Tagħlim Reliġjuż (Religious Knowledge) Karta 1 (Paper 1) Karta mudell (specimen paper)

Tagħlim Reliġjuż (Religious Knowledge)
Karta 1 (Paper 1)
Karta mudell (specimen paper)
Ħin: Sagħtejn
Time: Two hours
Din il-karta tiswa 40% tal-marki kollha tal-eŜami.
This paper carries 40% of the global mark of the exam.
Sezzjoni A (50 marka): Wieāeb dawn il-mistoqsijiet kollha:
Section A (50 marks): Answer all the following questions:
Kemm-il ktieb fiha l-Bibbja? (1)
How many books are there in the Bible? (1)
X’jismu l-aħħar ktieb tal-Bibbja? (1)
What is the name of the last book of the Bible? (1)
Kemm huma l-kmandamenti li Alla ta lil Mosè? (1)
How many Commandments did God give Moses? (1)
F’liema okkaŜjoni l-Lhud juŜaw il-ħobŜ aŜŜmu? (2)
On which occasion is unleavened bread used by the Jews? (2)
Min wassal l-aħbar lil Marija li ser tkun omm il-Messija? (1)
Who gave Mary the news that she was going to become the mother of the Messiah? (1)
X’wieāeb Āesù meta xi ħadd staqsieh liema hu l-ewwel u l-aqwa kmandament? (2)
How did Jesus answer the man who wanted to know which was the first and most important
Commandment? (2)
Min, fl-ittri tiegħu, iāib l-eŜempju tal-āisem wieħed imma b’ħafna membri biex jitkellem fuq
il-Knisja? (2)
Who, in his letters, refers to the Church as one body with many different members? (2)
Liema huma Ŝ-Ŝewā għanijiet ewlenin taŜ-świeā? (2)
What are the two main aims of Marriage? (2)
Kemm huma s-sagramenti? (1)
How many sacraments are there? (1)
Liema huwa l-ewwel sagrament li jirëievi min irid isir parti mill-Knisja? (2)
Which is the first sacrament received by someone who wants to become a member of the
Church? (2)
Semmi mod ieħor ta’ kif nistgħu nirreferu għas-Sagrament tar-Rikonëiljazzjoni. (2)
What other name can we use to refer to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (2)
X’inhi l-ewtanasja? (2)
Define euthanasia. (2)
Għaliex il-Knisja tgħallem li l-Kattoliku ma jistax jaqbel mal-ewtanasja? (3)
Why does the Church teach that a Catholic cannot accept euthanasia? (3)
X’inhu d-divorzju? (2)
What is divorce? (2)
X’għallem Āesù dwar id-divorzju? (3)
What did Jesus teach about divorce? (3)
Liema hi l-akbar festa tagħna l-insara? (2)
Which is the greatest feast for Christians? (2)
X’tiëëelebra l-Knisja f’Pentekoste? (2)
What does the Church celebrate at Pentecost? (2)
Liema huma Ŝ-Ŝewā taqsimiet prinëipali tal-Quddiesa? (2)
Which are the two main parts of the Mass? (2)
Xi tfisser għall-Insara il-fraŜi “l-Inkarnazzjoni tal-Iben ta’ Alla”? (3)
What is the meaning of the phrase “the Incarnation of the Son of God”? (3)
X’inhu l-messaāā reliājuŜ prinëipali li nsibu dwar Alla fl-ewwel kapitlu tal-Āenesi? (2)
What is the main religious message about God that is found in the first chapter of Genesis?
Semmi Ŝewā valuri importanti li għandu jqis in-Nisrani qabel ma jagħŜel liema xogħol ser
jagħmel. (2)
Name two important values that a Christian should consider before choosing a job. (2)
Semmi reliājon oħra li, bħar-reliājon Nisranija, tistqarr twemmin f’Alla wieħed. (2)
Name another religion that, like Christianity, professes belief in one God. (2)
Poāāi dawn il-persunaāāi f’ordni kif dehru fl-Istorja tas-Salvazzjoni:
Put these characters in the correct order according to the History of Salvation:
Għal xiex tirreferi l-kelma “komunjoni” meta ngħidu li l-Knisja hi komunjoni? (2)
What does the word “communion” refer to when we speak of the Church as a communion?
X’jifhmu l-Kattoliëi dwar il-Bibbja meta jistqarru li hi ktieb ispirat? (4)
What is understood by Catholics when they say that the Bible is an inspired book? (4)
Sezzjoni B (25 marka): Wieāeb dawn il-ħames mistoqsijiet f’forma ta’ paragrafu.
Section B (25 marks): Answer these five questions by writing a paragraph on each.
