
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration
Region I
55 Broadway Suite 920
Cambridge, MA 02142-1093
617-494-2865 (fax)
Federal Highway Administration
MA Division
55 Broadway 10 Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142-1093
617-494-3355 (fax)
October 12, 2012
Richard A. Davey
Secretary and Chie f Executive Officer
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDO
10 Park Plaza, Suite 3170
Boston, MA 02116
Tran spor tatio n
App rova l of Mas sach uset ts FY 2013-2016 State wide
Imp rove men t Prog ram
Dear Secretary Davey:
the Federal Transit Administration
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and
-201 6 Massachusetts Statewide
(FTA) have completed our joint review ofth e FY 2013
d to us on July 24, 2012. The
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) transmitte
FHWA and FTA are making the following determina
process that substantially meets
• The projects in the STIP are based on a planning
sit Act and Subparts A, B,
the requirements of Title 23 U.S. C., the Federal Tran
and C of23 CFR 450.
d on a continuing,
• The Transportation Improvement Programs are base
ed on cooperatively by the
comprehensive transportation planning process carri
ns, and the transit operators
State, the ten MPOs, the three non-metropolitan regio
in accordance with the Federal Transit Act.
ovement Programs and the
• As of October 12,2 012, the Transportation Impr
ormity with the Clean Air
Regional Transportation Plans are found to be in conf
21st Century (MAP-21) requires
As you are aware, Moving Ahea d for Progress in the
address national performance
MPOs and States to establish performance targets that
are bas.e d on the national goals
measures established by the U.S. DOT Secretary that
identified by MAP-21 are Safety,
outlined in the legislation. The seven national goals
em Reliability, Freight Movement
Infrastructure Conditions, Congestion Reduction, Syst
and Reducing Project Delivery
and Economic Vitality, Environmental Sustainability
MPO s on providing
Delays. FHWA and FTA will work with you and the
Page 2 Approval ofMassachusetts FY 2013-2016 STIP
guidance on these national goals as more information becomes available. MassDOT and
the MPOs should also continue to be informed ofFHWA and FTA's MAP-21 websites
for highways (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/map21D and transit
We look forward to working with you on implementing this year's program and the FY
2013-2016 STIP is hereby approved. Should you have any questions, please let us
N;a, fxJL
Mary Be Mello
Regional Administrator
Federal Transit Administration
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f amela StephensonDivision Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
David J. Mohler, OTP Executive Director, MassDOT
Frank DePaola, Highway Division Administrator, MassDOT Curtis Spalding, EPA Regional Administrator Kenneth Kimmell, Commissioner, Massachusetts DEP Donald 0. Cooke, Environmental Scientist, EPA Massachusetts Regional Planning Agencies Page 3 Approval ofMassachusetts FY 2013-2016 STIP
Planning Finding
Interested Parties, Participation, and Consultation
As required by regulation, the MPOs will need to periodically review the effectiveness of
the procedures and strategies contained in their public participation plan to ensure a full
and open participation process. This includes holding any public meetings at convenient
and accessible locations and times; and seeking out and considering the needs ofthose
traditionally underserved by existing transportation systems including American
Disabilities Act, Environmental Justice and Title VI/Nondiscrimination populations.
Annual listing of Obligated Projects
With the emphasis on Federal fmancial transparency, the MPOs are reminded to publish
on an annual basis, no later than 90 calendar days following the end of the program year,
a listing ofprojects for which funds under highway and transit that were obligated in the
proceeding program year. This list includes new projects and Advance Construction
(AC) Conversions. The listing should be published or otherwise made available in
accordance with the MPO's public participation criteria for the TIP.