Appendix H Greenhouse Gas Monitoring 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Evaluation State Policy Context The Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA), which Governor Deval Patrick signed into law in August 2008, makes Massachusetts a leader in setting aggressive and enforceable GHG reduction targets, and implementing policies and initiatives to achieve these targets. In keeping with the law, on December 29, 2010 the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA), in consultation with other state agencies and the public, released the Massachusetts Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2020. This implementation plan establishes targets for overall, statewide GHG emissions: By 2020 25 percent reduction below statewide 1990 GHG emission levels By 2050 80 percent reduction below statewide 1990 GHG emission levels GreenDOT Policy The transportation sector is the single largest emitter of greenhouse gases, accounting for over a third of GHG emissions, and therefore the transportation sector is a key focus of the Clean Energy and Climate Plan. MassDOT’s approach to supporting the implementation of the plan is set forth in its GreenDOT Policy Directive, a comprehensive sustainability initiative that sets three principal objectives: Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. MassDOT will achieve this by taking GHG emissions into account in all of its responsibilities, from strategic planning to project design and construction and system operations. Promote the healthy transportation modes of walking, bicycling, and public transit. MassDOT will achieve this by pursuing multi-modal, “complete streets” design standards; providing choice in transportation services; and by working with MPOs and other partners to prioritize and program a balance of projects that serve drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit riders. To support smart growth development. MassDOT will achieve this by working with MPOs and other partners to make transportation investments that enable denser, smart growth development patterns that support reduced GHG emissions. 1 GreenDOT Policy and Metropolitan Planning Organizations The Commonwealth’s thirteen metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are integrally involved in helping to achieve the GreenDOT goals and supporting the GHG reductions mandated under the GWSA. The MPOs are most directly involved in helping to achieve the GHG emissions reductions under the second goal – to promote healthy transportation modes through prioritizing and programming an appropriate balance of roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian investments – and assist in the third goal by supporting smart growth development patterns through the creation of a balanced multi-modal transportation system. This will be realized through the transportation goals and policies espoused in the RTPs, the major projects planned in the RTPs, and the mix of new transportation projects that are programmed and implemented through the TIPs. Regional GHG Tracking and Evaluation in RTPs MassDOT coordinated with MPOs and regional planning agency (RPA) staffs on the implementation of GHG tracking and evaluation in development of each MPO’s 2035 RTPs, which were adopted in September 2011. Working together, MassDOT and the MPOs have attained the following milestones: Modeling and long-range statewide projections for GHG emissions resulting from the transportation sector. Using the Boston MPO’s regional model and the statewide travel demand model for the remainder of the state, GHG emissions were projected for 2020 no-build and build conditions, and for 2035 no-build and build conditions. Massachusetts Statewide CO2 Emissions Estimates (all emissions in tons per summer day) 2 Year CO2 Action Emissions CO2 Base Emissions Difference (Action – Base) 2010 101,514.4 101,514.4 n/a 2020 105,747.5 105,856.4 -108.9 2035 115,034.1 115,028.0 6.1 All of the MPOs included these GHG emission projections in their RTPs, along with a discussion of climate change and a statement of MPO support for reducing GHG emissions as a regional goal. Project-Level GHG Tracking and Evaluation in TIPs The next step in implementation of GHG tracking and evaluation for the GWSA is evaluation of projectlevel GHG emissions in the MPO Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP). The principal objective of this tracking is to enable the MPOs to evaluate expected GHG impacts of different projects and to use this information as a criterion for prioritizing and programming projects in future TIPs. MassDOT has reviewed previous TIPs and the tools available for assessing GHG impacts of projects, and has developed the following proposed protocol for identifying anticipated GHG impacts and quantifying GHG impacts of projects, when appropriate, through the TIPs. Different types of projects will have different anticipated GHG emissions impacts, and will vary in terms of how the GHG emissions can be assessed. The projects included in the TIPs and the State Transportation Improvement Program may have GHG impacts that are quantifiable, or they may have GHG impacts that cannot be readily quantified, but can be projected in terms of relative impact. The different project categories are outlined on the next two pages with the statewide project tracking starting on the fifth page. Projects with Quantified Impacts RTP Projects – Major capacity expansion projects (e.g. Green Line Extension, I-95 Whittier Bridge Replacement) would be expected to have a significant impact on GHG emissions. However, these projects are included in the RTPs and analyzed using the statewide model or Boston regional model, which would reflect their GHG impacts. Therefore, no independent TIP calculations are required. Quantified Decrease in Emissions – Projects that would be expected to produce a measurable decrease in emissions. The approach for calculating these impacts is described below. These projects should be categorized in the following manner: Quantified Decrease in Emissions from Traffic Operational Improvement – An intersection reconstruction or signalization project that is projected to reduce delay and congestion. Quantified Decrease in Emissions from Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure – A shared-use path that would enable increased walking and biking and decreased vehicle-miles traveled (VMT). Quantified Decrease in Emissions from New/Additional Transit Service – A bus or shuttle service that would enable increased transit ridership and decreased VMT. Quantified Decrease in Emissions from a Park and Ride Lot – A parkand-ride lot that would enable increased transit ridership/ increased ridesharing and decreased VMT. Quantified Decrease in Emissions from Bus Replacement –A bus replacement that would directly reduce GHG emissions generated by that bus service. Calculation of GHG Impacts forDecrease TIP Projects Quantified in Emissions from Other Improvement Quantified Increase in Emissions – Projects that would be expected to produce a measurable increase in emissions. 3 The Office of Transportation Planning at MassDOT provided the spreadsheets that are used for determining Congestion Management and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) eligibility. These spreadsheets require the same inputs as the CMAQ calculations, and have been adapted to provide CO2 impacts. The data and analysis required for these calculations is available from functional design reports that should be submitted for projects that would produce a measurable GHG impact. Projects with Assumed Impacts No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emission – Projects that do not change the capacity or use of a facility (e.g. a resurfacing project that restores a roadway to its previous condition, or a bridge rehabilitation/replacement that restores the bridge to its previous condition) would be assumed to have no GHG impact. Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions – Projects that would be expected to produce a minor decrease in emissions that cannot be calculated with any precision. Examples of such projects include roadway repaving or reconstruction projects that add a new sidewalk or new bike lanes. Such a project would enable increased travel by walking or bicycling, but there may be not data or analysis to support any projections of GHG impacts. These projects should be categorized in the following manner: Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk Infrastructure Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk and Bicycle Infrastructure Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and/or Traffic Operational Improvements Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Other Improvements Assumed Nominal Increase in Emissions – Projects that would be expected to produce a minor increase in emissions that cannot be calculated with any precision. * Projects advanced for programming into regional TIPs that are on MassDOT owned assets were not quantified except in cases where the project was included in the RTP. The projects listed on the following pages are projects that have quantified GHG impacts and were advanced for programming on municipally-owned assets. The remaining projects programmed in the STIP were qualitatively evaluated for their GHG emission impact. 4 GHG Impact Tracking Year MPO 2014 Berkshire 2014 Berkshire 2014 Berkshire 2014 Berkshire 2014 Berkshire 2014 Berkshire 2014 Berkshire MassDOT Project ID MassDOT Project Description GHG Analysis Type LEE- RECONSTRUCTION OF TYRINGHAM ROAD, FROM THE TYRINGHAM T.L. TO 601320 ROUTE 102 (2.0 MILES) Qualitative SANDISFIELD- BRIDGE MAINTENANCE, S03-033, ROUTE 8 (S.MAIN ST.) OVER W. 607469 BRANCH FARMINGTON RIVER Qualitative WILLIAMSTOWN- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-37-009, HOOPER 605935 ROAD OVER GREEN RIVER Qualitative PITTSFIELD- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, 606706 WOODLAWN AVE OVER CSX RAILROAD Qualitative ADAMS- SIGNALIZATION OF ROUTE 8 @ 604553 FRIEND STREET Quantified ADAMS - MOUNT GREYLOCK SCENIC 605930 BYWAYS IMPROVEMENTS Qualitative GHG Impact Description N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions N/A 2014 Cape Cod 2014 Cape Cod BOURNE-RESURFACING & SAFETY UPGRADING ON ROUTE 28 (GENERAL 606178 MACARTHUR BOULEVARD) N/A 0 N/A 2014 Cape Cod BOURNE-RESURFACING & SAFETY UPGRADING ON ROUTE 28 (GENERAL 606178 MACARTHUR BOULEVARD) N/A 0 N/A Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements 2014 Cape Cod 2014 Cape Cod 2014 Cape Cod 2014 Cape Cod Central 2014 Massachusetts Central 2014 Massachusetts BARRE - TOWN COMMON 604227 IMPROVEMENTS WORCESTER - RECONSTRUCTION OF LINCOLN STREET (ROUTE 70), FROM MARSH AVENUE TO AMESBURY STREET 605055 (PHASE II) WORCESTER - RECONSTRUCTION OF LINCOLN STREET (ROUTE 70), FROM MARSH AVENUE TO AMESBURY STREET 605055 (PHASE II) DUDLEY - RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON CENTER ROAD, FROM DUDLEY HILL ROAD TO 1200' WEST OF 605390 HEALY ROAD DUDLEY - RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON CENTER ROAD, FROM DUDLEY HILL ROAD TO 1200' WEST OF 605390 HEALY ROAD NORTHBOROUGH - RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 20, FROM 100 FEET SOUTH OF DAVIS STREET TO 605610 BERKLEY ROAD Central 2014 Massachusetts WORCESTER - SIDEWALK 605649 CONSTRUCTION ON MCKEON ROAD Central 2014 Massachusetts Central 2014 Massachusetts Central 2014 Massachusetts Central 2014 Massachusetts N/A Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See -129183 Emissions Analysis Appendix) No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions 607570 LEE - BIKEWAY (SB-2011-MA-10) CCRTA - NEW TRANSIT SERVICE DEMONSTRATION BOURNE TO 0 FALMOUTH ($185,955 TOTAL) CCRTA - NEW TRANSIT SERVICE DEMONSTRATION BOURNE TO 0 SANDWICH ($187,360 TOTAL) CCNS- NEW TRANSIT SERVICE DEMONSTRATION OUTER CAPE BIKE 0 SHUTTLE CHATHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C07-01, BRIDGE STREET OVER THE 603690 MITCHELL RIVER DENNIS- YARMOUTH- CAPE COD RAIL 604488 TRAIL EXTENSION DENNIS- YARMOUTH- CAPE COD RAIL 604488 TRAIL EXTENSION 2014 Cape Cod Qualitative GHG Impact By Numbers Quantified 59103.409 N/A Quantified 67711.382 N/A Quantified 628390.8 N/A N/A 0 N/A Quantified 47094.6 N/A Quantified 47094.6 N/A Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 48000 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 48000 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements Qualitative Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure GHG Additional Description Central 2014 Massachusetts 605964 Central 2014 Massachusetts 605964 Central 2014 Massachusetts 606212 Central 2014 Massachusetts 607172 MILLBURY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, M22-020, ROUTE 146 (NB & SB) OVER WEST MAIN STREET MILLBURY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, M22-020, ROUTE 146 (NB & SB) OVER WEST MAIN STREET AND IMPROVEMENTS ON ROUTE 146 @ ELM STREET, ELMWOOD STREET & WEST MAIN STREET (ROTARY) WORCESTER - MARLBOROUGH -GUIDE & TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT & RELATED WORK AT I-290 & ROUTE 85 CONNECTOR WESTBOROUGH - SOUTHBOROUGH RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 9 Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Qualitative Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See From Traffic Operational 34117 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Improvement Quantified Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions This project proposes to replace a deteriorating concrete culvert with a new single-span bridge. To satisfy current Massachusetts Stream Crossing Standards, the proposed bridge span will need to be approximately 30 feet (i.e. 3 times wider than the existing 10 foot span) No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact with a curb-to-curb deck width of 32 0 on Emissions feet. 2014 Franklin MONTAGUE- RECONSTRUCTION ON GREENFIELD ROAD, FROM 195' SOUTH OF SHERMAN DRIVE TO HATCHERY RD 601657 (2.0 MILES) Qualitative 2014 Franklin 604696 2014 Franklin 606705 MONTAGUE- REHABILITATION OF HATCHERY ROAD & GREENFIELD ROAD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, M-28-009, FROM GREENFIELD ROAD NORTHEASTERLY TO THE INTERSECTION OF TURNERS FALLS RD (.41 MILES) CONWAY- RETAINING WALL REPLACEMENT ON ROUTE 116 ALONG THE SOUTH RIVER GREENFIELD, ROUTE 2A AND SHELBURNE RD/RIVER ST INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS GREENFIELD, ROUTE 2A AND SHELBURNE RD/RIVER ST INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 2014 Franklin 607223 2014 Franklin 607223 2014 Franklin MONTAGUE- REHABILITATION OF HATCHERY ROAD & GREENFIELD ROAD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, M-28-009, FROM GREENFIELD ROAD NORTHEASTERLY TO THE INTERSECTION OF TURNERS FALLS 604696 RD (.41 MILES) 2014 Franklin 604696 2014 Franklin 607253 2014 Franklin 606173 2014 Franklin 606705 2014 Martha's Vineyard 603460 Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from ITS Improvements Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Quantified MONTAGUE- REHABILITATION OF HATCHERY ROAD & GREENFIELD ROAD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE, M-28-009, FROM GREENFIELD ROAD NORTHEASTERLY TO THE INTERSECTION OF TURNERS FALLS RD (.41 MILES) Conn. River Scenic Byway Erving Streetscape Project Construction BERNARDSTON- INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON IQualitative 91 CONWAY- RETAINING WALL REPLACEMENT ON ROUTE 116 ALONG THE SOUTH RIVER WEST TISBURY- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT STATE ROAD (VINEYARD HAVEN ROAD) AND OLD COUNTY ROAD Quantified -29.063 0 0 Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from ITS Improvements No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions 0 N/A The two existing retaining walls, located along Route 116 (eastbound) and South River, in the vicinity of the Bullitt Road intersection in Ashfield, will be replaced. The project also includes