1. Spjega għaliex il-kmandamenti mhumiex ta’ xkiel għal-libertà tal-bniedem, anzi ta’ għajnuna.
Explain why God’s Commandments are not an obstacle but an aid to human freedom. (5)
2. Irreferi għal dak li nsibu fl-Evanāelji biex turi li Āesù kien tabilħaqq bniedem bl-istess
emozzjonijiet tagħna l-bnedmin. (5)
Refer to evidence in the Gospels to show that Jesus was truly human and experienced the
same emotions we do. (5)
3. Spjega sew kif il-Kattoliku għandu jħares lejn is-Sagrament tar-Rikonëiljazzjoni u kif għandu
jersaq lejh. (5)
Explain in detail the Catholic view of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how a penitent
should approach it. (5)
4. Uri u fisser liema bidla fid-dinjità āāib il-Magħmudija fil-persuna li tirëeviha. (5)
Show and explain how Baptism affects the dignity of the person that receives it. (5)
5. Spjega l-importanza għall-Knisja tal-għaŜla taë-ëelibat minħabba s-Saltna ta’ Alla. (5)
Explain the importance for the Church of celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of God. (5)
Sezzjoni ê (25 marka): Aqra sew dawn is-siltiet mill-Bibbja u wieāeb il-mistoqsijiet li jsegwuhom.
Section C(25 marks): Read these biblical texts carefully and answer all the questions that follow.
Mosè kiteb il-kliem kollu tal-Mulej, u filgħodu qam, bena artal taħt il-muntanja, u waqqaf tnax-il plier
għat-tnax-il tribù ta' IŜrael. Imbagħad baghat xi ŜgħaŜagħ minn ulied IŜrael biex joffru sagrifiëëji u
joqtlu għoāāiela bħala sagrifiëëji tas-sliem lill-Mulej. Mosè ħa nofs id-demm u qiegħdu fi bwieqi, u
xerred in-nofs l-ieħor fuq l-artal. Imbagħad ħa l-ktieb tal-patt, u qara minnu hekk li seta' jisimgħu lpoplu. U huma qalu: “Kull ma qalilna l-Mulej nagħmluh, u nisimgħu minnu.” Mosè mbagħad ħa ddemm u, hu u jroxxu fuq il-poplu, qal: “Hawn hu d-demm tal-patt li l-Mulej għamel magħkom skont
dan il-kliem kollu.” (EŜodu 24, 4-8)
Moses put all Yahweh's words into writing, and early next morning he built an altar at the foot of the
mountain, with twelve standing-stones for the twelve tribes of Israel. Then he sent certain young
Israelites to offer burnt offerings and sacrifice bullocks to Yahweh as communion sacrifices. Moses
then took half the blood and put it into basins and the other half he sprinkled on the altar. Then,
taking the Book of the Covenant, he read it to the listening people, who then said, 'We shall do
everything that Yahweh has said; we shall obey.' Moses then took the blood and sprinkled it over the
people, saying, 'This is the blood of the covenant which Yahweh has made with you, entailing all these
stipulations.' (Exodus 24, 4-8)
a) Min kien Mosè? Irrakkonta fil-qosor il-ārajjiet il-kbar ta’ ħajtu. (5)
Who was Moses? Give a brief account of the main events of his life. (5)
b) Fis-silta ta’ hawn fuq, liema kienet il-muntanja li tissemma? (2)
In the above passage, what is the name of the mountain referred to? (2)
X’kien ifisser id-demm għall-popli ta’ dak iŜ-Ŝmien u dawk l-inħawi? (2)
What did blood symbolise for people living in those times in that part of the world? (2)
d) Għaliex ixxerred nofs id-demm fuq l-artal u nofsu fuq il-poplu? (2)
Why was half of the blood sprinkled on the altar and the other half on the people? (2)
e) F’liema ārajja Āesù jgħid kliem jixbah ħafna lil dak ta’ Mosè: “Hawn hu d-demm talpatt...”? (2)
On which occasion did Jesus use words very similar to those of Moses: “This is the blood
of the Covenant...”? (2)
Āibilhom parabbola oħra u qalilhom: "Is-Saltna tas-Smewwiet tixbah lil Ŝerriegħa tal-mustarda li
wieħed raāel ikun qabad u Ŝeragħha fl-għalqa tiegħu. Hija tabilħaqq l-iŜgħar waħda fost iŜ-Ŝrieragħ
kollha, iŜda meta tikber, tkun l-akbar waħda fost il-ħxejjex u ssir siāra, hekk li l-għasafar tal-ajru jiāu
jbejjtu fil-friegħi tagħha." (Mattew 13, 31-32)
He put another parable before them, 'The kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed which a man took
and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the biggest of
shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air can come and shelter in its branches.' (Matthew
13, 31-32)
a) X’inhi parabbola? (2)
What is a parable? (2)
b) Din hi waħda mill-parabboli tas-Saltna. Għaliex insejħulha hekk? (2)
The above is one of the parables of the Kingdom. Why is it called so? (2)
c) X’tgħallimna din il-parabbola dwar il-Knisja? (2)
What does this parable teach us about the Church? (2)
d) Semmi waħda mill-parabboli l-oħra tas-Saltna u rrakkuntaha fi kliemek. (4)
Name one other parable of the Kingdom and narrate it in your own words. (4)
e) X’tgħallimna l-parabbola li semmejt f’ (d) dwar il-Knisja? (2)
What does the parable you referred to in (d) teach us about the Church? (2)