May 2013
Marking Scheme
Question 1
Describe any two methods of investigation used in psychological research. Mention two strengths and
two weaknesses for each method. (20 marks)
Description of any two of the following methods:
Experimental method
Field observations
Case studies
Survey studies
(6 marks each = 12 marks)
Evaluation: 1 mark awarded for every strong or weak point presented for each method.
(1 mark each = 8 marks)
Question 2
How does Freud’s theory differ from that of Carl Rogers? (20 marks)
Description of Freud (6 marks):
• Freud’s 5 stages of psychosexual development (1 mark for each stage)
• Problems may lead to fixation and regression (1 mark)
Description of Rogers (6 marks):
• Definition of the actualising tendency (2 marks)
• Description of the self-concept and the ideal self (4 marks)
Differences (8 marks):
Psychoanalytic (1 mark for each below):
- Sex drive as the only motivational force
- Personality depends on experiences we have as children
- Problems experienced during childhood will affect personality
- Ignores other factors such as genetics and adult experiences
Humanistic (1 mark for each below):
- Motivation to reach our full potential, personal growth, fulfillment
- Subjective, i.e. the individual plays an important role in determining behaviour
- Personality can change because it depends on experiences we have as adolescents and
- Ignores childhood experiences
Question 3
‘Operant conditioning is considered very effective to enhance worker’s performance.’ Explain the
theory of operant conditioning and illustrate by using examples from a work setting. (20 marks)
Explanation of operant conditioning
Description of primary and secondary reinforcers
Examples of primary and secondary reinforcers
Description of positive and negative reinforcers
Examples of positive and negative reinforcers
(4 marks)
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
Presentation of Skinner’s 4 schedules of reinforcement
Example for each schedule
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
(20 marks)
Question 4 - Case study
1. Who in the family do you think is suffering from depression? What are the signs?
1 mark given for identification of the father as the depressed individual.
1 mark given for each for each of the behaviours they identify that shows depression to
a maximum of 3.
1 - 2 marks if they mention theory of depression, depending on quality.
2. What is Mrs Jones doing to help her family? What is she doing to harm her family? What do you
think is wrong with her?
• 1 mark for identifying that Mrs Jones performs the material aspects of caregiving.
• 1 mark each to a maximum of 3 for each of the behaviours identified that shows what
Mrs Jones does that is detrimental.
• 1 mark for identifying that Mrs Jones has an anger, or stress, or burnout problem.
• 1 mark, if they use psychological theory, concepts or research.
3. What does James need from his parents?
• 1 mark for showing awareness in the answer of what is happening to James in terms of
developmental theory.
• 1 mark each to a maximum of 2 for identifying what he needs from his father.
• 1 mark each to a maximum of 2 for identifying what he needs from his mother.
• If parents are considered as one (not individually) then a maximum of 3 marks are given
out of the 4 available.
• 1 mark, if they use psychological theory, concepts or research.
4. Why does Maia sleep hugging Selma?
• 1 mark for showing awareness in the answer of what is happening to Maia in terms of
developmental theory.
• 1 mark for showing awareness in the answer of what is happening to Selma in terms of
developmental theory.
• 1 mark for giving a plausible reason for her attachment to Selma.
• 1 mark for identifying that Maia wanted to comfort Selma.
• 1 mark for identifying that Maia wanted comfort from Selma too.
• 1 mark if they use psychological theory, concepts or research.
5. In terms of the communication model, what is the “noise” in the family?
• 2 marks for the overall knowledge student shows of the communication model (1 mark
for good enough, 1 more mark if very good).
• 1 mark each to a maximum of 3 for each relevant example of “noise” they mention.
• 1 mark if their answer is sophisticated and cohesive
Question 5
‘Aggression is a social reality’. Describe 3 theories of aggression. Support your answer with
reference to research, giving examples where relevant. What do these ideas teach you about
life? (30 marks)
Definition of Aggression. (2 marks)
Mention of the difference between hostile and instrumental aggression. (2 marks) and examples of
the 2 (2 marks)
Adequate description (explained below) of three of the following causes of aggression discussed in
Media influences: (7 marks)
Social Learning Theory: (7 marks)
Biological Approach: (7 marks)
Family Processes (7 marks)
Frustration- Aggression Hypothesis (7 marks)
Adequate discussion includes:
Mention of 1 main group of researchers involved. (1 mark)
What this hypothesis states. (2 marks)
One strength and one weakness of this hypothesis. (2 marks)
One example for each theory (2 marks)
Reflection (3 marks)
1 mark for giving a reflection
1 mark for credibility
1 mark for concreteness
Question 6
What are anxiety disorders? Describe any three anxiety disorders. Mention the symptoms
and effects of each disorder and give an example by describing a fictitious person for each
disorder. (30 marks)
Definition of anxiety disorders (3 marks)
Description of an anxiety disorder, with symptoms, effects and example (9 marks)
The break down of these 9 marks will be distributed accordingly:
Definition of the particular anxiety disorder (1 mark)
Symptoms (4 marks)
Effects (2 marks)
Example (2 marks)