This learning journey develops learners understanding and knowledge of the... Introduction

Second level learning journey
Theme: Sweetie and Sunshine Story
Curriculum area: Modern Languages
This learning journey develops learners understanding and knowledge of the giant pandas through the medium of the modern language. It will take learners through a
number of tasks in the foreign language that will build on their knowledge about the pandas (their personal information, home country and habitat) and allow leaners to
make comparisons with life in Scotland and China. Through such activities learners continue to develop their language skills and their curiosity and understanding of the
world around them.
Prior learning
Experiences and outcomes
Learners should:
 have experienced a variety and range of
activities in the target language, which will
encourage the development of their
knowledge about language
 be able understand the principles of using
a bi-lingual dictionary
 be familiar with the vocabulary of self,
family, home, area and numbers
 have a basic understanding about the
functions of a zoo and its animals.
Modern languages
 I can take part effectively in prepared conversations by sharing information about myself and others or
interests of my choice, using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures. MLAN 2-03b
For further support with planning see the National Assessment
Resource flowchart:
I work on my own and with others to understand text using appropriate resources, demonstrating my
understanding by matching written words to pictures and by reconstructing the text in a logical
sequence, for example. MLAN 2-08a
I have worked with others, using a variety of media including ICT where appropriate, and can contribute
successfully to a presentation in English, supported by use of the language I am learning, on an aspect of
life in a country where the language I am learning is spoken. MLAN 2-06b
I can understand how a bilingual dictionary works and use it with support. MLAN 2-11a
I can use familiar language to describe myself and to exchange straightforward information. MLAN 213b
Interdisciplinary opportunities
Interdisciplinary learning should be planned for as appropriate to your learners and context.
Suggested key learning
Learning intentions and success criteria should be established
through dialogue with learners.
Read and share some articles about
giant pandas, in the news or online.
Discuss whether they have seen or
read about giant pandas and identify
any issues they are aware of.
Read a story about giant pandas
Through research activities and practical
investigations learners will develop skills in:
 research and interpretation of
 recall
 listening and talking in the target
 presenting – information to peers
 accessing a bi-lingual dictionary or
other resource
 writing – in target language
 investigating – in another context.
Learners can:
 understand short texts on the panda story
 through reading texts, understand how it feels
to come to a new country and reflect on their
own feelings if they were to move to another
 know about aspects of life in Scotland and in
China and compare and contrast life in these
 exchange personal information in the target
 learn new vocabulary on pandas eating habits
and talk about own and other’s favourite
 give a short presentation in English with some
target language and general information on the
giant pandas
 use a bi-lingual dictionary and/or word bank to
help comprehension
 make connections with English and the target
For more information on skills visit:
BTC 4 ( and the Modern
Languages Principles and Practice paper at
Suggested learning activities
Using articles, magazines and or web sites, pupils look at
China and research some key facts about the country
Use WWF materials to talk and write about endangered
animals in general
Read the first task work in pairs or groups to work out
the missing word using “show-me boards”
Design and make a poster or leaflet to advertise the
pandas at Edinburgh Zoo. Write in chosen language
Play a game of Guess Who with cards/sticky notes on
foreheads to revise exchanging personal information
Talk about how it feels to be away from home and
compare Scotland and China
Look at the sentence and try and adapt it to say
something you would miss about Scotland
Recall numbers up to 100 by playing lotto or a number
relay or other number game
Recall times and 24 hour clock in English and the target
language (double clock race)
Investigate the opening and closing times for other
attractions in your area and create and present a poster,
PowerPoint presentation or video in the target language
for tourists.
Reflecting on learning
Dialogue with learners will establish how the design principles have been
Breadth – What other curricular areas were covered during this
topic? Can you relate learning to real life and /or school
http://www.jou /videos /netherlees p
Personalisation and choice – Were you given the opportunity
to choose your own methods of investigation or recording?
Depth – Were you given the opportunity to show what you
have learned and explain your learning to others? Have you led
learning in any way?
Coherence – Can you discuss some of the knowledge,
understanding and skills you have developed? How have you
used these? Can you relate them to real life or other areas of
Evidence of learning
Possible methods of assessment are listed below. Select as appropriate or devise your own.
Say: Present information about the pandas in English and using some target language.
Exchange your personal information with a partner or a group.
Write: With support, write a short paragraph about the pandas giving their personal information
in the third person.
Make: Design a poster or leaflet encouraging people to visit the pandas using some target
language. Make or draw a mask depicting emotions in the style of Chinese theatre.
Do: Evidence of research about China and endangered species. Accurate recall of numbers and
times in target language. Research Chinese currency and /or Chinese theatre masks.
For more information see the modern languages assessing progress and achievement resource at
Progression – Have you used the knowledge, understanding
and skills you already had of the subject and have you built on
Relevance – Can you identify an everyday context where you
would use your knowledge, understanding and skills?
Challenge & enjoyment – Did you enjoy the learning?
Why/why not? Were you given enough challenges throughout
your learning to put your knowledge, understanding and skills
to use in different ways? Can you suggest how to make the
learning more challenging and/or enjoyable e.g. how to take
learning further?
Taking learning further
Find ways to deepen and extend learning through dialogue with learners.
Suggestions to challenge learners:
investigate other endangered animals and explore new vocabulary
recognise that applying learning about self, family and home area can be used in other
express orally and with the written word facts about other endangered species in the target
language ( country, habitat, food, colour, size)
Develop confidence in decoding real life short texts on this topic.