicated that the drainage from Route 9 discharges approximately 0.4 miles to the north of Willow Pond. Therefore, the discharge in question is most likely owned by DCR. Letter sent by MassHighway to Roger Frymire dated June 20, 2007 with this information. Notes Regarding Review of IDDE NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Town Lee District 2 District 2 District 2 District 2 Northampton Palmer Holyoke District 1 Ware Ashfield District1 Williamstown District 1 District 1 Identification Source Great Barrington Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge I-91NB Route 67 Route 5/10 Route 9 105 Stockbridge Road; Rte. 102 Location Letter sent to residence regarding need to apply for permit on 1/30/07. Flow & sediment affecting SHLO, unpaved wrong grading (Cons Comm copied). Letter dated 1/30/07 sent to residence regarding direct discharge via 3”plastic pipe directed onto SHLO. Letter dated 3/27/07 sent to residence regarding flow & sediment from driveway clogging MassHighway drain inlet (Cons Comm copied). Y Y Y Y Page E-6 Letter dated 8/13/07 sent to business regarding direct discharge from 18” pipe at lay out line with potential downstream concerns at I-91 cross culvert, from excess flow (Cons Comm copied). Underground 3 in. PVC pipe tied into an existing catch basin from homeowners’ property. A letter from the Department is being processed. The letter states that this is an illicit connection and that they are in violation of Chapter 81, Section 21 of Massachusetts General Laws. The connection should be removed and that it is the landowner responsibility to apply for and receive a MassHighway tie in permit Y Y Overland flow from a 2 in. PVC pipe from a sump pump, encroaching on State Highway. District 1 sent a letter from the Dept. stating that pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway. Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate the removal and all costs incurred will become the business’s responsibility. Owner removed the pipe. Y Overland flow from a 2 in. PVC pipe from a cellar drain encroaching on State Highway. A letter from the Dept. stating that the pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway. Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate the removal and all costs incurred will become the homeowner responsibility. Owner removed the pipe. Notes Regarding Review of IDDE Property releasing water from a cellar pump with a 3 in. PVC pipe onto the State Highway. A letter from the Dept. is being processed. The letter states that pipe must be removed from releasing water onto the State Highway. Failure to comply with the Dept. request will necessitate the removal and all costs incurred will become their responsibility. Y MassHighway Owns Discharge? NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Agawam Potential CSOs? Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) MyRWA Belmont/ Arlington Elevated bacteria levels District 5 Norton District 4 District 2 Agawam Potential illicit drainage tie-in District 2 Holyoke Taunton District 2 Identification Source Orange Town Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Y 283 West Main Street Y Y Y Route 123 (West Main Street) in front of house 283 Route 2 discharge at Spy Pond Y Y Y Route 159 Rte 5 Rte 122 Location MassHighway Owns Discharge? Page E-7 Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. MassHighway, Arlington, Belmont and MyRWA officials met to discuss this discharge on February 5, 2008. After review of maps of the drainage system, MassHighway has agreed to develop a sampling protocol and schedule for Spring 2008 to perform inspection and sampling (if warranted) of the drainage system. The inspection will start at the outfall and “chase” the flow up the system to determine the source. If the dry weather flow is entering from the Arlington or Belmont MS4, MassHighway will alert them to the flow so they can continue on with the investigation. A protocol and schedule is being developed by MassHighway for this sampling project and will be submitted to Arlington, Belmont and MyRWA for review before proceeding. MassHighway sent an enforcement letter to the homeowner indicating that the illegal tie-in needed to be removed or the homeowner needed to apply for a permit. Owner sent letter dated 10/27/07 requesting a permit to tie-in to state drainage. MassHighway will send permit application and invite owner to meeting with District 5 to discuss tie-in. Letter sent to homeowner on September 17, 2007 giving homeowner 90 days to either discontinue the tie-in or apply for a permit to tie-in to the MassHighway drainage system. If homeowner does not respond within the time frame, the matter will be referred to the State Attorney General’s office. Letter dated 12/24/07 sent to Six Flags regarding parking lot surface drainage entering NB shoulder and traveled way then into CB via paved water way (PWW) to driveway. Letter dated 12/27/07 sent to residence regarding sediment from edges of steep driveway clogging CB (Cons Comm copied). Letter dated 8/16/07 sent to residence regarding direct discharge from 4” pipe from direction of abutter house and into drain inlet (Town Administrator copied). Notes Regarding Review of IDDE NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Y Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Dry weather flow Marlborough More than one flowing illicit discharges Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Foam at the outfall. Marlborough Fitchburg Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Dry weather flow Marlborough Y Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Outfall for two 6” PVC pipes – questioned source Northborough Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Worcester Chlorine odor Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Oily scum on the water surface and an orange discharge Oxford Northborough Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Consistent flow and algal build-up potential illicit connection Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Possible illicit discharge Hatfield Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Location MassHighway Owns Discharge? Potential CSOs? Identification Source Agawam Town Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Page E-8 Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Notes Regarding Review of IDDE NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Y Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Severe erosion and several illicit discharges Possible illicit discharge Dry weather flow Paxton Walpole Sandwich Y Y Drainage Inventory Consultant (ENSR) Fitchburg Location An outfall for three pipes…not sure if this necessarily means illicit or not Town MassHighway Owns Discharge? Identification Source Reason Suspected as Potential Illicit Discharge Page E-9 Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Will review in field and sample if flowing when dry weather conditions are available during spring 2008. Notes Regarding Review of IDDE NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix F: Maintenance Schedule Summary Summary of Compliance with Maintenance Matrix - Statewide Permit Year 5 Drainage Asset Roads STORMWATER BMPS Area/ Note Mow Maintenance Facilities/ Material Storage Yards Annually Roads/ Weigh Stations/ Rest Areas Annually Catch Basins Maintenance Facilities/ Material Storage Yards -­ Roads/ Weigh Stations/ Rest Areas -­ Extended Detention Basins Maintenance Facilities/ Material Storage Yards Annually Roads/ Weigh Stations/ Rest Areas Annually Maintenance Facilities/ Material Storage Yards Activity Schedule Sweep Inspect Clean Repair Permit Year 5 Statewide Was Schedule Comments Met? Annually -­ ANI Yes Annually Annually -­ ANI Yes ANI ANI Yes Annually Annually (after snow melt) ANI ANI Yes ANI ANI Yes Annually Annually (after snow melt) ANI ANI Yes ANI ANI Yes ANI ANI Yes* -­ Annually Annually (after snow melt) ANI ANI Yes* -­ Annually ANI ANI Yes* ANI -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ Water Quality Swales (including dry swales, bio-filter swales, and wet swales) Roads/ Weigh Stations/ Rest Areas -­ -­ Sediment Forebays Maintenance Facilities/ Material Storage Yards -­ Roads/ Weigh Stations/ Rest Twice per Areas year Annually (after snow melt) Not every waterway has been inspected as of this date. Channel Systems Annually -­ -­ Annually ANI Yes* Not every channel system has been inspected as of this date. Bridge Inspection reports, which are performed every two years identify problem areas and areas are addressed on an as needed