This Public Involvement Plan (PIP) has been developed for the Massachusetts Department of
Transportation (MassDOT) to provide a framework for public outreach activities the department
will undertake for the Route 6 New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge Transportation Study. The plan
will set forth public outreach principles and policies as well as describe various communication
tools and networks that will be utilized throughout the study.
Study Purpose
The purpose of this study is to evaluate transportation and associated land use issues, develop
and analyze potential solutions, and to recommend improvements along the Route 6 corridor
between County Street in the City of New Bedford and Adams Street in the Town of Fairhaven.
Specific focus will be given to the options and impacts associated with the potential
replacement of the New Bedford/Fairhaven Bridge.
Study Background
The existing New Bedford/Fairhaven Bridge was constructed between 1896 and 1903. The
bridge is actually a system of three bridges that connect the mainland across two mid-harbor
islands (Fish Island and Pope’s Island). The central bridge, completed in 1899 and currently
classified as functionally obsolete, includes a moveable swing-span that allows boats to pass
through into the northern harbor area while the east and west spans are fixed. It currently
takes between 15 and 20 minutes to fully open and return the swing span to a closed position,
resulting in extensive vehicular traffic delays.The moveable span suffers from long-term
deterioration despite extensive maintenance repairs.
Additionally, the movable span is a barrier for larger ships accessing the northern waterfront
land within the designated harbor areas of New Bedford harbor. According to the 2010 New
Bedford-Fairhaven Municipal Harbor Plan, the future development of harbor activities north of
Route 6 (including expansion of refrigerated cargo operations, short sea shipping operations,
ferry, cruise ship and excursion/shuttle boat operations, etc.) is constrained by the horizontal
clearances of the existing swing-span bridge. MassDOT is currently in the process of a $17.6
million project to increase the lifespan of the east and west spans of the bridge. However, this
project did not include any work on the central moveable span.
Public Involvement Program
Successful community outreach and public involvement on a project requires not only
familiarity with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation planning and design
processes, but also recognition of the key stakeholders and issues in the study area. A
willingness to listen and respond to these stakeholders and issues can greatly assist in
incorporating community concerns, building support for the study process, and in the overall
decision-making for the study’s recommendations. Many approaches will be used to notify the
public of what is happening throughout the study and there will be numerous opportunities for
discussion and comment.
Public Participation Principles
The public involvement plan has been developed in consistency with MassDOT’s Accessible
Meeting Policy Directive, and it will also guide civic engagement for the study by emphasizing
the following principles:
The public will learn about or become engaged in the study in a variety of primary ways:
Methods will include public informational meetings, Study Advisory Group meetings,
the study website, local newspapers articles, and study newsletters.
The public shall have access to information about the study: A record of all the study’s
public informational and Study Advisory Group (SAG) meetings will be kept, such as
meeting presentations, summaries and handout material. These documents will be
posted on the website in a timely manner and in compliance with Section 508 of the U.S.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that provides accessible electronic doucuments to those with
disabilities. Additionally, copies of the draft and final report will be available at the New
Bedford and Fairhaven Public Libraries.
The public shall be presented with clear and accessible information: Information will be
clearly written, and technical terms and regulatory procedures will be explained to the
extent possible. Language translation will be provided for written materials such as
meeting flyers and newsletters/bulletins, as well as at public informational meetings.
The public shall be able to engage with a responsive study team: The public and SAG
will receive sufficient notice of meetings, and all efforts will be made to schedule the
meetings at a time and place that is convenient, comfortable, and accessible. Ample time
to review any materials will also be provided to the extent possible. All public questions
and inquiries will be answered in a timely manner.
The public shall be able to participate in a process that is well coordinated: Good
coordination, communication, and collaboration among all involved agencies and
community organizations will be provided to the public with the most current and
accurate information and material.
All public outreach will be conducted in a manner that is inclusive and sensitive,
especially to the needs of identified Environmental Justice and Title VI populations.
