DATE: August 25, 2014 TIME:

August 25, 2014
2 PM
GreenDOT Advisory Working Group – Mode Shift
Working Group Members Present:
- Wendy Landman, WalkBoston
- Ben Wood, MDPH
- David Straus, ABC
- Michelle Ciccolo, Town of Hudson
- Steven Nutter, Livable Streets
- Melissa Dullea, MBTA
- Josh Lehman, MassDOT
- Dustin Rhue, MassDOT
- Ned Codd, MassDOT
- Shannon Greenwell, MassDOT
- Katherine Knapp, MassDOT
Meeting Notes
Welcome & Introductions
o Meeting safety briefing provided by Ned Codd
GreenDOT Updates
o 2014 GreenDOT Implementation Report:
 GreenDOT team is currently working with MassDOT Divisions and Shared Service
units to review report metric indicators and gather corresponding data
 The GreenDOT team is working to release the report in December, 2014
 The report will provide a survey of sustainable efforts being conducted across
the DOT; as well as, lay out how sustainability metrics will be measured in the
o GreenDOT will be meeting with all four of the GreenDOT Advisory Working Groups within
the next few weeks. Beyond the Mode Shift Working Group, there is also the
Communication & Technology Transfer Group, the Sustainable DOT Group, and the Data &
Performance Measures Group. Updates from the individual working groups will be provided
at the GreenDOT Advisory Group Meeting: September 18th, 2-4 PM, in Conference Room 1
on the second floor of 10 Park Plaza
Role of the Mode Shift Working Group
o Member expectations
 Present and discuss best practices and ideas from members’ organizations and the
 Provide input on MassDOT mode share incentives and programs
The Working Group agreed upon the use of email for sharing information and
materials related to addressed meeting topics
 In the future, such information and materials will be shared through the
GreenDOT webpage. Working Group members will be made aware of this
change upon completion of GreenDOT webpage updates
Mode Shift Promotion
o MassDOT is excited to engage with the Working Group on understanding ways to
communicate mode shift measurements
 Mode Shift has traditionally been considered through an engineering lens at
 Working groups members are encouraged to present new mode shift solutions and
ideas from engineering-based and alternative perspectives
o The Working Group expressed an interest in discussing the MA Clean Air Challenge at
future meetings. The MA Clean Air Challenge is hosted through the partnering of
MassCommute, MassDOT, and MassRIDES.
 This year, the MA Clean Air Challenge will take place during the week of September
22nd through the 26th
Mode Shift Metrics
o The MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning (OTP) is considering how to better track
non-motorized travel through regional studies. Additionally, OTP is sketching out a plan
proposal for studying how mobility gaps can be filled on a regional level.
 Following the meeting, OTP and GreenDOT representatives will meet to discuss how
the Working Group can best assist the OTP Mode Shift Plan scope’s development
Discussion of Best Practices & Innovations in Mode Shift Promotion & Measurement
o The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is conducting a SOV study to assess how
towns are working to reduce SOV travel
o A Better City (ABC) recently completed the report Establishing an Effective Commute Trip
Reduction Policy in Massachusetts. The report was shared via email by David Straus on
August 26, 2014:
o A future meetings, Working Group members will prepare and share short “best practices and
innovations in mode shift promotion and measurement” presentations from their member
 David Straus, ABC, and Steven Nutter, Livable Streets, volunteered to present at the
next meeting
Key Points to Report Back to Advisory Group
o GreenDOT will present an outline of the topics discussed at the Mode Shift Working Group
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