limited widening of Route 116 and construction of a new stone retaining wall along Route 116 westbound, where cuts into the hillside will be needed. WEST TISBURY- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT STATE ROAD (VINEYARD HAVEN ROAD) AND OLD COUNTY ROAD WEST TISBURY- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT STATE ROAD (VINEYARD HAVEN ROAD) AND OLD COUNTY ROAD OAK BLUFFS- TISBURY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, O-01-001=T-04-001, BEACH ROAD OVER LAGOON POND DRAWBRIDGE AMESBURY- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 150 Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2014 Martha's Vineyard 603460 2014 Martha's Vineyard 603460 2014 Martha's Vineyard 604029 2014 Merrimack Valley 602033 2014 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2014 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2014 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2014 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 Quantified 2014 Merrimack Valley HAVERHILL- RIVERWALK CONSTRUCTION (BRADFORD SECTION) 605720 FROM ROUTE 125 TO COUNTY ROAD Quantified 2014 Merrimack Valley AMESBURY- POWWOW RIVERWALK CONSTRUCTION, FROM MAIN STREET TO WATER STREET, INCLUDES PED 606669 BRIDGE A-07-034 (PHASE I) Quantified AMESBURY- POWWOW RIVERWALK CONSTRUCTION, FROM MAIN STREET TO WATER STREET, INCLUDES PED BRIDGE A-07-034 (PHASE I) LAWRENCE - UNION CROSSING PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS NANTUCKET- CONSTRUCTION OF IN TOWN SHARED USE PATH (WASHINGTON STREET TO ORANGE STREET) NANTUCKET- CONSTRUCTION OF IN TOWN SHARED USE PATH (WASHINGTON STREET TO ORANGE STREET) 2014 Merrimack Valley 606669 2014 Merrimack Valley 607471 2014 Nantucket 606433 2014 Nantucket 606433 2014 Nantucket NANTUCKET- CONSTRUCTION OF IN TOWN SHARED USE PATH (WASHINGTON STREET TO ORANGE 606433 STREET) Quantified Qualitative Quantified Quantified Quantified No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 3,520 = Emission Reduction -3520 Emissions Analysis Appendix) in CO2 kg per year Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 211 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg -211 Emissions Analysis Appendix) per year. Qualitative 211 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg per year. Quantity of Emissions Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Reduction shown below in CMAQ 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) funding section. No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Quantified Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure Qualitative 0 N/A Quantified Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure See Appendix C. Work on this project consists of constructing a shared use path from Washington Street to Orange Street, primarily along the abandoned railroad bed. 2014 Old Colony 601644 BROCKTON- RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON WEST ELM STREET, FROM WARREN AVENUE TO WEST STREET (6,800 FT.) BROCKTON- RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON WEST ELM STREET, FROM WARREN AVENUE TO WEST STREET (6,800 FT.) BRIDGEWATER- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT STATE ROUTE 18 & HIGH STREET BELCHERTOWN- PAVEMENT REHABILITATION & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 181, FROM MAPLE ST TO BELCHERTOWN/PALMER TOWN LINE (5.5 MILES) NORTHAMPTON- RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 10, FROM MM 24.8 NORTHERLY TO MM 25.1 AT EARLE STREET EASTHAMPTON- HOLYOKERESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 5, MM 16.014 IN HOLYOKE TO MM 20.427 IN EASTHAMPTON (4.43 MILES) 2014 Old Colony 601644 2014 Old Colony 603660 2014 Pioneer Valley 604433 2014 Pioneer Valley 606665 2014 Pioneer Valley 605891 2014 Pioneer Valley LONGMEADOW- RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 5 (LONGMEADOW STREET), FROM EDGEWOOD STREET TO WARREN TERRACE, INCLUDES CULVERT REPAIRS 605886 AT COOLEY BROOK (.2 MILES) 2014 Pioneer Valley 2014 Pioneer Valley 2014 Pioneer Valley 2014 Pioneer Valley 2014 Pioneer Valley 2014 Pioneer Valley 2014 Pioneer Valley Quantified Project consists of roadway, sidewalk, traffic signals and related Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See improvements on West Elm Street from Warren Avenue to West Street. 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Project consists of traffic signal Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See installation, sidewalks, and geometric 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) upgrades. Project consists of traffic signal Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See installation, sidewalks, and geometric 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) upgrades. Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Quantified SPRINGFIELD- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT SUMNER AVENUE, ALLEN STREET, ABBOT STREET & 605685 HARKNESS AVENUE Quantified This project will realign the intersection and replace the outdated signal equipment to relieve congestion and improve traffic flow and safety. It will also improve pedestrian access and safety by bringing the sidewalks, Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See ramps and crosswalks up to AAB/ADA 55830 Emissions Analysis Appendix) standard SPRINGFIELD- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT SUMNER AVENUE, ALLEN STREET, ABBOT STREET & 605685 HARKNESS AVENUE Quantified This project will realign the intersection and replace the outdated signal equipment to relieve congestion and improve traffic flow and safety. It will also improve pedestrian access and safety by bringing the sidewalks, Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See ramps and crosswalks up to AAB/ADA 55830 Emissions Analysis Appendix) standard CHICOPEE- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT MEMORIAL DRIVE 604435 (ROUTE 33) & BROADWAY This project will upgrade and coordinate the signal as well as provide greometric improvements to Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See the intersection at either end of the 41710 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Deady Memorial Bridge 0 NORTHAMPTON - RAIL STATION BELCHERTOWN- PAVEMENT REHABILITATION & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 181, FROM MAPLE ST TO BELCHERTOWN/PALMER TOWN LINE 604433 (5.5 MILES) PELHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS, P-04006, MEETINGHOUSE ROAD OVER AMETHYST BROOK & P-04-007, MEETINGHOUSE ROAD OVER HARRIS 604429 BROOK JLT Scenic Byway - PVPC FFY2011 Blanche Barlow Acres/Goose Pond 0 Recreational Access Quantified Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Construction of a Rail Station in 170427 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Northampton Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative 0 N/A 2014 Pioneer Valley EASTHAMPTON- NORTHAMPTONINTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-91 FROM MM 21.2 TO MM 606582 26.9 IN BOTH DIRECTIONS (6.1 MILES) Qualitative CUMMINGTON- RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 9, FROM 605582 WINDSOR T.L. TO GOSHEN T.L. Qualitative 2014 Pioneer Valley SPRINGFIELD - SAFE ROUTES TO 607452 SCHOOL - ALICE BEAL SCHOOL 2014 Pioneer Valley AMHERST- HADLEY- NORTHAMPTONSOUTHAMPTON- WEST BROOKFIELDSIDEWALK & WHEELCHAIR RAMP 605144 CONSTRUCTION ON ROUTES 5, 9, & 10 2014 Pioneer Valley Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts WEST SPRINGFIELD- HOLYOKEEASTHAMPTON- NORTHAMPTONHATFIELD- WHATELY- DEERFIELDGREENFIELD- BERNARDSTON- GUIDE & 605833 TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT ON I-91 Qualitative SEEKONK- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 114A, Quantified 602615 ARCADE AVENUE AND MILL ROAD FALL RIVER- INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE IQualitative 605223 195/ROUTE 79/ROUTE 138 Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts RAYNHAM- SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT @ ROUTE 44 (NEW Quantified