basis. Outlet Sediment Traps -­ -­ Annually ANI -­ Yes* Not inspected annually. Repaired and cleaned as needed, if issue is reported. Vegetated Filters Strip Annually -­ Annually ANI ANI Yes Wet Pond Enhanced Wet Pond -­ -­ -­ -­ Annually Annually ANI ANI ANI ANI Yes* Yes* Constructed Storm Water Wetlands -­ -­ ANI ANI Yes* Recharge Basin -­ -­ Annually Twice per year ANI ANI Yes* Leaching Catch Basins -­ ANI ANI Yes Subsurface Recharge Systems Recharge Trenches and Beds Recharge Dry Wells and Galleys -­ -­ -­ Regular Raking -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ Annually Twice annually Annually Annually ANI ANI ANI ANI ANI ANI None known None known None known -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually Annually ANI ANI Annually ANI ANI ANI ANI ANI ANI ANI ANI None known None known None known Yes None known None known -­ -­ Annually ANI ANI Yes* Filter Systems Sand Filters Organic Filters Water Quality Inlet Flow Splitters Impoundment Structures Check Dams OTHER -­ -­ Weekly -­ -­ Yes Holding Tanks - UST Self-test alarm, if so equipped Gauge tank to determine if greater than 75% full. -­ -­ -­ -­ Yes Holding Tanks - AST Gauge tank to determine if greater than 75% full. -­ -­ Weekly set appropriate schedule -­ -­ Yes Oil/ Water Separators Not typically able to mow due to limited resources. 4/24/2008 Summary of Compliance with Maintenance Matrix - Statewide Permit Year 5 Permit Year 5 Statewide Was Schedule Met? Comments Activity Schedule Sweep Inspect Clean Repair Record water meter readings and report to DHC. -­ -­ Annually -­ -­ Yes NPDES Construction Site - Site Inspections -­ -­ Weekly -­ -­ Yes NPDES Construction Site - Repair of erosion controls -­ -­ Weekly ANI -­ Yes NPDES Construction Site Cleaning of storm water structures -­ -­ Weekly ANI -­ Yes Drainage Asset Area/ Note Septic System ANI - As Needed per Inspection Mow * These BMPs are inspected on reported need by maintenance staff or other. 4/24/2008 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix G: Six Month Summary of Catch Basin Accumulation Study Prepared for: MassHighway MassHighway Catch Basin Accumulation Study Six-Month Analysis Report Erica Molloy, PE Prepared By Caroline Hampton, PE Reviewed By ENSR Corporation May 2007 J:\ESP\Projects\P040\4489 MassHighway\4489007\Assignment 0300 - Catchbasin Accumulation Project\Updates & Memos\Six-Month Report(HB)_5-31-07.doc May 2007 MassHighway developed a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) under the EPA NPDES Phase II Stormwater Program, General Permit for MS4s in Massachusetts. As one of its measurable goals, MassHighway proposed a three-year study of sediment accumulation in catch basins for representative road categories. The purpose of the study, which was initiated in October 2006, is to track the accumulation of sediment in selected catch basins and determine an appropriate catch basin cleaning schedule for road categories. This memorandum is a six-month qualitative analysis intended to summarize trends identified during the first six months of the study. 1) Catch Basin Selection The first step in this study was to define distinct categories of catch basin types which may be used for setting cleaning schedules in the future. Discussions with maintenance staff at District 4 led to the identification of the five following categories: 1. High Accumulation Area 2. High Traffic/ Standard Winter Deicing Protocols 3. High Traffic/ Reduced Salt Area 4. Low Traffic/ Standard Winter Deicing Protocols 5. Low Traffic/ Reduced Salt Area The categories reflect the different types of roads owned by MassHighway and the different salting/sanding practices. “High accumulation areas” are typically along high volume roadways at low points along walls or with overhanging growth that might significantly contribute to sediment accumulation. “Standard winter deicing protocols” refers to the application of straight salt at the rate of 240 pounds/lane mile. For designated reduced salt zones of sand/salt or sand/pre-mix (pre-mix is calcium chloride flakes mixed with salt in the following proportion - 20% calcium chloride, 80% salt) is applied at the rate of 240 pounds/lane mile according to MassHighway protocol. “Reduced salt areas” are areas where sand and pre-mix is applied to the roadway at a one-to-one ratio to reduce the amount of sodium in environmentally sensitive areas. MassHighway also may use plowing, direct liquid application of calcium chloride, and/or salt pre-treated with liquid calcium chloride to further reduce sodium chloride applications. Roadways within reduced salt zones often drain to either a public water supply or areas containing a large concentration of private wells. Next, ENSR identified representative areas within each category and determined the number of catch basins to include in the study. ENSR performed a statistical analysis to determine the number of catch basins required for a valid mean within each cleaning category. For each category, a sample size of ten would achieve 80 percent certainty that each measurement is within 20 percent of the mean (where the mean is the average amount of accumulated sediment in the catch basins). Categories 2 and 3 include subsets of ramp and mainline catch basins, so a total of seventy catch basins were selected. Before they were finalized, MassHighway District 4 staff and ENSR technical staff field-verified each selected catch basin (and roadway) to make sure it was appropriate and accessible. J:\ESP\Projects\P040\4489 MassHighway\4489007\Assignment 0300 - Catchbasin Accumulation Project\Updates & Memos\Six-Month Report(HB)_5-31-07.doc May 2007 Table 1: Catch Basins Included in Each Study Category Number Category Location of Roadway 1 High Accumulation Area Route 2, along Spy Pond 2 High Traffic / Reduced Salt Area Route 95 mainline, south of Route 2, along the Cambridge Reservoir 3 High Traffic / Standard Winter Deicing Protocols Route 2 mainline at Routes 4 and 225 4 Low Traffic / Standard Winter Deicing Protocols Route 20, Weston 5 Low Traffic / Reduced Salt Areas Route 2A, between Waltham Street and Spring Street 2) # of Catch Basins 10 20 (10 ramp, 10 mainline) 20 (10 ramp, 10 mainline) 10 10 Literature Review ENSR performed a literature review to gather information regarding cleaning frequencies, sediment accumulations, and catch basin effectiveness. Throughout the study, information will be used to assist with data analysis and research will continue. Relevant findings to date are summarized below. State of Washington (and several other states) requires that a catch basin be cleaned if the depth of deposits is equal to or greater than one-third the depth from the basin to the invert of the lowest pipe into or out of the basin. If a catch basin is found during the annual inspections to significantly exceed this standard, it shall be cleaned every six months” ( One study (Pitt, 1985) concluded that catch basins can capture sediments in up to approximately 60% of the sump volume. When sediment fills greater than 60% of the sump volume, catch basins reach steady state. Storm flows may then bypass the sump treatment as well as resuspend sediments trapped in the sump. Frequent clean-out can retain the volume in the catch basin sump available for treatment of stormwater flows ( CatchBasins.htm). Several districts in California clean catch basins before the sump is 40% full. During wet seasons (typically October – May) and in areas of high accumulation, more frequent cleanings become necessary (­ 74.pdf#search=%22catch%20basin% 20cleaning%20epa%22). Two studies suggest that increasing the frequency of maintenance can improve the performance of catch basins, particularly in industrial or commercial areas. One study of sixty catch basins in Alameda County, California, found that increasing the maintenance frequency from once per year to twice per year increased the total sediment removed by catch basins on an annual basis (Mineart and Singh, 1994). Annual sediment removed per inlet was 54 pounds for annual cleaning, 70 pounds for semi­ annual and quarterly cleaning, and 160 pounds for monthly cleaning. For catch basins draining industrial uses, monthly cleaning increased total annual sediment collected to six times the amount collected by annual cleaning (180 lbs. versus 30 lbs.). These results suggest that (at least for industrial uses) more frequent cleaning of catch basins may improve removal efficiency. However, the cost of increased operation and maintenance costs needs to be weighed against the improved pollutant removal ( J:\ESP\Projects\P040\4489 MassHighway\4489007\Assignment 0300 - Catchbasin Accumulation Project\Updates & Memos\Six-Month Report(HB)_5-31-07.doc May 2007 3) Initial Steps MassHighway cleaned catch basins via clamshell bucket in October 2006, approximately two weeks before collecting the first round of monitoring data. At that time, ENSR documented background information regarding each catch basin (including pipe configurations and sump depths). Part of documenting the background information was to make sure that the catch basins chosen are representative of catch basins statewide. Approximately 40% of the basins in the study are part of catch basin systems (“flow through” basins) and 60% are “stand-alone basins” (e.g., have only a discharge pipe). Sump depths range from 1 to 5 feet; approximately 80% of the catch basins have sump depths greater than 2 feet. In January 2007, 10 catch basins were substituted because their sumps were less than one foot deep, which would provide limited data regarding sediment accumulation. An eleventh catch basin was substituted because the location was too dangerous for staff during monitoring. The project database was updated to reflect the changes. 