City/ Town: _______________________________________________________ Route: _______________________________________________________ Intersection Name; Street Names: _______________________________________________________ RAMP AND LEVEL LANDING Blank Wheel Wheel Wheel Wheel chair chair chair chair ramp #1 ramp #2 ramp #3 ramp #4 1 Identify Ramp Type (From Sketches – If not identifiable, sketch Ramp.) 2 Is vertical curb blocking path of travel (Y/N) If Yes stop here. (Cross walk to a vertical curb OR is access to a curb cut on the opposite side of the street blocked by in-place curb) 3 Is Ramp Opening Perpendicular to Curb AND Grade Break Lines Across Path of Travel (Y/N) 4 Is Ramp opening Within Cross Walk (Y/N) 5 Tactile/Detectable Warning Panel in place (Y/N) 6 Ramp Opening WIDTH at Gutter 6 Change in Level Roadway to a Ramp Code A, B, or C. (A Less than ¼ - B From ¼ to ½ inch with bevel - C Greater than ¼ inch without bevel or greater than ½ inch) 6 Evidence of Ponding on Ramp or b at Gutter (Y/N) 7 Gutter Slope Parallel to Sidewalk in Percent 8 Slope of street to gutter perpendicular to the gutter line 9 Ramp Slope in % Level Landing to Street (Measure and Record at 6” from left side; center; 6” from right edge.) 1 Ramp Cross Slope in % at 0 center. Save: 2013-May-01 C:\Users\brooksj\Desktop\Workspace\ADA CivilRights\From Michelle\Attachment 10a Curb Ramp Inventory Data sheet.doc Blank Wheel Wheel Wheel Wheel chair chair chair chair ramp #1 ramp #2 ramp #3 ramp #4 RIGHT FLARE LEFT FLARE 1 Level Landing Depth - Ramp 1 Edge to Back of Landing or Sidewalk 1 Level Landing Slope toward 2 Street % 1 Level Landing Slope % 3 1 Does the Curb Cut serve two 4 directions of Street Crossings (Y/N) 1 Left Side Flare Slope %. If 5 greater than 4% measure #16, if not go to #17 1 Left Side Flare Length 6 LEFT 1 Left Side Sidewalk Width SIDE 7 (excluding curb) SIDE 1 Left Side Sidewalk Cross Slope WALK 8 S 1 Right Side Flare Slope %. If 9 greater than 4% measure #20, if not go to #21 2 Right Side Flare Length 0 RIGH T SIDE SIDE WALK S OVE RAL L CON DIT ON 2 Right Side Sidewalk Width 1 (excluding curb) 2 Right Side Sidewalk Cross Slope 2 2 Sidewalk & Ramp Distresses 3 (Frost Heaves, Vertical Lifts at Cracks or Joints, Tree Roots) See Coding (Add Note If Necessary) See Coding (Add Note If Necessary) Save: 2013-May-01 C:\Users\brooksj\Desktop\Workspace\ADA CivilRights\From Michelle\Attachment 10a Curb Ramp Inventory Data sheet.doc Blank Wheel Wheel Wheel Wheel chair chair chair chair ramp #1 ramp #2 ramp #3 ramp #4 TRAFFIC DATA 2 Is this location signalized? (Y/N) 4 (If No Stop Here) 2 Is there a pedestrian actuated 5 crossing phase? (Y/N) (If No Stop Here) 2 Is the signal APS (Y/N) 6 Save: 2013-May-01 C:\Users\brooksj\Desktop\Workspace\ADA CivilRights\From Michelle\Attachment 10a Curb Ramp Inventory Data sheet.doc DRAFT Severity Index Range for Curb Cut Wheelchair Ramp Data SEVERITY DESCRIPTION Item 1 Item 2 No Severity No Obstruction Curb Blocking Yes No Item 3 Type Identifier Curb Blocking Path Grade Breaks Perpendicular to Path of Travel Item 4 Item 5 Is ramp opening within Cross Walks Yes Is tactile warning panel in place Yes Item 6 Item 6A Item 6B Ramp opening width at gutter Change in level Roadway to Ramp (Lip) Evidence of Ponding on Ramp or at Gutter Gutter Slope (Parallel with Sidewalk & Roadway) Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Item 11 Item 12 Item 13 Item 14 Item 15 Item 16 Item 17 Item 18 Item 19 Item 20 Item 21 Item 22 Item 23 Slope of Street Perpendicular to Gutter Line Ramp Slope in Percent - 3 Measurements Left, Center and Right SEVERITY DESCRIPTION Less then 3'-0" Measured "A" Measured "B" Measured "C" No Less or Equal to 2.0% Yes Gutter Slope + Ramp Slope Less Than 10% Gutter Slope + Ramp Slope Between 10.1% and 15.0% Less than 8.3% Less or Equal to 2.0% Less than 10% Greater than 2.0% to 3.0% Less than 48" but Greater than 42" Greater than 2.0% to 3.0% Greater than 1.2% to 2.0% Less or Equal to 8.3% Less or Equal to 8.3% Right Side Flare Length Greater than 15 feet Multiply 19 times 20 to determine severity index of Flare Right Side Sidewalk Width (excluding curb) Greater than 5'-0" Less or