Agribusiness Controlled Assessment

Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
Agribusiness Controlled Assessment
Vocational Scenario
Mr. Brincat owns a local plant nursery in which he grows poinsettias (Christmas plants).
Your job, as his assistant, is to go through these questions and formulate the model
answers related to the fields below:
Plant morphology.
Language of genetics and the Mendelian system.
Using plant physiology to one’s advantage.
Mr. Brincat feels that he can improve his plant quality by tackling soil properties. You will
help him with the points below:
Interpretation of soil analysis reports.
Soil structure and improvements in soil fertility applied to plant growth.
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Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
(K1 – 4 marks)
Question 1
Relate different organs with plant root and shoot systems
Label the diagram below by filling the table under the diagram.
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(½ mark each)
Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
ii. Split the following terms according to which part of the plant they belong to.
(½ mark each)
Terms: Fruit, Potato (crop), seed, root cap.
Shoot system
Root system
(K3 – 4 marks)
Question 2
Define the terms allele, gamete, gene/DNA.
Underline the best answer to define the terms listed above.
(1 mark each)
An allele is…
a) A kind of cell in reproduction.
b) One variation of a given gene eg. Blue for eye colour.
c) The genetic information which determines the species.
ii. What are gametes?
a) Gametes are the male and female cells which fuse during fertilisation.
b) Gametes are the male and female reproductive organs.
c) Gametes are the male sex cells found in plants known as pollen.
iii. A gene is...
a) An inherited chromosome.
b) An inherited DNA sequence.
c) A part of DNA.
iv. How are genes and DNA different?
a) They are the same thing.
b) DNA is the full set of inherited chromosomes while a gene is many strands of DNA
which determines inherited traits.
c) DNA is the full set of chromosomes while a gene is the part of that DNA which
determines inherited traits.
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Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
(K4 – 4 marks)
Question 3
Outline Mendel’s first law and second law.
Fill in the blanks to explain why a plant with white flowers, when cross bred with blue
flowers can produce seeds of both blue and white flowers.
F1 b
W Wb Wb
W Wb Wb
i. The punnet square shows what happens when pure white and
pure blue flowers are cross-bred. If the white colour is
_____________________________, for the first filial
generation, all offspring are white. The information on the
_____________________________ blue trait is not lost but
hidden within the chromosome.
(2 marks)
ii. This punnet square shows the F2 generation. This shows that 3
_____________________________. Mendel’s second law
explains that the offspring get one factor from each parent. In 1
out of every _____________________________ cases, a
recessive trait is inherited from both parents.
(2 marks)
Wb bb
(C3 – 6 marks)
Question 4
Explain how light and/or temperature can be used to control flowering in horticulture.
Poinsettias are tropical plants and require 2 months of long nights before flowering.
With the Maltese climate the plants are at their best and naturally bloom during the
summer months but they are to be sold between November and December. The nursery
uses photoperiodism to control flowering.
Explain the term photoperiodism.
_________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
ii. To have their flowers bloom in winter, these plants are kept for most of the year in a dark
room. Which physiological process will it stop?
_________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
iii. From your knowledge of plants, what should be done at the end of October to force the
poinsettias to bloom as soon as possible?
_________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
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Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
(K5 – 4 marks)
Question 5
Describe plant organs that are crucial for plant transfer of water and nutrients.
Xylem and phloem are the two organs involved in water and nutrient transfer.
What is the role of Xylem?
__________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
ii. What is the role of phloem?
__________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
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Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
(C4 – 6 marks)
Question 6
Interpret the results from soil analysis
Below is a soil analysis report for the soil/compost mixture used in the nursery. Tick the
best answer below to help Mr. Brincat interpret the report.
Electrical Conductivity
Medium alkalinity
Moderately saline
Tick the possible cause of why the electrical conductivity test as well as the level of
sodium and chloride show quite a high salinity.
(2 marks)
No fertiliser was given and soil was left in the shade.
A lot of fertiliser was given or salty water was used.
The right amount of fertiliser and pesticides were used.
ii. Tick the effect of alkaline soil pH on how available are nutrients for plants.
(2 marks)
Nutrients become less soluble and eg. Iron is less available.
Nutrients become more soluble and eg. Iron is more available.
None of the above.
iii. The phosphorus level is very high. Tick the effect of this factor on plant health.
(2 marks)
Good fruits are produced but bear no seeds.
Plant growth is concentrated on roots and shoot system slows down.
No effect on plant. It will grow normally.
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Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
(K10 – 4 marks)
Question 7
Explain how soil structure can affect plant growth.
Mr. Brincat has to choose between light, medium and heavy soils for his nursery.
Answer the following questions as to guide in the choice of soil.
Match the phrases to complete the facts. One example has been done for you.
(½ mark each)
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Secondary Education Certificate – Agribusiness Specimen Paper 2015 Unit 1
(C5 – 6 marks)
Question 8
Indicate activities which can improve the soil fertility
Answer questions below to point out a method to help improve soil fertility of the tested
soil which is of clay type.
What can be done to decrease pH into becoming slightly acidic?
_________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
ii. Clay soils hold a lot of water. How can drainage be improved?
_________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
iii. How can one improve this soil in making it less compact and increase its pores?
_________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
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