4) Data Collection and Analysis Table 2 summarizes precipitation data for the study vicinity. ENSR will continue to analyze precipitation data throughout the course of the study to draw seasonal and annual comparisons. Table 2: Precipitation Data for the Study Area Month-Year Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 Precipitation (inches) 5.8 1.9 2.4 2.2 4.3 6.6 Figure 1 presents data MassHighway provided ENSR regarding the amounts of sand that were applied to MassHighway roads (in the study area) during storm events. (Amounts of salt and premix were also recorded, but not plotted because both would melt, not accumulate, in the catch basins.) Generally speaking, the winter of 2006-2007 was a fairly mild winter in terms of snowfall, which affected the amount of sand that was applied to roadways in the study area. Tracking sand data will be helpful in making seasonal and annual comparisons over the next two and a half years. J:\ESP\Projects\P040\4489 MassHighway\4489007\Assignment 0300 - Catchbasin Accumulation Project\Updates & Memos\Six-Month Report(HB)_5-31-07.doc May 2007 Figure 1: Cumulative Sand Application Rate per Lane Mile Cumulative Sand Application (Tons Sand / Lane Mile) 8 7 Hgih Accumulation / Standard Deicing 6 High Traffic / Reduced Salt 5 High Traffic / Standard Deicing 4 Low Traffic / Standard Deicing Low Traffic / Reduced Salt 3 2 1 0 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 Month-Year Figure 2 illustrates mean sediment accumulation by category for November 2006 to April 2007. Despite several attempts, monitoring data was not collected in February 2007 due to weather conditions. The mean values presented for each category indicate the percent of the sump volume that is taken up by sediment (e.g., percent full). J:\ESP\Projects\P040\4489 MassHighway\4489007\Assignment 0300 - Catchbasin Accumulation Project\Updates & Memos\Six-Month Report(HB)_5-31-07.doc May 2007 Figure 2: Mean Sediment Accumulation by Category 60% Nov. '06 Dec. '06 Jan. '07 50% Mar. '07 Apr. '07 % (of Sump) Full 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% High Accumulation / Standard Deicing High Traffic / Reduced Salt Low Traffic / Reduced Salt High Traffic / Standard Deicing Low Traffic / Standard Deicing Catch Basin Type 5) Summary of Findings Study categories were selected to provide comparisons between different deicing practices for the same type of roadway. Reduced salt areas (e.g. more sand is applied) and areas where standard deicing protocols are followed (e.g. more salt and premix is used, both of which melt, not accumulate, in a catch basin sump) on both high traffic and low traffic roadways were compared. Figure 2 indicates that during the winter months, when there were snow events, more sediment accumulated in the reduced salt category catch basins than those in standard deicing areas located along both high traffic and low traffic roadways. Figure 2 indicates that the average sediment accumulation in high accumulation areas was much greater than in other categories in November 2006. Review of the field data indicates that most of the accumulated material is leaves, which likely deteriorate or flow out of the catch basin between accumulation measurements. The section of roadway is also on a hill, and observed accumulation rates suggest that leaves likely accumulated at low points (e.g., within the category, downgradient catch basins exhibited higher accumulation rates). J:\ESP\Projects\P040\4489 MassHighway\4489007\Assignment 0300 - Catchbasin Accumulation Project\Updates & Memos\Six-Month Report(HB)_5-31-07.doc May 2007 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix H: Public Well Supply Matrix Owner/Town Golden Eagle Restaurant Upton Andover Cambridge Reservoir Property Owner Clarksburg Sandra Smith Andover Cambridge Chip Norton, Watershed Manager Cambridge Water Dept. 250 Fresh Pond Parkway Cambridge, MA 02138 (671) 349-4781 Jack Petkus, Director Department of Public Works 397 Lowell Street Andover, Ma 01810-4416 Telephone (978) 623-8750 Wildwood Lounge Route 140 64 West Main Street Upton, MA 508.529.7782 John Morris, President 1935 Mohawk Trail Clarksburg, MA 01247 Address April 3, 2008, Na = 45, Cl = 92 raw water 2/22/2000 June 2006, Finish water Na= 71, Cl = 121 2/6/08 sample: Na = 26, Cl= 4 4/11/2001- referred to MDEP Regular monitoring began 1987 Sent 30 day notice 12/11/06. Sent PWDF, ROE, data, etc. to UMASS 1/18/07 to begin investigation and schedule site visit. Initial site visit scheduled for 2/5/2007. MassHighway has issued a release agreement for installation of a test boring. Need to coordinate with DEP. Golden Eagle counsel requested additional information. Response was provided via 1/08 letter. from owner: 1/8/07; Na = 1260, Cl = 2291, Ca = 320 correspondence dated 5/10/06­ Enviro rec'd 5/12/06 Page H-1 Reservoir is adjacent to 128 in Towns of Lexington, Lincoln, Waltham, and Weston. There is a designated reduced salt zone for this area covering 24.6 linear miles and 177.8 lane miles in the vicinity covering sections of Route 2, 2A and 128. Poly style storage was constructed in 2001 where there previously was no outside storage from 1998 through 2001. Based on monthly sampling, Town requested a reduced salt zone along I-93 and I-495 and relocation of the salt storage shed via July 2004 correspondence. Section of I-495 and 93 has been designated as a reduced salt zone. Reduced salt zone first implemented in 2005-2006 winter season. Investigation Complete. Classified as a public water supply and all actions need to be coordinated w/ MaDEP. MassHighway Counsel finalized a settlement agreement with owner in September 2005. DEP issued permit for siting of test well on July 14, 2006. First well replacement attempt failed due to hydraulic connection to Lake Wildwood, which would have required small PWS to meet Surface Water Treatment rule. Second attempt constructed in January 2007. This well was connected in November 2007. We will need to conduct additional micro-particulate analysis per MaDEP requirements. General Comment Section Last Data Point (mg/l) Date of Initial Complaint NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Owner/Town Dedham/Westw ood North Chelmsford Peabody Property Owner Dedham/ Westwood North Chelmsford Eastman-Gelatin Corp. Paul Carter, Services Mgr. 227 Washington St. Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 573-3757 Bruce J. Harper Superintendent North Chelmsford Water District 64 Washington Street PO Box 655 North Chelmsford, MA 01863­ 0655 Telephone (978) 251-3931 Nan Crossland Executive Director DedhamWestwood Water Dept. 50 Elm Street, Dedham, MA 02027-9137 Telephone (781) 329-7090 Address Concern is over one Municipal Well located to the North of I-95/128 near University Avenue. The well is located in Fowl Meadow Aquifer that recharges White Lodge Well No. 5. Correspondence written in March 2004 indicating that we would monitor salt application. MassHighway with UMass has installed monitoring wells and stormwater outfall monitors to evaluate NaCl sources to Fowl Meadow. MassHighway and UMass have been conducting monthly sampling of well network. 2/5/2008-Well #5 Na = 92, Ca = 23, Cl = 155 10/07, Well No. 1 Na = 297 Cl = 445, Well No. 2 Na = 62 Cl = 93, Well No. 3 Na = 173 Cl = 185, Well No. 4 Na = 215, Cl = 300 3/08 Bleachery Pumphouse Cl = NM, Pump House 11A Cl = 198, Pump House 12A Cl = 253, Pump House 2 Cl = NM, Pump House 2A Cl = 128, Pump House 4A Cl = 142, Pump House 5A Cl = 150 File alluded to 3/7/88 correspondence from DWWD requesting MHD refrain from using salt along sections of Rt 128. 