Meetings will be held in facilities that are ADA compliant and follow MassDOT’s
Accessible Meeting Policy directive. The Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic
Development District’s (SRPEDD)analysis of Limited English Proficiency populations
within the study area was utilized to determine language translation needs for publicity
materials (press releases and newsletters) and interpretive services at public
informational meetings. SRPEDD’s analysis conducted at the initiation of the study
determined a need for Portuguese and Spanish language translation in the outreach
Elements of the Plan
The Public Involvement Plan has many elements to involve and inform the public in a
meaningful way. The study team will be accessible to the public, share information in a complete
and understandable manner and record and respond to public comments and concerns. Specific
elements of the plan will include:
Study Advisory Group
A Study Advisory Group (SAG) has been created to guide the planning process for the Route 6
New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge Study. Stakeholders/interests represented on the SAG include
study area neighborhood associations, bicycling advocates, regional planning and transit
agencies, environmental/water resources, recreational, port development, and municipal, state
and federal government (elected officials and staff). SAG members will assist in the study effort
by providing advice and insight on local issues, identifying deficiencies in the network, and
assessing improvement alternatives.
The consultant will take a collaborative approach with the SAG. The consultant will share
relevant study documents with the SAG as they are developed. Materials will be sent to the
group in advance of the meetings to allow adequate time for review before meetings. SAG
members will be asked to bring concerns and insights for discussion to the full committee and
the consultant team. Alternatives and impacts will be examined as the study progresses. SAG
members will also be asked to assist the team in conducting community outreach by identifying
issues important to their interests and the public at large, identifying other key stakeholders and
attending public meetings to discuss the progress of the project.
It is estimated that up to eight (8) meetings will be held. A tentative schedule of meetings is
coordinated with these study tasks:
Task 1: Study Area, Goals and Objectives, Evaluation Criteria and Public
Participation – 1 meeting
Task 2: Existing Conditions, Future No-Build Conditions and Issues Evaluation –
1-2 meetings
Task 3: Alternatives Development: 1-2 meetings
Task 4: Alternative Analysis: 1 meeting
Task 5: Develop Recommendations: 1-2 meetings
Task 6: Final Report
Public Informational Meetings
The consultant will conduct three (3) public informational meetings during the course of the
study. The first meeting will be held after the study area, goals, objectives, and evaluation
criteria for the project are finalized, data collection completed, and constraints and issues are
identified. The second public meeting will be held after Task 4 to present and solicit input on
the developed and analyzed alternatives. The last public meeting wil be held near the end of the
study to present draft or final recommendations.
The format for the public meetings will be a “blended” open house. The meetings will open with
an informal session where the public can review information displays and have an opportunity
for one-on-one discussion with members of the study team and Massachusetts Department of
Transportation officials. The study team will also make a formal presentation of the study’s
purpose and progress followed by a question and answer period.
Project Website
Project websites are a very effective way to support public participation efforts for
transportation projects. MassDOT will develop an interactive website for the general public.
This site will follow the progress of the study, advertise meetings, provide access to meeting
documents, and allow people to comment and ask questions. The website will adhere to all ADA
and Section 508 Website Accessibility Standards. The website will include:
Project Overview
Project Schedule
Meetings / Meeting Summaries
Project Documents
Contact Information
The study website will be updated on a regular basis throughout the study process.
Newsletters / Fact Sheets
The Study Team will publish and distribute periodic updates in a newsletter or fact sheet
format. The newsletter / fact sheets will be distributed electronically to the fullest extent
possible to the SAG and members of local boards and commissions, neighbors and abutters,
local college communication networks, and the press.
It is anticipated that two (2) printed newsletters will be published and distributed. The first
newsletter will be published after initiation of the study and midway through the planning
study. The second will be published at the completion of the draft recommendations.
Media Coordination/Other Communication Networks
The Study Team will draft press releases publicizing public informational meetings, which will
be coordinated through MassDOT’s public affairs section. It is also expected that the SAG will
provide assistance in identifying the appropriate media outlets, neighborhood associations, or
other groups or locations for dissemination of announcements. In addition, the study team will
coordinate with communication networks within the City of New Bedford and Town of
Fairhaven, including list serves and municipal websites, and
Local news outlets will include, but not be limited to:
o Newspaper
 New Bedford Standard-Times
 South Coast Today
 O Jornal (Portuguese language)
 Portuguese Times
o Radio
 WBSM/1420 AM
 WJFD/97.3 FM (Portuguese language)
 WHTB/1400 AM Radio Voz do Emigrante
Public Comments
Every person who sends a comment to the project website or a project team member will receive
a response indicating that the comment has been received and its content will be reviewed and
considered by the project team. Some comments, such as a direct question or a request for more
information may require an in-depth response from a member of the project team. Oral
comments received at public meetings will be captured by note-takers and in the meeting
summary or by written comment sheets. All comments will be documented and become part of
the project record.
Revised June 23, 2014
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