STATE HIGHWAY), ORCHARD STREET 605668 AND ROUTE 24 NB - OFF RAMP 2014 Pioneer Valley Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts Southeastern 2014 Massachusetts 605668 606007 606007 606172 RAYNHAM- SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT @ ROUTE 44 (NEW STATE HIGHWAY), ORCHARD STREET AND ROUTE 24 NB - OFF RAMP CARVER - RTE 58 IMPROVEMENTS & RECONSTRUCTION CARVER - RTE 58 IMPROVEMENTS & RECONSTRUCTION NEW BEDFORD- FAIRHAVENINTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-195 SOMERSET- PARK & RIDE EXPANSION 606580 ON ROUTE 103 (MassDOT Project) FALL RIVER- BICYCLE PATH CONSTRUCTION, FROM BRAYTON 606717 AVENUE TO PLYMOUTH AVENUE ATTLEBORO - RTE I-95 SB to Route I-295 SB RAMP RECONSTRUCTION (MassDOT 606733 Project) ATTLEBORO - RTE I-95 SB to Route I-295 SB RAMP RECONSTRUCTION (MassDOT 606733 Project) 2015 Berkshire 601320 2015 Berkshire 606233 2015 Berkshire 605314 2015 Berkshire 607121 LEE- RECONSTRUCTION OF TYRINGHAM ROAD, FROM THE TYRINGHAM T.L. TO ROUTE 102 (2.0 MILES) PITTSFIELD- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT FIRST STREET & NORTH STREET (NEAR BERKSHIRE MEDICAL CENTER) NEW MARLBOROUGH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, HADSELL ST ROAD OVER THE UMPACHENE RIVER SAVOY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-06004, RIVER ROAD OVER THE WESTFIELD RIVER No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 0 N/A -230093 0 -210733 Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Emissions Analysis Appendix) Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Other Improvements Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Intersection LOS improvement Emissions Analysis Appendix) N/A 0 N/A Qualitative 0 No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative Qualitative 0 No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Quantified -231012 Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified -1170 Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Emissions Analysis Appendix) Qualitative 0 No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative 0 No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Quantified N/A Quantified Decrease in Emissions (Analysis to be conducted) Qualitative N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions This project's GHG designation has been listed as N/A to avoid double counting the quantified emissions because it is also listed under Federal Aid HSIP Funding. 2015 Berkshire 605299 2015 Berkshire 607510 2015 Berkshire 605887 2015 Berkshire 2015 Berkshire 2015 Cape Cod 2015 Cape Cod 606544 606891 0 606164 GREAT BARRINGTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, G-11-005, SR 183 (PARK STREET) OVER HOUSATONIC RIVER SANDISFIELD- SYSTEMATIC BRIDGE MAINTENANCE, S-03-033, ROUTE 8 (S.MAIN ST.) OVER W. BRANCH FARMINGTON RIVER (PHASE II) SHEFFIELD - GREAT BARRINGTON RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ROUTE 7 LENOX- PITTSFIELD RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ROUTE 7 PITTSFIELD- ASHUWILLTICOOK RAIL TRAIL EXTENTION CCNS- NEW TRANSIT SERVICE DEMONSTRATION OUTER CAPE BIKE SHUTTLE HARWICH- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 124 (PLEASANT LAKE AVENUE), FROM HEADWATERS DRIVE TO BREWSTER T.L. HARWICH- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 124 (PLEASANT LAKE AVENUE), FROM HEADWATERS DRIVE TO BREWSTER T.L. Qualitative N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative N/A Qualitative N/A Qualitative N/A Quantified No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions 628390.8 N/A Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements 2015 Cape Cod 606164 2015 Cape Cod BARNSTABLE- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 28 606394 (FALMOUTH ROAD) & BEARSE'S WAY Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure 2015 Cape Cod DENNIS- YARMOUTH- RAIL TRAIL BASS 607571 RIVER BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION N/A 0 N/A Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts 0 QUINEBAUG RAIL TRAIL HOLDEN - BRIDGE REHABILITATION, H18-020, RIVER STREET OVER 604675 QUINAPOXET RIVER WESTBOROUGH - INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 9 & 604864 LYMAN STREET WESTBOROUGH - INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 9 & 604864 LYMAN STREET WORCESTER - BIKE PATH CONSTRUCTION, FROM TAINTER 604892 STREET TO KILBY STREET WORCESTER - STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT MAIN STREET & 604893 MAYWOOD STREET WORCESTER - STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT MAIN STREET & 604893 MAYWOOD STREET Qualitative Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 2378 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure Central 2015 Massachusetts WORCESTER - CITY COMMON PAVILION & MULTI-USE PATH CONSTRUCTION 604998 (FRANKLIN STREET) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 595 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Central 2015 Massachusetts WORCESTER - CITY COMMON PAVILION & MULTI-USE PATH CONSTRUCTION 604998 (FRANKLIN STREET) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 595 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See From Traffic Operational 165649 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Improvement Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See From Traffic Operational 165649 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Improvement Quantified Qualitative Central 2015 Massachusetts UXBRIDGE - SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND 605215 TRUNK TRAIL CONSTRUCTION N/A WARREN - RESURFACING & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 67 & ROUTE 19 (WARREN 605559 TOWN CENTER) Qualitative STURBRIDGE - HOLLAND - INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I605592 84 Qualitative Central 2015 Massachusetts 605674 STURBRIDGE - GRAND TRUNK TRAIL Central 2015 Massachusetts Qualitative 0 N/A Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements From Traffic Operational Improvement Central 2015 Massachusetts WORCESTER - QUINSIGAMOND VILLAGE BIKEWAY CONSTRUCTION, FROM BLACKSTONE RIVER BIKEWAY TO MCKEON ROAD, INCLUDES WORK ON 605780 W-44-155 Quantified Central 2015 Massachusetts WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE RIVER BIKEWAY (SEGMENT 7), INCLUDING BRIDGE REHAB, W-44-041, MCGRATH 605820 BOULEVARD OVER MADISON STREET Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 29135 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 401949 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 401949 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Central 2015 Massachusetts WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE RIVER BIKEWAY (SEGMENT 7), INCLUDING BRIDGE REHAB, W-44-041, MCGRATH 605820 BOULEVARD OVER MADISON STREET SOUTHBRIDGE - BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-21-002, SR 131 (MAIN STREET) OVER QUINEBAUG 605972 RIVER WORCESTER - CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT STREETSCAPE 606434 IMPROVEMENTS Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts MILLBURY - SUTTON - MEDIAN BARRIER REPLACEMENT ON ROUTE 146, FROM 606485 ROUTE 122A TO BOSTON ROAD Qualitative WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR 606629 CENTER Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Increase in 0 Emissions Central 2015 Massachusetts WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR 606629 CENTER, BIKEWAY & BRIDGE Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Central 2015 Massachusetts Qualitative Qualitative WARREN - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 67 @ WEST WARREN 606686 AND WARREN TOWN CENTERS Qualitative WORCESTER -BLACKSTONE CANAL STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS ON 606888 HARDING STREET Qualitative NORTHBOROUGH - MARLBOROUGH INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE AND 607181 RELATED WORK ON I-290 Qualitative Central 2015 Massachusetts 607518 2015 Franklin 601657 2015 Franklin 607222 2015 Franklin 607239 WORCESTER - FEDERAL AID SYSTEMATIC MAINTENANCE; BRIDGE JOINTS, DECK REPAIRS, PRESSURE WASHING AND RELATED WORK; I-190 OVER RT. 12 AND RAMP B; BRIDGE NO. W-44-124 (1XF) NORTHBOUND Qualitative MONTAGUE- RECONSTRUCTION ON GREENFIELD ROAD, FROM 195' SOUTH OF SHERMAN DRIVE TO HATCHERY RD (2.0 MILES) Qualitative GREENFIELD, RT 5/10 DEERFIELD ST/CHEAPSIDE ST Qualitative MONTAGUE, CANALSIDE BIKEPATH AND PED XING IMPROVEMENTS ON MONTAGUE CITY ROAD AT SOLAR AVE AND DEPOT ST 2015 Martha's Vineyard COLRAIN- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-18028, ST 112 (JACKSONVILLE ROAD) 606551 OVER EAST BRANCH OF NORTH RIVER Qualitative HAWLEY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-13003, SAVOY ROAD OVER THE CHICKLEY 607117 RIVER Qualitative OAK BLUFFS- TISBURY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, O-01-001=T-04-001, BEACH ROAD OVER LAGOON POND 604029 DRAWBRIDGE Quantified 2015 Martha's Vineyard TISBURY / OAK BLUFF / EDGARTOWN RESURFACING EDGARTOWN-VINEYARD 607586 HAVEN ROAD Quantified 2015 Franklin 2015 Franklin Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from ITS Improvements Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from ITS Improvements Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from ITS Improvements No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 1015.2 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2015 Martha's Vineyard TISBURY / OAK BLUFF / EDGARTOWN RESURFACING EDGARTOWN-VINEYARD 607586 HAVEN ROAD Quantified 2015 Martha's Vineyard TISBURY / OAK BLUFF / EDGARTOWN RESURFACING EDGARTOWN-VINEYARD 607586 HAVEN ROAD Quantified 2015 Merrimack Valley NORTH ANDOVER - SAFE ROUTES TO 0 SCHOOL (NORTH ANDOVER MIDDLE) AMESBURY- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A07-026, ROUTE I-495 (NB & SB) OVER THE BIKEWAY (ABANDONED B&M RR 603682 LINE) FLEX TO FTA FOR MVRTA NEW BUS 604585 UPGRADE TO CLEANER FUEL BUSES GROVELAND- REHABILITATION OF ROUTE 97 (SCHOOL STREET & SALEM 605114 STREET) 2015 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2015 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2015 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2015 Merrimack Valley 2015 Merrimack Valley 2015 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 NEWBURYPORT- CLIPPER CITY RAIL TRAIL ALONG THE CITY BRANCH (PHASE II) GEORGETOWN- NEWBURY- WEST NEWBURY- NEWBURYPORTAMESBURY- SALISBURY- INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I95 NANTUCKET- CONSTRUCTION OF IN TOWN SHARED USE PATH (WASHINGTON STREET TO ORANGE STREET) 2015 Merrimack Valley 605181 2015 Merrimack Valley 606503 2015 Merrimack Valley 606549 2015 Nantucket 606433 2015 Nantucket NANTUCKET- CONSTRUCTION OF IN TOWN SHARED USE PATH (WASHINGTON STREET TO ORANGE 606433 STREET) 2015 Old Colony Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 1015.2 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Qualitative Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 1015.2 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative 0 N/A Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Quantified Quantified Quantified Quantified Quantified 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 34,996 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg -34996 Emissions Analysis Appendix) per year Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure Qualitative PEMBROKE- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 14, FROM THE HANSON T.L. TO 604957 WASHINGTON STREET (ROUTE 53) Quantified Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure See Appendix C. Work on this project consists of constructing a shared use path from Washington Street to Orange Street, primarily along the abandoned railroad bed. Traffic signal and safety improvements at Route 123 (Belmont Street) /Linwood Street/Lorraine Avenue Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See intersection and related work is 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) proposed. Traffic signal and safety improvements at Route 123 (Belmont Street) /Linwood Street/Lorraine Avenue Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See intersection and related work is proposed. 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2015 Pioneer Valley PEMBROKE- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 14, FROM THE HANSON T.L. TO 604957 WASHINGTON STREET (ROUTE 53) Quantified PELHAM- RECONSTRUCTION OF AMHERST ROAD, FROM 800 FEET EAST OF ENFIELD ROAD TO ROUTE 202 (2.5 607207 MILES - PHASE II) Qualitative SPRINGFIELD- NORTH END & BRIGHTWOOD INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS, FROM OSGOOD STREET TO THE CHICOPEE CITY LINE 605222 (NORTHERLY SEGMENT) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 106558 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2015 Pioneer Valley HADLEY- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 9 (RUSSELL 604035 STREET) & ROUTE 47 (MIDDLE STREET) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 41710.728 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2015 Pioneer Valley SOUTHAMPTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF GLENDALE ROAD (PHASE II) FROM COLLEGE HIGHWAY (RT 10) NORTHWESTERLY TO POMEROY 604738 MEADOW RD (3,801 FEET) Qualitative 2015 Old Colony 2015 Pioneer Valley 2015 Pioneer Valley 2015 Pioneer Valley 2015 Pioneer Valley 2015 Pioneer Valley SPRINGFIELD- WILBRAHAMRECONSTRUCTION OF BOSTON ROAD (ROUTE 20) - FROM PASCO RD IN SPRINGFIELD TO STONEY HILL ROAD IN 605213 WILBRAHAM (1.33 MILES) Quantified SPRINGFIELD- WILBRAHAMRECONSTRUCTION OF BOSTON ROAD (ROUTE 20) - FROM PASCO RD IN SPRINGFIELD TO STONEY HILL ROAD IN 605213 WILBRAHAM (1.33 MILES) Quantified SPRINGFIELD- NORTH END & BRIGHTWOOD INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS, FROM OSGOOD STREET TO THE CHICOPEE CITY LINE 605222 (NORTHERLY SEGMENT) Qualitative SPRINGFIELD- NORTH END & BRIGHTWOOD INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS, FROM OSGOOD STREET TO THE CHICOPEE CITY LINE 605222 (NORTHERLY SEGMENT) Quantified Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements A new signal mast arm that extends into the middle of the intersection will improve signal head visibility. Work includes minor roadway widening of the approaches to accommodate fourfoot shoulders within the project limits and will transition back to the recently completed Route 9 widening project. Sidewalks will be Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See reconstructed, and wheelchair ramps 145845.9721 Emissions Analysis Appendix) added. A new signal mast arm that extends into the middle of the intersection will improve signal head visibility. Work includes minor roadway widening of the approaches to accommodate fourfoot shoulders within the project limits and will transition back to the recently completed Route 9 widening project. Sidewalks will be Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See reconstructed, and wheelchair ramps 145845.9721 Emissions Analysis Appendix) added. 106558 N/A The project involves conversion of an abandoned railroad into a nonmotorized connector by way of the installation of a ten foot paved trail with bridge replacement suitable to the new use. The project connects the River Walk and bicycle corridors to the north with multiple local attractions through the urban core such as Amelia Park Complex, South Middle School, senior housing, the proposed multi model facility and Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See points south by way of the Town of 2267.72396 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Southwick’s rail trail. 