12/19/97 telecon b/w Sam Pollock and Mark Hollowell of Anderson-Nichols regarding DEP req'd monthly monitoring and concerns for White Lodge Well #5 mid 1980s ~1965 Page H-2 Eastman-Gelatin industrial wells in close proximity to I-95. This area is within a reduced salt zone. Monthly data is collected by Eastman-Gelatin. There is a reduced salt zone in East and North Chelmsford for 153 lane miles consisting of section of Route 3, 3A, 4 and Lowell Connector. High arch gambrel salt shed is under design. Anticipate 100% plans will be ready summer 2008. General Comment Section Last Data Point (mg/l) Date of Initial Complaint NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Owner/Town Wilmington Manchester Hanover Kingston Property Owner Wilmington DPW Manchester Hanover Kingston Mary Lou Joyce, Office Administrator Board of Water Commissioners 22 Elm Street Kingston, MA 02364 Alen Alan, Water Supervisor Hanover Water Dept. 40 Pond Street Hanover, MA 02339 (781) 826-3189 Robert Moroney 10 Central Street Manchester-By-The Sea, MA 01944 (978) 526-1242 Michael Wood 121 Glen Road Wilmington, MA 01887 (617) 291-8916 Address No additional response from Town. Bob Maroney indicated he would need to check budget to support sample collection and analysis. Contacted by Lisa Press (Con Comm agent) on 2/2/05 to discuss sampling program and that a citizens group has volunteered to provide funding for the monthly sampling. Town did not follow up with funding and coordination for proposed sampling locations. MassHighway is collecting baseline sodium and chloride data in preparation of construction of additional travel lanes along Route 53. If after the widening the sodium chloride levels increase significantly in the municipal wells then MassHighway will evaluate remedial options. Potential source may be application along new Route 44 after it opens in late 2004. MassHighway is collecting baseline sodium and chloride data in preparation for the opening of the new section of Route 44. If there is a significant increase of sodium and chloride after construction then MassHighway will evaluate remedial options. It should be noted that the Winthrope Street well is near town roads and is not near the Rt 44 relocation. info provided verbally by Bob Moroney on 2/15/05 indicated Lincoln Well at 32-34 mg Na/L & Treatment Plant at 14-17 mg Na/L. 7/29/03; Lincoln St Well Na = 37, Gravelly Pond WTP Na = 18 2/7/08, Pond Street well Raw water Na = 66, Cl = 101 2/12/08 Trackle Pond Na = 26, Cl = 40; Grassy Hole Na = 9, Cl = 14; Winthrope St Na = 221, Cl = 313 8/15/2003 Being sampled for baseline data because of potential roadway project Being sampled for baseline data because of potential roadway project Page H-3 Contacted by DEP, Jim Persky about potential sodium issue in 2 wells located near I-93. Performed initial site visit w/ UMass on 6/28/05. Additional data provided and UMass will copy and evaluate for data collection/mass balance. MassHighway received draft sampling plan for review January 2007, which was forwarded to Wilmington DPW for their consideration. Wilmington has not expressed further interest in participating in the program. 1/05 Sargent Water Treatment Plant ~100 mg Na/L. 3/04 Browns Crossing Wellfield = 118 mg Na/L,Salem Street Well = 56 mg Na/L,Barrows Wellfield = 127 mg Na/L, &Sargent Water Treatment Plant = 103 mg Na/L 4/29/2005 General Comment Section Last Data Point (mg/l) Date of Initial Complaint NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Owner/Town Middleboro Norwell Onset Plymouth Yarmouth Property Owner Middleboro Norwell Onset Plymouth Yarmouth Rick Tierney Superintendent Willow Street West Yarmouth, MA 02673 (508) 771-7921 Paul Wohler, Superintendent Plymouth Water Department Town Hall 11 Lincoln Street Plymouth, MA 02360 508-830-4155 Bill Gay, Superintendent Onset Fire District 15 Sand Pond Road Onset, MA 02558 (508) 295-0603 Jack McInnis, Superintendent Norwell Water Dept. 345 Main Street Norwell, MA 02061 (781) 659- 8076 Richard E. Tinkham, Water Superintendent Dept. of Public Works 48 Wareham Street Middleboro, MA (508) 946-2482 Address Potential sources are the MassHighway Maintenance facility and salt applications on Route 53 and 3. MassHighway is collecting baseline sodium and chloride data in preparation of construction of additional travel lanes along Route 53. Potential source may be application along new Route 44 after it opens in late 2004. MassHighway is collecting baseline sodium and chloride data in preparation for the opening of the new section of Route 44. If there is a significant increase of sodium a remedy will be identified such as a reduced salt zone and increased use of liquid de­ icers. Source of salt is MassHighway salt application along Route 6 in Yarmouth and salt storage area at Willow Street. Remediation included improved salt storage and handling practices at the maintenance facility, and installation and operation of a scavenger well. 2/12/08 South St. treated Na = 76 Cl = 119, South St. Sta 1 Na = 96 Cl = 142, South St. Sta 6 Na = 51 Cl = 81 2/5/08, Red Brook Sta 3 Na = 20 Cl = 29, Sta 4 Na = 18 Cl = 27, Sta 5 Na = 12 Cl = 8, Sta 6 Na = 8 Cl = 12 1/30/08, N. Plymouth well raw Na = 28, Cl = 46; Darby Pond raw Na = 14, Cl = 18; Federal Furnace raw Na = 7, Cl = 8 2/1/08, Town Hall Sink Tap Na = 23, Cl = 34; Higgins Crowell Rd, Sta 1 Na = 101 Cl = 163, Sta 2 Na = 103 Cl = 168, Sta 3 NM Being sampled for baseline data because of potential roadway project Result of reduced salt zone along section of Route 25 and court action for Mann cranberry bog Being sampled for baseline data because of roadway project Page H-4 3/20/06 mtg between District 5 and Env. Personnel to discuss town wells and operational improvements. 3/29/06 letter forwarded to water district. MassHighway continues to implement reduced salt zone in the area for 40 lane miles of Route 28 and 495. 3/4/08 Miller Na = 29 Cl = 50, Rock 1 Na = 54 Cl = 125, Rock 2 Na = 50 Cl = 109 Plympton Na = 47 Cl = 82 8/15/1989 & 2/91 General Comment Section Last Data Point (mg/l) Date of Initial Complaint NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix I: TMDL Review Table Phosphorus Flint Pond, Grafton/Worcester/ Shrewsbury Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester/ Shrewsbury Lake Quinsigamond and Flint Pond (BMP 7P) 4/24/2008 Bacteria, Phosphorus Kickemuit Reservoir Upper Kickemuit River Kickemuit River Kickemuit River Phosphorus Indian Lake, Worcester Indian Lake (BMP 7K) Pollutant of Concern Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? In a letter written to DEP and dated June 19, 2002, District 3 committed to an increased schedule of inspection of catch basins every six months, with cleaning as determined necessary in inspections, and annual sweeping of roads in this watershed. Also, MH has begun a CB Accumulation Study (BMP 6C-3) to review the accumulation trends in catch basins. The study includes review of accumulation data in five different roadway and winter deicing areas for three years. Upon completion of the review, MH will update that Catch Basin Cleaning SOP, if determined necessary, and implement the SOP. See response above (#4) regarding maintenance schedule commitments. The letter committed to inspection and cleaning, if necessary of all sumped drainage structures twice a year and more often if necessary; inspection/ cleaning of drainage outlet locations where sediment build up is evident; and inspection and repair of damaged and/or clogged drainage conveyances. 4. Visually inspect the roads monthly and sweep as needed. At a minimum, roads must be swept at least twice a year as soon after snowmelt as possible or by April 1st of each year and again in the fall. 5. Inspect catch basins at least twice a year and any other settling or detention basins once a year to measure depth of solids. If solids are one half or more of design volume for solids, then completely remove all solids. Page I-1 MassHighway District 3 will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. District 3 has agreed to increased maintenance schedule within this watershed. MassHighway has received full authorization to discharge under the general permit. The NOI submitted with the application for coverage includes many educational programs on pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. MassHighway and EPA continue to work together to finalize the programs included in the Storm Water Management Plan. MassHighway has received authorization from EPA to discharge storm water under the general permit for discharges in this watershed. MassHighway will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? 