MATRICULATION AND SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS BOARD UNIVERSITY OF MALTA, MSIDA MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ADVANCED LEVEL May 2012 SUBJECT: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PAPER NUMBER: I DATE: 28th May 2012 TIME: 4.00am-7.00pm MARKING SCHEME AND SUGGESTED SAMPLE ANSWERS SECTION A: INFORMATION SYSTEMS A1. a) This part is on Data and data capture i. Barcode. Advantages: quick; Disadvantage: damaged code. Magnetic Stripe. Advantage: Accurate; Disadvantage: security. [2] 2 ii. A smart card has a small 1mm micrprocessor embedded in the middle to store more information. Typical example is in a bank enviroment. [2] iii. Keying in the data. Disadvantages: slow, error prone, tiring. [2] [Total: 6 marks] b) This part is on Data validation and verification i. Validation ensures data entered is sensible and reasonable. It does not check the accuracy of data. Verification ensures that the data entered exactly matches the original source. [2] ii. Two from: Data input error – operator enters the wrong data; Transcription error – cashier enters the wrong code; Lost data – a form falls into the bin; Double entry error – a tax clerk stops & starts from same form; Hardware error – data cables in computer transmit errors. iii. [2] Data collected is not biased or does not accurately represent the intentions it was captured for. E.g. Validating data during a survey. [2] [Total: 6 marks] c) This part is on Data loss and recovery methods i. Two from: Company owned backup facility; Reciprocal agreement with another company running a compatible computer system; Subscription to a disaster recovery service. [2] ii. Two from: Scale of the organisation and its ICT systems; Nature of the operation – online/offline; Relative costs of different operations; Perceived likelihood of disaster occurring. [2] [Total: 4 marks] d) This part is on Security of data i. Two from: Human error. E.g. data entry mistake, program errors, operator errors; Computer crime. E.g. hacking, illegal data modification, viruses; Natural disasters. E.g. fire, earthquake, hurricane, flood; War & terrorist activity. E.g. bombs, fire, cyber-terrorist; Hardware failure. E.g. power failure, disk crash, nework failure. [2] ii. Corresponding to above: Validation & verification; Anti-virus software; Back-up; Physical protection; Duplication and back-up. [2] [Total: 4 marks] A2. This question is onNetworks in organisations a) A network is a collection of computers and peripherals connected and communicating together. Two types of networks are: LAN – local area network is a network limited to one building or site WAN – wide area network is a network over a wide geographical area. [1] [2] [2] [Total: 5 marks] b) A computer requires a network card and a cable to connect to a network. [1] Two connections to link different networks are: Bridge – connects two LANs; [2] Gateway – connects two WANs. [2] [Total: 5 marks] c) The Internet’s structure is a mesh of interlinked networks. Two other network structures from: Star; Bus; Ring. [1] [4] [Total: 5 marks] A3. This question is on HCI aspects [1] a) HCI – Human Computer Interaction. Two from: Vison – eye sensitivity to colours; Hearing – notification & processes; Touch – pressing keys or mouse signifies achievement; Movement – speed & accuracy of motor skills. [4] [Total: 5 marks] b) Two types of memory are Short- and Long-term memory Short-term memory is relevant to software design as it effects the choice and quantity of commands, and menu entries. Long-term memory is relevant to software design as it gives an indication in processes and sequences a user follows to get a task done. [2] [3] [Total: 5 marks] c) Text based CLI. Two advantages of GUI from: Appealing; Easier; Intuitive. Two disadvantages of GUI from: Occupies more memory; More space on disk; Slow. [1] [2] [2] [Total: 5 marks] A4. This question is on Information systems life cycles a) An information systems life cycle is an approach adopted to develop an information system in a methodical and sequential manner. [2] The Waterfall model is a development process that starts from a feasibility study, followed by an analysis, design, development, testing, deployment and finally maintenance. [3] [Total: 5 marks] b) Three from: Current system may no longer be suitable for its purpose and therefore a new and adequate IS is required; Technological developments may have made the current system redundant or outdate and therefore a new IS gives a competitive advantage and new opportunities; Current system is too inflexible or expensive to maintain and therefore more reasonable to have a new and flexible IS to respond faster to the organisation’s and customers’ needs. [3] Explanation of one of the above. [2] [Total: 5 marks] c) Prototyping Two from: [1] Misunderstandings between software developer and users can be identified earlier during prototype demos; Missing functions may be detected early and rectified; Incomplete and inconsistent user requirements may be detected and rectified before the end of the development process; Prototype demo is quickly available to demo feasibility and usefulness of proposed new system to the management; Prototype employed in user training before final system delivered. [4] [Total: 5 marks] SECTION B: HUMAN COMMUNICATION & BUSINESS ORGANISATION B1. i) authority, responsibility and delegation, [1] for each valid point and [1] mark for explanation. E.g. authority who is in charge, delegation who has been assigned certain duties by his/her manager etc. ii) Any valid distinction between a co-operative society and a public corporation, could be related to board of directors, accounts, structure of the organization, different uses etc. [5] iii) Any important functional areas like Marketing, Sales, HR, Accounts etc. [1] for each functional area. iv) Any five differences [1 for each] between non-profit and profit making org. Possibly related to accounts, structure, focus, strategy, profitability, etc. B2. This is related to internal organization communication and its importance to the organization. [5]. Grapevine method of communication [5]. Comparing the grapevine to standard communication (formal) channels [5]. [1] for each valid point and explanation. B3. Issues for information dissemination into external world [5]. Five methods of communication with external customers like internet, advertising, promotional material, etc. [2] for each valid method. B4. Vertical vs horizontal communication internally [5]. Different methods of internal communication such as formal, informal etc. [2] for each valid one. MATRICULATION AND SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS BOARD UNIVERSITY OF MALTA, MSIDA MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ADVANCED LEVEL May 2012 SUBJECT: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PAPER NUMBER: II DATE: 30th May 2012 TIME: 4.00am-7.00pm MARKING SCHEME AND SUGGESTED SAMPLE ANSWERS SECTION A: SOFTWARE A1. e) This part is on Software Categories i. Use or scope, programming language, cost, etc. [2] ii. Generic purpose software falls under application software. Because this software is used for things like os system management, utilities and tools. These are applications. Generic purpose software is the groiup of application software that is widely employed to create documents, spreadsheets and databases. [2] iii. Two from: Wordprocessing to create documents; Spreadsheets create data rows and columns; Database software to maintain large volumes of data; Email client to receive and send email. [2] [Total: 6 marks] f) This part is on System Software i. System software is that software employed by the computer for its smooth running and to administer the needs of the user. [2] ii. Two from: [2] iii. Operating system; Utility program; Programming language translator; Performance monitoring; Communication between computer components. Explained above [2] [Total: 6 marks] g) This part is on Application Software i. Application software is that software that the user makes use of to get a specific task done. [2] ii. Two from: Compatibility with existent software & hardware; Quality of documentation, capabilities & functionalities; Learning curve, usabilitiy, and technical support; Upgrade policy, speed and cost. [2] [Total: 4 marks] h) This part is on Software Evaluation i. ii. During benchmarking the specific software is compared and contrasted with similar software that perform the same operations to find out its speed, performance and output in relation to the other software. [2] Two from: [2] Introduction stating purpose of report; Methodology employed; Actual evaluation; Recommendations; Justifications and conclusions. [Total: 4 marks] A2. This question is onInternet-Related Software d) ISP stands for Internet service Provider. The ISP’s role is of an intermidiary between users and the Internet backbone. Two from: Internet connection; [1] [2] eMail account; Web hosting. [Total: 5 marks] [5] e) Five from: Web page construction/authoring; Database connectivity with database of products/services; Purchase Web domain; Purchase Web space; Upload Web page onto server; Direct people to page using a Web browser. [Total: 5 marks] f) Three from: Internet based fraud, password hacking, viruses, scams. [3] Two from: Caution, encryption, anti-virus. [2] [Total: 5 marks] A3. This question is onDatabase Systems d) Five from: i. Draw ERD; ii. Normalise data; iii. Design table structure; iv. Create relationships; v. Create forms; vi. Operations on data entered; vii. Display/print reports; viii. Write/use macros. [5] [Total: 5 marks] e) Any one task from a) together with the necessary DB tools required. [5] [Total: 5 marks] f) Shared. Shared DB system is a single DB being used by more than one user. [1] [2] Distributed DB system is DB whose data is not in one location. [2] [Total: 5 marks] A4. This question is onOperating Systems d) An OS is a system software that controls the entire operations of a computer. Three types from: Single, Multitasking, multiprogramming, and networked. [2] [3] [Total: 5 marks] e) Five from: i. Kernel – supervisor or control program; ii. Memory manager – to manage memory use; iii. I/O manager – to manage input/output operations; iv. Backing store manager – to coordinate the backing storage; v. Resource allocation & scheduler; vi. Accounting, Error handling, Security, HCI. [5] [Total: 5 marks] f) CLI or GUI. DOS or Windows. Expand on one of them. [2] [3] [Total: 5 marks] SECTION B: PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES AND SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT B1. a) This part is on Design in System Development i. Requirements/Specification and Implementation/Development. [2] ii. They strictly follow each other because the requirements specified in regards to the data, processing and output need to be designed to reflect the specifications, and eventually translated into an implementable system. UI is involved in all three stages. [2] iii. Two from: Identify required output; Identify input data; Specify processing required; Devise testing; Plan schedule. [2] [Total: 6 marks] b) This part is on the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) i. An ERD shows how two actors/players in a system are associated to each other. [2] ii. Two from 1:1, 1:N, N:N. [2] iii. Any simple example. [2] [Total: 6 marks] c) This part is on Design Structured Techniques i. Top-down and Bottom-up. ii. Brief description of one of the above. [2] [2] [Total: 4 marks] d) This part is on Testing Strategy i. Yes the choice of the testing strategy is part of the design stage. [2] ii. Two from dry run, integral testing, test data, test solution, black & white box testing. [2] [Total: 4 marks] B2. This question is on Problem Solving Techniques a) Yes search & sort are problem solving techniques. [1] Any two real situations that involve searching & sorting individually. [4] [Total: 5 marks] b) Yes the technique employed depends on the underlying file organisation. [2] Any scenario that specifically states the specific file organisation and the operation to be performed. [3] [Total: 5 marks] c) Open file Find record Find ‘book location’ field Overwrite with new value Save record Close file [5] [Total: 5 marks] B3. This question is on Software System Maintenance and Software Evaluation a) Perfective maintenance – improve the current system. Adaptive or corrective [2] A good technical documentation will assist other persons apart from the developers to perform maintenance effectively and efficiently. [3] [Total: 5 marks] b) Evalutaion based on usability, effectiveness and maintainability [2] Explanation for each [3] [Total: 5 marks] c) Use of structured programming techniques is ideal to produce software that can be tracked back to the design and thereby easy to maintain. [5] [Total: 5 marks] B4. This question is on Structured Programming Techniques a) Top-down and bottom-up approaches. [2] Any practical scenario with the corresponding components of how the problem was subdivided and sorted. [3] [Total: 5 marks] b) Sequence, selection, iteration. [3] Two from: if..then..else..endif, switch, case, while, repeat, for loop, do..until. [2] [Total: 5 marks] c) Simple sorting algorithm : e.g. bubble sort or generic sorting [5]