Equal to 2.2% Right Side Sidewalk Cross Slope Distress Codes SEVERITY SCORE Greater than 4'-0 Left Side Flare Length Greater than 15 feet Multiply 15 times 16 to determine severity index of Flare Left Side Sidewalk Width (excluding curb) Greater than 5'-0" Less or Equal to 2.2% Left Side Sidewalk Cross Slope Right Side Flare Slope SEVERITY DESCRIPTION No No Less than 4'-0" Greater than 3'-0" Cross Slope at Center of Ramp Level Landing Depth - Ramp Break toward Back of Walk 48' or greater Less or Equal to Level Landing Slope toward Street 2.0% Level Landing Slope Parallel with Less or Equal to Street 1.2% Multiply 12 times 13 to determine severity index of level landing Does the curb cut serve 2 directions of street crossing. (Is this an APEX Opening) No Left Side Flare Slope SEVERITY SCORE No codes 2.1% to 5.0% Yes Greater than 8.3% and Less than or Equal to 10.0% Greater than 5.0% Gutter Slope + Ramp Slope Greater than 15.0% Greater than 10% Greater than 3.0% Less than 42" Greater than 3.0% Greater than 2.0% Greater than 10.0% Less than 15 feet Less than 5'-0" but Greater than 4'-0" Greater than 2.2% to 3.0% Greater than 8.3% and Less than or Equal to 10.0% Less than 4'-0" Greater than 3.0% Greater than 10.0% Less than 15 feet Less than 5'-0" but Greater than 4'-0" Greater than 2.2% to 3.0% Less than 4'-0" Greater than 3.0% Each Distress Code Each "+" Distress Codes and Obstructions and Encroachments SEVERITY SCORE Inventory Data Sheets and Instructions The measurement team shall determine north and start the inventory on the leg of the intersection to the east of north. The first wheelchair ramp will be the one on the left of that first street east of north. All wheelchair ramps after that are counted sequentially and in a clockwise direction. They should be numbered from the sending wheelchair ramp on the Median cut thru’s shall be included sequentially in the count. If the median is 6 feet or less the cut thru is a single number, if the median is greater than 6 feet the cut thru is 2 ramps with a shared landing. Delta islands with multiple wheelchair ramps shall be included in the sequence. sidewalk, (n); the receiving wheel chair ramp on the delta island (n+1); and continued clockwise around the island. Measurements are determined left to right standing in the street looking at the curb cut wheel chair ramp. Note if there are poles or other obstructions in the wings or between ramps. If an entire corner is depressed or the roadways elevated as with a speed table, the corner can be considered as having 2 wheel chair ramps. This is unlike an apex ramp which is a single ramp serving two directions of crossing and requiring a turning area at the base of the ramp to select the crossing. Ramp 7 is not an apex ramp as it serves only one direction of travel, to the island. If ramps 11 and 12 were merged into a single ramp, serving crossings to ramp 13 and ramp 9, that would be a apex ramp. OK DRP FRI-2011-SEP-02 Distress codes F Faulting of surfaces at joints, cracks, utility covers or structures ¼ inch or less. F+ Faulting as described above greater than ¼ inch. R Surface distress caused by tree roots. Cll Crack ½ inch or less Parallel to the dominant direction of travel Cll+ Crack more than ½ inch Parallel to the dominant direction of travel CT Crack ½ inch or less Perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel CT+ Crack more that ½ inch Perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel. Objects in wheel chair ramps UA-F Utility Access, Man Hole, Gate, Pull box etc. set flush with the surface in a single plane surface. UA-J Utility Access, Man Hole, Gate, Pull box etc. set across joints defining plane surfaces of the wheel chair ramp P Signal, Sign, Utility Pole set in wing of wheel chair. O Hydrant, or Other element set in wing of wheel chair ramp PE Pole Encroaching into the used portions of the wheel chair ramp. OE Hydrant or Other element Encroaching into the used portion of the wheel chair ramp. Objects in the general path of travel (objects in/on the sidewalk and/or crosswalk only. Objects in the road are not recorded.) CB MH V Catch Basin Man Hole Utility Vault OK DRP FRI-2011-SEP-02