3. The regional office of MassHighway has offered to target high priority watersheds in the region of higher frequency of BMPs and maintenance. 2. MassHighway will also be required to apply for the EPA Phase II General Stormwater NPDES Permit by March 10 of 2003. 1. MassHighway should begin the Storm Water Management Plans required under Phase II to reduce discharge of pollutants to the "maximum extent practicable." MassHighway will need to comply with MS4 regulations. Phase II Stormwater Management Plans submitted and general permits as required which include six minimum measures and prioritization of outfalls for BMP construction. MassHighway needs educational programs on pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. 2. Comply with a new Phase II Stormwater discharge permit. In addition, the Regional DEP office in Worcester has submitted a written request to the Regional office of MassHighway to give the roads in the Mill Brook drainage area (including parts of Indian Lake Watershed) priority for increased Best Management Practices such as sweeping and catch basin cleaning. 1. Reduce impervious surfaces, institute increased street sweeping and catch basin cleaning; install detention basins, etc. TMDL suggests that MassHighway do the following: If yes, what are the recommendations? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 Leesville Pond (BMP 7L) Lake Quinsigamond and Flint Pond (cont'd) Overall Basin Leesville Pond, Auburn/ Worcester Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Phosphorus Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? USGS is currently performing a loading study for MassHighway. 8. Conduct pilot project to assess loadings and test BMPs on highways MassHighway District 3 has committed to an increased schedule of inspection of catch basins every six months, with cleaning as determined necessary in inspections, and annual sweeping of roads in this watershed. Also, MH has begun a CB Accumulation Study (BMP 6C-3) to review the accumulation trends in catchbasins. The study includes review of accumulation data in five different roadway and winter deicing areas for three years. Upon completion of the review, MH will update that Catch Basin Cleaning SOP, if determined necessary, and implement the SOP. District 3 has committed to inspection and cleaning, if necessary, of all sumped drainage structures twice a year and more often if necessary; inspection/ cleaning of drainage outlet locations where sediment build up is evident; and inspection and repair of damaged and/or clogged drainage conveyances. MassHighway will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. 2. MassHighway and towns of Auburn, Leicester, Paxton, and Millbury and City of Worcester should initiate twice yearly sweeping and catch basin inspection and cleaning program along I-290 and other roadways and install additional BMPs as needed to address pollutants loadings identified above. 4. MassHighway and town or city Dept of Public Works should reduce impervious surfaces, institute street sweeping program, catch basin cleaning, install detention basin etc. see above measures Page I-2 3. MassHighway and towns of Auburn, Leicester, Paxton, and Millbury should MassHighway has received authorization from EPA to discharge prepare Storm Water Management Plan for Phase II. storm water under the general permit for discharges in this watershed. USGS is currently performing a loading study for MassHighway. The loading study is scheduled to be completed by the end of the permit term. 1. MassHighway should conduct loading study and develop methodology to calculate loadings from highways. 9. Initiate twice yearly sweeping and catch basin inspection and cleaning See response above (#4) regarding CBs. MassHighway will program along I-290 and other roadways. Install additional BMPs as needed to review projects within this watershed for opportunities to address pollutant loadings identified above. include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. TMDL suggests that: USGS is currently performing a loading study for MassHighway. See response above (#5). How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? 6. Inspect and maintain all structural components of stormwater system on a yearly basis. 7. Develop methodology to calculate loadings from highways. If yes, what are the recommendations? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway Lower Charles River Beaver Brook Bogastow Brook Charles River Cheese Cake Brook Fuller Brook Muddy River Rock Meadow Brook Rosemary Brook Sawmill Brook South Meadow Brook Stop River Unnnamed tributaries Muddy Creek (BMP 7G) Lower Charles River Basin Charles River 4/24/2008 Cape Cod Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Bacteria Pathogens Total Phosphorus Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? MassHighway believes that the most cost-effective approach to improving stormwater quality is to focus on source control measures, rather than end-of-pipe BMPs. Two important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES Stormwater Management Plan. MassHighway will identify problem areas during illicit discharge detection inventory work. How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? The Massachusetts Highway Department should determine the Route 28 roadway drainage discharging to Muddy Creek and install best management structures and/or operational practices to the maximum extent practicable with a goal of meeting the water quality standard for bacteria in SA waters. Given this is a waterway with an approved TMDL, the MHD must meet the requirements of EPA's NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from small MS4s (Phase II), Part i D(1-4), as it pertains to approved TMDLs." MassDEP has not deferred to the Route 28 reconstruction project since we do not have any information about the extent or the time schedule for it. MassDEP also suggests that the MassHighway Dept. work with the Town of Chatham to work out a reasonable schedule for these activities. Page I-3 Because of funding constraints and the condition of the existing roadway, there is no plan to resurface Route 28 within the boundaries of Muddy or Frost Fish Creeks within the next 5 years. District 5 personnel has met with the Town of Chatham and identified their concerns, and some measures may be taken to reduce and/or treat runoff to the creeks if time and funding permits. The District hopes to implement these measure within the next 2 years prior to resurfacing. A comment was submitted saying that MassHighway continues to evade storm The TMDL response to comments indicates that MHD is water standards and would like MHD to be specially mentioned in the TMDL's. included in the Storm Water Phase II Program and is responsible for completing the six minimum controls mandated by that program. 2. Enhance existing stormwater management programs to optimize reductions MassHighway believes that the most cost-effective approach to in nutrient loadings with initial emphasis on source controls and pollution improving stormwater quality is to focus on source control prevention practices. measures, rather than end-of-pipe BMPs. Two important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES Stormwater Management Plan. TMDL suggests MassHighway: 1. Collect source monitoring data and additional drainage area information to better target source areas for controls and evaluate the effectiveness of on­ going control practices. If yes, what are the recommendations? