ATTACHMENT 3 ADA TRANSITION PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES PHASE I SUBCOMMITTEES CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDANCE TASK This Subcommittee will review all available Highway Division guidance related to the design and construction of sidewalks and intersections. The review will focus on ensuring that the Highway Division’s guidance conforms to the standards promulgated under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (AAB). DELIVERABLE This Subcommittee will prepare (if necessary) revisions and/or additions to existing guidance related to the design and construction of sidewalks and intersections. These documents are likely to consist of new or revised standard plates for the Construction Standard Details and Engineering Directives. MEMBERS • Stan Wood - Co-Chair • David Chandler - Co-Chair • David Phaneuf – Highway Design • Daniel Casaletto - Construction • Josh Grezgorzeswski- FHWA • Bonnie Polin - Traffic SNOW AND ICE/MAINTENANCE TASK This Subcommittee will review all available documentation related to the Highway Division’s policies with respect to snow removal and routine maintenance associated with sidewalks and other MassDOT assets (such as rest areas, park and rides, etc.) that are located within the state highway layout. 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3 ADA TRANSITION PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES DELIVERABLE The Subcommittee will prepare a report that includes recommendations on how best to delineate responsibilities for snow and ice removal on sidewalks owned by the Highway Division. MEMBERS • Tom Conneely - Co-Chair • Laura Brelsford – Co-Chair • District 6 members (to be named) SIDEWALK INVENTORY TASK This Subcommittee will explore all available sources in effort to determine the locations of all sidewalks and other assets located within the state highway layout or other property owned by the Highway Division. DELIVERABLE This Subcommittee will prepare a map for each District depicting the location of all state owned roadway segments that include sidewalks; all state owned traffic signals as well as all state owned facilities (e.g. District Administration buildings, maintenance depots, tolling facilities, etc.). In the event the Subcommittee is unable to accurately produce such maps, the Subcommittee will prepare a report that details a strategy to obtain this information as part of the Field Evaluation task in Phase II, below. MEMBERS • Dave Anderson – Co-Chair • David Dinocco – Co-Chair • Adriel Edwards – Pavement Management 2 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3 ADA TRANSITION PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC MEETINGS TASK This Subcommittee will review the DRAFT MassDOT Accessible Public Meeting Policy prepared by the MBTA and consider any remaining impediments to adoption. DELIVERABLE This Subcommittee will prepare a final MassDOT Accessible Public Meeting Policy for adoption and implementation. MEMBERS • Marie Rose – Co Chair • Laura Brelsford - Co-Chair • Bill Betts – Project Management • Tom Donald – Accelerated Bridge Program BUILDINGS AND OTHER TANGIBLE ASSETS TASK The Subcommittee will coordinate with the Inventory Subcommittee to determine the location of all Highway Division owned buildings. This Subcommittee will also review the MBTA’s standard drawings and guidance for the construction of ADA compliant buildings. This Subcommittee will coordinate with the Construction Standards and Design Guidance Subcommittee. DELIVERABLE This Subcommittee will prepare a report that details the ADA design standards that are to be employed in vertical construction. MEMBERS • Bill Aylward – Co-Chair, MassDOT Facilities • Laura Brelsford – Co-Chair MBTA, Systemwide Accessibility 3 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3 ADA TRANSITION PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES • Thomas Conneely, MassDOT Highway Operation and Maintenance Division • Roland Francois, Jr., MassDOT Facilities • Members of each MassDOT District - TBD PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT This committee will develop a strategy, message, schedule of events and stakeholder list to utilize in an effort to contact and provide relevant members of the public an opportunity to provide input on MassDOT’s transition planning efforts. John Lozada - Co-chair Myra Berloff, Mass Office on Disabilities, Co-Chair Heather Hamilton, MassDOT, Civil Rights Laura Brelsford – MBTA, Systemwide Accessibility TBD, Representative from Central Transportation Planning Staff Pending Members: Construction, Maintenance, Communications POLICY COMMITTEE This committee will develop a policy statement on MassDOT’s commitment to accessibility for the Secretary’s signature and dissemination internally and externally. The committee will also review and make recommendations on existing policies evaluated to determine whether current guidance is in compliance with ADA, including policies and practices as reflected in the laws, regulations, administrative manuals or guides, policy directives and memoranda. The policies envisioned for review would be exclusive of technical standards and policies and practices that relate to construction activities. This Subcommittee will also document the Highway Division’s policies and procedures for the design and construction of sidewalks and intersections. This Subcommittee will explore the 4 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3 ADA TRANSITION PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES development of a programmatic agreement with AAB for documenting certain departures from AAB regulations that are frequently encountered in roadway construction. DELIVERABLE This Subcommittee will prepare Policy Directive(s) and/or Standard Operating procedure(s) that describe the overall process for the design and construction of sidewalks and intersections. This policy will address the waiver process for both design and construction and describe the Highway Division’s policy with respect to brick sidewalks. Neha Dhupar, Co-chair, MassDOT Office of General Counsel Laura Brelsford, MBTA Systemwide Accessibility Myra Berloff, Mass Office on Disability John Lozada, MassDOT, Civil Rights Heather Hamilton, MassDOT, Civil Rights PHASE II SUB-COMMITTEE FIELD EVALUATION CHECKLIST AND DATA COMPILATION TASK Based on the documents prepared by the Construction Standards and Design Guidance Subcommittee, this Subcommittee will develop a strategy for recording all pertinent data associated with state owned sidewalks. DELIVERABLE This Subcommittee will prepare a report that describes a framework for ensuring that field personnel can accurately and effectively record all pertinent aspects of an existing sidewalk, curb cut or traffic signal installation. The report will describe a means for efficiently recording and storing the field information in a format that allows for flexibility in 5 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3 ADA TRANSITION PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES developing reports. This report will also include an estimate of the number of workhours required to perform the field evaluations for each District with a recommendation regarding how the work will be performed (e.g. consultant engineering firms, Highway Division Interns, etc.) MEMBERS • Stan Wood - Co-Chair • David Phaneuf – Highway Design • Bonnie Polin - Traffic • Adriel Galvin – Asset Management • John Lozada Civil Rights • Jason, Maffetore, IT • Asset Management • Planning PHASE III SUB-COMMITTEES (others to be determined) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN TASK Oversee the implementation of the field evaluations and data compilation. Review the data and develop an overall strategy for improving compliance with ADA requirements. DELIVERABLE This Subcommittee will prepare a report that presents the results of the field evaluations in a clear and comprehensive way. The report will include a recommended strategy for improving compliance with ADA requirements. The report shall include a means of prioritizing locations, identifying funding sources, and establishing a schedule. 6 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3 ADA TRANSITION PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES MEMBERS – • Stan Wood - Co-Chair • John Lozada – Co-Chair • David Phaneuf – Highway Design • Bonnie Polin - Traffic • Adriel Galvin – Asset Management • Donna Lee, Enterprise Services • Jason Maffetore, IT • David Dinocco, Planning • Paul Jay – Fiscal • BSC-Geonetics, Consultants 7 of 7