2015 Pioneer Valley 604968 2015 Pioneer Valley 607453 2015 Pioneer Valley 605066 2015 Pioneer Valley Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts 605833 0 603893 Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts 604589 Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts 605223 Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts 605368 Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts Southeastern 2015 Massachusetts 2016 Berkshire 2016 Berkshire 2016 Berkshire 2016 Berkshire 2016 Berkshire 2016 Berkshire 2016 Cape Cod WESTFIELD- COLUMBIA GREENWAY RAIL TRAIL CONSTRUCTION, NORTH SECTION - FROM COWLES COURT ACCESS RAMPS TO THE WESTFIELD RIVER BRIDGE INCLUDES REHAB OF W25-036 (WESTFIELD RIVER CROSSING) SOUTHAMPTON - SOUTHAMPTON SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL - NORRIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NORTHAMPTON- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 5 (PLEASANT STREET) AND CONZ STREET Roundabout BERNARDSTON - WEST SPRINGFIELD TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT ON INTERSTATE 91 MANSFIELD - JORDON/JACKSON ELEMENTARY DARTMOUTH - PADANARAM BRIDGE CAUSEWAY NORTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, N-23017, PLAIN STREET OVER THE CANOE RIVER FALL RIVER- INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE I195/ROUTE 79/ROUTE 138 NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH- TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT EAST WASHINGTON STREET (ROUTE 1), SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET AND HOPPIN HILL ROAD (ROUTE 120) NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH - EAST 605372 WASHINGTON ST / CHESTNUT ST DARTMOUTH- IMPROVEMENTS ON GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC HIGHWAY (U.S. ROUTE 6) AND FAUNCE 605848 CORNER ROAD (PHASE 1) WAREHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W06-002, PAPER MILL ROAD OVER 606372 WEWEANTIC RIVER TAUNTON - COUNTY ST (RTE 140) RECONSTRUCTION FROM RTE 24 TO MOZZONE BLVD TO WIDEN RR TRACKS 606729 AREA (MassDOT Project) DALTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF HOUSATONIC STREET, FROM ROUTE 8 & 9 TO ROUTE 8, INCLUDES NEW 602280 PEDESTRIAN D-01-002 PITTSFIELD- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT FIRST STREET & NORTH STREET (NEAR BERKSHIRE 606233 MEDICAL CENTER) FLORIDA- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, F-05002, SOUTH COUNTY ROAD OVER THE 607116 COLD RIVER LANESBOROUGH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-03-024, NARRAGANSETT AVENUE OVER 603778 PONTOOSUC LAKE DALTON- SYSTEMATIC BRIDGE MAINTENANCE, D-01-005, ROUTE 8 (MAIN ST.) OVER E. BRANCH 607511 HOUSATONIC RIVER NORTH ADAMS/ WILLIAMSTOWN 607254 MOHAWK BIKE TRAIL PROJECT Qualitative 0 N/A Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements Qualitative Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 136092 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Qualitative 0 N/A N/A Qualitative 0 N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See -7025 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Qualitative Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See -87676 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Qualitative N/A Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk Infrastructure Quantified N/A Quantified Decrease in Emissions (Analysis to be conducted) Qualitative N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Qualitative N/A Qualitative N/A ORLEANS- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 6A & MAIN 606461 STREET & ROUTE 28 & MAIN STREET Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk 0 Infrastructure 2016 Cape Cod CHATHAM- IMPROVEMENTS ON WEST MAIN STREET (ROUTE 28), FROM GEORGE RYDER ROAD TO BARN HILL 606596 ROAD CHATHAM- IMPROVEMENTS ON WEST MAIN STREET (ROUTE 28), FROM GEORGE RYDER ROAD TO BARN HILL 606596 ROAD FALMOUTH- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS & RELATED WORK AT NORTH FALMOUTH HIGHWAY (ROUTE 28A) & NATHAN ELLIS HIGHWAY 607444 (ROUTE 151) Central 2016 Massachusetts WORCESTER - SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ HOLDEN STREET, 603251 DRUMMOND AVENUE & SHORE DRIVE Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 82536 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Central 2016 Massachusetts WORCESTER - SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ HOLDEN STREET, 603251 DRUMMOND AVENUE & SHORE DRIVE Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 82536 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Central 2016 Massachusetts BROOKFIELD - RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 148 (FISKDALE ROAD) FROM MOLASSES HILL ROAD TO STURBRIDGE 603486 T.L. INCL. WEBBER ROAD Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Central 2016 Massachusetts WEST BROOKFIELD - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-19-008, WICKABOAG 604468 VALLEY ROAD OVER SUCKER BROOK Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 2016 Cape Cod 2016 Cape Cod Central 2016 Massachusetts 604739 Central 2016 Massachusetts 605588 Central 2016 Massachusetts 606207 Central 2016 Massachusetts 606207 Central 2016 Massachusetts 606303 Central 2016 Massachusetts 606347 Central 2016 Massachusetts 607113 Central 2016 Massachusetts 607176 Central 2016 Massachusetts 607473 WEST BROOKFIELD - RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 9, ROUTE 67 & INTERSECTIONS AT SCHOOL STREET WORCESTER - INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I190 (NB) SPENCER - REHABILITATION ON ROUTE 9 (MAIN STREET), FROM HIGH STREET TO GROVE STREET SPENCER - REHABILITATION ON ROUTE 9 (MAIN STREET), FROM HIGH STREET TO GROVE STREET RUTLAND - BRIDGE SUPERSTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT, R-14-004, INTERVALE ROAD OVER EAST BRANCH OF WARE RIVER STURBRIDGE - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 20, FROM ROUTE 49 TO I-84 DUDLEY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-12009, CARPENTER ROAD OVER ABANDONED RR SHREWSBURY - NORTHBOROUGH WESTBOROUGH RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 9 WEST BROOKFIELD - BROOKFIELD RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 9 N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 16053 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 16053 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative 2016 Franklin WORCESTER - FEDERAL AID SYSTEMATIC MAINTENANCE; BRIDGE JOINTS, DECK REPAIRS, PRESSURE WASHING AND RELATED WORK; I-190 OVER RT. 12 NB AND RAMP B; BRIDGE 607519 NO. W-44-124 (1XG) Qualitative MONTAGUE- RECONSTRUCTION ON GREENFIELD ROAD, FROM 195' SOUTH OF SHERMAN DRIVE TO HATCHERY RD 601657 (2.0 MILES) Qualitative Erving Intersection Improvements at 607246 Route 2/2A Qualitative 2016 Franklin Shelburne, Intersection Improvements 607539 at Route 2 and Colrain-Shelburne Road Qualitative Central 2016 Massachusetts 2016 Franklin No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from ITS Improvements Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from ITS Improvements Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from ITS Improvements 2016 Franklin 2016 Franklin DEERFIELD- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, D06-023, MCCLELLAN FARM ROAD OVER 602320 THE B&M RAILROAD Qualitative HEATH - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, H-14009, SADOGA ROAD OVER THE 607118 BURRINGTON BROOK Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 2016 Martha's Vineyard BERNARDSTON- GREENFIELDINTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE I-91 FROM MM 48.6 607182 TO MM 50.4 (1.8 MILES) Qualitative OAK BLUFFS / TISBURY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT: BEACH ROAD OVER 604029 LAGOON POND DRAWBRIDGE Quantified 2016 Martha's Vineyard TISBURY / OAK BLUFF / EDGARTOWN RESURFACING EDGARTOWN-VINEYARD 607586 HAVEN ROAD Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 1015.2 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2016 Martha's Vineyard TISBURY / OAK BLUFF / EDGARTOWN RESURFACING EDGARTOWN-VINEYARD 607586 HAVEN ROAD Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 1015.2 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2016 Franklin No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 2016 Merrimack Valley TISBURY / OAK BLUFF / EDGARTOWN RESURFACING EDGARTOWN-VINEYARD 607586 HAVEN ROAD Quantified GROVELAND- REHABILITATION OF ROUTE 97 (SCHOOL STREET & SALEM 