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 Total Phosphorus Quacumquasit Pond Quaboag Pond Quaboag Bacteria Phosphorus Frost Fish Creek (BMP 7F) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Phosphorus Phosphorus Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? Phosphorus Pollutant of Concern Lake Boon (Boons Pond) Lake Boon, Hudson/ Stow Cape Cod Browning Pond, Oakham Long Pond, Springfield Sugden Reservoir, Spencer Mona Lake, Springfield Minechoag Pond, Ludlow Wickaboag Pond, West Brookfield Chicopee Basin (BMP 7H) Spectacle Pond, Wilbraham Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin -- Because of funding constraints and the condition of the existing roadway, there is no plan to resurface Route 28 within the boundaries of Muddy or Frost Fish Creeks within the next 5 years. District 5 personnel has met with the Town of Chatham and identified their concerns, and some measures may be taken to reduce and/or treat runoff to the creeks if time and funding permits. The District hopes to implement these measure within the next 2 years prior to resurfacing. MassHighway included cleaning drainage structures and pipes, stone for pipe ends (help prevent outfall erosion) and hardening the shoulders with dense graded crushed stone (again, assists in During design of a project within the Chicopee basin in Permit Year 4, MassHighway included the design of a deep sump catch basins and a 37 foot wide and 150 foot long infiltration trench to address pollution from the road to Spectacle Pond since it was impaired. Annual sweeping of the road. -­ How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? Page I-4 1. Regulate road sanding, salting, regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs. MassHighway regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing applications. MassHighway will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. MassHighway believes that the most cost-effective approach to improving stormwater quality is to focus on source control measures, rather than end­ of-pipe BMPs. Two important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES Stormwater Management Plan. The TMDL suggests that MassHighway. -- The Massachusetts Highway Department should determine the Route 28 roadway drainage discharging to Muddy Creek and install best management structures and/or operational practices to the maximum extent practicable with a goal of meeting the water quality standard for bacteria in SA waters. Given this is a waterway with an approved TMDL, the MHD must meet the requirements of EPA's NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from small MS4s (Phase II), Part i D(1-4), as it pertains to approved TMDLs." MassDEP has not deferred to the Route 28 reconstruction project since we do not have any information about the extent or the time schedule for it. MassDEP also suggests that the MassHighway Dept. work with the Town of Chatham to work out a reasonable schedule for these activities. TMDL suggests MassHighway should regulate road sanding, salting, regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs for this pond. TMDL suggests MassHighway should regulate road sanding, salting, regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs for these ponds. -- If yes, what are the recommendations? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 Quaboag (cont'd) Overall Basin Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Pollutant of Concern WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? MassHighway has proposed a catchbasin inspection and maintenance record system in its SWMP (BMP 6C-4). MassHighway has very limited maintenance budgets and staff, therefore we feel that the cost-effectiveness, and necessity of cleaning catch basins twice per year should be closely evaluated rather than arbitrarily set. Consequently, MH has begun a CB Accumulation Study (BMP 6C-3) to review the accumulation trends in catch basins. The study includes review of accumulation data in five different roadway and winter deicing areas for three years. Upon completion of the review, MH will update that Catch Basin Cleaning SOP, if determined necessary, and implement the SOP. 3. MH along with the town of Spencer, control nonpoint source pollution targeting for State Routes 9, 31 and 49 by requiring roadway sweeping and catch basin inspection/cleaning twice a year or other approved BMPs. Page I-5 MassHighway believes that the most cost-effective approach to improving stormwater quality is to focus on source control measures, rather than end-of-pipe BMPs. Two important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES Stormwater Management Plan. MassHighway will install BMPs during companion construction to meet the TMDL requirements. MassHighway will also use the USGS model once completed to review the inputs from the highway discharges. MassHighway has proposed a catchbasin inspection and maintenance record system in its SWMP (BMP 6C-4). MassHighway has very limited maintenance budgets and staff, therefore we feel that the cost-effectiveness, and necessity of cleaning catch basins twice per year should be closely evaluated rather than arbitrarily set. Consequently, MH has begun a CB Accumulation Study (BMP 6C-3) to review the accumulation trends in catch basins. The study includes review of accumulation data in five different roadway and winter deicing areas for three years. Upon completion of the review, MH will update that Catch Basin Cleaning SOP, if determined necessary, and implement the SOP. 2. Perform roadway sweeping and catch basin inspection/cleaning twice a year. 4. MH and the town of Spencer must maintain or improve all existing BMPs or the permittee may install infiltration or other BMPs and document a total reduction of 29% of the total phosphorus loading to receiving waters to control the stormwater discharges within the watershed. To do this, MH and the town of Spencer must either conduct roadway sweeping in the spring and fall combined with annual catch basin inspection and cleanout to restore 80% or more of the solids storage volume anytime the available solids storage volume is less than 50%. How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? If yes, what are the recommendations? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 Connecticut Basin (BMP 7I) Leverett Pond, Leverett Lake Wyola, Shutesbury Loon Pond, Springfield Aldrich Lake West, Granby Aldrich Lake East, Granby Salisbury Pond, Worcester Salisbury Pond 7O) (BMP Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Phosphorus Phosphorus Phosphorus Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? MassHighway has received authorization from EPA to discharge storm water under the general permit for discharges in this watershed. 3. MassHighway will also be required to apply for the EPA Phase II General Stormwater NPDES Permit by March 10 of 2003. Page I-6 -­ -­ TMDL suggests MassHighway and towns should develop Storm Water MassHighway has received authorization from EPA to discharge Management Plans for Phase II NPDES and initiate additional BMPs in critical storm water under the general permit for Loon Pond area. Lake areas. MassHighway should regulate road sanding, salting, regular sweeping, Warner, Hadley is outside of urbanized area and is therefore not and installation of BMPs for these two ponds. TMDL mentions that Rt. 20 is subject to the general permit. MassHighway regulates road within the watershed of the Loon Pond and Rt. 47 is within the watershed of sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the Lake Warner. procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing applications. MassHighway will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. MassHighway believes that the most costeffective approach to improving stormwater quality is to focus on source control measures, rather than end-of-pipe BMPs. Two important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES Stormwater Management Plan. Aldrich Lake is within a Low Salt Application Area for MassHighway. MassHighway has incorporated BMPs into the Aldrich Street bridge reconstruction over Batchelor Brook. Project included installation of stone swale to reduce erosion from stormwater discharges from the road. MassHighway has committed to DEP in its January 23, 2002 letter that streets will be swept at least once a year (usually in spring) and more often if necessary. All sumped drainage structure will be inspected and cleaned, if necessary, twice a year and more often if necessary. MassHighway will inspect/ clean drainage outlet locations where sediment build-up is evident. MassHighway will inspect and repair damaged and/ or clogged drainage conveyances. 2. MassHighway and town or city Dept. Public Works should reduce impervious surfaces, institute more frequent street sweeping and catch basin cleaning, install detention basins, dredge and maintain storm water detention basins, etc. -- USGS is currently performing a loading study for MassHighway. The loading study is scheduled to be completed by the end of the permit term. How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? 1. MassHighway should develop methodology to calculate loadings from highways and conduct pilot projects to assess loadings and test BMPs on highways. TMDL indicates that: If yes, what are the recommendations? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 French Basin (BMP 7J) Buffumville Lake, Charlton Cedar Meadow Pond, Leicester Dresser Hill Pond, Charlton Dutton Pond, Leicester Gore Pond, Charlton/Dudley Granite Reservoir, Charlton Greenville Pond, Leicester Hudson Pond, Oxford Jones Pond, Charlton/Spencer Larner Pond, Dudley Lowes Pond, Oxford McKinstry Pond, Oxford Mosquito (Tobins) Pond, Dudley New Pond, Dudley Peter Pond, Dudley Pierpoint Meadow Pond, Dudley/Charlton Pikes Pond, Charlton Phosphorus Yes Yes 2. MassHighway and local towns should initiate twice yearly sweeping and catch basin inspection and cleaning program along MassHighway I-395, and other roadways. Page I-7 MassHighway has proposed a catchbasin inspection and maintenance record system in its SWMP (BMP 6C-4). MassHighway has very limited maintenance budgets and staff, therefore we feel that the cost-effectiveness, and necessity of cleaning catch basins twice per year should be closely evaluated rather than arbitrarily set. Consequently, MH has begun a CB Accumulation Study (BMP 6C-3) to review the accumulation trends in catch basins. The study includes review of accumulation data in five different roadway and winter deicing areas for three years. Upon completion of the review, MH will update that Catch Basin Cleaning SOP, if determined necessary, and implement the SOP. TMDL suggests: 1. MassHighway conduct loading study and develop methodology to calculate USGS is currently performing a loading study for MassHighway. loadings from highways. MassHighway incorporated BMPs into the Meadow Street reconstruction over Swamp Brook. Swamp Brook flows into the Mill River which flows into Lake Warner. BMPs installed included 2 deep sump CB’s and a 45 foot long grass swale. Lake Warner, Hadley How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? MassHighway has incorporated additional BMPs into the Parker Street Reconstruction project to address the Loon Pond impairment. BMP’s include the installation of a sedimentation chamber and a plunge pool at Loon Pond, two deep sump catch basins, a dewatering chamber utilized during construction and the removal and disposal of drainage system sediments during construction. If yes, what are the recommendations? Loon Pond, Springfield (cont'd) WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? Connecticut Basin (cont'd) Pollutant of Concern Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway Bents Pond Millers River Basin (BMP 7M) 4/24/2008 Robinson Pond, Oxford Rochdale Pond, Leicester Shepherd Pond, Dudley Texas Pond, Oxford Wallis Pond, Dudley French Basin (cont'd) Bourn-Hadley Pond Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Phosphorus Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? MassHighway will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. MassHighway believes that the most cost-effective approach to improving stormwater quality is to focus on source control measures, rather than end-of-pipe BMPs. Two important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES Stormwater Management Plan. 3. MS4s should install additional BMPs as needed to address pollutant loadings identified above. MassHighway regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing applications. MassHighway will review projects within this watershed for opportunities to include additional BMPs within proposed projects if MassHighway determines they will help address the pollutant loading issue. MassHighway believes that the most cost-effective approach to improving stormwater quality is to focus on source control measures, rather than end­ of-pipe BMPs. Two important examples include reducing winter road sand application rates, and stabilizing shoulder areas that erode onto road surfaces. Source reduction measures are described in this NPDES Stormwater Management Plan. Page I-8 As a part of the Route 101 (Dudley Road) Reconstruction, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbody. BMPs include deep sump CB’s, water quality swales at new discharge locations; and removal and disposal of drainage system sediments. As a part of the Route 2 Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbodies of Reservoir No. 1 (Athol) and No. 2 (Phillipston), Lake Ellis (Athol) and Ward Pond (Athol), Brazell Pond (Athol); Bourn-Hadley Pond; Greenwood Pond 2 and Lake Rohunta (Orange/Athol). BMP’s include Deep Sump CB’s, Detention Basins, stone and grass swales, removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. TMDL suggests that MassHighway should better manage road sanding, salting, MH has begun a CB Accumulation Study (BMP 6C-3) to review regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs (specific to these impaired the accumulation trends in catch basins. The study includes review of accumulation data in five different roadway and waterbodies). winter deicing areas for three years. Upon completion of the review, MH will update that Catch Basin Cleaning SOP, if determined necessary, and implement the SOP. 5. MassHighway should regulate road sanding, salting, regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs (implementation activity specific to these impaired waterbodies). 4. MassHighway and the towns of Charlton, Leicester and Oxford should MassHighway has received full authorization to discharge under prepare Storm Water Management Plans for Phase II. (implementation activity the general permit and continues to respond to EPA suggestions specific to these impaired waterbodies) in finalizing their Storm Water Management Plans. How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? If yes, what are the recommendations? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 Wallace Pond Lake Monomonac Ramsdall Pond Reservoir No. 1 Greenwood Pond Page I-9 As a part of the Route 2 Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbodies of Reservoir No. 1 (Athol) and No. 2 (Phillipston), Lake Ellis (Athol) and Ward Pond (Athol). BMP’s include Deep Sump CB’s, Detention Basins, stone and grass swales; removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. As a part of the Route 2 Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbodies of Reservoir No. 1 (Athol) and No. 2 (Phillipston), Lake Ellis (Athol) and Ward Pond (Athol), Brazell Pond (Athol); BournHadley Pond; Greenwood Pond 2 and Lake Rohunta (Orange/Athol). BMP’s include Deep Sump CB’s, Detention Basins, stone and grass swales, removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. The low salt area begins at the intersection of Rte 32 and 2A, and extends easterly. As a part of the Route 2A (South Main Street) Reconstruction and Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address impairment in Lake Ellis. BMPs include the installation of deep sump CBs and the removal and disposal of drainage system sediments. As a part of the Route 2 Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbodies of Reservoir No. 1 (Athol) and No. 2 (Phillipston), Lake Ellis (Athol) and Ward Pond (Athol). BMP’s include Deep Sump CB’s, Detention Basins, stone and grass swales; removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. Lake Ellis How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? As a part of the Route 2 Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbodies of Reservoir No. 1 (Athol) and No. 2 (Phillipston), Lake Ellis (Athol) and Ward Pond (Athol), Brazell Pond (Athol); BournHadley Pond; Greenwood Pond 2 and Lake Rohunta (Orange/Athol). BMP’s include Deep Sump CB’s, Detention Basins, stone and grass swales, removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. If yes, what are the recommendations? Brazell Pond WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? Millers River Basin (cont'd) Pollutant of Concern Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 Riceville Pond South Athol Pond Stoddard Pond Ward Pond Hilchey Pond Lower Naukeag Lake Minott Pond South Minott Pond Parker Pond Reservoir No. 2 Yes No -- Page I-10 As a part of the Route 2 Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbodies of Reservoir No. 1 (Athol) and No. 2 (Phillipston), Lake Ellis (Athol) and Ward Pond (Athol). BMP’s include Deep Sump CB’s, Detention Basins, stone and grass swales; removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. As a part of the Route 2 Safety Improvements, MassHighway is installing BMPs to address the impaired waterbodies of Reservoir No. 1 (Athol) and No. 2 (Phillipston), Lake Ellis (Athol) and Ward Pond (Athol). BMP’s include Deep Sump CB’s, Detention Basins, stone and grass swales; removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. As part of proposed reconstruction and