605114 STREET) Qualitative 2016 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2016 Merrimack Valley METHUEN- INTERCHANGE RECONSTRUCTION ON I-93 AT ROUTE 110/113 ROTARY, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF M-17-017 & M-17-018, REHAB OF M-17-007 & NEW BRIDGE 605181 CONSTRUCTION OF M-17-040 2016 Merrimack Valley NORTH ANDOVER- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 125 606159 & MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements 2016 Merrimack Valley NORTH ANDOVER- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 125 606159 & MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements 2016 Merrimack Valley HAVERHILL- IMPROVEMENTS ON MAIN 606161 STREET (ROUTE 125) Quantified 2016 Merrimack Valley HAVERHILL- IMPROVEMENTS ON MAIN 606161 STREET (ROUTE 125) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Quantity of Emissions Reduction 0 Emissions Analysis Appendix) shown below in CMAQ funding section 2016 Old Colony PEMBROKE- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 14, FROM THE HANSON T.L. TO 604957 WASHINGTON STREET (ROUTE 53) Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Project includes roadway reconstruction, sidewalks and roundabout. Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Project includes roadway reconstruction and sidewalks. 2016 Martha's Vineyard 2016 Old Colony 2016 Pioneer Valley Quantified Quantified BROCKTON- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 123 (BELMONT STREET)/LINWOOD 606036 STREET/LORRAINE AVENUE Qualitative LUDLOW- RECONSTRUCTION OF CENTER STREET (ROUTE 21) - FROM 35' WEST OF BEACHSIDE DRIVE WESTERLY TO GAS LINE BESIDE MTA OVERPASS 605011 (3,500 FEET) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 1015.2 Emissions Analysis Appendix) No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. 0 RTP Project Quantity of Emissions Reduction included in Statewide Model for RTPs = -2,376,169 kg/year. Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 6,421 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg -6421 Emissions Analysis Appendix) per year Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 145845.9721 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2016 Pioneer Valley AGAWAM- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 187 FROM 425 FT. SOUTH OF S. WESTFIELD STREET TO ROUTE 57 (0.3 600513 MILES - PHASE I) Qualitative WESTFIELD- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 187 (LITTLE RIVER ROAD) AND 604446 SHAKER ROAD Qualitative 2016 Pioneer Valley NORTHAMPTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF DAMON ROAD, FROM ROUTE 9 INTERSECTION TO ROUTE 5 180525 INTERSECTION (1.1 MILES) Quantified 0 N/A 2016 Pioneer Valley NORTHAMPTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF DAMON ROAD, FROM ROUTE 9 INTERSECTION TO ROUTE 5 180525 INTERSECTION (1.1 MILES) Quantified 0 N/A 2016 Pioneer Valley SPRINGFIELD- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROOSEVELT AVENUE & ISLAND POND ROAD, 605385 ROOSEVELT AVENUE & ALDEN STREET Qualitative 0 N/A 2016 Pioneer Valley NORTHAMPTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF DAMON ROAD, FROM ROUTE 9 INTERSECTION TO ROUTE 5 180525 INTERSECTION (1.1 MILES) Qualitative 0 N/A 2016 Pioneer Valley 2016 Pioneer Valley 604626 2016 Pioneer Valley 606577 2016 Pioneer Valley 603730 2016 Pioneer Valley 606450 BELCHERTOWN- WARREN- WEST SPRINGFIELD- BRIDGE DEMOLITION, B05-023, W-07-012, W-21-011, OLD BOSTON POST ROAD (EAST MAIN STREET/NAULTAUG BROOK) HATFIELD- WHATELY- INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I91 WEST SPRINGFIELD- CONNECTICUT RIVERWALK & BIKEWAY EXTENSION, FROM ELM STREET TO DOTY CIRCLE, INCLUDES PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE W-21020 HOLYOKE- TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADES AT 15 INTERSECTIONS ALONG HIGH & MAPLE STREETS No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative 0 N/A Quantified Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 33007.03492 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Pending Analysis Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Emissions Analysis Appendix) Pre 25% 2016 Pioneer Valley SOUTHWICK- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT FOUR LOCATIONS 603477 ON ROUTE 57 (FEEDING HILLS ROAD) NORTHAMPTON- ROUNDABOUT CONSTRUCTION AT INTERSECTION ROUTES 5/10 (NORTH KING STREET) & 606555 HATFIELD STREET WESTFIELD- COLUMBIA GREENWAY RAIL TRAIL CONSTRUCTION (CENTER DOWNTOWN SECTION), FROM COLUMBIA MFG SPUR TO COWLES 603783 COURT Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 10413.01818 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2016 Pioneer Valley CHICOPEE- CHICOPEE RIVER RIVERWALK MULTI-USE PATH CONSTRUCTION, FROM GRAPE STREET TO FRONT STREET 602912 (NEAR ELLERTON STREET) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 23397.6934 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2016 Pioneer Valley CHICOPEE- CONNECTICUT RIVERWALK & BIKEWAY CONSTRUCTION, FROM BOAT RAMP NEAR I-90 TO NASH FIELD 602911 (2.5 MILES) 2016 Pioneer Valley 2016 Pioneer Valley Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 50155.9744 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 53047 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified FALL RIVER- BRIDGE WORK, AIRPORT 0 ROAD OVER ROUTE 24 Qualitative WAREHAM- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 6 & 28, FROM 500 FT. EAST OF TYLER AVENUE TO EAST OF RED BROOK 117106 ROAD Qualitative Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 93590.77362 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts Southeastern 2016 Massachusetts 2017 Berkshire 2017 Berkshire 2017 Berkshire 2017 Berkshire 2017 Berkshire 2017 Berkshire 2017 Cape Cod FALL RIVER- INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE I605223 195/ROUTE 79/ROUTE 138 TAUNTON- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT THE HON. GORDON M. OWEN RIVERWAY & 605367 WILLIAMS STREET 605677 MATTAPOISETT- MULTI-USE PATH TAUNTON- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 140 605679 (COUNTY STREET) & HART STREET FOXBOROUGH- PLAINVILLEWRENTHAM- INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I606176 495 (NB & SB) NEW BEDFORD- CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED WORK ON COGGESHALL STREET, FROM PURCHASE STREET TO MITCHELL 606910 AVENUE DALTON- RECONSTRUCTION OF HOUSATONIC STREET, FROM ROUTE 8 & 9 TO ROUTE 8, INCLUDES NEW 602280 PEDESTRIAN D-01-002 ADAMS, NORTH ADAMS ASHUWILLTICOOK RAIL TRAIL EXTENSION (LIME ST TO HODGES 606890 CROSS RD) Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Quantified Quantified Increase in Emissions (See -30983 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Qualitative N/A Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Sidewalk Infrastructure Quantified N/A Analysis to be conducted 607570 LEE - BIKEWAY Qualitative DENNIS - HARWICH - BREWSTER ORLEANS - RESURFACING AND RELATED 606179 WORK ON RTE. 6 N/A 2017 Cape Cod 606272 2017 Cape Cod 607398 2017 Cape Cod 607405 2017 Cape Cod 607405 2017 Cape Cod 607435 Central 2017 Massachusetts 601368 Quantified Increase in Emissions (See -151809 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified LEE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CHAPEL ST 607550 OVER THE GREENWATER BROOK Qualitative LEE- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, VALLEY ST 607551 OVER THE HOUSATONIC RIVER Qualitative NORTH ADAMS- SYSTEMATIC BRIDGE MAINTENANCE, N-14-019, ROUTE 8A (HODGES CROSS RD.) OVER S. BRANCH 607512 HOOSIC RIVER Qualitative BARNSTABLE- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT IYANNOUGH ROAD (ROUTE 28) AND YARMOUTH ROAD YARMOUTH- BARNSTABLE- CAPE COD RAIL TRAIL EXTENSION, FROM STATION AVENUE (YARMOUTH) TO ROUTE 132 (BARNSTABLE) CHATHAM- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS & RELATED WORK AT MAIN STREET (ROUTE 28), DEPOT ROAD, QUEEN ANNE ROAD & CROWELL ROAD CHATHAM- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS & RELATED WORK