resurfacing of Route 202, MassHighway is including BMPs to address the impaired waterbody. The BMPs include deep sump CB’s; removal and disposal of drainage system sediments and annual street sweeping. -- Phosphorus Beaver Flowage Pond Cowee Pond Davenport Pond Lake Denison Depot Pond How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? Under Design: Winchendon - Reconstruction of GlenAllen Street (Rte 202) from Maple Street Intersection to Rindge, NH State Line; BMPs includes the following: stone for pipe ends (help prevent outfall erosion): energy dissipaters at other select discharge points (consisting of stone lined sumps and pads at drainage outfalls); stone stabilization slopes and deep sump catch basins. If yes, what are the recommendations? Whitney Pond WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? Millers River Basin (cont'd) Pollutant of Concern Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 Northern Blackstone (BMP 7N) East Branch, Outlet Forge Pond Germany Brook Gulliver Creek Hawes Brook Massapoag Brook Mill Brook Mine Brook Mother Brook Neponset River Pequid Brook Pine Tree Brook Ponkapoag Brook Purgatory Brook School Meadow Brook Traphole Brook Unquity Brook Auburn Pond, Auburn Curtis Pond North, Worcester Curtis Pond South, Worcester Dorothy Pond, Millbury Eddy Pond, Auburn Pondville Pond, Auburn Smiths Pond, Leicester Southwick Pond, Leicester Stoneville Pond, Auburn Wrights Reservoir Beaver Meadow Brook Whites Mill Pond Millers River Basin (cont'd) Neponset River Basin (BMP 7Q) Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Phosphorus Bacteria Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes Yes Yes WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? TMDL suggests that MassHighway should regulate road sanding, salting, regular sweeping, and installation of BMPs (for these impaired waterbodies). Regulated municipalities should prepare Storm Water Management Plans for Phase II. If yes, what are the recommendations? Page I-11 MassHighway regulates road sanding and salting through its Snow and Ice Program and the procedures approved in the GEIR. Roads are swept on an annual basis after winter deicing applications. MassHighway District 3 recently completed roadway reconstruction project located in the City of Worcester on Airport Drive. Runoff from this area enters waterways south of Smith Pond and north of Curtis Pond, in the City of Worcester. This project included a significant amount of drainage infrastructure work including three detention ponds (42,200 sq. ft. total area); 30 deep sump CBs with hoods; 1,500 linear feet of stone line drainage swales; and 1,000 linear feet of grass lined drainage swales. MassHighway has received full authorization to discharge under the general permit and continues to respond to EPA suggestions in finalizing their Storm Water Management Plans. As part of reconstruction of Bridge # W-39-018 carrying Route 202 (Glen Allen Street) over the Millers River (between Whites Mill Pond and Whitney Pond), MassHighway installed to address the impaired waters. BMPs included installing a deep sump CB and 2 leaching catch basins; and the removal and disposal of drainage system sediments. Under Design: Winchendon - Reconstruction of GlenAllen Street (Rte 202) from Maple Street Intersection to Rindge, NH State Line; BMPs includes the following: stone for pipe ends (help prevent outfall erosion): energy dissipaters at other select discharge points (consisting of stone lined sumps and pads at drainage outfalls); stone stabilization slopes and deep sump catch basins. How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway 4/24/2008 West Falmouth Harbor Embayment System Three Bays System Waquoit Bay Pleasant Bay System Phinneys Harbor Embayment System Centerville River- East Bay System Bare Hill Pond Shawsheen River Basin Little Harbor Assabet River Popponesset Bay West Falmouth Harbor Back River Eel Pond Pleasant Bay Crows Pond Frost Fish Creek Ryder Cove Muddy Creek Quashnet River Hamblin Pond Little River Jehu Pond Great River Cotuit Bay North Bay Prince Cove Seapuit River West Bay Harbor Head Bumps River Phinneys Harbor Centerville River Brierly Pond, Millbury Green Hill Pond, Worcester Howe Reservoir, Millbury Jordan Pond, Shrewsbury Mill Pond, Shrewsbury Newton Pond, Shrewsbury Shirley Street Pond, Shrewsbury Palmer River - West Branch Palmer River - East Branch Rumney Marsh brook Beaver Dam Brook Bad Luck Brook Fullers Brook Clear Run Torrey Creek Old Swamp Brook Rocky Run Shawsheen River Little Harbor, Cohassett Assabet River Mashpee River Shoestring Bay Popponesset Bay Bare Hill Pond Northern Blackstone (cont'd) Palmer River Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Nuisance Aquatic Plants Phosphorus Total Nitrogen Bacteria Fecal Coliform Phosphorus Nitrogen Pathogens Phosphorus Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ -- -­ -­ -­ -­ -­ ---­ -­ No - but major roads -­ and highways are listed as potential sources of runoff with bacterial contamination. Page I-12 How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? -­ If yes, what are the recommendations? -­ No WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway Great Pond Perch Pond Green Pond Bounes Pond Oyster Pond Oyster Pond River Stage Harbor Mill Pond Harding Beach Pond Bucks Creek Taylors Pond Mill Creek Great, Green & Bournes Pond 4/24/2008 Chatham - Sulphur Springs Chatham - Taylors Pond Chatham - Stage Harbor Specific Impaired Waterbodies included in TMDL Overall Basin Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Pollutant of Concern Yes Yes No No WLA Are BMP Included? recommendations re: MassHighway Included? -­ -­ If yes, what are the recommendations? -­ -­ Page I-13 How is MassHighway currently meeting these recommendations or how does MassHighway plan to meet them in the future? Summary of MA Final TMDL Reports (as of March 2008) and Recommendations Which Pertain to MassHighway NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 Appendix J: Construction NOIs in Permit Year 5 NOI Submitte d Date 03/19/07 04/23/07 04/26/07 04/27/07 04/27/07 04/30/07 06/12/07 08/30/07 01/08/08 02/05/08 02/07/08 02/19/08 MAR10CC46 MAR10CD40 MAR10CD49 MAR10CD52 MAR10CD53 MAR10CD54 MAR10CE99 MAR10CH18 MAR10CK34 MAR10CK60 MAR10CK61 MAR10CK71 Tracking Number 02/26/08 02/14/08 02/12/08 01/15/08 09/06/07 06/19/07 05/07/07 05/04/07 05/04/07 05/03/07 04/30/07 03/26/07 Date of Coverage MASS HIGHWAY DEPT. MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPARTME MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPARTME MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPARTME MASS HIGHWAY DEPT MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPT MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPT MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPT. MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPT MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPT MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPT MASS HIGHWAY DEPT Owner/ Operator Name CONSTRUCTION OF THE MANHAN TRAIL RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 66 PEABODY BIKE PATH ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION BRUCE FREEMAN BIKE PATH BRIGHTMAN ST BRIDGE REPLACE. ROUTE 132 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BOSTON STREET BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION OF COMMERCE WAY ROTARY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT LYNNFIELD­ PEABODY NOISE BARRIE ROADWAY RECONSTRUCT AND WORK ON Project/ Site Name GREENFIELD NORTHAMPTON NORTHAMPTON Hampshire Hampshire PEABODY CHELMSFORD/ LOWELL/ WESTFORD FALL RIVER AND SOMERSET BARNSTABLE LYNN-SAUGUS WORCESTER ATTLEBORO ATHOL LYNNFIELD PEABODY Project City Franklin Essex Middlesex Bristol Barnstable Essex Worcester Bristol Worcester Essex Project County Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Status Page J-1 NOI Center NOI Center NOI Center eNOI eNOI eNOI eNOI eNOI eNOI eNOI NOI Center eNOI Origin NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5 NOI Submitte d Date 03/10/08 03/14/08 MAR10CK67 MAR10CL03 Tracking Number 03/21/08 03/17/08 Date of Coverage MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPARTME MASSACHUSETT S HIGHWAY DEPARTME Owner/ Operator Name INTERSECTION RECONSTRUCTION RTE 20 ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION OF LEVERETT, Project/ Site Name Hampden Franklin Project County WILBRAHAM SHUTESBURY Project City Active Active Status Page J-2 NOI Center NOI Center Origin NPDES Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report – Permit Year 5