AT MAIN STREET (ROUTE 28), DEPOT ROAD, QUEEN ANNE ROAD & CROWELL ROAD BARNSTABLE- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ FALMOUTH ROAD (ROUTE 28) & OSTERVILLE-WEST BARNSTABLE ROAD WORCESTER - RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 122 (GRAFTON STREET), FROM WASHINGTON SQUARE TO RICE SQUARE (1.4 MILES) Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See -2644 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified N/A N/A N/A N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact on Emissions 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0 N/A Central 2017 Massachusetts 601368 WORCESTER - RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 122 (GRAFTON STREET), FROM WASHINGTON SQUARE TO RICE SQUARE (1.4 MILES) SHREWSBURY - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON MAIN STREET, FROM I-290 RAMPS EASTERLY TO MAPLE AVENUE OXFORD - STRUCTURAL STEEL CLEANING AND PAINTING AND OTHER RELATED WORK; BRIDGE NO.O-06-036 I395 OVER DANA ROAD AND BRIDGE NO. O-06-037 I-395 SB OVER FEDERAL HILL ROAD SUTTON - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, S-33005, BLACKSTONE STREET OVER BLACKSTONE RIVER WORCESTER - DECK REPLACEMENT AND PAINTING, W-44-083, HARRISON STREET OVER I-290 SHREWSBURY - BOYLSTON NORTHBORO - INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I290 CHARLEMONTRESURFACING,INFRASTURCTURE IMPROVEMENT, AND TRAFFIC CALMING ON ROUTE 2 FROM MM 29.6 TO MM 31.1 CHARLEMONTRESURFACING,INFRASTURCTURE IMPROVEMENT, AND TRAFFIC CALMING ON ROUTE 2 FROM MM 29.6 TO MM 31.1 Shelburne - Bardswell Ferry over Dragon Brook Central 2017 Massachusetts 602740 Central 2017 Massachusetts 606075 Central 2017 Massachusetts 606638 Central 2017 Massachusetts 607135 Central 2017 Massachusetts 607479 2017 Franklin 606507 2017 Franklin 606507 2017 Franklin 607548 2017 Franklin 2017 Franklin Colrain - Heath Road over North River Orange - Holtshire Road over Millers 607527 River WHATELY-DEERFIELD-GREENFIELD INTERSTATE MAIN. & RELATED WORK 607478 ON I-91 N/A 0 N/A Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions N/A 0 N/A Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from ITS Improvements Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from ITS Improvements No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 2017 Martha's Vineyard TISBURY- BIKE & PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ALONG BEACH ROAD, FROM THE TERMINATION OF THE EXISTING SHARED USE PATH WESTERLY 607411 TO THE FIVE CORNERS INTERSECTION Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See -142744.801 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2017 Martha's Vineyard TISBURY- BIKE & PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ALONG BEACH ROAD, FROM THE TERMINATION OF THE EXISTING SHARED USE PATH WESTERLY 607411 TO THE FIVE CORNERS INTERSECTION Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See -142744.801 Emissions Analysis Appendix) 2017 Franklin TISBURY- BIKE & PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ALONG BEACH ROAD, FROM THE TERMINATION OF THE EXISTING SHARED USE PATH WESTERLY TO THE FIVE CORNERS INTERSECTION SALISBURY- MULTI-USE TRAIL EXTENSION (BORDERS TO BOSTON TRAIL) SALISBURY- MULTI-USE TRAIL EXTENSION (BORDERS TO BOSTON TRAIL) METHUEN-RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 213 Qualitative Qualitative 2017 Martha's Vineyard 607411 Quantified 2017 Merrimack Valley 605020 2017 Merrimack Valley 605020 2017 Merrimack Valley 607476 2017 Merrimack Valley GEORGETOWN- NEWBURY- BORDER TO BOSTON TRAIL (NORTHERN 607542 GEORGETOWN TO BYFIELD SECTION) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See -142744.801 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 6,837 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg -6837 Emissions Analysis Appendix) per year Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 6,837 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg -6837 Emissions Analysis Appendix) per year Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Construction (M) Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 17,460 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg -17460 Emissions Analysis Appendix) per year 2017 Merrimack Valley 2017 Nantucket 2017 Nantucket GEORGETOWN- NEWBURY- BORDER TO BOSTON TRAIL (NORTHERN 607542 GEORGETOWN TO BYFIELD SECTION) Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See 17,460 = Emission Reduction in CO2 kg per year -17460 Emissions Analysis Appendix) Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure 0 Project to be determined Qualitative NANTUCKET - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ALONG A PORTION OF 0 POLPIS ROAD N/A No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions 2017 Old Colony PLYMOUTH- IMPROVEMENTS ON OBERY STREET, FROM SOUTH STREET TO A.A. CARANCI WAY/PLYMOUTH 606264 NORTH H.S. DRIVE INTERSECTION Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Bicycle Infrastructure 2017 Old Colony PLYMOUTH- IMPROVEMENTS ON OBERY STREET, FROM SOUTH STREET TO A.A. CARANCI WAY/PLYMOUTH 606264 NORTH H.S. DRIVE INTERSECTION Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements 2017 Pioneer Valley HADLEY- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 9 BETWEEN THE LOWE'S AND HOME 605032 DEPOT SITE DRIVES (0.6 MILES) Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in Emissions from Bicycle and Sidewalk 0 Improvements 2017 Pioneer Valley 604033 2017 Pioneer Valley 606445 2017 Pioneer Valley 604203 2017 Pioneer Valley 604203 2017 Pioneer Valley 606445 2017 Pioneer Valley 2017 Pioneer Valley 2017 Pioneer Valley Southeastern 2017 Massachusetts SOUTHWICK- RECONSTRUCTION CONGAMOND ROAD (ROUTE 168) FROM COLLEGE HIGHWAY & ENDS 250 FEET SHORT OF STATE LINE (1.2 MILES) LONGMEADOW- RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON CONVERSE STREET, FROM LAUREL STREET TO DWIGHT STREET (2.04 MILES) AGAWAM- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 187 & ROUTE 57 AGAWAM- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 187 & ROUTE 57 LONGMEADOW- RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON CONVERSE STREET, FROM LAUREL STREET TO DWIGHT STREET (2.04 MILES) Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Emissions Analysis Appendix) Pending Analysis Quantified Quantified Decrease in Emissions (See Emissions Analysis Appendix) Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions AMHERST- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-08607528 008, MILL STREET OVER MILL RIVER Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions CHESTERFIELD - IRELAND STREET OVER 0 WEST BRANCH OF WESTFIELD RIVER Qualitative GRANBY / SOUTH HADLEY RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON 607474 ROUTE 202 Qualitative CARVER- MIDDLEBOROUGH- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, C-04-004=M-18-025, ROCHESTER ROAD OVER WEWEANTIC 602564 RIVER Qualitative No Assumed Impact/Negligible Impact 0 on Emissions Southeastern 2017 Massachusetts 606118 Southeastern 2017 Massachusetts 607339 Southeastern 2017 Massachusetts 607339 Southeastern 2017 Massachusetts 607392 NEW BEDFORD- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 18 (JFK HIGHWAY), FROM COVE STREET TO GRIFFIN COURT (PHASE II) ATTLEBORO – INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 1 (WASHINGTON STREET)/ROUTE 1A (NEWPORT AVENUE) AND ROUTE 123 (HIGHLAND AVENUE ATTLEBORO – INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 1 (WASHINGTON STREET)/ROUTE 1A (NEWPORT AVENUE) AND ROUTE 123 (HIGHLAND AVENUE SEEKONK- INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS & RELATED WORK AT FALL RIVER AVENUE (ROUTE 114A) AND COUNTY STREET Project includes roadway reconstruction and sidewalks. 0 Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Efficiency of turning movents anticipated Qualitative Assumed Nominal Decrease in 0 Emissions from Other Improvements Efficiency of turning movents anticipated Quantified Quantified Increase in Emissions (See -1161 Emissions Analysis Appendix)